West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1903, p. 5

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to order omptly done Stand, next Implement with a pair or Slippers , rioas styles mlar pnces. sings slot of dif-. ssings in nation, ‘5c and 25c. yrs my stock of naade-to-.vear ) hide before Jere. Also IO and " '03 hem to the W, t the bridge a" Suturday. Or- at C. McArthur's :Hw 01:1?!ch will ntiun. the 3truith tation has be. their excellence. P for Eng 7rade 13:39 eds / od e Market 339? and full lines a .u and apsrr1rrrd y unsurpassed for cond to none in and see them and ant to buy out 'tt will be able to ds the old old hydrants. minus rut Goods in Stock. . l\’( MV E talking cutters As LIGHT AS A FEATHI‘ mm t SIM men for 5' " wholesome W; 'y. indigestible. W pride in the tt,'t'g and dyspepsia deal} :. Rowe-st-d Q! " Shipment of md tip-to-dnt? Call and test Earring“. tt BELL Agents. opposite Mid- mbton St. sugt/ , the Show "ull. a Car- anv homes-‘ s which P rices Snorr ‘COME IN, YOU’RE WELCOME PEEL. THE SHOEMAN OWEN SOUND. BEGINS TEES. SEPT.‘ 1 . 'oo In a few months " this institution you can acquire the very best training in Business Subjects. Shorthnnd and Typewriting. This institution has the best equipment in Canada. Announcement. for 1903-04 tree many address on application. owes H4)! 'N " w, HE SELLS CHEAP. L'.), Roller Wuulow Shades. each. .. Table Linen. 54 in. Widow per yd "ouer vvuxuuu ”...-...“. __--'"" Table Linen. 54 in. wide, per yd . . . . .251: .. m .. .. . . . . .501: White Bed Spur-min each . . . .85c 65 $1.20 Floor Oitciotlt. l yd wide. per yd ....26e _ .. " a“. Corded Tbush Silk Waist [rumba in White, Bllll‘k and Colors rueh $2 "pt"---- J.."..............) Black Mercerir.ed Sula." Under. skirts. . . . . . . . "1.40. 8150. $1.75. 82.00 NNW PRINTS & FANCY G INGHAM'S )altler’s Bioek, AUGUST 13. 1903 W. H. BEAN, THE Dott't forget us when you want u but! paired Shoes as we carry a. Full .ine of Ski-ling Bros'. Shoes. yds lung " with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements. Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshntt and Percival Ploughs. Clare Bros. , Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton’s 1mpleten.tst, FA LL TE RM WEEDS}; YA - Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. gRty3ERlliiii. At [131 lirj1ttli1l Mills _ The Implement Man " asks a continuation of the patron: bestowed on the late firm. He l be found L AT THE OLD STAND ii?" "i"ilrIt"t)rrr' iiiJittph'ft mun u.‘ w..-“ - - the c ld's iiiunadinte iGiniiehes"io't. HM South»: Rhnhmic Motion Piano Wotk Key-bond Wm lode-I union-y Technique for uni ”ammo In: lamnt Gun. Teacher. ll... lyer‘s lusic lethal. Adopted by nil Indium in Toronto. FiiiieriatugNr, system by means oi chart Drills. Buck Dinar-ml aitirttser%ttr" . .._4.... mm the ii;iiirTiingpor"' within BIG (l LiVUopg, at0CEERY, ‘rms & SHOE. ae., We can give you Bargain' - T. NOBLE Don’t Only Look It Our Window r. ---Nort the BEST GBOCERIES LOWEST PRICE. T. NOBLE Ot best quality. 30 in widr; "wed edge pr. k, - Durham. knitted edge a Man " asks for of the patronage late firm. He can I‘RINCXP liars- sleighs. ghs, l “The liability incurred by the re,,',",',',',',,., ifiij.,i,r,',rti'vi',i, for the building of the 1',"'l'ei" i, section from Moncton to Winnipeg is " etg s. simply seven years' interest. The ' . sum total of the money to be paid by l Specialty. the Government for the construction of ills and the entire line ofrailwny from Moncton s. to the Ptusitie Ocean will be in the AE neighborhood of $12,000,000 or $13,- 000,U)0, and not a cent more." Port oHue "What is ti3,000,000 in the year' __" ---- - 1903? It is about the surplus oi our A S revenue over expenditure. The sur- plus for this year will pay for the con- struction at this road. Sir, what is the '. liability incurred by the Government for the construction ot this road from Winnipeg to the Paoitie Ocean. As- sumigifg the road is 600 miles long, the IKERY. can contraction will be 818,0tyl000 :c., and the total interest lor three your: will be 53,780,000. This is the whole - . ___-.' t... on. {Invest-n. sent AZ. We in planned to learn that Mr Ed Koch i. mention windy trottt his {about black of typhoid $reer. They um AM. to has 3m and. ot the water in the well u to its punts. Since purchasing the Boll property on.” luv. and. IDIpOt- but y-mnmonu memo. All“)! .0 “in" to thm part' during the In; two - may be mount!