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Durham Review (1897), 6 Aug 1903, p. 6

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i3 ll For a woman: the sensitive mouth qun'nrad - she had anticipated so much. Then she held out her hand and mm with a 0mm. "1 mm" you can't hrlp It. but you don't look much like your picture" "Oh. that's it '. Grandmother mow. "Yes. I'm little band‘s successor. Wlll you forgive me tor growing old.. er and larger. y+ Snybln ir' W [ _ ,. --- -r -- v--. ...... Lluie stopped into the lower hall and turned her laughing face up to her mistress. "Please mn'am. Iean'tp the lam. "Pd tatt to try} - 7 ‘7'... vvlolu‘ uvl “Full- "Show him the picture books," the voice Went on. "and it the little ter. low la tired. take him up In Tour lap." I|.-a.. 4---“: I“ - A- . - ' "Wen these -eshern --tttetee pro- parations made in my honor t" he asked Llule. But before the girl could mmver a sweet voice came from the upper landing. "Are you tunus ing him, Lizzie '.'" Limit) giggled hys- terical!” ' "Tall her mu are." the young man -t.t-.--" h" . __ "Tell 1ier mu are." the young man whispered. "Yea'mp sue called In mulled tones from behind her apron "3}.-.“ |.:_. av, I . - A "Ly-yes. air." Llule “unnamed. "but she wasn't expectitt' quite-' She paused In embarrassment. “Quite as much ot me t" he asked. laughing”. Llule giggled and led the way to the sitting room. The little chair held out in welcoming arms In vain to thin guest. David Terrell’l eye- reltod at once upon the rocking hone and woolly dog. and his ex- pression momentarily. grew more clwerlul. bughter. though he all) loberly enough. "Good evening. I an) David Terrill. ms. Saybin was expecting m I believe l"' ”can” all 'teste'." oar. -""--'. - ONCICT ON GETTING EDDY! not hear Lizzie-a exclamation ot astonishment when she opened the - nnd new a big, brond-tmouidtrr- ed man standing there. Probably he Ind overheard Patty's instructions ht It? tririe.ror _h.is_ eyes were full of "Hurry, Lizzie," she cried. "they've brought little David over. Take him Into tho sitting room and amuse him I'll be down in a few minutes." Ska fluted back to her work and did The day had bmn a long one to Patty. At T o'cloek she was arrang~ lag tho furniture In little David's room. when the door bell rang. She went to the head or the stairs and called to Lizzie. long ago) waited patiently tor Its gallant ruler, and a little woolly dog stood on three legs with an air of expectation. two or three. When evening came everything was In readinees for the expected guest. The tin waiter and tiny knife. fork and plate were on the dining-room table and the lit- tle rocker held out its welcoming um In tho sitting room. An old puking horse _4that had been John's .UPERIOR D: The par old lady forgot to tell Patty that the picture of Davld wan taken " years before. All that day Patty was wry busy preparing "little Davids room." An old hitrh chair and trundle bed were brought down from the attic and (hated. Lizzie, the good-natured glrl in the kitchen. made some little round cakes. and Patty frosted them and put a pink "D" on the top at me any before the celebration Mn. Hammond drove over in the morning to nee Patty. "I thought we could otow 'em nil Away.” in aid. with e mile. "tmt I we: thinking Mary had tour children. 'etend of tire.' I don't one how I came to forget little David when I counted noses. I‘ve been won- dering, dear. if roa'd let him deep ttor-tttutr him or one ot the oth- In?” . Ott. yd.“ Patty cried. delightediy. "I should love to, Mrs. Hammond." 