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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jul 1903, p. 6

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t;f, it m moms IN RUSSIA; -T" . _,," SMliiimEgNr ARMY." ‘ms authority upon the United .‘Btates. Islets In Dispute Bought From Spat“ J Wtsartthtgton, July Si-The news artsictt upward] to have tut reached Jordon that the United States Gov- .rnm-rnt haul taken possession of I ' up of Islands oft the coast of his]: North Borneo to very stale , Huntington. The” Manda cou- the Cagnvan Bull: group. They I mm twenty In number. and " o.t.tluyrtaro-tiudttGi'iil tho then: of Pub. h fl The Chronicle. which names the is- tbuster, declares that although they m insignificant in size, they are ate the greatest utrategic importance, In] that the situation created by <tto action '0! the United States in All exceedingiy delicate one. j The paper adds that upon making 1c1'll'rd','l, at the American Embassy. representative was informed that the step had been contemplate! tor One time, and m aim” the con- nation of an undeniable Ameri.. n right. The informant did Mt . now why tho inland! had riot been 'goccupied sooner. but the Itep was when now to demonntmte the Am- urieun right, and to establish more :eicariy the defined boundary hem ‘tmn the posse-lion- of the United‘ mtstes in the PhL'igtpineq and Suin- hnd the British compare terri- pory. The inund- were never occu- btt try any European nation. and the Sultan of Suiu. who exercised {nominal sway there, had Conferred Tm'nmnh NortirBUiatcoa,, 2pc), which Nanny the islets, says ttm "but they are undoubtedly British. [cl-mm; putt ot tho territory of tue mo aware miles over which the com~ pay exercises jurisdiction. , London. July 20.--Aecorxrtug to the Press Asiocmtion .1 curious rumor no current in the lobby ot the allow of Commons taught to the Illect that some United Staten war- time had seized about a, small 'itw Lhndn off the coast ot Borneo. which " in understood belong to Great Bri- taim and pianted the American flag on them. . Inndon.July ar-tme Chronicle as- unu that the British “reign ot- Ice In communicating with Wash- I‘ton regundiug the reported U. S. than ot a. number ot Met- ott the wt of Burma, and .haa and tor u expfanatlon of the seizure. It In probable that a question on tho abject will be naked in the noun. It is believed the rumor re- '- to the dittieatty in determining . “In between ttsd ?ttirirpiGaGlilt' arm-n Borneo Islands. _ Mean. July at.--. Tme Venezue- hn Government yesterday paid to the representatives of the allied powers the last instalments or tho Daemon; ot the protocol. ' ' Electrocnled in Mid-air. hale Creek, Mien. July 20.-Earl c. Hayward, a Michigan telephone lineman from Grand Rapids, was electrocutod yesterday at Main and lemme strains. in the prGGilifi lovers] hundred people who watched him hang in midair until rwcucd SEIZURE (lf illllllllfil ISlETS WERE THEY BOUGHTFROM SPAIN British Government Asks Statesfor an Explanation. Lineman Shocked to Death in Presence of Hundreds in the Streets. VENEZUELA PAYS INDEMNITY Ti) TIIE ALLIED POWERS. .. Dredge. Wily. July Sax-an com- tett with her request, King George conferred on the Princess Louise, Iona" Crown Princess ot Saxony. 3139 title of Countess Morirtitrnotro. Better Relations Mow. Berlin, Jaty, ar.--De-rtehea re- ceived at the Foreign Office here Um St. Peter-burg and motto in. Over 330.000 men have been call- ld to the colon in order to com- plete the strength ot the Russian army 'nnd run: tor the present _ , H. Ptteratmrtr. Jul! ax-air lur- hnnee of the proposed domestic blown. a new law has been pro- .nluted. giving tactory employ- bes the right to appoint delegates ‘ltoni their coworkers to repre- hnt their interests In conferences but: the factory inspectors. The "an for the formation ot I. new Ounce force to maintain security tn the rural districts ot " pro- Mittee. ot European Russia. will be “tried out immediately in M or, "line provinces. But. owing to the inn-(e expenditure involved. 82.250.- 000. six years will be snowed toe Its complete execution in the other provinces. , "m----------------- (7:52.” -"edgtt- She Has Called 320,000 New Men to the Colors. '..y Gavel-let 1 Title. )mmny's tern- tion ot Police. "MN' new.