West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Aug 1903, p. 5

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tock of to. .vca r bcfo re " dif-- ks in h a pair Slippers s styles r prices. md 2 5c. der tly done Id, next tolem ent in! cutter $cArthur has. been excellence. " Mi St . ‘EATHER some breed tibia. We he product sin doesn 't 5 bread is a 'mes-why men! ot Hodate mad test let g Also and " My cw dale nit/1 all line var: none in mm and " one , able to old old , which " SIM wages In Eu, to the HUR '0\'C1 tces dear e will F' , , Owns SOUND. OWL. Announcement for PAB-ot me many address on ttpplieation. 0w HS SOUND - PRINCIPAL In a few months " this institution you can acquire the very beat training in Business Subjects. Shorthand and Typewriting. This institution has the best equipment in Canada. (‘nhler’s Block, - Durham. co, Jul UUsh Silk Waist lengths in Wlnte. Blue-k and Colors Geh 82 " oi Tank- Linen, I)! in. wide. per yd . . . . .26c .. tU " .. . . . . .50c White Bud Spreads each . . . Arie & 8t.20 kur Oilcloth. lyd wide. per yd . ...?» upln. ...w_r.. w................-, ELM: Mru-erizecl Sula-n Under- skirlx .._ . . .. .31.”. $150. $1.75. 82.00 Nrw PlliNTN& FANCY GINGHAM’S COME IN, YOU’RE WELCOME bun“! forget us when you want a mud wir of Sum-s as we carry a Full hum " Sterling Bros'. Shoes. HE SELLS CHEAP. Roller with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhopc Cutters. Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, h. Cockshutt and Percival P1oughs, Clare Bros.’ Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton's Implements. Adam's Sleigh. TWEEDS d YARNS l'rovcn Steel havy'FBt'ks aSpecialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. T. NOBLE GROCERIES Calder a moettt- Noxt the ma: INS TUES. SEPT. 1. , aiMt ask ltttttltt tl on fill S. SCOTT. THE BEST GROCEBIES AT LOWEST PRICE. I “GEL. THE SIIOEMAN Mum-d by I“ leading yet:,',,",',',",',',',".'.'; ot This tr,ra,'lutrlt orstern - t mm mm Buck -ioduttert.ryP,t 'tttrut devices bring. them union within m. t ,i'rs"iiariiiii'ieainiie_m. oWotI 1;..me reunion Rh Mm PM "s-twut-ttoat 2fld'l's'lllltllt, mm For terms 31101130 Ilsa-gmnt Hill]. M! "u For terms :1le llss lam”: Gun. l '. A. FLEMING. wk The Implement Man "asksfor u continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. Me can be found yds We can give you Bargains a AT THE OLD STAND" . H. BEAN AUGUST 6, lung 303" wide, taped edge pr. 49c " NOBLE DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. 001‘s & 880%. te., \Vuulow Shades. rut-h . Of best quality. lyer's lune lethal. 42 Don’t Only, lat It Our Window if! knittef edge TE RM '81.00 these men among the apple growers will take this into their serious consid- eration. It is not merely a question whether their own apples will be sold at the proper figure or not. They should be. even fur their own sakes. deeply interested in the sale at their mkh'bors' apples A carelul analysis of the conditions of the trude will show that prices in fruit especially are often sadly depressed for the want ol'selling ability on the part ofthe small grower. It therefore behooves the more intelli- gent and larger grower to interest himsell in the fruit of his less fortunate neighbor. A number of reports from widely separated districts. complaining oi the ravages of the apple blight, have been received by the Fruit Division. Otta am Mr Peter Anderson. Hepworth, Ont., thus describes the situation in his lo. cality f.