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Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1903, p. 2

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8*me and England and Patrol- -‘mn Making]: are now on the sus- 'W/qi, Mt pending an investigation. White family declare that the tsor'o tailing to rvcovcr ls due sole- " to the fact that he was not given name!“ trenmwnl at the jail. Wu Arrested tbr Drunknm. 'Ariskuor.susr. 10.--Holtlen Wtsite,thg Wnlmrvwe new: agent. who was ur- muted on a charge of .druttknenne" In Detroit whne suffering trom an epileptic tit, is dying at his moth- or'o home on the anniversary of his twenty-sixth birthday. He told a startling rtorv of the treatment he received in the Woodbrldge Street gt‘ation. tte. a new“ of which Sergta. Inyor Mnyhury and Police Com- “Honor F'owlo. of Detroit. on Sun- day vlcltqd the home tn Walker-Ville to learn ol his eotrittion and to of- lor consolation to tho broken-heart- od mother. Young White was TPt'F Bellman» during thv-ir visit. and Mr. Fowl? was muf'll affected. With staring eon the unfortunate minim] has bwn unconscious since Saturday. part of his face in para- trntxt and hbr brain is nffocted. He [maxilla that the heavy bars of the {in still hold him a prisoner. and in Is delirium: (Time out to be set free. ‘0_i.opr Is livid out Mr his recoverv. The tttrre r.o ice officials who were tum-mum aw reported to have urn! a any in Walkorville visiting all tho saloonu in an effort to prove mt Rohtrr, White was addicted to a! nu- ot liquor. They were un- .ble to tic" any such evidence. whiteeappers Slay Preacher and " Fatally Shoot Son-indent. LewFtrurg,T-uut., Aug. 10.-.\ band of whitvenpprrs last night matieits wpvamnce at the home of a negro mmclmr natural John Millikin. MIL Witt made. his exit through a hack char. He was brought down by a "plur. dying almost instantly. John Hunter. a son-m-Inws ot Mil- Mn. mu mm!» to accompany the - on a fruitless search for an- other negro, and ln an attempt to "cave gas {gully shot [nth hick. ' 350 greater part of the Sacred: College was much irritated, and par- I loulnrly the French cardinals, who belated that they would not recap also the Veto, but a. night's rout ttromtht better counsels, and the 'ttoetetave "eeitioU that in thepreeent I genial ot the Church in France the oLv Bee could not tail to give heed to the protest. It was thought that tho Austrian Emperor'l deepetch night have been the result of the Joint wishes of the triple alliance. This‘ did not, howeVer, allay the irritan ’tlon of France, which found itself powerless. _ _ ' Held on [Worm-I Reception. Home cable; During one full hour this morning the bolls of: about five hundred churches were was in honor of the, election of. Pine x.. a welcome unique of its] kind. and ordered by Cardinal Res-i plghi. Vicar or Rome, who issued special instructions. therefore. All KILL NEGROES FOR NOTHING. Tho wife of Miy.iidn was "ruck over the kirld with n m and pain. lully trNroe.'. No canto ll Wed 'or the killing. Watirerxiite Man Fell in I F'tt and the churches contemporaneously celebrated masses tor the event. tho “atoning of the Oremus com- bining with the harmony. The bell ringing served another purpose, that of heralding the great care. many ot tho reception of the diplo- matte body accredited to the Holy See. Rome has lately been aurteited with Vatican functions. but that of “my morning was so [tr-thing that " held Its own with the others. The members of the Sacred College held a kind of infarmul reception. tho conciave. short as it watr.ttas. lug brought them cordially to- gether. A proceulon was then format. First came the Swiss Guarutr. which gives a peculiml me. dieval splendour to all Papalgath- Hinge. then the Palatin Guard. followed in circular ranks by the tabrita t In Protect Their Race' from mm EDITOR’S APPEAL . TI) ms M)lules THE POPE DYING FROM HARD USAGE. y . niitorado Springs, COL. WM: At Outrages and Abuse. This verdict was the findiag of the coroner’s jury in the case of Hui-Lin. F razor, the frvty-.srear-old tktaithter of Mr. L. D. Frame, cart.. a.We' agent, at 251-253 Co loge trtreet, who died of scar-Ira fever on Tues- day, June 