West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Sep 1903, p. 4

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i icA s Rw>Some useful horses for sale. Ohe PPush to Clark‘s o see, to test, to be convinced This Season we have imported as well as picking up some Special Bargains from the very Best Manufacturers in Canada and are all Stylish and upâ€"toâ€"date GARMENTS and Extra Values. Stock and Nothing but New Upâ€"toâ€"date Goods at Right P rices. This season we are showing the very latest effects in Broad Cloths, Homespuns, Fancy Figured and Snow Flake Suitings. Which we are passing into Stock every day comprises the Very latest Goods that was possible for us to purchase, NEW FALL COODS . /. Mforlock. Cash and One Price. That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Palâ€" merston and London makes, The Great Prize Winâ€" ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons : Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Churus, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there‘s room for more CALL AND EXAMINE OUR New Mantles and Skirts Our Stock of New Fall Goods New Fall DRESS GOODS , 4A HWlorioeck John Clark The Model class numbers 15, and they begin their duties toâ€"day, Wednesday. Their names are as follows: Allie Blackburn, â€" Marion Morton, _ Ethel Limin, Grace Everitt, Ethel Ryan, Nathalie Grier, Mable Hunt, Gretta Nichol, Maggie McDonald, Heng Wat son, John Backus, Binnie cGirr. Henry McQuarrie. Misses Laura and ane Autton are detaine1 by an acciâ€" ent to their mother, Tuesday morning at 9 a, m. all the teachers were on duty and the various changes in the rooms made in accorâ€" dance with the promotion examinations. Miss Forfar and Mr. Sheplgxerd have charge of the High School pe., and the lgublic School 1s atterded to _ by Mr. Baker, and Misses Meredith McKenzie, Gun and Grant. Satisfaction is expressâ€" ed on all sides over the new heating arrangements and the absence of the stoves gives more room. Mr. Neil McKechnie, who went to Toronto for special treatment, is, we reâ€" gret to say, not improving very much, insomnia being now added to his dietetic troubles, weakening hium in both mind and bodgy. His brother Gilbert went down Monday. A BANK MANAGER.â€"We are much pleased to have occasion to congratulate Mr. Henry Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jno, Cameron, now in England, on being promoted to the position of manaâ€" ger of a bank in Arden, Manitoba. â€" He has been for some time at Neepawa, a flourishing town, judging by the fine special number he sends, and ambitious to become the second city in Manitoba. Henry‘s sehool mates and many friends here will rejoice in his success. Mr, Thos, McDonald: left Tuesday morning for Hayesyille, near New Hamâ€" burg, where he has secured a school at a good salari;. We wish Tom hearty success in his new sphere, sometbing his ability and energy will be sure to achieve. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kelsey leave on Thursday for a week‘s visit to Mr. F. W. Kelsey, Oso Station, a brother of the former. They intend to take in the scenic trip through the Thousand Islands. Mr. A. C. Beaton. is home from the Territories on a business trip. â€" His urpose is to secure a load or young Keifers to take West, Heand his family like the country and are well. Miss Amy Kilbourn,. of Barrie Hosâ€" pital, visited for a few days with her uncie, Mr. W. Buchan. Miss Alma Folchard, Guelph, is visitâ€" ing het grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Hunt, and also Traverston friends. Miss M. Marshall of the REeviEw staif i< again on duty after three weeks spent preasantly with 0. Sound friends. Miss Flo McCormick, who bas been yisiting her parents for the past month, returned to Rochester Saturday mornâ€" ing. Mr. R. MacFarlane, Str. left Tuesday to visit Toronto and other points and will spend Sunday with his sister in Hamilton. Mrs. and Miss Ireland left Wednes. day for their home in Guelph, after spending the summer with