West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Jul 1903, p. 5

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the bridge an , turday. or, t C. McAnlmr's WOFHCE. will 'operators. W. Itraith tion Ipc (Sarriaaes nd s9ll///e, e Market Irtaea ,and full lines of , for {27.3 Trade Tsee mbu n rum (llilllf il with a pair I or Slippers prions styles pular prices. tation has been their excellence. yn tN oppos order ' aptly done- and, next implement 903 ar smgs Jatlon I and \gent 'tts ‘n tr.as them to the l stock of Mk-to-rear tide before 'e. Also eds / J al MV E lot of sur the 1oods in Stock Sh ipmen talking can". " RTHUR A F EATHER " tt " Jp- " 1nd BELL none In um and te St 2<C dif ont te old ich ow ate *3 tll (ij)uit (lit ill8elliil) I1til.0illl Nlrpteu by all leading Schools in Tomato. l his4scrvmtl ' In mm by gggeNt.q of 1 Farr. mm... 'la,1'lu1'Wllgll'r, amCotherinter mlu': devices brings the following We! within thts child's immediate mmptehanion. I “min-l Notation Rh than: lotion PinnoWor Keyboard [nation 'WlWlllll'lt, Ttettrthtae TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES W. H. BEAN Calder I Block“ Next the Post OM00 with Full Lines of Syl1 ester Farm Implements, Famous T udhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs. Clare Bros. ' Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton’s Implements, Adam's Sleighs. S. SCOTT. For 3»th twolf."' ! Miss Margaret Gun. Teacher. II.”- ' - - proven Steel Hay Forks a Srrecialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. (huh-d Wash Silk Waist lengths in Winn; Block and Colors eaeh $2 upto,--.................') Bluck Mm verizml Sateen Under. »kll h. . . . . . . . .81.40, $1.50, $1.75. $2.00 31W PRINTS k FANCY GINGHAM’S ti Mt Roller \Vlmlow Shades. each. . . . . . Tat-1e Linc-n, M in. wide. per yd . . . Calder'" Block, - Durham. .. m .. ..- .....50c White Bed Spreads each . . . .850 & $1.20 bTsortrilcloth. I yd wide. per yd . . . .2tic " M, " " me - , THIJ LEAST GROCERIES AI 1aOwlilSlI! PRICE. - ow EN Sln'ND Announcement for 1903-04 me to any address on application HE SELLS CHEAP. Ow EX SOUND. Own. In a few months " this institution you can acquire the very beat training in Business Subjects. Shorthand and Typewriting. Thin institution has the best omnipmt-m in Canada. T. NOBLE Dun t'ovaet us when you want a w a "l pair of Shoes as we carry a. Full .1“. ol Flu-lung Bros'. Shoes. BEGINS Tums. SEPT. 1303 AT THE YOV CAN SLAVE Rt'palilillg and Orders a Specialty bt The Implement Man "asks for " continuation of the patronage hutmud on the late firm. He can be found We can give you Bargain'. C. A . FLEIVIING . yds 4:404?er AT THE OLD STAND‘» (, FI L. THE SI IOEMAN DRY 600m, CROCKERY. 430TS & SHOPS, &c., :?..5 per cent by buying your footwear at Peel’s. Ot best quality. FA I ul, TERM lung 30 in wide. taped edge pr. 40c .. .m .. .. .. (a T. NOBLE Myer‘s Music Method. cn 18 JULY 30, tim knitted edge "$141) I‘RINCH' sent 'A I. w The Dominion Department of Agri- culture is endeavoring to increase the poultry trade ofCanada ; to encourage the growing of the greatest number of high class chickens, and to assist in the marketing of them. Arevised edition of the bulletin " Pmfitable Poultry Farming" has inst been issued, and will be mailed without charge on ap- plication to the Commissioner of Agri- culture and Dairying. Ottawa. The information it contains is of great value in the poultry work, and it should be in the hands of every interested poultryman in Canada. Canada's Premier Exhibition Wil Show the country's Unexmnpled Growth. The combined victories of peace and commence in this third year of the new century are destined to Illumine the brightest pages of Canadian history. Prosperity is abroad in all the land. from acres vast and plentiful. and from min. ing fle1ds both east and west comes the harmony of buoyant progress. Tfo few - " -c, :-nn:-n.:l\h n wit. llarllluu’ u. "var-u- "' "V a, will be granted the inspiration of wit- nessing the activity in the east. the west, ihe'north and the south but to all is open the. opportunity of seeing the sum total of Canada’s current develop- ment summarized and represented m the great Western Fair to be held at London. September.' 