“ Nr assd In Ju Laughton. who "turn": to Port Alumr an" I In! dun Maw hem yiuilihu his mocha “Id other (mnvlu. Alum Mr and Mrs Thus Coleridge. Landon. who are up lor I couple of Weeks vtVittng Mend» hero and elsewhere thrunuhom the County. This iu the first nee-lion m. which the huh! bus Vinita! an”. pub. Ind Wte are pleased to be Mule to eatersd a cotdial welcome to the buck: of In: than a you. Min 8 A Coloridge leave: this Tuesday for her school " Hnmloor Mm vz-iuuu relatives here during we holidays. Mr Lynn-u [mm the Stom- Soltlomont "eompatsted Ber Mr Ron-h to we Hun Bstnday night. Mir-u Mary Scot! returned this Wer to he! r6100. in Mllllhbl. Mr Ind Mu Wm Bung. sea-pm] m inviunou how Ibo hands of Caps Sunder u- a Garden Party a Blunpdeu "candy, and \idted wlnle them, Mr and Mrs June-s Mullmr. Beuuuck. Ono M more enjoytblo went». as picnic " the Lake, was held on Tuesday of hstst wash. when invited guests to the number o 30 from Egan-mom. and Gleuvlg nttattdttd and went I wont enjus able nth-moon m bunting. balling nnd other amusements Thu-nah Illa liming”: and 0mm“)? ot the "ieinltt nu the dredge, they were when on board and shown the machinery in moliun III the yuduuu departments. While there the tram arrived hearing 12: Jami-- ‘IIIII' Elli? M...... u-u.---_ sou. Mr Shuhopo. and others. Mr Sun- hope pl'OVOd himself to be a common and txthuO goutwmtu. who exprest his plow _ sun: in muting win: the picnic puny sud seeing llle interest take" in the blllinesu. Among those who took in the picnic may he mentioned Manama Wm Hun'er and Ran Henry, Egremom. nml Maps?! Thou ucFaddcn, (Reeve) and Wm Young. Gleurlg. the woll knuwn joslity and um:- ahlouum of each contributing in nu tstunli _ dean-n to the ruccans of the "caution. Mr Young took a maple nt’ nuayuhuls of the l puny, one showing the devouring element - . ., I r “A. H... “III-r haunt P"'J' uuv on" .. "e-P'. -- on the hroml ”me of n pie, the other being l mom of . serene and tranquil unsure I when each one mama... to make oue'u so” lo, k better thnn they really are. and “lo an winemnlu oourstttsiued to may " terwardn 'Thiugn are not what they seem» An iutrrtwtutt..r tind mu mainly made In the Lake, when the moon brought up tin- Mme of an arm. pulmhly that. of an Imlmn. whose spirit long tum departed " the. happy lmnllng ground" Near by an Indian nkiuniug knife was Mao tished up. On Thursday last. a. little boy nrrived at Lhu home of x: and In Rom Buster. Cougrntnlntious. The, proceed‘ at the feat bull amounts to our $12u. Which after paying vipeumm leaves 3 good margin oh hand of over $50 for the Library. Mr and Mrs C their old home! meek Is IT on: or SKILL on yyhtyr,jyl?"el James Dunn-tn IN manual) 'ro IT. " " euetwe " name of chance. and have license commissioners the poww- to pass " regulation prohibiting the playing upon hotcl premises that or any other gumr of chanee ?" These wu- the unusual qurstiuns which the divisional l court. at Toronto is being asked to de- cuie. Thvv arise out of the tecent con. viction ot' Sl'tlllmn H Laird. llntl-l keep: er oi Ingersoll, and hrother of J W Laird Tilbury u ho Was fined $15 by Magis- tmlr Nut-rim" for viohttmtt the vegula: tum. But Laird sucwssfully appealed to Judge Finkle. of Woodstock. who held that euchre was not a game of chum-r. but of skill. and further that, the license commissioners had no power to pass at n-milutiun. Deputy Attornes- GPnoml t'vrtsvviqht is tit-day asking the three judges set it aside. Chancellor Boyd. during the argu- ment. seemed favnrahle to the Crown‘s contention that it was It Came of chance. Justice Mncmahun thought.