the former‘s son, Mr. Jas. Ireland. Miss Nellie Graham, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Donald McDonald, 1eâ€" turned to het home in Hamilton on hMonduy after two pleasant months stay ere. Mrs, Alex. McCormick left Saturday morning to spend a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mrs. A. Marshall left on Monday to spend a week with friends in South Egremont. Mr Hugh MacKay lea yes on Thursday for a two week‘s trip, going first by way of Toronto. Misses Sophia Burnett and Lizzie Lauâ€" der returned from their boliday trip at Grimsby and Toronto. Misses Lottie Beaton and May Saunders left Tuesday morning to visit friends in Toronto and Buffalo. Mis. J. M. Langford. Parrvy Sound district has been visiting her mother Mrs, Camp. and sister Mrs. John Mcâ€" Kenzie of Egremont. Mr. Don. McGregor Sup. of bridges in British Columbia, is visiting his sister, Mrs, D. McFayden, of the Avenue. Mr. McGregor has been absent for 19 yrs. Mr. Lyal Ireland left Tuesday mornâ€" ing for a couple of weeks vyisit in Toronto. Mr. Angus McCormick,. of Sault Ste Marie, Ont., is home on a yisit for a week. Mr. Allister Gan left ing to put in a term at ness College. Mr. Hairy Gillespie of Orangeville, was a guest at Mr. Jno. Ebhrhardt last week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Black returned from Port Elgin this week. Mr. Jos. Mowat, Toronto, formerly in business here, was in town this week. Miss McNeil, Paisley, is a guest of Mrs. Wm. Calder at present. MNiss Olivene Marshall is a guest of Mt Forest friends this week. Miss Mary McFarlane returned to Toronto last week. Misses Ella and Jessie Robertson have returned from Hamilton. Miss Ella Laidlaw was a visitor in Walkerton last week. Mr. Norman Mcintyre, Jr, was in Buffalo last week. Miss Dick is this week attending the Millinery Openings THE DURHAM REVIEW UR SCHOOL. Tuesday mornâ€" Stratford Busiâ€" TORONTO Kowr®.â€"In Durham on Mr. and Mrs. A. F PR Good general purpose Mare, fourteen ears old, guaranteed sound. Also a ilarv 4 years old, sound and serviceable, Apply to J. Wisxer. Rocky Saugeen, Considerable grumbling about the Bell Telephone Company here as not putting in the phones according to promise. The wet weather here harvest back. We are . good yield of grain. I \V Moardle, of Markdale, pays a visit almost every Saturday to see his mother who is not improying much. This Week‘s Budget. Mr John C Caldwell, of Galt, has been through Egremont and Proton in company with his two sons. «. David Allen, of our town, has gone to Little Current, to do the carpenter work for a house for his brother Ham. It is regorted bere that David will run for M. P. P. on the iIndependent ticket against R. R. Gamey if there is a good opening. On Wednesday 19th, H C Hooper, of the South of Proton, and who hag been working bere this summer, was united in marriage to Miss Emma Gilks, daughter of the late Thos Gilks. of Dunsalk. They went to Shelburne to haye the knot tied. Congratulations. On Friday 21st some of our sporting boys went to Mt Forest to witnes« the Incrosse play between Owen Souni and Mount Forest. The Cantlan‘s, cattle Mt Forest. were here b week. On Tuesday, the 18th, some of our young men statted for Manitoba. A. mong them was Jos Counlter Jr., Parsâ€" low and Dodds. Intended for last week Football game was played here on Monday evening 17th. as per arranged, between the Hupeyille and Riverview team. The ball was not thrown until 7 p. m. and the boys went ito it with each party being aure of success. The Riveryiew ‘boys were a stalwart lot of young fellows and met by the Hopeville players as their equals. In less than 80 minutes the Riverview boys mude a goal. Then after a few minutes rest they started again and played till dark without either party getling any more. _ ‘Thus the play ended 1â€"0 in favor of Riverview. _ Mr Borriss, of Riverview, was referee, There was some grumbling about the fairâ€" vess of the playing. _ Hopevilie team was accused of baving members of the Swinton