11th to 19th. Do not be the one to miss it. The footsteps of the exhibition man- agement never did lag. No sooner were the ates closed upon the. last. fair than the ttTit/Ci commenced broad liberal pinning for this season's show. Splendid features of unique interest have been thought out and henetlcialide‘ss devised for rendering the exhibits of the man building and other departments even more alluring than ever before. The Art Gallery will be particularly attrac- The problem of supplying this Won- derlnlly increased demand tor chic- xens can be solved by the farmers alone. Instead of the farmer rearing fifty or a hundred chickens that re- ceive little attention or feed, he should rear from 200 to 1000 chickens annual- ly. These should be of a utility type, such as can be tound in the popular breeds Plymouth Rocks and Wyan~ dottes. The ehieke,n8ishottld be hatch ed and reared by incubators and brooders, and whrn ready for market the cockerels should be placed in fat- tening crates and latted. The equip ment required to do this work ll not an expensive one; $20010 S2N) is the cost of incubate-rs, twoi)rlers, housosund fattening crates for tinislOe woo chickens. It is as nocessary for realiz- ing the greatest protits from the poultry business as threshing and mowing nmchinery is for general farm- ing. The work connected with finish, ing 1000 chickens with the proper appliances is no more than is necessary tor rearing 200 chickens by the natural means. Poultry tarming is a business that requires to be developed in the same manner as the batter, cheese and fruit branches. A" substantial pi'otit can be mode from the poultry business, when it is carried on as an adjunct to farming. and with the same careful at- tention and finaneing. The above and similar requests are diftiealt ot solution even by one in touch With the Canadian produce firms and packing houses that are buying and marketing chickens. The major- ity ot our established iirms are equipp~ ed with a complete plant " marketing in Canada or Great Britain several times more chickens than they can buy. Their profits are dimished, through scarcity of chick~ns. Never- theless merchants in Great Britain, Cape Colony the, United States and even in Australia are boking to a supply of Canadian chickens to satisfy their glow ing trade. The present time is met favorable for the Grumman, lattening and mar- keting term chickens. There has been such s substantial increase in the fo.tP1mtptioet taf chickens and eggs Within the last few years that it is not Possible to rear agmter number of suitable market chickens than can be sold with perth Last year there were not MttBeiisnt chickens sold in Canada to supply the home markets. As a re- sult of the shortage of chickens the trade with Great Britain was lessened. This is unlortunate on account of the great demand for Canadian chickens m Great Britain and the good prices that are paid. I The Chief of the Poultry Division. I Mr y C Here states that numerous let- i '; tors have been received from produce merchants, poulterers and commission i merchants who desire. to learn in what l localities chickens can be bought in great numbers and " reasonable prices From several Canadian cities, and especially from Montreal. roduce tirme have asked to be informed, where market chickens suitable for shipping to Great Britian could be obtained in the greatest numbers. British poulter- ers and commission merchants have repeatedly asked for the same informa- tion. The letter ofn well established produce house in London, England, “ms received last week. This firm wished to "start an undertaking