“ O4tCtt- -Toronto. Despatch - The most nu nation, and I who exerciged unique fight between capital and , had conterred labor that has ever cecurred in To- m the United Imm u being waged between the I'e1tgiti,','1', l"'"'de magma? an}? “3:191:- amp Terth am a 0 " Tht From Spalnl Company, at Toronto Junction. Si-tPhe news England, Scotland and the United "e msgretwhed States have been scoured for mould- tmi Staten Gov- em. and to-day. under police protec- pouesdon of I tion, sometimes armed, 40 mould- t tho coast of on. claiming among them " least tt is very stale three countries as the land at their to Island. cou- blrth, are employed under. double min group The)! was in the moulding shop. or the a number. and Canada Found? Company.__ . no Ditto! had. Ctr., who. the t"tdttt on Pub. Ar which the comma WM- .m- Men Work ht a Strike London Cable - The funeral ser- vices were held to-day at the Tum ple Church over the rrmalns of Jua- hco John Douglas Armour, or tho Cunmllnn Supreme Court, who died July 11th. Secretary White nt- tomled as the representative of the Usual States Embassy. Other dia- tlngulslwd patronage precant Were Load Eitratheorra, this! Justch Al- ter-tone, Sh- Robert Fintar, Attor- ney General. and Sir Charles Tum per. tormor.PremiG ot Canada. Cot, olnal Secretary t'lsantberiain was not present. but was represented " Lord Monkbrettou. his private sec- Migr- rota rr, 'Smin transferred her Asiatic in- taular possessions to the United States. the question rose as to whether the treaty had ceded the outlying islands of Cagayan, Sulu and Sibutu. To settle all doubts. thls ".Govermsvent made a separate treaty with Spain. providing for the pur- chaao of these two islands for $100.- 000. The treaty, was ratified and ii.“ -r.N.m-w.. ___2n Tribute to Late Judge Am Temple Church. ”on... va-y nuuucu unu the money paid. In January last. the gunbont Al- bany. Lieut. J. E. Walker comm-Lud- lng, wont to the Cagayan Bula group with Lieut. F. t. Uhapin, flag ileu- tenant to Rear Admiral Evans, com- manding tho Asiatic fleet. Limxt. Chaplin was instructed to survey, the boundaries of the group and raise the Stars and Stripes on the Island. This action was, taken upon the recommendation of the general board of the navy, and with tho approval ot the State Department. It had been ascertained by the State De.. partment that both England and Germany had by treaty recognized Spaniel: sovereignty over this group, the boundaries ot the Spanish pon- sesaions in that virinlty being fixed at one marine league from the coast of North Borneo. Tim-n. does not therefore appear to be anv doubt ot the right of the United States to the islands. and they have: been surveyed and entered amnl y_n1tru.stdtar charts as American‘ possessxonl. . --- --v.. “I.” lllU ut- partment. Hayward started to tall from " wire ear, and grabbed a. live wire, then fell across a cable and hung there 15 minutes. A South Carolina Bow. Columbia. B. c., July far..- George Edwanls, a negro. yesterday shot and killed Will Hall, postmaster at Chlaquepin, S. c., and attempted to shoot a. younger brother of his Tie- tim, but was prevented by other negroes. Edwards is being hunted by oltizens with bloodhound; and a lynching lo probable. , by Vienna. July ar. rrible reports are arriving here of devastation caused by floods In v parts ot the country. The wont storm in many years broke over Marlenbad and stopped all traffic. Hundreds ot visitors at fashionable Spa were com- pelled to go to restaurants and pass the night on tables and chairs, as it was impossible to return to their hotels. , London. July! 20.-g. .B’. ,Waiince. formerly secretary of the late Sir Francis Cook, who recently achieved great notoriety here in connection with his suits for libel against LaAr Cook, formerly Miss Tennessee Char. lin, ot New York, has been arrested in connection with the mysterious death ot his wife. She was found dead in their flat. while Wallace was discovered on the nrroe with his throat cut. _ Wallace was taken before a inac- istrnte this morning and char-gem with "attempted suicide. While in the dock he was seized with a nt. Then case was adjourned. His wife's death is tR1ppostx.l to be due to heart iiir/ HELD FUNERAL SERVICE. Ruula and Japan have greatly Int. proved