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Durham Review (1897), 6 Aug 1903, p. 1

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no.” , WE PRINT . WEDDING 37017038 and - i ply Stationery at Runnable Rates. For Samplu, Prices and Style: to select from, Call at the REVIEW OFFICE Phone No. 6 VOL. 13m " 'Ama Holden (k, Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. all OUR DISPLAY OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE Rubbers THE POPULAR CASH STORE. . NO. 32 '01 eve/mic. tttttit : ' r. lg ‘ IMPROVEMENT Ntermtm.--out. Board _ of Works. busy enough already no Idoubt. will have to he busier and pay _ some attention to the approaches to the Gamfraxu. St bridge. These are in bad shape, and to safeguard the bridge Itself , fast driving over it should he rigidly prohihited by placard or otherwise. At the same time some attention should be paid to the tine crop of burdocks. kc. on the streets. - - “I W, Va vol-Ave, "a" . m 'm been elected Pope. A surprise. lay, on "3?: Tme DUNDALK Fmte.--We mentioned this last week bl ief1r. The Bre started about 9 n. m. among Home lace curtain' in the display window of McFarlnnd and Richards store. and spread with such rapidity as almost to endanger life. The village has no fire protection system and individual losses are heavy. Mr. McIntyre. of the Herald. who Ute. ly installed new type and presses loot everything hat his lodgers. Hie otBee Was boosted above McFarland store and the {all of the heavy press smashed the sole of the tirm and ruined all. The Herald was issued hut week from the Mondale Sundsrd once and the pro- prietor with commendnhle - prom- immbe again: In two wet-kn. His inenrunee doeen’t. mount to belt his lone. The burned block belonged to B. Bell and on it he has insurance of Manly. i WESTERN Cmopte.--whiie some parts lot Manitoba complain oflight crops. 3 letter we xeceived this week from Mr. Thos. Caldwell. late of Orehttrdville, itspeaktsitt buoyant terms of crops near lDuuphin. prospectors in wheat saying Eit mu among the best in the Province. ‘1' In Dakota. it is reported some crops are §being plowed down, the grain being istoort. 'NURHAM PLAYS IN HANOVER.-- Fri- day this week. our Lacrosse team plays off with Owen Sound In Hanover. Ball will be faced at. 3.30 p. m., and Brown Jackson. of Seaforth. will be referee. The teams have played together twice, each winning one game, and this being the decisive match. it in important that Durham should win. Therefore rush to Hanover Friday ye Durhamitu and cheer your sons to victory. A Martin. t2osm.--aund" last Mrs. John Patterson. Upper Town. passed away. aftern painful illness mused by a. stomach affection. She with husband and daughter. just recently became residents of Durham, coming here from Nonagh neighborhood in Normanby. where they were held in high respect. Deceased was an mtimsble lady and leaves to mourn her sincerely. husband. two daughters and one Ion. l We hear rumors of a Garden Party 1 at Hampden school grounds on Friday. 17th inst. A good program will he provided and all are cordially invited. Lunch will he served from 7 to 9. “THE HEDGES" FOR, Barm.--owing to the closing up of the. estate "The Hedges," the residence of the lite J. H, Hunter. M. P. P., is offered for sale. For price and particulars apply on the premises. Terms easy. FOR NAtm.--The property of the J. H. Hunter Estate. commonly known as the "Old REVIEW.” one door north of Mr. R. McFarlane's residence. For price and particulars apply to Man. J. B. HUNTER. Fon 35 theN'rte..--The REVIEW will he sent. to Jan. I, 1904. to any address in Canada. United States or (heat Britain. Send it to your friend. 81 a your, and cheap clubbing rates with Globe. Mail & Emp. Witness. Mon Star. Tor Star. &c DURHAM, THURSDAY. /9?1P_1?Hrr, 1903. RIPPED A 'nrvMrr.