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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jul 1903, p. 6

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A.” it -v At 9 o‘clock there was a crowd of leveral hundred persons which had increased by 6 o‘clock to several thousands. Elaborate preparations had been made to guard against an. cldent in the crush. All converging “reels were cleared 0T vehicles. leaving them free tor loot passeng- ers, while six ambulance stations had been erected, Including one at the em trance to the plum. and another bmride the door of at. Petetht, As the Benn Toll. ht 3 o'eloek the Cathedral's bells hag” tolling. At the tirtrt bell two regiments or Italian Grenadlers marched herons the piano to. the “atone steps. and soon the portlco named. for the rlrtrt time in years. with Italian troops. The Grenodiers -Itood in double column at parade not. the lines extending from the threshold or the church through a 'arrow gateway on a temporary mood structure. which was holding book the crowd. _ Rout Rsable: To-dar the body of Leo xm. lay in date in the ban- tliear at St. Peter's, while thousands of persons from the ordinary walks of life paid " last tribute of love and Teneration. The ceremonies of {yesterday were viewed only by the mobility, aristocracy and the high- qqt clergy, but to-day the doors were opened to the entire public. Many remained on the piazza throughout ”the hot night. in order to gain a place at the head of the line. KING IN DUBLIN _ REVIEWS THE TROOPS. Vast Crowd Views the Brilliant Spectacle in Phoenix Park. The (inlet Opened. 'At 5 minutos after 6 the gate was owned and tun human tide began to tiww in. The Jam at the narrow en- trance won threatened serious pe- suits to Cue struggllng mass of wo- men and ci.ildren. )1ny women had .ttteit. dream-s or weds torn off and “DP were “mu. exhausted, over the wooden enclosure and out of the oral). No serious accidents were re- ported {In} thc ambulances were not autumnal. he King we» attended by the lord Lieutenant. the Earl of Dud- ley. and. a numerous tmite. Prior to leaving the Vice Regal Lake His “Meaty presented colors to the Royal Hibernian Military School. Receive-d by the Mayor. Baden cnblt‘: The French Betta. tor. and deputies representing the International arbitration group. ac- companied by a number of British manners of Parliament. were tor- mily moi-had today by Lord Mayor Samuel and the Lady Mayo-mas. at the Hanson Home. The Lord Mayor ond Baron D'Fugtournerllmr de Con- uant, leader or the visiting delega- tion, made speeches during which they reiterated and emphasized the duke for continued international The Silent Form. I Victor Ca'vendish. Meme!“ ot tar on a catafalque. ton feet high. the ”Onseho'd- replying for the no that all (0.111 mu) it. The body was Clos' ornment. said there was no nightly inciitred with the head precedent, but the question of op- IC . A _ '" . . l , in the h'alf-masting of the natpr raised and facing tln phasing throng. der g . . . The visagc had a chalky whiteness on the public buildings was under and nprrared to be unnaturally; constderatlom drivellud. It was robed in the full ' l ' -- vestmpnts as the Roman public knew I For the Concu'eo Che Poutirr in lite. Around the bier ', . , . burned thiru-en high candles. rv".itehc,s,,tcgusrei/tiur,:iy J1,et ons each sihr stood the noble guards, mittee consisting of Cathinals Ca.- motloulnss. Fulthor back were kneel-,Mu inch] and Del la Volpe, was log Pritr'ls “M acoVtes sottV in- appointed to supervise all the ar- toning lnwmlions. C'ill,'e'i'ii'ii,'ftd in connection with the Cau't iouctt the Rody. mom-lave. Ttwo doctors, Lapponl The erow,1 pushed agnimt the ir.. and Pelagnllo. a gurzeon, Prof. an. trellis wlnclt rr'paratrs the chapel angina, .m a. druggiut, were up- front tho mull; port on or the church. pointed to attend the cardinnll while but this“ who nxpcctml to kiss the they are shut out. Nimrod {M “We disappointed. all Finally the culdinnla appointed a. priests r.ad adopted procautioaarr _ committee to receive the case con- Ileaaurcs. so that the lower ex- I talmng the Papal treasure trom the hemmed vi tho body were half a l congregation of briefs. whom work Hard bark off tho iron grating. {is suspended until a new Pope is All ranks nr.l stations or lite were elected. and to receive the Papal 'vpreaentel in the faces