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Durham Review (1897), 20 Aug 1903, p. 8

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' In)" Thomas Chm-le- Watson, 3 bi"iiii% ot Ottawa. died suddenly. I Members ot the Canadian Press Ab Nation propoae visiting new Orr. “.00an was lound guilty, 0(3wa 'ting a bribe. b he revenue ot Bull. Que.. wilt hot man expenditureu, and the de- .'nrtt now aggregatel 8156.69t. ' Hundreds ot hanesten for the but were detained Wednesday be. cause cars could not be secured. The Orangevillo Sun understands that Hon. Iicorge E Foster will be elk-red the Conservative nomina- tion [or the new conutituency ot Duffenn, tor the next general elec- Alon. ,r At the convention of the Metal Polishers and Allied Tradeuin Cleve- 'and. President k. J. Lynch. ot New York. insisted on a nine-hour day throughout the United States and Canada. a John Judge, for 28 years on the Jnntrrtort and Pembroke Railway, has been appointed superintendent of construction ot the Temlsknm- in: Railway, at a calm ot 01.200 [pr year. , MP. Jame-I Ross has resigned the 'pl‘oddency ot the Dominion Iron and steel Comp-my. and has also re- .tired " a \n-ctor of that company. " Owing to the explosion ot a. lamp Mrs. Leslie FAuerman, of Lietoweil, was so badly, burned that her recov- ery In doubtful. , The U. Fi. Steel Corporation bu than tho last block ot ore property 'Inr tVe hrs.aba range which in tor The British Ambassador explained away to the Ptr:te Mr. Ballonr’s speech about the responsibility ot the Bulgarians tor the present troubles. . M. Pentium. French Minister of Marine, yesterday married Josephine Jumbo. 3 school mistress. at the of- tteq, of a district mayor. Prime Min- uet Combee acted as best mam no Midland King. a. Itcamer O.itlt a eapatntr ot ;()0.000 bushels of (rain. was aucceumuy launched at Collingwood. Fire yesterday destroyed the largo brick Catmnc church at Harmon. Ont. The was Is unnamed at $10.- 000. partir Insured. All the male population .ot the Baum-Lin village of Katevo was moved after its upturn by the than. Britirtt Columbia Liberals at V"- uerdny's mnvmtlon. drew up a new platform for turn coming elections and deferred the selection of a leader. German Imperial 3 per cents. tell 1-2 per cunt. on a report that the Governmen‘. intends to largely in- crmw the military eatatriitsturtent. The Toronto City Council yaster (by putrid a resolution congratulat- In; Mr. (iolm'in Smith won the occa- .ton.ror his 8tth birthday. Henry's new block. the largest mamas: Mark in Hospeler. was dam- aged by nre on Monday night, to the extent ol about $1,200. Tho United States Secretary of War has approved the Canadian ap- pllcation for tho construction ot a dam at the “New Rapids. Major Buchanan, R. A., and Capt. Scott. M. L. 1.. will mil for Can- ada on Aug. 27th to assume tho va- cant. profeusorslzips at the R. M. C., h'erterday during a. heavy fog the cleaner Joe Milton. of Wiarton. ran More on the White Shingle Shoals. Ax miles Worn Tobermorx. The, "truns." Manchester Trad- or, which mm: aground on Anti- coati Island, has been Hoated.and will more“! to Quebec tor repairs. On tho oexration of her 100th birth.. 6sy the lulled of the village pre- Iented Mr: Robert Lee, ot Athens. Ont.. with an mill-en and a well- ttumt purse. L ' Hon. Dr. Sullivan will be appointed Dean of the Medical College, King- grton, In succession to the late Dr. Elle Fowler and retire lrom the ao- tive cum-s of pxoresaor of surgery. Moray G. Sim. whose home In thought to he at Tmy. N. Y.. com- mitted miclde at Evan-non. Ill.. on M'ulnmday. by shooting himself above- the heart. Sun was about 24 years ot ace. Militia. 0rd r; announce the die. banding or tho 25tlt Elgin Regiment. with hcmkluartors at St. Thomas. The next annual meeting ot the Contml Ontaf1o High Court, Inde- pendent Order of Foresters. wnlbe hold at Collingwood. In many sections of Manitoba and the horttswetrt Territories harvest- tng has commenced under most fu- orable weather conditions. Kins-100- Liettt. Manor has been shot. bro- babatr fatally. ir. a duel at Aliea- mln with Lf nt. Ktauentlacget. Both omor?rs b law: to the TEN Regiment of “PM Armin-y. Germany. The duel was H." teuttlt of joking at a sniper givva. at the officers‘ casino. It b reported that Major B. B. mm. G. M. G.. ot the Royal Engin- es". D. A. A. G.. at the War 011190. Will be appointed to supervise Cuz- ‘lh'b military annoys. t Klaw a Erlangor. the heads of the big theatrical trust in the United Button. are likely soon to erect a new theatrv m Toronto. which will be run under their own manage- neat. ' Albert. 