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Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1903, p. 7

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{03 F tion aco., London. Oat h D. . Provost Us”. 184 An. 0.. ol I you allow Je-ary, I. III F. UPI". Tho J. on tor u~ t thin well l and (by In" MED LIFE 'rsity " “to: tine lege, in honor I. Eli-wry WRITINB MSIOII "I. --0' " 800 aqtrattottes I full College n bare tedy SIMS tit, Mt, N30." of land In EASE "' 33. 1903 ot EAR an, 1908 I'D. .00 Inn‘s EOE, M Rlltid It “urn-Uh" Wyn both on published FIT FA ml" Ith- Mento- M an": nun limb the Ad ut- " or sad "I was certainly glad to and that within a week I felt much better, the terrible pains in my back and side Were beginning to cen, P, tutd nt the time of menstruation I did not have Pearly as serious th time " hereto- fore, so I continued its use for two months. and at the end of that time I was like a new woman. I really have lever felt better in my life, have not had a sick headache since, and weign 20 pounds more than I ever did, so I unhesitatingly recommend Vegetable Compound."-). Mar that, Ed- l Brion. Wis., President Household 0mm Club. - 35000Mdl tfortttmrtqf “than Mango-alum cal-outwi- all female ills: Lydia E. Pink bull's irureiahferGmoomu1. Re- fuse to buy any other medicine, ”I need the bolt. Women should remember there I: one tried and true reyYW. fy I Another club woman, Mrs.‘ Haule, of Edgerton, Wis., tells how she was cured of irregular) ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "A while ago my health began to Nil because of female troubles. The doctor did not help me. I remembered that my mother had used Lydia E. Pinkhum’s Vegetable Compound on many occasions for irregularities and uterine troubles. and I felt sure that it could not harm me " any rate to give it a trial. 12. Hi. Was afraid of David-Saul be Hue sen-1'1: that he was fighting nguind God; this causal terror and continued to disturb him more and more. Because the Lord. etc.-When God is with ma we are certain to sue- ccoU, but when the Lord formkes a punt»: he ls equally certain to be de- fouled. The Christian Is mighty only “through God" ur. Cor. li. IO). Cap- tain-tt b, not certain that this way the sump appointment referred to in v. 5. but " Is quite likely that " was. M-les. Bnhnved, etAt.-.oavid new duaereetly; he trusted to the di- vino gubhnce: God was with him. Bream" of this "RauL.....trtood in awe of ttian'.-, v.15. R. Y. All......toeed Mmthv a troubled soul. A Javelin-- The juelln. or spear. was the em- ttlem o" rugal authority. It. Cas the Javelin-tHui. now thoroughly Infurlutcd. determined to mab, M end of the shepherd hor. Aftor t 'tc personal attack Saul never ion the Idea that David was the God- ordain“! king. This purpose he re- mum to deteat, and, accordingly. nude several attempts on David‘- "te. V "â€"V --.9.. uv-‘u' no ing cults. Singing and d_amtioir-.. Tid; In a characteristic trait ot Or- kutsl manners. trutsrets--Timbru, -rtcst is. the band-drum. an instru- ment etill used " the Arabs, and drrrsci"tbcU as a Loop over which the Pio' ot parchment is drawn. T. Sang one to anouier--Tttev sang "IL z'untv‘lv. In this they committed a gmu- itttiisceetion; they praised a stitO' cl at the expense ot their 'overeitrm ill. Soul's attempt, on David’s lite Iva. 10. 