West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Aug 1903, p. 7

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yrEttn-- m. . III... ' nto. It " (mum: at I loll In Elm “any tb to an“. o-nat “I. M in” “I - y and 'ery “r and he a"! I Biory of In an h. 190 BISCUIT no no: 0-900! law )1 TIE" llnu “.1 In”: 1 t h irod nod-.0“ we 16 of Melee Id not know. its inn-s [an - find D 1903 to “a I It or OWEN SOUND. os, In a few months " this intstitatlctt you can acquire the very best training in Business Subjects. Shorthand and Typowriting. This institution has the best equipment in Canada. Announcement for 1903-04 sent tree to any address on application. ow EN SK)UNI) - PRINCIPAL Caldcr’s Block, - Durham. 'Y. yds 25 .. 42 .. .. 2h .. 48 .. knitted edge 2k .. 5‘ .. n Roller Wrmlow Shades. each . . . ., Tame Linen. M in. wide, per yd Kr Don’t Only Look K It Our Window COME IN, YOU’RE WELCOME PEEL. THE snomux BEG INS TUES. SEPT. 1A HE SELLS CHEAP. Corded Wash Silk Waist lengths in White, BIN-k and Colors web 82 upto-..-.. w................) Black Mercerized Sateen Under. skirts. . . . . . . ..$l.40. $1.50. $1.75. $2.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY GINGHAM'S White Bod Sprvmls each . . . ' & $1.20 Floor Oilcioth. J yd wide. perlsd . . . .?Y W. H. BEAN TWEEDS ill YARNS with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishcp Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.' Furnaces & Stoves, T olton 's Implements, . Adam's Sleighs. THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. - Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. Calder} Block- Next the Post OHIO. We gt $8ttfli)ll tl ()lli MS S. SCOTT. GROCERIES l‘uku v; --' -w_~,," 'rtti4detrervedt In system by mean: ot Chart Drills, 'pitly"it'htii'j'ii' and "ottterintegu eatintt devices tau-Inn the fol m topics within the child‘s immodbte iso-et-taim'. lasted Randell Pa,tt lotion Plano Work Kev-m mica mien! Elston Technique Ker! - to: mm: tqotf9tt Ilsa lustre: Gun. Dnu't forget us when you want a road pair of Shoes as we carry a Fall 'ine of Sterling Bros'. Shoes. - T. NOBLE C. A. FLEMING. st The Implement Man " asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found We can give you Bargain! . Adopted by alt 1eeaingtt5tthoots in Toronto. FA LL TE RM AUGUST Ste, AT THE OLD STANDW lung DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. {OOTS & SHOES, &c., Ot best quality. T. NOBLE Myer's lune Method. 176971759; i?! in wide, taped edge pr. £9“ ‘l'mher. ll..- '11....850A&$l,20 $1.00 My titst letter was written hurriedly and not worth publication. I hand in- tended posting you another on teaching Liverpool. hut the hunt. day on board, Saturday. was one of such excitement. viewing land once more. that we were on deck constant! looking at the bril- linntly green hill; of the "Emerald Isle." The farm studious and churches looking like white stones to the naked eye. Were ueen to be nice buildings when Viewed through it glues. it was so de- lightful to see the tields in vur‘oua shades of green with the. hedges new-trit- ting them. ard the country so very hilly that it seems wonderful how culti- vation can beeurried on. We unfortun- ately tuieiaed seeing the " Giants Cease- w'ty " but. thought. we were drawing to- wmdu it and could loudly believe the statement of one of the ships ofBcers, when he said "that was not it," and that We had paused it., but on coming Clone to :whut we thought. was the Causeway. I saw that. although resemb- ling it very much, it could not. be it " there were no caves in this formation, which is called .. Balls Castle." When passing it the steamer was so near one could almost fancy they might be able to throw something on to the rocks. We saw portions of the Scottish Guest on the other side of the Stemner, but thee were much more distant and so could not distinguish any gteetuness. hence we felt more interested in "lie- liind.