-. "Apples, both early and winter, are suffering from a new- disease here. A blight struck the Museums when in full bloom and withered them as it they had been melted by fire. It is now withering the small twigs and limbs in the same way. The tops of the trees look as if fire bad been applied to about one-half of the smaller branches until the leaves were all crisp and brown, and even the wood, as Gr as this extends, is evidently dead." Mr Arch. MacColl. Aldbom. Ont., a rites that many orch- ards in his loculnv are almost eomple- tely ruined by blight, and that many trees will have to be cutout. associatiun were formed in any (If the fruit districts and such a packing house established, it would attract buyers from every Anarket, and the apples could be sold for spot Cash. It is sin- cerely to be hoped that the good busi- . -- -"'"'"N uvvvvvcl, WC!" HUI” ramble for intezligent growers to unite n cooperative “Notations and secure all the advantages that aecrue to the capitalist. " well " those that come, by packing in large quantities These store houses are not necessarily expen- sive buildings. They should be frost- proof and large enough to accomodate the lull crop of the patrons. It is not at all dimehit to get plans that have, worked well in other rts hf the country. The aim 's'flli'd'l,'il, to secure as large a quantity of good stock ate possible. to grade it uniformly. mark " honestlv “new"... m am “we... ' . -- PT-""'"'. nu ""'""""r "MICK " honestly accurding to the require- ments of the Fruit Marks Act. and sell thrmgh any medium that may odrer the greatest advantages There is not tfte glightest doubt that if such an It is difficult to explain the origin of this trouble. but it is evidently of a bacterial nature. It appears to live over the winter just in the margin of the attracted part. new the healthy wood, and not in other parts ot the tree or inthe soil. Mr. W. 'i'. Macon" oi the Experimental Farm agrees with Mr Mae ’innon. Chief oi the Fruit Division, that the only remedv is to cut out the blighted branches well be- low the affected part. say below any appearance ot blight. The knife used for this purpose should be thuoughly cleaned or sterilized before beine again used on healthy wood. It is fortunate that the disease sometimes dies out of its own accord, especially in the case of the bony blight. It is said to be conveyed from tree to tree by bees and insects. which would account for the great inctease at blossoming time. The blight appears to develop very rapidly, and the maximum amount ot damage is done almost as soon as the attack becomes noticeable. It will probably be found that the tall is the best time to cut out the affected wood, as the damage will not be much. it any, greater then than rt present. and in the fall one may make sure ot getting all the blighted portions. As anything which stimulates an undue growth of succulent wood is con. ducive to blight, it would be well for the orchardht to cultivate and Pepe WOMMI PACK] " " APPLES. --ie -... - llll u men“! Ilgttep “h Mr. W. A. Ill1's'ilr"l'dl'll! ief (I the Fruit Bud-ion, Ottawa. He wants mounds of hon-ole. all “mm in quality, variety. peeking and Package. This noilormity. how. e\'er.canmt be secured when pecking isdone in tuna-ll quantities in orchards. The time has arrived in the history of the le trade In Canada when large "dim houses must be the order of We day. Whether these large pack- ttttt houses are, controlled by co opera- tive minions or by cupiulists who have a knowledge ol the apple busi- ness is o matter of comparative ind.if ttttlit r, It does, however, seem qulte “I la n... :..A_-I2, _ The Milk ”chum doe. not like to handle null lot. and experimental “I! A... nnA " - - A "so ".__ w ---i- _ V“ - so " to produce tt medium growth ot strong healthy wood. a W. A. Customs. Publication Clerk. Trude was [urly brink at the venom can]. market for what castle there were offering. bat the run was gonorully of poor quality, very low really good cattle of any line being present. Export cauu---Brtm chance at“. are wanted, and they may be quoted nomi- nally at " to t6.IN pot out. The or- " nI-nin- and. are shout '" I", Ill-Iv v....,. I Export cattu-.