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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jul 1903, p. 2

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[i) " H . Lover mien without words and but wtthont com: We talk of the R'Jli. examined. by the Sultan of " or the Emperor ot China, In: what b It compared with the my which love hold. in court. in comp. and in the world generally? Love ”raise- the lowly and humble- tho great." History record- may examples of King Cophotruur mar- rying 'beggsr maid- and ruling ao- oondlng to the white. of their wives. Alma-t every war which has been “all in the world, since tho one for Helen ot Troy. ha- been directly or indirectly caugrtd by women. It Chi-be too much to say. it is at least ”in that women could have pro- vutod thus wcru from taking place. “It”: all had united in refusing to the their love to soldiers and other 'ttrtstingt men. and there were So great in the power or love that a woman who loveu and La loved can make a non and m. life take al- - only dupe lbs llkos. “Believe me." any. Ruskin. addressing girls, "the whole course and character of your lovers’ 11w. may be in your undo; what you would have then be they shall be, it you not only desire to have them so. but de- oorve to have them so." no blackley among them, there would have been no war». It is a. (not. however. that in the middle “a. the bright ayes or women mined influence and adjudged the fruc- or tournaments and that even n thin twentieth century or Chris- tianity women get scarlet-and- khnkl fever and dots upon the mili- tary. la it any wonder that were do A man who was competing for a. Gorernmeut appointment was ob- served at the examination now and then to take something from IN pocket. Whenever a still hit or work was reached out came this mysterb ions something. An examiner. sus- pecting that he was copying, asked to see what he had in his hand. The man blushed and showed the portrait of the girl who was to be- come his wife if he gained the ap- pointment. He was getting inspira- tion from the sweet face. This is an illustration of the power ot love to urge us to he and to do our host. Drinking toasts Is a. stupid custom, but there is one toast which always meme to mo to be excusable. and that is the toast to sweethearts and wives. The word "sweetheart" Is a beautifully expressive one, and to associated with the best feelings of our nature, and with the bright- est period or our lite. When a young man hills in love his heart is put to schrol, and our hearts nond schuol- in: even more thin do our heads. Tm have loved a good woman is to have tweNred a liberal 'education, up] it wcrdd seem that this int-nus (sf culture is enjoyed by that many- mam: man, tho present Emperor ot Germany. The domestic' virtues of Its wife help him to be the ruler he is. It was at Prinkcnau, then the palace of the Grand Duke Frederick, that Prince. William saw his future bride. He had arrived as a guest at the castle sooner than be was ex- pea-H11, and white strolling in the park came upon a summer house, into which he penetrated. There he saw a tair-hatred girl asiecp in a hammock, and thought it only right to'wtttrdraw. Afterward when he met hrr inside the castle hr: recog- nized the sleeper in the Princess Au- gusta Victoria, and was so impressed With her naturalnesa and charm that he engaged himself to her In marriage. The Emperor frequently meats of the Empress as a "pearl of great price," and has used on. a public occasion these words: "I gouid wiah ho better tcur the men of my nation than that the girls or Ger- many shwuld follow the example ot their Empress and gievote their lives -aa she does her lite-to the cult!