1319 old lady mulled. "r brought his picture along." Mte aid. “no you amid nee what a. deer little ieilow he was." ( Patty bent eagerly over the photo- graph. A piwt little (we emiied at her from the canteen) - the round. dimple: face ot a. five-year- old. "He's a. patent cherub." the cried. "I'm expecting most of my chil- dren this evening, and. if hie folk. tPmo_Pll send him over before bed- “I've diced to lend them wary- mng on tho maat-rt you. John." - lid to - brothor. "but Mn. Hammond a." they mu m the u- nusual-nu made. I did want a nu- - tn the pie.” Join laughed. “Non:- mind, little girl." he and. concollnzly. "Mr. Ham- mond no they may Ask us to ‘sleep’ one or two. tt the old home won't hold them all." m.- ilnd only I palle' itch Elm DaimtmttNtrtsaitnot' beenasked to 099.39g: 'uyi.Ptttr. fen blighted. um Months“. oljoynu man. for Mr. and ur- .Eara ”and were noon to celebrate M m wedding. Prom (at and In and: ohudron and grandchildren mm; to tho old country home - no great 0111'. ( All of the nuisanc- were Intern-h d In tho coming event. and a number ot than WHO pledged "to help out on chin and china." Patience Baybln. Ittttihet.r, hpwq as “233th" nudge:- mother mew. Lifebuoy Boap--qtiiutreyetant-0 ltrongly recommended by the medical pain-don In I Maynard against infections dinette; u Fond or Whist. An old maiden lady who had been passionately: fond ot whist and who had outlived most of her friends. was one day walking through the church.. ,.ard ot St. Andrew's Cathedral. Go- lug to a spot with many; graves. she said, ruefuily shaking her head. to the friend who accompanied her: "Ar, ay. there he the auld whist party. There's Miss Sauna-go‘s grave. pointing to a tablet at hand; "and there lien Mrs. So-and-so" pointing tp anohher; "and here lies dear auid Miss Something Else." pointing to a lourth grave. "hy, ay," she explain- ad, with another doletul shake ot the head. "there they all He. waiting for the last trump" -Scottuh-Ainert.. can. ALI. OTHER. E. B. EDDY’S News. Btutrb-Why is It more women can- not discover the "secret ot .3110- eeeur"? ' , Pena-Oh, because when it reaches them It is no "eeret.-Chieago Daily Kym: M1 maimed to his inquiringly. "Will you keep Four word," he and gently, "and take me?" "My word!" one murmured, won- dorlngly. "Yes; before I saw you I heard you tell Limio that you were oom~ lng dawnstalrs and you would take me yourself." There was a mischiev- ous light in his eyes now. Patty's face flushed. "You know I didn’t mean---" she began. He interrugted her anxiously. "But you will ta " me. dear-on triai-. ror the mks of little David?" Bho smiled into the honest eyes, so like those bf the child In the picture. “Yes," she said, "tor the cake or little David’s yucca-nor." l Minard'n Llulmeut cured Mphttto. rm. 103.8; PAILs, are vacation with tho Saybina. The last day came, and David walked over for a farewell visit. He found Patty alone on the vine-shad- ed porch. John was away on busi- ness. she explained. "Never mind," David said, cheerfully. "It ia you I wish to Bee." Her clear eye- were Ninth} b... 1.1.. n . . . - ,,_ ---- -..._" ullall'. a: wr..- 5 day filled with happiness tor all who gathered at the old home. At 10 that night Darht Terrell gave John and Patty full account ot the gathering of the clans." as be called It. In oortelmrion, he said. "I aim.” have to ask you to keep me another night. but after that there will be room for me at Elm We." "I thought you said you must go terrnorroiFt" John exclaimed. "Yea. that'e so. but lince then (and be glanced quickly at Patty) I've made other arrangement». My bro. ther and I are partners, and Jim is willing that I should hare my,, summer vacation now." "Oh," Patty tried. "I'm so glad! Aren't you. John t" "Yes." he said. heartily, but this sudden change of piano made him squicioua. David made good we bt those four weeks. His grandmother iaughdngly mum him. 9f mending half ot his MInard't, Llnlment tetsretLeouu, etc. ot my old mamas. 