'l'hrrrvt, son ot Horatio "Narret. Moosonin, N. W. T., lorm~ Orly oi te'narbot Lake. Ont., was winning trom the stable to the ihouw durxug an electric storm. when a bolt of lightning “ruck him. and be was instantly killed. Private wit-ices received from 0t- tawa 'uttr that Benjamin Russell, K. c., M l'.. w ll be appointed successor -to Chief Jatrtttee McDonald on the 'Itttterus suprannnatlon trom the lunch of tiv. Supreme Court ot Nova Roda. Owing to tho raids and outrages committed on the Assam Irontler by the Delflas tribe, the Indian Gov- ornment are considering: the ad- vhublllty o: despatclilug a punt- tive org-dint." as soon as the bold cannon Bets in. sua- Senator W. P. Sullivan. of Mr. Prank Wood, ot Port Hope, hut! master of the Public School. Ind principal of the Model whoa! o (the united countlu of Northam- horlud and Durban. l- dead. . A woman’s skeleton. with a lull lot of gold teeth. wall amused In a plate In and to luvs been uncov- ered tn digging for a. cellsr for a home in Rome. Home E. Crawford. K. C., of Win- nipeg, of the law firm of Campbell & Crawford. of which the Attorney- General of Maoitotm In a. partner, expired suddenly in his apartments at the King's Royal Hotel, Owen Sound. yesterday. Three Young Burglar. Almost Got Awny In Toronto. Toronto. Aug. 24.~Cbarl~s Quack- enLush. Stephen [Mylo and Charles Murphy, the three aeetr-eontetstred lmrglurs. who were being kept in the jail awaiting a sentence tor house- hreuklng, made a desperate dash for liberty yesterday. but only Doyle got clear away They were conveyed from the Police Court to tho Jail and while being transferred trom the prison van to the latter place they made their daring dash. After the three were remanded in the Pol ca Court yesterday by Magistrate Kingsfurd. guackenlmsh was hand- (tuned to the other two and the trio put in the prison van along with a (been other prisoners. Quackenbush ran like a. deer, but was caught by Samuel Ridout. a fireman attachr‘d to Wilton avenue station. Doyle made good his escape. Spaniards or Barge at Nova Scotia Port Assaulted Captain. Halifax, N. S . Aug. 24.--TItue cruw of the barque Egrio. at Hantaport. mu- tined to-day, Tuesday. and as a re- sult Capt. Langill is in the hospital here With a broken leg, and badly, cut lace. The vessel arrived on Mon- day. and the crew obtaining shore leave left for Windsor, and got drunk. They. returned to the vessel the same night, and next morning. when or- dered to work refused duty. The cap- tain endeavored to compel them to turn to, but the whole crew. con- sistlng ot five men, all turned on him. beating him badly, and caus- ing him Jn his efforts to get away. to (all. thus breaking his leg. The whole crew ire placed under nr- rest and are now in Jail at Wind- Notable Departure In the Armor Fitting for British Navy. London, Aug. '24.--The Admiralty has decided to build three new bat- tleships of 18,000 tons, which have been designed by Philip Watts. the director ot the naval construction. Those are the first vessels designed by Mr. Watts sinca his appointment two years ago. The most notable departure In the new ships will be in the armor-paths tor the sides and hull. An armor belt ot ten-inch Krupp steel, tapering away to six. inches, will be continued the whole length oi the broadside. This is the first time this has been attempted In 'the battleships of any country. Included in tho armament of the new vessels are four submerged torpedo tubes. (our 50-ton wire guns, eight quick-tiring 27-ton guns and twelve six-loch guns. The vessels must at- tain a speed of 19 knots per hour. Charles H. Boland. a Norwich. Conn., school boy, aged 14, took his life by