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Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1903, p. 8

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We do some things for the sake of your goodwill. The whole conduct of business here is based on enlarging your good opinion of the Store and bringing you twice as often. We sell cheapest just now in order to clear out the balance of Summer Goods, and we're not not so anxious after profit but we can afford to surprise you with better values than you expect. H. IT. MOCKLER Odd lines in Men‘s Women's and Children 's Shoes " half price. Big reductions in all lines. Our Stock of Malina. Gingham: and Lawns reduced from 20 to 30 per) cent to clear. 9 Cotton. art goods, linens, draper- iee, prints and sateen: all reduced to cost prices. Endings, Bed-spreads and Cur- tains “my down in price. ALEX. RUSSELL AUGUST used to be a dull month, but we maintain the stimulating busy days by crowding prices down and goods out all over the Store. We cant afford to rest on our oars because it is midsummer. It's a time for bargains and you will get the benefit of such reductions as these. arifiiifii"iu, AT THE Illll STORE Headquarters for Hardware and Tinware GETTING READY 's, FALL GOODS at a large discount. We have a few lines left : we don't want to carry over till next season, therefore we will dispose of them at prices that will be sure to make them go quickly. Light print, balance at cost. a Best selection shown in town ie're always ready to cut prices in two if conditions warrant it. That means we never allow goods to grow old ---al- ways sell for less rather than attempt to carry things over from one season to another. BOOTS d SHOES Men 'a Running Shoes, 50c. lllillit Milli “WINS FOR SALE CHEAP We have some Binder Twine left at 11% and 12 M . DRY GOODS Cash or Trade Paid for Produce. were 350, now Mc. were 500, now Mo. Our Stock of Summer Goods MINE illlililllll(llllll That means we will sell the balance of THE BIG STORE. ----only one Lee-Enfield Rifle. A Bargain. t Just to hand. Newest style in Black and Colored trom i $4.50 up to $7.50. Ladies' Corseta--We are clearing our entire stock of these goods. LADIES’ AND . MEN'S FURNISHINGS Ladies' Waterproofs, Waists and Wrappers before wholesale price. A big stock of Ladies' Hosiery must be cleared at a sacrifice. Men 's Summer Suits. Hats & Shirts Neckwear & Hosiery selling below cost le: were 45 and 500, now 300. Big Bargains in Tear. Cuts in Package Goods. Baking Powders & Breakfast Foods llllEl HEW DRESS SKINS llllfll' 'llllllll 810W GROCE RIE S Mr. Baht. Cannon late of your town acted on referee very impartially and to the Intisfncnon of till. Himself on old football purer. he known when good hall is played sod expressed the state. ment to your Cor. that Dromore pure, dandy hall. The reeeipta hom all sources were over 3100 and the Public Li hmry when all expenws are paid is " in pocket. Com MrArttutr. Priceville. and other. from Mt. Forest, Normnhy. be. Were also present. Mt. Fotest proved an invulneruhle toe dressed as he was in leggings of mail 3nd bright fumltstr shirt. We would like to make special mention of some of the Priceville players but not knowing their names I tsn't do no. certainly there me some peaches among them and one pair! Neil McKenzie, son of Dr. McKenzie. late of Dmmoro. took in the day while up on a vimt to friends in Holstein. The match Mt. Forest vs. Dromore then took place for one hour without either side scoring during which time. although it mew seem partial for m to any so. but nevertheless u. fact. the Dromore temn haul fullv the heat of it. 20 minutes to decide the he was then played. Mt Forest succeeding in scoring --» result not grudged hy Drmnore. as they had no wish to win the prize at their own tournament. or to play against Priceville. who had treated them so well at. theirs some three weeks previous. The deciding match Mt. F. vs. Prim-ville took also 40 minutes and an additional 20 minutes to break the tie. during the latter part of which Mt Forest scored. owing to a piece of sheer carelessness on the part of one of their opponents, born