0th, and was buried the following day in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Mr. and. Mrs. Frame, the parents of the deceased chi d, were tho only wilnmrs examined. To Mr. il. H. Dewart. who appoared for the Crown, Mr. France explained that the child had been treated by Chi-lo- tian Science, and afterward. by Dr. Carveth. He aid that he V“ . staunch believer in the doctrine. or Christian Seitsooecantt that~be and hug wife had administered treat- ment to their Magma-3y mam pamph- Iran the B: o and the 1?yfeti.et payback. He aid that 'bo chad hind tkGruuiik axmt Jury Would Mute Treatment . Lgstrat Offence. Toronto, Aug. 10.-"That Hulda Frame came to her death in To- mmo on June 9th from scarlet fever. and that from evidence ad- duced for our consideration we trml that no one showed any negligence [e opunectgon therewith: and we, ever saw. and more "ard tiitiG big once In Keuka Lake. not rise again. Attempts to find’ the body have failed. Lee says he: got a glimpse of the, mm as it pun-! ml Wagner from the boat. Be ttl scribes It as the largest trout he: - ,V_--.,.. -....‘.-vnyu. all“ "cl the jury (Um-mid, wouid, however. mmngly recommend that the law be so changed as to make it a crimi- nal offence toe any Christian Scien- tist to administer their treatment to any person who is not legally of age.” tm lino Wagner was dragged head! tirgrt out of the boat. The llne be-. came entangled about Wagner, and.‘ although he smuggled desperately. he was pulled under the water and dldl Yankee Sport-man Pulled Over boar] by Big Trout. Room-stem N. 11. Aug. 10.-Luclen P. Wagner, a business man of Penn Yan, was drowned in Keuka Lake yester- day by " monster lake trout. Wag- ner and Jerome Lee were trouting, the latter rowing, when Wagner booked the tish. Lee went to his aa- alstnpce. but before he could seize Snlmon Packing Truce. Seattle, Wagrh., Aug. 10.--N, a bi- reot result of the Treasury Depart- ment'a recent ruling permitting Am- erican mlmon packers to recover a drawback of duties paid on foreign cum caught tor export. the Canadian packers have sought a truce in the warfare going on near the border waters. h conference has Just been held here between J. A. Iii-met. of Vancouver. B. C., and. L. B. McGov- urn, of the Pacific Packing and Navi- agtlon Co.. at which it was agreed that the Canadians would cease nsir. lag in American waters and buying: American fish. and the Americana, as far as the salmon combine in con- cerned, will keep out of Canadian waters. The Canadians for years have encouraged fishing in American waters for their canneriee. bat the duty on million prevented retaliation by the Americans. With the drawback allowed by the Treasury, the Amer- icana were put in position to retail- This is (but: three times. The Maw " then begun as usual. but be- fore the incarnation ot the altar, the “Musing of the PontW-eltrct" Is pronounced by three cardinal bish. ops. each of whom recites prayer over him. . g Cont. read in a. clear Toiee the ttol- lecuvo greeting of his colleagues. presenting their homage to the new Pope, and assuring them or their n.. delvitv. Pius X. answered with great normality. thanking them hcurllty for their good wishes. The promotion. having gained the bail a! the throne, Where the mem- berg of the diplomatic bodv were gathered, Senor D’Antna, the Porta- guese Ambassador. and Dean of the m Pope, in spotless white, his CTWF hair in harmony with his whole attire. and surrounded by the noble guard. who always remain near his gar-son. went on foot just ahead of than others. whole Pontifietat Court. in its mul- tUormed and multicolored ooctumel. the Cardinals In all the gorgeous- neso of their scarlet robes. and the Bishops. scarcely le- ctr'mglog in the purple. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. FISH DROWNED HIM. To-day'a shrinkage alone aggre- gates many minions of dollars. Countless “stop loss" orders were caught in the selling avalanche. and it is probable that hundreds ot weak accounts were closed in utter disre- gard of the losses sustained by their owners. The day began ominously with lower prices. The Sharp and Bryan failure made little Impression on values. In the last hour and a half stocks were thrown over ruthlessly. In the entire list Just seven nooks made net gains. Sligiuly over 1.000,- 000 gnu-ea changed hands during the dag. The heaviest trading was in Atchison. Baltimore and Ohio. St. Paul. Erie, common. Missonr‘ PM!" Penuylvanla, Reading common and United States not! common. the lat- STOCKS WERE THROWN AWAY. New Your Tteport.