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Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1903, p. 6

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"l Tho high value of swimming at! an exercise is complicatwl by :‘he ex- posure of the skin to a mmllum of much lower temperature than itself. Generally making. it may be laid down that the value o? a mahath in in Inverse pmportloon to its length. The shorter the dip. the more marked In the healthy reaction of the circulation and tho cutaneous ntnetlomr. "t course, 0111- is :‘upidly hang heat Iqttt, wan-r all the time. and beyond a certain point this is undesirable. The hon is immune to anthrax: but mnnd a hon with its hot in cold wntvr and then: inocu- hto tho bacilli. The hen will become Infected. If this loan of heat be com- ted by the evolution of mach MIN",' n fault of muscular notion. " In swimming. pne can afford to my the “at of evolution which to rolrgatinx: norm- muscles, now use- ltvo. to a woli-onrnul obscurity. The mun-Icin- of the tout were formorly torNporv.:aNe to our arborval an- owtors. but or" quit" 'iup"r.'luotvq in a plantigmm prt.'itrinn mo is 0." life. Swimming Proutous tho Inustmlar doveiopnwm with Hum;- a new of pro- portion. but expomh not tune in ruling absurd lumps of hyper- trophied muscle, hid-zone my! 11mins, In all some of out-ot-ttre-way place; Minnow; naturally slumpin- the manor or handling a drowning per- con. which is perhaps not, in the ordinary some. scientific; and the mean- of menscltnting persons op- potently drowned. $'le' whole qnea- tion of artificial respiration in now being experimentally studied by Prof. Scholar. in Edinburgh. at tho Instance ot the 'i'.,'i'ii',iit')?i'tC'ti,'l,i) Society. of London. and we may hopo ior a final dictum an to the, method which in most iikply to, More the natural notion of the! 'gi',',trg2J, centre of tho. brain in! no cases. - ---r I I‘D-w. For “I. by all Brat an. dealers - INSIST ON GETTING EDDY! -.r..- 0'" .W..v nuvulr‘ut W to support the modern era give opprvpriato exercise. I evvry 'ntuiqy-r own-y mus to tho inn-mar. and wfrie My tho mu ‘UPERIOR the Htrttt arm hmt leg and simply -110; to tho right half, "Do as I tho." Thin la assuming what I: un- zrovon, but probable. that the voll- lonal center la the "leading" hem.. ”were. Why each half ot the brain Gland control tho opposite half ot the body is another questlon. One of the virtues of swimming b that it tomb to dovelop all tho muscle. equally. Herein It 19 au- porior to (join! or a: a cation font- bat whit-ll m-glrct th" arms: to tennis. whjl‘ll iguana our arm and dl‘V'I'tp; "20mm; Ilium" in tl:o other. un-l P.,tt lo milk-t. which known this left arm. t'X"(‘pi in Matting. Not that for one moment do I that-n "m nun m -1108 to tl do." Thin In trowel), but _ t't,'t'e .'"i"d',' 're. y droqu Contr tho body In ner '13 onMro mtiioi,' iiUGr"C"i'; "leading" cerebral hmInphere (In right-lumbar! personw amatlng n... a...“ -_ --_. I77 _ . - oymmetrlml. Any ptiuiiG%GiG/"tG afflculty offglaylng triplet; with one hand and (maven with the our". Ho in all muscular action. In . cymmotrlml not. ouch an Mm- mtng. the "two trauma ot the brain ; -e- --- -uu Ivan-"ct! of a manic or tthe young' man, almost alone feudal lord also wore swords. The amongst anzmais. has to learn to medical men's eworda were genera.” aim. Neverthelees he ie at agreat of a somewhat fanciful description advantage as (mpared with such an and were made in many forms; some animal as the dog, which has no such contained Meets, ohm, contained extra-05d mrfnce an the human hand knit” for cutting herbs, but the ma- wherowith to propel Itself. A demon- Jority were quite plain. “ration of this simple mechanical One of the objects now described tact In well afforded by an exhibi- I and figured is in the shape