of that over eoutidenee which is mid sometimes to lose an election. He engaged in " convel station with an onlooker and the warning about came a little too late to new: Priceytlle the game. which they in all fairness shou d have. had, putting up as they did yy farthe best hall: The but hack from The field was taken promptly Iny Priceville.nstalwnrtlot of young men dressed in white. and the team from Proton, with shirts. on which was bla- zoned the large letters S. P.. which might be taken for Swift Players as Well as Swinton Park, and in turkey red puns such as are worn by cardinals and celtain orders. This match was very evenly contested. the score being one each until near the end of the game when Pricesiile landed one. more. On Thursdav of last week this long- Iooked-forward-to event came " with great. success. The day was an ideal one top the Kickers us fur as coolness Went. hut not tor the spectators. who suffered from the severe wind. Three mums gut in an an appearance viz.. hit Forest. riceviile and Swiuton Park. The Dromore team tet,r.r'y in the absence of Vurney to comp ole the even contest. On Tuesday evening of last week a quiet little wedding took place in Amos church. where, by the Rev Mr Campbell, Mr James Mitchell of the 12th Con. Egremont, was united in wedlock to Miss Robina Garson, youngest daughter of Mr Jno Gatson ot'Dromore. The news was not very well circulated. bat notwithstanding quite a number gathered to witness the first couple married in Amos church. Alter the ceremony the invited few went to the home of the bride where a bountiful spread was in store for them. The bride was ably supported by Miss Mitchell, sister of the groom, while Mr Thos Garson, cousin of the bride. acted as groomsman. The young couple left next morning for their home on the 12th Con Egtemont. We join in wishing them many happy days. Mr Andrew Leslie of Mt Forest form- erly of this place, was renewing old acquaintances here last week. We Were pleased to have a visit last week from Mr and Mrs James Laugh- ton trom Port Arthur. him In Mat In! ' Buying is now e thing at the pest. The crop has been e much larger one than was once looked for some time ago. The fall wheat ball cut around here and although the crop is not a heavy one we have reason to believe the yield will be fair. Other mine are coming in last and looking well. Miss Mary Scott left on Tuesday for Manitoba to resume her duties as school teacher, at least one of our your: man will not be so happy for a wht e. Mrs Bylaw, (Teenie Garmn) Toron- to, was at home for her sister's wed- ding and met many old friends. Mrs Moody and family of Buffalo IS at present vtsiting her sister. Mrs Jno Ramon here. The Rev Mr and Mrs Campbell re- turned last. Friday from their holidays looking much retreahed. Mrs J Highland of Toronto is at Harvesting is the order of the day and ere long, if the weather is favor- able. be a thing of the past. How swift the time lines in this busy world ot ours. Mr Alfred Gama. oquelph, accom- panied by Miss O'Connell, is visiting the torttter'g parents here. Mr Murdoch. Inspector ot Scales and Measures, was in Dromore on Monday putting things right. Miss N Grier of Priceville is " present visiting the Lamina family and adding much to .the pleasure of moot our boys. Mrs J Wilson accompanied by her daughter, Miss Eliza, visited friends in Mukdale 1aat week. Mr J M Findlay has added much to the appearance ot his new stable. by having it painted, and also placing in ita tine new buggy. Mr H Stern paid Dundalk friends a visit our Sunday. Foot Ball Tournament At Dromore. resent visiting her parents, Mr and rs Garson. THE DURHAM REVIEW 080.033. Fag? wil' iAmu JiAdGriGrii,"iiii" TORONTO Jun Cnn1field muted on thq Council ra- ‘u-ding hil fence lath 'ddasroad god ex- pressed bu willingness to come to my reasoning settlement with Ute Council u- soon u "tut-' arrangomonu a. made With Duncan Hunter. Babb - McFadden - Thu report be adopted and the Brave min " nnd Com'r Gurdon " com tau. Curried. The new and Cmn'r Gordon. " . Com'r remrted on the completiOn and in. npecuion of the new bridge at Perm, ou‘n on“ 5. which in highly Minoluchhry and recommendml pawn-am to R Canon for "sprsrarttrttT". " M, Abutment: to C Kirk 0165. toUl 0690. Cum'r McFadden rep' rted wn sunny- ing bale line. than 18. 