-Ertm choice "ttlo are wanted, and they may be quoted nomi- nally at " to t6.IN pot on. The or- .hnuy mu of choioo can]. an About ate-6y at 04.60 to 94.90. (than mu " 04.40 to M.6o, and com "rt mach-aged u 08.60 to 98.80. - "t . AA " -. the Butcher ottu---About $4.60 was we price paid, for the betst cattle on the mar- kat, but picked lots are quotable nominal- Iy from the price up to 84.75 pot cm. l‘he ordinary run of choice cattle are steady at 84.40 to "oo. Comm continue dull. end no quoted a 02.50 t: 88.5.. Stock"! and Ir-urs-Krebs. “lime! mbu- quiet. with not much demand for L more mdtle. Feeders m quoted m 92.75 LGI, Stock lurker; Toronto- APPLE BLIGHT. wu the we mur- nominal- [he nndnrsigned otter for Halo Two Bhortltorn Bulls. one 12 mos. the other. 13 mos. old. principally ved and likely animals in every respect. Terms on "p- plieation to proprietors. lots 2% and 2-). Con. 3. S. D. R, Gleneltr. Will sell ren- smmhly. A. as J. SEALEY. Proprietors. Alan l’urvlned Tums and Bepktrlures, ClubPrloe Sing]; REVIEW and Daily Witness. $2.3! 84.tto .. " Weekly " rm 2.00 " " World Wide, 1.50 2.oo .. .. Messenger, 1.25 1.30 These clubs will, " "mat r-mwnmhl. rates, provide the Imr l't'adlllg mum r for tft'T intetest of any family. Shun Morro-" Always Wompt, never negligent." All business strictly confidential. ( He has had 24 YEARS' EXPERIENFE and l than who deal with him get the benefit ot it. ‘ IT WILL PAY YOU to take him your business though you huve to drive 20 miles. Plenty of peo- ple come further and find it to pay. Mile!) Corrs-.prtre run was light. but the quality of the eovu allowing Wu hitlyl not]. The - of prion in '"""'"'"I a no to no net». tuim.--A hir number were 089mm. but Ind. In. “adv undeury‘lnng hold only. Prim are unchanged " Me to “a per pound and " to 010 each. Blimp and Lambs-The run In “My buvy, has pinup not. valued. and price: had a little, firmtre tooling. Export own are quoted " 08.66 to 98-75. and back: are (learnt " .350 to $8.75 L'nll sheep are tiarttor " " 50 to $8.50. while sprang lamb. are about trtesuih. " $2.60 to " each and 4her lo tre par pmmd. IGtts-.-Tite run was lighter than it " brett hr mum lime. hm [nit-ea are “nebula!" " M.M for select» sud " for lights and fat-o. in H50816§131fi1iil§§€ié5é5ratesPrunlmakct tled houoruh y and flirly. Noquibb1ing. fllf Illllllll)'ll llllllulN HF, COLLECTS debts and claims of all kinds. No chum» if no money cullect- ed. Is not that fair , to “.30 per out and nacho" at .350 t, " 60 for common to light. sud “.30 to 3.3.7010! Ibo-cot 700to (Milk. Are cureful n to who shall do their luminous. tio should Jvtt he. Then you bad better Mo to H. H. Miller, the Humo- ver Conveyancer. HE WILL LEND YOU MONEY on phone“ uuuoe, lowest rues. very smallest cost, mud on your own terms. IF YOU WANT TO BUY tt place or Maine” he can find sometlnug to wit yon Hejunt. now has for sale 100 ACRES' IN BENTINCK With good bank ham, dwell- ing. perhaps the heat. hardwood bush in the try it for" a your. IF YOU WISH TO SELL you: prop- erty he can do it quicker Mu! better than you can nod he changes ncthine If no unl- T-rwnship- and culy asks about $2000 Think of It I S I l 1" ER WAR F, WH A CI' SELLS In That a GOOD WATCH makes us regular in our habits. You can get a good one in a few minutes it you call on us. A good watch is the cheapest in the long run, and if it is carefully cleaned and oil- ed, it will last a lifetime. Dun-m: MAMA-max “'A'rvnns True Brawn Pure-Bred Bulls For Sale. Oatmeal................... Wheat..................... oatc...................... Flour......... ............. Peas....................... p, “artsy. Lambs..................... Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hogs, Live weight"... Rumor, fresh roll per ll, Burma Tub.............. lute....................... “Mes. pen ewt.......... Calfskin», per Ib........ Slwepsklus............... Bean. M' Curt 'liriieyr........, .......... Fatah-es. per btw....... 91,cf1A?Trris,, my. Lit? and What. waved DURHAM MARKETS. CUT GLASS ' PEARL & DIAMOND Brooches out stock is the largest we have ever had. srt1_ptram,ory1_tt9l?rtd liPIt Rings our Stock was never so complete. EDDING RIN()H---We make a Specialty. H. II. LIILLER. YOLT oCGIIT TO 1{NOVV . GCDRDON, Q. i-------- \VATCH MA TCF, R . J EWELLE R7 dk O PTICI A37 the Hanover Cottve.sauteer, 10 190 240 lp " o oo c, no 2 oo I" m: waif: it-ukmm 4" 27 25 3n on m 18 14 Ill, 40 10 00 Beauty combined with quality is what we offer. 24o 5 50 b' 10 lt 1,5 III T on 2 Go l’n on l3 TDARLING’S IRUG STORE Durham , (Prince Albert.) Grill be. far service at but 48. Con. 2, E. G. R. fur the season of low. Peli- gree on "pulictttion. Cows lint relurn- ed regularly will be chnrged whether in calf or not. Payment In he made on ot. 1sefore 1tehruat'y In Moi. Terms $1.50. How to get a Homestead tn the West! Bo many people are settling in this country that in a short lime it will be difficult tonbtam land along the. line ui'railway. Anvone wighingm have Is going to take the place of Paria Green because it kills the bugs and makes the potatoes grow instead of killing the plant as Paris Green does-it you get too much on. We want every potato, grower to try it whether a large grower or small but we know you do not like to experiment so we reprint the guarantee given by the manufacturers : - " We hereby guarantee Dead Bud-rwhett properly applied-to kill the bugs and increase the yield of potatoes and we further a~ gree that if you plant one acre of potatoes using Dead Bug on one half and Paris Green on the other, ifyon don't get more potatoes from the half where Dead Bug is used-providing of course that son] is the satne,-we will refund the money paid for Dead Bug." We are agents for Dead Bug. It is cheaper than Paris Green but we can furnish Paris Green at lowest market price. The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work. ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. _ - - " qg.tqlr%.r - A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. Massey Jlil?arau1s Elbow Rooms a homest'ead here will do Gin to have us select and enter it [or you as soon as it is surveyed. We can locate you in any part of b'."skatehewan. For full particulars WI ite at once to MOORE MCFADDEX. Prince Albert, Sask. A COIMBlN ED BUG KILLER AND POTATO GROWER Good wauet"rtl purwnSe Mare, fourteen yours old guaranteed smmd. Also a Mare 4 years old, sound and serviceable. Apply to J. \VISMER. Rocky Snngeen. I 39. UUISHAI REVIEW PURE BRED HEREFURD BULL. J. A. 1DAItLIPi'/CF, DONALD McFA "ms. P: op. FOR SALE. DEAD BUG CIIEMIST AND DRUGGIST 'fayales I gehm, tieftungsion west of Middaugh Jllouae. See our second hand a)iumu. I lBiGtgEwELrtRhiST0RR' Hyena. DURHAM Mlillf Ill()lllfl ALD ELL'S LIVERY ST E C %pposlh MJg2lWhu Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, _HEADs'roNEs & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Intending Students should enter st beginning of term, or as soon titer as possible. St.” and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving md Maximum: work, under the following Matt Competent Teachers for that Derartment '. THOB. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK, B. A., Giulio: Ind Modems. FEES: $I.00 per month; Wm. Johnston. Chairman See our“ Brooches, NeckIets, Long Chains. Bracelets and Pins. We my Silverware“ The Best Quality cheaper than ever. undertaking promptly at- tended to. FURNITURE Durham Scnool ROBINSON & GORBET Jake Kress Solid Gold Wedding Rings in tok, 14k and 18k, in all the lamest styles. Big Stock of Engagement Rings to choose from. have the stock to choose Iron. The goods are right here waiting foe you - Nothing as nice as Silverware for Wedding Presents and at Keeler’s is to be found the largest stock of good Silverware in the county and all our prices are the lowest. AT KEELER’S JAKE KRESS. ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO >{ageles I All repairing C. Ram-go. (htario. P roprietbts , ARTHUR GUN. . D., Wink-tutelnddn [mammals-J50 At goalie-day of 'fdt",,U't't tron: t2tx I. all ottitNt-----L0WE1t TOWN. DURH‘I. 4mm OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST cr the Du nan: Phal'nucy Calder' Block. Residence ttrat door wegt of the old Post Ottlee, Durham. W. C, PICKERING B. D s, L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms. Calder Block over the Post Ottice. 30mm! and {than Fund. to Lou: on Hormel a love: ”use! were“. "hrgbtiqe, mut- " :00th no can“! Vdmr. Attt,1ftt to “Glade!” SttfNte .oqxl nil-ad u: olden aqua on nd'l'hm can“. a. grammar m. ummgggzggsr MACKAY a: DUNN, Barristers. - Solicitors. Convoytncers. Ac. Offices : Hunter’s New Block. CP- pout» Chronicle on“. "ratraxn St., but-bun. MONEY To LOAN A. G. Mack-y K.G. w. F. Dunn A general Bulking III-lam tum-new but" i-tred and collection "nude on all points. Depmdta rewind and into: at snowed " eel-rent In“. 8"!le 3.1.11 mun-t guard - settler mat ftrlet tf um '" - wad; Pmmpt' “untied ulna 1adl!turomred custom." living " CAPITAL. Attthoraed.......88,000.1lttc CAPITAL, Puid up........... 1.000.000 RESERVE IrUND,........... 850$!) AGENTS in all nnci an Ontario. Quebec. T1'ittl.!'T,tdt Statos and England. W. r. WW“. Mt. on. P. Run. lulu. DURHAM AGENCY CoNestims. ad Annoy promptly seconded to Wilt., Dada. Homes. In“... Ammun- tc.oorroctly propuod. Estates " 2rttt',t,tt 1091 but“ “for ind Executor'l and Adm nia- tnton' Account: 9'0le sud fund Sump“ Com “when? Prob“. ot Wit I. but." of Ad- mtnumuon u Gun-Jinnah“, out-bed. sou- chu mule in Bunny Once “a Titus mrortH arrictcr, our , Go: vcyancor, to., ecu... [any to Loan at reasons ale rates" In on terms to suit borrower. t2FFfC'E--3fcftttpre Blow. -- -- (llllllllllllil BANK ill: (IMAM B‘RRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT NOTARY PUBLIC. COUHIOIIONIR. ETC. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collections of all kinda Farm: boug h promptly attended to and sold ttFFtttE-Me_'. Old and Durham D. McPHA IL) ”s. -. Hp... RCIIDINCI and antes-on Um J. G. HUTTON. M. D Term model-um. Amman“ toe do. u todqes9e., must ugh-den ghe “I of: ra' W1."- F '"e'."d.TGrriT t'feerh'rd'f en rei"to','"rg,iltd' JI,;; will tummy“) D. 'reptrATL, Hopeville P. U. " to C. IAIAGE. Durham DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. Put-an a m. 0M0. one Metal-Ian‘s “no NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMS5tONER, ac, CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR lacunae. Again. BARRIITE R. OOIOITOR. nearly w-uc convzruccn. ' a.tertet_ttetrsgtmrttoDt-o' Wong-”0W. 'ru-"-'---- DENTISTRY. G. LEFROY McCAUL. - lawman-Ax. Tough... Contact“ No. " DR. GEO. 8. BURT. MONEY TO LOAN E S. DAVIDSON. Head Office, Toma. IOU” '. J . P. TELFORD Print. Manny to Loan. I KELLY Licensed Auctioneer for the County of they. I“!OA.I. 2to (P... a THROAT ' xoi kEiiifiiviih'. Moderate “Over the Bank "ete..eeter-r--tttBCL-'

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