-- Two more Stock Exchange lailuma. making a total of six ln the last 11 business days. were recorded to-day, when Sharp and Bryan and Hurlbutt. Hatch and Company, announced their inability to meet their obligations. Both tenures had been discounted for a. week or more. l t ' At the close ot the day} some of tho Dolld Interests declared that the tlnanclal atmosphere was being cleared. but tor all that Wall Street as a whole could see no silver lining In the clouds, much lens a golden one. h sharp break in sterling exchange during the dag. was coupled with the suggestion that at least one inter- national banking house had been making desperate eil'orLs to bor- row money abroad. Other failures were confidently; predicted. and the names ot several important firms Were mentioned as among those in financial straits. to 161i: friends. Wall Street Yesterdaya Scene of Financial Despair. The data business can beat be summarized by the statement that almost {our-score of stocks. fully) “to-thirds ot the active list, touch.. the Iowa“ record reached during the present movement. which had Its in- ceppioq iaqt September. _ W. x. R. Preston Issues Invitations for Hal-test Hands. London, Aug. 10.--Mr. W T. lb Preston, Commissioner of Immigra- tion, issued an invitation in the press for harvest workers to go to Canada, urging that they must leave at once. The men, unacquafnted with farming. are told that they must be willing to accept $10 monthly, the farmers being reapomdble for their board and lodgings. Agricul- turlsts are promised 820 to 825 monthly, with the board and lodg- ing. Persons desiring situations as merits or shop assistants are not ad- vised to migrate unless proceeding to appointments already secured or lll1ljllll,li HIST ill ffilwi, A New Industry on the Welland River at Chippewa. Niagara, Falls Report: It was currently reported on both sides of the river to-day on good authority that Canadian capitalists had so- cnrod the Ruthemberg process of making steel by electricity, and In 'he near tature will construct a mammoth electrolytic ate-e] plant on the Welland River at (fluipp'rwn. wins: a large block ot Canadian Niagara power. Fuller and Bon Tom to Pieces While Fishing. ' Vancouver. Aug. 10.--A terrible tra- gedy occurred near Macaulay Point vmenday. Two men, believed to be Henry Caldwell, a surveyor. and hie Fon. want to a small island. about two mlles from Victoria, and ott Ma- caulav Point to dynamite mm mm dynamite exploded, and the bodies of both were torn to small pieces and scattered over the rocks. ' ELECTROLYTIC STEEL PLANT. London Doctors "tree. PYom Manipu- lating the System. London, Aug. 10.-Two doctors. be- longing to the staff of the London Hospital. have been affected in "x" rams in a. manner similar to that of the assietant or Thomas A. Edison. the noted American electrician, and have been compelled to abandon their work. Thev were engoged for. a long time in making examinatison ot and manipulating diseased parts, while "x" rave were directed on the patients. M’hen they begun to aut- ter they tried gloves. on the backs of which lead foil WM Dawn, but these impeded the movement of their hands. and were discarded. One. ot the sufferers ceased operating un- der the. "x" rave eighteen months two. yet his hands have improved lit- tio, despite constant treatment. 