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Durham Review (1897), 20 Aug 1903, p. 2

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I! Among the flock of depraved being. whom the reporter claimed harintt won in this “dope-Joint" won one whom the drum pointed out on . "ttny-grain man," meaning that when Oeeur went out on a but nothing short of titty grain. ot inch phine would produce the proper hal- lucination. In the (in! Mtuto fifty grain" ot morphine would stop the palm of any person. no matter how bog ho or ehe might have need the drug. " is doubtful whether there are such cases on record. and it there are they are few and tar be.. tween. In the second place, every mophine user known that five grain- ot morphine will produce the enact which he desires quite an well no tint-en or fifty. A Limit to the Done. Mont people believe that when per- eons start using morphloue they continue increasing the dose until it beoomee enormous, but physician. and user. of the drug know better. Moat all ot the “ends hnve etnrted on bait n grain or one grain, and run up to five, but when they reach the limit they go no farther, tor the reason that they soon learn that to take more is simply a waste of good material, causing ttreat to run the rink of death wlthout improving may on the effect produeed by five Brains Moreover, it In doubtful whether ism-h a drug store an the one described above exists in the entire district. mu it there ia-that In to any, one running all night and dispensing wlson to every Tom, Dick and Harry-thers it is absurd to mimosa that any such scene as the one described ever took place in it. It is true, though what has long been a mystery to tho police and druggists, that those who are ad- dicted to the use or morphine and cocaine are generally abroad after midnight and up until about 7 or 8 dclock in the morning, during which time they replenish their supplies. They will enter a drug store quietly, look caretuily about, and make known their wants to the clerk either in a whisper or in lowered tones. ' In nine out of every ten stores they will be refused. but in the tenth. provided they are tairty well known, their order will ho filled. As soon as they noeive and pay tor their drugs they are ott Lire a shot. either to {new in uws, rooms' or some place when: they can procure water in order to t:.kv ths clear. hrrp thru- hules Secret. Tho Men In all this ls that the drug storm which null poisons oi this sort without a pmrocription and to all comers take good care to keep the matter hi hit-n and secret as much as [Ins in their power. The names or the users and the amount they purchase is kept in a. book. which Is vicwed by the police and dottctives once every month. and in most men tho latter are made to believe that the stuff is sold tor le- gitimate purwm. Then there are other drug stores that sell poisons ot thin emu-actor only in quantities put up tn scaled bottles. This drive: away the povs?rtrstricken class of [lands who [uni become slaves to the habit. but doo not bar the better uiagatr ot dope fiends. who are able to buy the drug in large quantities. An- other reason why the fiend is careful to keep quiet while being waited upon. is [ream he knows the pm primer will refuse to sell him any more If he indulges in crazy talk or notions like that indulged in by the characters described by the sensa- tional reporters; swallows the (pee Veteran "d77r'iitrfhT, m7iiiri, 3&ch- dne and arsenic users and abandon- ed cocaine unmet-n doubtleu were united over an nrticie that appear- ed recently in n paper purporting to be the experience of a reporter In an all-night drug nore. which. by the way. seemed to be doing a. lvely trade in furnishing all comers with nmrted poinone in open de. fiance of the law. of the diurict muting the Isle of such meter- 1n the more or conducts himself in a manner calculated to attract nt- tmuon. and came pmple to suspect that thr [hm “moi t ls furnishing poi- mn