- vation of the three great Ks, 'kirche, Sunder and kuchc'-church, children, cookery. But though tho Empress is cm" of those women who rule by obeying, sh' always knows how to Insist upon her own way when she thinks that the best way In reference to her phitdren. Speaking of her husband, she once said sweet- ly: "He is Emperor of Qnrmnny. but I am Empress ot the nursery." Something to Love. It has been said that "the first coodition ot human goodness is some- thiug to love. "I have 1rved--r have lr.bortxt-t have loved. I have lived in them! I lovw. Inhaled for them I loud. loud them tor whom I labor- ed." W- ll night. Sir Thomas Mo:e, who usvd tlrare words. add; “My lab- or hath not twen m vain," tor to say nothing ot its effect upon oth- om how it must ha"! discipluwl his own charm-tr. "Family Mu." says Saint I‘euw. "nu? tp. full or thorns and earns. but they are (mural; all otlters are dry thorns.“ And again; "If a man's home at a cortain per- In a spv‘ch upon wonnn's rights. a Indy orator vwlaimv d: "it is well known that Folvmon owwi his win- dom to tho numbur of his wiwni" mites, is ton muoh. but it is an un- doubtml lav! that tho summons or failure of most men ,lssrwnds to a very lam" extont upon the kind of wonrn ther marry. And this we think in especially true in rotornnve to men or genius. An intellectual ttre, however successful. requires the softening influnnco ot a happy mar- riage to provont its becoming sour and cynical. Tom Morn "poke to" a large mtmFr of men ot genius when he can that. having experienced tho emptiness ot applause and popu- larity. ho found in his house some- thing better than the world could 59", or take away. And one dear home-one caving mt. Whore love'a true light at last i'vo found mm; within when all wan dark ”And eomrortlt-, and stormy round." St batten the” when you no . [rut man. like a. ship. arantintt proudly along the current of renown. that the. in a. little tug. his wife. whom {on ”not up. but who u directing in movements and cupping the gno- ttvo me. This truth well Ilsa.- nil "ot-tire dom not contain clim- pen it will probably be found filled with tolling or vices.“ _ _ In Praise of how. trated by an anecdote told of Lord Eldon. When he had received the Great Seal trom the hand pt the King. and way about to forbid]: nuns. can. Tw.'- -.r%..__ v- -- _ was midi-eased " His Majesty with the words. “Give my remembrance to Lady Eldon." me Chancellor in ac- knowledging the condensation inti- mated ttur ignorance of Lady Eldon'a claim to tech notice. "Yea. yes.” the King answered; " know how much I owe to Lady Eldon. I know. that you would have made yourself a country I curate. and that .he bu made you my Lord Chancellor." Some Famous Men's Wives. William Cowper. the first earl of his line, was reclaimed from dissipa- tion and diareputaNe connections by an early marriage. which be con- tracted a year before his call to the bar. Havuig lived happily with his wife for twenty years. he married in 1706, the your after her death. tho beautiful Mary Cinvering, lady of tho bed chamber to the Princess of Wales. Ber diary and their published latter; show the loving terms on which they lived. Here is one entry in the diary ; “After dinner we went to Sir Godfrey Kneller‘s to use a. pic- ture of my lord which he is drawing. and ls the beat that ever was done of him; " is tor my drawing-room, and in the same posture that he watched me no many weeka In my great illness." A man at court, in camp, or. indeed. in any of the affairs of life. cannot bat be greatly strengthened for his work when he has a. wife like the one with whom Edmund Burke was blessed. He tre- quently declared that every care vanished the moment he entered un- der his own roof. His wife managed so well his private affairs that his mind waskept free tor public duties; - "a” ltd-'1‘ Ilvv .v. r._,_,,- _ Prince Bismarck used to say of his wife, “She It is when“ made me what I tun." She showed her love to him In many practical ways. not tho least of which was in de. tending him trom bores. An ambas- sador of one of the great powers called on Bismarck. and In the course or a rather long