West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Jul 1903, p. 5

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Saturday. or. tC. McArthuf. w OFFICE. will ion. land "rperatora. SHT V E j' done I, next rlement 963 ,27";-! a " eds ./ d RTHUR m to the In a pair Slippers IS stvles tock of to. year before ation has heir excel n for fade 7'0} talking FEATH ER: BELL tl " M15 in Stock Al Irket IP81tt? full 11m 0‘ dif in ridge " "tpa, exce11eaed - why ces Show need We duct. Isa ur " mum n Ft a; " , Ily" tt was 'rk'"d l fir,,.!?.!,;.?!:,..?,:,',',,!."-?-."-'..., ‘H ."d 'M'ry d) In system by 'neant' of I Imnli:rill‘s. 'rsii'iiib'i'ifR'kSr',iFrirti'e'?iilii,i'. mung devices brings the m topic. will the child's immediate comm. “a. Hum INotatton Rh New Phno Karachi London Paul“! XWehMqt" Fur hm: npblyzto Its: [cum Gun. I“. I". (iij)m [18k IMHO]! MN! Bill GROCERIES TWEEDS if YARNS Caldera BIGCIHNOXQ the P031071“. with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Plonghs. Clare Bros.' Furnaces & Stoves, To1ton's Implements, Adam's Sleighs. W. H. BEAN - 'roven Steel Hay Forks aSpecialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. mum-u u nun an": Waist lengths in White, Block and Colors each 82 upto-........ ....-.....,....83.a% Black Nercerized Sateen Under- akirls. ... . . . ..$l.40. $1.50, $1.75. 82.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY GINGHAM'S - THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. Coy1ttd wtrh Silk Waist lengths Rolltw Wuulow Shndos. each. . . . . . . .350 Tank- Linen, CA in. wide, prl' yd . . . . .au. .. Crl .. .. .....Me White Boil Spreads each .. . .850 & $1.20 Flour Oilcloth. 1 yd wide. per yd . . . .250 Don't forget us when you want a {bud pair of Shams as we carry a Full .im- of Sierling Bros'. Shoes. T. NOBLE Culdvr’s Block, We can give you Bargainr. lyer’s [We lulled. Home! by Ill leading Behooh In rm TAir?.1esttyeAlt may 'r'e_ttrye.Itt of (“V FN S()I'ND Announcement for 1903-04 tree to an y address, on application .. The Implement Man "asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found In a few months at this institution you can acquire the very best training in Business Subjects. Shorthand and Typewritirqr. This institution has the best equipment in Canada. ()WHN SOUND. ONT ”mums TUES. SEPT. 1. w ltvlmiring and YOU CAN SAVE ”(/57 - - v-.- . Ila-f .1 - J/w/wjg; ; DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, “DOTS & SHOES, ae., AT THE OLD STAND\ Ot best quality. '. A. FLEAIING . T. NOBLE 'EEL. THE SHOEIMA) FIE“: iii 2.5 per cent by buying your footwear at Peeps. FA LI, TERM SELLS CHEAP. - '-N0RTi-ir., '-', I'. 18 m in wide, taped edge pr. 40c SH AT Orders a Specialty. knitted edge I’RINCI PAT, Durham. .. 650 w6 90c "$1.00 te 1.40 ...350 sent - hot f5rgot. I Sisters and brothers too will miss Their eldest brother's smiling fare In Christ they know when life a o'er They’ll meet with him to part no Lines in memory of our dear nephew. Milford Amos, who was drowned at Mt Forest. on J uly 6, RIB, aged 16 vetum and 2 months. We all loved him. yes we loved him But Jesus loved him more, And he has sweetly called him To yonder golden shore. The golden gates were opened. A gentle yoice said come, And with farewells unspoken He calmly entered home. And now entomhed in that cold clay We feel his loss more every day, On earth no more we’ll see his face Till we meet him at God's throne of The remains: of Mr Juo Mehrtbur were Tterre,d in Luann cemetery on Saturday afternoon. The sympathy of the entire commuuycy is extended to the bereaved on». Mum Ryan and Mr McIntosh are to be congratulated on each panama all the [uplls they sent to the entrance exami.. nanon. Mrs Cue. of tho Forest citv is. boh- daying with her mother Mrs Jas Rob. tartan). Cameron It McIntosh. Priuc Arthur