to eourtrtwt1 (lends. Curiously cnrsugh, druggiatn ot this character Ire twive as penguin and anxious to avoil suspicion as thosa who romeo to a ll io son other than by prerausiption or to physician“. Thou. again. tho drug timid is very well aware that his poison is worth littio without water. Water Ania the Poiuin. The fact that pilson acts just twice as quick and much more pow- eriuliy when the user drinks a. lot ot water on top ot it should be kept In mind, in owe a peran should happvn to swallow poison by mis- take. in such an ovnnt they should avoid drinking water. Moreover, moat poisons, (specially strychmne. morphine and cocaine. excite thirst M much it not more than whisky or gin. Tlu- unfortunate rodent that has made a meal of rat poison (which contains a wry large per- centage oi strychuiney is (stated with thirst and will brave any dan- ger to obtain water. Now, the drug fiend is a grout economist when " comes to his favorite stimu- lant. He not only avoids wasting the drug by taking more than it m-cermry tr produco- tho desired et., fect. but often tintos, it hard up he will take less than the regular dose, managing to srcure the effect of the hi] quantity by swallowing copious drnuglits of water. There used to be in Washington . talkative. grubby old fellow. who indulged in cocaine. He had a. way at buying it and then going to the Odo. fountain; he would borrow and” spoons. glasse- and a pre- nuption knlfo. with which howould Med to mix the drug with soda, s mall sack of which he carried In in. pocket. Sometimes he would on!" the drug and at other time- tnko it internally. blklng pursuant”. and making a [rightful litter onr the (Irugglst'l aunt". that one after the other of a. few apolho 9an shops which 1110- are thid stun refused to sell him -- drug. and» anpr with); 1Ut __of “In to'comlclnrabln iroube.7 be tin. AIIV dkmm'j d and has _not been not: since: H. tces, indsod. a how Drmr. liuiad of btlug sub-ed of Tr', upon bocamf such , angst)”. (Vadun‘ton Pout.) Bound on Its bar ill-even. The explosion at Lowell was both heard and sensed at points forty! miles distant. At Braintree it was thought for an instant that there had been a dynamite explosion in the Quincy Granite quarries. so strong was the shock. Sound travels last and tar, and the experience ot yes- terday nhould teach us not to be too reame skeptical of stories of tho noise ot great battles disturb- Ing Countries far removed from the scene of hostilities. A Bostonian born in Baden, Germany. declares that he was on the topmost tower of Stras- burg Cathedral, July 3rd. 1866. he heard the rumble and roar ot the _rbaitte at Sadowa. then in progress 'in distant Bohemia. It was so so!- l tened that It was like far-off thun- Dc. Quincev wrote his famous work on a time Wlmn the Enistish-spetskintt race had Just formed the acqnsint- am of the orient. and when all the harmful and pernicious drugs to whim: the far eastern"! were ad- dicted were not down "opium." 0p- lum. hotelnut. imhlsh (or Indian hemp). cola. ttte., were all one to tto Europeans of De. Quincev's day. “Mural men are familiar with the morv or the Dutch physician mm. on ta, arrival in Java. "eeitut a Inlay trtrl chewing betel-nut and expec- torating the blood-red Juice of that plant, and taking it tor granted that she had oonutmptlort and hav- Intr a imrrhage. told her that Mtet would die in an hour. The girl did actually die of fright an hour later. Tm 'ro-equal opium which De Quincov smoked wsw not opium at all. but India Hemp. l, 9.. huhlsb'. his depraved tutu he was proud of the taet that he was a. cocaine fiend. and the first few times be en- tered the local dope dispensation he mm took the breath out ot the proprietors bv pulsing the virtue- ot the drug and telling those about how he economlzod by mixing It with "I eat on a bench in Madison Square the other day, when a bright-eyed, ragged little boy came running up with a bundle ot news- papers. I bought one, handing him a quarter in payment. "U hain't Bot no change.