which were seals trom the Apostolic Chan- w‘rsucd a"vL'iittt't't the trellis. anv 5 (seller. Dublin cable: King Edward to-. by renewed 15.000 troops and 6,000 an pt the Naval Brigade 1n Phoenix} Park. When the park was packer]; " tons of thousand! of spectator; it made one of the most brilliant; new witneswzl since Their Majes- l "ttr' arrival ln Dublin. I THOUSANDS VIEW BODY OF THE DEAD PONTIFF. It way the largest muster of troops "at seen at a review in Ireland. The Duke of Connaugm was in command. Within tho church temporary rall- Ings had bten erected to keep the [sop-1e H. line wading directly to the All ranks an) stations dt lite were "-preaented in the faces which were w‘rssod agniltst the trellis. Many were working yoplp. elsewlwre were group of convent girls. under thev‘carv of mine, and ot school how bladed by pit-bo. Crowds continued to bass brfnru the bier throughout the morning. The Requiem Mm. Att 9 o'c'ook a. m. A solemn ponti- neat "warm mass was celebrated in St. Peter's for the repose of the r(ml ot Loo Kill. The crowd was kept. constantly moving within two wooden barrtrrv.ahat other en- thncm were provided for than de- dnring to assist at the mass. Several Mud: of people were present. although in so Hut 3 march. oa- ”bio of containing many thousands. Pry app-area to be a more land- 'ii,'.",,',', LO "ttslr" ac “m mrt8.9. several l Cardinals to Send Note to Diplomatic housnnds of promo wnro present , “though in GO vatrt tt church, 03-” Body on tho Sulfject. Pablo of eoutainimt many thousands. Rome. July 2T.-Additional Inter- they app-arm to be a mere hand- est attaches to to-day's meeting ot In]. _ the congregation of Cardinals. where Cardinal Onglh. a proposition you: pEcaenteI: b: fht Dean of we Sacred College feels mum Dunn can vino o o worn out owing to his 'iuriiiCldiiiiaatiir, body accredlted to the lowed exertions. as. lite as a can"- Holy Mem mr the_-pprpose of '3yht nl was one of uninterrupted sonn- uunng to the power- the tttttttttttttte " is being remarked that Cardinal Oregila's 'responsibilities has soften-- ed his austerity. and that he is di- renting affairs with firmness, but without harshness, showing the cardinals every consideration and giving constant proof of equanimity. aisles ot the basilica and stood two deep in front of the body it- self. until the whole church assum- ed an aspect almost more military than religious. lty. and he now practically bears the entire burden of the Church and also the minute details of'the prepara- tions for tho dbsequies and the conclave. Notwithstanding this, he opened this morning's meeting ot congregation or cardinals. The num- ber of those present to-day was augmented by the presence of two new arrivals, Cardinal Domenico Svampa. Archbishop of Bologna, and Cardinal Giulio Bmretri, Arch,. bishop or Ferrara. The former was mpecially warmly welcomed by his colleague, as being one ot the most prominent members of the Sacred College. and became he he mentioned among those most likely to succeed Pope Leo. At this morning's meeting ot the Congregation ot Cardinals. a com- mittee. consisting or Caminuls Ca- mli. Machi and Del la Volpe, was appointed to supervise all the ar- rangementa in connection with the conclave. Two doctors. Lapponi and Pelagnllo. a surgeon. Prof. Ungluti. and a druggiat, were ap- pointed to attend the cardinal' while they are shut out. _ _ _ 'Ilho event. Which was unprece- dented. created widespread com- ment. The presence of the soldiers was generally interpreted to mean another step towards a trap proehcanent between the Church and State, as heretofore the Vat- tcan has always maintained a suf- ficient (ox-co of soldiers to Insure order within its own territory.und the inference is drawn that the Vatican and the Government have come to an agreement that Ital- lan troops man during the life time of the next Pope, be employ- ed in and about FA. Peter‘s to pre- serve order during great ceremon- Les. _ “evolutionists Active. Constantinople, Jul; ',t-lho in. creasing activity of the revolution- uta in Macedonia. and the difficul- ties encountered by the Turkiah troops, are producing an unpleas- ant etteet in olficial quarters, and apprehension in diplomatic circles. where " is believed the existing situ- ation will lead to fresh demands on the part ot the powers. including the establishment or erncaciot" Euro, pean control. Even the Austrian and Russians now admit that the re. form scheme is inadequate. A “uphill!" Loan. St. Pertertrbarg, July 2r.