200 the toms of the jury Mr. Frazee aid that he knew bf case-1 when a broken shoulder had been cured by Christian Scientists. Mrs. France’s testimony was on a line with tut given by her hus- band. and at its conclusion the above verdict was brought in. - in. 1hmtrt--DM you give the child any modigititet ' It. Fra-s-De. Car-nth prescribed the Me. which was adminitr, tel-ed cam-ding to directions. Mr. Dmrart-Have you had a per- sonal demonstration ot being cured by Chrkrtian Science? -tgr. Frame-l was cured of fits. whim I experienced from my baby- hertiev61t m M yam-s old. than my. More m1 lat-tune. Ind been eauied in Mr. D-art-Who am you to all In a Micki)? Mr. Fraaeir-ttrm Jean Anion. a. neighbor. came in and told me that her child beans. “I and Guam ”mom. of “has: fewer. knew that m ’dnngler waa not very wall, Jlltll,'t matted medr. ml "stunt m. tin emu I oom- phi git]! hex-3m. AFFECTED BY " X " RAYS. A DYNAMITE TRAGEDY. CANADA WANTS MEN. TORONTO Lmd ('lonbrook next moved "trat whom bargains were muh outside the mm- of fixed prices the commis- aioners should be rcquirud to spec-Hy the 11:619011' for perm \ling than. The effect or tho amnnglm-n; h t) limit the privilege. Tlu- Gicrttttettt op- posed it, but wus Fried, the rote standing 64 in favor to 16 against the motion. Later m- Government was again defeated by three votes on a minor point. . pally's magazine war h. Wail. "amt o" R'u'fton h ' xploded yel- oat. taming. Three emp'oyoe: were blown! .3”; to pieces. treal While the bill was in the House of Commons one ot the trtifrotst tights that the Nationalists put up was to secure tho right to make bargains regarding the sale and purchase of estates outside the zones where prices were fixed. Mr. Wyndham, Chiet Secretary tor Ireland, and the introducer of the bill, naally yielded the point when it seemed apparent that the bill otherwise would be wrecked. Lord C1onbrook, an Irish peer. moved in the Home of Lords that bargains shouéd only be allowed in exceptional Circumstances. It this motion had been carried it would have again raised the whole dispute lath in the House ot Commons and In Ireland. As it was. the Govern- ment only deteated the amendment by one vote, the divlslon being 59 to 58. . fl - Government is Having Hard Work in House of Lords, London cable; The Government 1 is meeting With difficulty in steering the Irish Land bill through tltc House of Lords. which was occupied today with the measure in its eom-. mittee stage. Amendments were pass- f ed with persistence by the landlord l, interest. and the Government wan _ twice defeated on divisions during the evening. This was mainly owing to the presence of many Irish peers, who are seldom seen in Parliament, but who have found it possible to attend now to defend their own in- temstu. HAD ONE VERY CLOSE CALL. If was at nrgt 11mm to send the delegates, or as many or them who are to take in the trip, in sep- arate Sections. but to-day the Can.. adian Famine Railway Company’s head office notified the Secretary of the Board of Trade of the above WAS TWIIIE Elfllill, decision. Montreal, Aug. 10.-TJm delegates to the coming '(‘ongrms of Chambers of Commerce of the Empire, to be held ln this city, beginning Aug IT, will, alter the conclusion of the convention, have! west over the (Ianadhtn Pacific Railway in a Spec- ial train prqyldxed for the occasion. Mac riots occurred March 23rd. Subsequently a commission was up- trointed. and on Julv 12nd It rp- ported in favor ot the prosecution of tho riotcrs. holding that the po- licc were justified in firing and In what they did, except in the case of two pone-one who were bayoneted. Sir Henry Ewell. Chief Justice or British Guiana Port ot Spain. Aug. 10. - Tim ap- pointment of Sir Henry Bovcll. Chief Justice of British Guiana, as com- missioner to enquire into the al- leged exceisuive and uncalied for ahooting and bavoneting by tho, po- lioe during the recent riots has been officially announced. COMMISSIONER IN TRINIDAD. Ring Confers Titles in Connection With His Recent Visit. London, Aug. 10.