conversa- tion, asked the Prince know, he man- aged to get rid ot troublesome visitors. "Oh. that is very mlm. ple," repllml the Chancellor. “When my wife thinks that any one " staying too long she meiely sends for me. and thus the interview ends." At that moment a servant entered. and. bowing low, begged the master to favor the Princess with his presence tor a tew min- utes. [the ambassador blushed. as much as any diplomat can blue“. and at once withdrew as gracefully as possible In the trylng circum- stances. When the famous John Bright married his bride said to him. "John, attend to thy busi- mss and thy public affairs, and I will provide tor the house. and re- lieve thee trom all cures at home." This is thro Sort of wife that one.- bles a man to work and rule in court. in camp and in the world generally, A friend of Lord Beaeonstield, speaking of the time when he was plain Benjamin Disraeli. writes: "We were congratulating him upon the result or an election. and he said one thing that particularly struck me, 'My wife will be very pleased)“ This lady was fifteen years older "than Disraeli. and he used frequently to tell her, in joke. that his had married her tor her money. lo which. she would reply. "Alt, bat If you hind to do it over again you would do it tor love"--. a statement So which: he always smilingly assented. On April 12th. 1867. when Disraeli defeated uiad. stone‘s amendment to the Ite. form Bill, the younger members of the party. extexnporized a supper at the Carlton Club, and begged him to Join them: But no l. In his triumphs. as in his defeats, there was no place like home, iind Lady Beacorlrield, looking back on this occasion, used to repeat, “Din came home to me."| On April .3rd, 1872, this sympatheticl wife hastened back from listening to one of his great speeches in order to receive the orator. When she heard his marriage she hurried from the drawing room to the hall, rushed in- to his rams, embraced him raptur- ousiy and exclaimed: "Oh, Dizzy'. Dr:- sr'. this is the greatest night of all; this pays for all!” Marlborough‘s were. _ "Out of the strong come forth sweetness." might be said of many, soldiers. An eye like Mars to three.- ten and command. but also a. smile that betokened n loving disposition. Brave men are Bender-hearted and chivalrons, and the sweetest domes. tie relations have not seldom been shown by those who were towers of strength against the enemies of their country. The great Duke of Marlborough loved his wife much. but it was not a love that cast out fear. In one of his letteers from the Low Countries he wrote: "I have bemre me at this moment sixty thousand ot the best soldiers in the world, com- manded by the best generals in Eur.. ope, and I am not half so much afraid or them as I am afraid ot you when you are angry." In very recent times We have heard of camp! being ruled. and especially: of military pat- ronake being distributed by woman's Influence. ', "This Mr. Huggins is one ot your progdneul. Inez! t" I suppose. "What did he ever do t" ' "Nothing at all. You see. he ha. always kept in the background when anything was to be done. lo that he would criticize those who did It. mus what made him Mt oromimmt as a. citizen.” ' 8m Guide to Judgment. PhiMelphlaPI-ou. Towns-He's very wealthy. Mu. moms-Yea. and very stingy and economical. Ttrwmr-You don't - that. You mustn‘t Judge a. man by mclothel. Mn. Towne-Certainly not; I'm Mm: hint by his wite'l clothes. A bout, Lady Eteaconsneld. A Prominent Citizen. HIS TRUUBLES NEVER GAME BAGK Ernest Grant took IDodd’s Kid- ney "iis--They Removed the Cause. Mqhadt Who 3nd Urinary Trou- bles for Twelve learn bean-e he need the - Kidney Remedy. Montreal. July 2T.-ticia0. - Ernest Grant. 