wmun the put fortnight. and it is Bow believed that, the two governments will soon arrive at a complete underrttutdintt. Indy Cook's Penecutor In Trouble- gicatp an; _the relation- between} an tte. truzk from the fire A STATE OF SIEGE. Floods in Anna-u. at. the gunboat Ar. E, Walker comm'md- Cagayan 8qu group L. Chiutin, flag lieu.. Admiral Evans, com- L‘nder Protec- Armour at the A deputation from the medical faculties ot the University of Toronto the Trinlgv MedicalCollege has asked magma-lo Government to endow " . airs in the proposed median {11% of the Prprlnchl University, as. t bf the federation scheme. Ottawa has another smallpox case at Porter's Island, and again the patient has come from out ot town. The victim itt 0. young farm hand maul Boos. from Anagram, near annm. The Soutlrport express . train, crowded with passengers, Jumped the track last evening at Waterloo. {Ive mun from Liverpool. Eight persons were killed, and fifteen injured, ac- cording to late reports. It was rumored at an e.arly hour this morning that John Jones. Tu- ronto Street Commissioner, was seri- ouerty afflicted with a paralytic stroke at. his summer image, near Ban-b. The Strike Insurance Company In New Orleans is now a fact, having been put on a permanent [acting by an underwriting bureau there. W. th Nance. of Louinvule, has been named attorney and general manager. The London Timas' Berlin corre- spondent says Great Britain is calam- nintcd by the continental press at tho instance of Russia to distract at- tention from the discontent within that empire. ' A life convict in the Kingston Peni- tentiary tried to commit suicide by hanging. He was found by Guard Eu- clus and cut down in time to save his life. The Turkish troops cruelly treated nineteen villages near Adrianople, and killed thirty-four persons while trying to extort money Irrtho village of Yenldh. _ Proctor Ilogle. a. G. T. It. section- man hurt on the Grand Trunk at Bid. navy crossing. near Brighton, last week. In doing well and out ot dan- Russian authorities sanctioned the export or wheat from Ncuchwang, notwithstanding China's general pro- hlbltlon of the export ot Chinese grain. J" The death of the late Senator Dickey wake: the forty-eighth va- cancy in the Senate since the acces- 8109116 ot the Laurier Government in 18 . _ . Daniel J. Kelly, wanted in St. Lo-u'u In connection with charges ot bribing the Legislature, is in Toronto. Sir Charles Tupper has arrived in London. His friends are delighted with the continued evidences ot his mental and physical vigor, I United States have asked the Czar of Rm to name three arbitrators to settle the Venezuelan trouble. Rev. H. E. Abraham was inducted Into the pastorate of the First Prete byterian Church, Port Hope. John D. Edwards. stock broker, of ’noronto, is missing. George Garrison, ' Bedtord team- ner, tell ott his wagon in a fit, was run over and killed. George Gould says he will make Baltimore the Atlantic terminus of his new transcontinental system. (Mrs. J. G. Blaine is dead, aged 76. Russian officials scoff at the idea ot backing out ot Manchurla. (has election frauds are reported in Germany. The average Kansas farmer be- lieves he has the right to use all of the available labor he can find and has no scruples against using that which has been .conslgned to his neighbor. None ot the young men was hurt in the contest, but several curried pieces of car furniture, which they had torn away in an endeavor to stay on the train. Had the young men understood Kansas conditions they would have reached their dee- tination in Mum county without trouble by telling the Otis farmers that they were hound tor the moun- tains and did not intend to work in the harvest fields. BIT. The students were asleep, but the farmers asked their errand in the country, and when told that the men were harVestere they were forced to leave the train. Several ot the young men were willing to get ott at Orin, but some ot those who had promised the employment director that they would go to New county were de.. termined to remain on the train. Some of the athletes among these made lt very Interesting for the farmers for it short time, but the latter fought to save their crops, and then the train moved on the students, barely awakened and badly