‘ he said. "'Thon go and get change.‘ I told him. Like all stories of the drug evil ever written by person. who have no knowledge or the subject. the writer would have hls reads" be- lieve that the moment Mr. Dope Fi- lend has swallowed his done or taken his injection in plain view of overv- one in the drug store his tongue and Imagination are immediate" loo-en- ed and he proceeds lortbwitn to personnte Sir Thomas Lipton or some other prominent person. while visions ot lame and riches plar high links before his mental vision. This sort of stuff is due to the writer 'ravtttgt mall De Quinctv‘s ”Conten- alone." prior to writing his story and drawing his inspiration from this rout-0e rather than from the [W as ther are. 7 - Boy's Polltlwncn Paid mm. "An American friend had told me that I could trust no one In New York." said the tourist from Swe- den. “He advised me to take care of my money unless I was willing to par for my experience. Bo I have been extremely careful with one exception. A _ "Ho hurried away and was soon lost in the crowd. A man alttlng near me on the bench, mulled and remarked. 'Well, you are easy! “Interested in my paper, the min- utes slipped away until I had tor- gotten all about the boy and the coin. As I was folding up the pa- per to go. he came running up to mo again. hot and breathless. "'Hrh.e's your quarter,' he laid. 'Pay me to-morrom. I can't getno citttrts.', ' "Rezilly. you New Yorkers are all diplomats of erniea."--tJhleago Jour- "The incident irnisrestred me. I turned to the man on the bench and remarked with some anti-ac- tion: ‘And yet you said I wan easy! You see. the boy is honest.’ " q did not say that the boy wan ditrhorwst,' he replied, 'but I did say that you were easy. and the proof of that is that you have made him a present of the quar- ter, which is Just what he intended that you should do.' Rabon (Jullundur) saw. a very In- tore-ting scene on May mm. A very wealthy and lnlluentlal Kha- trt resident. ot the city was mar- ried to an " plant. me marriage procession went outside the city and. choosing a suitable place with an " plant in it, wont hrough all the marriage eerentoniete. Hun- dreds of inhabitants ma already gathered there to see thle curious scone. Whoever saw. it laughed at the (ooliehness of the orthodox community or the Klmtril. The bridegroorn made fourcirolen round the plant. So as to take what is called pheras. and had his shoulder cloth tied with the plant. At lent after three or tour hours, the bride- as leaders of their community. What shall we say of the poor ignorant masses? The Khan-is have yet done nothing as regards practical reformation in their manner- and customs. though! every year Dome resolutions are passed for prevent- ing such customs. We unit. the at- tention of the Kmtrl leader! of reform toward foolish canton". and hope that they will take pro- per Iteps toward their eradication. It is truly said that super-two: bu done much‘ to bring about the downfall of India. Really. Indie. II the blue of absurd eutrto-rm- th. Lahore Tribune. gr00m returned home, with great dhum (mam. He had been married twice before, but unfortunately lolt his wives both the times. It In a custom with the Khan-ls that If a man loses his when two limos, then at the third time. be- tore his actual marriage takes place. a formal marriage at home is performed with an At plant. no that his next wife may not die. Strange to any that such absurdl- tlea are ascribed to the teaching. ot the Shaun-as. When Inch 1- the can with men of wealth" and influ- oncIe. Tho are generally considered Married to $6 Plant. sr-re--," Gelert, Ont., Aug. M.