11). Here commences the re- cord oi tuoso persecutions by which. during the rest ot Sam’s lifetime. the conqueror ot Goliath was continually inn-aim. 10. Evil mpirit--A domon like those mentioned so frequently in the New 'Dostament. Prom Wrd---Bent by per- m'Hsion of God. as Satan in Jolt ii. T. Came upon Baul--He relapsed into a Mate of demoniac possession. See chap xvi. l4. Prophosird-ltattter, 'javmL"--Hom. Com. Soul’s condition ls nritixar that of simple madness or of true prop'aty. As at other tirmstr-- Svechup xvi. 23. Also see R. V. There is a \rondl-rfui power in music to IV. (we. 1 "V fl --. -N'"9-A9q." n3! 8"!- :l-ully been a digression In the nar- ”LIAN: Iva. 1-5) "to relate the cir- 1",'m,lan.xty or but“: p'unjnent :0- u iriou Auto Sam’s supine, the com- nu Lament of the friendship bo- tw. en him and Jonathan, and hi: ul- numb- pAomnlon and d$uecegg.' Wo- mvn Hum: out-lt Will the prinetpal business of certain women to cele- brate victories, slug at funerals, etc. --Ulai. 0! all the cities. They mum- tognuer from ail the neigh- tx, ing cults. Singing and damsioir-., Tisis H a chartuetortdtgr, 1-...“ A: rs- 11. Cas thorough make all After t ' 10m. the ' _ r ---__ w“. umtlw "M' moughta on himself. This was the principle cause of his tronbie. But the kinttu'om--TS, prophet had dis- tinctly told him in the day of his Kin, that tho Lord had rent the king- dom from trim. and had givm it to a neighbor that was better than he (Chip. AV. 28-. l'b'ed David--wtstehed 2:11 " mow-manta with suspicion and judi-ru 'r which soon ripened Into deadly hatred. 8.1)] Tries to Commentary.-1. tion lv. 5). My” his Victory (“or c appointed to Come and “em out on In] " I-c y--YLie, wor Ideas of prudence a otese.-U'om. Bib. so ""--""""'""""'"F.-"A. gun's prono- tior, (v. 5). David went out. Alter w victorr oner Goliath David we! appointed to some post or command um “out out on mihtarr expeditions brrcr--ahhs word combines the ”one or prudence and conaeqnent we. oari.-Uaut. Bib. tMt him over, ste.- Tms is probably the same appoint- u“. as that referred to In v. 18, ti'.): accepted. The elevation of the .‘uo‘phcrd boy was in the hearts ot tlw wmmon pxople, and no doubt the n~-I;Lun:lll cf the nation at this time mm had some influence on Saul in his p ouirriou u! “qu|. Saute servants _L\'cn that: coal-unr- mhn -w.mi-- -. ll. David’s 99). ti. Wu Sunday School. mom likely to he displuai 'bttN favorite, were glad n.1- youlmul conqueror mp- his authority. INTERNATIONAL Ian-sou MO, AUGUST Mr, "on. David's furthsr advancement “id‘s sieiory celebrated (Te. Was twttsrnad-Tusre has evi- bren a digression in the nar- y cry wrath-4 "arr.-a. Davm‘. 5)- David“ went. out :1 the nation at this time me influence on Saul in his oi David. Saul's servants com-tiers. who were the to be displeased with this Kill David..-: S, sink iiCifii; - war 7 _ -- - [a]; the r),r,t"iiiii.ert"ii'i'i'teii,) wig-“g; Seton and“ Emilia“ l . ‘rom an the PT .. - y , in Gimme and h r'., Singing and neitth- Nuance upon God . amble . dune] great ... ' lead gained tsi rnLtt-rlstlc tra 03. Hctory over a. matte I era. 'ilkfl'r'ett'itll,f,ft,ep, :32 put to rout the tn/eo,,',','",,',""',",',,', l 2a't',t"'pre,s an 11:93:. 'tfire) brought the head of Go? a Lov the Arabs. and Jebusdti erimiem as a. teror to the 'd'fn'Pd'2'a' which the; ot Zion es al,"', hold the Strongbow I ra ' . e was th to 11ohef.?Gr/li, I Abner before Saul to 331 brought try [n this V “an: ' a modest ' was he Bave w . they oommitt: account of himself d mono"; they r ' ed Installed in the king's h an was he expense Enabled Pi. Went well until in w 'j,T/','l'/et,'i All than; you ot the grant vicar: ". celebra- rroth--auu c g Saul went forth ry In Israel, "ntred his to recelv Pri',,.'; This was the ! gratulatiomr ot his people 2%.?” 