--lt issaid that Russia has arranged with French capitalists tor a loan of 826,000,000. An extraordinarv significant cle- ment was introduced later in the morning be Italian soldiers enter- ing the church tor the maintenance ot order. in full uniform, wearing Meir cams and side arms. Ther lined the aisles of the basilica. During the hot hours ot the dar the crowd at St. Peter‘s decreased. and little dimcmw was experience-J in viewing the body. London, July 27.--mhe Times an. nounces that it has Information that A Von Pieiw. Russian M nister of the Interior. in receiving a Jewish depu- tation from (Nessa. threatened It th- anti-Governm nt agiati n con- tinued. to adopt extreme measures to rid Russia of the Jews by facili- tating their immigration. excluding them from the schools. and making it impossible for them to live in the empire, Victor Cavendish. Treasurer ot the Household. replying for the Government. said there was no precedent. but the question of or- dering the 1ralf-matrting of the flags on the public buildings was under consideration; In the British Commons. London cable: The first men- tron m uh- Mouse oi Commons of the Pope's death' occurred this " ternoon. when William Redmond, Ir. lah Nationalist. asked it the taut on this Vlctoria lower, Westmin- ster, and those on the public build. lugs would be hatrmaiited out of respect to the late Pope. - {Membhip and the conclusion ot a treaty of arbitration. SEEK TEMPORAL POWER. Would Drive Out Jews. Paterson, N. J,, July 2r.--Mayor John mnchliffe to-dav called to-l gether the 1mm: citizens to de-I “at: ways and means of relief tor the? , people stricken br the tornado. Two; I thousand men were set to work to-! 'da: by clearing away the wreck-i "Our ally, Japan," he said, “is be- coming uneasy at the prolongation of the occupation of Manehuria, and we are equally anxious for some kind of a settlement. There are certain elements out of which an agree- ment ought to be possible, and if Russia is prepared to give due weight to our treaty rights and commercial interests she will mot find us irreconcilable to the com- promise.” “ . Besides alluding to the Czar as a despot, Lord Cranborne made refer- ence to France. and John Redmond tried to make it appear that the Brit- lsh Government had suffered a re- butt in its representations to France In behalf of expelled monks. In re- plying, Lord Cranborne mid that he was not surprised at Mr. Ilodmond's remarks, and that he must agree with him in deploring w' at had oc- curred. “Such a measv as the n.5- aoclatlona haw," he said, "eoald nev- er have been passed in England, and we cannot be surprised, if one may say so ot a great neighboring na- tion, that France should think it necessary to lntrodnce such alaw." The Under Foreign SecretaryLord Cranborne, in reply, said that Brit.. [sit trade in China was still increas- ing at a satisfactory rate, and he was confident ot securing a full share of railway and other valunbiv. concessions. The Government. he said, was fully aware of the situation in Munchuria. The great difficulty up to the present time in negotiate Ing with Russia. was that Great Brit.. ain had never yet been able to ms- certain exactly what the Russian Government wanted, and the fact re- mained that Manehuvia was still oc- cupied. Russia’s failure to fulfil her undertaking, he said. was autis- luctory neither to Great Britain, Japan nor the United States. London, July 27.-Crovernmenthr foreign policy was criticised in the Commons ttr-night. Joseph Walton, Replying to Sir Charles Dilke. the Under-Secretary tor Foreign Affairs denied that Great Britain! Was'get- ting the worst of iLin Manchuri-a. where, he said, Great Britain re- oognited the open-door policy. Re.. ferring to the Canadian tariff ques- tion, Lord Cranborno said they must put their own colonies first and an and must be put mt once to tits! ditr.. abilities under which they suffered. What a Scientist Found on Entering the Studio ot an Inventor. a, Liberal, who strongly favors an cxtenalon ot nrltlsh trade by means ot colonial development, accused the Government of a. ,succession of hu- miliating surrenders in. Chlnn. -He Lord Cranborne's remarks were the subject of special comment be- cause of the presence In London