for the purpvse of Importing Canadian poultry to Great Britain." They de- sired inlormation as to the probable success of such a project and the possi- I bility of obtaining poultry, (especially I towls), in large quantities. and the best I districts for the collection. tke , of I them. Last fall a firm in Cape Colony wished a poultry trade developed with that Colony. One shipment of Canadian chickens was made to Cape Colony which arrived in a satisfactorv condition and pleased the trade. A 7‘. -N'_Pi- rl-I‘uvxu IAIIU In (IUU- " New York firm wrote that they desired to import Canadian chickens and Were recommended by the Department to a firm in the Maritime Provinces, from whom they purchased chickens and were impressed favorably by them. WESTERN FAIR. LO N'DON. GREAT DEIAND Port (MICKENS. a grater number of chickens than can he Lass year there were :kens sold in Canada £555 SILVER\VARE THAT SELLS tlogs-ii-urs are uneh lur selects and $5.55 for Feeders. short ken) $4 25 That a GOOD WATCH makes us regular in our habits. You can get a: good one in a few minutes if you call on us. A good watch is the ’. cheapest in the long run, and if it is carefully cleaned and oil- i T ed, it will last a lifetime. l DUIBIR HAMl-u-N \VA'rcnI-as run Hum i CUT GLASS In PEARL & DIAMOND Brooches out stock is the largest we have ever had. In Diamond & Colored Stone Rings our Stock was never so complete. Milch Cow-The run was light. and trade was rather quiet. The range of priees paid was tending higher at. 826 to .56 each. Calves-Tins run Was fair and truth way: good. everything being an“. Prure, are unchanged at 32 to $10 oer, and 'ille to Ge per In. Sheep and Larul,s-..Tlre run was fairly light and everything; was sold early. Prices "ll mum! are unchanged. Export. hilt'5‘l) ore quoted at $2 50 to $3.70, calls at " to 83 and wring 11min at " 51) to $4or 4e ttt 5:0 per lb. tlosr,ti---i'riees are unchanged at 85.80 Slackers and Feedtsrg--thutle of 7oo lo 900 lb.. run " 98.50 to ‘3 So, and lighter at $2.75 to $3.50. Feeders Inn-o an easi. er lendeucv " $2.75 to 04.3”, Butchers‘ Cattlc--Few were wanted. and fortnun'sely. few Wore offerims. Pick- ed lots sold at 84.60 to 94.75 per cwt and choice at about $4.40 to $4.6m. Fair to stood sold at tl to " 30. and ouws M 82.50 to 33.50 Export Cattle-The highest pnicepuid was W, per ewt and extra chance enable ranged from this price down to $4.8m The geucml mu ol Choice sold at $4.40 In 4.60. and cons wen: uhout steady at " 60 u 33.80. Live Stock Markets Toronto. Trade was dull M the Western Cattle Market. to-day. There was very lmle do. want] for eattls of any kind an! the total recs-hm! wane light. Trade in sheep was better on a "ood demand. . n ._.._. an: """'e"a"" In - - l ant. clauses unusually keen. I Details are being perfected for dis- ( plays of machinery and agricultural Implements that cannot fail to illustrate I the [nest "rations of inventive menin- t as ianlin-d in I..." manna-.. u“-.- It is may ennngh to tse plemmnt When life fiow.u by like a sting. But the mun wovth while is the mm who will smile. When everything gaps wrung. For the test. of the heart is troultle, And it always comes wtt h the yvnra. And the unile that is worth the praises of moth In the smilu that shines through tears. --Elu Wheeler Wilcox. I hve and the competition .1 out. classes unusually keen Watch for the renders and advertise. mPttt" to uppem- in this paper later on and rerttenther that the VVes-sleru of NIB will out Utine all it" glorious predeces- sors. Prize Lids and all mfnnmumn "my lw had for the asking. -eeie___e -- ... .. "..NW%d l!illlll.