Model School is spend vacation m and "round the burst Miss Huael Unrumel left on Satur- day for the county town. One ol our youth‘s sing dolefully 6t All the world In: sad and dreary." The smiling countenance. of Mrsr, Susie R Mclmush again enhance: the tsoeialcitcle after a lwelvemonth in the queen City. Michael Alt-Mayne well and favorably known in our villa is receiving gany a hearty humlshake from his trtittreuau, Meade: and acquaintances. May God prepare us all to die, To meet our dear one in the sky. A happy meeting there will be When we our dear Milford there shall see. Now dear weeping mother weep no more, Your Milford now is safely o'er Death's darkening hillows blessed thought Althoqgh out down thou art not Mira Susie Campbell. of Durham. visited Mrs 1Dr) Smith and 100k in the inducuon perviws on Tuesday. A winsomelmly m Mi-s Colena Comp. bell, of the Queen city, who ii spend- ine a pleasant holidny " the on] hume- rtead. given after the doxoiov.i,'wtii, hung and iimyvr by Rev Mr I"urquharrutu. Tho cliaiimau Mr McLo-llau gave a brief mi- dress. The Durham Pre~hitermn clinir under the able leadership of It nianrlaue, jr.. gave a well rendered selection. in Diysiano was than Called mum and with a pauiotio scotch seieetion held his hear- ers Fl" llbound. Rev Mr Newton Lime it very humorous and instructive address:- which was attentively listened to. Miss sreCreatw gave it min) which was well re- ceiyud, Mimi Burnett and in; Jackson amen 1lustt. Rev Mr Furqiilmrsun then gave timely advice in his address. Mr Drys- altals, Rum“ treated the ttu0snee, to " solo, " I" iriteil iecitiitiou " The Engineer’s Spry ,, was given by County Commission. i er MCLPM). Miss Wlon any n solo. Rev l lim- Mr Pineo. Huh-ch, gave it short sunri- ble addrvss, Mm Crawiotd wiv- M solo, a dueitcutuitul tb Hurttiur,rtotw" WIN sung; by Miss Munro atsdsie Drysdalo wtrich was tt that indeed. the genial Dr Smith unve a. gnml "luv,,, on tho delusions that are previreiit in the world. may: Margaret Hunter onded this intereutiili: prugriun With It reeitutiot1 entitled .. Bar- I gains." A totc. oi thunks was til! u ttt,u. dered ull that to 4: part and 'God Save the King ' wus lienibily sung. The eomtuitteu de.tsire to thunk Mr H II Millennf Hanover, who was unable to he present, but sent H handsome gilt toswell the proceeds, aim to Mr and M3 ucKeclime for um- M' . grounds, house and organ and for the] trouble they wei t to I H McKeclmio and now building a large all. Crawford. J Iguana and A harvesting Ingmar Ibo-if horns. . - Tc....".:":' "C"'".' m" Cl , Having is in tall operation this Week. a: A',', tr to w tte up n In ituns or i Crop is better than expected. Mr 'EEL,, ”new, " mst some" I Fall Wheat is good, the train never last Sunday. Next Sunday the nulpitlShowed plumper apgenrance. lan will be occupied by the new“, New...“ .' wheat and bailey will be ready In a Pturtor Rev Mr Acheson. B. A. Mr Me. i week or 80. Lellnn wln.’e here made a gum. Imprmsinn i Potato bugs in abundance. We on the people and DOOIIJiM-s to I... " l __._:A . KI IN MEMORIAL W. t J. MON" Yancy McIntosh. Principal of School‘ i? spending the Dornoch me and gang of framers are a large ham for A 310])ng- __ V... . vunvle "V‘IU'I Mar 6. accumpanied by Mi A ucKeélmie have made r by putting sling.” into a on their mar no spend Glanmaden anal Edge ' of mummy-pant a few ! Moomumu. N. W..T, J Melieeltuie In PEARL & DIAMOND Brooches out stock is the largest we have ever had In I1iaP1n11 & Colored Iitr1e, Rings our Stock was never so complete. S I LVER\VARE rPII A T S ELLS "a----, That a GOOD WATCH makes us regular in our habits. You can g1 good one in a few minutes if you call on us. A good watch is the cheapest in the long run, and if it is carefully cleaned and oil- ed, it will last a lifetime. Dunn-n