hanging during last night. apparently through fear of punish- meat {or diaotedience. He went to When the prison van was driven up to the jail. The three young des- perndocs came out to the front a: if handcuffed. but on reaching tho ground they bolted, each running in a different direction. Doyle ran east. Murphy made a dash after him, and was grabbed by P. C. Lougheed, and Quackenbush darted west, avoiding P. C. Jenkinaon. The latter fired after the fugitive, but missed his mark. _ . The Russian Ambuudor at Lon- don ha- Informed Arnold White. the author, that the Car could ttot possibly accept a proposition for the holding of an international confer- ence on the Jewish question. t-iirt,GiitriC'LjtiAtiurGndimx that his parents forbade him to leave the Seven Alpine Tom-lit- Ind n Narrow Escape. Chamonix, Franco. Aug. '24.--lrhtt seven mum-its who were reported yesterday to have been killed while climblng the Aiguilles Grlsca of Mont Blanc had, it appears, a miraculous escape. They were seen to fall into a crevasae. and it was takon tor a certainty that they were dead, but 10-day an exploring party discov- ered tho tourists, who were ouly slightly injured by their fall. RESCUED FROM A CREVASSE George Lain: or the Milton Apiary Has Record Yield. Mllton. Aug. '..'A.--/Ph'us hm been a. sgtlcmiid year for the busy bees in Halton county, and the honey crop will be exceptionally good and heavy, George Laing, of the Milton aplary. who has T.37, hisrs, has a yield of 17,000 pounds, or right and a. half cons, of clorvr honey. There Is some traswood, bat no buckwheat honey around here, as the weather has been too dry. Mr. Laing intends to exhlblt at the Toronto Fair. INDIA’S BATTLE WITH FAMINE Irrigation Committee to Spend 8150- 000.00() in Protective Works. THREE NEW BATTLESHIPS. 8min. India. Aug. 24.-Tho irriga- tion commismu'i was "rsued its re- port. It proposes to luv out 8150.: 000,000 in twenty years in protein the works, and also 33.000000 an- nually in loans for private irriga- tion works. the necessiry funds to be raised tor loans. The keynote of the policy advocated is the vigor- ous use of the national resources on protective works. irrespective ot their productive character. nnd to incl-cane the general resource! ot the country and its resisting pow- er in the battle. with famine. MADE DASH FOR LIBERTY. HONEY BY THE TON. CREW MUTINIED. Constantinople. Aug. fu.--%he Rn.- Man squadron of warships which left SebastOpol yesterday is expected to arrive off the _Turkish coast this afternoon, to support the demands made on Turkey try Russia in connec- tion with the assassination on Aug. 7 of M. Rostkovski, the Russian con- sul at Monastir. The notification re- ceived stated the sailing of the squad- ron was an unwelcome surprise to the Turkish Government, which mm pretended to believe that the Rost- kovski ihcident had been closed with the punishment of the guilty parties. The most recent advices received here from Monastir were frowarded on Sunday night, and announced that the fighting between the insurgents and Turkish troops in the vicinity of Krushevo continued, and that sev- eral villages inhabiteihy Greeks lad been set on fire by the insurgents. According to the advices received at one of the foreign embassies at Son- stantinople, 800 Mussulmans have been massacred throughout the dig. trict of Monastir try insurgents. Emmet Rushdi Pasha. who is nomin- ally in command of the Turkish troops operating in tho Monastir dis- trict. is seriouva hampered by the fact that the instructions he re- ceives from here are constantLv changed. The Turkish commissariat department is in a. wretched condi- tion. The troopa at 'Monastir, for Instance. have not been served with rations of meat for six weeks. RUSSIAN 1lifhlllfifillPS OFF THE TURKISH COAST. Czar Demands Satisfaction _ for Castro Has Imprisoned European Merchants in Venezuela. or not Spam). 'Iiriniziad, Aug. 21.