--W. Glass in the Furniture Factory. Tuesday. allowed his hand to come in contact with a. rip saw and made a had gush up the hack of his thumb. A church garden party at. Dundulk to- day has a specie! attraction: Mr, R. R. Gamer, M. P. P. Ben Nevis Camp meets Friday of thin week and expectations are abroad of meeting with Priceville brethren. FOR, SALE AT A tucrtrrtcat.--A 100 acre farm in Bentmck. Apply to MACKAY & Dtrss. Mr. B. A. Ridednle. shoemaker. has moved from his anhton St stand to the Daniel’s residence opposite the Ge- ment omces. - 2 --Cardina19srto, Act Vgnico, has REV!" balance of the year for S6eta to new subscribers. Money to Loan at. 41 per cent. MAcKAY a DUNN. Durham. Bow waNtren.-At once, to lam moulding. Apply " the Durham Foundry. rdtiii.,! a 553% tit tiitriiliijit). I. 3i? FARM FOR SALE. 2fidt 1ue 3:13: "Mn"t'lllu't 'ii'rdth'uf, of trpo.d, MM&_.1‘EPLE’1 t!.e.e!Lt,t,E lar, ‘ww. vaku ..-.- -iiir""airiaroTi walla. yufl8, I. ot 1t'lttN', all. m Holstein. mammals. Intercom PWIE'PL'SLEE s?ttet?thtette..tr Total 2nd Innings---Grtrrs. Pickering. c Mockler. h Theobald {Livingstom c Theobald. h Elyidge 'Lauder. run oat ‘McDougall. c Holt. b Theobald . Kelsey. c McIntyre, h Theobald EBurnetL, h Theolmid ,' Darling. h The ohald Drysdale. c Elvidge, b Elvidge lGrahnm. run out I Dunn, h Holt Hunter, not out 1 Extra. Kelsey, c Theobald. b Robertson Hutton, h Theobald Lauder. c Ludlow. h Theobnld Holt, h Theobald Barrm, b Theohuld Vollett, h Theohaid Dry-dale. h Theohuld Elvidge. c Ludlow,. h Theobsld I A Glass. b Grant Dr McDonald. h Grant T Lauder, not out Extra . SINGLE. F. Hinds. c Lander, b Lauder Ludlow, b Lauder C. Keeler. c Lauder, b Lauder Dunn. h Holt Theobald, b Lnuder Cochrane, b Lauder J. Robertson. h Holt. F Grunt. e Lauder, b Lauder Burnett, not out L McDonald, b Lauder Crawford, t. Holt Bum Total M Another match. Tuesday. between married and single. gave the married men room to boast as under. Durham plays in Owen Bound on the 14th. Vollett, 'h McDougall Rolph. run out Extras McDonald. h Lauder Ludlow, h McDougall Hinds. 0 Graham. h Lauder Holt, " Lauder Theobald. h Lauder McIntyre, not out Dinsmore. c Graham. b Lauder Elvidfe. c Dunn, b McDougnll Magi: er, b Leader -- l Mockler. h Lauder iHmds. c Pickering. h Lauder M,ft,'r: l, Lauder Vollett, h Lauder .Mclntyre. c. Ptqkering. h Pickering t Dinraiore. c Guiana. h Lauder "3olph, run out i Dr McDonald. not out 1 Extras Elvidge. h Lauder '??tey.itudeyer?otwu1, h Lauder McDougall, c Elvidge, h Theobald Pickering. C Ludlow, b Elvidge Burnett, c Holt, h Elvidge Lauder. h Theobald Dunn. c Elvidge, In Theobald Kelsey. c Hoi, h Elvidge Graham. c Dinsmore. h Theobald Livingstone. run out Drasdnle. run out J. . Hunter. h Elvidge J Darling, nor, out Extras "plt, hit wicket Saturday Inst the. cricketers herein their enthusiasm Rot up a. friendly match between the Grits and the Tories. The result. gave the Gr": " major“ so comfortable that Hon. Premier LII', might he envious. The score in full he- low tells the tale: I A mule royal took ghee on Satuhdny ,evening last at the how Ground-he- [ tween two football teams drawn entire. 53v from the Cement Works and I intingpished to shove: Nothing quite The Dusters: John Watt. Uh. Saun- ders, Fr. Havens, Wes. Storrey. Harry Aldred. Jams McDonald. Tho: Lauder. Jackund Art Whittaker, Wm Moun- tain. them Pawson. The Clinkers: Tim Moran. Allen MoFarlane. Arnold Noble. Rich Dee. Geo Morton, Rom Turn". Wm. Robertson. Jack Murdock, Silver Jack, Uh. Layelle, Norman Turner, Peter Mathemn. R. Turner was ttoat keeper toe the Chokers. Thon. Lauder. chunplon phy- or of Omaha. for the doctors. Silver Jack, half hack for the Clinken. put up a hard thdtt, hut in, In: the opinion of moat that the Duster: made the beet play and would have moral often hut tor an excellent itoat