'ref/tue trundle bed. bat we’ll not at h to occupy it." Tho morning of the golden wed.. ding;- dam all}; 9nd brighttlt was “Twenty-sown.” Patty answered. demure!y. and John exploded with laughter. "No good pretending. ?.tsttr." hearted; “better show him all INDURATED FIBRE WARE $3 "Oh." aha said. with a. guilty glance tf, John. "mesa belong to my bro- t at." John “and at her in amazement, His tam, grew crimson with supprels- ed mirth when Mr. lion-ell maid, "How ol_d is your little brother t" l “Are those things for my use t" he naked. Itrutrtrirttrir. "What thing-P Patty said. inno- canny. IT" Mgh chair. tin tray and no Late tn the evening they adjourned to the dining-room tor a little lunch. Patty Bad forgotten the high chair and its accompaniments. and it was with n 1901111: of (11mm: that .119 saw their vlsltor'a cyan traveling in that direction. “Huh! He’ll heu as; It " mm David. Don’t laugh so loud, John '." She supped turr hand into m. and led him to the arittimpaoirm, and in a. tow minute the three young people were on_ the alert road to friendphlp. - "Mr. qytrre1i,"Uu" answer came. '"ef Tty' le 1sthsttr '?'.. . --. A- am glad that you came." in Hid. horrptttttttr. "My brother and I are often lonely. and John will be delight.. ed to entertain mucous of m. own age». I hear him coming now." and (to mac and went to the door to Inset him. "John," David heard her any. "Mr. Terrell in here." Pattty nodded and smiled spin. Mtar all, thb David had ttteadisnt eyes. anritor like the little fellow"; “I Drowns All Discord FUasity Explained. Em no In! ONE " I! DESPAII. you who "not from otmttnatq dllnznnmenu ot the akin Anolnt the lore spot; with Weave " Corn and purify the blood with Waver'l Syrup. Very Forgetfnl. Walnut Tam-sob. Bamtrt--%hat mun; mat door 8 the limit tor borrome thingy. et',"""""'" have t nay been utter now . . Baqmt--otto ot @3th sum at annea- on Sunday tor-got her tooth. 9151th mm - to horror. .7 “I think I know," said this ma- tour gunner. alter his fifth straight miss. “why those bird. are called 'ductrtr,'" "What'n that. airt' enquired the guide. "Manse they duck out of the way every time a fellow moon." 810 SEASHORE EXCURSIONS 810 Atlantic City, Cape Mar, Bea Isle City, Ocean City, via. Le- high Valley Railroad, August 4,,18 and 25. Tickets only $10. The round trlp from Suspension Bridge; stop-over allowed at Phlladelphm. Tights gopd " days. For tuFther iraAUtitars can on or address Robt. B. Lewis. Passénger Ass”. " Ymttte street. Toronto. “Wu ob happily: married!" "V017! JPar, her trawl: it up our six thousand dollar-J time you meet them they seem'qnore shallow and more petty than be- tore. Indeed. there are times when your discoveries ot inner character within the circle or your associations run so much to the revelation ot paltriness that you feel in danger ot being compelled to discount all human. nature as a deceiving sham. But the man who grows on you saves you trom cynicism. Every day you are finding in him some factor of manhood that you had not expected; every day he proves in'a enw test to have resources ot strength upon which you have not counted in your estimate of him. The Man Who Grows on You. Roxburv Gazette. Your most delightful acqualnt- 8.1103 In the mun who grow:- on you. You know people in plenty whq do not train in your appreciation; every “anew things do change.” re- marked the mountaineer as he lehr. urely stretched himself. Whenst I were a. boy we called Four kind o' people darn snoop-nosed meddlera." person. who had been asking all sorts of impertimsnt questions of the ram-boned mountaineer, who set at his cabin door smoking a corncob plpe, "now, I will explain to yuo why I have been so inquisitive. I am a. sociological investigator. and I am doing this in the interest ot sci- ence and