West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Jul 1903, p. 4

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l " Jag ,'fl @Some useful horses for sale. ta, Was/1 to Ctark's o see, to test, fo be convinced Balance of our Children's Duck Suits " a Big Reduction 20 doz. Ladies' Cotton Hose. regular 15 ete, clearing them out for 10 cm I pair. 10 Pieces ot Bicycle Suiting 40 m wide, reg. 1.5e yd for 11 200 yin. 160 " Our Fall Stock will unye in a low days, and to make room for " we ore clearing All our Summer Goods " big reduction. We quote you a few of our Bargains .' SUMMER CLEARING SALE] _ _ _ _ MUSLINS & DIMITIES That there isio better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win. ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: SnOwball, Chatham and Walkerville ; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ', Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there's room for more Cash and ' Pauee. fine Mushns. regular 15 eta per yd going ttt 9 cu Shamburys. reg. 20 & 25 eta per yd " " ct; Dimiues, 36 Inches wide reg'. 150 yd " 110 Scowh Ginghams, reg. 12le yd at 10 ct: C it War/oak John Clark 'ortock. "_.---------- Mins M. Lek of the High School Dept and Miss L. Davey of the Public School have both severed their connection with the work in Durham having found else. where a higher recognition of their ser- vices. We mean of course in n firtaneiaI way for their work here was highly val- ued and theit worth as teachers fully shown. Many besides their pupils will rejoice to hear of their future welfare. Mr. w. Blackwell, for several years back in the employ of the Messrs. Me. Keehme here, leaves this week for Woodham, near St Mary's, where he has secured a good position In agriat mill. Sony to lose Mr. and Mrs. Black- well. but hope their future may be bright. Miss Julia Weir is spending the holi- days at. the old home. Miss Weir. was in charge of the Entrance work in Allis. ton and was very successful at, the re- cent exam‘s. haying passed 19 out of 20 candidates. Mr. and Mrs. Standing and children of Brantford, are guests at the Metho- dist parsonage. Mrs (Rey.) Smith is an aunt. Mr Standing is a P. S. Inspector. Miss S. A Coleridge. teacher at Hum ber, Ont, visited her sister. Mrs. Chas. Itamage from Saturday to Monday and is at present with her parents and other ‘elatives in North Egremont. Miss Jessie Fumuhauson. nccmm‘mni- ed bv her cousin. Miss Annie Coulis. re- turned Saturday from Chatham, after a six weeks' visit. with relatives there. Rev. Mr, Smith. Anglican Inmister, Teeswuler, was m town Mnnday, on business in connection with ' hurt-h pm- perly there. Mr George Ryan has bought the rvsi- dence property opposite tho old post, omee at present nccnpied by shoetttoksu, Ridsdnle. Mr. Jas. Atkinson injured his leg tit'- verer in an upset from at load of hay. but is recovering under Dr. Hutton's cue. Rev. Thos. Fart is ill at, his old hmne tn Glenelg with what, appears to heap- pendicitis and an operation is talked of. Mrs. lhos. Stormy. with child, from Winntoeg, is visiting here and will be joinnd try her huslmnd later on. Mr. H. McFarlane, sr.. and his Mend Mr. Drysdulv. returned from n \isit to the farmer’s son. David. at Caledon. Miss Loretta Milligan returned to 1Vinrton on Tuesday after a. 3.week's stay with Durham friends. Mr. Isaac Mail and daughter, Mrs. McGihbon, Barrie. were. the guests of Mr. Ben Mail inst week. Mrs. Larter, Toronto. and daughter Mabel. are visitingthe former'., brother, Mr. Charter Smith. Mr. Yule. and Miss Percy, cf Mt. For. est, Visited friends in town thehogin- ning of the week. Mrs. and Miss Robertmn. Fergus, Were guesls at Mr. John Munro's. for u Mrs. and Miss were guesls at Mr. fe w days last week Miss Claudine McMillan, of Toronto. " a. guest at the home of Mr. Jno. Robertson. Mr. Arch. McLellan returned on Tuna- duy to Kenilwbrth after a visit to his Glenelg home. Mr. lrvmg H. Kaiser. Ridgetown, was a guest. at, the home at Mr. L. Elwdgc for a