of the French arbitrationitrttr. ot the Funny elnce the loan of its temporal power and the trader ot the Italian Government .to Belle. Free: what leak. out " appear! that the proposition provoked oonlldep able dim-ion. Cardinal- steam- her. Kathie-1 and Vive- , Toto fav- oring tp deepatch of a gout ener- getic note concernin- the queetlon of reclaiming the Papal rights. Car- dinal: Agiiardi and t%raritao Vanna- telii advocated th milder tone. The maprlty ot the 'rongreeationsde- cided to put-cue a. Middle course, and entrusted Monsignor Merry Del Val with the duty of drawing up the document tor submission to another meeting ot the Congregation. [leaves All to Church. The will of the dead Pope wan opened at to-day" meeting of the cirngregation of cardinals. It con- sists of M pages in the handwriting of Leo XIII., and leaves all his pro- At Prolongation of Occupation of Manchuria. BRITAIN’S COURSE CRITICIZED Titmnts. July 27.--Dr. Fllllpow. the editor and pubilsher of a Russian sci- entific review, died suddenly a few days ago from an accident in his lab- The day before his death he had sent a letter to the editor of an im- portant Moscow. daily paper stating that he had tor years been engaged In trying to discover some substance or power whlch should make war tot- tsMimpotriittie, and had succeeded in rimtimir a substance by which It was possible to control the working of an ali' th; time had arrived for tac- ing the situation in M'.mchuria and New, Chwang. _ A; . - . orktorr, .The prevailing impression of those who to-das passed before the iron gates of the chapel ot the sacrament to View. the remains was one of in- tense plty, combined with a certain THREE DEAD, I00 INJURED. petty to his successor tor the use ot the church. To each member oi hie family he leaveu a. present. to be chosen from the valuable objects in his apartments. Similar presents are bequeathed to his physiclans. The total amount of his property is not yet known. . " , sense ist horror. Paterson, N. J., Cyclone left. Fifty Families Homeless. age. Summoning up the tornndo‘s terrible work, Paterson today. counts 3 dead. 100 injured, 50 lam- mes homéless. and a property 101-) estimated “$200,000. The tornado tom through a mtlon no (out 'gilt MU JAPAN UNEISY " A BURIED SECRET. 'ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Hum Etna back or his head out on by a: London. July 27.4mm Cabinet um. Jalling roof. lvetoed the proposed visit ot Field- I um. Mary Nevin, " years old, died Marshal Earl Roberts to the United 3 from fright. ismtea next mu. This decision was i About 25 persons are under treat-itaken reluctantly. hut owing. it is immanent the hospital. It is expected‘ mated. to urgent questions nint- iail will recover. John Satanic". a In; to unify worms and the con- jateo'l worker in the Pascale Mug Inigo in thttttaiitand, the Government "ttnr works. woe inbred. but; out regarded the commander-ln-chier'a {about the may and lace. t . ”no." England“ indispensable. Mr. H. G. McIntyre, foreman of the Canadian Northvrn bridge gang at Saskatoon, was accid.cntalU. killed last night by the tall of a heavy piece of frame work. He came west from Ailm Craig. J. J. Hill and Thomas Lowry havo bought all ttr. th ck w in coal lands in in southern Illinois. In the House of Commons yester- day, Premier Balfour, in the absence of Irish secretary Wyndham, moved tho third reading of the Irish Land Bill. The bill rtuieod the third reading by 817 to 20. t _ The non-licensed snoon in English, Ind., termed the "bl nd tiger," con- ducted by Owen Gurkor at Marietta. was destroyed by dynamite early yas'terdny morning. License was m- rmd by popular vote. , t ' y Mr. H. C. McIntyro, foreman of a Canadian Northrrn Bridge gang at rstttihuuoon, was accidentally killed. Some workmen engaged in digging an nxcavation at the rear of the old Scott block. Woodstock, yesterday mmnlng, found the skeleton of a hu- man body. It is, bcliesed to be either the remains or a red man or the bones ot a subject buried by some medical students. ' Section or Libero! Upton“. Decide. toForm One. London. July 2T.