humanity." person, who had What the people have been look- ing tor has been put within their Kratqr--tut excursion to New “York. Tickets will he sold on Aug. ll, from Suspension Bridge or Buffalo, and good for return for fifteen days Vin. New York Central and West Shore. with privilege ot trip down the End- son River by boat at 89.00 by West Shore and $10.25 by New York Gen- trat. Address L, Drago, No. 69% Yonge street, Toronto, for further information. _.. August 1 Ith, Excursion w New York Awful Thrust. . Baltimore nor-1d. _ 1MrTl--Yea, Mrs. Gut-image's huabund often get- very sarcastic and Irri- table. .but she soon lubduee him with an awful threat. Btttyl-Bhwt "Threatens to read some bt the rushing love letter. he need to write before they were married." liodd'l mdrfdCinnt, cure all an- mento ot the bladder and urinary organ; Just one Week after I started ul- lng them; I passed a stone enlarge an a small bean, and In tour day- after I passed another about the also or a grain of barley. That in two years ago. and I have not had any trouble since." Bristol r. 0.. Quebec. Aug. 8.- (Bpmtlalt--mruben Duper. well known here. talk a. story of Ma cure ot a bad case at gravel that would be 'consldered miraculous if elmllar one. by Dodd'l Kidney Pills were not being reported at. most daily. "About three year: ago." an Mr. Draper, "I wa- teken ill with what I thought was gravel. Iwae suffering great pain. and the doo. tor I eent tor gave me but little relief. Another doctor I triad mum Reuben Draper. Gravel Wu Cured Three You- Agro-at Bu New]? Conn M. only new. _ ml, Are Doing Similar Things Dally. lf READS LIKE bitten-once tn the 01(11):”. Baltimore America. A Reason Spam. "_-- w._ '"..'..i.I6. - ' Cn’tarrh and 5i5ii.ii?ihiiiii a. Alldeahsm,or LA. .Chau Madman Co. Tenn. and Mb llll nuns I " -V"' I. Bent direct to the diseased Wd by tho Improved Blame. call me likelJ. cue-n the ttlr we; {tops dropping: in the ii? l HUMBLE. the inquisitive “FWD, cum TORONTO 1lNteb-Whf, I nut to In" some- an“ to mambo: you by alter you ttrf, “gone and spoken to pop; “Well." replied "ttrasr"auttairsr, “alter a while the people will learn 'ttt thy. only. we place I. Poard Bthd "etrtatioailry-ott. charlie. would you Nat u leave propose e' 1'yet.,'.ttm and do It Into tub phono- Teaching Then a Ina-con. Tit-BIN. “One ot our can run over “other man last night." announced the lup- usmw or spa. tramway. Remove. all ham, soft or “Housed lumps and blemishes from lion-lea; blood Quin. curbs. apllntl, rugbone. ”can”. nines, sprains. son and molten throat. count. etc. as” 850 by use or one bottle. Warrant“ an you wonderful blemish can ever " Yes, Mr," was tho reply; "all we will allow you." . " Well.’ replied the traVeller, 'Wil take ttro more :rooms. I’ve got to wad my be. in the morning: Never Mind Expense. A traveller engaged a room in a hotel and was somewhat surprised at the meagreness ot the furnishings. "Is this all the soap there la in the roprI t" he asked the landlord. Tetuttter-Brssmie, name one bird that Is now extinct. Little Betrtrie--Dietrt tNtuthsrr-Dicirt What cart ot a. bird itt that t Little Betrtrie-our canary - the cat oxttncted him! Washing with Little Work year and consider It the very best for horse flealt I can get and strong- W, recommend It. . Gm. ROUGE. Liver; Stables. Quebec. . I . Dear f1irtr.--.I have used MINARD’S HNIM'EIST in pg): a_t_ab[e for over a. to her companion: “w. 1100. van might have been In that row It only you had had a little more 'tourtstm."