week. Mr. It. Dee of the Cement works had the pleasure of entertaining his mother this week. Miss Margaret McCain! and brother John, of Toronto. are guests of their parents. Mr. Jun. Lang got a finger badly smashed at the Cement works on Tuesday. Mrs. Colville and are Visiting friends Chesley. Miss Mary Mclnmsh arrived home from an extended visit with Toronto friends. Miss Annie Burns came home Satur- day to spend tt month or 40 with her mother. Miss Inna Davidson returned home Monday from visiting friends in Mt. Forest. Mrs. McCracken and Mrs. McArthur visited friends in Mt. Forest Saturday last. M, Miss Winnie Wnliace returned on Monday to her home on Moufrviue. Miss Edith McKenzie is visiting Walkenon friends. Mr Mew-no. of -..._--.. is visiting hi: brother. M r Hugh Mche. Mrs. Wm. Black in spending it few days with Port Elgin friends. Miss Nora. Chadwick is spending a month With Muskoka friends. Mrs. Barlseraetr. Port Huron, is visi- ting her brother Mr. D. Campbell. 310.00 REWARD. THE DURHAM REVIEW daughter Maggie in VValkerton and 'Imrtr7rteHtvEs TORONTO KING - LAUGHLvs.-- On Wednesday. July 22nd. at themanse. Durham, by the Rev. Wm. Furquharson. Mr. John Harold King, of Owen Bound, to Miss Elizabeth Laughlin, of Durham. FIsmtrt--h1EruemTH-In the Anglican Church at Yale, B. 0.. by the Rev. Chas. Cram-her. Mr. John McNee Fisher, of Vancouver. B. th, to Leon- ora Warhurlon. eldest surviving daughter of the late Thomas Meredith," of Durham, Ont. There is neither land grant nor cash grant and the presentation of the whole scheme in detail by the Premier this week sometime is expected to show such a. riaelrconsidered policy as to disarm criticism. For the next3 yrs.. the company re- turns to the government any surplus the xecetpts show over running expen- gas. If there should be a deficit, the detieit is capitalized and added to the amount upon which the Railway must pay interest for the remaining 40 years. The only outlay then will he for inter. est on construction outlay for seven years. This amounts to about two million dollars per annum. which in national f)muttinit is not a large sum in view of the advantages secured. The G. T. P. gets the use of the gov- ernment road from Moncton to 1viiini. peg totrthe space of 7 yrs.. free. It is part of the contract that if the government is let in for any obligation, the road passes into the hands of the Dominion and is operated by Parlisv ment direct. The G. T. P. must build from \Vinni- peg to the Pacitie coast. at its own ex- pens». the government agreeing to guarantee n certain amount. of its hands. The government builds the line from Monetun to Winnipeg and leases it to the G. T. Pacific for 50 years. Speculation as to the terms to be given this new line. by the gnu-runner)! is abundant, and condemntition in ad. yam-e has been given to supposed fea- tures, An outline of the sans-ht fea- tures is appended t Rev. Mr. Famuhavson on Sunday evening last punched front " The Suh- bath \wtsnmde for man and nut mun for. tho Sabbath " and outlined the situ- ntiun showing the powers still left by the pre-confederation law, and laying stress of cum-59 Oil the law of love which should actuate and constrain all to secure for others the blessingsofa seventh day rest. given in love by the Divine father. Further restrictions will have to he sought at Ottawa. and from the new and varied conditions there it, is impos- sible- to say what success will he achiev- ed. In [any ruse we think it. Is lune our own supreme Court should be the final arbiter. when not tho least "enetit, would he the nvondmu-e of long delays in rendering judgments. The ”use and the time seems lo iustify a yearning for another Slr Oliver Mownt to churn. pion Provincial Rights. The effect, of the decision is to wipe. out. additions made to Lord's Da legis- lation since Confederation, but lien-e. is yufticiettt power leit, 'Stl s an Alliance circular "to safeguard llie Lord's Day against. the asamllls of greed and passion Though disappointed. we