disheveUed, stood on the station platform, willing to aeeept the for- tunes of war and go to the liar-Vest fields with their determined employ- The train on which the students were travelling reached the little town ot Otis, on the line between Burton and Ruth counties, this morn- ing shortLy after daylight. It was boarded there by a, crowd of wheat growers, who were determined to hale harvest hands at any cost. Hold Up Train and Capture Other Min'. Parm Hgwode. Topeka, Ram. J My ah-one squad of eastern LeoLege and higu scuoon students which was started from preka to the harvest Held-s of tNess county yesterday failed to reach the destination to which it was assigned by; the State Employment Diregtoy. ow to ortrtrt , whose duty it In to protect from molestation the max in the tents and the oom- pany'a plant at the out of lives, it need-any. i . dncg Monday have received Itrlct instruction. to arrest any union picket who my be found hanging about._At night thiq number is in- FARMERS KIDNAP STUDENTS. ' '9. .-......--i. mi mm ‘7 7 i _ T J, I __-- 'tg, - 3:0an att',,',','] :12: new “rain tt.whits omen 9'3,qu F0351?! BOWMAN mt am, at the Mir N' Sgswerlor Company. report.~ iyhtt'ATtitTnWter4iVrtdit _ TORONTO 'iej'ilk th' an 4 " 't) him-3:“ laik ',ij5 jig; Three of Them um Tnatctmentcgtrr at General ".-iGs'tiitrtouaCsti1iririi Parks," 1r1Pethl 9130911111 apt] wh- ot the Michigan Central directors in renewing the lease of the Canada Southern for a period of 990 years. and the proposition to refund $8,000,- ooo of bonds ot the Lake Erie a De- troit River Railroad, controlled by the Pere Marquette, thus securing a. lower rate ot interest. mu tamed to-cby " a. format Methanol-3' meeting here; . Detroit, Mich. July' 20.--TtNt action ot the. Michlgzm Central directors in Cunadlan Southern Goes to the . Michigan Central. The Kellogg Company, whose men are on strike, any It will continue to send out freight by non-union men. The climax came at Congress atreet and Ogden avenue. when a private watchman fired at one of the mob. The shot went wild, butt It inflamed the mob, and with shouts. .they charged down on the police. The oG ncers beat the crowd with fists and clubs and pat the rioters to tlight. A down men with broken heads were left lying in the tt'reet. About 20 arrests were made during the day. f; Between Police and Ike-Home Switch Strikers. Chicago, July. 20.--Desperate fight- ing between the police and the strik- ers of the Kellogg Switch Board Company took place this afternoon and owning while the company at- tempted to send freight to some of the railroad depots. In one instance the police opened tire with revolvers. but although the fusiiade was con- tinned tor several minutes no one was hurt. Later there was afight in which no revolvers were used. and the police laid out a number of men, some of whom were left lying in the street until their friends picked them up. THE WALKING DELEGATES. paw may”; Ava, _the Court - - ,V,_ --""".BF_r--H v-..qu on the tloot in walking and rattles the dishes In eating for the same pur- rosc. but In addition to all those un- msual grounds she avers her husband has Jomnd thirtr-sis lodges, and prtMF tiscas the signs. distress grips and passwords in her presence. Practices Signs. Distress Grips and Passwords. Rochester. N. Y., July o'30.--h coat of vivid red paint applied to the house and supplemented by bright blue trimming was the Last straw that drove Mrs. Irma Rmkle to demand a. decree ot divorce from her husband. E. Smith Renkle. of Riga. In her com- plaint ot "cruel and inhuman treat- ment" the wife alleges she is of a. hysterical temperament. and that the painting was done with the deliber- ate attempt to drive her to madness. She alleges she dare not go out ot doors. as the sight ot the house in- dunes hysteria. She also affirms in her petition that her husband stamps No New company will be allowed to embark in this class of business In Ontario, and the Demrtm-ent has begun proceedings against some private panics who have launched out in this line of business In Ttr. routo. Tho companies concerned are aux, lous to muet the views of the depart- mom, and inquiry shows that tho 'swstott, meets the requirements of many people who can pay a week.. ly or monthly sum when called upon, but who could not make a wecaitir Journey to the head orriee ot a comma» llodol Rules to Come Into Force In f iuzust. I Toronto, July 20.