-A meeting ota section ot Liberal-Unionists. which was held to-day. tor this pin-pone of forming a, term retorm league. has deepened the cleavage ot the supporters ot the Government. At this, conference, which was presid- ed over by the Duke of Sutherland, a. resolution was passed to the et. lect that tariff reform was neces~ sary tor the consolidation of the Empire. This action was tnken.des- pite the declaration of the Duke of Devonshlre, leader ot the Conser- vative party in the House of Lords. against any departure from free trade, and his statement that the question was primarily one of British Internal yolhtics. and only a secondary one for the colonies. Tho Duke of Marlborough has been appointed Under Secretary of State for the Colonies. At a spacial meeting yesterday the Toronto Presbytery sustained the call of Rev. Louis Parr"). of George- town, to Wroxoter Church. He will take his new charge on Aug. 1. LEAGUE FOR TARIFF REFORM Thomas Ball, the Aurora burglar, {longed guilty and was remanded for sentence. Mrs. Ellm McKee. the Irish Post- mlstrcss arrested at Windsor, admits robbing the Government, and was taken to Ottawa. where “he will be handed over to a detective from the old country. . Tito new Toronto University bzlht- ings for physiology, pathology. mail- eine and surgery are now being 1-m- pnrod tor occupation next month by tho various departments concerned, and the formal owning, for which ar- rangements are being made, will take .plnco on Oct. 1. _ Instrument Replace. the Usual Sign. is and Warns Driven. Vienna. July St-Between Tabor and Bechin, in Bohemia, tho first electric railway in the Austrian em- pire has been opened. The line is fifteen miles long, and the maximum speed obtained is nineteen miles an hour. Each train consists of two cars. and is capable of carrying thirty-six tons of goods and forty passengers. The interesting feature of this railway is that a telephone replaces the usual signals, and by this means the driver can ascertain if the line is clear. Each car carries a. portable instrument of the ‘sim- pleat construction, and passengers can also miUre use of the telephone. Rev. Louis Perrin, of Georgetown, has been called to Wroseter Presby- terian Church. Billings. Mont., July 27. - Word comes from Columbus of a heavy loss sustained by a sheepman named Grimes. Poison was scattered on the range where Grimes' sheep were herded. Orer 1,00!) head are knwwtn to have died. Another shaman In mid to have lost over 800 head. TELfiPtt0MN0 FROM TRAINS. Mgr. Merry Del Val will be nomin- Mod Cardinal by the new Pope. C. P. R. carmun have arranged a new schedule of pay with the com- pany. i! NEWS IN BRIEF il Go.esoesoo.essesoo.d Hon. John Dryden. Minister or Ag. riculturo, has receivud a. report from tho Experimental Farm at Wnbigoon, in which it is stated that the crops are a. partial failure, the reason for tho failure being the luck or rain. Only one good fall of rain has been reported since spring. expulsion at athanca ot may thow nmb ot Inna. The editor on therreceipt of thin latter mt to the Inhomtory ot the column. Intending to try to obtain some further ttartiouiaro tron him, bat to his horror he found him lying dead on the floor. Mr. A. G. McKay, M. P. P., is much Improved in health. wide, from the southwest to the northeast of the city. - Joseph Tandam, "20 years old, was crushed to death under a fall- 1nsrbpildlmr. - _ -- _ - Richard Aaneoee, 8 years old, had the back of his head cut on by a talfutroot. __ _ -- -- .-. _ """""'s"'es"s""T Lost 1.000 Sheep by Poison. a Winnipeg report save: An at. tempt was made yesterday morning, about 1.45 o'clock, to tn1rgtarise the Canadian Bunk ot Commerce at Car- man. Met E. B. K. Watson, assistant clerk, sleeps in the bank on a stretcher on the manager's office. He was awakened by the opening of a trip door communicating with the cellar, and grabbing his revolver hur- ried to the accounting room in time to see a man raise the trap. Watson fired at the intruder, and the bullet struck the floor, a little to one side. The burglar returned the tire, but fortunately missed his mark. - FIGHT WITH l Mli1lll, Attempt to Rob Bank of Com- merce at Carman, Man, WAS REGARDLESS 0F BULLETS Watson next raisid the trap and started down the cellar stage for his man, when he was again B ot at try the desperado, but again came oit without harm. Without considering his danger he still advanced in the direction ot the retreating burglar, and got two more rhots at him as he made his escape by an outside stair from the cellar, but again missed him. Mr. Butter, of tho Eloctrlc Light Company, heard the shots, and was in time to see three men 'jump into a. rig a few blocks ewgt of the bank and make off south. The affair has startled business men humus so tar Uarman has' been tree trom burglars. Governor- (ioneral‘s Foot Guards Receive Costly Presents. 