do not confess defeat. nor do we feet discouraged." This is n startling decision and may have widespread nod awkward conse- quences. for the liquor not. election law children's protection act, and n. deal of other. legislation have all the same weakness, If weakness it is. Parties convicted and tined under this not, will have the right to demand reimburse- mentand no end of trouble may follow. This seems to he the view taken " Mr. T U Hohinette. K. C., hot. it, is (-mnlmt- ted by Mr. J. il, Cartwright. Den. At- torney General, who from another sec- tion of the same Brit, North America Act, shows that the. Legislature has giv- en it the power in certain cases to .. im. pose punishment by fine, penalty orlm- prisomnent." A decision of the Privy Council given last week renders the "Lord's Day Act" passed by the Province, invalid, inns- much as the punighments attached for Its violation Infringe on the rights of the Dominion to which was left, under the provisions of the British North America Act, "all matters ot u criminal nature." He also gave the closing prayer and the Irenediciion, and was warmly greet- ed by many friends at the close. His text, on this occasion was from Ps. 126 ' 6 .. He that quell) fort h and weep- eth. hearing precious Beed, shall doubt- less come again with r?jot(-ing. bringing his sheaves With him." Very earnestly he pointed out causes of the weeping and the various kinds of seed and sow- mg ever going on. and impressed the other leswus of the fertile text with n Vigor and a voice surprising in one of his years. When he tirst came to this province there were in it but 5 Presbyterian wini- stern and of these two were in Toronto, one in Amhersthurg. one In Zorra. On the first September next. it Will be 54 Bears since he held his first, service in urham wht n his auditors were the pit ems and grandparents of the present generation. has recession of all his faculties. takes his ally walks abroad. gets his own mail, reads it too and keeps in touch with current events. He. was born in Scot land over two years before Water- loo, Wu. herding cattle when the Art coach passed in mourning for Geo I I. came to Canada shortly after reaching his major-it and was an interested spec- tator of and, participant In the discus- sions of the McKenzie rebellion time, with the leaders of which he had per- sonal knowledge and acquaintance. On Sand-y last Rev. ht r. Stewart preached as unnounced in the Pct-clay- hyterian church to a good congregation. not a few of whom had memories reach- ing hack to more vigorous dnys but none by a long way approaching those of the yencm le ex-pxuiwr of the Bop- l-ht. church. Rev. Mr. Stewart is in his 910: year. tnd ht.vepAa glint}: deafness m-...__- THE LORD'S DAY ACT. THE G. T PACIFIC. PREACHING " 90. MARRIED. Also Purebred Tame and Begs; . __I - ilGrii"i ts%"'l, I'l up- i tion to ro riefors, ots . an 2i, tliitt B. D. gt. (glands. Will sell ma- sonahly. A. & J. SEALER fhe undersi ned otter for sale T Shorthorn Bugs. one 12 mos, the can: 13 mos. old, principally red and likely unimqla in every respect. Terms on up. plicatjog to proprietors. lots 2% “a m , Back Up IT WILL PAY you G take himGu-r' mum-u though you hare to drive 20 miles. Plenty of poo- ple some further and tind it to my. He has hull 24 ITARF EXPERIENCE Ind those who deal with him get the benefit of it. Pure-Bred Bulls For HE COLLECTS debts and chums of all kinds. No clause if no money eolleet. od. Is not that fair ? - ___ -. - - In-..» u. business In can iiud nonwtlnug to suit yon Hejunt now has for Rule 100 ACRES IN BENTINCK with goud bank burn. dwell- ing, perhaps the best hardwood Inna]: u; the Township and only asks about. 82000. Think of It ! HE WILL LEN“ YOU MONEY on marten notice. lowest rues. vary small.