--Tite Chief reg-M lstrnr of Loan Compinieu Will tun-h mediately issue notices to all com- l milieu engaged in the busineas lil', collecting weekly. or monthly instal- . I menus for shares, lining a date in l' August on which thusu companies“ must adopt iii-laws in accmdanceq with the legislation maxed at the I hurt Gannon oi the Legislature. The‘; by-luws will provide that there shall be printed in bold, clear trpe on the books or cards ot each subscriber a notice that the payments are not ' ordinary deposits, but are tor with- l drawablc slums. There will also be; I tables pubiisltcd, showing how muchl t each subscriber is entitled to at the l end of the term agreed upon. Rules : will be carefully drawn, so as to protect as far as possible the sub- lscribers. and to enable any, ordi- nary intelligent person to linden! stand clearly the conditions at-l tacked to the shares. l Tho fund that is being raised tor presentation to Premier Rosa now amounts in cash and subscriptions to about 030,000. It has not been decid- ed yet when the presentation will be made, bat the committee who are looking after the subscriptions will probably wait pntll the fund has reached 850,000. While a runaway trolley car was (la-hing down salute street hill. Schenectady, N. s., at the rate of seventy-five miles an hour yesterday morning. the conhuctor out on the two passengers to prevent them from jumping. and thus. doubtletur, saved thelr llvel. . - __ "__"'-. -'-".-"F'_ "'"t'"r"""H w:- viee, la in London. m. vlalt la also- clated with the fun mall" negotla- tlonl. and it h‘very probable that true contract wlll ultlmately; go to the Canadian PtMeirU. JOINS TtilIl'rY-sIx LODOES. SHARES BY INSTALMENTS. DESPERATE FIGHTING LEASE IS RATIFIED. 3:12;; Refuge- to Give F-cllltiee to the House to Discuss Tel-ll. London, July ar. Premier Ballot" in the House at Commons to-day, refused to give the House facilities tor a lull, general debate on Colonial Secrets 'acttarrthertaut't, ma ine cal changes. The matter was brought up by Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. Iorttr. er Chancellor of the Exchequer, and was supported by Sir Henry Camp- bell-Bannennan. the Liberal leader. Mr. Balfour said he did not think” useful purpose would be served by an abstract discus-ion. addressed to no rtieuiar motion; that the utter Ed already: been dented seven! tinsel under similar cal-ditto“. It Sir Henry raised n. denote by introduo~ mg a vote of censure of the Gov- .mmt. be and he would put ml belittle- delired. l ll 1 No Sign of the disaster was appar- ent at the pit hend.n.nd nothing was known until tho cage was run up and frightened Chlnamen reached the top. when tho: excitedly told of a fire. Thirtgsthrttt out of the fifty China- mm employed underground reached the top In may. and then a white rescue party went down to much for the others The dead bodies ot the dozen were reached. but not without some dnngm- to the gauch- ers, because of after-damp, which prostra,tmt one pit In... The winery oommny claims that the law proh‘bmng the employment or the Chinese underground In Incon- grtitutiontu. An Inquest " being held. 'Dne actual explosion was so slight that next to no damage was done to the mme, and no ooncumion was felt at a. abort distance trom the scene. Nevmhelem. it was deadly In its nu.- ture. tor, as Is usual in long-wall workings, " swept the (we. killing and scorching as It went. ashakigg. The pladon is attributed to tire- damp, but its origin in mynerlons. as aJl the miners carried safety lamps. owing to the gum state of the working. and all the lamps were tound to be: locked. l It was feared that peveral while men were also victims. but it was after-wank learned that there WM only one employed in the mine. and ho camped with nothing worse than ashaki‘gg. _ _ Yaneouver, B. B., July. 20.