Park and Dondalk teams playâ€" ing with them. but they now say that the Swinton Park team is broke up and some of the members joined the Hopeâ€" ville team. â€" The Hopeyille people treatâ€" ;eil lRiverview to a good lunch in Allen‘s all. I must sav that after seemr{ so many places, and London, which 1 like very much, yet I think I can say without fear of contradiction that Nottingham holds the preâ€"eininence for picturesque beauty, cleanness, (the factories there consume their own smoke) and situation,. â€" Like Rome, I am told. Nottingham is built on seyen hills, and the Castle, a very bistoric place, is burilt on the top of a high rock, On Sabbiath morning we attended the congregational church, where imy uucle is the Senior deacon. _ Found a number of changes in the service, but heard a very good sermon. _ In the evening we attended the lst Presbyterian Church, which my late uncle John was acuiyely associated in establishing and was also one of the first elders, _ We saw his likeness in the vestry, and were introâ€" duced to the pastor, Rev. Mr. Grant, formerly of Liyerpool. Felt more at home in the eveniag service. While in Nottingham was muck interested in seeing a great many large electric trams filled with children of all ages who had been takhen for a day‘s outing. _ They were all poor children and were returning home in the evenâ€" ing, so we had to stand for a quite a long time in the rain until «ll the childâ€" ren‘s trams had passed so that we might board one and get bome. _ Was on our way from Newark where we had spent the day. â€" This occasion, and one other in London. a thunderstormn and yery heayy downpour of about two hours, was all the inconvenience to whicn we haye been put since coming to Britain by rain. The weather has been quite Canadian. â€" In London we took the underground railway and reached our h:)]me in Euston Road quite comfortâ€" ably. It is laic so will now bring this to a cluse, and hope you will use your prunâ€" ing shears to cull all unnecessary reâ€" marks, and make it presentable to the public eye. _ With kindest regarads to pubitc exe. with everybody, I remain see the houses ‘where I used to attend school, in one of which I got acquainted with his wife, she also was a Sabbath school scholar with us and I have kept "P a correspondence with het through all these years. An old friend wh> was a Sabbath school scholar with myself, but has been Surerintendent for many years and a Pnl ar in the church, left his place of wsiness to take me to see the old chapel we used to attend as hoy and girl and we sat in the old gallery seats once more and visited each spot of sacred memory. _ The chapel is now a papet warehouse. My friend then took me to Mr. Jos. Kox, is home from Georgia, for a couple of week‘s holidays. Amongst the number at Toronto this week are the following : _ Messrs, Burâ€" rows, Ehrbhardt, W. F. Dunn. Gilbert Mchcechnie, 8. F. Morlock, Wiw. and Thos, Black, Charter Swith, Alex Rusâ€" sell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Seigner. Sightâ€"Seeing on Train and Tram. £.â€"In PDurham on August 190th, to . and Mrs. A, E. Rowe, a son. (Continued from page 1. ) Yours sincerely, FOR SALE. HOPEVILLE. +8 «ie 6 q z22c ue cattle dealers, of near here buying cattle last H. CamErox. A few Screen Doors and Window Screen in stock. Do not be without one at the price. Fancy Lamps Every woman using Carpets should have one of our Carpet Sweepers. Screens Our Store is well supplied with everythiny that is required in the Hardware line. Carpet Sweepers There are no Razors or Scissors to equal the Clauss. Everyone guaranâ€" Razors and Scissors For Sale at £ school Books = School Supplits *MacFatlane & Oo. 38 sQo n oo ap cfooke efeebeciectecic26 § Druggists and Bnuksallarsé’ RXpapkkpp 4PDPKMKE Hardware | *BFA ECE gREASF J BURNETT, Don‘t Forget the fact that we give 6 Bars Comfort Soap TETLEY‘S TEAS W. We Want . BLACK that runs on wheels. Goid tnm”"-" e by IMPERIAL OIL CQ@ Sce our stock of new Scribblers, Exercise