-h long llst or honors, conferred by the King in connection With the royal visit to Ireland. is published to-night. Sir John (‘imrles Ready Colomb, M. P., and Thomas Andrews, chairman ot the County Down Council, have been made Privy Councillors, and Sir Daniel Dixon, Load Mayor of Bel- fust. and Edward Fitzgerald, Lord Mayor or Cork, have been creatod buronets. Other honors are distri- towns visited during the royal tour. buted to the orneiabr of the principal Recruiting ht British Central Africa number of' Commerce Will Thus Tour Canndu. ’hNMnl'bIl-re. irornrhtitsetriirtr, Aug. 10. - With a View to testing the accuracy of a statement made by a witness be. tore the Labor Commission that 10,000 natives annually are avail- ]uble from British Central Africa for the Rand, the Transvaal Lead. er wired to the president of the Chamber of Commerce at Blantyre. His reply states that recruiting in British Central Africa has been a failure. The balance of 600 men out ot 1.000 authorized are unob- tainablr‘. The local labor bureau is unable to obtain sufficient la. bor tor home railway construc- tion. The C'iscmber considers that it is impossible to obtain the sup- ply required by the Rand. The Empire. Nitro-Gcherlno Coty torhndlngtholht with. could more than deacon mm. L, Hump no Bryan were epoch I In cavern! noon. more partlculurly} in Virgina-Carolina (mental and their failure In regarded u directly! attributable to the decline In thou mares. During last year's boom Chemical preferred sold at high '" 134 TAt and the common at 80. They closed to-du at 85 and 238-4 remecthelyj. - _ According to the statement of the ttmittnsts, harp and Bryan‘s lla, billties are about 851113000. mostly secured; Aunts are aid to include oeVeml million dollars of Stow Ex- change securities. the value or which is almost altogether on market cou- dltious. - No ottstemeot nasal-ding the and" of idiurlbutt. Hatch and Company was me. e. \ TO CROSS IN ONE PARTY. LAB'JR IN THE RAND. IRISH HOAOR LIST. Steamer Holmle singled With Cun- dinn Deals it Amalia. Iontreal. Aug. .1o.--'the steamship Holman. from Montreal to “egg. ivoou, England. is ashore 0!! Point nan. Newfoundland. Tho’ateamer 'tsad-i deals for Robert Cox & Co. at this port, and saian on the 28th of July. from the Informant“: ob- tainahle, t uppeam that 1h. 'tem- mgr an ashore at Point“ m. If Hay last. According to the Intent ( advice: Che ls taking no water .hut in-..pite of the endeavors ot two, Frauen cruisers. is still fart I aground. . . Tue 1-"ThPithht.i' tr gm. tow. l no o? l, 'am .'ttoruatt at! 'tttl', ',teLijtfeiirii3iii.rT'tia%W,il "oil, which are worth about '10,. um. The veg-9| in omtqt iFdAil L'gratt, Mid hr wt. h -M. creel are Ataasitt, 06115 t n. ' V F "_-e-ee -._, m... lives in the Northwest Territories. The young- man may occupy the land or receive the income until he attains the age ot 30 years. The testat-r- ienves one-hair ot lot 19 and tho whole of lot 20, ot the km. to his causiu. William Noble Rutledge Ryan, son of Noble Ryan, of Goldwater, subject to the payment of $1,000 within {our years to the beneficiary s sister. Kate Ryan, and 8500 each within two years to Nellie Rutledge, of Stroetsvillo, and Nellie Harris Brown. of Peterboro'. Ont. The farm- in; implements. animals. etc., are to be divided eqqually between Charles Drew and W. N. R. Ryan. The tee. tutor also makes these bequest-z Dr. Harry Rutledge, stteeteiiite, Ont., 81.000. Florence Hyde. Petrol”. Ont., $1.000; a diamond ring mingle stone. to William N. RI. Ryan; an English watch, gold chain and a Wire and two diamond rings to mun). hm... Rim Du G.' Bequests Made In Will of a Brooklyn Broker. New YorhAug. Ill-There was tiled tor probate ln Brooklyn to-day the will and codlcll of James McCormick, the well-known stock broker, who died on July M. [ill estate ll very large, but its exact value In un- known. Mr. McCormick owned a farm known as Cutie/ia, near Goldwater. Ontario. Canada. He leaves lot " and one-htuf of lot 19, of this tom. in trust tor the benellt of his comm. Charles Drew, now 20 years old, who Lime in the Northwost Ton-nan.- Mr. Lowe Left New York, Tuesday afternoon at 2.45 o'clock, and is due in Los Anches at 11 o'clock Friday, making his total time tor the trip from sea to sea, three days and nine hours Telegraphic messages hare been sent directing that relays ot locomotives be prepared and that Mr. Lowe's train he given the right ot way. _ '. Log Annalee, Cat., Aug. 10. - Marr Lowe. the 15-year old daughter ot Henry Lowe, Chief Engineer of the United States Steel Corporation. who Chicago. Aug. 10.