287 1-2 Urbain street. this cit]. is among those who never let an opportunity, pass to sag a. Eff, word for Dodd’s Kidney ils. e has " reasons tor this. and here the; yrs in his own words; _ _ _ "I had been troubled with Back- ache and Kidney. Disease for twelve years." says Mr. Grant. "My urine was very dark and high colored. I would lose my rest at night on ac- count at 'having to rise so oiten to urinate. I could get nothing to help "I tried ‘leveral remedial. but all railed until I used Dodd’u Kldnen Pills. When I had taken four boxes, I was able to go to bed and take my rest, my Backuche left me and I was cured. It has never came back." Summer Shirts-Expensive Underwear --More.tervicesatrte Pumps. The specialists in heberdashery who receive high prices tor their goods never prepared more elabor- ate articles tor men's wear than they are offering this year. One shop in an uptown street is selling exquisite slibrlbbed shirts for men They are out out under the arms like a swimming jersey. have no buttons of any kind and are made in the most delicate shades ot pink. mauve and pale blue. -- -.. - wien’ Daitrk mugs: Pills cure. the disease never comes back. Ther. re- move the cause. . In the 1aoxsr-oovered with paper In the same shade as the underwear -a.re silk socks. The outfit varies In price in accordance with the socks. For a. set ot the under- wear alone the cost is $12. Men um accustomed to pay expensive prlcee tor t1ttdtrrttlothett nowadays. as one showed the other dag when he carelessly ordered two dozen suits or underclothing that cost $20 a piece. A _ _ _ - . . Negllge shirts are made this year with soft cuffs that told back over the wrist and are fastened with pearl buttons. It has been decreed this year that pearl buttons are to be the mode with soft shirts and out! buttons are in disfavor. Tucka in soft shirts are not seen BO Mb as they were and the latest summer styles Show. tt single tuck down the centre ot the shirt. The soft cuffs are of umdras or flue che- vlot. Some men who wear these elabor- ate shirts do not have them Jauno dered, but send them to French cleaners. where they are put into a condition ot freshness by the dry process. By this means, these ex- pensive garments are kept in color and in good condition In every pur- tlcular. Another feature in men's dress noted this year Is the new use of pumps When these slippers were used here first they were thin-soled things. intended only tor dancing. Englishmen walk about the streets of London In pumps and the same style came to be imitated here, with more or less disastrous results. Men could never so thoroughly tter custom themselves to the style as not to take cold. And the shot;- with tho solest thin could not be made to hold their shape. -- -... Now the pump is quite a, solid affair. The soles are as thick as thos! a patent leather walking Boot would have and the whole work- manship ot the shoe is of a char!- aeter to make it more substantial In every siay.-N. Y. Sum. Lever‘s Ir-dr (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disinfects. as Daughter. picadingW-- I am sure you will like George. like is the most conscientious young man I ever knew. __ - -. -rictur, a. business matt-Mtett don't you dare to marry him! You’ll atarve to death! . St. Martin. Que.. Mar 16. 1895. c. c. RICHARDS & no; - Gentlemen-Last November my child stuck a nail in his knee. caus- lng Inflammation so severe that I was advised to take him to Mont- real and hare the limb lmputated to save his life. A nolghbor advised us to try MINARD'B LINIMEN'I} whlch we did, and within three days my child was all right, and I feel so grate- tut that I send you this ,testlmon- lal. that my experience mar be ot bonetit to others. LOWS GAGNIER. New York Tribune. There is one woman post In New York who will read proof carefully until the 'sdtps of a mom: error wear. on. She meat two (in on a. touching poem. the pivotal line ot which read: My soul I! a fitththoumt keeper. When the utter finished thellne and?” with " My goal In 9. mm: housekeeper. . Remove- all hand, no“ or cullouled lumpI and biannual