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Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1903, p. 1

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tiliirsiliiiiStaiii _ "m“"fig’aâ€"Wmâ€"mm a 99 flames 'retuaut EEEEEEEWEEERE VOL. ALI. OUR FALL GOODS were bought before the heavy advan-- ces, and our prices to-day, Always interesting-this year more than ever. We have already reeeivedmtany pieces of our New Fall Goods and we are highly delighted with the reception our customers have accorded our Freizes, Homespnus, Fancy Tweeds. Libelines, Brundcloths. Heather Mixtures, Flecks. Hop Suckings. Marl Etfecls. Venetians. Amazons, Snow Flakes. Fancy Cream and Colored Waistings. All at the old priées and in many cases, less than the old prices. "ememoer we have large quantities of all doses of cotton goods at old Prices. Bleached and Factory Uottons. Flannellettes and Wrapperettes, Sheath? and Pillow Cottons, Sh rungs. Cottonudes & Moleskins Glnghnms and Prints. Lawns and Musllns. Some of the cotton mills have had to close down for want of raw material and the manufacturers are worrying as to whether there's enough cotton to go round-at greatly increased prices OUR WORRY is that we bought so much AT THE OLD PRI- CES that we can’t find room for it. We want you to help us put it “my. New Fall Dress Goods Remember me6mo.yr Ramona"! the place alk . About tlt Cottons 51mm f, gland . NO. 33 f Melee/mic. tlt 'i.iB',i.4lrillr4llli.lll4ll"fa 7770.1? eehnie. i 'itiriittliittit I LAID LAW'S Old Stand hanenge ompetition I 12 YEARS FOR RowLet-Geo Rowley I Ethe manager of the. Elgin Loan Co._[ (whose speculations were the cause or, {its downfall. was sentenced to 12 years 3 in Penitentiary. He made a. dramatic (statement which should he a. lesson mi 'young men. who in the. slightest degree ; I are tempted to gamble. with trust mon- l , ies. His first step speculating was suc- ' lcessful. and there began his downfall.“ . He tried again and lost, and he tried to . i tell in court of his anguish of mind. as 1 he got deeper and deeper into the mire. , 'His storv of petty thefts, to cover up: iothers, sleepless nights and anxious '; ldays. shows crime in its, true. colors. ', I BusxxEss Cassatt-i. J. M. Hun-i 'ler has sold the north half of his new l block to Mr. Alex. Beggs, who intends. ', we believe. to start a flour and feed? store some time this fall or winter inl the premises now occupied by the pub- l, lie Library. Another chunzem View! we understand is the removal of Mr. A. i 8. Hunter possibly to a new building on t the old Stewnrt corner. Mr. R. Bur-netI and brother are to get the A. tr. Hunter l atom. and Hill. the well-known Mark.. : dale merchant, is said to be coming to l the town. We are pleased to observe: this evidence of increasing business i faith in the place. Evergrowmg in-f dustries and a wide-awake market will I demand more in the future, and we: presume the new-comers are anxious to i BO get on the ground." l SERIOUS AccrortxT.---suurxur last the four-year old son of Mrs. Radhurn (Maggie Watt), at present, visiting at 2nd Con. Normnnhy. nearly lost his life by falling in front of a Waggon wheel. As it was it went over his leg, which is broken near the hip and otherwise in.. jured. New SCHOOL HtrotyLAaaosrg.--An or-l der-in-Uonncil was passed last week; authorizing the new interim regulations i of the education Department in respect I to High School curriculum for the) ensuing year. The main feature of the.' regulations is the encouragement given i, pupils to take the Latin option in lam, trunRet, by means of allowing all marks' over ro per cent. tnxen in the Latin examination to count as a bonus on the ' aggregate of marks taken in other snh- ' jectc. The examinations for commer-i cial diplomas are also done away with. . Hereafter each School Board will lay out its own commercial course and 1 grant its own diplomas. The object fi the change is to provide greater elasti.; city in commercial education. Each 1 district may now teach the commercial I subjects best suited to its individual': requirements. In cities. for instance.f special emphasis may be put on steno» grapby; In towns. the greater part of the time may he spent on the ordinary; forms at hook-keeping required in com-l putatively small tmteine-.s.