“ vim more a mulw of skill. while insure Ferguson was non.cortunittah The judges did not Pxpl'ess themselves upon the question of the license commissioners' powers to pass the regulation. Judgment was re- turred.--Ttl1tury Times WHAT CANADA'S AID AIOUNTS TO. were In“ mm BORE-ONT. THE GAME OF EUCHRE Mrs c “Image visited arunud homes at the beginning of tho of the Divisional Court to 0 choice export cattle tho bulk of we offennt aherl’ of fair to medium few choice ones mixed A furl, lug. “who: of “when and food": vote told. and tho dammit] for than ”minted My. - The ulna .ol oiportun’ nominally and hom t4.8oto " poeemrt. We in butcher: In hit. Quotniona folio. t-..CboUe blwbon'JiAo to “.60; tnieto good. “.25 to “.60; common to fair, 02.65 to 34.00. and bulk. 82.25 to 08.00 per out. ve "am, 3nd awoken told as follows _ Poodou, when of good quality. 900 to 1.000 Ibq._$4 to "e; {we-hrs. 1 your to CrTiGiiGiiG. Job to Too lbs; " to 08.50; oft colon and poor brooding quali- tiu. an. Weight. 82.50 [10! cm and up- About lo or " milch cow: told st .25 to 045 out. - Bil-inn» m IIIqu In quiet. and prion were unchongod. We quote t--Bxport um. “.50 to 83.60 per "It; bucks. 82.50 to $2.75; culls. 82 to 88 ouch; lamb- " to Ho per lb. Coins sold " 4 to be per lb. Tho “motion in hog! Ins nuchoogod. We quote on follows ..-8rructtr, good bacon hogs. 100 to 2oolbs, 86.59 ; (“I and lights. Me loss: Iowa. 84 to 't.M, and any, " to 83 per cm. phonograph commny dropped into a friend‘s ofBee and inquired if he hula. talking muchine l " Yep." was the replz. " And may I tstsk a what company you bought It t" persisted the Agent. .. Didn't buy it t unuriod it." On 1 recent ocummq an tte".t for n Will he run to nations on Can, 1itifle in Ionitoho .nd Assiniboits, west, south-wen and north-west of Winnipeg u for on Moose Jaw. [luv-n 1 tl and You-Hon for On AUGUST 18TH from nations In Ontario, Main Line of Grand Trunk, Toronto to Burma. and .11 nations North (cxceg: north of Cudwell Jet. and north of Toronto on orttt Bar Section). Flour......... .......... Oatmeal. Wheat..................... Pean........................ Bariey..................... oats...............-. Limbs Dreuod Hogs. per ewt Hogs, Live wright..." Butler. from roll pox ib Bum-r. Tab.............. Hid”, per ttwt.......... Calfskin-I. per lb........ Sheepskins............... ibor..,...............- Beet, Var cw............t Wood-.-.-. Turkeys................... Potatoes. per bun..." One wsy tickets to iiieiidr, only will be sold with n e.ertitieate extending t e trip, before August 31 st, without additional cost. to other points in Hannah: and miniboin " above. if parchment crime on farm laborers " Winniwg‘.‘ pmvnied such ism laborer-n will work not less t n 30 dat It harvesting. Ind produce certttieattt to that etteet they will be returned to original starting point at six, on or before Nov. 30th. IAM. Tickets not good on bh Imperial Limited." For iurther partlculm and tickets oppl y in more“ railway agent. A. Ii. NOTMAN, Asst Gen Pun Agent, Toronto, Oh, merchant. in thy hour of pee. If on this prper you should (co, Take my ndvicn and now ha Fry. And in thin journul advettiii. You'll tind the project of some nun Neglect can offer no exqqq l Be wine at once-props your drum A sat-m. husim-s soon dkkk. DURHAM MARKETS. PURE BRED HEREFORD BULL. (Prince Albert.) Grill he for service at Lot 48, Con. 2, E.H. R. for the season of IAB. Peii- “we on apnlicutinn. Cows not return- ed regularly will he charged whether in our or not. anmvnt to he made on or before February Isl. HIM. Term" $1.50. DONALD MeFaYoRN. Pmp. Good general purpose Mare. fourteen veurs old guaranteed sound. Also 3 Mare 4 years old, sound and serviceable. Apply to J. \VISMER. Rocky Saugeen. Farm Laborers Wanted Plum with its three-separators-in-one, simple, self-emptying bowl, and numerous other important fea- tures, is so much sttpedor to others, that users of other makes find it profitable to dispose of their separators at a reduction l and buy the U. s., THE tiOLDEIt, QE_\Y_9§LD'S Write for Catalogue. 