from harm; Mood spam. cut-bu. splints. ringbono. "can”. nines, sprawl, lore gag motion throat. coughs, etc. Suva .60 by use or one bottle. Wan-ranted the most wonderful blemish can out NEW IN MAN'S DRESS. ENGLISH SPA"! LINIKEN'I' No Business Asset. The Proof Bender. NTARIO JWtCHNtttt TORONTO HUMAN ILLS OF ALASKANS Engllah Phplcun Tam or Dine-lea Prevnlent in That Country. After a. :31de ot sixteen month- In Masha on English physician ha,- mado a report ot the diseases which most afflict tho pepple ot gag cold recion. There are, he says. two m- qttett-Witttar, the lesson of pack ice ; unmet. the season or swamps. Tthe winter lasts tor nine months, the summer for three. Among human mending ocrebro-att.na1-men1ngitbs is (at: prevalent, somet mes .in' epi- dumb. sometimes in sporadic form. It In often difficult to distinguuh from the cerebral form ot typhoid. Ecol-but“ is also widesprgud. - Bhomtinn is irequent. and non-1 any ttWatrtheateurtsitrio type ; inflam- matory rheumatism is rare. Pneu- monia is ulna-t unknown. strung-o to lay. Attentional ot the digestion are very frequent. owing to poor food: nervous diseases. such as locomotor ataxia. etc.. are also frequent. Alco- holism and the like are prevalent. duo to the ennui ot the long winter. but. an the whole, intemperance is lam harmful in Alaska then in more mthen'n climates. Insanity is try no means rare. and it declares itself most frequently in winter, owing to ennui. absence or occupation. lack of exercise and isolation. Its usual form in acute mrlancholin. almost always {allowed by acute mama. Suicidal mania is also frequent. Taken alto- gethenthe catalogue of Alstsknm dil- rl IRN5 and obnolum cure for each and - form ot itching. bleeding and t,',ieeh1ingg',ilgt the mamgtaetqggqtru have gnaw-awed it, tee. umonmh in the dyily pro-s and ask your neigh- bors what they thunk of“. You can use it ind trhal, money back if not cured. tttht a. box. " .11 colors or Enuuaonuuus a: Coisnto, Dr. Chase’s Ointment .5335: is it long Ge, and indicates that a vigorous physique and morale ta required to resist them. PiIes Washington sun. "Father." and the little boy, "what ta a. mtrthematieitut P' 7 "A mathematician, my son, is a. man who can calculate the distance between the most remote stars and who is liable to be Him-Hammett In changing a. " bill." What the people have b_een look- Ing for ha: been put within their grasp-an excursion to New "York. Tickets will be sold on Aug. ll, from Suspension Bridge or Buffalo, and good tor return tor fifteen days via New York Central pnd West Shore, with privilege of trip down the Hud- son River by boat at $0.00 by West Shore and $10.25 by New York Cen- trat. Address L, Drago, No, 6954 Yonge street, Toronto, for further information. ' rt' August 11th. Excursion to New York. Chicago Tribune. "So you took the full college course, did you? Do they teach the modern languages there?" "Betcher liter. German, 'n' French, 'n' Spanish, 'n' Eyotaliart, 'n' any other ole Hugo that ever came down the pike." $10 SEASHORE EXCURSIONS 810 ‘Atlantic City, Cape May. Bea Isle City, Ocean City, via. Le- high Valley Railroad, August 4, " and 25. Tickets only $10. The round trip trom Suspension Bridge; stop-over allowed at Philadelphia. Tickets gopd 15 daysa -- - For tiither particulars call on or address Robt. B. Lewis, Passenger Agent, 88 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. _ Telling? the Twins Apart. ' Harvard Lampoon. "Faith, Mm. O'Hara. how d' ye tell thin: twlryr apart f" .. - -. Chicago News. "Women teel where men think." can] the Iemale with: the square "oA-w/ity, aiay--1 stlcks me finger in DinnW mouth, an' it he bites I know it'e Moike." - "Sea," sighed the man who had been married three times; "that's why men become bald." In School. The teacher was developing the word “bow." “And what would a polite little boy do with his hat it be met a. friend ot his mammals on