-aht. DURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST 13, 1903. STREET Lmwrtxo.--As will be seen our active council are calling for ten- ders fol street. lighting and the best business interests of the town, we are sure. hope they will be successful this time in "retstahlisttintr on our streets some system of up-to-date lighting be- fore the dark evenings of fall and winter are upon us. A Special Song Service will he held in } tendinit- the Baptist Church on Sunday evening: RETU] next. All welcome. [who re Fort BALtt.--The property of the J. from pr H. Hunter Estate. commonly known as there, m the "Old REVIEW," one door north of} The l Mr. R. McFarlane's residence. For I Methodi price and particulars apply to i, Reinhov Mae. J. H. HUNTER. 1sro. Sc A GRAVE WArvyrsa.-.Nre are re- ‘August: quested by Miss Katie McKinnon form- l THE E erly of Priceville. now of Buffalo. N. I tions an Y.. to warn Marble men and others not. l Monday to drive over her late sister's grove In Edone a Priceville cemetery. Miss McKinnon inecessar has been enjoying the breezes of Atlan- . Fon & tic City tnit still tenderly thinks of "ici to dead. 1 Several m-w patterns In Linoleume and Oil-cloths have just been stocked at James Ireland‘s. House cleaning time at Ireland's. now is your time to buy any and all summer goods: cheap. Mr. S. A. Ridulnle. shoemaker. has moved from his anhton St stand to the Daniel's, residence opposite the Ce. ment ofBees. 2 RIVIBW Nuance of the year for 35 eta to new subscribers. Money to Loan " 45 per cent. MACKAY & DUNN. Durham. Bog Wasrtro.--At once, to learn moulding. Apply at the Durham Found! y. 6 ham Comfort map for 25 cm. at Jets. Ireland's. 53""! -'P; ' NN "rrtisf .».Ia; I} q , u:", ’ t --* . How to get a Homestead m ' the West! I So meny p1soplo are settling in this mount? that' in a short time it will be (difrissu ttttobtain lend along the line Iofruilwey. Anyone wishing to have .a. homestead here will do well to have 2 us select and enter it tor you u soon as Zit is surveyed. We can locate you in any part of Seahtchewan. For full ‘partionlm write et once to ' Moon: Moments, I Prince Albert. Seek. I THE FlxAM's.--Reintits of the ex-unina- irionst are to be mailed to Principals on ! LOOK OUT FOR Hnr---A new form of iswindling the farmer has lately been Iworeed near Aurora. A man who assumes the guise of a farm laborer hires with fat were at reasonable wages, land is Very aremnmodating until his jopporlunity comes. then he is missing, iand generally something with him. :Mr. McGill. of King. went. to market. leaving his new man at work. When ‘he got. home the man was missing. also ?sume $30 or " in cac,h. ln notifying :the aluborities. it. is found he is Known 'as Walters Cooper, though he gave the jname of Walter Gordon, and is de. zscribod as wanted in several places for ilike cause, and for horse-stealing. He {usually rides a stolen wheel. He Is a- ', bout. 5 feet 10 inches. square shoulders, ’dark wavy hair. dark moustache, and lslightly dark complexion, probably {some thirty years of age. He does not ;look like. a tramp or a criminal. A fwarrant is oat for his "rrest.--Ex- when“. This, the greatnt and most imposing ceremony in the R. Catholic church. took place on Sunday last in the basilica. of Br Peter‘s. in the presence of many dignitaries and of 70000 ordinary people. Cardinal Muchi had the honor of plac ing the trifle crown on the head of Pius X, an "the cathedral burst. into unrestrained acclamationu " The papal throne is something grand. gold. red and silver. and that canary. candle- stick: and erueiBx are 0.1 strikingly "tagnifleent. Of more interest to the world is the. man. He seems to be all right. has a. touch of humor and sound good sense. Illustrating these. two incidents have been cabled: the suggestion had been made to tum that he should use the plural form when speaking of himself. and his first, attempt was " we feel very well this morning but we may he ditteis out on returning from our coronation." Some one suggested that. he would look mug without' spectacles. "I have no desi to appear what I um not," and he wore them through the ceremony. Fon 35 CrmTtr-The REVIEW will be sent to Jan. I, 190t, to any nddrnss in Canada. United States or Guest Britain. Send it to your friend. 