-egreoiait - The wonderful cure. by Dodd's Kid- ney Pill- m‘blhhed almost daily, ro- an]! the cans of Samuel Kernehun. lyt this me. It to years now. sine? Scientists tell us that, counting trom the sea level, the lowest body} of water on the globe is the Gas- gian sea. For centuries its aux-race ea been gradually settling down until now it is eighty-live feet lower than that of its near neighbor. the Black sea, which also lies Jar below the level of the oceans. The common conclusion all along has been that the Caspian was simply' losing its waters by evaporation. but recent investigation show: that this is not the case. Soundings made and com- pared with records of soundings made over 100 years ago reveal the astounding fact that there is even a greater depth ot water now than then. This leaves but one hypothesis that would seem at all tenable-. that the bottom of the sea is actu- ally sinking. S. Kernohan's lawn-able Disease Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills ROSE-COLORED SPOTSOn the bodies of child- ren numentlmea mistaken tor measles, are merely roseola, a local disease of the sklu, promply cured with Weaver's Cerate. Fm Doctor- Agrced The" was no Hope for mm, but. no bu Been Strong 3nd Well tor Years. he was cured, but mine in "ill cured It II well worth recalling thd [801... {of W. Kernehan delight; to re- A wealthy Australian Scotsman named Allan died some years ago. and bequeathed a considerable sum of monoy to provide perpetual prizes to tho Presbyterian children of the commonwealth tor proficiency In Scriptural knowlodge. The iatast re- port ot the 1alan inquest committee, presented to the Presbyterian Gen- aral Amembiy in Melbourne, contains some tmtertaining reading. "What is the diiloronoe between original sin and actual sin T' elicited these an- swers, among others: “Original Mn in Adam eating forbidden fruit , actual sin to Gain killing Abel." “One is good sin ' the other is bad Bill." “Original sin is sin without murder; but actual gain is sin. meaning swearing." "Orig.. inal sin is tho things we ought to do; actual sin is the things we ought not to do." “Actual sin means a want of obedience; but original an is a work ot Provid-."-London Daily Chronicle. late them. T "Some time in, December. 1898," he says, "I was taken lick and laid up tor fourteen months. During my poglfyoment to my home and to my bod, I ma.- attended trt varbul times by tive doctors. Three ot them de.. cided that my disease was Incur- able, Floating Kidney, and two ot them that It was Spinal Disease. All agreed on one thiag--that my case was incurable. "When my money was all gone. at: a. matter 05 necessity, and as my last have I tried Dodd'a Kidney Pills. I had only taken three boxes when I was able to walk about. I took in all, eighteen boxes. when I was en- httlr cured and quite able to work. SHRED LUNG AGO. BUT mu [HIRED “Dbdd's Kidney'pma are the best tttend I ever found." Lever’n Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, u it is both soap and disinfectant. 34 Lib In the New York Slums. In New York, at the lowest possi- ble average. 500,000 people live In roomv which ought to be con-mer- ed absolutely uninhabltable. dark and without any window ventila- non. Greece Mats Perm‘nfnt Executioner In Greece the death penaltv la said to be often pronounced. bat the dit- (lculty of obtaining executioner. was for a long time almost lnsupemble It was at we: surmounted tre giving to a murderer the choice between hia own death or acceptance ot the of- Detroit Free Press. During the three months ending March But, there were 300 per- sons killed and 2.831 injured in railroad accidents in the United States. Other railroad casualties brought the total number to 827 killed and 11,481 injured. The Boers lost only 8,700 in killed during three years of war with Great Bri- tain. and the moral seems to be that war in Africa is a. great deal safer business than railroading in the United States. tlco. ot permanent executloner. The man Urea alone In an old tower built br Venettano on an inlet outside the port or Nauplla. whore necessaries "N' taken to him everv‘ morning by the boatman. who be careful to ex- year a steamer calls tor Mm and his instruments of death, and he leaves upon a. tour at executions. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Ramon-u all lard. soft or ttallotted lump. and blemishes from hornet; blood mum. urban. spun“, rlngbone. moon-y. "tttes, opal“. not. and swollen throat. cm. etc. Save .50 by use of one bottle. Wax-noted the moat wood-run blemish euro our The planed skirt and short blouse bolero, ttutbeiilahm1 with collars. cuffs and revere. made of embroidered linen itt we bright color. In a. favor- itro mm for young girls. A unit In": Joke. aro'ttmnt.r"mld. Ireland ll getting poorer. al- thougl. strange to say. It. apl- tal ll dun Dublin. mum-G's Linlment Cures Dlphthe- Minurd'l Llnlment Cure- Distemper. Ml Llahnent thtre [hill-owing and Warfare. Beau Bottom II Falling. INtrerent Grades of' Bin. oiRrr7iiriiL" AM" we.» TORONTO $tt;r'.cv':istF, yirictN' h rel Fj"itk9'h'tfr'iri,: 1 Water is Dryi 'tr Up. I An old theory " that the earth! , is slowly drying through the chem-l ', ice] combination of the water with l the crust. A French geographer. M, Martet. has been investigating nu-i memos caverns and drying val-l lays and has convinced himself that a. more rapid absorption is taking place. and that our water supply‘ ls being swallowed up at an appre- l cinble rate by the fissures and earl; [ l ties of rocks and soil. He urges a more thorough study. with a. View of lessening absorption It possible. i Illinois ranks first among the States in the manufacture of agri- cultural implomenttr, bicyciel. can. ‘giuooae and distilled liquors and In' slaughtering and meat packing. An Epidemic Whore Burning Char- ooat In Carried by Knives. Jonathan Hutchiuon. during hi. out trip to India. wade lone inter- o-tinz obnqrvntionn on dim-o. and he comment. upon them in ttite and Interacting way. In the Polyclinic tor my appear- nn editorial on the cans ot cancer, which. it we mi.- tab, not, is from Mr, Butettitttrott'a Fan. tor it has all the earmark of NJ Etyle and ot his turn of thought. Th1 writer of the editorial calla nt- ten ion to a. peculiar tom ot cancer “got prevails in Knahmlr-tho “Kale bleedtrutand ',','g'ehPMiet. the manufacturer- havo manned it. 0 tea- timoninls in the daily pips: 19d ask your neigh- bom what thoy think of 1t. , on can use it and neg-our money back if not cured. 000 I box, n all salon or ED-ore,)' & CmTpronu ot Cashmere" of the poets. Tttia - ot cancer to an eyltho- llama. which is not pecqu in an historical an», but is merely of What origin. The its ot the Fowth ll either the abdomen or the Inside ot the thigh. Ot so can“. re- ported by Elmsuo as lone use an 1866, four were in female- and 16 in union. $10 SEASHOBE EXCURSIONS 810 Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea. Isle City, Ocean City, via Le- hlgh Valley Rnllroad, August A, 18 and M. Tickets only $10. The round trip from Suspension Bridge; stop-over allowed at Philadelphia. Ticket; gopd 15 days.‘ -- This is a. small brasier, tuled with burning charcoal. and ls carried un- derneath the clothing. It " the earthenware. protected try wicker- work. When the bearer Is In the erect position the kangrl hangs on the abdomen, but when dttlng it ls placed between the thighs. In Kash- mm no man, woman or child thinks " possible to be comfortable in win- ter without a kangrl under the clothes. Other writers have de- scrlbea this peculiar custom. and a reference ls made to lt in the Brit.. [all Eceyeloptusdia. Dr. Chase’s Ointment "or hither particulars call on or address Robt. B. Lewis. Passenger Agent, 88 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. to a. curious local custom of the in- habitants of Kanhmlr. It seems that Kashmir (which in an elevated val- ley among high mountalna) has a. levere winter climate and the na- tlgea carry what is called a tamari- Recently some valuable addition- to our knowledge ot kongrl can- cer have been made by Dr. Neve, the head ot a. mi Mon station at Kash- mir. Ire [move- that the disease is common. for he refers to nearly 500 cases. These