-Exetuuttra, lacked Canton. A tair and buxom widow who hind buried three husbands. recently went with a. gentleman. who paid her marked attention in the day- ot her adolescence. to lnlpeot the crown of her dear departed. After contemplating them some minutes in neonatal allenoe. __sh_e murmured It in tho coolness, the clout-neon. the deliciousneas of the water fresh trom the fountain head. opposed to the thick. bot. “refreshing drainage from other men's nttsadoww-1tuakih. we do, and with whom we live in ’ellent tttll-thip-ttsid makea the ‘blmad earth a choice tramiem-Goe.. t 1e. l A. nothing in more provoking to come tempera than milieu. a. pm- dent person will not always be oe- tLrimliy witty where he can. but only where he may without often-e. For he will eottAthar thet the tine-t stroke of military is but a. witticiem and that there u hardly any per- son as mean whose good will in not Newbie to the pleasure of e tteytiaup.--Burqrh. That virtue of originality that men so strain utter is not newness. no they vainly think (there in noth- ing new). it is only genuineneu: it all depends on this single glorious {sanity ot getting at the spring of things and working_ out, from that.. ENGLISH SPAVIN LlNllm L th RICHARDS & co. "t 't In Memento Mort. Life. THESE. BE WISE MEN. will Extinct. “one. Handel-ere are alwnye above hue- plclon. -'1'hree women and a. liar make a. slender. since we fail we all (all. but we tau on then- feet. Never than to two sides ot a story bane mound story spoil- the tir1t. Every man Ll',"', "J,',',' n to It. tteitrhttor--qrqtee to a one who knows him 'asaat.-Duir, Truth. Ide. and last Ila. Anything for a quiet Us. l Little not have long liven. First detect and then detract. Look not a good no In the mouth. Animoclt: I: the mother of inven- tion . Society u paved wlth bad reputa- A third. suggestion refers to 'fables,' where dumb animals are made to speak and act like human beings. The French equivalents, are 'Ialre an coq a l'ane.’ and un coute de ma mere l'oie. la mother goon tale).-Reply to ‘&wed Ott.' ' Cock and Bull Story. Regarding the origin of this phrase. Brewer. In hie 'Dieuonarr of Phrase and Fable: any: that it In a cor- ruption of a. 'concocted and bully: story) The catchpenny- hawked about the etreeta are still called 'coeirtr'-that In. concocted things. Bully in the Dutch ‘bullen' (exaggerat- ed), " In bullrrog. t Another etymology may be sug- gested: The Idol Nergal was the most common idol ot the ancient Phoeni- clana. Indiana, and Persians. and Ner.. gal means a. 'dunghlll cock.‘ The Egyptian 'bull' is equally notorious, under the name of Osiris. 'A cock-and,. bull' story may therefore mean a. 'myth,' in reference to the mytho- logica|_ milieu ot Nergal and Osiris. of my hands and wont the rntire charm arm-um Into the "avrtr.vmnn's (non. We went down together. both covered with Mood-hia blood. But 'yllr. one of us was up tutain."-New punch viciously at hlm with my bayonet when I wasn't holding the gun up to wand ott his saber. He had tho advantage. and saw that he had. and he enmq at me with a wild mush. This tuna I Would hare gone down banr‘ath hise blown certain. for ther fairly rnlnnd down on my gun barrel. but in tome provido,otiat war-tor ne, at Imuft. for it muet have been Provldenee- he struck the hammer of my gun with his sword black. and the gun went o'f with an Implosion _that throw " out Yofik PM. hand enough to get It where I could shoot. bat he was doing all he could do to prevent such a re- sultnand mm best: I could do was to "Bk- came at me cutting and slash- lng to kill and murder, and I trivd to shoot him, tor I had my old muzzle loader ready tor business. but he was so close on me that ' had to use my tun as a guard and could not pet"; Into firing position. I tried pen once when I was a party to it caved my life. My first eXparieneo as a Confederate soldier was un- der Van Dorn, in Insecuri. and some of the small battles we had in the southwest were about on nest: lighting as a soldien ever had to do. i belonged to a company ot