of a large tion of swimming with large plates bean pod. he beanL‘ke curvature ap- stmpped on the hands and feet, proximatee to that of a Japanese wherewith a single stroke will propel word. It in seventeen and a half the swimmer tor yards. I inches in length and of a. many unl- The art of swimming as a feat 1 form circumference of tour and a of nervous eo-ordintstdon, Is a simple half inches or thereabout. It is made one for the obv'louarewn that it is of some fniris, nun “m... -vr_R, and It you are active and have learnt t ' how-p Four Pyen open under wator you have a fair chums ot vio- tory. The name thing may - be r,ot,ri'f in an anaesthetised animal. ' Irtrtntingt the Inn'- wlth 3 pair or bellows. n will entirety cease to breathe tor several minute; Thor. II am no occaalon. It In the pro- duction of thla ntate, technically known as apnoea. which I: the secret o! successful long trubmertrion. on. tantrum you must nrrrt ac- quaint yourself with an interesting physiological net. It In pox-Ibis to hyper-aerate tho blood. Before dir- lng you must take a number of long and retatldu-meetmrdirttr breaths. far In exec. of present need. Your Hood is thereby “and with mm- czont ovum for several minutes. Belom mung the W! problem I would Inn for one moment co revert to the teat or swimming under water. 15.". not the records at hand, but lbeueve one hundred yards ham teequentir been "nun under water, and certainty more than {our minnten have been spent under water without all conne- qnencel. But " I: quite nucleus to attempt the emulation of then tent- unlu- Foo Im the secret. M yen dash. to win a. platodlrlng competi- tion by brlnglru up titty or sixty plates trom tha bottom of n bath at ’7 stand unrivalled. It in not 1 for bt.neficiat results, on kl are helping you. Sold Ky " I 6 boxes for $2.50 or direct from THC DOLE DRUG ceo.. - value of swimmlng as an complicated by The ex- :ho skin to a medium of temperature than itself. peaking. it may be laid the value of a seabath 'tttent do I desstre Intern mazes which ‘xercis‘l to “9'"le all the medicinal qualities of one a ounces of the best Holland Gin. A cure for all kinds of Kidney trouble. GIN PILLS afford a; yelp knowa 3h thvrnin Each Pill Contains Ital Whr in a dead avatar like a dead duck? I‘mcnuse they hath have» done (mucking. N. Y, Times. "Yes," rrmtu'ked the mwmlll owner. "Wr're so busy now we have to keep our plan running any and night." "Why." returned the visitor. " thought this was your dull spawn.” "erl, it ls usually. but we've got db rush ot ordora from the breakfast food eomp:rnios." ALL OTHER. E. B. EDDY’S __ r-_-..--~-vu VI _ trcaUe in cextnin to occur rapidly. The can of removing this scale and of losing of the use ot the bo lers is sur- firm in many parts or the countr to warrant the installation of purl,- tvlng apparatus, 30L “my are rare- Iv seen. Suspended matter can be hemmed by “Iteration and disadv- or] substances can be: precipitated by Mating. so that tho water reach- ing,. the boiler will be "action“: MIN). Tye apparatus I” the pup. pose is not expensive, and its Intro- duction will effect tho removal or the and! -p"OJ'lCillg cubstarums in " raft of thr. rtnnm plant designed Itll',,',?. lnrlv for the, purpose and not In the honors. intended for a. wholly diffs.- ant 'rerv1oo.--Entrineerinsr Record. l t ,7 - _--vI-5 VIP 'ncuion vo it as thulr business inter.. out» would puumt. Yet plant after plant bs instalkxl tor Wealthy pup. chuwrs In which the formation ot scale is cextuln to occur rapidly. The ,,_,.. A: .m-M-r-Abr -. 7988, FAILS, ETc I not necessary to wait for dars rou know at once that Gin Pills t an Dru ists at acts. rbox, I gg 5 pe t'__v.