--T'p reach the sick bed or. his young daughter. re- portod dying in Lott Angelou, Cal., Henry E. Lowe. ot New York, Chief Engineer of the United States Steel Corporation, is rushing across the western prairies on a. $4,000 specie] train that promises to beat all transcontinental records. RACE ACROSS al)i'rlloili'r; KING OF TERRORS WON. Power Co.’s Boiler Explodes Killing Two Negroes, Others Hurt. have kept very 11mm -pu"- --" muslon hem _ on]. party I: here tor the Puma-0 of witnessing a test of a Philadelphia man‘s we” tor making steel. " in reported that the Canada!!! are satisfied that the manufacture ot steel on this continent will be re- volutionlzed try the new pro---"' electric' process. This is a process lnreated by Mar- cus mrtateeihtug, of Philadelphia. Capltullzta {mm large clues in the United States witnessed tests of It some months ago. The Canadians who are here, it In asserted, are: Eugene Honnell. sup- erintendent or mines ot Canada. Ot.. lawn: o. Hlmun, Government elec- trician, OttaWa: Hon. Donald Locke, Gowrnment Chemist. Ottawa; Wll- llanl Cross, Auditor ot the Canadian Pacific Railway. Montreal; William Simpson, a capitalist, of Ottawa. Dr. Carroll, of Ottawa, in also register- ed at the Kenmore Hotel with un- parts, and, tt is understood, has . ,_._ -0 aha nrnnjinnl Gimp!!!“ a _"'i"-"-C' 7 Carroll, of Ottawa, is also register- ed at the Kenmore Hotel with this party., and, it is understood. has witnessed some of the practical tests of the electrical furnace at the Cowles works. It In reported that thls new pro- cess of manufacturing steel will be given a commercial trial in Canada comewlwre on the Niagara River, and that the gentlemen now here are In- lerwted in the project. One rumor has It that they contemplate build- lng a plant on the Welland Canal and use Niagara Falls power. Canadians Lot'kport. Aug. 10.--h part1 ot/tl'-. tinsuuritesd Canadian ottteitstt' pad railroad men have been here for none time. The! constitute a commlnnlon from the Canadian Government and ““"‘ “Milt their "iiijtni T0 ASHORE OFF Pomecu TO ONTARIO PEOPLE TW.tliF, 'rpm", Lost the Race. “D‘v “v" omstitute a commlinlon nadinn Government and very quiet about their in t..ockport ' Steel Process. "I. '7“ 13'». mm and the United States. and In accordance with clause " of Tho Hague International arbitration con- volition. 'eeond-h reduction in the oveh whelmlng naval cxpenaeos In axle.- ment with France and Russia con- cerning which the baron clum- to ','fI"g,f,'thiei, categorical, verbal and wr en immune... lrttimt.-A friendly settlement of tho outstanding difference. which toe treaty year. have um. “um...“- . _ __A, What new ot Punch Delegate. in lat-don Expects. Paris, Aug. "a0.-.Beuoa D’Estolu neiies do Constant. who headed the French h",tg,tStet arbitration group on 1 recent visit to London, has written an important letter to Foreign Minister Doha-so. The letter says that during twenty years the rear of PtsriutMiitar, opposition he. alone prevented the oettlemeut ot the Anglo-French difficultiee, and now that the toar in (would. noth- ing Prevent. the adoption ot a con- ciliatory policy All the British 'rtatemnen' Who'll: be law, without distinction oi party, can the heron. ware unanimous in desiring this such Rested new DOIin. whim. mic-6 I... -- mninctlon of party, my. the baron. Were unanimous in desiring this web seated new poiicy, which mint bo an Nearly defined " the former 000 was obscure. Tho - May has three "semis! objects: Fleurt-'the conciuslon ot a Pea-ol- able arbitration treaty simiiar to that. negotiated between Great Bri- tain and the United States. and tn accordance with clan-a Mrh -. “-- boiler ot the Tumloona Light and Power Company exploded last night killing two negro“. severely injur. inc Manager McGheo and Engineer. Onward. 1nd wrecking the plant. The city in in darkness. The boiler was ttrried two blocks. passing through three brick walls and land- ing in a department trtotNy 500 teet Last night of Bruttt's disease. He was born In New Yarn In 1837.wm-ro ho practiced law may years. Ho was owner of the Mountain: Rubbvl Company. and prominent in Masonic circles. Prominent M Dean. Bridgeport, Com” Aug. 10.