1 L. is trouble. B i women most forward to, ' te , [1331181333 'f, had of: I $113325 1111mm (mncei’f°;yf§g- P Lordha ' a, of hial Da . a n his thousand: an. l. and dawn“ Mme I wanna“ thoutRutda." m. te, ; was better ind', to a l thoughts for the man Whose . l"Jed 'fi2fiL'ihu/g' ! looked 'ou"i1Utfat",1r'ft'tJf who " 3"” with suspicion neg interests seem always at his own 3lt soon ripened n beet ' " his own praise It , I. into tune apparent to him that bi ' l vid was K popular and e n I i {gt-Empl. on David's Vita' moat popular man in 1g.'2f.u"lttt,'l 'i'iu'fll'lt"l','lf,'tl, the NF l 'd') 2:02:25 39"“ In honor "to mi“ y wh . , om. L . 1,t'd't ulU lifetime. ‘31.: i Em?" tim ttood. xii., IO), men was continually ; i'1e2",ttJ,otr,i',t'", may have thought 'it-A demon like tl ' to deprive 'fl',','," treaponable design frequently in the '22 did not 80 m ot his throne. He rom ta'od--Bent b _ ew disobod' Emlngly connect hisown t as Satan in Jog rr",". or it he???" with his coming doom, tux-He relapsed 1 t' T. or hi it wadan awful reminder Iniac postrtselon n g n trusts wtlckedness in hil flagrant dis- ."ivrl'yi'iii'lC'.i.1'l'-llitav'il'; prove ll a time when God would 23?"), Sam's Jil'Gl'/if; this act 1',Af/gieixli,e l, 14). For Emma madness 0 surcd ' once he was ate- “y. As at 0th . . Y' he should not be th Ll3. Also see It' rti.e,tstt-, of a kingly dynasty. TI e founder n power. In ;\._Tnere of disobedience f,'ste'irff2'rf,'/lt1,tc,'rt - usnc to C. _ n cha ter mm soul. A ' XT , 30, cotrt him his p " spear. was JELJeLIIn_ him thcrtywere (1,e','i2tihleEY,1.i. To , authority. em- cos that the one that th f', endan- I' Javelin-Baut now chosen as his successor e orxt has urlntm, 'iecr.iiiineii tt lt.im: Saul had taken mo was before of the shepherd ho ' first downward ate . re than the 'Oniilattuck Saul nevy‘ Gotl Without takin pt'ln. alffront to hat David was thot", er tpartit1 consent! g lought ot the . This purpose he 't,t otrruienctr, and $31058 ot further (118- , p.111, and. t'i'iiririiiuti. amendment in JJl)ll 'J,'. filtmug'ht ot ' attempts on Duvlvf'. 'hyt,tl'tlf,',2ot not humbleqé- Je _.llfrll'. 1 furthwr . Ki, l ut unrepentant. Ile allow . g" n- l "dvance o one»! and . edJrral.. m.nt LY ',",i'u',t'f,l. envy to Wield their dead- /yt'i,1it"gf David-Saul and over ',,1','t"i'it',l'l'M'to/e {impulse l . a my. tr .'tr _ , IS - “fix cans“; tg/e,!",,",)',' 'tii,"",,'.':,',',' as a bonetaetor tOanflogg. i 'he,"?, him more 'l','ll 0d upon $112111; 23d Swen. Ho look- i In Artxt. etc.-- ' . Wham hi _ ' "Wynn? 'Ile/i'),', 3.11:: t,'vtt',""r1) 233%“ 'i,v,tlatt"i'e"nthitaetnre,i e .()rd t . " l m. David, I wally tli,l'/t1i,Pt"/,"l,e,"'d,t conscious ot his io1v)l.el'n,'l"ree,1t',1i, ”11"“ ls mighty Cir; 'g',1t",leue, mm him. (l'dfielJ"il',' , I. Cor. li 1m Ca . and pmaitred David . ' . . - ' lid not ,certnm that this wp disdain to sooth the agit t r . , ed 8 i it untnmnt referred t as ot Sm" by Pinyin tor a pm if“? likf'ly that It :32: fgrp; but while 'lli2'iltu"'gu,"t' i u, r-tr__ ., . sen- , , r tnwtid "tgi1hy'tt,1 shay i'2'dtuV1h1? Ema aimed to ' ; not! was with mm. escaped. but Sign]. appilr David ”Us "FUttth.....trtood ri,' murderer as th w” ate truly a v.15. R. v. 'iii'..'.'.'.'."),", rid; for the 1ihe, he had Main Da.. '_.--.'.--. the moral than?