--._, - can." urtut'. The other boku-to is more interest- ing. It is a rough piece of Willow. eighteen inches long and broader at the bottom than the top. Japanese (hat-actors meaning wider boat ham been deeply out upon it. At a dit- tance or three and a half inches from the too it is pieced with a hole an inch and a halt long, which has been utilized to attach a small cord or tape and toggle for convenience ot hold it in tire girdle. The cord in cf mic mi coior now, a little faded. Th" Mum-to, cord and toggle weigh togetlrer under tour and a hul.’ cum-Os avoiruupois. The two specimens now described wore bought at Mirna. in Japan, a few months ago. _ - --'v _.v.. “ulna-n. uu the 'side there are represented In lacquer a. gramme:- and another large insect. On the other side are similarly represented a mum. a. small fly somewhat like the common house (Ly. and apparently a. tattall helm». n..- -AR, . . . ' v- -- --%PMb. Ab In In” of some fairly hard wood which takes a polish, and it is curved to indicate seven seeds inside. Wrapped around it in a silken cord. Together With this cord it weighs six and three-quarter ounces avoirdupois. On um mun nun A t INDURATED FIBRE WARE _ The June number oi Mm contains an article on two Japanese min-to. or emblaemx of the maxim. profession, my: the Lancet. Those olrett' were Icahn awards worn by medical practitioners, in Jepan before the revolution of the lust. L‘vulury, which Mead so many or the o.d customs ot the country. A mun of rank was lonnerLy entitled in Japan, an else- where, to wear a sword; indeed. in Japan he was entitled to wear two swords. The retainers ot a dimlu or tmtdat lord also were swords. The medical men's swords were generuJy one somewhat fanciful description n "reA.-x wr-as-a, E, __ - nay In much longer. None of theI an- of no. water are absorbed. The ' kin to ebeolutell water proof-one; ot It: non Important function. It! t- not we” to bathe alter a heavy meal nor Whilst perspirlng; and ' trrhmp--rr+lar gm induced by f eold--nta, be “01% by not staying l In too long. It you come out ot your , machme with blue lips and chatter. Ing tsmr you have done yourself more harm than good The human fuprlr of fest 1- not ttttrrteiont to be -_-- .. .....-., I." thaw Wan-u -ttr. their competitors long years tueo.--c. W. Saleem: in London Acad- M dfectlve a non-eonJuccor ot heat as u the blnbber at the whale and the few other warm-b coded mam- mals who” Ancestors were driven has: an.» m~where all life began Japanese l’mxon' Sign. Ovam'ork ea. WINNIPEG, Mam. NEW one and one-half n. As a positive N.” wwv wan-“VIIIIS wwusu on. still In. af the famous galleries in Flown”. , "You seem disappointed In tho on” New.. paintings.” observed her 009mm“. 19mmt-.aoneq came to me with 3 J,'.',":,',",'. te,',; ',er,d'd"'" I don't gmt ftnatteiat ”heme a. few month. . ..__.___.__ uo. 'tl"lge.'"d to let me in on th- , groan OOP. The "itrerenoe. Brttwn-And ot course you want m. I nnlml Herald. Green-Yea. In England a candidate "stands" Bhtwtr-Row am you come out? tor otriee. In Canada ha, has to hump Green-Didn't come out at " himself and run for it. There were no exits. "You seem disappointed in the paintings.” observed her companion. “Yea," said mu Galwol. “I don't lee any} burnt wore" Chlcago Tribune. The! were wandering through one 'rcty' famou- gqglerle- " moron”. one thoughts - Cannot o’ou startle ma." . Me"My-ymr, that's Just It. He'l " Dear Mrs Hughes; e s o Yonr’Nm eating pie twp year. bagel“! 7 recollection is very vivid, & [doubt I have already." .. not 'ruttieiontly correct; still it -------- . mils short of legal testimony; the 3 recollection ot our childhood on such ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMEM ; ttt topic as that of ghosts a goblins t Removes all hard, soft or onion-ed . is apt “all? "ttn'gfh'M,',i,x,tf.', ‘Xlthllumps and blemishes from horses; , exuggera one, a sor o em ro ery , which your fancy is so apt to lend I, st,','.",',',',',:,',".",,::,',',.""',' splints. ringbons, . such strong coloring as mislead. sw y, e" 'pra me, Bore and , even its owners. Our law, has wise- "M19“ throot. coughs. etc. am, .5. ', ly I think, introduced it prescrlp- by use or one bottle. Warrantsd the . tion ot crimes. from the idea that 'dilg,U'o'"'"ai blemish cure our , human testimony becomes unset-.