“ Passed the. Isle of Mun and ptll‘linns of Scotland during the night. but u ere so unfortunate its to miss see- ing some wholes that were quite near the ship. but saw several atttet'wnrds, spouting at " distance. Mr. and lin. Evans from Centreville, South Dakota. and Mr. Evnnn’ uncle, Mr. Smut-l, who came up to me saying he had been told I was from Durham. He enquired after the welfare. of the McKechnie Bros. saying it was through them he had got his first win, who was " Miss Kate Stnples, whom I. of cunt-39, remembered well. He. enquired for a numlur of other people. among them Mr. Geo. Whitmore and familv. Mr. Spittt-l is now u Contrreqatioual Minister in South Dakota and was going to spend his holidays in Switzerladd. while his congregwinn me building him is Very tine Manse. so Mrs. Evuus said. The two Bevin. uncle and nephew, cow ducted service. in the lst Cabin Salami on Sabbath the 12th. which “us “a! attended from all parts of the Steamer. On Sabbath morning Mter breakfast, we trade good bye to our fellow passen- gers with some of whom we had got mike frign_d_ly. _._Amnug thusgwere Iitv. muons that I should are every place ul tnterest. parliculurly those which were of old nun-ind with my childhcwd'n yarn. that letter writing wan out of the queuiou Even yet nmny places an unviailed. hut I trust to Bee Ila-m laler all" we have to he in London nu the ik . Have forgotten to mention a very 'in,lT)tlt; and successful concert that was eld in the 1st Cabin Saloon. in aid of the "Liverpool Bteamer's Orphan)- "ge." The majority of the performers were front the 2nd Cabin, including the pianist. who was a gtfntlmnnn from Vancouver, a. music teacher and organ- ist of one of the churches there. He was certainly a very superior player. Captain Stewart gave a Scotch recita- tion .. thunder-4 Motilashan's Courtship" In good braid Sum-h. and the Chairman announced the collection m be iii 3:: 11d This was considered very good. You will “was me if this letter is -sttast hunted. My time but heen no lullv oteypUd sunning nunwrouu n» have. " Nottingham. Newark and Loire-try. 5nd my uncle’s desire nu We decided to renmin in Liverpool over the Suhhm I. day. and accompanied hy a Mr. Logan and his daughter of London. Ont., took rooms at the "Stork Hotel." In the "ftertoon we mounted to the top of a tram and went up to Dr. Wtatson's Church to tind out, if he was to preach in the evening. for we could not ascertain that without doing so, Learned that he was. went, bark and had on! tere, then took the tram again and found the church pretty well filled, so we did not get a good sent, conse- quently could not, hear him very well and besides his voice is not. distinct. This was a disa Poirtttrien.r and ulso we could not see Run for they put out a good many of the lights when he ham“: to prem-h. His trybiett._hoxyev.tr. was Dear Mr. Baum '. Hygiene or. Physical Salvation." a plea in behalf of "2an hunllhful conditions in Liverpool. Christ. was not only in spirit.- nnl delivvrer but he was a great doctor. He, Dr. Watson. was astonished on rend- ing a statistical report. on death rates to fittd that London's death rule was only 17 per thousand while Liverpool's was tto. o While on the tram we were much interested in a fine statue erected in front of a church to the memory of the late Rev. Hugh Stowel Brown, whose sermons I lead in Egreiuont over forty years ago. There are a. good many statues in the neighborhood of St George's Hall, which was very conveni- ent to our hotel. The Salvation Army utilized the large space in front, of St George's Hall all day on Sabbath and we came upon a crowd on the corner of a street who were listening to a very black negro preaching in a most fervent style. On Monday