Books, and other requisites. The best of everyâ€" thing. That‘s why we have added to the list. We place quality ‘first but have never failâ€" ed to meet prices, For 25 cts. AND W. Black‘s Store. d HARVEST EXCURSIONS We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday. Orâ€" ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur‘s store, or at the REvIirw OFFICE, will receive our best attention. Will be run on SEPT. 15TH and Â¥9TH ; returning until NOVEMBER 16TH Winnipeg. . Regina ... . ) W askada .. MooseJaw Esteyan.... Yorkton . . | Eigin....... Arcola . .... Pr. Albert . ) Moosomin.. Macleod . . ; Wawanesa Calgary .. ) Miniota .. .. Binscart h. . Red Deer . | GrandView Strathâ€" L Swan River cona ) From mll points in Canada, Azilda, sault sie 1 » C xt C i maenen eranttle â€" .00 Tickets are not good on "Imperial Limited A. H., Notman, HKHKLLLO! NEW BUOT & SHOE STORf VWationat Cream Separators. VYew Aeader ritt, We‘re clearing out the balance of our Colonial Slippers at reâ€" duced prices. Shoe Dressings Shoes made to order dSpring VYeeds / / Threshers‘ Mitts Chatham PBuggies and their reputation has beer gained only by their excellence. Also BARCLAY & BEL, Show Rooms opposite Midâ€" ‘«daugh Stables, Lambton St. SEPTEMBER 3, 1903 JS 35. W .Ra_r_n @Organs the Garriages, which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed for beauty and second to none in c}uality. Call and see them and if you do not want to buy one for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is as above mentioned. _ Prices and Styles to suit all. And repairing promptly attended to > TERMSâ€"CasH. Ready for 9 pri ng B rade Rooms of iarcl';y & .Befll, a Carâ€" load of What are you looking for? Is i; a pair of nice BHoots or Shoes ? If so, don‘t fail to call at the We have just agaded to our Stock 4 new lmmes of Gent‘s, and iwo of Laâ€" dies‘ Sovereign Shoes, All stamped prices of sole. These goods are equa) _0, if not superior, to the wellknown Slater Shoes at same prices, Remember the placeâ€"Next to D Campbell‘s Implement Warehouse In Horse Hide and Calf, Also plenâ€" ty of Harvest Mitts. s Trunks, Telescope Valises, Clui Bags, Shawl Straps and School Bags. always in stock. In Paste Dressings we hayve 2 in ]., Shinola, Superba and Black Cat. In Liquid, Gilt Edge, Nonsuch, Pack ards Combination, Old Sol. Sunbean»> Oil, Royal Gloss, Fayorite and Black Cat. and Only Drill in the Market geared from both wheels and full lincs Lately we were talking cutters now its Gray‘s Peter Hamilton‘s Goods in Stock . B. McARTHUR netrirh (gne. Asst. General Passenger Agent, Torounto Also another Shipment of renowned and upâ€"toâ€"date Just RETURN FARES TO respectively, 1903 o Itraith at the Show of iÂ¥ N 24 24 24 2§ Calder‘s Block, HE SELLS Corded Wash Silk Wais White, Black and Col Hp 4O .. .>>>>>>>s>>>>%% Black Mercerized Sate skirts, ... ... . . $1.40, 81 NEW PRINTS & FANC Ruller Window Shades, Tatble Linen, i4 in. wide, #* ‘“ a* White Bed Spreads eact Filsor Oilcloth. 1 ya wide ow EN soryI)» Announcement to tree to anv address on a Don‘t forget us whe good pair of Shoes as Line of Sterling Bros‘. S ¢0~ or In a few months at you can acquire the ve in Business Subjecis, Typewriting. | This in best equipment in Cana W. . B Owjx _ E&om: THE BEST GIH aAT LOWEST ISA LL "I BEGINS TUES. BUY PEEL S H to be dry with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Imyj Famous Tudhor Bishop R Cockshutt and Per Clare Bros.‘ Fu TWEEDS & Proven Steel Hay F Also Brantford W Gasoline E. Calgders Block GROCERIE & .t (s) INspt T. NO SEPTEMBER S$. SG Adopted by al ThisZAesorved Chart Drills, Black i:;&-\'ilrs brings the child‘s immediat Musical Notation . R} iqâ€"w Looat Miss Margaret Sun * The Implement : a continuation of t bestowed on the late be found 7 WNORTHE We can give 1 For terms apply#t0 BIG long 30 in wi ** :’; » all is AT THE OLD pBEY GOODS, ! $MOTS & sHO OL best qu ; Y y P 1y 4N Myer‘s Musi te < o6 AT TH 6 % 6 x ( ) Next kani

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