“ of tho tyoal is. --_-___-__ T life. Ty of the acts ox: glad to, remsiVd recog- l. VII ind 1'0 engin Much l'irm‘twl Roads. The Ir‘sh railways are said to have more directors in proportion to their sir, Importance and: earn- lug capacity than any similar cor- porations in tho world. They aver- ago one direcLor to every 20 miles " road. In 1873, ‘w1:en an effort was made to hav ' the roads brought under the mprrv"autu or the B ate, they averaged o u: director to every " mile- of mad, At that tiu?t? "itiarxrGFire" 56 ro'dw. averaging 48 missus in PW"; Twy had 480 di- reactors. 56 Eoi" H. 56 secretarie- 5 any the scientists. "'are alike un- healthy. Fbr that reason 1 see no particular benefit to be trained from clinging to either." Two inebrlate Paisley weavers. approaching ouch other from op- pmita dirpctionm met at the Cross and stood glaring at each other. First Weavtrr--hre you Jimmy Mae. furlano? Second Weaver (making gvimatwsO--No, Tm no Jimmy Mae. b'ariane. First Weaver (hitting out at Rr.cond Weaver‘s taei0--Weel. tak' that tor boin' me like him.' The laboring Classes. Chicago Post. "It's an eight-hour day tor about everybody now, isrt't it T' "Oh. no; not for the employers." "And why not for them T' “Because If they had been content with an night-hour day they woaldn't have succeeded In becoming employ- an. I . "With a keen eye tor etteet," de- clared an authority on costumes, mourning or otherwise, "fashion some time ago decided that a long crepe veil was an inharmonious blot on a gay assemblage and, as a result that most distinctive tea.. ture of deep mourning has been al.. most dropped. The mourning worn today by women of Iashion is very far from being like that worn " their grandfathers. It is black. of course. but that is about the only resemblance one has to the other. Perhaps one at these days the - “an van-“l Byll'llu, WILIIUIl-l- which all outward forms even though instituted by God himself. are as nothing. David, on the other hand. vaa a type or those who, in h-umwblt- trust and dependence upon God, ignore the strength and vaunt- PPs. or Israel’s foes, and in the true arpirit defeat and overcome them in the name of the Lord ot hosts, the God of the armies of Israel which they defy. This splrlt taken hold of the energies of God and makes the man that possesses it superior to all d'rftiea1fiee and in a proper 895199 indifferent to all his toes. ntsvia-'saut made David captain over a. mound partly to get rid ot him from his presence. and partly Domain in the hope that he might t,efe Mo_ln bottle (VI. IT, 25): Broodink and Crepe Veil A Cause for quarrel. d What Is tho difference between the Prince of Wales and the water of the fountain , One in heir tothe throne and tho other [I thrown to the air. Why does tftrmarar wear a. very short cont? Because it may be long before he gets another. Why lg a pretty young lady like a wagon wheel? Because one in unfounded by, felloes Gallows). What man mentioned in the Bi. ble had no tathtsr'? Joshua. the son ot Nun. Why is, a kiss like a sermon? Ki. cause It requires two heads and an application. 7 A 7 whris "I" the luckiest of all vowels? Because it is in the cen- ter ot bliss _ Tinfi Le a dirty boy Ilka nanue1'? Because he shrinks from washing. Why is is solar eclipse like a mo. ther whipping her son? It is a. hiding of tho, son, h - - Tongues they have. but they talk not? Wagon: _ ___ Ears fthey have; but they hear not'? Cornstalka. Hands they ttarts but they handle not? Clocks. Mouths they have, bat they taste not? Rivers. Noses they have, but they smell ttoA'? ©eapottr, - - Eyes they have, bat they see not'.' Potatoes. Teeth they have. but they chew, not? Saws. Feet they have. but they walk not? Stoves. Wm ir the beat my to hold §August tr,' I8, IS), aol si' chiiiiiii/hir, i o iHAMILTON’S; $hrrhon GREEN Tm In mm. acumen. and manual. n in u far ahead at Juan Tea u “SALADA” black " ahead of all other black teal Lead when: only. 25c and 4Ott per m. By all smears. I f t o-o-oo-tto-ooo-o-ooo...." WINS INSTANT ANS g CONSTANT FAVOR 'iiifriillrfiIiJli Conundruml. WITH, ALL JAPAN TEA DRINKIERS. GREAT out of a molehlll will never feach the top.