West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Aug 1903, p. 4

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it ®&me useful horses for sale. ta, was}: to Ctark's b we, to test, A, be convinced Balance of our Children's Duck Suns " n Bug Reducuon 20ploz. Ladies' Cotton Hose. resolu- 15 cts, clearing them out for 10 an . pair. 10 Pieces of Bicycle Suiting 40 m wide. reg. 16e yd for 11 Our Full Stock will "nre m a few 6." and to make room for it we are clotting all our Summer Goods at big nduction. We quote you a few of our Burgaim: 200 'is. fire Muslim. legal" " cu per yd going " 9 on [.50 At Shamburys. reg. 20 & M cu per " at 16 ct: too .. Dimiueo. 86 Inches wide reg. 150 yd u 110 mo .. Scotch Ginghams. reg. my: yd at 10 cu SIIWER CLEARING ML'SLINS & DIMITIES Cash and ' 937709. That there is5no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win. ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville ; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there's room for more J. Ji' Warlock '. j: War/06%. John Clark 'i,oT5.,i, _'tf,,r, E33 Mrs. u. McKinnon and her two daugh- ters returned Tuesday night after spend. ing an: weeks very pleasantly With her sisters In North Bay. part of Which time they all spent camping on the shores of Trout Lake. Ree. Mr. McDonald. father of of the doctor here, preached powerful and thoughtful sermons in the Preshy Leninn Church Sunday week to large congrega- tions. Mr. Rom. McCracken, of the Big Store staff. entered a. Slater Shoe com- petition for the beat window devoted to the Slater Shoe. He has been awarded a. handsome prize for his ability in this line. Dr. and Mrs. Ed. Lauder, Cleveland. have been home on their annual holiday rejoicing many friends but especially gratifying his aged father. Miss Don Hamilton, who was visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith. Glenelg, for several months re- turned to her home in Elma. last week. Miss Annie Weir, of the Hanover Post, IS at present holidaying at. the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Weir, Glenelg. Mr. G. McKechnie went to Toronto. Tuesday, to see his brother Neil, who is reported worse. We hope he may tiud him recovering. Rev. Mr. Farquharson came home Monday evening from Chatham. A fine letter descriptive of his early home will appear next week, Mr. D. and Miss Kate McKinnon and Master Robert McKinnon, of Chesley, spent a fuw days visiting their sister Mrs, J. A. Black. Misses Nettie and Ads Brown are at present in 1i'leaherton the guest, of Miss' Flo. Richardson, who spent some time with them here. Tuesday last quite a. number of young men left this part on the annual harvest excursion. About. am left from Ontario as at whole. [ Mr. W. L. Dixon, of the townliue Egremont. was visiting at. Mr. Dan Edge's Sunday and attended service at ana‘ Chuxch. Mrs. w. D. Mills and Miss Kathleen Grant attended the funeral of the late Miss Nellie Menus, of Hunoyer, on Thursday. Miss Viola Newton returned to her home in Stratford after spending a week with her Cousin, Miss Bertha Sparling. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Kelsey were among the Durham visntors at the lacrosse match in Mt. Forest on Friday lust. Miss Maggie Lamb who was a. guest at the home of Mr. Gilbert Mekechme. left for Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mmlock, of Listo- well. were the guestCfor a few days at. the home of Mr. B. F. Morlock. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1Grlrottle, of Luther Township, visited the former's cousm, Mr. Jno. Harbottle, lately. Mr. U. G. Watson. of the Elliott-Mate tiran, London. is around this part. at. present enjoying holiduvs. Master Hector McKinnon, Priceville. spent part of the holidays with his aunt. Mrs. McUabe, in town, Rev. Mr. Matheson, Priceville, exchan- ges pulpits on Sunday next wnh Rev. Mr. Campbell, leuore. We are plunged to learn that Mr. Thos. Farr is improving as well as can be expected at, present. Miss Edith MacKenzie returned from th three weeks visit, with Hanover and \Valkerton friends. Mr. Angus McLachlan, Eariville, Ill., was a. guest of his uncle. Mr. Jno. Robertson last week. Miss Minnie Campbell and sister, of Hanover. are the guards of their sister, Mrs. Ttso, Mekechnie. Miss Stella Smith. of Brandon. is a guest of her grandparents, MI. and Mrs. J. M. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Weir, visited the latter's sister. Mrs. McDonald. M Crawford last. week. Mr. and Mrs. Search and family left for a tew weeks visit to his old hume in Winchester. Dr. E. B. Lauder and Mrs. Lander Cleveland. were holidaying with friend, here. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Fiddls. Owen Bound. are guests of Mr. Colin Ne. Dougal. Dr. and Mrs. McNeil, Chicago. are visuinz friends m Priceyille and else where lately. Mr. Ferguson P. Grunt returned to Georgetown but week. Mr. Roht. Scott. came home on Fri- day Int from Manitoba. Mr H W Lesson. Varner, came home from Indimm 10 days ago. Hey. Mr. Boone and family returned to Inmington lav-t week. Sir and Mrs. Wm. Black were visitors in Owen Sound. over Sunday. Miss Bertha Smiling in spending a week with friends in Stmttord. Mrs. Datum and children left Friday last for a month's visiting in Quebec. THE BUREAU REVIEW TORONTO ran ii not likely to hi iJaGfiG""uCii2 terial side of life. We congratulate Mr Allan and Miss Lick on the splendid showing. and the upils on the reward of their diligence. ghe reward to the teachers in mental trratitieation is not small. but on this it should be rememhered the; cannot live. and the commumty that evince liberal things for'tlhe' educataoq .otfheritettitdd The successful ones at the Junior Leaving were: Minnie Andrews. John Backus, Allie Blackburn. Maggie Cald- well, Grace Mveritt, Mabel Hunt. Lama Hutton. Margaret. Hutton, 1ilthejLimin, May McClocklin. Susie McClocklin. Tha. McDonald, Binnie McGirr. We Catt't refrain from making com- parisons t on the Junior Leaving 0. Bound Coll. I net. passed 6t per cent. Mt. Forest, 68 per cent, Durham 811 per cent. a result intending students should take note of. Durham School Board are alive to the importance of a good school, the stat! me ttnthusitvstic, and the _equip. ment generally of the best. Besides it. is a. healthy and attractive town to live in and good board is very reasonable. Sixteen candidates wrote for the Junior leaving. thirteen passed, a pro- portion highly' ftetteriug and we venture to say much ahead of mar-V High Schools. Two candidates. Lyal Ireland and Ernest Brooker wrote on matricu- lation and both passed making 15 out 18, a percentage of 835 Brooker de- serves special credit as he came in the midst of the term. and was the only student taking German. a subject happi- ly. Mlss Lick was able to give good as- sistance in, though at extra trouble to herself. Tuesday of last. week, Principal Allan got the anxiously looked for list at candidates for the Junior Leaving. and found in it much to gratify himself, his assistant, Miss Lick. their pupils, the trustees. and the town. --A meeting of empire-wide impor- tanee was held in Montreal last week. The "Chambers of Commerce of the Empire, " held its 5th annual session in Montreal, the other four having been held in London. This is a great com- pliment to Canada and the bringing together of delegates from India 5. Africa, Australia. &e with large repre- sentation from the three Kingdoms. must prove a great advertisement. Many Imperial questions were disemr sad, but the question of questions was the fiieeal connections between the various parts of the empire. The de- bate moulded itself largely along Free trade and Protection lines, and