- tled by the lapse of time & would -------- l be directed more by the imagina- No Getting Away. l tion than the absolute recollection. ! Aiioe-Yesr, Jack Hastings kissed a. I therefore, my dearest lady, [BY- ' several times yesterday. and really _ ing the utmost credit to your Iesti- I had up redress. . many, yet the occurrence ot so old Maud-How was that? a date must not alter my doubts; "He had a Uprig at mistletoe falt- lt winna believe for me. It would ened on his umbrella. and then in- be very curious to see the slated on keeping it hoisted when- Ghost diary properly, but on ever nobody happened to be near!" my word I cannot believe it e er; .-L--..-,. have had an existence; 1 gory is never told tho same ”g?! August 11th. ExcursiontoNew York. though there is a. kind of geneml What the people have been look- resemblance. . . . . Ido not ing tor has been put within their believer my own experience wouiiicon. Kratqr-an excursion to New York. vcrt me; though I might tremble 3 Tickets Will be 801d on Aug. ll, from would reverse the part played by Suspension Bridge or Builalo, and! tho devils and certainly not believe. FPoft tor return for fifteen days “5' I wish you would write down Hrs. Nei York Central and. Fest Shore, Ricketts story as well as yow remem- with privilege ot trip down the End- brr it. Every trueh story on re son River by boat at $9.00 by West upoctnble foundation is a. chapter lee end 810.M by New Ye? Cen- l in the history ot the human mind. ' 'ge AM". Io Drago, No. 69" i Still I think the balance of evidence 31:65: h',',',','."' Toronto. tor further pmporderates so heavily upon the] n. _ l side of imputing all such ap ear- """-----e-- rncos to natural causes Jl'lt" the: Tipping the Wrong Men. , mysterious stories "winna believe for l Boston Transcript. t mo." I am sorry for it; I liked Some one in canvassing the tip sub- t “the thrill that attended the intlu.. lent has discovered that we tip the once ot these tales. & wish I were wrong people all the time. Pattie.- able to Wander back through the lax-lung. the discoverer declares that mazes of Mrs. Radclif‘s romances. it Is the cook, not the waiter, who but. use! I have boon so long both should receive this material expres- u. render and a writer ot such good- sion of our favor, and that it is the ly matters that engineer, not the conductor. who “Dourness familiar to my slaughter- would PM the extras for getting " ll causing but the cure, Mu IOU. In a. ttif "During an an mum b. tor I go: at In. I baa tld my right " I Do Not Believe- My Own Experience Would Convert Me " One of the letters written by at Walter Scott to his valued friend. Mrs. Hughes. published 1n the Aug- ust Century, says, among come pen ttttnal chat; timonials In the duly prpss and ask your neigh- bors what they think 0' It. Yon can use It and ”$er money back if not cured. 000 a box. " all odors or EDMANaox.BA'nr.s & Ca,Torotito, bleodinnhd itroirdd -- Tiiird .t.tter merytfyetytreTrt.lttwt, marapbegd tlhrg, irc Dr. Chase’s Ointment Files Kle%rr-wtu, it an up-to-date wed- ding'? Krtoekor-Yert. indeed; they threw; breakfast food Instead of rice. l, "My brewer advised me to try, Dodd’s Money Pills, and after tak- ing three votes. I began to walk, do my worn. and taco up my shoes. And the has; o" it is. I have had no Rhoumatum, smog." Dodd's money Pill:: take the uric acid out o: we‘olood. and the Rheu- matism goes with“. sue wank UN GHOSTS; ton. in meepmg. "I coma ovul'cell drea- myselr for nearly two manna. and for three or tour ween , coma not lace my right te: or pm my right leg on my left nee. W; MUOfWJ. Oman hunt the Bun, River Seal; m, m "thtme. 