-- Authcutic information was received to-day announcing the imprisonment of French, German and Italian mer- chants at Ciudad Bolivar. Venezuela, tor refusing President Castro's de- mand for the repayment of taxes paid during the occupation of Culdad Bolivar by the revolutionists. A reign of terror prevails through- out the district owing to the extor- tion, threats and barbarities of the party in power. The entire region of the Orinoco teems with produce, accumulated during the past two years. for which there are no ade- quate rh'pping facilities. The native and German firms at Caracas appear to be seeking to control tho entire Orinoco Import trade. There is no money in the Orinoco country, and the distress is very great. President Castro is determined, it is said, to destroy the transshipment trade in American and European goods 'he- tween Trinidad and the Orinoco River country. i i I 'b The repeated attacks made by the insurgents on the railroads and the inadequate protection afforded try the Turkish authorities have compel- led the railroad officials to order a suspension ot traffic on the Salon- lea, Miammtir and Uskub lines. Des- patches received here from Bel.. grade. Servia, snys that the Turk- ish Minister there has secured the "iii/i/ii-rar/ battalions of re- serves in tho TUayet of Arnatolits have been summoned to the colors. BOYS BODY IN COFFEE CAN. Appearances Indium Murder, but t'arenta Say Accident' Monongahela. Pa., Aug. 2A.--T/act blood-stained corpse of a tive-gears. old boy was (llscovered last night by a 1rattpur,tpatittur on a Pittsburg. Virglria & Charleston Railroad tram. The little body was packed tlghtly in a. large cottee can two feet high and 18 inches wide, and was wrapped In blood-soaked folds ot a. woman’s dress. The only mark on the bon was a. bullet hole in the breast. The can was deposited in a. baggage car at Waltertrtvarr, try a man and woman who said they would take it oft at Bravosburg. Their suspicious actions aroused the curiosity ot the baggagemnn, and when the train started he open- ed the can and made the startling discovery. When Dravosburg was reached the couple were arrested, and taken to jail in McKeesport; They said their names were Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jubiller, of Tucker, and that tho boy was their son, who had accidentally shot himself with his father‘s revolver. When they found he was dead they decid- ed to keep the matter quiet and bury him privately at Dravosburg. Power. “are Agreed Upon a New Plan tor Balkans. London, Aug. 24.-It ls [turned trom the best sources that the Cabinets of Rama, Austria and Italy have arrived at an understanding ln re- ganl to the Balkans. The Brussels Independence, Bei,e says lt hears that tho powers have arrived at an un- derstanding regarding the stops to be taken to suppress the revolt and apply reforms in Macndonla. Accord- lng to this unconfirmed report, Russ-la. will not on the sen. occupying the Dnnlanel-lm and the Bosphoroas, Austria will not on land, and Italy will exercise surveillance over Al.. bania. After peace is restored the powem are to withdraw and restore to Turkey her full sovereignty. n... “in-nu}? was made to-day-oss imp: tyxtrnvatiottt' in the Roman For- um. consisting ot the base of the celebrated equestrian statute of the Roman Emperor Domitian, which is of the greatest interest in deter.. mining the topogrnph ot the Forum during the first century of the Eur. lire. It " calculnttvi that the statute was Mx ttm'r. 'fc N121). TROUBLE TO BE SETTLED. A REIGN OF TERROR. " Aug. 24.--A Jmyrt,tmir?rt- Assassination of Consul. Statue of Domitian. TORONTO The Huang Tal was a tender to the Naval Engineering College or tho Chinese squadron at Nanking. she was ot 2,110 tons displacement. had a speed of 15 knots and 'car- ried 300 min. She was built in Eng- land in 1888. Her armament con- sisted ot three T inch Krupp guns. 7 4O wanders and 6 small rapid lire guns. The Empress of India is one of the finest vBssels of the Canadian Pacific Railroad Company. She ls 440 feet long and is over 8,000 tons net register. She was built at Barrow in 1890. is driven by two' propellers and has 10,000 indicated horse power. Wealthy Widow Missing. Ban Francisco, Aug. Li-Ellen Kri- lol.er,a. wealthy widow, 65 years of age. left Lawrence, “use. Jule 27th. and has not been heard from trinee. She: had