West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Aug 1903, p. 4

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'ith ta, Rush to Ctark's *aiisSome useful horses for sale. see, to test, to be convinced Balance of our Children's Duck Suits " a Big Reduction. 20 dor.. Ladies’ Cotton Hose, regular 15 cts, clearing them out for 10 cl: a pair. 10 Pieces of Bicycle Suiting 40 m wide, reg. ra yd for He Our Fatt Stock will Irnye in a low days Ind to nuke room for it we no cloning all our Summer Goods " big reduction. We quote you n few of our Bargain-a fBTIMBIWlft CLEARING M U SLIN S & DIMITIES That there isfno better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win. ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkervi11e ; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there's room for more a .77. War/oak. Cash and ' 932709. J. A War/oak yds. fine Muslim. regular " on per yd going " 9 on 6t Shnmburyl. reg. 20 * 25 at. par " at " ct; .. Dimiuea. M Inches wide reg. Ititt yd " Ile " Scotch Ginghsms, reg. 124e yd at 10 ct: John Clark aa; 'i'ih Mr. Geo. Woodtand. Toronto, was in town Friday but. - _ In. W. fatal“! left Monday to visit friends in Detroit. ’Miu mood, Paisley. is a. guest or Mrs, Frank Living-ton. Mr. Femuson Grant is home this week on " holi days. Mr. Geo. and Miss Lizzie Rein were over from Hanover Sunday. Mr. g no. Ehrhnrdt left on Tnoulay for Jackson. Mich., on business. Mm Mutton Elvidge leaves this week to visit friend. in Stntford. Rev.:G. M. Franklyn. Toronto, rep- resentative of the Canadian Churchnmn was in town last week in Its interests. Mr. Malcolm McPhee. Nenugh. was in town Mondayand attended the funera l of tho late Mrs. Patterson on Tuesday . Mr. Wm. Calder and Mr. F. Graham, left for Midland, on Monday, where the latter is about buying out. n. drug husi. nee. Miss. Mary Gordon is this week visi t- ing her grand parents in Harrington. Dr. M. u. Black. Paisley. has been appointed, Associate coroner of the County of Bruce. Mr. Jas. R. Gun, Toronto. visited relatives here before sttuting for the North West as a traveller for a Toronto firm. Mr. Dan. McDougall at the meeting of Bentinck Council in Durnoch on Monday, was appointed collector for the 27th time. Rev. Mr. 1i'mqsttutrsupp leaves to-day to spend several weeks' holiday in Kent Co. Mrs. W. D. Mills and children are hollguying at her old home in Allan Par . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mail agent the latter part ot last week with t eir daughter Mrs. McTavish in Proton. Mr. and Mrs. Thou. All“: left last week to vilit. Gunman friends. Mr. W. R. Rorytroutrh, Toronto. came to town F riday last to spend some of these bright. summen days round his old home. Mr. Geo. Sewenck and Mr. Henry Scwenck. brother and cousin respective- ly of Mrs. John Ehrttardt are spending a few days holiday with fliends here. Mrs. Duncan and little son. of Surnin, sister of Mrs. P. Watson and Mrs. And. Scout. is spending a month among rein.. tives here. The Provincial Inspec'or of Registry oiRce, watw'n tytu. Monday ‘on_ his rounds. His ofticia1 inweciipn here found e verything in first class shape. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Nichol left last Wednesday on n two weeks drivmg tour among friends in Walkerton. Pais- 19y. Port Elgin and other Bruce points. Mrs. John Ehrhardt. of Sandusky. Ohio. mother of Messrs John and Henry Ehrhurdt, is in Durham to spend a month or two with her sons and their families. Rev. Mr. Peter McLaren, Btrabane, will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit Sunday in Mr. Farquhtrtaonlt, absence. Sunday following Rev. Mr. Macdonald, father of the Dr. here, will ofBciate. Mrs. T. It. Whelan cmne home Sntur day last. after having spent thtee weeks visiting her daughter Mrs. Chas. Ur- quhart. Mt Albert. She also (agent some time at, Jacksonls Pomt and or- onto. Mr. Fred Leeson. Rose Lawn, Indi- ana. is at his home at Vavney at present spendmsr a holiday before returning to enter' upon an extended business in his adopted country. Fred has shown true Canadian enterprise since going there. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hurkness and baby. Mr. and Miss McDonald. of Teeswater. accompanied by Mrs. Ws mother. Mrs. T. C. Morton, who had been visiting there for the past three weeks. drove to Durham Saturday. returning Sunday. Mrs. Hnrkness remained to visit, her parents and other friends. Miss J. R. Fitzgihbon. Katonah. N. Y.. formerly of Nornmnhy, is a guest at. present with her old teacher. Me G. Ramagc, and IS calling on many old friends. She has been for a couple of weeks round Nenagh. in Nornmnby where she taught the years. Mina F. IS still teaching and has been very suc- cessful. Wmetteal smrPetttD--wATtuvs NUPTIALS. F2r,tit,r of this week one of those delightfu events which cause a flutter of joy to many hearts and deep delight end satisfaction to two took placeet the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Watson, Upper Town. The occasion was the marriage of their daughter Annie to Mr. Arthur Sheppard o Toronto. The ceremony proger took place at the Preehyterinn C urch, where by eleven o'clock a goodly number hid nsuexnhled. Promply at the hour the bride leaning on her father's arm walk- ed the aisle to the front of the church and took her place beside the groom. Rev. Mr. Forquhurson then went over the well-known ceremony and "man" and "wonian" once more took upon them marriage vows. After signing the register the com- pany repaired to the home of the bride when heuty congratulations were given and when is table tastefullg adorned With flowers and spread wit the choncest vinnds awaited the atten- tion of the complny. Full justice wu done to thm and until train time the large and happy company spent some pltyrartt hon.” . . . . . . r The morning had been dark and lowering}; but the Inn came out bright and wit sunshine outside and in, the happi couple amid showers of rice left for a oneymoon tripin Huakoka before settling in their To: onto home. The only cloud was the absence of Mr. and Mia. Wm. Watson. They were on their way oat and about half war a. scare to their hon. caused it to shy and an upset followed which, threw, both 8;;erer iritr ttd serious injmy follow. ed but t ey were in no mine for u wedding so sent. on their good wishes and returned home. Visitor: from adiatastce were l From Tmaruto--Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard, par. THE BUREAU I!" " attte 5, x _ ‘ 2ha"it2'itl2i. fatit12ti%) "fe/e' 'titit i'i?d gm ot 'ttat noon}, my». M. nytrr,. Shela-rd, sisters. Mr. Lawson a friend of t groom. In. Inna. mm ofthe bride. and In. F noon. Mm. Dun- can. Strain. Mr. 'al'f. Watson, Mu. Cbarlotte Baxter. Ir. and In. B. Scott. Glands. and line- Scott, Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson, grandparents of the bride. "in Chinlitt. a niece, Mr. and Mrs. T. Tucker. 7 The present: were hummus. bunti- ful and may. ulver predominating. and bespoke very warmly the eguettt held for the bride The bride ”mil-:5l and handsome mu tsttraetireir uti in a dress of white voile with long tulle veil and wreaths oLo.rayrtrftloeRstptu, - -.... The bride-maids. Mu. Finance She - para. meter of the groom. wore "iti, t?1pk silk our do chine. while “I Alice. liltel‘ o the bride, ulso Wore pale pink silk crepe de chine. The maid of honor, Mia Minnie Shef- pard. nluo sister of the groom. wore pa e blue silk crepe de chine. The going away suit was of navy blue basque cloth. dainty white hat and boa. Mr. Ed. Watson assisted the groom " the cerem my. Mus Minnie Sheppard doing a like duty for the bride. Rev. Mr. Fnrqnhm-son. at the close of the flrat table in a congratulmnry speech voiced the good wishes of the 'company towards the young couple. and the Ru- vmw. has ing the last. word. extends hearty felicitations. Met at Dornoch. on Monday the 3rd August inst. Members all present. Minutes at Court. of Revision and of Meeting of Countil on 25th May rend and passed. t The following Br-Laws were duly passed t--No. 6, imposing the following rates. township 3 mills, county 24 mills and general school 2 mills on s. No. 0. imposing the seveml races asked for by school trustees. No. 7. a inking Dan McDougall collector and V/l. ft allowing the Durham Cemetery Co. to lay water pipes to the cemetery. The tollowing “counts were ordered to he paid :-On Tauri' account