HAMplmx WA'I‘CHES TH. IM-r. We soean occasional Top Cliff cor. We hope they will continue and find their way into Priceville, as we are getting very desirous of stepping out ofthe business, after twenty-tour years Service. We have heard no com- plaints but We, fool it is an injustice to the town to have. an outsider re- presenting them as correspondent. Oar aim and object was alwavs to give matters ot interest to both Editor and readers. in accordance with our intor. mation and ability. I Mr Donald McDonald attended the liuneral o! the late John McArthur, of l, Dornoch. on Saturday last Mr John McArthur, Com‘r attet.ded the iuneral oi'tholatte lion McArthur. near Durham on Wednesday of last week. Miss McDougall, daughter of Dan McDougall. of Bentinek, was the guest of Miss Christena McDonald, of the South Line during the last week. Miss Ida Williams, of Toronto, spent a few weeks with old friends in this localltv. Mrs McPherson and her mother Mrs II McLean, South Glenelg, visited lriends at Dornoch and Walkerton during the last week and report hav- ing a good and pleasant time. Pleased to see Mr John McPhail, who had his foot bmken 7 mcs. ago, able to be around again, although not very strong yet. '5' e spring At the last regular meeting of A. O. U. IN. lodge of this plaeea grantot $25 was given to Bro. Alex McLeod to aid him in the loss he sustained by his mill dam being token away in the Miss Lydia Hambly, teacher, is visi- ting her sister Mrs Thos'h"isher, South Line, Ulunclg, at preSem. The garden party, as was seen in lust week's paper, held under the aus- pins ot the managers of the Presby- terian Church. was quite a suczess in all xuspccts. We are plenised to notice the sucm-ss from our school here at the recent CH- trance examination, as two of the num- ber took second highest marks at Flesherton. namely, M Tryon and H McKinnon. son of postmaster o' this place. We congratulate Mr Dixon of S. S. No. 10. Glenelg and Egremonc. on hisl success, as one of his pupils, J L Mc-l Kinnon. son of Mr John McKinnon, ' took 5th highest oat of 61, who passed i in Durham. The othertwo that pass- ed, Misses B Hooper and B McIntyre, _ did well to, considering the chance they had. I Miss Maggie McCannel h tt " Pinei Grove, Montana, last week w visit her: sister Mrs Neil Mchan, of that place, I and intends to stay for a few months? beture returning. l, Rev Mr Watson preached hisi'nre- well sermon in the Pnshyterian Church here on Sunday Inst. Mr Wat- son is an earnest preacher and any congregation needing a preacher would do well to give him a call. Rev Mr Matheson will resume his position next Sabbath. Mrs Cole, ofTovonto, and daughter are spending a while With the farmer 's brother, Heetor McLean. at this town. We " re pleased toste Miss Mary Me. Auley spending " " Lile at the old home' here at present. v Misses Jemima and Maggie Smthart. of Detroit, are spending a wl 'tle. at the old.home near this place ttt IWes"trt, Donalrlpuneron, orTorontn, spent a day urtwu at home here this week. Potato bugs in abundance. We amiced a young Ind somewhere be- tween here and Ceylon Lryingmim- pron: the highway with them by spilr ling the contents ot his pail on the Sirevt. Heavy thunder storm passed by us on Sundnv. northward. thll wheat is good. the train never it owed plumper appearance. Fall wheat and bailey will be ready in a week or so. Potato bugs in ubundmmn Iva. _i1i':lihth'ttiiiJs!,t, . A. GORDON, YOU OUGIIT TO IIN0W WEDDING TeIsorg----We make a Specialty. 11H_TSIrrMArrrcR. JEWELLER & OPTICIAN PRICEVILLE. Hearty combined with quality is what we offer CUT GLASS R, . F% tit: .,MrFp',2. 1T,m " W, , “"9," " " IT, _',r,F7rii'rr?F'iir, iyi"t)',1'('ff,i, i,t5i1?lif), 31' (it; LL.;; . ' n. -, o", " va- ' 5 ',,, -;.,.‘ wt U”: m.