ttdlhtdit w.m.x , "li, l E Hm £555: New Fall Dress Goods "llSllXllXllSllXlMMf%ltggfXNatf%giiggtgtgggggggggi VOL. XXV. ijii('iri" ?!tetehtr_iArconasrt in Town ALL OUR FALL GOODS was bought before the heavy advan- ces. and our prices to-day. Always interesting-this year more than ever. We have already received many pieces of our New Fall Goods and we are hi ghl y delighted with the reception our customers have accorded our Freizes, Homespuns, Fancy Tweeds, Libelines, Broadcloths. Heather Mixtures, Flecks. Hop Suckings. Marl Elfecls. Venetians. Amazons, Snow Flakes. Fancy Cream and Colored Waistings. All at the old prices and in many cases. less than the old prices. Some of the cotton mills have had to close down for want of raw material and the manufacturers are worrying as to whether there's enough cotton to go round-at greatly increased prices. OUR WORRY is that we bought so much AT THE OLD PRI. CES that we can't find room for it. We want you to help us put " away. . Kememnef we have large quantities of all classes of cotton goods at old Prices. Bleached and Factory Cottome, Flannellettes and IrrItpperettea, Sheetiugs and Pillow Cottons, Shirtings. Cottonndes & Moleskins Ginghams and Prints. Lawns and Muslins. Remember Talk it About tlt CottonS Ramon he! the place ilfll5iflgtSllgl5Nggggtgggigixggtggggag, fame: fre/am/ rdunes fre/am? LAI DLAW'S Old Sum! haHenge ompetition iiiirjttt , Wednesday, Sept. says. that Hanoveriaiia" Sn? iciriG, death as a personal loss. In extendmg ou? ow.!' sympathy to the Bereaved we WIDELY MomtNRD,-...ii'tu. beyond the bounds of Hanover there is sorrow and grief that the stroke of death carried off the well-loved and respected Nellie Meams. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Mearns of that town. She was a. few days past her 21st year, and her re- moval at the dawn of womanhood from the home the brightened. is one of the inscrutable things we mortals can fath- om not hut must. endure. Very sincere sympathy is extended to the' parents over the loss of their only daughter. She was well known in Durham where she attended Model School in 1001. She was a brilliant student. a. successful teacher and gave promise of a useful life. Her afNhle disposition and cultur- ed social qualities made her a eneral favorite and-we well_belleve__s§s the Post _ THE SCHOOL thurrrr.-The School {Board hurt week engaged Mr. Alton M. "Jheprrtrd, of Paisley. as substitute for ithe Model Term. The staff ik now leomplete. and in addition to Principal {Allan whose duty lies with the Model- ites, is as follows: High School Dept. : Miss L. M. Forfar and Mr. Sheppard. Public Sch. Dept., Mr. Baker, Miss A. Meredith, Miss A. McKenzie. Miss A. Gun, Miss A. Grant. Next year an additional teacher has to he added to the staff. which wtll till evely room in the school. and provision mil have to he mode to accommodate elsewhere the Model class of 1904. It is becoming clearly a. necessity to plan for increased school accommodation in Durham. nice the 'sen'tlme'nt oCinGFitT"iri'rC E Huntsville Standard. Mar. 12. 1903. jars.. "The Concert given by the ( Scottish Concert Co. in the Presbyterian 'Church, under the unsplces of the Ladies’ Aid, was a. success. Tho con- cert was opened by singing ot good old Scotch songs and violin solos. which were appreciated by the large audience. Miss Mary Burnett sang " Afton water" with clear expression and much feeling. The moving pictures and stereoptican views were splendid. The Company is worthy the public patronage." Under) the auspices of the Public Library ml Town Hall next Wednesday. . CREAM SEPAnArons.-'1he first sales of the make. ofthe firm, The Durham Manufacturing Co., Limited. were made ill? week, For an elegant, article. fit for the parlor as one lady said. we have I Been nothing to equal them and certain- I ly it would be hard to surpass. But the main thing is their efficiency In all par- ticulars has been prmed equal to their elegance. An exhibit has been prepared and is away to the big fairs where it will be sure to receive much attention. A prospectus. for use at these fairs, has just been issued from this omee. 1 Sco'rcnmcx. Atrmcrroy l-Do you Wish to visit the land of your forefathers Without crossing the Ocean P Attend the Scottish Concert, Wednesday Sept. SALE IhNutrrrm.