-/Dowat Topics. In the mathbmatics ot matrimony gn(2_and one make three.u-rswh water in a sieve? Freeze It. What is the cheapest thing on your lace? Your nose. because you get two nostrils tor one cent (scent). Why is a 'rroodmatrtrotrman like a. house on fire? Because he is not easily put oat. Why ttfa" sword like tttts moon? Because it is the knight’a chief or- nament of glorr--Botrtort Globe. The man why, makes a mountain ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO Tho tall purchasers by retinal-e trom tu' wholr'salv trade at Ottawa so tar hare been heave, but a. big porting trade is lookvd for In tho autumn. Prison giro Tptr firmly he'd. The outlook for business In ttrittht. London weoirsalo trade. while a. trirln quiet as iq usual at tList lean- on. is in a satisfactory condition. Ws tailors have been meeting their ob- ligation. .gieuerrillv satisfactorily. Go home not later than 10 an Don't wait until a girl has to throw her whole soul into '0. yawn which Eng unit eovfr grith, both hands. Once a Week In often enough to kin her. She won't appreciate the kindness it you are overtretMtrotMt.-. New York Preys. Dbn't puf too much sentiment on paper. In Hamilton. as rwportnU to Brad- etvcct's, the monument in wlrolerct'e trade Lage boon good tor this season. Largo shipment" ot fall goods are now being made and the outlook tor tLe tall sorting business. soon to be- Bin, is promising. Values are firmly hold, owing to the all" tone of the markets at home and abroad tor raw materials. II -rou have a rixal keep an Jae, on him; it he is a new-made widower bro two eyes on him. -- mrtuio has bran loan active at Win nip 1.: this week. The lens favorable p:ospairtor wheat m the Proinee of Manitoba have also made traders mom.- cautious. Tho evaluates of the mop at pmseruit range from 4G to 50 million; bus-Lulu. Railway mum In still l.uavy. Tlmrc in n big domand tor farm laborers. There was frost In some motion!» a couple of nights last week. It war; slight. There has bum a steady develop- ment In many linlw of trade at tht Puclfic Coast elm-I; slnco the termin- tion of tht slrlkt‘ ~.lilricultle~a. There has been u big nlnprmont of live stock and bar! recently to Dawson. The Iolrglng business is vary dull. The p aspect»: tor the salmon pack are not Invornblo. Agree with the girl's father In politics and with her mother In religion. ' At Quebec favorable reports trom we conntrv districts are having a mg] effect on the wnomsane trade BUEHKBHU in Toronto has been keep- mg up unmuullv well lor this seas- otr. Sales for the tall have been heavy, rotullvrs all through the coun- try taking more liberal Iota of goods and a gmuter proportion ot the more expousim hues. m crops in Ontario um "ncourturintt. The wtn- ter wheat thrashing has ahown wat- lsfactorv results. Th" crop of buck- whrut and was wlll be the smallest ln Venn: Tho usual absence of activity in many departments ot wholesale trade at Montreal ur' being cspcriteuc.l now as: it always is at this season. There was, however. good buying of staple goods lor the fall up to tin, first of the month and the sales tor July are ahead in many 11mm of plevlous years. Values ot staple and domestic goods an: Ilrmlv held. Crap repute east of the great lakes are favorable. The make ol butter and cheese has so far been heavy. The shipping business is vorv active. plums. M to GOe. The Cheese Markets. Bellevilie, Ont., Aug. t3.