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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jul 1903, p. 1

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Ames Holden 00. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE THE POPULAR CASH STORE. . d f melee/mic. Ila!!! . I“ itil tttlit E, To make room for Fall Goods, prices . are. cut to p'eces at Mockler’s. We ' lose. you find. the dollars. THE Rummy Actammt---The acci- P, dent referred to last week had no more serious results than we indicated. g cars jumped the track and the coal con- tents of some of them were pitched " from a catapult. far into the adjoining swamp. The engine and two cars kept the truck and the passenger coach for- tunately was not upset. The traveller who was hurt was pitched neveial seats ahead and nlighted on his back. hat was able to move around. The cause is ob. scnre. but is thought to have been the result of a. truck of a coat cu- either breaking or leaving the truck. Those who saw the track and ruined cure were impressed with the tremendous force that lair!» hare been deadly. The ee- timnt speed of the mun by verione observers mum-d from 35 to so mes. The wrecking engine and ottttit noon put things to right again. A FINE PtcNtc.-- Thursday last pupils and friends of the Presbyterian & School, boarded the train at 3 p. In, for Holstein. and in the beautiful grove there spent the time in fun and feasting till the hour for the evening train. The size of the company might well have caused anxiety as to provision. hut with- out any miracle there was enough and to spare. Swings. meet: and lacrosse by the Juniors were features of the spa: ts. and " race for the train in the evening by four dames. was, if not on the pro- gram. not the least piece of fun, we have been told. Speed and victory lay with a. lower town lady. The arrange- ment with the G. T. tt. enabled the B. School to come out tsbottpelenr, and the youngsters got a free ride. A UoMIeT.-One of these rare hut in.. teresting celestial visitors is VISIhle to the naked eye at present ll] the region of the Great Bear con "elution, i. e. the Dipper, but is rapidly passing westward on its journey to the sun. To the eye it, resembles a. star of the 3rd or 4th nmgnitude. but is distinguishable by Its blurred. misty appearance. Through a. telescope of 45 times magnifying power the (Borelli’s) comet ls seen to have a tail and the nucleus is faintly defined in the surrounding mist. It is evidently going to approach the sun much nearer than we are and then whisk off into space once more unless it is caught by the great luminary. One Car Barrel Salt. at Parker's ware- house. You need summer goods now-ai, advantage of the hip, cuts in prices. at Mockler's midsummer clearimz sale. Lacrtostue.-The English lacrosse team at present touring Canada. played in Mt Forest last week with the local team and were defeated 8 goals to 4. Next day they were again defeated at Fergus by 8 to 5. They won at St. Mary's, Gravenhnrst and a few other places but wins for them are the exception. con- fitminR the superiority of Canadians at their own game. as established on the tour of the Canadian team in England. A number Went from Durham to Mt. Forest and helped to make a $200 gate. THAT FLOWING \VELI.---Sull flows nor shows signs of diminution. The council as intimated last week took action to test its strength and found that it would rise only 20 feet in pipes, hence. was of no yalue as waterworks. Bo there is water to waste. The drilling still goes on under some diMeulty we should think. and we wait with patience for gas or ml or both or neither as the time will show. Dead Btnrs--The best hug killer and Fertilizer in the market. at Darting's PASSED THE NortMaL.--. Saturday's papers have the list: of successful Nor- nmlites and amongst them we notice the names of Misses M. McKenzie. A. C. MrKenzic and A. L. Mchcken. who wrote at Ottawa. Congratulations. The Chatsworth Banner says t " The o. Bound lac-rouse team in nude up of players from nil qtttuters of the Domin- ion, and if they do not win it will be to their discredit." “THE HEDGES" FOR &um.