“- " 'W'ivv" b?iyvt'iiltii'ei w " LI trt Adfr%iii"a:ptru.T LEE: Wfittksii Good general purpose Mare, fourteen years old, guaranteed sound. Also a. Mare 4 years old. sound and serviceable. Apply to J. \VJHMER. Rocky Saugeen. We So many people are settling in this country that in a short time it will be diffiealt to obtain land along the. line of railway. Anyone wishing to have a homestead here will do well to have us select and enter it for you as soon as it is surveyed. We can locate you in any part of Stuskatehewan. For full particulars write at once to MOORE MCFADDEN. Prince Albert, Sask. How to get a Homestead In the West ! PURE BRED HEREFORD BULL. (Prince Albert.) Grill he far service at Lot, 48. Con. P., E. G. R. for the Ft‘MSUll of 1903. Peii- give on aptuication. Cous nut v-u'm-n- ed regularly will he charged whether in calf Ot' um. Pm'nu-nl in In- llliult' nn or before February let 1904. Tern“ 81.50. DONALD MeFAvnv.s. Prop. Lot lo, 1'ott Ist, Tp. of Egrcmout. consisting of loo acres more or loss. macros cleared remainder good hardwutxl bush. Luauw soil. suitable for lirgt'sn, growing. Two Good barns and comfortable so. Good bearing orchard and two good wells. 134 miles W. of Dromorc. 7 miles from Holstein. Will Sell reasonable. Timber on the place will pay for it. For tumor information ap- ply on the premises to (Tim. MCKENZII. Prop., or to c. Rumor; Review Ollicu. Durham, A full The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. Is going to take the place of Paris Green because it kills the bugs and makes the potatoes grow instead of killing the plant as Paris Green does-if Sou get too much on. We want every potato, grower to try it whether a large grower or small but we know you do not like to experiment so we reprint the l guarantee given by the manufacturers : I " We lhercby guarantee Dead _Bytt-pvhe, properly applied-to kill the bugs and increase the yield of potatoes and we further a- I gree that if you plant one acre of potatoes using Dead Bug on one 1 half and Paris Green on the other, it you don't get more potatoes 1 from the half where Dead Bug is tyed--providrng of course that _ soil is the satne,-we will refund the money paid for Dead Bug. " I We me agents for Dead Bug. It is cheaper than Paris Green but we, can furnish Paris Green at lowest market mire . A COBIBJNED BUG KILLER AND (Mill)lifl'f) DRUG STORE/t FARM FOR SALE Ctf'gh'fi," human! REVIEW J., saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. See cur second hand whack. stock of Sundries always on hand. All repairing promptly attended to. Aiitri, FOR SALE. Bieyeles .7 ksses,lilil?aarur Shea) Rooms CHEMIST AND D1{UGG718T DEAD BUG . west of Middaugh 31901239. 7ohrt 5 You_ c_an_get a F Dead Bug. It is cheaper than Paris Green but at lowest market price. . ”if": ip, a“ "trR, BrGtJEW1tLERnrtSTORE' See our“ Brooches, Necklets, Long Chains, Bracelet: and Pins. We certainly have the stock to choose from. The goods are right here waiting for you Silverware“ 'i1f1iiiiiErE(iilirrrriir), Rings The Best Quality cheaper than ever. undarshine promptly at tended 'o. Intending Students should enter " beginning of term, or " soon after " possible. Staff and Equipment. The 5chool is equipped for full Junior Leaving and htstrieulation work, under the following Matt Competent Teachers for that Deputmcnt: THOB, ALLAN, Principal. Miss LICK. B. A., Classics and Modems. FEES: 81.00 per month: Wm. Johnstpn. EBNITURE JTaent. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. LATEST DESIGNS I?CMARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. CALDWELL's LIVERY swan: (Opposite Middlugh on“) Direct Importations from European American and Canadian Quarries 1ll)lil) llllRf WORKS AT KEELER’S Nothing as nice as Silverware for) Wedding Presents and at Keeler’s} is to be found the largest stock of I good Silverware in the county and? all our prices are the lowest. ', Durham Scnool Solid Gold Wedding Rings in rok, il 14k and 18k. in all the latest; styles. Big Stock of Engagement! Rings to choose from. l Like Kress JAKE K RE SS. ROBINSON & COBBET. a» ’ieyeles .7 POTATO GRO‘VER Tit' ARCHIVES TORONTO FO R C. Ram-go. b'ecretarr ' ', '.. Ir' 5 5m T., 1.31am 'g'cT, @ntarie. roprietors wand; Prompt‘ ttuhiioriirirGT, gem" would customers living at It: co. SAVINGS BAtrtt mun-at allowed on Ley 'ttt dsmmsgw and w ’CAPITAL. Authorised. . . . . . .82,000,00t {CAPITAL Paid up........... 1,000,000 .RESERVE FUND............ 8501!!) A general Banking busineu "1.an Drafts issued end collection made OI ell points. Deposits received and int.- elt Allowed " current rates DURHAM AGENCY AGENTS in all principal potnte .11 Ontario. Quebec, Manutobn. United Stuns and England. (lBlillllll) BANK ill: CANADA Collections of all kind: Farms bong; promptly attended to and mid orFtee-o.aotteow. Old Stand Durham ARTHUR H. JACKSON BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREHE COLIN? NOTARYPUDLIO. COMMICIIONER. no. arrister, JYotary, Gar voyancer, ete., ate...” Money to Loan " reasonaole raté? and on terms to suit borrower. OFF] CE-M cf n tyre Bloom ttiiisiiiriiii Tin 'iaCii7,'Tiiri,C' 'll'Cllrll'l' or o ' e . ., w In y “tended to, Willed/ticed' tom pt Licemed Auctioneer for the County of they. Team modemte. te'=tt'tt, " Illa u 't,tfetue_, my}: te. e u ghe keview 0f- -- -_.r..__, m... [unnu- Mot-Lang” It lowest rates ot made ' y a competent And an Barristers, your!" PHILIC -eroiiGVGiGTC'a omee----LowER TOWN. DURH‘I Construct": and Agency promptly “tended to Winn. Duds. Monument. 1M. Amman“ to. cormtly pummel}. Eat-MI of done-sod per- was but“ ulnar And Executor: and Ammun- tratotw Accounts mama-ed and [liked Sun-rogue Court 1iyitser-, Probate of Willa. letters of Ad- minucution um] Gundimuln‘p Obtained. sou-- chu undo in Healthy once Ind Titles, reported (In HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms. Calder Block over the Port (Mace. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, Ac, CONVEVANCER. VALUATOR Incuranco Again. W. C, PICKERING D. D s., L. o. S sled? R3365} old Post Ottice, OFFICE FIRST thl “In an n. sarnsters, - Solicitors. Conveyancers, Ac. omces : Hunter's New Block, op poslte Chronicle office. Garatraxa St., Durham. MONEY TO LOAN . G. MneK-y K.C. w. F. Dun Witt be " the , an: Wednesd-y of 4 p. m. orto '. McPHA n. at: suntan“ to the Royal landon OphUnlnue "t?ii'fiii,i'Fiiiiii and the Golden M-mo- M t oak. a. SPECIALIST EYE. EAR. THROAT A. until" _.......- . - n, loan" may: Jommy JPtt prima- DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. Head Office, Torono. DENTISTRY MONEY TO LOAN W. P. OOWAN. President. 'BARRtBrtt R, swim-on. DAY-u n..-. .- -- B-" B. In. s-UI,. m, RISIDENCI and ounce-ma 8 mt UPPER Townuomuu. Tolophono Connection No. " MACKAY & DUNN, W, S. DAVIDSON. Altman GUN. l _I:EFROY McCAUL DR. GEO. S. BURT. lamb. can... ttreel “. sau,,. may prepared. Emma- of deceased per- ked "tor and Exocutor'l and Adminis- Accounts “reputed and pulsed Surrogate (Ilium-l. Praia-On no nun” ' A. - - g a. BUTTON. J KELLY, '. IcPHAIL. Hopeville P. u. Spec“ “(in than to Dim of Wm Ind Gunmen. Du nan: f'heUGcCiiau'7 Wdence timt door west, of tho . n A“ Wt,,, I u. unveil. "be: ot mutant. irkGatGi; competent and cumin] anustor. Charges Mcdexate Pu'ucux & Erwin}. be our Mount-Inn‘s Sun I tt to to A. H. Horns: , 2to d p,- . P. Tlilu'oIo Prlvnu Money to Loan, ---r--L-2==_' ET. c.x?rrtsiayfjiidriifGGau __. C. RAIAGE, Durham Mud-nth House, “auntie t each mo'1tttttmrsthr. m. an l Burnt}: OFFICE HOUR. rt" to Lot!- on 'dover the Bunk ', THROAT & sost kYéi'i"iiv"ia'h'-'.' - W. F. Dunn EAST ca fl 'ti

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