De Taglor. M. H. u.. $90. as Walker $'d0 sin Job]! B.cht'1limt9r50ytrttyyiinst my The road Commissioners reported the following amounts exgended on roads since last meeting. in iv. No. l, $150.02; No. 2,8201.20; No. 3. $233.34 ' No I. 8278.96 and on Grader Account in Divi. siona Nos. 1 and 2, $95.71. An addition- al grant in roads of " to each of the Rest Divisions was passed. _ _ Parties isolated. Malcolm Cmuphell 82.2) for plucnrding. The clerk was instructed to notify heads of famine-t who had smallpox to pay their share of the cost "tattendance if able to do so. Chas Meyer was paid $9.10 for making 73rods of wire fence and Geo Hendry 810.00 for so; rds; John Patterson. fence viewer was paid $2.00 for inspect- ing the same; Municipal World 81.65 Cnllectm-’s Roll and 8t.88 for puthmns- tery lists: John) Panel-sun, $8.62 for "r gain; paid by him for grader; SheWell Lennhan 812, part expense hurym Mrs Potter: the account of anE Shields, of butter said to have been des- troyed by him in case of Infection was notentertaineet; account nom Glenelg Council for repairs on Garafrnxn. Road not, entertained; John Bierworth Sr. was refunded 81.00 overcharge in Bta. tnte Labor I the clerk was instructed to bill Sawyer & Massey for repairs done to grader. . The New. reported having expended $63.90 in the repair of bridges since last meeting. Council adjourned to meet at. Elm. wood on 12th October next. ---The great event of the political world last week was the Premier's introduction of the measure looking to- wards the building of the G. T. Paci- fie railway which he describes asa political and commercial necessity. he speech. one of his best efforts, was lucid in the extreme. It contain- ed so much that was incontrovertible, that opposition wascowed tor a time, but we notice criticism is taking shape of one kind or another. One complains ot too much oratory, another ot wilful deception, 'another of failing powers, another that it should be all a govern- ment work, &c., &e. We give else- where some extracts from the speech. --The King and Queen after having visited Ireland on all sides and in the centre, have gone home. Splendid enthusiasm greeted them everywhere. No message from an "tet King eVer gave such delight. ell Done Ireland'. -.-The closing paragraph ot Laurier’s meg; apgech “as a} to) lem' ' _ _ - ion on paper only, but for the fact that the G. T. R, the C. P. R. and the l. C. it. brought all parts of our country to- gether in uniaon to ’lpulsate with one and the some heart. his new railway will be another link in that chain It will not only open territory hith- erto idle and 1'gg1u2ly it will not only force Cana ian trade into Canedi~ an channels; it will not only create citizenship between old Canada and new Canada. but it will secure for us our commercial independence, and it will forever make us free tram the bondage of the bonding privilege. "'s, The" Canadian Confederation would have been I nn_ion_on gape; 39d a lm- For that reason alone, in my estima- tion, it would be worth all the tmMfi- ces. and far more than we are called upon to make. Sir, it is therefore with a firm heart that I offer this scheme to friend, and toe; it is with a firm heart that 1 present it to the Canadian peo- le. I am well aware that it will not go received everywhere with the same feeling; I am well aware that it may scare the timid aad {tighten the irresolute. but, sir, I claim that every one who has in his bosom a stout Canadian heart; will welcome it " a scheme worthy of this young nation, for whom a heavy task has no terrors. and which young nation has the strength to face grave duties and (rays responsibilities. _ -- _ -- I beg to move, sir, seconded by Sir Richud Cartwright, for leave to itt. trodnoe a bili to provide " the, con- otrnction of a national transcontinental runway. " _ TORONTO TOPICS OF THE WEEK BENTINCK COUNCIL. For Sale at W. Black's Store. Ready-Mixed Paints aiyeil?siib* 'trsilrstmb'6iit of P ft, Jar”: ' ' g! Jhaorers f a? . t &teursiort cg; For furthar particulars see iii, Screen Doors and Windows Red Bird Grain Cradle 'itipgruaiitedgigy $$¢$$$§if Eureka Ply Oil Harvest Mitts and Gloves Do not allow your horses and cattle to suffer when you can buy any quantity of our, Eureka Fly Oil. W. BLACK ER. MacFarlane, Jr. 