0tta.wn.Juiy 27.-Tl.to officers of the Governor-Generai’e Foot Guards are the recipients of a very hand- some 15m from the officers of the 10th ationul Guard of Albany.who visited Ottawa last September. The gift is an appreciation of the en- tertainment and reception given the 10th National Guard in Ottawa. It consists of a decanter. punch-bowl and three dozen glasses. all of the richest cut gins. On each piece the emblem of the ci.-0.-F.a. is on one side. and the emblem of the 10th National Guard is on the other. The officers sent a. reply to their AI- beny friends. expressing their sin- cerest appreciatio. of this 'tEIL',",,','; and coetly;_gift. - 0VERCOME BY FUSEL (hi, SAILORS NEARLY KilllSll. They Struggle Desperately With l Police Who Came to Their Rescue. New York July ar..-dlraaeti1 by the tune. of fuel oil which permeated the hold of the steamer “route. of the Wilcon Line from Hull.'helt a down collars and 'lontmhomrrrt"h who were unloading her cargo. tought with their would-he renown. the police and ambulance surgeons and tried to jump overboard at Pier 50, North River, hurt night. After an hour's struggle. six men were taken to a hospital in ambulancea. Twenty men were working in the hold when the caste of fuse! all be- lng hoisted to the main deck. tell and burst. Boon the fumes began to ultect the sailors and Wong-horo- men and they all hurried to the deck. MASQUERADED AS l MAN FOR Bliili'f YEARS. on the mercy ot the jury with a plea, always strong in the South, that Ray had been too intimate with Gatliu’s wife and he had assaulted him on that account. Now Orleans. July 27.-A criminal trial revealed the sex ot Miss Willis Rag, the young woman who succeed- ed in passing hersell off tor a, man in Prentiss county. Mist. tor eight years. Jim Catlin, a farmer of the nritrhtrorhood, was arrested and placed on trial tor assault and bat- tery on William Ray. The testi- mony was conclusive. Ray's eyes were blackened and his face badly cut. h verdict ot guilty seemed probable when atytirrt threw hiniself Ray was not nonplussed. but met the charge by declaring and prov- ing that he was a woman. Gatlin watt bound over to the circuit court under bond. _Miss Ray ll giving the Boonville authorities much annoy- ance by insisting on going back to trousers. After her appearance In the Gatun case she was arrested. The trophy represents a Gordon Highlander giving a drink of water to a Canadian. The House applauded loudly when it was brought In. New York Central Clerks Arrested for Breaking Into Cars. Robert‘s Trip Vented. S0L0IERS' GIFT. ! The can broken open were the name one: which were plunged by car-thieves during the night at n ~point between the city line and j Sunburn. Smugzle Saws to Burglar-s Who Break W0 “AN ASSISTS PRISONERS. 0ER0NlM0,lNOlAN METHODIST Fort Bill, I. T., July L'r.-ihsrortitm. and a dozen of his Apache warrior: have billed the Methodist Church. having been baptized in the present). ot a large crowd of Indians and whites. With the Comanehea 'det on one side ot tho tabernacle the Apaches on the other, each tribe, with its interpreter standing in tho foremouud, repeated the words of the preacher. At the clam or the sermon Geronimo and twelve pt his warriors, prisoners at Fort Sill. wen forward and asked to he received into the church. In the afternoon the baptismal ceremonies occurred. Jollltslly. Chicago. July '..'.7.--Dcttnit, and Lat. imerei said by the police to be two of the most expert sale blower! and bank robber: in the country, both ot whom live In Chicago, ee caped from jail at Waukeaha. Wig. last night, through the clevernes. of three women. it is believed. The Jail delivery was planned m Cnir cage some years ago. and the lo cal police had full information in regard to the plot. The authorities at Waukoshn were notified. and later were informed that the wo- men had started tor Waukesha with saws and necessary tools. [De-pita this the Chicago women outwitUd the sheriff and the escape wu ex» eculed without a hitch. Famous Chief and Twelve Warrior. Bapuud Whtte Prisoners. Beer Oreo-Inc C-t. 