the street t" Chorus of Dtrvotopora-lNlre It on. qy)a.otter-Ot course, and what eh. would he do t _ _ we tiiiiitintraiaw silence on part ot do- valapeajs.) __. . . -.. .. - ttyiiachtsr-What. not one little boy knows what case he would do , Now, think. _ . A , (The developers think.) Teacher --Suppose you met our principal on the street. Now, what would you do? , ' " "ifiVeidpera (as an expression of w lief crosses their faces)~Pm G-ttew York Evening Sun. I The cynical plan was staring out through the window at the cheaty man swhging down the street. “Doe- Cheaty know. anything 't" asked hi. companion. "Know anything i” said the cynical man. "ho doean't even suspect any. thin." mum-d" Llnlmcnt Carol Collin, on; On several 'oocaaioni last lumuor Mr. Joseph Jefferson had with him an a. (Index! old colored man to whom had reached dunk and trom an the fame of "WP Van Winkle." One day, when the two were out Ming In . gowhtoatt, he boarded a few remarks. “Boa. In it a clrous you u-e In t" "Not 9:me a. circus." nkl Mr. " Mr. Jefferson made a. modelt tgr: "Weil, at. I never git to New " and I'd pawn-tally like to usage not. “a, and I’ll glve 50 cant. I you'll ttgt up right now."--Stut Pancho Minard's Llnlment Cures Gal-get in Overlook: the Sun“ Things. Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Distemper. m. "Yaguer. Ye on; wt. cgnjt "r Wanted Join-non to Cut Up All Languages But One. Knew the Way. fro {nova to on that Du. my, anmentl: sycerta* New York Times. What shrunk your womens r Why did goleiwear so soon ? You SPA?, ====----- _------ V Some of In: O'Rell‘n Soylnz.. 1 Ion-logo In like stage scenery; It looks well from db distance. Woman ia an angel who seldom MP preciates a man who has not a bit ot the devil In him. Women should have two great alum in lite, trylng to be beauti- [let and succcodlng In bean plou- on . The most religion! woman will postpone an Interview wlth her Maker tor an appointment with her drossmker. In our may": Illa In France we preach a. delightful philosophy. We prowl: tho gospel, the duty ot cheer- fume". Economy to a. vlrtue. but can-led to extremes, " become- atlnglneu. which la a fault. and even avarice. wlzlch la a vice. . . _, xc.",.. ' "13“.?” III w wow“ It women showed to their hul- banda as much consideration as thev do to their pet animals. the world would co much better. A man should marry a woman halt hls age plus seven. Irr it at what- ever age you Ilka. and you will [Ind ever age you like. em yuu wu- u..- it: Work. very: well. More comes a time when a wo- man its: to make up her mind to choose between called a "‘dear old ooul" or a. “crabby old thing." In matrimony to obtain lappi- nou and make " last to the end, it is not a. question for a. woman to ormoin beautiful it is a question for bier to remain interesting. The Age of the World. Mt the world we inhabit Is very old scientific experts are pretty well agreed: but to the question. How old? they as yet give widely dilierenrt replies. The physicist. reasoning from the dissipation of the earth‘s heat. the contraction ot tho sun. and the action ot the tides. finds that the earth consolidated at a time nearer 20,000,000 than 40,- 000.000 years ago, while the geol- ogist, from the present rate at which mutd, Chalk. etc., are being deposit- ed by rivers and sons, infers that 450,000,000 years must haw clawed since liito began on this globe. The biologist thinks the time must he still more vast since the beginning of life; on the assumption that spec- 'im have multiplied. by very slow variations, the estimate being it,- 700,000,000 years. PAIIKILLER cures all sorts of out». bruiael. burns and strains. Taken internally it cures diarrhoea and dysentery. Avoid nulmutum. There to but one " Painkiller," Perry Davin'. Helpl'u| Thoughts. We and learn to bear and work before we can tpare strength to ttreams-Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. , We are not sent lutp thus world to do anything Into which we can- not put our hcarts-gottu Ruskin. It is better to write one word upon the rock than a thousand on 'trs, water and the tramL-.Giadtsrontt. Have a heart that never hard- ens a trmper. that never tires and: touch that never hurts. - Charla: Dickens. _ . "iFiiTTrteaatutteat thlngs In the world are pleasant thoughts. and tho greateqt__art In Me Is to have A woman's crowning glory In her tteur-tsxeeirt muslny when It is new by pun-chaos. 