---0wing to the closing up of the estate "The Hedges," the resudence of the lite J. H, Hunter. M. P. P.. is offered for sale. PM pr ice and particulars apply on the pre misc-s. Tel-ms may. See our new Pertumes. very chick-at Darling’s Drug Store. Money to Loan at. 4.1 per cent. MACKAY & DUNN. Duxham. The Quarterly Meeting will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday morn- ing. 2ommoneintt at 10.15 n. m. Conduc- ted by the pastor. REVIEW balance of the your for 35a: to new subscribers. Teas-Teas from lik 3 lb. up. at Parker's. "l%%7ilits" j??? KMits" ‘ i» . d Ri? ' BIBA .7 , - ' [heP38 IL; 9!. ru',' HIM, ' . "l .. w 's:C, ' r" AV’ - r F, fi'rt " ip; it ’1 , V L OP. ’ ". “ . DURHAM. THURSDAY. JULY 30, 1903. 'tlit iihtgitiI._t). WVW’" A. !r':vpru 1"?!» F WMT W‘W-W' 'Few"er - -' _ 'rt _ '_, I; N, m». P la why. w 'Tj5f2 w.) . T C& ’nn ‘5 '97"? ,p 'm' ' .- \ I 91.35%, _ieitiiiiii'ii'i,ejiiiri, NI "iraiiiihr'if l , gh) . s'tdlr 3 a" a“ Magi, 'fil lf tit/ti! F, 'r?itt 23:4” "NI Mt " " i‘w MN - trNMtF", ~ "am M' _,‘_V;1i,3;a.g$3ffirvifig«flflhyw’i’ffl-«.‘13;:v,;,;"_;1fi‘;?73-¢3 EF,, II {I} i Axorunn DruswseD.-.- A despatch ifrom Hanover to the Toronto papers :any“ "The. waters of the old Snugeen jiivel, at this place. claimed another ivicziln this Saturday evening. in the gperson of a. young man named Adam Birney Ho with two other young men Iwent in bathing about 7 o'rioek. He [jumped into the water and swam out n- i bout to the middle of the nttenm. It is thought he took cramps. for In a. mom- ent he sank beneath the water. mu hody was recovered about two hours " .ter but life In: extinct. He In: a tur- ner in the Knechtel Furniture Compon- ly’l Getory, and took a lively Internet in Incl-one and football circles. He was inbout 21 years of age end unmet-vied. ', Bis ment- liye near Enniokillen in the l County of Lunhton. l COMMENDABLE SPEED. - This week ',the machinery of the. New Cream Sep- gnrator industry is being Installed in the. ' new building. and already quite a staff of men are employed. Every step taken hv Mr. Broomall and his assocmtes T seems to indicate that the right men are at the helm, and that a great and suc- l cessful industry is assured. Another : new smoke stack is up and last Batu!" day the whistle blew for the tttat time. The building, though appearing low ;outside. is found to he on examination [admirably fitted for the work. About i25 men are already employed, and We l,undetstnnd more than twice that litany l will soon be. . ACCIDENT AT CEMENT Mro- Mr. Wm. Levi. injured but week at the Cement Work by a. tatt of fifteen feet, is recovering dowly. For. few days [his case seemed hopeless hat latest ac- jcouma are hopeful. While turtride of u. Armeh belt being placed on a pulley he liost balance in some wnyns it started fund was whisked over the other end gund went crash to a brick floor. His ijuw is said to be broken, some teeth [knocked out, an eye severely injured. "tnd other casualties. The only wonder , is he escaped with life. Much symput hy “a felt for him and his young wife. A farmer came to town with his wife to do some shopping the other day. On his way back the thought (nine to him that he had forgotten something. He took oat his notebook and went over each item checking it off, and saw that he had made all the purchases he intended. As he drove on he could not put aside the feeling that there was something missing. He ’agmn took outmie note book and lechecked every item, hut still found no mistake. He did this seVeral times, but could not rid himself of the idea that he must have forgotten something. When he reached home his daughter came out to meet him and with a. look of sur- prule. naked " Why papa. where is mother?" A Dollar Bill found! During a half hours shaping at Mocicler's midsummer sale. THE Brunotti..