--rmrntr, Chinamem who ditobeyed the law tor- hxdding the employment of Mongo- linns underground, paid the penalty last night. wtto twelve were killed and sign: severely Int-nod through an explosion tn No. as Incline. No. 6 watt, of the Wellington Collierles at Cum- berland, owned by former Premier 11nsmuir_and hie assoclatcs. ALL THE Ylclltis CHINESE. flllf-llllll? KlllS MINEHS. Explosion in British Columbia iMine. "Yes, tor every one, exceoiud Tiiifii Of Ferrera, the cause of so many on Cludad-Bollvar by tlm Venezuelan Government troopy, Which appeared imminent yesterday morning as cabled to the Associated Press. at tho time. has been postponed. at the request of tho Atnoriean and Russian Consuls. and tr." Bishop, who trans- mitted to President Castro. through General Gontt, the Commander-in- Uhiet ot the forces. a long telegram asking him to be magnanhuous and to Show mercy to all if the revolu- tioniats surrender. It is known that the President answered as follows: BALFOUR BLOCKS DEBATE. I at. Peter-burg. July 20. - no steamer Nut-Ito. plying on the iVoign. has been destroyed by tire, near Kinny Novogorod. Twelve persons were burned to death. I Secret Police Instructions. London, July ab-Fm9m its Russian correspondent the Times-.pnnts this morning the secret police .'rttgtrtMt- tions issued at St. 1'etoraburtr, Odes- ’m. and other towns for tho proven- I'tion of popular outbreaks. The po- llice are empowered to suppress the itramwny service and take various l severe measures at the slightest sign or trouble, whilst the cities are di- 'l‘lded into districts to inciiitatol .prompt military action if needed. Irtto, astringent character ot the in- {structions is recorded as showing‘ I that the authorities have little con- “deuce in the loyalty or the popu- l lotion. ! Soledad. Venezuela, July 20.--rhe situation In unchanged. Tho attack Ferrara, However, is Doomed if lie falls Into qis Hands. CIUDAIHSOLIVAR BESIEGED CASTRO WOULD SPARE LIVES. Manchurian Question Settled. Washington. July 2o.-'Ime Man- churian question has been settled Batistactorlly to the U. S. Govern, ment. Assurances have been receiv- ed Irom the Chinese Government that it will, in the near future, open an Strong Measures Taken to Sup- press Populai' Outbreaks. "iijijik SIutilik,,llWlll)ilill), TWWWM “TERI-5n. trid Uri, VI in: to“. “We 2ttte h m the m to Comma. sa-Tis, on Traveller‘- Eip um Cunnin- Man. Hontehey. Mex. July 3r.--Shsri- ryk. accused ot murdering 1. [allow- mutt-yuan near Tyndall. was new ulna while may through the town of Alton tr W. H. Tyson. traveller for the Hccormhk Inching» Company. On lab arrive: I. town he "pond bavlng m_ mm about bait a In“. south of tho with“. and the author- ltiu We Immediately put upon hi- tmk. 8.10!) psrtlu were not tron Alto... and Oran. and In. John- “a. lid In!!! umt him on 'tho m lb " the that About [our I’llh PPyth_oe, {In to". 00m CAUGHT ALLEGED sGoeetat _r._ -""'""'. ua- riu"90 the limit. I tor onc inn tired of heal-in; “than; tell of the [rightlul black- ztuuwding and cursing they have to Mad At the hand- ol prluuneru. Bo. ams, people push on the .treetq and often times Inn's. are compelled to Ma: to this vile talk. You om. cm M be furnlnhqd with gags um you. must we them on every moun- dml who m Inch language.“ The Judge than - me new prisoner. who had been cursing that mouth. Atlanta, Ga., July L5.-Cit, Judg- R. A. Broylus to-day ordered pone.- men to provide themselves with gas. and use them on muons who - whon attested. The Judge and; "It I. the duty ot the orncere to mummy gag every prisoner. male or lemma, who begins to tun- the officers and to no mime language why: no or me I. [danced mm... ”L mum. Judge's Pilgrlme’ Club Deena to Elect One to Washington. London. July ao.-at .a meeting of the Executive Committee or the PU.. tprimer' Club to-nlgltt. a committee was appointed to give effort to the recent suggestion to erect a. statue to George Washington. in London. n was decided that the nub-enum- ehould be entirely eonfined to BH- tlah subjects. Archdeacon Suclalr. in aubmitting the plan to the society, mid: “Englishmen have at last tully re- cognized the great qualities of Wall- lngton. I feel assured that nothing will he more popular In this, country, than such a tribute to that great man of Euclid: birth. who ha. done so much for the worth history, not only for the young nation across the den. but for Grunt Britain as welt." Archdeacon Slouch nuanced that he wan author“ to one: a place tor. the statue in St. Paul’s Cathedral. "ee _V_.. --'-- .