cases point indubit- ably to local irrittruotr-trequetttir repeated burns from the buttrri-tst' the cause ot the disease. In this re- lpect the mbject ot kangri can- cer offers nothing new, tor the [not that cancer originates in local ir- ritation is generally accepted. - Philadelphia Medical Journal. The municipal councll or a little Swedish town has just introduced a. progressive tax on atontnesa. Be- low 185 pounds one is free trom tax, from 185 pound; to 200 pound. one has to pay $3.12 a year, while from 200 pounds to 270 pounds the Impact " 86. Ate to great weights they will be a. luxury for million- aires. Ono ban to pay $6 for every 20 pounds in excess of 270 pound; Piles I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARDS LINIMES'D. J. M. CAMPBELL. I ma cured ot Facial Neuralgla. by MINARD‘S LINIMEXT. WM. DANIELS. Sprmghm. N. B. i I (was cured of Chronic Rheum.- tiam by MINARD'S LINIMENT. l I - .GEO. TIXGLEY. The Iron Pillar of Delhi. The famous Iron pillar of Delhi Le dealt with In CassLer'e Magazine. The pillar is a solid shalt at wrought iron, 16 Inches 1n diame- ter. and ot a length thiat lo rari. only reported. The total length ll Iron " to BO teat underground and above. Including a capltal ot Mt feet. The pillar contains about so cable feet ot metal and weighs about " tons. Che metal ll. ot course. charcoal tron-.mvade direct. V Iron ore ln mall bllletl; but how It was welded up no one can tell. as no _ record ext-tr of any‘ early method. ot deans: wltiw none- ot wrought iron. An inecrlp- tlon roughly out or punched upon the column out“ that mu our; nbdued a. people hi the amino. named Vault“. and obtain. ed with ll!- own arm on ‘10le severelgnty on the ear“! for 3 long trite, The date ot the u. Irelpt he! been referred “3b thtrit or fourth: century "tie WEI“: on this nuthorltb. a. Dr. Elm-us attributed the dimse Bay of Manda. CHARCOAL AND CANCER. Illinois in Envlable Position. Tax on Swutnen. Ttt move to you that Dr. Chm'a 6G%GTirirGrGii and absolute cure tor each 3nd every form ot inching. bPedirutahd pp?tr.u.ttirt.F pi)“. A Use for Prairie Dogs. I t%iepttcrtr may lame time find use tor mosquitoes. On the wettern plain- prairle doze have been regarded u f even more useless pests. and now .m a man who says that they ‘aerve mail a purpose that hence- forth, instead ot Stats offering, Bounties for them. they will enoour~ ' age the propagation ot the little! beasts. Louie Grosmentir has, accord- ing to the Omaha Bee, dimovered I that prairie dogs are a very great aid to the cultivation ot alfalfa. Mr. Graeme-nth says that alfalfa. to igrow. [nest be infected with a cer- tain league. and that there in no agency ot infection so good u the despiaed prairie dog. He dlmveriel are the (Cult of tour year- ot .. l perineum . - ' . at. Onen. a northern suburb of Parls. " the cup lo to become nntslir, the property df the holder If her record remains unbroken for a. year. Madame ISavalle. who accompllshed her trip to Neu Wssitrtselt on July Int. 1902, stands a good chance of keeping the trophy. t To the &uttmr-Durnont No. 9 has lrallen the honor oy being the tirtrt alrshlp to be steered by a femlnine hand. The ditrtinetiott of being the .llrst lady navlgntor of the alr has (been secured by Mlle. do. Costa. a. young country-woman of Santos- Dumont. The owner ot the nlrshlp .rellnqulshed hls post at the wheel. I Mlle. da Costa clambered up In the (car. and tho balloon rose with the _ lady alone on board. The gulderope was, It ls true, hold by mechanlcs I down below, but Mlle. da Costa took the wheel and safely put the vessel through one or two slmple evolu- tlons. Thus gulded, the slrshlp con- ‘veyed the Indy from Bagstelle to the Polo Club grounds, where Mlle. ; da Costa allghted. naturally rather proud of herself. and was congra- I tulated by her Irlends. h well known actress of light comedy. who, no long ago as two years. began beg- ging and lmplorlng M. Santos-Du- I mont to take her up In one