81 a year, and cheap clubbing rates with Globe, Mail & Emp, Witness, Mon Star. Tor Star. &c CONCERT AT HAgrPDws.-.-This affair on Friday evening last was highly suc- cessful. It was held in the schoolhouse which was packed full. Amongst the entertainers were Masons. I. B. Drysdale and Wm. Ramuze. and that's all we know about it so far. Monday next. The reading was all done a week ago. and this seems un- necessary delay. A COLD tMngaetm.-It ls generally re- mau ked that, last, year and this are alike in the absence of long continued warm weather, and our friend the mosquito seems to have departed for good. Sel- dom, if ever, however has the. tanner had more cause to rejoice. The Young People's League of the Methodist Church are planning to hold a. Rainbow lawn party on the grounds of Mo. Sutherland on the evening of August 3lst. RETURN Tun waatum.-The party who removed small express waggon from post otrlce will please return it there, or leave nt REVIEW once. There is no juggling with facts like the low prices of Cotton goods At Jae. Ireland’s. ', PUBLIC LlBRARY.-v-A meeting of the Board will be held in the reading room on Friday evening at 8 p. m. Full at; iendunce requested. The pastor Rev. Way Smith wilt conduct the Quarterly Samaritan] Service at, Zion, on Sunday afternoon at Following the usual practice. we in. tend to trrke our holiday next week, '0 no REVIEW need be loch-d for. OMee open as usual for all kinds of business, Crockely is a. new line with us. The linen we have in now are good one. for ,ou---gaa. Ireland. Fan SALE AT A tuctttIrtctr.--A 100 acre farm in Bentmck. Apply to MACKAY & DUNN. THE CROWNING or A POPE. NO PAPER NEXT WEEK. ihtgitiit). [ C. Runes. Pu bl inhen ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO bfto not. 10. Con ICrtr. of locum. 'stteutatisyg or momma-or has. 70m dared Made: good hardwood but. Lou-y no“ mum for www. Two Good bum aa achievable ' belting orchard and no gas! wells. PUhht W. of Drama! , all. In now. Ill Bell mac. hubs on the phee will [any kit it. For lather tutor-Ida: - ply. on the makes to “CE“. Holy-um. Pam. Tenders will he recs-wed by the under- uigned on or before Sept. 7. for either are or mersrtdeacent, lighting of the mm“ of Durham. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Wu. B. Vonu'r. Aug. ll, m. Clerk of nun-ham. Lot 10 Con. 22, Townthp Egremnnt. County Grey. containing Mam-es. Por full particulars upplv to These meetings are held 'once a, month and all women whether members or not are invited to be present. Mrs. D. McCrie read an excellent paper on " Dress "; another on " Farm Me " was read by Mrs. W. T. Derby. And use two short papers on " Poultry." Following ttis." there Was d on numerous household topies. The monthly meeting of the tr. il. Women's Institute was held in the home of Mrs. W. J. Derby, Beutinek, on Thursday. Aug. 6th. The whole matter therefore is as Ire. fore, except that we have positive know- ledge of water in abundance beneath us. The question having been raised and the Creat boon of waterwoxks brought into discussion, it cannot be long before this counctl or some other will take hold of the matter and procure for Durham not only waterworks hut a. system of trowel-age and tire protection as well. The council that does this [any receive hard knocks, but they will be blessed in the end. Sn the option the council held for I. few days was relinquished and the Gas and Oil Co. have begun Again the search for ml or Rats. the town of course paying them for the delay. The sheathing of the well has demonstrated the fact that. the lowest. gunhu' struck sends the wa. ter nearly 60 feet when the two first, gushers a: e shut. off. Mr. Theobald. early in the game. Cot a. had blow on the month which cut his lip hut, did not incapacitate him. The council after u tentative effort to ascertain just how much practical sup- pmtthey could look for In the event of establishing