-Mr. arch. Davidson and his men have the foundations ready for the cement concrete piers and vtuhankmenta for the new bridge. When these are compieted. we presume all haste will he made with the pluci ng of the superstructure and thus relieve the awkwardness of the round about drive from the station. The concreting is going on this week and the spot is an object of interest. King Edward has taken action which will greatly please loyal teetotalers. A nu val off1eet wrote to his Majesty "sk- hun it he would issue an order that when his health was toasted it need not. be drunk in wine. The King replied through his secretmy that, the Lord of the Admiralty probably would not like his interfering by issuing orders, but he would he glad to have it circulated pri- vately that he considered a, (must as much honored by those drinkingit in water as by those using wine. Dunnut's Gnowra.-As shovvn on the Voters' List is considerable. An increase of 70 over Mm. The North wan! has an immune oti0, Mast ward 28, and West ward w. In the lists this year the School Voters of Bentinek and Glenelg are also shown. CUAL.-ahe School Board recently laid In about It? tom, of coal which they obtained at a fair"priee. SUGAR Dost Go.-The Mralkerton Telescope ndvnsea the winding up of their Sugar Co., as none of the others have been successful and there is noth- ing to attract capitalists. Paris Given. strict” pure-to' cheap as any place. Darling’s Ding Shore. Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil. in barrel Iota-at Ptsrker's. Parker's. Head Mockier’s ad _ Midsummer clearing sale now on. Machine Oil 35 eta a gallon. at g WILD Mucus!) -Wnlkerton is the nearest of the eight places in the pro- vince selected hr the Department of Agriculture to give an exhibition: of destroying wild mustard. Packages of need have been sent. out to he sown on small plot; which will just. be ready nhout fail time for spraying. Brent- ford. o. Bound. Bimeoe, Whitby. Ren- ftew. Perth and Richmond are the other centm. AN OLD Amman-In SAYS t--"When a. retailel’a announcement is read, it is perhaps for the moment believed by the reader. but it Che utter-wards comet to the store end and: that when you have said is not. true, she will not only believe you hove told a falsehood in thin case, but will mt likely he suspiciou- of the truth of future trtntetttegtta. If however. the and: the full truth ttas been told. the not only has fitith in that one Micah: 'tatetneagt. but you have clinched your argument and won e Cur. tomer for may dare to come." Hummuw’s Ftttrts.--A Port Elgin magistrate charged 31.8) fees and was fined 8t10 by J udge Barrett for imposing a. fine in excess of what ls allowed by statute. It appears the statute allows no fees for the one in point, the mag- istrate appealed and the Divisional Court decides that the penalty for excessive fees does not cover a case where no fees at all are allowed. PIMELY wxttsuso.--The practice of writing on newspapers and packages to be sent through the mails has become so common that the Poitrice Department is sendan out; inspectors. in an Mort to put a. stop to it. Postmaster, have been instructed to open all packages not seal- ed and if there is any writing to report the name to the Department. The law provides a ftne " high an 850 for this ottenee. VOTER! Lrtrrtg.--h week ago Satur- day We sent off Egremont Voters' Lists. and the list was first posted up in the Clerk's office In Holstein on July 20. This week we complete Durham lists, having practically got both out within the month. which, in a picnic season with an average run of job work and the weekly issue of the anmwis no small feat. DRowtaNa.--rhe fatalities from this cause are more numerous than ever. In boat and canoe on beach and river my go down to death. Usually the vig- orous and strong on whom too often all warnings are lost. "The body was recovered but life was extinct." Such is the gruesonu- repmt that, saddens many homes. Be careful. oout"en.otn. It has not been de- cided yet when the presentation will he made, but the committee who are looking after teuhttseriptions will prob. ably wait, until the fund has reached 850.000.