purchased a ticket tor San Francisco, and all the ei'idence of her movements after leaving hem). are the stub; which were taken up by the conductors on route, and which indicate that she left the train somewhere between Albany and But. Mto. Mrs Kclleher is an aunt of M .3 J. J. Dunn, of this cite, and was on her war to make her home with Mrs. Dunn, when the misfortune. whatever it was. which put an and to her journrv. overtook her. Every effort is being made to trace the whereabouts of the missing woman, but so far without success. detention ot a quantity of arms and ammunition destined tor Bulgaria. traehr a Wei-ship. Hong Kong. Aug. P.4.-rho, Cam than Paeitie Railroads steamer Em- press ot India ttrom Vancouver. no, July 27. and Yokohama, Aug. IO, tot' Hang Kong). collided near this port t0-day with the Chinese cruiser Huang Tel. The warship sunk an hour after the collluion. The Em- press of India. saved IT of the crew of the cruiser. The captain of the Huang Tai, who refused to leave his ship. and thirteen or her crew were drowned. The Empress of India was badly damaged amidshlps. Detroit. Aug. 24.-For the magni'i- cent sum of 8500 Mrs. Constant Menthe, of Montreal ,made an agree- ment yesterday afternoon to give up her husband to another woman who had once been her serVant in the Canadian city. The agreement to accept $500 and call all accounts square was drawn up by Attorney Ignatius Saliotte in the Motiat build- ing, and was signed by husband and wife. Lodger Menthe then went to the. hank, drew out the money and handed it over to his wife, after which the couple separated, and the wife left Detroit on the midnight train for her homo in Montreal. The husband returned to his home at 595 Monroe avenue to continue to live with the womnn for whose sake he deserted his wife. Montreal Wottttttt Gets Mid of Man Who Deserted Her. THIRTEEN MEN BORE COFFIN. Man Weighing 560 Pounds Was Buried With a Derrick. Brutal, Pa., Aug. 2l.--Wraron Lip- plncott, the largest man in Penn- sylvania, was hurled to-day. Illa body was taken dut of the window by a derrick and lowered in the grave by a. derrick. It took thirteen men to handle the casket. which was tour teet wide by seven leet and a half long. Eyfqmy‘s Loss In Nigel-In Given " if" Seven hundred Killed. London, Aug. 24.--Drspatehrar re- ceived at the colonial Office to-dar hon. Smgura, Northern Myrrh. dated August 17th. gives details of When LIppiucott died he weighed over 560 pounds. He was known by every one In his native town and over 3,000 people passed through tho chapel cemetery to View his body. " his young days he was one ot the noted jig- dancers of the day. In the year 1880, when he weighed 450 pounds. he won a champion dance. the dosh-notion of the Town of Bur- mi by a Bpittsts force of thirty whltca and tin: hundred natives, rank and file. The enemv's loss was TOO Izzllmi. including the former Sultan of Sokota. and a mtorritr ot the chiefs. Thro British Iona was 11 men killed, lmluding one orticer and slItv-two mu: wounded. m enemy made a. desperate 1iourre-to-house resistance. Confidental reports from Constan- tinople express fear for the Sultan’s personal safety. The Albanian pai- ace guard.- at the Yildiz Kiosk m much excited over the emanation ot Hanna. the gentry. who shot and killed M Roakowskx. the Run-inn Canal at Monastlr, because of the Murder and Pillage Continued u Bashi-Bazouks. London, Aug. 24.--A duspatch trom Berlin states that according to the Frankfurter Zeitung the River Brin, near Monastir. Macedonia, is red with blood and nearly choked with the mutilated bodies of women and children who have been massacred by Baahi-Basoukm " hundred Bashi- Bazouks. under the command of Ai- banian chefs, who are notoriously cruel. have pillaged and destroyed a number of Christian villages in the districts of Debre and Okrida. The Turkish authorities. it is added. con- nived at the outrages. and furnish- ed the Baahi-Bazouka with old uni- lorms. so that they might appear to be regular soldiers. SOLO HUSBAND FOR $500. RIVER RED WITH BLOOD. A BRITISH VICTORY. not tint the soldier was an um...