1lftaattsdllllttti'lj'i));llii., Mlnnrd's Linlmeiat Cures Diphthe- rlGrrCJrtialt u possible. - Bo- .UPERIOR To ALI- OTHERS E. B. EDDY’S For uh by d! “at duo “in V - INOIS'I" ON GETTING CDDY'.‘ And Moot 8min! Remedy Ever Discounted be Spawn» Whoa“. Splints and all [Among-o. This lath. un mum exparieuep of thousands at horsemen and f them In thin and other oountrfes and R'dt lino reason M, you thank! not share In these beuetlta. Just rum what the above people my about " endnn's." Write to them tor your own Mama. . ' [! Irtadditiott to tails the best liable remedy . . r I I " known, It isupoqual annulment tor house- ,3 D. tuMand mull use. Bohhgenamu by anal-ug- Fil t' . a trwts. Price (rd an bot es tor é. We send iG I", .rt . valuablsbook.“.\‘l‘montho "pert. Mt S I r ‘ timely mum-ted. tree upon must. . J, . a BAP guBooeatt' EXPENSE at no no - W- - Gin Pills Y. Kidneys _....,.,,.-""""""":')".' rl'ltt,'etgt'r;l17y'itfltin/,'iseo'vl';, common soap. THE OLD RELIABLE you: noun not w on mu!» - can. woolens ? DR. B. J. KENDALL co.. W. Folk. Vt. Guts l B60 manta enrolled lart on. 18 9‘95" l, you" lulu- “a 156 younf mayo. One 'd I FNm halt pound! sud mg". gum” Itteftf hun- ISSUE NO. 31. 1903 i you-n. - -.._- - - the he“ can! rod and moat largely "tended new In Bus-Ho. Ila-lo. Command, I rtno Art. ”caution; Planted Cultun, Dong-dc t?tuitee""r culs on And Teach.- ._____________7 Att. irilirlsTiter, Q5313 'iiiiiifei'hdi'ltuttrlnif2'ed' n ------'-'--'" OFFICIALLY AUTHORIZED LIFE or Page Do by In. B'rnu-d O’Riouy and m iunou “Bu-inu- Guido." Both in Emo 1m: tth Framinmi has. gx'MI', the “com pro on ever o e ‘Kpnu; no - our much I. piano-and Iale a. tin “Bu-luau Guido." " you imve lay in on. until coiling money hoisrettr and wry n. idly, write quick tor territory and be am t this“, Experience not. noon-My, we n... all this. Don't deer million write. The J. L. Nicholl. co., Lil: ted. oronw. Mention 50 lion. uo - it? Cour-u. Mil IHuI “an. “F- m. Mt, 29": than "Pe, Begin- Sepc. 8th. 1908 A on! largely ot Spoclnllau. A thorou I and awn-Ive course glven. A 1dfl'riol'/8 healthy location. The only college In Canad- that reject- day puplln to give IMO) our". lor noel-l ad's-m to than board n . Noted educatlonl-u commend moat highs Demlll [Adler College u I. tale curl-nan home tor girls. Pawn“. make u note of thug. tun. Toma reasonable. tend tor cult-adv to Ru. A. B. Dunn. President. at. can. nrlnel, Ont. (Mention an. paper.) ai, Rochester. 1000 [olandm Bay ot Quinta. Rapids Bt. Lawrence, to Montreal Jett. Murray EH. Blur du'Loup. "if, ouuu, Banana: var. Steamers Toroato, Kingston - - LG by Immor- Hamilton. Spdun and Content. Further tettormtsttort te't to II. Foam-r Chance. Western Pal-engu- gent, Toronto I,ilillllilll,u)rl,iil).lllil& . " Mn. lo Equal Mmuttctund only by TH! CAMPBELL MFG. t of HAMILTON. ONTARIO. "'ihe-ctGrAGiEG-".'