-Jat N Wimp. a prominent hwyer, dtod bloodshed. " in averted in one quarter- that glue authorities. ure accretly arming the Kurdl. while emu”- lug to constant. “An-enha- of revolutionqqy _lntent}o_na. l‘v‘v‘uwwuu-g ..q...Mr'-'e'-""'"' A dry-patch laat night from Con- stantlnoplo announce. that the Porto hu abandoned all Idea ot withdrawing the harm-h troops from Macedonia. and in making wig- orous morn-ammo to draft troops tor tho Morbed dlotricta. A circular note had, it was otated, been sent to warn the European Enters of the Turkish Governments. tenuon. 1319 note “ted that the situation In very certain. and al. though It did not mention Bulgaria, tho document I. "ended a. a men- ace to the Bulgarian Government. " spending menu the continent on a metal train, died at a hotel hero last night. When death came to the child. Mr. Love was pausing through western Kano”. , wary 303:5"?! Constantinople. lug. 10.--C"ott'mWP ww Aesiiteed here yenterd‘y fro-I W1! Indicate that the .1th In WI: was con- saintly (:me worn. At a meeting of the Hint-tern " bu been (leaded to adopt mum of supreme enemy to suppress the revolution. It In tell' that Al- Mann heaps will 0 employed, in which event. Mrs! are turnout lnevltahle. The Bulgarian Eur-ch won my... moned to the Yuan Palm on Wed. - __-" ‘A ---I-- - "n-I tthar arm., Common' to-uay, rit-luv- ...u-..., -.. reply to Eur: Nam. announced that Mmtlou u - sent to the smut: Mint- at Pekln'not to urge to the_ Chinese Government'. ---V -. can..- “roe to up -----' (Io-5nd for the orrreMer hat of t.tyLyf!.Pf and fd, my: -_ei. vain], em.u.m “mm“ ot diplomacy. cr--------:, m Dam Rep-urea. " "b" the dam connector! 'the ttrut bill Owned And m In June“ Sharpe. near Prince- Wag. .'yqrt ”my by the we. on- i",',,', a Ima, or tR3ttto $500.11}? " to 9.-tiona at e _ 'it,; gm Kr. “Ii-p... .-, BETTER TIMES “emf Won't oitr , A Fun! BhrMoMoat. Macedon“ Fin-iiio man u mm: his flock to dellm up p, and thereby avoid Tt , Seeing f M. be; “do 'true Which In” MM " Shall:- ud artMt of the ma. ”no. " Revolution ills- Mt.--Cotrmurr here yeIterdny “to that the Pintr Giiduia hr Balfour, tn an. Announced 91mm - Gil The blind luau ult horror and shrunk I mhbly terribic ready formed in MI "Mr (loo 1" he mu thu-applies to-rm whom from the very ed to love with tio “on of u dm‘utod In mean to Imply that --" He can“ not trnmhlinz nn , “Hill" “The circumnuux Inld the marqulu. ' “Await me, proclnl and ya" m‘omm hm (and: Informed me t dauw in her hand. hand how that ta owned F' “lflnlnv I Eh Inn you know that $91 The: marquiu was neat. and his sllrnve the blind mm to w "Good Heaven, wt mi!" ho p;uned. In? You , The marqull [and "Doubt hot!" he I “taper. "No !" Luigi drew a deep "Naqt-.-then----" “mm-what ? 1 dc You do not. But whn ot the world. Yo't at 'rotrtrqt-ht- boon h dated. and could not 'atattt--"ott eeidvnee tttht Put Fourhi If in -fstratss, Uu-Ju g In how this crlmu with her link by Ii thlnk t" Int new in [mun Who rushed past waiting tor me---" The blind man um horror and shrunk r “l‘ul Who? WIN WOOD out In the I time? Who was on I murdered mat" co- Laugh face anal and ho around. he marquis too any). across the r buck. “WHO. the circu appear. to tho ond aho had trot the let 81m offend " to I “The letter T Tm- marquil wait; hid his hand on Lul "Goodr' he and. an Innocent. no it nu}: t" . br9eetir III. to ah Why It In dang” Lulu: 0.00 U‘ to every Mottled! maintain“; race winch In. but! Ont... writ- " (cum "My “ale girl lead “a: no: can» She I may": wu MIN. 1 Mee, turd “IO vomit a the uduoe ot o but Babr'a pwn Tn] Batty " a ever: "What II I." um you are inuowol I I u that tin-re In . I All the rvlchnce. Mr " Ararat could not commit a cownrdly nu: in the dark I" l hilly. “You mun ta anrne t" m. Nu weather. 1 at cumin tor 'nl'7', I tter Baby‘s Own Tall ttMt Improving " ot W well at night gums. and I In I “n‘ for tite. Natl ood until! one E',',".' her food die - . "not, t .nd aha " quiet u atrorttrly rteommtM1s other motltertr, at - when nething ' may. Own MW “on In medicine, Bibi" Own '1 Men tn mod “unpaid at tw " tho Dr. Wi my. Brandi! Elbek. "In“ Who --qptto tro Blue Ribt of Canada. Made frm strictly sci: hr The taste bouquet Odorou tion at a mod BABY‘S titu't 't IN B] he healed ter u "my name h 'u-‘U-J; . The tt " 1m On

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