'Iioronto report: Fully 5.000 peo- ple attended the second annual Mani. of the Amalgamated Meat (Sutton and Butcher Workmen of horth AmeriearLo2at Union No. 188. of To ronto, which was held yesterday at Exhibition Park. There was plot“, to amuse and instruct. Six bullocka and five lambs were killed and drew ed during the afternoon. and tho moat export workmen of this city and Buffalo showed what they eouif do and how quickly they could do It- The content was between Walter Dennhon. of the Harris Mnttoir. and William Glass. of Buffalo. champion of the United States. Mr. Glass hold. the medal which he won at Roche.- ter on Aug. G, 189% His best tin. is 4.44. Glass yenterday dressed hi- bullock in G minutes and 39 1-4 coo- ondn. and secured 109 points. Doo- nioon's time was 5.55. and " point- won 101. . ' l but there is no law in Illa-lecippl forbidding a Woman from me.- quemding an a mu. She we: re» leased. Six Railway Clerks Arrested. Niagara Falls. July 27.--Laqt night Detectives Magwood and Lapoint, ot the New York Central, assisted try local omecrm arrested six clerks in tho e'nlpfoy of the New York Con- tral, on a charge ot burglary. Thos- under arrest are William Zitnor. w. P. Powers, Ernest Strange. J. nook- !icld, Edward Hanan and one other whose name cannot be obtained. They were in the employ ot the New York Central as night clerk- at' the north end freight hon-e. and this morning, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, it in darted they broke open several freight can. and removed a large quantity of mer- elttutrlitre, which they carried to their homes. . “I. all!!!“ -.ulcl. --'"_ --.2 7777‘ “an Lox. John Imamm EAKC , and Thoma.- Panama. Inner and my coon tanned one. The: were brought up on deck and appeared to revive. but . (than mlrlt seemed to cells nun-r Ind ho had to be tied. while Ray Tele Johannesburg. July 21. - General Bothahr attack on Lord Milner at Cape 'Down may be explnhled by tho tart that the latter m too llfoll. to be deluded Into [ranting clu- 'trs,','",,,',',,' Boers at varlanoo t t emulglng peace term General Datum. aim la undoubted- ly to nae all pou‘blu- mean- to em- ploy tho undlvlded strength of tho Boers ln combating Britldh senti- ment» throughout the qhusoqmat. thi- seeking to create a lever-ago for party mm. Captain Whitten called the with: teen to so down into the hold and take up the on. all: no. voluntoolb ed. annual Miller, Thee. 1traftlle to Jump overboard. Dr. [should and the men had been .0 “beta! by the fume- that they might as well be claued as victim“ of dent-lull tremeni. The otherl IM‘. danced. laughed. cried and touetttctoestttere making Inch a, racket that ngmt crowd began to rather. The polio. had to disperse It. “baryon longs a lover" may look well In print, but In everyday We loun- urn veritable nuisances to than doomed to wanna their at. Generat Bot an Aim . [;'i:,'i'i"i , if " i u, l m a! W fish's crushed " t ‘0 only hull comp He started. and t " [too tor n mo "It In the leueH “Id. boar-en. w She made a mud Mo smiled bitter) “13mm" he and would take " "0:3 of It , How little our: by rittht, u: Econ” it. t ,wilf {my “a scarcely con woo dun; _ ' 8h. made . move her an: went out 1 t. In her "and. . ntnxd'! You me! Member that 1 to let me he Fo, ”he influpnce WI' -ho than tully memes“ nu halt. not youre .30. don't cry. I can hear to l you give way lt take my arm. I Elaine." no heat over h round her to rah For a moment to him. to his A are. " well do broke trout Iv “can“. rose 4 [noted at him , in " eyes of I munch And wo the moment tw v (waded douhttull) Doomed l 0y.- out but In If to horse" put out I: on. to. than radical: the. the st . res: He took It "Do not In "qtembcr t you are no my a word you. not on uplmirs ; .w She turned repubti Boned Arr s {all In: dark " ateeee El] an": axon " w " istt " WI but opt-d whoa sin qteps' w: toot or t Manual Ch. turn .rtattod And. " (will its] I tig for . loner (Lt-l hr u mull but hot that H Mat MA “I. no till: this 11m. vital man-n I: h; the ho t in mm -1. Ty. may an"! “ten saw. a “with! of tlt and. and a om! Batsy “A be In“ He saw lo 105 Mint arr "My N erI an H). l - I“ and tho: Before Um I hr emerge" 'ree,' relie summon, “titer 1mm giroslt".rtp' an! [beta but ed h In. bet-n "cry way " _ Tat" III Mink: c - good Lo 8 - upward: m or point? Bttid by mail to Dr. W mantle we H " The Wins" Em M , Hi the m It" tt mo" " Ali" we n Black H

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