scouts. and early one morning we were sur- prised by a squadron or Federal can. airy that we thought was on the clatter side ott a stream we were supposed to be guarding. I think we had about seventy-five men in our company. and there Were justnbout that many Yankees. They ozme down on us with a, rush. and Mule mos: of our men got to horse and went at them hot and heavy a dozen or' so ott us mlseed our mounts, and we _ formed into a little platoon and; (new the foe. We had muskcts, the old fashioned sort, with hammers. and when the fight got real warm we had to scatter somewhat. Fret-Q ty soon: I found myself hand to hand or musket to saber with u Yankee on a. horse that: looked to me as big as hantack. l Ilow a. Soldier lnvolunmlly Com- mitted Suicide In Battle. Nt I. Dot often: that a man com- mits Imelda on the Held ot battle." can Colonel Prentiss lugraham. au- thor. traveller. dramatwt and sol- dier in seven wax-i. "either volun- tartlr or 2gifi',t,'t'Itt but it mp- pnu sometlgnea. and t t it did bap- Mrs. fur}: "tsrettsst1etulry - m. deed! It'gt a. pit: we all calf-t. b0 widow; hob-nu. Mr. Flirt: ttatuttuttr1rr-I lam Mu. Berrrman on the street to. day. BM looked cyan-min; In her 'mpyrnttttromu. ,_ -- A marked rlee In the level of the Dead See. lane been noted. Then-um. El Bohr. that etood. like on lelend near the River Jordan. le now completely under water. A broad lagoon hue formed on the north tide of the Jordan delta. This wa- tor dose not link in eummer and It In annulled that two whole bot- tom of the Dead See In- been rele- ed by volcanic action. . Willing to Accent-mu M. TM)“; New Uoe6--weti, I duo my your place will dtr-ott, I forgot-bun you any children t b The Master (prospective, ,mtsritry-- Yes. I have the, but ot cont-o. Ioonld drown two or that 11 you lulu upon It. ' The sitistictioet.t.tf having the washing done earTy In the dam end well done. belongs to every userof SunligtttSoe. _ non lunar!” Llnlment Cure- Distemper. mam-d" Llnlmont Cure- Gugot In Old Prowl-bl Itov-. AN ooo ACCIDENT. Even With at... 'r' a . " fi't%?si Lt'el'fh'2" Mo11r--You It: you shook ail l "MI you nomad to tter t" (molly-Ya. I did. “And how that thin girl F' "ah. - only took her haul," A “an largely ot Speculum. A thoron and “and“ courts mun. A reliant-b ' healthy Ioentton. The only college In Canal. that rejects ny pup . to give spec A III I. l d u l l r. llor noclnl advantage. to than board . {Noted edueattonirrta" commend moat hum Demlll Lndlos' College in A tale (Yunnan home tor girls. Pannu. make a nomoltlu. (mu. Terms Runnable. Rettd tor cnhndu to REV. A. B. DImlLL. President, Bt. can. i arlnea, Ont. (Mention thin Duper.) " the lo Equal -- H hunt-ocular! only» TN! CAMPBILI. MFet. c of HAIILTOI. OIfAIlo. For que by all leading dale". l,000 MILE AXLE GREASE sttersr, Torgnto. Further Inlomsuon Chatter, Western PM.“ To Roche-tar. 1000 Islands, Buy of Quinn, Rupldl St. Lcwnnco. to loam-l. Quinn, Murray Bar, River an Loan. Twat-o. Smenny Tor. ',hhttt "lrAt.1uthteutt a. ”In " It dlrttS'is?grd'eiiiitriEGiiif Mtt may. “do. & my. cum atl 1lths, t"iGT"iii"iiiii, 29th YEAR {3:5, Begin. Sept. But, I”. and conservatory " COLLEGE uncle and an com -tiCifnairii." Tiiiiiii,Tihuql'Grlt. Fine ‘néc Elocutlon. Pia-led Gillan. Dome-ac lence, Harden]: on And Touch- era'Cournon. WI" Ila-cm 1mm. Sun. tlit, Mt, For 1itttatrated ell-calm “are“ 840 laden“ enrolled In: ”a younxludiu and 156 young men. P.tt?tttquirled qnd my“ lately I Ram“. iiliiilhl,tiriiiyiiE,fii're' T4 no book our " and: I phonon-end ale to tho “Indus. Oahu." It you in" an Inbo- on In coining money honestly and very Pit 161]. wrung-let tor territory and be Int the um. xpeneneo not may, we run ntl not. Don't deer an van writs. The J. hylcholn. Co., um and. Toronto. Kudo- ALBERT COLLEGE, OF$ICIALLY 11T.hi','l'dh'_'ohef, a o [no . M the difllltd eras.'