West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1903, p. 4

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SI; FEsSome useful horses for sale ta, tRush {a Ctark's we, to test, to a, convinced Balance of our Children’s Duck Suits " a Big Reduction 20 doz. Ladies' Cotton Hose, regular " cts, clearing 10 Pieces ot Bicycle Suiting 40 m wide. reg. 16e yd for 11c '200 tht. 160 u naymona tewxng Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ', Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Our Full Stock will urnye in I few days and to make mom for it we are cleanng all our Summer Good. as big reduction. We quote you t few of our Buying :1 That there is,%o better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal.. merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win- ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkervi11e: Gi1lri,,e,,., wand... SIIMMER CLEARING SALE _ _ _ _ s Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there's room for more MUSLIN S & DIMITIES Cash and One 937100. out for 10 cl: . iine Muslim. regular Ir, on per sdgoing n " cu Sbumburys. tag. 20 & 25 as per yd at " ct: Dimiuea, 36 Inches wide reg. 153 yd " Ile Scotch Gingham. reg. P2de yd at 10 ct- John Clark 'ortock. 'ortoek them Win. M Miss Eliza \Vatson. Dromme, teacher at Swinton Park, visited Flesherton friends last week and came from there to Durham and Vickers where she has many friends. Miss L. M. Forfar, Ellesmere, has been agminted to the position in the school 1'gt held by Miss Lick. Miss Forfar has ad experience and comes highly recommended. Mr. and Mrs. T. Coleridge, London, are on a two week’s trip among rela- tives in Ettremont, Durham and other points in Grey County. Miss Watt, professional nurse In Roch. ester, daughter of Rom. Watt, Sam“ B. Marie, was a guest of her aunt Mrs Wm Johnston, for a few days last Week. Mrs. It. P. Legate. Ceylon. and son Robert, visited last week her sister, Mrs. U. Rumage and at Mrs. Rubt. Twumley’s. Bentiuck. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ramage and part of the family visited Egremont friends at. the beginning of the week, Mrs. R. re- maining for a few days. Mrs. Robt. Jamieson, of London, is visiting at her hrother-in-luw’s Mr. R. MucFm-lome and other relatives for a couple of weeks. The Misses Shepbmd. Toronto, ed last week, utter a. pleasant I with the family of Mr. and Mrs Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Rom. Miller, Brantford, are visiting no Mr. Jno, Harbonle's. Mrs. H is a. sister of Mrs. Miller. Miss Janet Chbson left on Tuesday (at be: home in Toronto after spending a week with her. cousin, Miss Annie Ire- land. Miss Mary Marshall, of the REVIEW Staff. left an Tuesday to spend part of her holidays m Owen Sound. Mr. C. Ryan. of Nenagh. spentFr-iday of last week in town, visiting old friends and acquaintances. Miss Clam Seigner returned from Barnia and Port Huron, where she Visit- ed friends for a few weeks. Miss Jessie A. Beaton is this mo visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Beaton, Durham. Miss Marion Thornhill, Mt. Forest was a visitor of Miss Ella Laidlaw, for n. few days last week. Messrs. R. McChacken and Reggie Kelly was in Collingwoou for several days last week. Miss Dunn, Toronto, spent a day in town m the guest of her itrother, Bar. rister Dunn. Mr. Finlay Graham is now located in Midland where he has secured a drug business. Miss Margaret Gun came home last week from a Visit to hee friend Miss Dewey. Miss Nellie McPhee. Namath, spent last week with her friend. MISS Paterson in town. Mr. Geo, Hmuilum, Galt, visited his cousin, Mr. J. 8. McIlwraith. Friday last. _ Miss Mal y Mac-Kay left last Saturday to take a position in Hamilton. Mrs. Jar. Matthews. of Mnrkdnle. was a guest of her para-ms last week. Miss Pickering. Mt. Forest, was a. guest of her hmthel over Sunday. Mr. Philip Eva. left on Tuesday for Guelph where he has a Rood situation. . Miss A. Buchan. of walkertoo, is visiting har- brother, Mr Walter Buchan. Miss Erma Schwenk has returned from a pleasant. visit to Sandusky. Ohio. Mr. Alex. McDonald. engineer. is quite ill this week, and laid off work. Mr. Walter Elvndge ism guest of his father for a. few days this week. Miss Mary McCreury of L, Big Store is away holidaying this week. guests of her mother. Misc Eleanor Krona is a guest of Han. oyer friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Allan returned Tuesday from their annual visit. Miss Beith. o. Sound, " a guest of her sister. Mrs. A. Davidson. Miss Clark of Elem is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Alex. Russell. Mr. Rom. Votlett. 