- Ian. Ana-nestingwillhe held in“. grade on land 28ed, to expres- any“!!! with the Hawaiian In- surgents. Prominent politicians have proximal to make speeches. The managers ot the railroads hue notified the Ports that they disclaim responsibility tor the damage done to the lines. or 'or the injuries Inl- tained by om lg while the pre- sent eortfrtitrm' "Tail in Macedonia. - A. -__1-- -.--- ‘m Witt Spend the Autumn Month. in I Western Tour. Ottawa, Aug. '2d.-T,ho Invented Visit of Her Excellency Lady Mlnto and daughters, Lady Eileen and Lady Ruby Elliot, to the Orient wlll ttel: “no; bluuy, iv yup v..‘...- .. -me9e - he a long cherish“ dream of Lady Minto. Accompanied by Capt. Bell, A. D. c., the Government House party will leave Ottawa on Sept. a and all from Vancouver in the C. Pl Rs steamer Empress of China on Sept. T tor Yokohama. Her Excellency will spend upwards of a month in vlsrit- ing the chief centres of the empire, and expects to return to the capl- tal try the middle of November. Twenty-Eight Commie! Charge With Conspiracy. Ottawa, Aug. 2t.-'Waare Is going to be an interesting time in insur- ance circles In Canada. Recently, with a view to getting even with the city of Ottawa for the heavy losses which they have sustained since 1900, the insurance companies ordered the imposition ot from, " GO cents on each 8100 of insurance premiums taken In Ottawa. This was done through the medium ot the Canadian Fire Underwriters' Association. P _ _ “a. %.r%P.r."e-e'"e-" A desrptstelt fro., Salonloa a." two persons Were killed, a number of peo- ple were Injured. and several can: were destroyed by an explosion which occurred gateway on the railroad between _Arrttstora and Etryer,. LADY MINTO TO VISIT ORIENT necwecu Anna-unu- an". --__i,, The Ode-ca correspondent of the Standard quote- the Ourta Galena as saying that in View of W, 2yee: M Bulls-n an... - V.V.. - ant general massacre ot Christians in Macedonia. the great power- should forthwith despatch their milltary at- taches from Constantinople to the chief centres ot dhturbanoe. Mr. Belcourt. M. P., has expressed the opinion that every company con- stituting the Canadian Fire Under- writers' Association is guilty of an infraction of the Criminal Code, and to-morrow 'information will be in” against twenty-eight companies com- bined in the association. The action will be taken under section 520 of the Criminal Code, which makes any corporation liable to a penalty rang- ing from $1,000 to $10,000 tor com- inning. or conspiring, among other things. to undulv prevent or lessen competition in the price of insurance upon person or property. Damages: Wide Section or Country git Moose Jaw, Mun, Moose Jaw. Mam, Aug. $u.-A most destructive hull-storm passed over thls section last night, and damaged " section twenty-one miles square. " commenced about tour miles norm of the town and took in a section seven xrllrn wide, going south. The loan has not vet been figured out, but it got up into the slx figures In the town every house with north windows had the glans drmolished. It is figured that the damage in glass alone in the town and countrv will be $1,200. Thc storm was the worst ever known here in ten wear-s. Hallstomu as large as fifty cent pieces were plcked up after it Lad An Efficient Toxin for it: Cure Mn. Been Found. Sufferers from hay fever will now be rejoicing. no doubt, that their special malady, which. has hitherto made them look forward with something like dread to the ap- proach ot early summer, is at this momcnt the subject of exten- sive experimental research at the hands of Prof. Dunbar. of Ham. burg. and that, so far as his in. vtorrtigationte go, judging from Sir Felix Bimon's report in the Brit. Ish Medical Journal. there seems to be a reasonable likelihood that in the near future medical men will be in a position to treat the com- plaint on a. basis ot rational pn- thfrlogg' and therapeutics. Up to the present time the only sure way of obtaining relief from the affection li.:: been to run away from it and to abide the summer in some place where the balcfu! pel.en is not, a. course ob- i"routsiy impossible tor the many. Now, however, according .to Prof. Dunbar. the tocsin has been dis- con-red. He has isolated from the pollen of certain grasses a toxic substance which, when applied in vex-y dilute solution to the eyeuor nostril eof individuals who are lub- Jeet to hay fever, produces within a tow minutes the chartutteriatie local symptoms ot the complaint. 