while the meeting has developed a friendly feeling nothing definite has resulted. --Lord Salisbury, one of the greatest of the Vimorian ministers. died on Saturday. He bad dropped from the public gaze for over a year. tut his life and life work through 50 years is no small part of the history of the Empire for that period. A marked tribute of respect was the attendance from Prireville where he spent. the prime, of his life. A large representation of Durham citizens also attended the funeral. He was in his 73rd year. Deceased has horn for over 30 years a prominent. husmess mun in lmth Price- ville and Durham. He had. as we re- marked, uncommon energy. and a shuewdness and ability that made him a. puhlic spirited citizen. He is wtvived and mourned by his wire, three sons, John and Wm. of the mills here. Roht. who has been in Georgia lately, three daughters, Mrs. Snwdon. Toronto. Mrs. Tonkin, Oshawa. and Mime Mary at home. The two sons-in-law were presentnt the funeral. Mr. Anthony Turner came home week before last. from the went. Miss Mia-y MMFnrlnne is home from Toronto for a few weeks visit. On Wednesday of last week there was laid to rest. in Durham cemetery. the mortal remains of this well-known gentleman For years he. has been in poor health, hut the remarkable. energy of the man kept. him on his feet. when many would have given way. and it was onlv a few weeks before he died that an operation was considered necessary. This was successfully accomplished In Toronto hut a wean stomach was in some way affected. and he gradually sank as a result of inability In retain nourishment. His remains were brought home and the funeral took glare from hislate residence. Rev. Mr. lathenon. Priceville. in the absence of Rev. Mr. Farquharsun. conducting the services. Mater Buford William by a full from his little wagon We his um. nu... lildmd Rid my Leena tease for their Ichonls in Indium this week. Muster Evued ncKInnon returned on Tundny night from spendimr two mouths wit his uncle And tank Mr. md In. D. McKinnon, Euclid Ave, Tomato. ._.__i. 1v Vin-I ..__... «an. LIILU- lulu I"! aunt. Mrs. Dan McLeod. " whme place- and at his grandfather’s. Mr. Neil McLeod. he Is spending the time. Mr. Alex. Me. Donald. of town, is an uncle. Mr. Wm. Johnston attended the meeting of the High Court of the I. O. If. held in Barrie lust week and reports great interest and enthusiasm In the work. Mr. Johnston and Court Dar. ham are honored in his being appointed to one of the High Court otfieeg. Con° ttrtstuUtioutr Bro Johnston. Mr. U. Y, McDonald. Principal of Osnnhruck. N. D.. Public School. is home at [Haunt to View the land of his birth which he sees foe the first time with mature eye: having left the 2nd Con. North Glenelg with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald. when hut two years old. We were pleased to have 'ytlfyo_t" Mr. McD. and his aunt. Mrs Gordon, Min Mary and lime Mother vilited relatives in Harrington. tanking afghan): drive there and back. Miss Go on received a tutteringt sultry offer from the school hoard there. Mr. and In. B. Hunter. Kuwait). and Mr. J. A. Warren. Rat Portage. left Friday Inst for home after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Mock- ler. Mr. Hunter in company with " nephew, Mr. H. H. Madden. made I business trip of three or four duys to New York city. THE LATE ROBERT McGOWAN. THE EXAMINATIONS. 