8511ch e. o., Ant. 1o.-4tblseia0 mg m: ”diamante the curtot William 404... utxon. ot Rheumatism ll causing mucd talk. The story of the cure, ad, .o.d by Mr. Dixon him- lelf. In as lonowa: "During we summer of 1901 , had an attactr m "up acid Fever. and at- tor I got over it Rheumatism set In. I baa yams In my back and in my right mp so an: that I had to We a. 'rtuea .u walk and had no com- tort in meemmz. mxon-wLst did she doe Nixon-pu, married me. HE 00111.11 NUT . LAG: HIS mllil rm Dodd's Kndnoy Pills I Away m. Rheumatism Missed Somethlng. Ttt We to you All” Dr. Chase’s Ointment in twain and absolute cure for ml: and every form of Itching. blgcding am! protmtnng piles. Suggest-v0. N. Y. Herald. advised me to try 'itlts, and after tay. , I began to walk, d lace up my shoes. icy, I have had no Tie, ARCHIVE? TORONTO Drove not result in we .mzmag"5ut"b"r the man behind the man who reaches out hln hand for the up Boston Transcript. Some one in canvassing the tip sub- ject has discovered that we tip the wrong people all the time. Pattie.- uniting. the discoverer declares that it is the cook, not the waiter, who should receive this material uproo- aion ot our favor. and that it is the engineer, not the conductor, who, should have the extras tor getting as about on time, when we travel in haste: 0i com-99, this diggovery will Alioe-Yetr, Jack Hastings kin-ed no leveral times yesterday, and really I had up redress. Maud-How was that? "He had a quiz at mistletoe falt- ened on his umbrella, and then In- elated on keeping it hoisted when- ever nobody happened to be nearl'r - _7 -- ___ I"- ..v.tr. "as Ulu'l'u Besaier-Yetr, that'l Just It. thm Pe. eating pie twp yearn longer’n I A..- -I___;M n An Eternity to mm. Chicago Tribune Mtunrna-But, darling, you would not be angry when Bobby gets the larger mee of. pe-ips':' the older. aruptloné i,itii,t,riyEiifi':iiiiriii GG; inftitre with Weaver I Syrup, “all ternaliv by Weaver's Comte. Lover’s " (Wino Hood) 1huinfmstant Sup Powder is O boon to my home. It diain. tsota and clean. " the “In. time. n above. "Are you sure of that t" denuded Mr. De Trop. suspiciously. The meant King of England. when Prince of was, once asked a. pretty woman latte age. She replied: “Jul-t M." ',,1l!tJl,F.1?y?y.t nylons. sczgvgn thnd. alrt?ther PII'I' nnu mun-- bmw -.-w-t--, - For turrtGrTGi'Giart, call on or “than Robt. B. Lewis, Passenger Agant, 88 Yonge street. Toronto. On are Injurlous to women's health and looks. Here bridge 11:3 been discoun aged most in the summer. But in Westchester and at Tuxedo women have bridge clubs tor almont every day, and they sit indoors during the entire afternoons, when they might be thought willing to give up bridge for golf. tennis. driving or some of the diversions not possible in the winter in New York, when bridge is always in tusundanee.-N Y. Ban. 810 SEASHOHE EXCUBBIONS 810 Atlantic City, Cape Mar, Sea. Isle City, Ocean City, via. Le- high Valley Railroad, August l, ltr and M. Tlcketn only 810. The round trip from Suspension Bridge; atop-over allowed at Philadelphia. Tigketg good " days. "Faith, OI That Settled It-And Him. Philadelphia PM. "She ain't at home, tron" laid the av- maid. returning trom the floor _ -- _ - unv- VII" V5190 or twice. As a. nation, we have al- ways prided ourseIVes on our woman- hood. so this sort ot thing comes as a shock." Another London complaint against the prevalence ot the game has been heard here. It is a protest against the Py hours spent indoors that row money to pay their debts as one ot the most regrettable effects ot the some. "Young girls who have mattered heavy losses at the game." sud