19 on-npiad " days, board trom Mr Jan Matthew»: " aordon---1brhlr - That report on unr- vevigg "e adopted and Coin', Noah/e " for services And tl tor bond bl". Car. Gorstou--MeiGai--TW 020 be p". ml to Cum‘r Mclulyru tor repairs to Druumre Bldv'walku. payable bo J G Orchard for lmnuer. Canned. Bubb-- McFa dam --- That we accept Chm Kirk's tender for bridge. at lot 19, con 6, .upersuuccurn to oo-c MM. mm- mentu 8160 to be completed by Oct lit. The new and Com'r Gordon to locate un-l inspect and bridge. carried. Meltnyre--MuiVastv--Th" the new and Com'r Gordon be inetrnetrd to let and intneet the awroaobeu to the Fer. guson bridge, and tn dinpune of the old timber " said budge. Carried. Mei2ueo-- Gordnu --'ihtat coupr Mc- ledon be authorized tn many the National Cemenl 00.. Durham, to remove their fence off the townhne so um road- wng may be rate " unvei. Curried. Me1utyre--Meiuddssu--Tut report. on tlle be adopted Ind Com'r be paid 81.80 fur unloading tile. Carried. Gordou--MeNldseu-Iust mud report be adopted and Caul'rs receive $1.00 each com. tees nud said Couxr's complete the t.tormsaul "teomtnoduttous. Carried. Conn Robb reported on unloadmg and drawing tttet-.-'.. Peckover. one day 8] M; J Spleen drawmg tile " 50; D I'eekoyesr, do.. $l.6o; A Whitehead. do., M.60. It is some that line. there bu been any eorrespondenos from this little t."ms qu V. will any: n few ot the Impremn‘za. Com'rn McIntyre and Itntrb reported on Henderson‘s bridge and watercourse at lot. 16. con 16. recommended that pert of Isiuud "" north we of Midge and part of Hank on 80'th side he removed In order to give a sunlight. walercouuse ; also thus the worst parts ot watercress in “mesa-d watercourse be removed thereby giving a tree outlet. MeFtrtden- McIntyre - That said re- port be adopted and bill of 812.96 be paid. Catried- Uum'r Gordon reported having recelvo ed 864 feet Lam-struck lumber from J M Barnard, covering tor Bowman's bridge, cos; 812.96. Mslhu1den--itobl,-- Tun 'oreuoiuu re- port be “lapsed and Com'r receive " 00mins. Curried. Some will be through usymg in; a few days. Other cropg are looking good. _ Quito 1 law of the good people around he" unaided the lecture a Smnton Pauli sud Pricevills given by It Hath-on. m, gave a very iuterewrme lecture about Manitoba aud other parts at (be Wost winch he has travelled through while " may on bis holidays. C(m'r McFadden reported Thor Pol. lock. up. when. lot M. can 2 92; S Chapman. one My with team M: D Gordon, half day 75 cm; R McMeeken, grudiug on blue line, G. A., Cull 22, “I; D Hamilton. grading 48 nln. um 22. 815.75; tt McMeekeu. drawmg tile .3; A Baird. do, " 1tolrb---0ordott-- That foregoing report be adopted and Com‘r receive " com fees and impaction. Curried 1tobrr--Meh'tuhUn - TIM loreguing re- port be adopted and Com'r receive " emu fees-Carried. Com'r Gordon reported road jobs: Wm McIntyre, railway Kirknesu hill .13; do. railing Wallace Bridge and placing supports under stringent: $4; I' Main- tyre, craps sill and 3 aupports under Kirkuma bridge and sum-on to: corble block $2; do., delivering tile, 02.50: do. rep. culvert Arthur and Egremunt town. liue " Muutyre---RobL--Tut the petition of A McDouunll :nd- 84 others Making a grant. of mouay to gravel at lot 17-18, con o, 6, be entertained and $8o be expen- ded on sud road. Carried. Mr Neil McKiunou and Jun McDonald ( Hugh‘s Jno) of Tog Cliff. spent a plasma! evening m “A. Park one evening lately. Miss Isa Campbell "eompunied by here eourin, Mu Cnmpball. of Toronto. visited u Dongs" Ftsrstian'ts recently. What we would like to know , If Jack was very thirsty when he called for a think of water? If Sum not over the long drive out past Dundalk ? It M likes the fly net ' Council met Aug. 3rd. Minna ap- proved. Mr 8 Anderson in engaged with Wm Frock for the baryon. Misc Annie -.