11he toxin aolutlmf has no effect upon one who in not a sufferer trom har fever. By injecting the pollen of vari- ous masses into the Circulation of certain acimala--rabbitar, goats and hortrea-Prot. Durbar was lucceedod. he believes. in producing an ucuvu antitoxin, which, when applied to the eyes and nostrils ot hay fever patients in whom the local symp- toms hare been produced artifiei- ally by the previous enjoyment ot tho toxin. immediately queue the subjective symptoml. and in stew minutes causes the objective signs to subside. Grasses appear to be the chief offenders in causing the affection, tor Prof. Durbar has tuned to dis- cover the toxin in the pollen ot roses and many other nowemr. The toxin wan obtained in suffici- mat quantity for experimental purposes by extracting the crushed pollen or maize with sauna solu- tions at the body temperature for about six hourl.and by preeipitat. lng the toxin trom the solution Wltll alcohol. The antltoxln Inn obtained by Injecting the toxin Into horses. A (ull report ot PM.Dur- bar's iatvpartitrationt' will be wel- comed with a. considerable amount of Interest by the medical protec- don at but. ' . AFTER INSURANCE MEN. BIO HAIL STORM. gno ”Idler m an Alha- HAY FEVER. ' j. , '7i5frTr/i't), s, a: Vicetoy Shea Bringing Order Out of Chaos in China. momma; - Berlin. Aug. 24pm- must by the recent Mar on till M underground railway m tret" no (men by the mat-try of Public Works. Order. have been tuned to tho ottidiaM ot the Berlin um . ___o...-" raMarar' " ” Winn nun-my“. _.._,_ It was announced day: no that Glenlster would grwitgt the Whirlpool Rapids in the Interact ot o vitgb- gmph company and that. a. “at car with a plot are-taking machine would accompany the athlete durlnc the course of his battle with the our- cdge tot the river at the some time Gienister's numger one“: that the young swimmer went into tho can]- dron except a work our. Renown-hm the Bodied. . Hanna. Wyo., Aug, su.-9ixtcrm more bodies of victims ot the recent mine explosion, have been recovered. and the work of the rescuers in near- lrtsompietta1. Chum-e Troops Want Pay. Now York, Aug. 2t.-At the request or Vicerov She". the Yangtse viee- rova recently aunt a couteiderattiq body of troops TO waist m restoring order at Kwangsl. Bays a Pekin do- spawh to the 'Iattwtt, by way at Lon- don. Th: auuainwtrtstiott or Sen II being characterized by rcmarkublo activity and thoroughness. [in has followed up the removal of the Gover- nor Wang Chln Chun and laruhal Sn hr punishihg and removing from " routs. Ho and his associate- uy that he made the swim yecterday morning and assert that the pictum more taken, and that the experiment w.- omineutly mcceuful. . A _ ‘,.“_ A, There mere no picture. taken of tho Gorge or thq river yelterdny " any moving picture machine. Tnere was 'no flat car moving don: the Information from trustworthy sources Show: that the disturban- haves not been caused IN All nutt- dynnatic movement, but have beet! 'iiiwUaiFiircuLue End diaonost 0(- [win ia. _ _ duo principally to large numbers of unpaid troops during Bu'g regime joining the turbulent element of the population. and organizing inde- pendent bands which prayed upon the trade or the PrOVirce. Actinz under the Tnoti'e general instnmtionu. the magistrate of the Nimbus dietrict near Shanghai. have nrreeted tour re- formers charged with delivering pub- lic lectures contrary to onion ot tin government. Poor titarsuttg Brothers. London. Aug. 2t.