a nun who was recently interviewed in London, "show no hesitation now in "mug to men friends,- and some- times to were acquaintances. tor loans because they Ugibret not appeal to their father» or brothers. I hope t shall not appear wanting In chi- Valry when I say that Imyselt have been the recipient of several ot these, aristocratic begglng litters from girls Thom I ham met only once Complaint: In tendon Thu Beluga in “In. Them Forget Modesty. ‘Bridge seem: to have been more instructive In England, at least on the plaster side, than ever It was Eyre. Tht' are lamenting there the GIRLS WHO BORROW MONEY. Always the Same. , De congnered in their hide?!“ 1.vt.ty..v,tr, EEXFUP' tumtated Ol- or. young woui'en to -tGi' met oply once W7; Garden of the Gods. The Girl from Up There. Buckshn Ben's Wild Watt Trip to Melodia. Aquatic Circus. Moving Pictures. Night in the Orient. "you want to forget you: baubles; if you mt to renew your youth; if you in! to have . Week 11 unadulterated, pure enjoyment. you " v'uit Hamilton during Cunivul week. The nilways m all issuing mum tickets for the {rent about " single lane rates. l tottmattteau. On the second day, the Olt' I Boys and Veteran Firemen will parade. Then i will be soiling regettes, end grend feirylenr‘ v illumination of the fer-ferned Hemilton Beach In the city parks, end at night in the Armory building, there will be bend concerts. Or, Wednesday there will be e monster flora! parade of carriages, e Gymkhene perede en: Gymkhene sports et the Jockey Club grounds, and e reunion of Centrel School pupils of the pest fifty yeers. Bott the evening of this day there will be e 'nsiptiiicent fireworks displey l in Dundurn end Harvey Parks. Thursdey. the last day of the Cernivel, is Civic llolidey in Hemilton. It will be e greet day There will be e Trades Parade in the morning with decorated floats, end e work horse parede end competition. In the efternoon there will be e grand Military Review in which American Regiments will merch with the soldiers of the i King, end ertillery and Infantry of meny corps will join in producing e spectacle, the like of I i which hes never before been seen in this Prov. I ince. This will take place " the Jockey , Club grounds, end will continue ell afternoon _ and evening, closing the Cernivel in e blue of enthusiasm. Added to the nttraetioms nemed is the Mid. way end Street Fair, held in the centre of the ' city, in which there a: no lees then sheen , wonderful shows, es follows: Trained Wild Animals in e Steel Anne. The Streets of Indie. I The House Upside Down. ; The Ferris Wheel. I Dog end Pony Chas. German Village. Down in Dixie. Thousands He sure to attend the great Carnival and Reunion. It is only fair to say of the people of Hamilton, Ont., that when they undertake enythiug it is always well done. They have tint reputation, end this coming month, with their monster Carnival Ind Old Bor'. Reunion, they ere going to eclipse every previous effort. The dates ere August 17th, 18th, 19th end 20th, And there isn’t n minute of the whole time. ”cording to the program, wheat there wont be something doing. On Monday, the first dry, the Old Boys will be welcomed home. There will be athletic Humilton's Creat Carnival and Reunion of Old Boys. Dr. John tr. Grifpen, ot Waterloo, Iowa, a pioneer a the Methodist Church. will this month celebrate the fiftieth anniversary ot his entrance into the ministry. In forty-five years he missed but one Sunday, that being on account of illness, and in the en- tire hatt century he has missed but tour, three of them coming in suc- cession. He has dedicated ninety- ‘two'chnrches. Dr. Crippen always looks at the bright side of things. During the illness Which kept him away from church four weeks his physician had given up hope of his recovery. but he had not. His wife in all seriousness asked what songs‘ he wished sung at his funeral, and he said if she had no choice they might sing, "When .Johnnie Goes Marching Home," and Dr. Crippen's recovery dated trom that moment. There are no exeteulki- ticketl on the road to success; anyone with a club, a. stone. or al dangerous weapon.