keeper. The two redouhtahle captains were: Dusters. John Watt: Chokers. Thm Moran. They play " again on Sntlnday. at 7 p. tu., and anyone who wants to see vigorous sport and the phunniest plum should not. miss it. so Rood we are muted was ever GGG In foothalt circles. fot . number on both sides, never having fainted at the FI,',',',: made tho fun as! and furious, here were circles, loops, lune. and aotnomults in the frantic efforts to score. somethlnr neither side dld,for that is the men t when on irnoiotihlo force comes against an immovable body. THE DUSTERS AND THE CLINKERS. Atutte Tral tttok place off Satupdpy Total Total Total Total lst 1nntngs.--Gruas. MARRIED. CRICKET. Tomas. Tom BB. I dhratdant"l'tlltr once' hrrc. i " 10 10 l7 U ll' =,t; 'f, when ti m ads?“ tl ttt L; ltgrdon , $.er or 1 I 'h' 255233: m, and a. m BmePPARD--WArrtroN.-.-rrt Presbyterian Church, Durham. on August. “In, 1903. Mr. Arthur Sheppard. Toronto. to Miss Annie Wutson. daughter of Mr. Peter Watson. mrrr--Romutq---0" July ar, at the residence of the bride's mother. Dots noch, by the Rev W. Aitrheeon.Jossie thet,',' of the late T. A Robertson. to rederlc K. Heft. of Domoch. wrraotr.-McCnAtmttt--4ht Wedne-d y Aug. s. " the. meme. Durham. by the Rev. Wm Forguhnreon. Wm. Thomu Wilton to Elli. McCrscken. both of Glendfz. coomm-A3oortm--tht Wed.. July 'lttth, at the mouse. Durham. la Rev. Wm. quhnr-on. Stephen Cooper of ligament. to Mary Cooper. lucxoks. The advantage of pure sparkling water such as this need nothe dilated on. It is far in advance of wells in con- venience and in its sanitary features and we are pleased to see our council alive to the situation. PAtr-r.---At her madame. Upper Town. Durham. on Bandar. August 2:191. I“); Say: O'Dmtotrhut, jeloved CogammaR--rn Owen Bound, on July 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coleridge) a son. . MrmeLAN..-Un Hepworth. on July 29th. the wife of J. P. Whelan, a daughter. Lev-Ia when by Mr J P Teltord show that the Middaugh Home corner is only 26 ft 2mehes higher than the outlet. sud from the same corner to the " VIEW once corner is " feet. Thus it is plum lower town at least can hesup- plied with abundance of the purestof water and perhn the whole town by the use of a. 'i'i'ltrA','l. A petition to the Mayor Friduv last resulted in a Public Meeting being called and it was decided h resolution to meet with the Company ( gurhnm Gun and Oil Cbmpany) and ascertain detiniteiy about securing the right of the well for the town. The drillers since we hat referred to this well have struck two new and stronger springs. and what was sur rite mg before is now even more so. 1PM"; have been made and this new impulse sends the water up in pipes about " feet, and it is thought with more accur- ate tuttaree it will go even higher. The attempt toglug the well is a. matter of extreme di culty and ensures adrench- mg to the operators, ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO Our men are open for letters for or against the scheme. much infonuutmn Is wanted, hm to let an artesinn well slip. which yields it is estimated 600,000 gallons 3 day, would be suicidal in the extreme. “amped. by the council. the saving of insurance would be considerable. the dunier to health would he removed, and if t ls Opportunity should slip, the question may have to he faced again under circumstances not so udwm- lagoons. ( Shall We Have Waterworks , The larger question of water works. for the, whole town of course. is before tbs Mk. the opporgnlpy uhopld te, There seems every reason to lwlieve the Bow is permanent. The council should buy the well and take the neces- sary steps to secure themselves from dearer of tapping the well at future dril Inga. The necessity of rimming while the derrick is there necessitates speed, for the company can not be ex- pected