a. domestic system of water works, came to the conclusion our citi- zens are not just, ready to pay for such a. servnce. The enthusiasm of a public meeting is one thing: saying just how many taps you are Willing" to pay for in another. As a matter of feet, the sud. denness of the waterworks talk and pos- sibility was 'rutticient to deter many from forming huty deciuions. and the council under the circumstances seem. to have thought it unwiae to hold the well diggers till a, cnmptignof education had enlightened the people. The referee. Brown Jackson. of Bea. forth. gave satisfaction to both teams, and had occasion to send some of both sides to the fence. A very large number went from Dur. ham, though o. Sound was not much in evidence. We regret to hear that‘some turbulent. work took place in the even- mg. The O. Snund team was decidedly the heavier. and if reports he true its com- posmon is a collection of the host from many parts. This m a Practice which is taking the We out o true sport for it, becomes a qut stion of the longesu purse winning. The hat. quarter was uninteresting for o, Sound phyed for time and pure de, tence, Durham". effort. to more. eager as they were. being frttitiese. The we was voted slow all through. andl Icvoml scrappy episodes mured a litt e. 'ur. _ . r IV I In the oecond quarter o. Sound seemed to sttffen up and got two gout. though Durham had possession of the halt the moat and were by no - Budding the point. In the third quarter urhnm seemed " up again-t it" for notwith- smdm the" brilliant plav of Matheson. Theo d, Munro, anelle and n few other» as well as a, vigilant goal keeper. their opponents scored one more nud the. game was lost. The bali was faced about. 4 p. m.. and in 10 minutes from sunning Durham scored their tkat and only goal. This ”19.001! encouragement and during the rend-tier of the ttret quarter mu genitalia-pot!“ prettiest play of the The long-looked foe much to settle the dietricc fi','.'t,'g,'i,og'dh,it between o. Bound and Durham was p yed at Enn- over on Fridey. and resulted in n win taro. Sound by three good- to one. TENDERS WANTED FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALAE. DAVID McKnLvnr. Thistle P. o. CAN'T TACKLE THE WELL. OWEN SOUND WINS our. ---------, .. - WOIEN‘S INSTITUTE. E'W’E cririiiG,"ire"GT biifti'. Was dilcuuion sll'tfltrgiypdlt'/l,rg/,t,ttrpgttttt,eggs '.PfAt_HtryetemteieeiruuTiiFaiGG"""iii' Manual-sauna ”a...“ IhTlllll'Jtf2l'll'2lttfalmtt'r/ "g?'" at Mun “hm-“dualluly Id Idem -- _ /EitrfiitiiitiGaiiih%0aGird can... at my 'eiiiiirii"iiii'i'r4h"J%'ll= 2,.rP'"in"'o"'iiitua lam Notieeuheeetissthat I In" Mnlmd 'a,QW,rt2atu'ht','g', mmstioetodin-etiorus swdvocmm 2etgelr,'gtut'.tgt.t1e it'idrd/T,h%tf,rgM,u,t,g',Aetttt, or tg'"a'if,Sittlh,'n','tgent'Niiitifiirta? All mammal by UNA-us- ual! Roll " midi-ant cyan-um tovettetntttemtdmtt- Ivy-3mm 'te,t't.eeaetereytetytAetiiuiCiiaaT In order to make room for our Fall Stock we are compelled to sell out all the Summer Millinery and these are some of the bargains we are offering. Over 35 Trimmed and Ready-to- wear Hats, regular price $r.oo to 03.75 on sale for...... ....... .. 75c Children's Aceordian Plaited Silk Hats and Embroidered Silk Bon- nets reg. " & $2.75. selling for ...... ..35c, soc, 75c and 01.00 Ladies' Bonnets that were 83.00. and 03.75 selling for.... .... 11.50 so Plain Straw Shapes that were $1.25 & $.50 selling for only. 25c Beautiful Neck Ribbon for. ... . . . . 15c Laces & Appliques on Sale. MILLINERY Spatial lug-In Day-SATURDAY. Voters’ Lists, 1903. MISS DICK MacFarlane & Go llmggists ' Booksellers. Flexo Kodak Munlclnllty of the TOWN OF DURHAM, County " Grey. Illilf (lilllllf BREAD We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholaomems. It's a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excel- lent loaf for a reasonable 1):ti Also Cakes, Buscuns 1nd Confectionery. CHAS BAKAGE. Everything but the film. Loads in daylight with the famous Eastman light proof cartridges. Enjoy Photomplly With little Expense HIND BPOS. Wright's Old Stand. " tit-No. 2 Mela Kodak. . a. “Jun-‘1, Clerk of Man, Ili. Hi

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