273 VERIONT PARA MACHINE co., Below falls. Vt. ream Sepa, t siiaiuNo RECORD FOR SALE. Farm Laborers Excursions Second Class 1 90 240 825 6 10 18 14 Ill 4O on " THE 2 to 70 tto M 5 5o 6 10 l4 " 11.5 new iii? UUKEAI REVIEW -ijjiiiijiiin {mun STORE HEADQUAR- TERS FOR A nice Lute of Massey 312m show Rooms wast cf J)bddaugh Jim.- to The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a A f ull stock Durham, That a GOOD WATCH maKCSV good one in a few minutes ii cheapest in the long rt.P, SILVER‘VgXRE '1‘}1AT SELLS Dunc-u nnml In PEARL & In Diame Fu ,RNITUR E Undertaking promptly at- tended 'o. Ilif Iili)lll.l)'(l llllllUE Are enrefnl u to who 'hall do their business. So should you be. Then you bad better go to H. H. Miller, the Hano- ver Contrtrynneer. on shortest notice. lowest rates. very smallest. cost, and on your own terms. IF YOU WISH TO SELL you: prop- erty he cm do it quicker and better thou yon can and he charges nothing If no sale IF YOU WANT TO BUY 9. place or business he can tind something to suit you He just now has for ode loo ACRES IN BENTINCK With good book horn. dwell- ing. perhaps the heat. hardwood hush m the Township 3nd only asks about 32000. Think of It I _ """fiirauiams debts and chums of all kinds. No charge " no money collect- ed. Is not that fair , INSURANCES, Fire. Lite and Accident. placed in “good g','a."itt " lowest rues. Ewry loan set- tl honorah y and fairly. No qulbbllng. Morro-" Always prom , never negligent." All business strictly g',n%"e'llt1a1. He bu hid 2t YEARS' EXPERIENCE and those who desl with Mm get the bend: ot it. {TELL VPAY YOU G take Hangout busineu , though you have to drive 20 miter. lenty of 'l/ill) pic come further and tind It to ply. I I J. [he g','.,',"a'ligt'g other for sale Two Bhorthorn Bu 9. one 12 mos, the other 13 mos. old. principally red and likely animals in every regpect. Terms on ap- plication to tttttgt Iota 23 and N. Con. 3, B. D. Ienelg. Will sell reu- sonably. A. b J. SEALEY. Proprietors Alan Pureluml Tums And Berkshn-es. J. ake The Best Quality cheaper than ever. Pure~Bred Bulls For Sale. -, YOU -i"rvtmrr? TO_ KNOW Bicycles 1 pleasure JAKE KRESS. pleasulc. Sn our second hand whats. stock of Sundries always on hand. , promptly attended to. EKVVAKI‘; 1.11“ A. u......... ____7 Beauty combined with quality i CUT GLASS kRL & DIAMOND Brooches out stock is the largest w Diamond 8: fitrlftrrA!itfe1t Rings our Stock was never l, CHEMIST WILL LEND YOUVMONEY Hampers and Waste Baskets DISPENSING A SPECIALTY. WATCH makes us regular in our habits. You ca a few minutes ii you call on us. A good watch is t in the long run, and if it is carefully cleaned and oil- ed, it will last a lifetime. Dunn-n nAnu-D-N WA'rcnn-s I'll- Biz-'1‘. gehat, givingstcn, \VATCHMAKER. EDDIXG RING tg---- FOR ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Kress [he Emmet Conveyance. GORDON, otNr for we Iwo Drugs, Perfumes. Toilet Articles, Stationery. dx, &c. dhrrset l stock is the largest we have ever had. ' our Stock was never so complete. Ave make a Specialty. iiiiiiigi Mllllf mm il. ELL' I nvsr LE CA "B'ggilU 4rJ'a,'l,t'No%, -_'--' (0":qu Mllllll'n run-u, Direct Importatit?nt from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. JV; V , 3nd on terms to sun In JEWELLER A: ovaucLcslorA'Sl'-'at,'i',ev'fl Bleee,. Stuff and Equipmont. The School is equipped for full Junior Davina