--Ex. The fund that is being raised for pneumatic" lo Funnier Ross now mummy in cub and nuhncmptinnu m Cmrcrcer.--A friendly game of cricket \Vlls played on the school grounds Tues - day between married end single. men. Each side had two Innings and the game from the start was keenly contest- ed. but the lienedicts won the match by 2 runs. It I expected that one of the hardest contested lacrosse matches of the semen will take place this Friday In Mount Forest between the Owen Bound aggre- gation and the Lornes of the former town. Mount Forest will have at little more trouble this tame. Dundnlk votes on Monday on three on four Ivy-laws. including waterworks. cement sidewalks. street improvement. The Herald seems to think there is danger of defeat from the indifference prevailing. Dr. Geo. B. Burt will be at the Mid- duugh Home. Durham. on Wednesday. August 5th. for cotitnutnt,ion In Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose cases. Hours, P2--t p. m. the two hunks, McFarlnne & Richard's store and the went aide generally is re" potted gone. The new: cane by morn- ing mm to Ceylon and Priceville, the mm being down. -----iq+- "---- Boe Wxsrrera.-At once, to moulding. Apply at the D Found”. BARN Btmsuro.---Durimr the violent thunder storm Tuesday evening the new burn at Mr A Crutchlay. Glenelg. was deuxoyed by lightning. FA“ Botrmrr.--gtr. Rom. Lindsay. Vicken. wan in town Tuesday, mukim: final mmngements for the pun-hue of the Fmser farm which lies in nicely with his. This. Tuesday morning. a. ttre swept the but basin“: portion of Dundalk. At this writing dgtfils are meagre. hut. DUNDALK SUFFERS BY FIRE RIO AFCHIVES TORONTO rm TED.-At once, to learn Apply at the Durham E] A Court of Revision will he held on Wednesday. the 5m day at August NIB u. the hour of 8 o’clock. p. m., " the Council Ghamher in the Town Hall, Durham. for the purpme of honing complaint! agtainet the' proposed - ment. or warn-yo! the (mango use“. -tuertta or any other comm-int which penoml interested may decline to make and which in by luv cogniuble by the Court. Dated st Durban thin 21stduyof1uly um. Wat, B. Vouarr, Clerk. The undersigned oitert, e rewerd of ten dollars to the person who will give information that will lead to the own- victiun of the puny or penile: who, on July new. melielounly destroyed about 100 bills of potatoes and a quantity of tell wheat by pulling and rolling It to the ground. Jam: D. CLARK, Aberdeen. In order to make room for om Fall Stock we are compelled to sellout all the Summer Millinery and these are some of the bargains we are offering. Over 35 Trimmed and Reedy-to- wear Hats, regular price $r.oo to t375on sale tor...... ...... .. 75c Children’s Accordian Plaited Silk Hus and Embroidered Silk Bon- nets reg. 82. & $2.75. selling for ...... ..35c, Soc, 75c and 01.00 Ladies' Bonnets that were h.oo, and 03.75 selling for.... .... 51.50 50_Plain_Straw Shapes that were - $1.25 & $1.50 selling for only: 25c Beautiful Neck Ribbon for.. . . .... 15c Laces & Appliques on Sale. Special Inn-In t"r-BAY1mttAT. lllltdlttltat t (h, Bruggists d llauilm, (Men tt 6mm. . mm tt Best MILLINERY Stgtttlstheoet1rspeeial sense Illa Il/ttfi',',?"'""" Perfect: cya'uee ,rlthoutettort. 11tthrtpietotrsyeatetstaiitir Minimalism. Isit?irrtrtdereyestminisso awful? P ttware our 's'/ll'slftuthede'.' Eyes Are Workers. MISS DICK RRRE (llllljlf llllflll) Court of Renown no Oncolmuc Sldo'ukc We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholsomeness. It's a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those About your table. An excel- lent loaf for a reasonable price Also Cakes, New“: and Confectionery. CHAS RAMAGE. 810.00 REWARD HIND BROS. Wright's Old Stand. At m

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