%r. Ill" III‘W of Trinidad. to fetch proviso“ tor the Government troons. der ot General Rolando and hi. toi.. lowera explren to-dar, but the cor- respondent or the “wanted Pre- la informed that nt the In“ uln- uto Prmldent Castro. withing to save the lives of the Inhabitants at Cittdad-Bouvar, and to avoid a. torroru wlnch must follow the storm- Ing of the city. cheered General Gomez not to Open line If he knot atlnclmd. but to simp'y homage (In city. The reTolutiorWsttr, having no provisions, cannot resin morn “In. ten days. The Venezuelan nan-ot- “;n.r {Bolivar haa_ [alt for tho Island Ne The final period ot delay given by General Gomez for A dehgute an- swer fo, his may“: for the arran- teen-mud tho canoe ot many? treaty. ports. several ports now clon- lid to the worid‘a trade. The Russian novernment ha. conveyed format as- enranoe to the U. a Government. that it will not in any way. oppoo. nob opening. While the ports to be opened are not yet apecllled. it in gathered iron the communication waived tint the! are Maiden. the petetairteU_tittitutf. port of Manchu“. and Ta Tun; Kan. at the mouth ot the Yale River. The State depart- ment is highly gratified at this out- oome, Ineling that it has secured not only for U. e commerce. but tor the commerce of the world at large a visible gain. The Mon-entr- Condiiioa. St. Johns. Nlld., July ar.-... 'A to; which returned 'ro-day from the wrecked eteaner homerey. near at. Pierre. brought the captain of the steamer, Lloyds' agent. and the only passenger who was aboard. Tile tug rcporte the ship in a. 'criticai condition. Her head is full of water and it is unlikely that she can b. mtnotsted. 'i‘le cattle are being land- ed, and there is hope also of eavlng part of the cargo. The wrecking tug Petrel is bound from the scene from Port _At1 Banques. and will reach the wred: to-nl‘ht. GAG PROPANE PRISONERS. STATUE IN LONDON. w an mime language the I. placed under ar- I thing has reached the one iun tired of hearing of the [rightful black- “I _.___._, Am Policemen ittiti'j"(t"f' misty to a u lot! by medicine It " cont- . be the Dr. Willi“: Mile. Ont. or." is thr, I the year tor Lt, Ill. hangs by a I It“... {Infant dial “a” sum-nu- Dnetimva, m u “in a bright l hotter ghoul-1 he tltrf, against, or ' and there In to Idiom ammo“ D Wily and " Own Tablets. A I - be Imp! Ultra there urn w giving an 0004 “Other “Imam: can your Utllo om Old happy. Don tumble comm-z -ttta helmet that tl to prevented by I “I and bowel: rl m, Port Cow "Mr titty was c - diarrhoea. I 0'- 'l'nbleta AM - at once. I I. ndld meme“ At' (taunts an an all the mlnm out; they rout INo two mu: , m in smug-.2 ull' \mco- a dung had In: t cry ot mo mitten his t o the mum-um “I to rung own: “and. had gun..- TtMs' DAth-Qlis "1- that my" Igrtttt duthl'lkp c The blind man “out. "Wilt is It. _ "FAr l? you q -.re" Smait" 'tie? humim a think I t Went than u .u but now am through I " Whit is that limtrno t' ask-~11 I The mam-an» t pent. then Le rq "Nothing '." Tho Mind mun - to tum um 'ti; but he did n he marqux. a ll. "End tor a " dipped it 'uito l qttuNl not have of haggard. bat “(tn-ion m It, (or the Marqui- " war; " Wu (our. - At one of Inn-m: Ct aw noun: m t ot than In “oped and pu-Iw k the Mina mun gr.t.-aud not It ttrat duppua tttttri Tanti K; at! his words ' dlonce intoleral ',uggis I humliu t. .u'quu Merl no” can touched it “I! scrum: his "You mum tr] It'll. "You han- We no In UT When they ante " arrested Lund “an: by .1 pr tMtoeted. The [mu Then- he led the I and. guiding Lulg to the wiuduw um a. my thm " tit" Tho: reached t C. and tue m healing um»: nth the lock If not open the d, dqfynutr, 'it-Mark mt. troulr "WAgst - wha luau. t" he MI I... In the dlI‘t'CL N - that no I can hour " In Moe. feel it in yc lowing. Lui in a husky th" " Luigi. lro-mbl “I Illa what ll God's “he. do, tte-o-'. "mentbt MMb and that ul "ee-mo strange Mnett me with u m We going T' " do not him ltrqula, warn Inter. Out at hr the better; - the com Mull folly tho t','f, of thv worl 'ft In arram h d tterly. km 2mm rig "Leave - to th. Italian. "l A_nd--.xour thin. ‘hmrm-i‘ N care I the mam: “lady Scot (cw noun Cd 7 Luigx, {to bum man {he mun.- gr ‘90-. aias I board 5 voh Inc. I though mm he ca I would call I The [DUEL AI (SHAVE he all”! nc ed [but

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