‘ as applied to farm cultivation. Mann- facturers on this and the other side of the line will he present. to demonstrate the merits of their respective machines, and when it in said that the Live Stock Department set-Ins bound to excel lint Pmr’n sum-em no further wordu are needed. Farmers nnd breeders interest. ed in thmough bred animals t-alnnot "Hard to neglect this all important. part of the \thern Fain The list of special "ttrnctittns, has not been completed as yet hut those already swim-ted ungur well for the continued triumph of the ring and platform events. Tnrkerr........, .......... Potatoes. per btw....... Barley..................... Oats...................... Lumbs..................... Dressed Hays. per ewt Hogs, Live wright..." Butler, fresh roll per lb Buster, Tub.............. Hides, per cwt.......... Calfskin“, per lb........ .'iheepttkms............... 'd"v..,..................... Been. 'At' cwt............ Pena.................. Flour......... ....... Oatmeal............. Wheat............... DURHAM MARKETS. _...................... A. GORDON, X'OU ()IIGIIT TO ICNOMr -------q- to ............. r............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... A REVERIE. \VEDDING 1tIrrmg-----We make a Specialty. \VATCHMAKER. JEWELLER & oP'PICLkN 10 on (i on lights and lam to $4.50. 60 40 27 8 " 5 3'! 6 10 13 14 Ill, 190 240 In 90 on in the dulln- Beauty combined with quality is what we offer. 4t) 10 00 2 lio 5 Go 18 1 IX) 28 8 60 6 10 14 15 tll, 2 4n Tt 00 on THE human! REVIEW Good gem-ml purpose Mare, fourteen years old gum-unwed sound. Also " Mare 4 yours old. sound and serviceable. Apply to J. \VISMER. Rocky Snugeen. How to get a Homestead tn the West! So many people are settling in this country that in a short time it will be diffiealt to obtain land along the line oi'railway. Anyone wishing to have a homestead here will do well to have us select and enter it lor you as soon as it is surveyed. We can locate you in any part of Srskatchewan. For full particulars write at once to MOORE MCFADDEN, Prince Albert, Sask. (Prince Albert.) Grill he for service at Lot 48. Con. 2, E. G. R. for the season of 1903. Pert. gree on application. Cows not return- ed regularly will be charged whether in calf or um. Payment to be made on or before February 1st um. Terms $1.50. Durham, A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. tjajm DRUG STORE . l . I , 2lferya as I Bragg as . The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. _ -- -.._ 7 Massey Jil?arauls Sheno Rooms Is going to take the place of Paris Green because it kills the bugs and makes the potatoes grow instead of killing the plant as Paris Green does--if you get too much on. We want every potato grower to try it whether a large grower or small but we know you do not like to experiment so we reprint the guarantee given by the manufacturers : " We hereby guarantee Dead Bug-when properly applied-to kill the bugs and increase the yield of potatoes and we further a- gree that if you plant one acre of potatoes usittg Dead Bug on one half and Paris Green on the other, if you dont get more potatoes from the hall where Dead Bug is used-providing of course that sod is the 'dattte,--we will refund the money paid for Dead Bug. " We me agents for Dead Bug. It is cheaper than Paris Green but we can furnish Paris Green at lowest market price. A COMBINED BUG KILLER AND POTATO GRO‘VER PURE BRED HEREFUKD BULL. J. A. DARLING, DONALD McFM'ImN. Plop. FOR SALE. CHEIWIST AN D D1{U(}GIS'1‘ DEAD BUG If)est ef Middaugh shams. Soc our second hand wheel's. 2:12.27. givingston IBrGrJEwTtr.ERYtsS'roRF.. ; Rinmr i:mrrvt, See our“ Intending Students should enter at beginning of term, or as won otter Is possible. Staff and Equlpmont. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following Matt Competent Teachers for that Department: THO8. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK, B. A., Classlcs and Modcrns. FEES: $1.00 per month; Silverware“ All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Wm. Johnston, Chairman" CALD ELL' Lt RY ST E Ml-kN Mllu'JAtk,U Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, DURHAM llllllllf WORK8 LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. The Best Quality cheaper than ever. (Index-taking promptly at- tended to. FURNITUR E Durham Senool 1; six I, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO rrs'Sutf, ROBINSON & 003357, Brooches, Necklcts, Long Chains, Bracelets and Pins. We certainly have the stock to choose from. The goods are right here waiting for you Nothing " nice as Silverware for Wedding Presents and at Keeler’s is to be found the largest stock of good Silverware in the county and all our prices are the lowest. AT KEELER’S Jake Kress Solid Gold Wedding Rings in tok, 14k and 18k, in all the latest styles. Big Stock of Engagement Rings to choose from. JAKE KRESS. FOR C. Ram-go. Secretarv All repairing P roprietirm. (3ntario. SAVINGS BANK -numt allowed on savings bank deposit. of '1.00 and up wards Prompt attention And our: facilitv Mrorded cu-tomon living nt dlota n. J KELLY, Ago-t. A general Banking business trnnsacted Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and intqe out allowed " tutrrent mus AGENTS in all prtncipal paint. an Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United Stat“ and Enghud. W. F. OOWAN. President. GEO. P. REID. lulu". DURHAM AGENCY CAPITAL. Authorued. . . . . . .8t,000.o0t CAPITAL, Pnld up.......... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ 850,(m (llllllillilil BANK ill: CANADA Collection; of all kinda Farms bong]: promptly attended to and 'toler, ARTHUR H. JACKSON OFFICE- -MGK'QI‘O'I Old sun Durham D. McPHAIL) BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COUR? NOTARY PulLlc. COMMISSIONER, ETC. 0FF'rCE-Mertttvre more, ’MACKAY a: DUNN, Barristers. ---- Solicitors, Cotweytuteers, Ac. omces t Hunter's New Block op poslte Chronicle omce. Gamma St., Durham. MONEY To LOAN A. G. MleKny tCC. W. F. Dunn Jompany Ind print. Funds to Lona on Hortense- " love-t. um of intern-t. varltmtiott mule " loompeunt and cmlul Vglunmr. All Charge- Medan“. otttee----LoWEtt tOWN. DURH‘I. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms. Calder Block over the Pont (who. W. C. PICKERING D. D s., L. D. S. (p.31 _ I the Du mun - Puiiacs- -Tiidirt. Block. Randell“ first door west of the old Post Ollice. Durham. Witt be a the liddnuxh Home. Whammy- Em Wednesday ot each month from 12p. m. an Caucasian" and Agency promptly utmudod to Wills. Doom, Hort. tau. hon-om Agreements amourmtly pupil‘s. Ensue- of damned rer- wns looked that and Exocutor'u and Adm trite truwn‘ Accounts manned and "and Sum” Court Busines- Protrito at Wall. Iowan? of Ad. 1tii.iiriirfriririit 9eraiteytut, (mpg-ma. sou-- -'_r. - -.... uu-uI-uuup "owned. tet'- chu made in ma y one. um! Titles repomd an are aunt-n: to the Royal lmdon ophtUtmie .oaplhl. mud. and the Golden Squat Sou ud Mt “capital. as. SPECIALIST EYE, mm, mam-r & MEI? a.-----,- EXCLUSIVELY. a Licenped Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate. Arman“ tor "teg " to”. (ac. must be en the Review OK Bee, human. - Causpondenoesddn-od hereotto Ho ville P.0., will be promptly attended to, Till on Ippliauon to NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER ac, CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR Insurance Agent. arristcr, Jretar , Go: voyanccr, ate” ten .. . Ion? to Loan at ransom ole rate? an on terms to suit borrower. '-tsq. ... Hp... RESIDENC! and OFFICE old But (7?le rowamvmu. DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. uoarnv runuc “6001393611 J. G. HUTTON. IE. arm DENTISTRY. " Special “tendon given to WW: 00 Women Ind Children. Irrrcri FIRSTWDOOR EAST CF ARTHUR GUN. M. G. LEFROY McCAUL. his: Coll.- 'e'-. and In”. 953131er R, salon-on. ' MONEY TO LOAN E S. DAVIDSON. DR. GEO. S. BURT. _-------- Teleeheee Gee-eutec- Ne. " Head Office, Torono. HOUttts' J. P. TELFORD D. IcI’HAIL. Hopeville P. u. C. RAIAGE. Durham rumour & srlcnox. e our "auction‘s Sun .._- t tt to lo LI. Private Money to Loan. “Over tier Bunk

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