---- Iron: Manitoba is at present visiting at Mr Frook'u. Maura Jno E Ferguson. Jun Pierson and A Penman tlniusod the comnot of buildlmz . bridge nu town-line. which is u credit to we builders. Mr Armin, of Ventry. spent last Sun- day It Mrs Fergunon'l Buluam Valley. Come again Mr Austin and don't forges the pie “cod bone. EGREIONT COUNCIL. MAPLE PARK. ---'V_ - “MIN“ ‘m u Mettstyras--Bnbb--Tut In now adjourn , much mulling done in the "Map to moot n Helium. on Monday. Sam 14. n we can and "f the t “no for It to strike the run and :ppoun colleen". 'r" angel; Deeded m W. tutu the munch to nine uhry. Aluo other Ronda it. gourd buiine. be: 'eht,"d2e'r2t 30:: Tele like ttt know Who tho . “new on 1 no. u. a a. “In.“ mu D. ALLAN, Clerk. m tUld, m that thinned B's Resolved that the Inllowing accounts be pun! :--C Rumago bud on printing " Ito; A Mikhail. expxeu charges 26 ch; eierkt registrutinn Voters’ List. 82.57 l North & 'l Cm. cement mu. $12685; Mr .rliP1sisy,'i freight $18 ', A Ray. gravel. " l if DIIIOD. l 88 etc; S Woods. cum tar, 6oe; A Rioe,‘ gavel 82.23; F Foote. cam. tux 81.ooti Mrs Mnrriaou. gravel, 81 88; Jun Kari "dig; D Hum“; Inc Planter. $2.76 ;' W McMullen. 88 cu; Ins Dyee, 48 can? FJurdnn. M.96; G Swunnton. .4 28; D! Bim,98t 1.. MeMulloo. " 6o ; J... Room} 0860; W Cow-n. 81.75; In Ink. com‘ tax tl; John Gunny. gnu]. 02.64; D: mum”. 45 eta; c Schroibet. 4 a...“ poinh for apnea 60 ct! . l Gannon. crawl .586; ll HIV. .8; S “Milling” "So; J “080th. travel tor 1902 81 66; Jo. Campbell. "lo; Golf! neglihhl. search rug omen. ti. ims1ntyre--Gordon--Tr" thir council 1 PARIWILL callus. __ ”v “quince in Mr Ctot1herd's proposition: -- Clrned. The people hive now nearly all By-law No 162 nuthorisirttt the new it1Msir hay tttoted any tor ttti-at. Ind treasurer to borrow money to meet, Mr and " Rite v . clue entrant expensu. paused the m"ml,Btsortmedt Sand“ [in-{SIM at If readings. was 'itened,tHsalod, he. ,' Mn on Sm." t." “Md__ K-- __ _ An exhibition of merit. Burger and better than ever. A splendid my of "ttrmetionst--Ton Rrder's celebrated troup of performing 1ttmtketi--Bauiooat a. cpnsions. a "th','ll,W. drop from a parachute, and the heat Gymmmc. Aerial Ar. tists and Acrobats to be had. Filewurlu each evening concluding with " The Bombardment of Alexandria.” a great triumph of modern pyrotechny. Eur. trains and special rates over all lines. Prize lists and program an 'tpplirarion. FTtC=icsiéaCJFrei_ wsgSetsASept _ f fe, dhezy gay j) Lt-Col. W. M. Gartshqre, I 'tiheobald, ta, Ctothier. i "cvwseocssotssss"oC.v/seoCs"' Remember we carry in stock everything a man wears from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Sole Agents for the Slater lnvictus Shoe, " The Daddy of them All." goods before I would buy." Now that's III we as: yuu. Just call 1nd see our Stock and get our prices. We know the consequences. Our goods sell at sight. Our prices easy on the purse. prevent us having any. Often fear September llth to 19th, 1903. ENTRIES OWE SWMBER 10". 1?Pu',r,.', Pt evident. 36th Annual ,7 r. n "v a". nun; men was that drove through {HI-ewe" on Friday evening " the speed of: are bragede. ell he lacked was the hose ? Thanks to the '"pteiienan that to: to much mulling done in the "tntrttr in the out and u! the mum-line for it us much needed and W. telne- an M .1 2. We Giinii' Young nun was F.N':fn an 'ed ttttttod n re was the has? I u. and an Jno GthKJnmny. of Durham visited the format-'- not. " N. McDonald "In! In-‘--- ‘77»._ IIW "" I!" Mr: N. McDonald over 'tsii'llli7. Ilia bury Harm-ave and Mr 'tttd Itthoe on Sand" Mr Wm. Benton is working with Mr R Sherwood during having. Mr Jno. Muir of Toronuo wished friends around here on Sunday. v. __.I I. U -, on it Mr Peter Inn- is GpiGiil the looks of pin Urn, by plating u now rm! Mn T. smiitrii' Giiine 1 Mrs N. Mchmld " present. 1qg.gg1Uh..ht!l!!,,.,,,, J. A. Nellps, ii Visiting her nut. Who the " " I PM VOL. XXI) gamma-m: Remember Phone No ALL OUR PAL! bought before 1 cat. and our Freizes already received highly delighted All New Some of raw material there's enough OUR WORRY CES that we on put It nu y. Remem Bleached a; Flalm Li le inns, Fiecktc Tenet i It the old p alk The A I w: vs IN no Fir: self

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