'il',' t AGENT. t Hardware ! There is no pnint manufactured to equal the Sherwin-Williams Ready- Mixed Paints suitable for all pur- poses Nearly all the best houses in town and the surrounding coun- try are being painted with these Paints. Every person their own painter. Call and examine our Red Bird Grain Cradle. Another Shipment of Screen Doors and Window Screens just to hand. We have an assortment of Harvest Mitts and Gloves, as law as 15 cts. It Will Help Some When you are scouring the town for good Butter if you will remember that we maze with the best dairy farmers in South Grey to supply our trade. we cont Back up. We claim to have the best assorted stock of Groceries in town. Flour, MEALS. and other Cereals. Smoked meals, Aol. "u, &c. Also Coal Oi I J BURNETT . Back Up Sole WESTON’S BRE AD that makes yo homes glad. "Mi Tho c. P. R. willi§ run an Excursion: to Manitoba amid? Assiniboia minim: August 18. good tote return Nov. 30,: for $10. ' mat io.i'siriertts, OUR “up! " LIGHT - " A FEATHER l l Neeetttsarilrit'a a wholesome bread --not heavy, soggy. ittdigestittle. We take Whit pride in the product ' of our likely. and dyspepsia doesn't follow in its wake. Rowe’s baud is a houehold won! it may Itmnes--why ' not in yours. La . I Bl. A. ROWE (ii!,?,:"; 16W lea: giant , If you have, bring them to the III K I W SHIRE end have them fitted with a. pair of new Boots, Shoes or Slippers We have them in various styles and qualities at popular prices. Shoo Dusting: We have in stock a lot of dif-- ferent shoe dressings in liquid, combination, and paste at 10c, :50 and 25c. Shoes made to order And repairing promptly done at Jordan’s Old Stand, next door to Campbell Implement Warehouse. f 3. 'Rrdtruith Fareahers Call and examine my stock of threshers' mitts made-to- wear in Calf and horse hide before Eurchnsing elsewhere. Al so arvest mitts in 10 and 14 inch lengths. We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. J)" in; Weed: / .4 Valium! Cream Joy-mint. frear JUUer rill, 9rtly Drill ip the spsriatiree.td Lately we were talking cutters now its Gray's Cum. 3.91;" and their reputation has been gained only by their excellence. A. B. McARTHUR BARCLAY t BELL Re only for Spring grade Just arrived " the Show Rooms of Barclay & Bell, a Car- load of gamma which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed for beauty and second to none in quality. Call and seethem and if you do not want to buy one for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is as above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. Jinn Organs. Also another Shipment of the renowned and np-to-date Ram Organs. Call end test glen), theyare open for G--, Also tron} both wheels and full 1&3;ch Peter Hamilton's Goods in Stock. gudhopo Garriagcs. a“ OWEN hiorx Annwnocmem tor hnmtoany address an a; c. A. lolll‘; owns sun’s“ __ In a few tnonths at d yuan acquire the Yer! h madness Suhjc-ub. tl Xhtetwriting. Thi, ms: not equipment in (Janina X M't () It Our atlt1E IN. YOU‘RE ChMder's mock. (blind “uh-ll tidk War,., White'. Him-k "wit uh up w .. A _ [ M Mercetairrrul 8..qu a ydr PEEL. TI”; BEGINS 'rl ‘I-LN. t Mouer Wu"low A): adv» Tank Lilwn. G4 Ita. " uh W. H.B White Bid tSpread- nu h “tor 0iicloth. i yd “Ido- 'ttgiets. .Pee. _ $1.6M: new was“: a m M HE SELLS “In Full Lines ot tbttmster Farm lmplcu Putnam: Tudhopc t Bishop Robes, “shun and Percival Clare Bros.' Furnace Tolton's TWEEDS d GROCERIES rum-u Steel Hay Fot Also Brandon! Wi; Gasoline lint CII N01 60“.". _ Kent l THE BBS} GI AT LOWEST mic ask Insnecn S. SGI Adomed by a! loolrti'.r m I Mttts.dmiervot).x "ulnar ( will, Btu-Mum mun devices bring. my my C' d'l {Immune uuupul 1tmtiffa,e'tl Mini-mm Winn “in! 'tgr-tns apply}. lull-rare! Gun T. NO Dun't [mum llh “he and pair ot' Fttoee. a» " Into! Sterling Hr... . M1 .. The Implement l I continuation of th Wed on the Iatef be found frll. We can give FA I J d T AUGUST 6, AT THE OLD lung Zia DRY GOODS, C 'Otrm & SHOE Ot best qua - lune h" 43 'tttttten . ft w", - - - " Till 31.». t.tt vo knit!

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