to keep men here Idle. The two grent hettefittr, sanitar purity and the protection were deal); with by the many speakers. Inspector Campbell going very fully into several features, eqpeeituly pointing out. the nee-ally of cleaning out the dam the coudlticn of which is very diecreditahle. new“; to he proved that nmny lower town wells get their water from the river for since lowering it to get at bridge foundations. many have (one dry. If this he the case. our immunity from disease is very remarkable. Mr. J. P. Telford has given a good deal of attention to the matter and formed ttomeetrtitnates. 8811) he thinks won" supply lower town for domestic purposes. but for about. 8313000 the whole town could be supplied with this and the protection besides. TBe amnion in this: when about MI. depth was reached the first flow hound mu showed it reached only so above ground. Drilling went on nod t6 new impulse showed another spring. or pocket. and on reaching 300 foot the largest. gush of All hogan and bu continue-d ‘ever since. (on; now pminthhat it will use " feet any- la' he council on this discovery t . action and asked the company to Wu (billing further till they took 00ml with the ratepayers. The delay wuuked for [mouse it is possible min. erat water may he struck If continuum] further and the premmt purest of the pure be destroyed for domestic pur- :33 alibi;- iGtiekon. aged-53 years. At tcell',' meeting held in the Town Boll ondny night " the call of the Hiya. the situation created by the (llama?! the Ga and Oil Connpnny of In I. adult supply of waln- ww discussed and n. standing vote. y tumultuous. encouraged the who“ to purphatte the well, and pm- while tho derrick is the" to " Hm " It . tt inches diameter, 00 u to utilize It . domestic and tire protection pur- [mag ion in this t The Flowing Well Flows. THE GUSHING WELL. MARRIED. aatuudiaii .iifitaiiiiTiiiriih%ittiai tttt a Trl'g?ililk%Tutl1/ih"el'a'l,"= any of July. In. an ten-Au are. for lique- 1tu.yoe-ludupoeotteramirarttreantgttat, 'pdqrnr_etyeiortsyiraatroth-rGArSiiiTt' 'dtrl'2l'ft2l'll'lrl'g,'Mgrg'l'x." but!» “mm but. ordellveted to tumu- mention! ttt modem and ' ot the On Voters' Lin: Au. me ate taint!!! by m4 section: to he so Hun-ml or de iveged of the In. '."tNrti,tt2tdtif an. of an palm: man- by tnat redid Aw men: Moll mid humility to he andth commune-Mm ttrite-ttstar leer t8 we IfytetytAeritt!r. .... _.. pau- mm a on... mun-nay “July Over M Trimmed and Ready-to- wur Huts, regular price 31.00 to 03.150!) sale for...... ....... .. 754: Children's Accordinu Plaited Silk Hutt and Embroidered Silk Bon- nets reg. " & $2.75. selling for ...... ..35c, soc, 75c and 01.00 Ladies' Bonnets that were h.oo, and 03.75 selling for.... .... 11.50 soAPlain_Straw Shgpes tint were In order to make room for our Fall Stock we are compelled to tell out all the Summer Millinery and these are some of the bargains we are ofteriug, - $1.15 & $r.so selling tor only. 25c Beautiful Neck -Ribbon for. . . . ...'. 15c Laces & Appliques on Sale. Spool“ lug-in Day~SATURDAY. Voters’ Lists, 1903. MILLINERY [Rm 0mm emu Notice u hceby given that I have man-Med MISS DICK Municipal“, a! the TOWN OF DURH‘M. County ot Guy. MacFarlane & (h, Bruggints ' Buchanan. moans half its pleasures lost- KODAK " VACATION If your oeriptiem it Also Cakes. Boson“: and Confectionery. _, We study bread linking as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholerg..eg. It's I breed that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excel- lent loaf for a reasonable price Bay one before you go, and bring back recol- lections that will be a. pleasure later on. No dark room needed with a Kodak. $5 and up, Brownies, $1 and tiy. any amen. HIND BROS. Wright 's Old Stand. " without a Clerk 01 Damn. "

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