and Datamation work, under the following sun ot Competent ratchet: for that Deprtment: TROB. ALLAN, PrineF. X138 LICK. B. A., Chutes Bttd Modems. Intending summ- Ihould enter it beginning often. ornnoonshau poo-Able. FEES: 01.00 per mm Wm. Johnston. G. Run-go. Cttnimtatt. W. Rinmr Silverware“ See our- Brooches, Necklets, Long Chains, Bracelets and Pins. We eertninly have the stock to choose from. The goods are right here waiting for you . BrGptWRLERYsS'rORE' Durham School ROBINSON & CORBET, Proprietors. Solid Gold Wedding Rings in tok, 14k and 18k. in all the latest styles. Big Stock of Engagement Rings to choose from. Nothing as nice as Silverware for Wedding Precuts and at Keeler's istobeioundthelu'gut lock of good Silverware in the county and all our prices are the lowest. AT KEELER’S DRUGGIST. iayales I bits. You can get a A good_wntch'is the All repairing is what we offer At low' prices. a "ulnull an“ """"Yiiiiijiri - we fr; be " the HM noun. Duh-n. Java-ads" ot ouch "immthtrmtst2p, age! mm: to the non! Londo- Wu _ and the Gold- “can!“ a. mum EYE, "nur,Ntf,t,,', a If?! an: at iied -_ttr.r11Leetp"" J. G, EDITOR. M. Lid Fat- 6iite/e, Durham. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST Gr the Du nun Macy Cddor‘. Block. Roam-neg my: door west of the l I otmter---a,0W" TOWN. annual. I Manon,- n9. Aetreettlr tttefttUt Conscious 5-4 mm. M. I bacon-cu! pm you looked Inn mm min Court Inha- mhunuon Ga on“ mud. In In on Mummy In 110me " to: W. C. PICKERING D. D S., L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. (adult: of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Port on“. fir-cull & law-nu. OHIO. our Malachi-o'- “I. -roset-rttreeeo""."'" ARTHUR GUN. . D., wwmmmmd Won-MW. Jammy and private Fund- to no» on league. at lowest mm o! tum-on. Vcluguon and. by 300:1:th our“! Vslutor. Wills. M. ,'latrl; I“, Amount to. cormuy pro . Bum ot does-nod LT. sonl look“ the! sad Emitter. Ind Ad. nil- Iruon' Account- pnpuod cud fund Sump“ Court Bullion From ot Wit 3.13“»- of Ad- numluon and Goulggshlp 92913.9(]. sou: uni-unsun- - -+l..-'r-'e"""_ He'--He.-__i" --. - Oh" and. In may one. and Tttten "pom! DENTISTRY. Dr. T. a. HOLT L. D. s. Barristers. m """‘m" Fihiiirit - - .bulul. To-edt-tro" In. " 0mm , Hunter‘s New Block. cp- pout» Chronicle once. 6mm St.. Durban. MONEY YO LOAN A. a. Monitor R.e. W. F. 0mm DENTISTRY. DR. GEO. 8. mme. “RRISTE R. OOIOITOR. aoarnv NW6 gonna-en. ac. CARRISTCR. SOLICITOR m SUPREME scum Moran! Fume. counlsuonzn. m. ‘HN‘JAM um (lf MIMI! ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collection: of all kind: Farm- promptly attended to and OFFICEuMGIV-ulo'c OM Stand Durham D. MoPHAIL/ CAPITAL. Authoriud........2.(lw.ul CAPITAL. Paid up........... 1.000.000 RESERVE FUND............ 850,000 AGENTS in ati pnncilnl pomu m Ontario. Quebec. lunch. United sum.- snd Englsnd. arr-inter, otar , Go: voganccr, to” sec"... Ion? to Donn n remnulo um. u on terms to sum borrower. A genus! Bulking When Inn-acted Daft: loaned and collection 'made on all points. Domain net-Ind and into! at allowed at current rate- SAVINGS nu mutant allow“ an uvlngc bank deposit. of 31.00 and up Mo Prompt “tuition and ours mum "oe6ed automor- living It dim cc. J KELLY. Ago-t. DURHAM AGENCY noun 1 non" PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ac. CONVEVANCER. VALUATOR Insurance Agent. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Tenn modemte. Amusement: toe gates " cod-us. Ae., lulu Include“ the Review ot- tiee, Durham. car We: cadre-ed hereono no vitte P.0., will be mainly "tended to, ram on Bptstimtiort to D. IcPKAIL. Hopeville P. o. or to C. IAIAGE, Durham MACMY & DUNN, . LEFBOY McCAUL. W. S. DAVIDSON. MONEY TO LOAN J. P. TELFORD w. P. “WAN, Melt. “out; 2ht Oval. Conveyance”. " Private Money to Loan, ', Torono. Either the Bank WIN H

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