ot hla loll-amps, ls new gnaehlng her teeth I with on”. ' ' Results from common soaps: eczema. coarse hands: ragged (Pupil. no “nun w q.t.'i'-"- - have been going in tor an aerial content. Five of them were pee-en- were in hailoonl competins tor a nevlgetlou prim. In this contest the aeronauta have each to name a. lo- calitv before eta-ting as their pro- bable destination. The belloonlet coming to earth nearest to the pomt chosen in him is the winner. The five feminine passengers in question were legumes Polyple, Manon do ta Ril‘ime. O‘Gormn and Ilia. de (.0- tillou do Saint-Victor. After these ladies had started from the Aero Club grounds at St. Cloud. the spot whence M. tassntos-Duruont won the Deutech prize. the Dueheu d'Uzes and Madame Lemniro both went up, the former in the Siriue. ot 1,000 cubic meters. captained by the Due d'Vee and the latter in the Aexo Club No. 8, of 14120 cubic meteu. with M. Demure and two other gen- tlemen on board. The Duchou and Madame Lemaire were both twin; tor tho “Lady Aeronaut‘a Challenge Cap," pmented by a. averting week. " and carried off last year by Mad- nme Savnlie. "And you found not the slightest discomfort in your perilous Tor- age t" wu.uked the man who had recently gone through the whirl- poll can“? ir? a barrel .. "He?" he chuckled. "Not on Four period of years. Evidently you are not aware that I am a regular pa- tron o! the Human L roads." The trophy, goals to the lady cover- lng the longest distance In one bat.. loon Journey in the year. Madame Savnlle's record in 1902 was 253 miles. from Paris to Neu Breluch. In Germany. Eight balloons. all told. of the ordinary) upbericnl shape. Went up In the two present Tyf.t1tt:. - A - ,u:__ -.--.. ". - "811‘: up u- 01w v". '-__V__, M. tgtudos-Durrtortt nailing over In his navigable nlr-hlp from Neulllyr to we them start. The Duchess d'Uzea. at- tor travelllng all night, only landed In tho plaln of Bologna. near Orleans. and has not. therefore. won the cup. Madame Lemalrg got no further than .UPERI'OR - INIIOT Dead My for Him. Judge. . " '0'. r F" - h ‘l m u _ ' ON qB'rm"r"to. I When the Kidneys {all to do their work of dimly-Willi: the uric acid from (he system. the mum is menu-mm. but“ the Kidpey. "an can. work in u nun-n1 balmy my no cure in ponibk. Gin P q lls yytr.'yteervryey, - for an rum-nun: with; and for all time been“: M 'rrethemoat pelican 'lerCorreetive ever about PM tttttsuis, _V___-_., -.-. m sTlll'2'ld"g.%f, =hl',g,l"m TH! ”LI M00 00.. WINIIPIQ. ’"WHVOleondia-n Rheumatism ISSUE No. mm. 3"" WMU. _ ----- a“... sopc. “£190: “WES; :m-‘Q'V " The. Signal. Eb WM an aged 'Nuton, chief quar- termaater ot a grocer] deliverr wagon and quite unfamiliar with homo language. w, mounted tAa sent and shook til. min. 5 bit, but wituout pun-0mm]. imminent on the part ot the equine motive appurtennnoe. Aurthur duke ot the ribbon. was equally unproductive, whereuon tbe manipulalor aimigntenod up on the seat. plain!) at a low tor the pro- per comm-mi. Giancing hastily at tho amused spectatorl. he bawied from ttie_9ertasrdetse; 7 . " In. I. - mwmw TH! 'tdlulitmlMrLt. MFG. Go. of HAUILTOI. DITAIIO. ,' _ - -"e VSM'MM'W' ..._. GEO. s. an“; Id Mall-um u (hub-mmogurum ormee% it? can: to; u. Pre “in”: 'irpdl,r, mall! It', no nut - In W . um twinning“. Imo,"lho 'itferg'dl','e. ot A CM - ot Speculum A “can‘t and ”and" course (hen. A mark“: , healthy location. The only college in (haul. that when dny pup“. to (In opoclal auror- toe cools! advantage- to thou boned . Noted education-u commend moot hlgm Denali! bailed Comic u I all. curmu- bome tor Mrte. Pmn ' make I not. 01th... (new. Tor-u Nucnnblo. t4end for “leads! to Run A, B.._QII_I_LL, Al’pddentkst. Cath- ___V_. ----_r____ ._ V........ ...." u -- I VIII In- itPtefff,EiicFiEiiii7iii'iF.' mu, mm. u m I had to but. " " m In!" than Applied Kendall Sync-Cm. thad Typhoid Fever iLGiaT'iiTi; and 'l'2 [In tho Kuhn“: lpuh Cure half. chum. and " only I mud-bl wanton-n his leg with slim Jd7il"i'd Mltdldoooonpkulythl 'auT='ttt,l',Wl'l". '7iGira'"A'."krLT'iulv2'd"g ---- A H ----- TO 5'7. A. D. III-mu. . lw‘U-u' urinal. Ont. (“cation an. paper.) Dr. & .K-Idcl ce. G-s-hh.,, a; “If? t,ltifelipjgtflf2ig rye: had _ Igu- Dirty: I,talitll.uJl,titjlliillgi maul-(I'd mull-ant Caron Cargo: In not; ltEltlyll.L'$ ""“"" ”CUR! “onward ' I ,IMO . Cubs. an. Ind IW,.',",,', man... I: 'dht 'te/det at-su-tlr..:-'-'--"-)-. ALI- OTHER. E. B: EDDY’S , INDURATED FIBRE WARE a 1290, an... no For qatat by a." leading design. The popu‘ation ot the dependond. l France In 50.000.000. nmgmmu..nma FALLIJI. _ "Wistt, commends '." WMkImM. EDDY'. - "-'t"entteta.Notsom iiak, - and“ 2001 YEAR 35-1903 he ,. $.32 10-13. The Lord "hull lion 'cl'.all m" M n blink Vlt.W jxulgmvnt. or he o-h (arm (in-nth. whHh In It nut-IN? wilt b0 ttetom. r than full in Daub by ttt his totrnttt-t'larlir'. (‘ru -3!- rt' 'trqrtt Ht.“ " luv: never bdore 4 Comment fur any m Lydin E. I’lnkham‘l Compound has added a lite tad isappiurss that l f He an elm-phi -n in this a an" every month I we: not aware pain and c "lied, but one day “hi1 Lie-ad I run um» Lydl Inn‘s Vegetable CQ Miss Alice M. Smit Minneapolis, Minn.. t woman's monthly tad mummy relieved b: . Kham's Vegetable 0 - irci'iniituun will I m woman expert a - from she has Incl} this woudcrfu M. Sam. AM ”pom. Min] -teMrelr't In!!! Worm-n suffe and we the! r boil gifts f 14'th E. l’lnkham's Compound makes the we Wm health and advised that it worl low experiys B. Destroy him not- In David'l power on camon u. Ram. xxiv. Md would not injure a tendency in 5:00! t in the non! of " co Lord’- anointed-tMui made King by Hod] pointmeat, David tor C high crime to otre to him. 10-12. The Lord m in: “we: 7.9 (LR. Abishni ......... Jo men were hrothera, own. son. of Zeruiah. " lAbi-lmi distinguish"! “will; David‘s lite in Philiuine wars (ll. ts'" Josh wan put to death order It. Kings. iL Mpear-"Whert David reached Saul] camp Soul's spear qtuek in t Ml head." " War: the a king: to alwnyu ha with him. Let ttto uni Chat asked pvrmiamon unite the king. and p the execution would at the first titroke, wouid he no need of 1 the leccnd time. Important yuan-u In his r, baa "mummy awn m 1 whom He hm itttrtriod lone Important work. 1 more trtstttintr--.Mo- an." In the desert an rec you": In Arabia. with David wc-ro most In. ttgspreattieosttip for I n his whack: and rhonl m Saul’u lite In In Iva. 15-12). David, with (i ”.6606 In the hill ol m lehitm Infnrmnl David‘- whereabouts. Gaul took 3.00 Ol‘hnsen select “audit“: nrm.v--tl qtttsrtth ot David. When ot Saul‘u approach ht Intel to make sure tho the can. ls. David nroare-.Prd a. Inn-id nroqe-Pr6 alter dark. Camp to tin dd was not content will of but men; ho “island the situation with his Terry. The trortoh--"rtt the mtgotto."-R. T. In we: Joined by twenl of war [rum Bunjnmin. bows and AM» to “use ht hand and tho loft in ht up moaning arr-om: out Ill rule. on account of ”0155!”! of Insanity uncut Innbmty to rult Ml. They numbered l G. Sam. xxli. l.h mad. a. tKam. XEY. In. xxvli. 21smn were his own par qttmts-whosn Saul m1 outed on account of " phat Gad. the high pri the aoet or the high pri G. Sam. nil. 2243‘. m Atttrdtlvai, "torxvarNb: n (I. Emu. xxxl. IV. and ' not: of valor of tho l (named In I. Chron, xii were men of war. m to my! hand!» dlh-Id a whom {was wrre like “Iona. and warn swift upon tho mountains." 2 te. wade joined hr twp" t. David it? FsiiCiiGG" Ire (who mud have b NI for David to “and tn. Here there gathem large band of dlraeottb may victims of Raul} and of tho growing dint 0"“ Spam "uL--t Sam. Oommmwry - Comm Mttte. thud was an In El XI, Ln a cave near Adm] I la cotuh from the " where Goliath was slni thirteen miles was! 1 We are numerous cav " an ordinary couugu. " boyhood}: humv, DH 9]: WP“ amumlnmi w Sunday “WATIONAL L AUGUST 30 Idem-u Lynn. lh bile Lydh 3 ' 'Ott 2.01m good 'llll I ife m m Pro! Der prim

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