“ cost, and on your own arms. re YOU WISH TO SELL you: prop- erty he can do it quicker and better than yon on) sud he charges nailing: If no rule IF YOU WANT TO BI‘Y a place or I».._:_ ... A I A .. I Are cnrel'ul us to who 'thall do their luminous. So should you be. Then you had better go to n. H. Miller, the Hmo- ver Conveyancer. illl illlhll'il llilllulN jl) hallllll I 60. (I? DItUGC,Is'rs l SEEDSMEN meMuMs amébvaMaié gwmw wwwg §What (s';:' ' 6 iAbout (it,' ' A 6 - Human-an. - For Sale at W. Black's Store. MI J BURNETT . We dont back up. We claim to have the best assorted stock of Groceries in town. Flour, MEALS, and other Cereals. Smoked meats, Bol- ogna, &c. Also Coal Oil. When you are scouring the town for good Butter if you wilt remember that we arrange with the best dairy farmers in South Grey to supply our trade. It Will Help Some Kodak Sole Agents for WESTON’S BREAD. H. r, , ILLER. n , . 'Ar It's yours if yang, take it with a Ko-6 " . ' dak, and so mnp- a, ly done a child can t do it. Let us a, show you. We 't. have them from $r t up. ' The Hanover (haviyanoer. Sale. rietors. Call and examine in; stock of threshers' mitts made-to-wear in Calf and horse hide before purchasing elsewhere. Also harvest mitts in 10 and 1.1 inch lengths. Shoes made to order ' And repairing promptly done at Jordiin's Old Stand, next door to Campbell Implement Warehouse. I J. Mal/milk Shoo Dusting: We have in stock a lot of dif- ferent shoe dressings in liquid, combination, and paste at 10c, 15c and 2 5c. and have them fitted with a pair of new Boots, Shoes or Slippers We have them in various styles and qualities at popular prices. NEW 8001 I SHOE SHIRE Au" ){ou (Chat Fact ? If you have, OUR BREAD‘S AS LIGHT " A F EITHER, Necessarily it's a wholesome bread --ttot heavy, soggy, indigestible. We take pardonable pride in the product of our bakery, and dyspepsia doesn't follow in its wake.' Rowe's bread is " household word in many homes-why not in yours. . E. A. ROWE We are " the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or. ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. ’Ch'uul Crust Joycufora. 700 denier rill, on»... 6" in! Weed: / J Also another Shipment of the renowned 'and up-to-date Karn Organs. Call and test them, theyare open for i.,ce. tion. Agents. Show Rooms opposite Mid duugh Stables, Lambton St. A. B. McARTHUR Aarn (Francs, . which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed for beauty and second to none in quality. Call and seethem and if you do not want to buy one for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is as above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. Ready for Spring frrade (Famous Just arrived at the Show Rooms of Barclay & Bell, a Car load of Only Drill in the Market geared from both wheels and full “hes ot and their reputation has beer sewed only by their excellence Lately we were talking cutters mitt Gray’s Peter Hamilton's Goods in Stock g ULY 30, 1903 Fhrcshon Kudhopo bring them Ti, the- ecu-ridges. GROCERIES TWEEDS d gale Bi Insuemm "tniiTiAii..iu-'C. I" ."u! ttttlpn,',,' mm;- t', V ', trr' 's immvdmlv .-. w." 1m Whammy lim'l 'rltst yn MUN-tum Nudes! il T. N( , r Colin's Block Neat t a; .. Os 25 .. Gt Bullet Wolou Tillie Linen. .'rt CON,“ \"nsll 5 White, Blot l, up to. . _ V . . Buck Nmcero thins. .‘.,. Cadmium and'm-mx ai cue Bros. . Putnam. Tnlton ‘5 S. SC Mum» aw“)? Ila Inward dun. Tea Culder's "lurk. with Full Linus ol Sylvester Farm lmplm Famous Tudhopc L' Bishoy ROM F, Proven Steel Hay Forl Also Brantford Wm Gasoline; ling NEW PItl.Nirs ' yd. OWEN Su tl N Announccmm tree to any "ddpe,w owrzxv-ml‘xn In a few months a! yawn acquire the Sts in Business Suhjvcu Typewriting. This in Moquipnv-m ‘h Calm White Bod 5pm "oor Oilcloth, l THE EES'J Cd All] L0\vl421 HE SELLS Fsji, 'l BEGINS Tl'lcs. _ YOI' CA N INFIF, I A. 'l'l II T. NO mwilinu Dun”! G and pair ot itw (If Flour " The lmplu: . emttittuatiton bestowed on the he found We can give Top. lyer's luslc I "tttsteel by ll ll'hdi' L' sch, MTdvu-n' 20 per cent by your footwear ( AT THE OLD DRY GOODS, CR {)OTS & SHOES Ot best quail {may wager/rm ””1211 m in u JULY 3tt (H "nd - - ' " - lk Wa " (I ("It

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