morning we had to see the Shipping Company. and as their oftie. is not opened till 9 a. m,, we could not leave Liverpool till about Il o'ciock. My next letter will take in our visit to Nottingham. Leicester and Newark. Just now we are in London at Wild’s Temperance Hotel, Euston Square, and me busy every day taking in the sights. Please excuse all errors as this has been partly written at night after returning very tired from a most “banana? days’ work. Hope this will flnd your smug and all other friends quite well. Wit kindest regards to every one from us both, I am. very ""'alr H. AMBRON. P. s.-we have been talking this morning With Mr. Moffatt and his brother of weston, Ont., Stove Mann- future". Theuave not been able to get a. passage k on the Allan Lino though they took A return ticket. but hove to go by New York on "Cam- panin,” a Consular. Thai lave to- mm-rnw. . C. In. Cameron Describe- Interesting Incident. on the Trip FROM OLD ENGLAND. Sth wee-m. Aux a 1903. Again. mummy cwm-rs, especially in unwound districts. have. mule time after harvest. to give persona! attention to the improvement. of their property. Altogether the boom in fall painting is» heulihy sign of the times: It is an awakening to natural advantage-a. It pays to pain! just as soon us» build- ing needs it, for he [anger it is put "it. the more it 1'sl oust to get. lhe right sort of job. is proves particularly true in the fall season. BOUrt1 GREY. DURHAM, Sept. 21-22 Indmniul. Toronto. . . . . .Aug 21-8epl. 12 Western. London . .. . . . . . . . .Sept11-19 Central. Ottawa.... .. .....Sept 11-19 North Grey. Owen Bound. . . ..Sept 15-17 South We lington. Guelph. ..Sept 15-17 Hamilton... ...... .... ... .Sept15-17 Palmerston........ vrryriid,'tegtd'l Northern. Walkerton. ... . . . . .S'ept 121 Centre Wellington. Fergus. . .Sept 24-25 Went Wellintstpn, Hmnston.. . .Sept 25 Centre. Bruce] Paisley... .. . . . .Sept 29ao Ptyton, Dundalk . . . .. . . . . ' .St-pt 30-Octl PM"! men generally. consider the fall A very natural planting t-inw. The mum-r conditions we opennlly 6ter.r- ahle to ttood paintimz. There is less likelihnod "f rain and one dosen't have to contend with the t"oiMure---cmmu'mt the paint to peel, cheek or erturk-that is maul in a huilcling after the spring rains. Then, too. if» haul» nerds paint ing. tt certainly unghl m be paiuted as n protection against the ind-lament win- tet weather. Anothm advantage“! the fall seam" Is that there are no tttttttn m tlies-the lump of spring tmitt'intp--to stick to the fresh paint. DURHAM lllllllf WORKS CALD ELL'S Ll BY ST LE MbS'ld Mau'Jihthu Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Punt dealers in thin locality may that the [all paint trade this your will he a large- faanr in their business. The pair-Hy owners each year are looking w" increasing favor upon the moon for painting. The ”In: importance 0! the au" tumn months as a bona- pnlntlng newton u: worthy of note. Today. the fall la the ward painting Deacon. The adv-mum tt mom are pnciieol and the wonder in that they Were not long mm appreciated. Tenders will he received h the under. signed on or before Sept. '{ for either an- ur Incandvscvnt lighting of the strwts of Durham. The lowest or any tender not necessarily nccvad. WM. B. VOLLE'r. Aug. 11, m. Clerk of Durham. Lot 10 Con. 22, Township Egremont. County Grey, containing 120 acres. For full particulars apply to Lot lo, Con 18. Tp. of Farremont, consisting of 100 acres more or less. 70 more: Cleared remainder good hardwood bush. Lonny soil, suitable for M,", grow. Two Good barns and comfortable o w, G bearin g orchard and two good walls. ly; miles W. of Dromore, 7 miles mm Holstein. Will tatll reasonable. Timber on the place will pay tor. it. For father information ap- ply on the premises to (mu. Mclezu. Prop., or to C. Known, Review Dulce. WEEEENGQ THE FALL AB A PAINTING TIME Silverware“ BIG Q JRWrtLERYsSTORR. Rirurs See our“ Flour......... v............ Oatmeal................... Dressed Hogs. per ewt How, Live weight..... Butler, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Hid“, per owt.......... Calfskin, per D........ Shoepskms............... IGv........................ oats..-...................... Lambs..................... 'a'.......................... Been. var cwt............ Wood.........-........ Pena.......... Bariey......... Wheat...... Pounded. per bag....... "o""...........-......... 'lhtrke..-v-.. TENDERS WANTED. DURHAM MARKTES. ROBINSON & 003357, Solid Gold Wedding Rings in 10k, 14k and 18k. in all the latest styles. Big Stock of Engagement Rings to choose from. Nothing as nice as Silverware for Wedding Presents and at Keeler’s is to be found the largest stock of good Silverware in the county and alt our prices are the lowest. Brooches, Necklets, Long Chains, Bracelets and Pins. We certainly have the stock to choose from. The goods are right here waiting for you AT KEELER’S FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. DAVID MCKELVIIJ'. Thistle P. O. FALL FAIRS. M 10 oo 190 240 6o 40 27 3 " 6 10 I'd 14 Ill 10 90 P ropriefors. 1000 8 60 5 tio 6 10 14 15 ill ft 50 18 n TT "ie?'XNg \ Eb . _ , . r I; 70 tto 45 Massey Jl!farrfs Suu: Rooms The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. _ - “h A mac Line of A full Durham, That a GOOD WATCH makes us regular in our habits. You can get a good one in a few minutes if you call on us. A good watch is the cheapest in the long run, and if it is carefully cleaned and oil- ed, it will last a lifetime. Dunn-m HAurnmw WA“!!! Tn. Bur. SILVERWARE THAT SELLS___ CUT GLASS In PEARL & DIAMOND Brooches out stock is the largest we have ever had. In Diamond & Colored Stone Rings our Stock was never so complete. HE COLLECTS debts and claims of all kinds. No charge if no mopey collect- ad. Is not that fair , INSURANCE, Fire, Lite end Accident. placed in 'gg,', comYuues at lowest rates. Every load - tl hononb yend fairly. Noquibbling. Mor10--" Alwa s m , never n l nt." All business strictly 2'2,i'l'etfal. " ice Be has had 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE and those who deal with him get the beaetit ot it. IF YOU WANT TO BUY tt place or business he can tind something to suit you Hejust new has for male 100 ACRES IN BENTINCK With good bank bun. dwoll- ing. perhaps the beat hardwood bush In the Township and only asks nbont .2000. Think of It I IT WILL PAY YOU to take hangout businell though you have to drive 20 miles. lemy of peo- ple come further and and it to pay. HEADQUAR- TERS FOR IHE Illi)lllll'il 1illllll)lillilill Are cureful an to who all-ll do their business. So should you be. Then you had better go to H. H. Miller, the Hmo- ver Conveyancer. on shortest notice. lowest rates. very smallest. cost, and on your own terms. IF YOU WISH TO SELL van: prop- erty he can do it quicker and better than you can and he cbnrges nothing If no sale Good general purpose Mare, fourteen ears old, guaranteed sound. Also . Xian- 4 yam-u old, sound and serviceable. Apply to J. \Vlsxnn. Rocky Snugeen. Iljilll,.lli(l't DRUG STORE HE WILL LEND YOU MONEY J. A.. DARLING, stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. A. GORDON, YOU OUGHT TO KNOW FOR SALE. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. 'iayales 1 Hampers and Waste Mth WATCHMAKER. JEWELLER ar OPTICIAN EDDING ,erNurr----We make a Specialty. DISPENSING A SPECIALTY. the 11mm! Coma-sneer. E9 Laue of Middaugh Jifoxae. See our second hand wheels. Vahn givingston, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Beauty combined with quality is what we offer Ems: (mane, lhe g'r',t'iihi,',t.egi, otter for sale Two Shorthorn Bu I. one 12 mos. the other 13 mos. old. principally red and likely animals in every respect. Terms on ap- plieation to ri.og'it,tdg: lots 28 and N, Con. 3. S. D. ' lenelg. Will sell ren- sonably. A. t J. Sign”. - . Pro rietors. Also Purebred Tum. and BJ,.fllll,%'l PURE BIRD HEREFORD BULL. (Prince Albert.) ar ill he for service " Lot 48, Con. 2, B. a. R. for the sewn of was. Pei!