-hie. Peter Brown, Holetein. will on Frlday of this week at 2 p. m. sell his household furniture and chattels. Terms 4 mos. credit on approved ioint notes. Jug. Carson. Auctioneer. Bee. Mockler’s north window for New York styles in Men's Huts. We somehnw omitted to mention in our last issue the fine fraternal visit of the Priceville Camp, Sons of Scotland, to their brethren in Ben Nevis. A re- turn visit will be arranged for before long. APmmmcvrra.-Mms Ella Robertson and Rey. Thos. Farr are recent victims to this too common disease. Both under went an operation. and at last reports are damp; well. Following our holidnv. some news this week, as our read: understand. may have an and penance. Public Library Directors will please. meet without tail in Library building Friday evening, Aug. 28. Box wAN'ren.--At once, moulding. Apply " tht Foundry. Fresh Canned blacker-Al large flat tins, chm week. only 10 cents M H. H. Mockler. DURHAM, THURsti"Eï¬EFSâ€"_W _ Grain Bags. at Grant's. _ All summer goods below cost at H. H. Mockler. Scottish Concert: Town "0.11. Wed. nesday. Sept. 2nd. REVIEW balance of the year for 25 ct: to new subscribers. Mnney to Loan at, 4% per cent. MACKAY & DUNN. Durham. Men's and Ladles’ Ram Coats. extra good value -at Grant'e. ttit program that pleases all ns our readers will have an ancient ap- ECE ice, to learn the Durham til iliilj,tiijii,,t'"'ii)o. 7.". Mr: of the The undersigned otree for Sale or Rent, Lot 14. Con. 4, N. D. R. Gleneig, containing 100 acres. 80 news elem-ed. all ready for machinery. First class buildings. hank barn 00 x " frame im- plement shed 40 ft long. Good mater convenient for cattle. Convenient to school and church. No encumbrance. Apply to DONALD BEATON. FARM rdCgiiEiii or BEN T The screechin of the Cement, whistle at 2a. m. 'i'iil'll'gl.l amused many from slumber to look for fire or something unusual. A fierce eleehie storm was raging accompanied by heavy rainfall. and the unlucky spot struck by the ruhtle fhud was the Power House at the Cement Works resulting in damaging both the large generatnrs. and of courie tieing the whole Institution up. The damage done will take ahnut two weeks to lepair, which over and above the costly ePe of the injury. in uufnrtun- an --. - ___. . - - . -___ - w. u... IqulIJ' In uuulrlun- ate. as the works were in full blast, try- ing to keep up with a large demand. E On the steamer Athabasca. arriving in _por't last Saturday. a Young lads ur- rived from Hatririton to make one of Fort William’s bachelors contented. On the some afternoon. at 2.30. a. very quiet. hut happy wedding took glare at St. Luke's church. when Mr. . S. Vollet and Miss M, Wallace, were united in the bonds of holy matrimony by Rev. E. J. Harper. The young couple have taken up housekeeping. Mr. Vollet was accountant for Gordon. Ironsides and Fare’a branch hefme taking his present position with F. Edwards. proprietor of the Fort William Supply Co." Under auspices of Public Idtid (I Barrie Examiner commenting Concert tggiven in Grand Opera House. Aug. llth. ( RIB says t " Seldom have the people of l Barrie had the opportunity of enjoying launch an excellent program as that given , i by the Scottish Concert Co. of Aberdeen. 1ii'di'..1i"i. Miss Mary Burnett main- }tained her ieputation as the sweet sing- ler of Scotland. Miss Jennie Thomson I is an extremely clever violinist. Miss iNeihe Malcolm, the eminent pianist. and accompanist. is as pleasing a vocalist as lshe. is a clever instrumentalist. The PY?",! pictures weie the most clear {and distinct ever seen in Barrie. they; ’were still further acceptable from the Ilact that they were accompanied by {suitable piano music." Hear these I Eartists in Town Hall next Wednesday. I 7 HvsrreNrrArac--cotwatuiations to Mr.’ EJ. S. Vollett. son of our worthy town [Clerk who at Fort William two weeks ‘ago was united In marriage to 'c'ii'ii,i) 'who-Miss M. Wallace, Harriston. well.. known here. The REVIEW extends I warmest good wishes to the young couple, whose love and loyalty to each other has led them together. They can sit at. their fireside and discuss old times and he assured of a warm welcome from the old town where they first met when. ever they find time to pay it a visit» This is how a Fort William paper re- cords the event: Cement Works Struck by Lightning their “my to the Rocky in the afternoon to hear the new pastor. Rev. Mr. Aitchison. who is commending himself to his two charges by devout and scholar- ly sermons and a faithful pastorate. l The Concert next Wednesday by the (three Scottish Ladies promises to be a I!'