-r Ullnk not. mere In the dune old grudge between the alto and the baritone. There In more Catarrb In this action ot the country than all other din-m put together. and until the last $ew years wan luppooed to be them-able. Fora {rent many yearn doo. tom pronounced it a ocal dine-u and - crlhed local remedlel and by countantly tall- 'dt to cure with local treatment. pronounced It ucurable. Scleuce has pron-n mun-h who a constitutional due- and therefore rs quite. a comatuuonal treatment. Hall'o cts. tarrh Cue, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, ll she on v constitutional cure on the market. It ls taken internally In done. trom 10 drops to a tempoonlul. It mu dlmrtly on the blood and mumul ourlm ot the system. Thef- otrer one hundred dollar. for any can " tat to cure. Send tor clrcu- [an and teatitttottitUn. Addreu F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, o. Bold by Dru trutm-'the. HaU'I FamlEv Plus are the beat. CNmoTribune. Ttho Pttqtor-iee you unything new for next Sunday} _-. . "A ALBERT COLLEGE, For tun-thud and»: - PRINCIPAL nun. D. D. Union-tunnel, the Only Way. Chum Poet. "Ot course. you wouldn‘t marry a title." -"iartAr there was any other way of getting one." answered the ... vorel’ practical git-L For do by all leading dealers. that Gin Pill: will en's-e my cue of 'gt'adtgrt that we guarantee my I and cathodic any druggilt my box and cached“ an; . “Hand the prion in cue gas: Trouble. So poknive m we tltta17t' will cure my cusp! Laws an. Show 'ltstihtgh'ra “IDOL! '8RUeto0..t.t'"""e.'"l's tery TUBE. FAILS. ETC INDURATED FIBRE WARE lollovlllo, Ont. SHAWN Fl" 0““ tU!erp. Inf-lo. N. Dakota, 11-336. hm. In. cued (we hams “windy of m In “In“: [our rm mm tour I 5pm- Can. '.ur may yous tur" D. [and Not hing New and conservatory of M and are [ZED f8.- ai Enid. of Moth YEAR. Summer Excmsions "iGTGiirar Chtred, l n , Sunday s mutton“. LE AUGUST 2. I ©oar"rtmttar.v.-1. Plan - Kin-. ro, h' ”mid Ham's re, rt. mu shown] tut, tgt nlld Mu “News: h. But to continue Ed wand hunk-r hm mue- au pmpmrL d ttmtor God. it was Nun While God's “ill an .3 continue to ciitW, I (M had njw‘u-d hill]. cure lor gru-f m " grt' 6. Samuel.... 83mm: to m Onoml one ot 51mm» and. MN tlteu tos “(or and go milk-e um” 5. Sun-LU hour it your out in tntt"P mind.» by nu- pmyrr. that “mu-o. " to Lilo Lord. the new and this wagon formal Jtsw, [ one of Ities an - lel J - We on) N' This, waa' 1021 [or i merm- w antenna. ll. Ibar Lord cl ILO. . Win-u “my we the while worth-r t milieu! Lust. and l tahe ot um- lenak Sum home ot June. Bet“ and “In (mu-t m-rurn. leeway elapeo. I would have to be prv ed. Iiliatr--.tr-'ri old Sun's army In tties P Sum. MIL 1:1). and a ruler of Judah under Chfou. xxnl. " In- We have an "sittiti and overbearing n-m Evil. 1i-1loultott. T. Look not, ptc.--E an: judglng from It am. "That when mended Saul to tlie I'll but can and bus cumming " man atte Jellovul snows that Call In hum. not " or conduit-m. but " Dasid also. nowmor. upmnranoe" (v. 12H tttsart-.God doe m4 earthly [mmmmlm or faintly history, or home. or natural " not M280- trom any from rruglous man as my (m rs. ":1qu ions department. n tho voice. run; but (I heart, the mm-r life) and Judy-1s according InsulAnox-u David.-I bio. Atrmndalc..... two. Wltll Iillub. w Jame cent to war a tines (chap. xvii. It no (mum. brought I Samuel In tho order oldrrod thom to rtt most likely first. S4 David's amen broth: tore Banana mad the them all. 11. Are horn "U-4 ready to give up unwed that there mi looked or counted on Jest-o had otter“! whom he award , to am. But the but oel, and the errand vain. The young evidcntly no Mm ol lmd bravery. and“! - unfit. God u no ordemd it. thitt, of band might the your to he a. divine the drslg'n MUN-r of .4,_ n k B. His 'd Med." and wax an the isetovod Son of "the word than l') nrround,’ and new ting down or IE: mm. Enamel I . Mrs. limmmm " operation lo how she was " pinkham's chci a] m m pic-lie mined from " Vent-able (on; .duty and a pri' shout it. u I wafferod for mm“! Lroubl flotsam dsscharw _ . .1...... " t. over me WU! diet, or ex- Tour Vetret 'uk spot. mks val! Don wail-9 thr. J' Qhat " in ttr) “f; sick in. daliy with 'A. tng .bout. 1'" tom‘s 't't"gt “Mont pm frrfe" I' G'T -'"" “no! " ' Dorf' hesitant SNnkbam it tl about your ttn ggot understan! .,0“ with kind Mtse is from N may] writint ti s Lt arnd anon -- ed ll In“) 'ea"".", would If I ha in“ I'd“ rm " ah IIU‘

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