1 g J BURNETT. A few Iron Beds " a bargain. The last 2l'titggi,t.,s,', to secure Horse Nuzzles an Meooriniek's, binder Twine. g We Want nu IIUIUU Ia P"uiueae Without one of our Charcoal Irons. Only " each. We have the greatest variety of Buggy Whips in Durham and our prices are righ t. We are selling all our fancy lam at a reduced price to. make room fol): our new stock. Do not miss this oppor- tunity. N o home is complete without one of our Charcoal Irons. Only " each. A few Screen Doors and Window Screen in stock. Do not be without one at the price. Fang Lamp: Every wonian using Carpets should have one of our Carpet Sweepers. Screens Carpet Sweepers There are no Razors or Scissors to may! the Clauss. Everyone guaran- Our Store is well supplied with everything that is required in the Hardware line. Razors and Scissors iMacFarlane t (ht, guruggists and Booksellersg aeassaaauacMa tteifu1fs4iifslr? iSchool Books 238611001 Supplies For Sale arstveirse:*i)r "*i"'i', Hardware I 8 Bars Comfort Soap "==r==e--r------=z=-..e--.-LiLC, mum's TEAS . BLACK mum-on“ - ‘”W _ hulmu‘ See our stock of new Scribblers, Exercise Books, other requisites. For M cts. IND at W. Black's Store. and *5 “x "Ali,; P, ' 1 1 l Bl. A. ROWE - any” t'ogtty, “digestible. We tt Name pride in the product 1'd','l',. aekatr, and dyspepsia doesn 't iiCCGl,'ll its "he, Itowey bread is a a in 'l'IU""' ill my homes-why - --- duced pricUs. Shoe Dressings Shoes made to order Jp) (by Weed: / J We are at the shop at the bridge er cry Wednesday end Saturday. or, dens or enquiries left " C. McArthu rr, store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE. wilt receive our best attention. ”than! emu 2Urrsreterrs. 'rar Indu- rill, Only Drill in the Market geared from both wheels and full 11711.5 ol Lately we were talking cutters now its Gray's Ctdlcn 381,10: and their reputation has been gained only by their excellence. Also BARCLAY d BELL , J. 'rwtraith, And rewiring promptly attended 1." ‘. -"snu" " LIGHT N " A FEATHER " 'er" ity it's I wholesome bread them, tion. T3R"3tR Ready for Spring Aea Organs which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed for beauty and second to none in quality. Call and seethem and if you do not want to buy one for yournelf you will be able to tell your friends the old old atory of thou: {mans rigs which no as above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. the In Pneu- Ming. We have 2 In t ”hind... 9992"." 'e. Bhurkfuh. In "Enticing. Nonallch. ii .I.. a. 'i't',t't'"litedlt') 59mg: Burk cu, M'onu- and, Just arrived at the Show Rooms of Barclay &Bell. a Car load of gamma In Home Ride and Cat“. Also plen- ty of Hun-u Mitt.. Trunks. Tole-cope anim. cm, Bagtr. all.“ Strum and Selloul Betts. aims)! in stock. Remember the pluce- Next to It. Campbell" Implement Warehouse. Peter Hamilton's Goods in Stuck . B. McARTHUR Also named 1nd tip-to-date Organs. Call and test theyare open for i.nce, raui'hop, Tttttam-com. “lather _Shipment of . Agents. nus opposite Mid- 's, Lmbton St. (Frade Garriagcs. CR. ' Could Watsh SiIk “Mist. White, Blnrk and Cole “pm .t....tr.. ....... Black him-cerium] Sate-1 Airts, . . . . . . . .0i.4u, " NEW PRINTS & FANCI Cttltier's "lurk. 3i 25 Sl TWEEDS d 25 W. H.B OWEN $0le C. A. 1914]?) owmx mu'xn _ - .. m .. White Bod Spreads Pm'll Flaw Oileloth. I yd wide Announcement int tme many address on a Rotter W'ttulow Hindu. Tnhlv Linen. 54 in. wade, T. NI " Caldera Block Nent l In I few months at I you can acquire the vet In Bulimia Subjects. I Typowriting. Thieintt but equipment in Cum-d GRUUERIES HE SELLS THE BEST GI AT LOWEST Don’t il K It Our COME IN, YOU'RE PEEL. Tum BEGINS 'm 'EH. t .18 [18k Met Prove!) Steel Hay Fort Also Brandon! Win, Gasoline Eng Don't forget up: whet ood pair of Shaw A. M Jne of Sterling "ms”. Stu T. NO Adopt-d by uh lc-uhmcscl Tt-erved)y popular can limb. Barnum hug tt'MtAIr, hung. up brll u Ws mum-dinn- ortuptU glttf2t"ut'tlll WWII-mic Mine-Linn Mums! "an: up!)th In: Insure: Gun, 66 The Implement M I continuation of tht bestowed on the late fit be found yds We can give you @Immm ‘HIL FA LL AT THE OLD .SC lung an in u " an DRY GOODS, C 4001‘s & SHOES Ot best qualit AUGUST B Iyer‘s lusic H 3t - 00". - AT THE (Ml Unit] In

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