..'"",',', success. Parties who heard them [in Duudalk hast week speak highly of “he": as u treat not to be missed. Plan at M atWarhtneu. Do you need a Raincoat? H. H. Mock- ler has n large range to choose from. No 8imvrcte.... The session of the. Presbyterian Church allowed last Sun. day. one of the three Sundays of the paator's holidays. to go vacant. and the fold being closed the sheep scattered to find other pasture for the day in the churches of the town. A number found This Week we publish Mrs. Cameron’s flrtrt letter from England. It will he found deeply interesting and another for next week ls equally so. The Young People‘s League of the Methodist Church are planning to hold a. Rainbow lawn party on the grounds of Mrs. Sutherland on the evening of August 3rst. Ii Our story readers wilt tInd the connec- ition of our vacant week on a. supple- ' ment in this issue. Dr. Burt will be at the Midan-gh Bo. Durham. wednesday, Sep. 2nd. from 12 to 4 p. In., for consultation In Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose cases. Iron SAL: AT A tucttmum.-...A 1m acre farm in Bentmck. Apply to ' MACKAY A DUNN. The Dundalk Herald has come out of the fire purtiUd by a. tine new drew of type and other signs of renewed capaclty to serve the public. Large shirt sale? all summer soft. front shirts away down in price It H. H. Mockler's. . Mr. Donnld Benton offers an excellent farm for sale in this issue. Some New Dress Goods to hand that are selling. C. L. Grant. Durham P. o. Ont. 2 REVIEW extends shes to the young and loyalty to each ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Southnmpwn in the Junior series, de- feated Tm tart week in Tum. Ttue mskes the district n tie between South- ampton and the Wellingwns. In the [mm-mediate tseries. in Mount ttorest, ifruiav, Owen Suund defeated the INNIQN a net-mid time lly a scan-.- of 3 o, making Inn.“ lean-nu Livd for me. dis- trict. The" tie will he played at! thil Friday in Omngeville. The return match ii to he plnye Walkerton Fuiduy. and A large nun of "routers†will likelv "'u'"tupart: hays to use the-In Wm Ihu-u' ,iesoud .4 ttt the swam-“unis. W'ulkrlluu’u " rum of Wan: n1 ure- nm, Mood, and uhugvlhvr "mainly lttev “all "vert :1 lead nf lit K oN. M. In: luau I Amy next he up "L'." u~l llle w tttterr, of dmhirl "UN in mi us. ett IIHI'HUHI “mm or the WellmgLuuu of UWen Sound look-in. _- Booth slurred on {he Durham home, as did Muthesnn and Theobald on the defence, but all put up a good game. The Durham line-up WM the some Aq in the previuis "mu-h. 0n the whole. it was a clean game. only two players be- ing slightly hurt though not as fast as fast as usual. owing to the rondition of the grounds. Referee Irvmeof Orange- vnlle. proved a capable oilirml. and had few occasions to "end players to the fence. At the beginning of the tune. Walk- erton started in with u IU', and in the tipst ten minutes they did their best. playing. However in the fitmt quarter. Durham secured 3 (goals, and for the re- mtinder of the mune. Welkerton was simply . not in it.' Durham put In two more goals in the 2nd. 2 in the &d, and 3 in the 4th qniu ter. the scoring honors being quite. evenly divided. Walker- ton'e chances of scoring Were dicpelled by their home always breaking on the strong local defence, and by poor shoot- ing on goal whenever they did get a. look-in. Booth starred an [ha "alpha-u The first ante in the tretni-finah, he- tween Dun-gum and Walkermn. the champions of District: No. 2 and 3. res- pectively. took place in town yesterday afternoon. when Dulhmn trimmed their opponents by the same acme is they did Owen Bound a week ago, and just nhuut as easily. Durham Defeats Walkerton here in the Semi-finals. Earlier in the day the Dulhmu and Mt. Forest Juniors had at match and our hora won 9 to 2, With some real good p nying on both sides. McDonnld Munro Booth McIntyre J Orrin“ J. Lucile Glgnon Davidson _ .._ ‘.r,..,.....,, Flare» never quite can understand how" itt e Jimmy Lowe-lie can piuy on both sides of them at one: and sometimes all around them. Munro scored 3 ot the 30:11. deon 2, McIntyre 2, Law-Ila 2, mm] Booth 1. Theplny P as clean, one Durham mun WM sent, to the fence for 6 minutes, but no blood or bruises of any account. when "a did. Win-med up theiroppo- nents alter and Glass had a little more to do and did " well. Tom Mc- Donald at centre. in his first league nmtcb. showed skill and body work that marks him as u, coming man. The homers were every one sou-s in their way. Doug JOnro--and his Gir-were everywhere. that hair came out. of every melee with the hull pl" ing in or near his stick. Jomian andy McIntyre did splendid combination work. Booth nlevel misses ".puch, and opposing n ï¬r." I‘nI'L-n aw..h.