. Guido." Both In I: “all and French; - “may 'i'22QPgPP'tijft - - 1'Pi."iijifi"t 735 "s. "" . an 'l'.'2.'Meaudl on M w to". and w“ My my- .ant. mgr-”500.. iii?iiiiiii'i?iii'i'tggiitiiipf [ME N0. 33. 1908 o b tunnel-I Hannah; - y and cm _ "_-"'""'-.---" -'P w II- - Weak-m Passenger Teat, Toronto GXBIA WWII) FOE 3m PAO. Woodstock College, Tho DIM lulu-n Setetetr. ' , , , tt tthr m "and to “think and do." mm Training In connection with School Shame. [In- tho adulation malted. Sand for Calendar ot Bollevlllo, Ont. Woonnocx, Our. Boys Find Openings Tr, , :'iis'j" a p, PRINCIPAL DYER, 'ou shook a." 0v. On I.-_ ma Summer Excursions DrtKXW, ”a. on. 16 “undid 9" TI. Bis IO " if! “gallant "a r'tre Itll It2, the Hg a "manual, .. Ptttit." ntlouu, "on tho met." INK. "a grout m. “bark cabin AaMtaltsetuti, "two rock d the otucr." aa6eltrttuteomtui, "nu A-tttscar' June. "a one . count-[Ind to dr Monica "Mg "tetgtutsttititueok., "HIV . Coutroamooeonteo. "p. ”w are lukvn." Marl-001m, "pin m." autumn. “small t meL-waujju. "tit tau." “Club-ax. "little (1 Konnebunk, "win-n2 an." [wmplqum "rope st NIWmfka, “where u tie. Into another." lutnnnuoook. "plum Mdttaluunketus "salad Mittawutuhuuur, "dow which empties Into a Iletukeeueehunk. “I hook." . lolunkuu. "a thore at W on a small ostrmnn. Iloomlookmeguntle, uteri wateit the In Neeowadttelrunk, "at the mountains)“ Pnlwdumks-ug, “falls . gavel beer" ' l, Pat-gumkm, "sandy-g Pemadunieook, "lake " Iountulnl“ Pts-squid, "long point. Peeoucamoc, "divided l, Manama-l, "white not: PoAwocarwtr, "mud I: Mndulmv. "mouth or tAswndttttr"rsok, "place _ omooth packs." I _ Umoolun, "clslstlintt d Winncguncc. "bmunilul Prof. Garnett ham cu out some of the "tbtir o lug roan. In lll’é bulletin have (mums. Masks. w slat: nun-s. and 'tori cousin puobably mm.- n In ditncul1 humus The I dlix‘loaos tho derivation tho odd murmur ot ttw on forms but! an Amp-I Isl: . Barbvr. Tc-xma a Ron‘l ry. North ('nmlina . ll lean a. lulu-10. Mahala I am; a Bird. l'olurudo n bruh a P,inekbitxt, Nd Bouquet, 1‘er n haul (form: Dirty Devil. W. Diaappomtttwnt, WIN 'exaas an Fuion, Milutran 1 Arizona an Emma. Arkd mum: Fla), Truman? Iichl‘nu n Fem-u, Soul! Omuuuw vm on» may of sole cum I: the and -intt nm. It was “a, of the l‘nlted "Iietat Survey. chair BitVt ot (hogruphic N: " bulletin of 10,000 [hat the Attwrietin mull mlty of the chew! I. Maine, In." tlye Was " I. Joculnrly sum up; buy necessary for t t Btate to I‘m-p [In-1r Eat pun-Um: to pr no: of most art tho 0011 lakes. N‘offnu: ts: that the irruVmtm It“. “than Hind; um- the 00mm Mr “Olhing. but ll linen [lurk to ll and mu 'atal1's"fr1C.1.d "hold," with l ctr-cam narrow, at" are some tho next “alum Manger eotrglts when asking- 1n.- .pcuc or Alsoca inmawuu Fifty-Eight Flowery t Sen ot the nurse. has Avlmnn is I Miss Alice Bail mm, Ga., tells In permanently cured at lion of the ovaries, e n's knife, by takit mum's Vegetable . " I M trufrtred for thr “dbl. pins " the ti Eldon, and did not trouble wu until Ut cod it tntirsmmat burial. and WW " " u l tttt .0 weatr ind m APP. that 1 could tarot " I t, The “Morin: WW I "payment in tne pe mauritaert'y "08"] 'Pager..,',','?")'." of in: “can of the I dill throbbing k" Id. “was. tit-a “new mm. "'" hitBdd to "I it. 6'" a that I utmlly in a“ tBro bottles, ind and byit. I had b" u and v.5 in (me I. we: BAIL". M) got Into ara' - iongl in“, "rustling , game. "Mammal Garnett My cw 'e of the on.” o u. in his bulletin nuns. Hamil. arts. and 1-‘lorl munch In!!! Dynamo 31¢,onsz lious' n. Iilugnn mum. Ark: Tram-oat: 'vneo, Rout‘ and Wm H I Road South Ca " 1 point “divided ite no" tt, " . “an ratio l Md. , Ila-(k " w h tit t "It

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