- gree on “mutation. Cowl not return- ed regularly will beck-aged whether in ealf or not. Pnyment to he made on or before February lat MOL Terms 01.50. The Best Quality cheaper than ever. Undertaking promptly at- tended to. FU.RNITURE Toilet Articles, Stationery, da, Pure-Bred Bulls For Sale. Jake Kress Biagales I JAKE KRESS. DONALD Magnum. Prop. I,.lr:grit) FOR Perfumes. All repairing @ntario. At low prices. otBee----LOWEtt TOWN. DUNN]. " the Du nun tntarjGeCtuideV, Bloch. Residence first door west of the old Poet Ollee. Durham. 1t,tdt"gtt2t.ttPtgNgttN2'gtt,te - an Gold-wilt. 'lhNtlluhttta'. sandman n mo “not 'arl'Ji'fdad.U!5h 'gr11ti'rtMa'!i'f5. Will be " the Wdd.argtt Home. Duh-1.00 926!“on sch 'rtmtttterxtmt".rrf.tttt 43ml; OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the m, nlnl “I‘m-9' futa-'. W. C. PICKERING D. D s, L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. gradual: of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Roomu, Calder Block over the Post (Mice. Jomptny and teat Fund. to Low on Mortgage- u Iowan uto- at lam». "lttBt4on and. hv “Jalapeno: um “um Vulnuor. .. Iom lobkod' fdeeii,t.ei'eei't,2iif SA“; GT.. truon' Account- vnpuo In and umnte Cqurt [in-luau, Prob-u ot war: In..." ot Ad. MACKAY dc DUNN, Barristers, - Solicitors. Conetrrtuteers, Inc. othees t Hunter's New Block. op- posm Chronicle on”. (Emma. St., Durham. MONEY TO LOAN A. G. Mushy KO. W. F Dunn Court Buitiiiia -PiGiatG -ia -wituriGaa; ii"ir. mhutnuon and Guudlmhlp Obtained. Mar- fly" mule in Romany one: and Titles "rportod oFFrCE-hdelntyre Bloclf. alilllilll BANK OF allll CAPITAL. Auutoritsed.....i000,0ttt. CAPITAL. Paid up........... 1.1mm RESERVE FUND............ M0,000 ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collection: of all kind; Fame tam promptly attended to and no CARRIOT‘R. COLICITOR I” SUPREM- COUR'D NOTARYPUILIO. OOUUIOOIONII. are. AGENTS in ntl punch»! pousta an Ontario. Quebec, “mitotic. United Sum-s and England. A general Bulking buulnou tun-mud Drafts iuued and collection 'made on all poinu. Dopoclu received and inter- est snowed " current ram SAVINGS [All gaunt Allowed on saving: bank deposit. of 31.00 and up wads Prompt “team sud our, will" "ordad custom“ living d. JitPhoet In: Annoy prgmptly “waded 2 I Deeds, o on. M, Amen be. ogrnouy 'rc))?,??.,',', Elm at 2rtrdt,T- Pe by!“ I my and Executor. and All» uh- OFHCE- ~McKr-Ixio'o om Band Durham D. McPHAIL.) DURHAM AGENCY 'test one: an -tdtt-ou a... Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Tenn- modente. Amman“ for III“ u to m, Ae., must be e " the WMexr ot- Bee, Durban. - (mmdenoeeddmeed been!» Ptg,'llt P.0., will be -rptis nttended to, on nppllcsuou to DENTISTRY. Dr. T. a. HOLT L. D. s. arrictor, our , Gar voyancar, to. , in. .... Ion? to Loan at "mule rue? n on terms to cult borrower. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, kc. CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR Insurance Agent. BARRIITER. OOIOITOR. Hoar-v - connuacla. ' J. G. HURON. M. D Put-cu: a In... OM” our Nomi-I'D - DENTISTRY. ommuumumu Won-uncut“. ARTHUR GUN. M. B., G. LEFBOY McCAUL. hummus-nu arm DB. 630. tr. Mme. om: fowlmm. . t Tum co-m No. " ', MONEY TO LOAN Ill, S. DAVIDSON. Head office, Torono. w. P. cow“. President. J. P. TELFORD His... Hp... D. IcPBAIL. Hopeville P. o. C. BAIAGE, Durham Prlvnu Money to Loan, J KELLY QbuAJ. “Over the Bunk "cti as l in!

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