-. Aw“ _--- " . . . one man. Quesnel. diurualitied and hav- ing no substitute. they had to play with 11 men. At the end of the firit quarter however, Durham allowed him to play but his skill nailed not even to the extend at one goal. During the tirrt quarter trt? Were scored. 1 in second. 3 in third, in fourth. all by Durham. This result is a true indication of the play. We have seen games where the play of the losers was better than their more. but it no time did the Visitors on this occasion show the. work that wins. Dnrhnm defence had a picnic. Lavelle in goal had not. more than one good shot to thmw ott. Before the first qunr~ ter is over Theobald has his opponents guessing. and it path has not to open when he decides on a. run. Motheson and McCracken were ready for work that nerer came, and occasional! y came down t ie held to get Wnrlued up. and i' when they did, murmed up their' 0mm- , w mneenuy but Durham ho u had all I the [MM honors going. Jfli'l cleaner and more “the victory has not been won thin “a that that won by the Janina â€or their opponents. The match wu to decide the district chum- 'onshlp. u between o. Sound and KISS,',': Each had won on their own groundnut! the play-oil to decide took lace in, Hanover where o. Bound won. gut by such untnirness in players on led the C. L. A, to order it new trial. Thiu he. taken plece and Durham won. 10 ale to 0. end will have a. chance with (e, leader. of some other district. Kenna. of Omngevillr, was ofRte'uU 'it?eet, and rhea the line up took nlnm ..._ --s, __ " . _ . _ 0..-... ..n. uuc PH DUNK place. o. Bound Again was found to have 9ne maleuesnel. disuuulitied nnd Inn'- 1f.t1nrdat but Durham ho The First Match Won. Durham in the Semifinals. LACROSSE NOTES. Whitewash: Owen Vi. "PPtHsi, gun“, and win rly ittev “all "van-mut- 'l. u. IM: mm 1 Aeiy will ltst Illa w llllt‘lnuf the us. w: unr Nun! tmmptun and A large numb†Cethr mauuupnny our t Iln-u- ,itNoud mum- W'ulkr-vluu’u "han, to be played in Bowie. Galvin Fuwoen Bennett Molina Jawhon Stayed from the E,rte, of the under-mud. on Bun y. All“. 16. n ltuRe red cow. with turned in burnt Finder will oblige by notifying tttetprom peietor. Clue. ICKINNON. Durham. Ont. Sun and Equlpmont. The School In equipped for lull Junior Leo Ind WNW work. under the (allowing Ct of Competent Mlle“ tor that Department:' THOB. ALLAN, Ethanol. MISS L. M. FOBPAR. (‘lusicu on. Modems. A. M. SHEPPARD. m Clan mutation-l, melon-t. mam; m gttettUd uh u mull! ot term, or u noon on: u no“. ' FEES: [Lupe new“ WM. JOHIEWII, C. RIM In order to make room for our Fall Stock we are compelled to sell out all (the Summer Millinery and these are some of the bargains we are offering. Over 35 Trimmed and Ready-to- wear Hats, regular price $1.00 to 03.75 on sale for...... .....r, .. 75c Children’s Accordian Plaited Silk Hats and Embroidered Silk Bon.. nets reg. 81. & $2.75. selling for ...... ..35c. soc. 75c ind 01.00 Ladies' Bonnets that were 83.00, and 03.75 selling for.... .... 11.50 so Plain Straw Shapes that were & $1.50 selling for only. 25c Beautiful Neck Ribbon for. . . . . . . . 15c Laces & Applique, on Sale. - Inga“. Dar-SATURDAY. Durham School MILLINERY MISS DICK MacFarlane & 00., Bruggists ' Booksellers. Flexo Kodak Also Cakes, Buscuns Confectionery. RARE illllllllf BREAD We study bread melting as a business and provide brad that is excellent in taste end in whollomeneu. It's 1 bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excel- lent loaf for a reasonable price COW AS'I'RAY. HIND BROS. Everything but the film. Loads in daylight with the famous' Eastman light proof cartridges. CHAS mums. Pun-n an Paula“. Enjoy Photdgraphy With little Exlmuso Wright 's Old Stand. Ht-No. 2 New Km