-- At the meeting of the Cheese Board held to- day 2,390 boxes ol cheese were re- glswrcd, ‘..'.190 ot which were white, bo lame coal-ed. Sales were ', Spa-algae . L0.) colored, at 9 Iii-16¢; MACgrulh, t.'.00 white, at 9 13-16:; HMgson, 515 white: Watirlu, .t,uo, and Alexan- der, 730 at 9 3-40. 'u'owanaviile, Aug. 8.--IN-dtxe " factories offered :c,G99 boxes cheese; 21 cmumorles offered 1.726 boxes miter. Cheese sales-Fowler, L26 boscs, 9 9-163; 66 boxes at 9 T-tve; Brice, 241 boxes at 9 9-10c; Allan, 769 boxes at 9 9-16e, and 67 boxes at " 3--1c; Duckml. 113 boxes at 9- 9-16e; Grant, 188 boxes at 9 0-160. and 1002 at 9 G-ire; Alexander, 226 boxcc at 9 9-163: Met’hersou, :08 boxes at St 9-163; Watter and Imev. 100 boxes at 9 9-16e, and T3 at 9- 5403: all sold. 8 Aug. 10.411er was some tm. provnmem in the volume at bud- neaa done at B.t. Lawrence market to-day. Receipts ot prnduce in the market were heavier, although on tbs street there was not much altering. One hundred bushels or grain only ‘werg sold. Advice to a Man in Love Iumtoto l'll'lllrri' Mk"- Bradstreet ’s on Trade IR Up to wnhin a your or ‘vo . butter-11y urn. s1 tt alum " " Eastbourne, "n 1 nl by WHllan. 'Watkias. an -u.ounl 1: at. wan tin only one or ik, k ml. 'ro-Gy. how- M'er. there cx!st new-ml and; farm. In France. Thwu- butterflies aN neared In the interests ot the Illk worm Industry. and In. rum "pa. mona are grown to be mud at Mets prices to sum ttttta ot nuns-5| mm In.“ m of the work! The launder ot the firm Young Men's Christian Association in o. tine looking mm of a: yuan. Ilv. log at No. LI Russell Square. Lon. don. He ls Sir George William- knlghted in new. th, prih anm Versary of the Y. M. C. A He and a few follow our!“ in the "ytpto.t ot Hitchcock dt large, now Hitch cock. Williams a LU., banded that solves together tor puma-as a! do uremic worship and turn I help and from that mull beginning - the great society of to-day in Eur. ope and America. or "ourHe. Wil lL1rna.belnx: a good boy and teuttt tut employee, " In love with Huey cock's daughtor, Helen, and may ried her. beeominur later u mambo: of the firm i‘h- lumsihllIHI-s an that the mints would have [allot but for his Rift or $23,000 to Mee a hall and speed the work of the organization. I Wigwagging in the navy ls (Done on 'the same general principle, but the ’nummls L 2. 8 are used in“ or data NN damned. TMe letter a by I this system in nude by the numeral. :2. 2; the letter b by 2, 2. 1, 'd; tho letter tt by l, 2, l; the letter d by 2, 2, 2. and so on. Then he climbed Into bod, only to fly out the next minute and result). his positlon on his kneeo. Hu, moth,. or mused at the door to lllten. "O, Lord," mid he, 1.P.tE-rt Had a good a: [wouldn‘t bother you about the jimcmck." in which the new. ot hit om--.. it was 'swearing-ooo, have renclu 0d his mother's ears unless the Jim. crack had overheard and told on Mm. When he made mdy tor bed that night he said his prayer: thoughtfuily and added to his unua| petitions Ull- request; _ “Please book befiind Lu. potato bin tug tab) that Jimernsck “my. Amen." Linking. “equal. One of the oldelt familie- ln Vir- ginia