0. Bound, was a guest of friends over Sunday. Mr. Wes. Theobald mu i Valley last week. Damn. -- Mr. Steve Ludlow mu in Stanford this week. Mrs. Wm. Lauder returned from For Elam last week. Mr. mo ARCH TORONTO :I'HE BUREAU REVIEW But-net left last week for a. pleasant holiday son Norma) this mun th ', return. ‘. Peter in Grand tb_nruton................. .tieisiiTcG Palmerston........ i:.::,...".?.".'?).,',','?,', Northern. jj..i.iy.iiioit,rr.'.y.iiiil'tllls't Centre Wellington. Fergus. . .Se tug West Wellington. Hatnston. . . .gopc 8 Centre Bruce. Ftsier......C.rtiir t ma) Proton, 'rfGiiiiC".TC,tgc,',NUfy I SOUTH GREY, DURHAM, Sept. 21-22 Industrial, Toronto.. '. . . .Aug 1T-tupt 12 Western. London. .. '.... . . .. .801», 11.19 Central. Ottawa...... .....Bopt 11.19 North Grev. Owen Sound. . . ..Sept 15.17 Sand; weiiimrtdd. Guelph. ..tfeitt 1517 “II-i Inn " __ ' Bnyrcy---NcLacm.AN-.-At the residence of the brideU father. Glam-1g. Aug. 4th. Iart, by the Rev. J. A. Mathew)”, B. D., Thee. w. J. Bruce. of Cnlguv. N. w. T., to Belle. daughter of Joli“ McLacbhm. ,V "e “J -c-.--n "A" '""""f"" " of the Canadian premier." - _ , V.... V... '"'""Pb'""""6b"""r'. "James Grieve, Canadian immigra- tion agent for Michigan with head- quarters in the Son. returned home the first of the week from a trip to 'Ottawa. His friends here will be 1 pleased to learn that his work has won the approval of the Canadian Rovprn- ment, so much an that it has been fit to recognize his services by promot- ing him to the charge of Unnwdmn immigration business of the states of Washington. Idaho and Oregon, With headquarters " Spokane. Mr. Grieve. has been in charge of the local otBee and the work in Michigan for neat-l three years and in that time both, himself and Mrs. Grieve have. made a host of warm personal friends, who, while rejmcing in their good fortune, will see them leave the city with re. gret. Mr. Grieve Will he succeeded rcrib); Chagleu Lauri". " halt brother n ' n M...,.. L. h“ . " .. ,,,V."“-~.\u~.v mu all} J. R. Grieve. husband of Mass J. Arrow. smith that was. and well known in town. We offal our congratulations t I. , ‘M. AN . A ._, A late issue of the Boo Times contains the following tuttering refeience to Mr. y n n_:__r I I . --- -- ~Russia, while atytrattdizing in the cast, is threatened with trouble among the laboring classes at home. Japan may see in this an opportunity. --Two shots were fired by an anar- chis: " the French premier while re- turning hom a banquet, bat no one was hurt. The assassin was captured. --A great Conservative Convention is being held in Toronto, to-day, Wed- nesday, with both Dominion and Prtrvirieial leaders on hand. Mr it It Gamev is not on the bill, but is expect- ed to be there. --Ttade with Britain shows momh by month gratifying increases. and so does the volume of emigration. Not, that more people are leaving the islands than before, bat the tide is being directed to Canada. and fewer go to the States and Australia. --The Dowager-Empress of China seems to be the embodiment ot ancient :savagery. she has just executed one editor, at the modern party, and has ordered others in Shanghai to be deli- vered up to her-not for trial-but for death. To the glory of Britain, she seems to be the only nation that has in- structed its representative to refuse to give the Reform editor up to the she- wolf of China; the others he re acquies- ced. At recent examinations, students 1 who referred favorebl y to reform move- ( ments in China were all plucked. and I may stand in danger at their lives. --The yacht races on Lake, Ontario for the Canada Cup began on Saturday last between the two boats 8tratheomi, the defender, and Iroruieqaoit, the challenger. The Canadian boat. the Strathcona, won the first heat by only 22 seconds in a very exciting race. Messrs. Lorne and Chester Watson. of London, have been amending a week round their old Artemesin home and me at present. viewing friends in Durham and near ut. Their brother Charlie is to join them in a few days. Misses Annie and Maggie McKenzie left, Tuesday for Wyoming to remain for some months with relatives there, and will also visit. Colorado. We Wish them a. pleasant trip and happy rec unions. Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn mud a family reumun last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Harris, (Jessie). Edith and Violet, nurses in Cleveland. all being home. They had a pleasant family picnic to Hnyward’s Falls on Saturday. Miss B. A. Coleridge, who has been visiting her parents in Egrentont, was the guest of he: sister Mrs. C. mange. before ramming to her sehool duties at Hulnher. HONORS TO IR. J. R. GRIEVE. Messrs. John Rose and E. D. McCluck- lin attended a Provincial Convention of Volunteer firemen last. week in Trenton. Miss whitchutett who was . guest of her brother for a few weeks, left this week for Southampton. Miss Kate Patterson. Wiarton. paid I ttring visit to Durham friends Wednes- day and was warmly welcomed. Editor Irwin of the Chronicle it nb. tendmg the Conservative Bully at Tor.. onto. Mr. 600. Hughes in on 3 via". to his sister. Mn. Herbert " Port Borer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. India“! are in De- troit and Jackson City this week. friends than week. - 7 Mr. Bert Mockin- left on a trip to New York a few days Mo. TOP1GS OF THE WEEK FALL FAIRS. MARRIED. ro-o*~.-~__ 9+...- A few more at these celebrated Red Bird Grain Cradles in stock. We have renewed our Stock at Hammocks, Screen Doors and Window Screens. Grain Cradles Protect your horses when driving with some of our Ply Nets. and when in the field with some of our Enreh Fly Oil. Hammocks t Screens Call and examine our assortment of Trays, decorated with pictures of Pope Leo XIII, Horace at the Brook, Two Fair Maidens, &e. Fly Protections Have you seen our fancy metal Photo Frames ? We are still doing business in the Old Stand in the same lively manner. Whe ? Because we have the Smelt, th? Quality. the Variety, and " right prxces. Photo Frames Trays aMu3eWitsqsqs *AU‘SMMME % For further particulars see g. ill. lifttlltrlat, Jr. lt t AdNT.,t' Hardware 1 atyseiFsiitrilr qrit+irilrt,' t it g: farm 6 t t ib 2'agorers' 6 ' 4Y ' d a a: i? otttttrSton t For Sale 2 vltiit'iii'ii, all!?.!?,',?,,,?, I . BLACK tutu-av“ M‘W\ unlit-lulu“ run an Excursion; to Manitoba. undi- Assiniboia poiuta,$ August 18, good to 3 return Nov. so,'t for $10. if The J P. at W. Black's Store. We are " the shop at the bridge er, ery Wednesday and Saturday. 0: dets or enquiries left at C McArthm ." store. or at the REVIEW Ormcr. wilt receive our best attention. Valiant! Cram Joparciors. Clutch 3.1,!" and their reputation has been gained only by their excellence Also J)" in] Weed: / I at Jordim’s Old Stiind, nexi door to Campbell Implement Warehouse. Jr. J. mm,” Shoo: made to order And repairits promptly done at Jordang 'hr)'lr)'Q next III 800! I W SIORE ae, Grant: the --_i. “VWCI OHIID‘HCHK Ot K Med and up-to-date tt 0mm. Call 31nd tert ti... o theiare open for a”. and have them iitted with a pair of new Boots, tthoes 8r Slippers We have them ttt various styles , tutd qualities " popular prices, frarsahere an and examine my stock of threshers’ mitts mede-to-xea, in Calf and home hide before urchasing elsewhere. Also games: mitts in IO and " inch lengths. Shao Dusting. We have in stock a lot of dif. ferent shoe dressings in liquid, combination, and paste a TOC, 15c and 2ic. . v - - "37'" which are known and approved of atl met: to be unsurpassed for beau_ty and second to none in }}WIQ'. Call and seethem and I you do not want to buy out for' yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old My of tttme famous rigs which " " above mentioned. Hives tatd Styles to suit all. R oady for Just arrived at the Show Rooms of Barclay & Be”. A Cat load of OnIy Drill in the Market geared {tom both wrttls and full 1mm. of Peter Htunilton's Goods in . B. McARTHUR Lately we were talking 1'ttttets new!” Guy's mans! 13.1903 Spring ggrade gadhope another Shipment of ped Her up-to-date rill, Garriagos. Sim Miss lit on c .3 I M TWE GRod st NRW FINN.“ Du!” {um {and [Mir of , ine or tit, I'll! Calder I (Rudd “3min l Wham. Blow up to . _ . . . Black Nee-twe hurts. . . . . . . Cockslu With I Sylvestc " THE le White Bed 5.1 Floor (“1(1th ti, Rolier Wuttiot; Ynt4e Linen, frl Caldvr’s BM HE SE row "wr.'s NM ..Nr I' The II a continual bestowed 1 be found We Annunncem tree wan) addn In a few In you can aotuir in Bluinest,. .6 Typewritine. best mittipmettt dit/g-wa. 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