-irttdtp, Shute‘n " Few Real Boys." In Lealie‘a Months tr for Auwt. I Let your boy learn to box, to wrestle. and fence. and so develop every muscle. I never yet saw a. boy who knew how to box, strlko‘ _ And do you cuppa” that a. boy I- nuv the lean a gentleman and a. good citizen. from having learned to stand up for his rights. and to no- Bent impxoper Interference with MI album? Do not these queuitlea ocu- trlbute to his success. and will they not. When properly dlwctcd. contri- tgift 'P the auccou ot your son and In no mnard'l Llnlment (ml-e: Diphthe- I. i'acFrarudue pamirort, "Last I'll bet thertr'11 Be morning and eun- ing services right along, too." Chicago Record-Herald. "mynember," mm the op.tim1trt, “are” guru be_Su_ndny by ”duly; Ninard’l Llnlment (Sn-u am In Gown. _ , Minot-(1's Llnlment Cut-ea Colds. etc. tor seasicknen? tNm-Ott. zen: when you fool the nmptomo comlng on all you In" to do In togro out and sit undo! SOAP Minardh Linlment Cures Distemper. " Pure soap I" ' You've heard the words. In Sunlight, Soap you_have’ the act. The Summons Lite tor Boyd. In them, an; lnIslllblo cm MP mucus _ “in”; All h I" m " Adam’s Dream The Music Cure. Cure ml- “will”. Bland. concern and boxinr "-me. ll. w. LAIRD. In“. of In Mon [and our tiili'iiii'iliitr'ttgq; /iii'i'iit'ii,a1trat: a n tne o yluo 1-“. " I. 'demiilit' Wu. P 8n":- Tllt Ila. ”Truth. 0|:th not“: lb. book (In. or TMgt qiiiiiFiiha are. c of 'eLroif, ounmo For do by alt lending den-n. V.-.n..;u'~ Inn-u. .jGrr2tv?.Pr?aedatr" Vin C l "qtq tlme. zmrmm..nmh$m.:&7.¢ and " " “cellar-t "-24“: VIII. My. .IHI ad yOIloiud . I Uri, two aura MD hovsoi II] can. [who I “hm“‘fnnla can. In. """uaii' Lounmgggm cause ‘__ vvlm Further Information wt Clause. Western Plunger 1 sttttitttIssrstetto, ki, a of "V - “WI-o! . 'r'rd'P,dh2eiiri urban. ml" uurny Ba 1 9mm” BR". To Rochester, 1000 kinda, Bay Rapid: Bt. Lawmeo, to loam guru, Balk)!!!" (In Loin. lt awaken putCtTd'lfLt; MN" 1 l... “(YOUR-4.3 . " r'Ptqqm. 't'rc2ettt.ui5)fiWtf'rd'2h'diirii70.' " Entabllshod " {out Catalog! Adam. C. W. 0.. unn- College, ville. Ont. vane; 65:“; " 'u. Mo Gli, 1eyeteliirrtrr' The Old RM Remedy M SHOHTIMID All! TYPEWHITM 2911. YEAR DEM.“ Boun- Sept. 8th. 100. LADIES, and emu-rainy o! COLLEGE “-010 and M A “all; Ir ms loll-ta. A thorn!) I and extra-1:8: U'lrl1"T"ll't A r'4'lllA"a,' healthy location. The only college In Cum]. that rejects day pupils to (In spool-J our.» lor nodal advantages to thou board . Noted tdueationt.G commend moat. Mtg; Demitt Ladies' College I: a not. Christin. home tor this. Pateita, make a note 01th.. mu. Term. reachable. Send for calendar to REV. A. B. DnnmL. Precldent, BL Cath. urinal, Out. (Kenton this papa.) -----.., ou’ 066;.- 340 mdonu enrolled Int you. It" you. lid!” and 166 your? men. one ot the best equipped and most. - attended collegel tit Ontario. Mule. Commercial, Pine Art momma?i Phylum] Cultul‘, Dome-up 'heu1',',U' u.. -..u_. -- 4-: - " Flue Art Eloc 29913999, 'iseiG'isi'l, WW" Business collage It.itrirse." Irill {la-om roomy. Sept. 8tt, M3, For Illa-tuba circular- “I!” PRINCIPAL DYER, credit: freight. paid; apt-clad t.rep'el'd'ltt In In languages ', adorn-d ' mine“ entomo- colored portrait null "It; con- all-Ina 160 "II-traumas. mulled a... M. d” thone Book Company' 1,017 Chut- nut “not. Philadelphia ' Pa. u "1" Ila-Iv v ..... nccqung Foiiiriiirt GFri'ii ALBERT COLLEGE, “U "W- VV“ ...... -... - W"-"-,-"--" __ the “Bu-Inca Guido.” “you have any unu- e-t In coining mono: hotiratty and vary Pit Idly, g,iPglf,'i,t, tor territory and be am the tteM, "stfrfeer 119‘ my", w: n.