ll the Mayos. and it. mem- turn have borne on important putt in the history ot the note. One Ind not yet old enough to have mad.» his mark is evidently bound to do some time in the future. The boy is not an angel and his old colored mommy has threatened him many a. time and oft with a. Jlrneraee--. strangv beast. hall fairy, hall hob. goblin. who lives in a. corner ot the collar behind the potato bin end lin- tone to all thing- little boys 9.1:; with an eye to repeating them. Nos long ago small luster Mayo we: bmught to book by his mother and spanked. He could think ot no way The navy also uses a flashlight and the “can: wh'atle in combina. tion with tho numwmis: a short “ash or a short blur-2t of tho whil- tle mean- St two short flu-hon Ot two short blunts menu 2.1m! a. long [ugh qt" a. long Mast means 8. TiLix'yitrria -irtiGrnGririoi." alg- nalmg by day, Whether the air by clear or foggy. Little Boy Apologlzed to the Lord for the letter a is "prenatal by a dot: and a dull. the b by a and: and threedotmand the lettercbrytm dots, n space and a dot. Rho other lettem are unmounted to e oint- Iar Wc the In t no my -teert we“ flag to the right man- . dot; to the left a. (huh. and dropping It directly In troot ot the operator means a space. If, theretore. the operator waver the flag once to the right and once to the Mkt he makes the letter a; if he were. It once to the left and tlmee this to the right he makes the letter b, and if he wave; Lt twice to the right, once down In front and than once again to the right he ”be. the letter e. IN HILY FILL. an In mlduummer. Pain- killer tiudq a use in every home. Eztertttttty tor cuta, sprains or brill-ea. internally tor dinrrhoea and dysentery. Avoid trutstuittrterw. there In but one " Painkiller'"---, lmvls'. POSTSCRIPT TO HIS PRAYER In modem warfare-co Important that many and navy oftigt- any they could not pond“: do without lt, In spite of the (not that gust campaign- ware arr-had on and crest hauls were fought before it In. over dreamed of. There are several untena- of Itc- nasling In use try the army and navy. the simple“ of which in that com- monly called “mugging." stem tint was invented lor it. Nearly everyone knows, perhaps. that the signaling is done by mean: of small fears _but_a. brief dersrfrrt_ioet of how the my are hanaed'to eon- vey a. manage may not be without Interest. "ie f ttho “on: an Mutton o the Home dot and and! telegraph aJplmbet. the (“Harem movement" 01 a, flag taking the place ot the dots and flawed. By. the Mort qlpglabet This reads like slow work, but It is anything but slow, tor the opera- tons are no skilful and quick In the use of the flag that they can (he and receive the letters almost in ma: as a telegraph operator an give and receive the click: of hall Untrumom. The we of a. strong field (I... enable, the reoelving operator to read theslgnnll an a great lacunae. When It is accent-y to algml at {light a torch is qubtrtituted tor the Waving the flag to the right mean» l, to the left means 2, and down the front means 8. Two wave. to the left, therefore make the let. tor a; two waves to the left. one to the right and one again to the left make the letter tr; one wave to the right, one to the left and one again to the right make e; three waves to the left make d, and so on. How the U. B. Signal Cajun-”Pm In lacer- Vol-tn. 0113mm cummcle: no and cont. puy. a very important part TALKING WITH FLAGS. c. AU. Fou"d, I ' Drill:- tFd, ' 1"“! M "i R?

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