-Mto Dni‘y MAIN eorrmqpondeat at St. Petersburg de clares sensational incidentl occurred at the Kiett strike. One occasion. he says. when the troops were ordered by the Governor to fire on the strikers. a young captain Iterped in front of his company and orb-do the troops to fire upon their "poor starving brothers." The soldiers obey. ed the counter order. and the captain made a flaming revo‘utionnry speech to his men. He was Immediately - restcd and brcuzht to St. Marsha where he was tried by "aff.'t'f,,'il"r't"di and sentenced to death. Artttteitst Snails and Truman-[low They Make Fish Look Freatt. Consul General Richard Gunther. at Frankfort, Germany. reports an article on the adulteratlon ot food products as practiced in Eur- ope. which ha going the rounds ot the German press. The article In" that an ordinary liver patty ll made Into Straesburg pate do (ole use. by mean- ot bomx or natiesr- clle acld and of finely chopped and cleverly distributed places of black silk. representing trulllee. Catalog a German paper. etntee that. un- der the label of canned lobeten soft parts of the tmttttttiatti all! crabs are eold. In Perl- uelle an adultc-mted wlth lungs ot cattte and horses. Even entirely M'tlflchl snail-i are manufactured. The Chalk. re-coated with allme. are lllled with lung and then cold no “Burgundy” snails. Chopped tu'titiciat truffles or. made ot black rubber, silk or lott- t-ned leather, and even whole truf- fles are made out of roasted pots.- toes. flavored by ether. They are said to sell well. Fish is treated with salts of zinc, aluminum and other metals. Rubbing the "In with vascllne to give it a {red look, and coloring the gills with coal tar is resorted to. The latter is also used to intensify the to; color of inferior crabs. Importing . greenish color to oysters is on- other adtrlteratlon. “no Ghoul-ts in the Part. municipsl lsborstorhs have, shown that tomlto tstir ls ulnltonted with turnips nam- dersd pepper contains s [sun-s4. mixtm ot powdered but“; Ca, HOW EUROPE MAKES F090. o-ered ora---" Mere I -. on -ro--D" an.” - Tunnel o-tor---" M m mm:- men li) ti) The colonel. without second reluml. mgne-l Wide. and Gerald L 8. W16 hot and bouit, m panting ln menu qpel had Closed the dd "Hutu." tietid the had now and then cal had now and then cal [allow by Ms Christi. Ml prompt and ulmx m had touvltod the “Men mun. "Thu; i you. We. ttut---" Gerald Interrupted "I know what you Ir -artttritt," he and. en Wt effort to comm - onlmuew and l sun that pm too y pea-59m to be of any - "My dmr Locke," , quit. but Gerald Riley .1: implorlng gwure "For God'u uke. lwa at They won't gun- I have m. not to of -ette.v're not worth that." ind there wn node“ regret tn In. " you to let tue m.- I ma. t'tl go in Lo though. of course. tit for MI, he cleared t ere." as marquis umJel “I am Mrnid not," Guild Locke took "Do you mean Ut thud extremely $1an "drift,', excuse for marquis snout “He thinks so; an [in head "You may-it hillllll that there in some I; duos?" "More than shaduw. Gerald looked at in: "It wands lncrmiihiv oopt it. Thorn is no tl now. marquis, whom cud he run owr the or four immune 1,ul'i1 The marquis Hid hi aid Locke'e tsltouldor. "None ot them, my di replica. _ "None? No rounmi! daft think " num- t will be dual-ed u 'tttlf,,",')) The marquis shook I " " nit-aid not." 'here was unnum- ‘15. young lawypr l. mild. There was no not understand. "Am I to do noun hit. Alma“ rcpt-ouch "You have done a. My." responded th Trl,', think I don't " ndneu. my dear li Gerald’s [an voice chug-m. one Into the Issued to um keen lawyer ix ' Bull on Balms":- tf AI U‘Inh Carrru During the summd-r “ton appears on tho body of babies and “10!! It Hulda to all -thur. 'it is “Mr ' “IL and, whllv It.» the (mu-0 of mm {lute rvl'u-f is pi eruption [all-r4111; Powder, “ht-h l Mist“. but l t medicine must cool ttto blood ol my} Own Tub] -itlve bkmning 'lll n00" rot-Um bounty of bnlry t “Fur. of Kim "My baby hm! a Dr tace and all: her medicine, trut Ht tter until Ip, Tutstetmttnutt" the the rash n; "ve also gm n multipntum win they not maul} “Way- mnkt‘ tct t think U10 T,ut, “In tor young "I tablets nu There’s nerve 11 There's rest fd toad far impoverisi The most deli this tea--that's wh, Blue Ribbon dent, gives new ze mish- ul Baby's Own ”loo. If l m abt of pri" “who Comp: - ”I301! Whn Canon Blu The ht cartiku'" B" I MWW‘ will b- merg( r In a r In an in: -il mum: In none I ounlel: nmm lured ul Pow ll

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