- GT Beld, Expat-Iona not w. - on not. Don't ulcer an R,",', wrtM. ' li; Nichols, Oo., Ll- tod, ore-w. In. In. ”not. GOOD Pext “lama. "J‘s-"DALI. ca. _-_-, “n.3,... , b “alum Hunuton, Spun“ o , "dComtiai.' [F8 or POP Matriculation For Girls------ younger qirim 0 Band tor Mloom: of Cantu! [reparation for u- “unity I. (“on It thi-ll equipped reddentlal and My cchool. Moulton College, Tomato. Ont. Bellovllle, Ont. L, We fun. V Summar - Excursion: "out. 15%;: to: 14-16. BM”; Mum”; In clue guidance “luv u' l two of hun'-- thoroug main w Attot t _ lost the brrtttte rw, against G continua] morn. Ba God ic WI coal. but Mann he lasted. Tt “ravnd Is am ot but See ch: mission of God. as sun: In I Came upon Beuti--He relapsed estate ot domunmc [mansion chap xvi. " Propho4U- "ravmi."-Hom. Com. Snul‘l cl In neither that of ammo mad of true prupmcy. h" at other own so“?! made “In. ( " “through Gun!" til. Cor. Iain-tt " not crrtn‘m t the can)». appoinUm-nl r v. G. but It le qu:u- “kl-l3 IO. livll 'Tirit-A mentioned so freq" Manuela. From l mustott of God. as F Came upon Bau1--H m. Saul? attulnpl, on In: (VI. 10. ll). Hum commences 00nd m tnose persecutions ll during the rest of Saul‘s mu conqueror of Goliath was con human]. . Mother club woman. ' Batde, of Edgerton, Wir,.. how she was cured of irrc ties and uterine trouble. I It'l'l and backache hy Ly kham's Vegetable Com, “nominal -tererrs , Women Sin-31:1! bone trim] ond , female ri!.., I ’8 Tegri. i T V to buy 9"” -oesd ther 2.. at " while urn my "ll because 11' frsrn; doctor did nut In, 'i' H that my math: 1.‘ Plukhum‘s , up t on many (xx-Jo} l.‘ Ind uterine mm; yt u. M. wry wroth--h' thought. on himself. principle cauw of In. the kitttplonr-Tt,o, pr “holly totd him in in. that the Low hm don) from hint, and he neighbor that was b (chap. n. utr, [Jul] all uh mow-mc-nls wit hallway, which soon and]: hatred. Vithin a v krrible- p Vere hum tune uf n Pearly as fore, so I hontbn. L' - fel " un .is “In; tat 11 Compoumj: “Is is I I'lmrm-v-I bum! minim-m. -2hat u. ttw hand mm Hill used by qhmatuOeat av n Loo Woo of purclum-m T. Sang one lo nt ilk rnutvlv. In Il.l a grave imiiscrvtio, Ruble! at thr r ”Wraith. tint it could to give it I t .. W. , 0-9). B. Was [mun-a, deuUr burn a dlgxw railw- Ivai. 1-3) . m ottitaataes of rairil ocrdou mm Sun]? t 'tMM-ent of the tween Mn: um! Juan “nutt- p.om.'.l.m a: - (want- out-lt w business or wruun tttate. victories, All-g -Clarko. o: all tin “no mvllwr from no lug on“. >1”qu “Is is I I'hm‘uru-ri ootl “Deanna-1. Davids-, can: (v. tit. hand “cut 0 m victor, (Her comm 1: mutated to way [And ol “I «out out on mil tary e; Wuea-iisu., word coma! “a of prudence and ('Ollol -r.--uuat. trib. tict Luu cl M is plobublv the mun- l and Hull referred to: in; accoptrd. TM elemu 1.61)le boy Was ttt Un- tlm "rtntnon lr oylv. and no .3111.”an Ist' Un- nation at [and had aouu- lufluvlu-c nu , . omo‘iou o. mm A. sun ~ -Even the ('OUI‘lh'rr, ttho tow rtsrxri-, tn J'oullllul use his alllho ll. Band's l .05; luwiy Ir Car Sunday ET. D1v2d NATIONAL unison AUGUST lei, MMM, the Idea Inna kin ad to d D new.” WI. of n%, to " David Jar that of a prup‘Kry. A p Hi. 28. Al ondv-rful pm a trauma! relln. or In rotrat can" 'eeNt Go, 1y 1ttrurtatoai, dou-r end ot the “hem: s personal attack 8 den that David wan. W defeat. and rat Allen]; I: that lav was , [Ills mum] ten disturb him III e the Loni. etc urt b, the t rust ' My no” or juveiin --tua ly cc r tan Tam-etc all-drum. / mug and Lvrlsuc u Ire 6 (lisp! he sleuth In In the ie, and no nuuon at qu R purpunq n; mumd ter mud man II My In wotttc't ml nu hm ripen W3C in Mira. In m mlgh Ii. l mt t nhee 'ertte ICU It " )uh Ill Iii ' on " "" ur

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