West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Sep 1903, p. 5

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CONaA e and 9TH «n, sSault Ste nenrest Cana uch, Packâ€" 1. Sunbean» vorite and ur Stock 4 1wo of Laâ€" \ll stamped Is are equal wellknown ises, â€" Clul» nd â€" Schood SR 16TH ert vel . ave Z in 1, rck Cat. In ext to D ‘arehouse ng cutter» 1 Limited ket geared ill lines of re Show . a Carâ€" ‘raith iages, e Mid : balance rs at reâ€" t‘tended to" SIONS for? Is it oes ? If so, tors. ( ) ! idge ev 190. () ient of toâ€"date d test nt. Toronte in Stock @T . o A\rthur‘s CE. will HUR has becep xcellence. Also plenâ€" STORE do rices 800 ‘040 2C In a few months at this institution yon can acquire the very best training in Business Subjects, Shorthand and Typewriting. â€" This institution has the best equipment in Canada. Announcement for 1903â€"04 sent tree toany address on application. Don‘t forget us when you want a good pair of Shoes as we carry a Full Line of Sterling Bros‘. Shoes. BUY PEEL‘S HANDMADE to be dry shod. BEGINS TUES. SEPT.1,* AT THE OWEX soUND _ â€"â€" PRINCIPAT Corded Wash Silk Waist lengths in W hite, Black and Colors eaeh $2 UE C ««««cu.«r«s cossss «s «ors s s + ~ sAonOU Black Mercerized Sateen Underâ€" skirts, .... .. .. $1.40, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY GINGHAM‘S W. . BEAN Geall is 7 Owrx â€" FHocxp»n. Oxi Calder‘s Block, â€" Durham. 24 yds *> 24 2, ** 64 We * Nn . / en e aegaie White Bed Spreads each ... .85¢ & $1.20 Flsor Oilelotbh. 1 yd wide, per yd ....25¢ Reuller Window Shades, each.... Table Linen, i in. wide, per yd . TWEEDS & YARNS with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhope Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton‘s Implements, Adam‘s Sleighs. HE SELLS CHEAP. THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. s 0@ € Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. GROCERIES Calder‘s Blockâ€"Next the Post Office & .Â¥t osk Inspection ol our THS SEPTEMBER 3. Adopted by al! leading2Schools ln:,aomo. -ol This"deservedly popular system means Chart Drilis, Bucwammmm- osting devices brings the following topics within the child‘s immediate comprehension. wolk Musical Notation maLmnie Motion Piano K-l:_\'-;\(nrll Location Musical History Technique For terms applyito Miss Margaret Sun, Teacher,]) M.M,M. S. sSCOTT. T. NOBLE " The Implement Man ‘‘ asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found C. A. FPLEMING, We can give you Bargain‘. FA LL TERM AT THE OLD STAND~®> DIG 4 DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, $90TS & SHOES, &c., long Ot best quality. T. NOBLE Myer‘s Music Method. 42 48 30 in wide, taped edge pr. 40¢c knitted edge *$1.00 .CPe / Young George Campbell had a narâ€" row escape last week. _ The team ran away with the binder, but the young lad got them under control by hard wotk and no damage was done. Miss Bess M:Queen, of Stayner, visiâ€" ted at her aunt‘s Mrs J McQueen‘s. Mrs McQueen accompanied her home last Saturday. She intends to stay for a week or two. Miss M Gordon is again engaged as teacher here with an increase of salâ€" ary. Our new man‘made menticn that we should have a magistrate and Me?ncen would make a good one. I will venâ€" ture to say that no such a man is needâ€" ed in this quiet little burg of ours, though there has been a case of maliâ€" cious act it has been the firs, one and there will be no more. The new school is advancing fast. In another month it will be completed which will be a credit to the contractor, building committee and section It is a building that has caused comment. Mrs Cummings, Dundas, was a visiâ€" tor akt Miss Jane Leith‘s and others last week. Miss Ann McCannel is home hale and hbearty after a visit to the Island and looks ars if the trip agreed with her too. Miss Orr accompanied her home arnd are still enjoying themselyes here. Messrs William Wilson and Findlay Clark took the advantage of the exâ€" eursion trip to the West. _ Both lads wili be missed among the fair sex. Mr Dugald McCannel sold a fine whalebore mare to Mr Wm Black of your town. D and B are both horse dealers. A large load of our aristocrats went out fishing a week or so and had a good time and have captured a lot of trout They all came home well pleased with their outing. _ It was got up for the Toronto visitors. _ They enâ€" joyed a waggon ride with cushioned seats across the rack, with cover of red, white and blue and a ladder to ascend and descend. _ The next morning two of the ladies made the alarm that there was a burglar under the bed. The alarm spread fast and on a close examiâ€" mation proved to be a man made of straw. _ It was not a nice trick to play on two ladies who lived alone. _ Our neighboring town should not try such a game. Frank McCabe is mail drawer.. Our regular mail drawer Jas Marshall is on a trip up the lakes. It is some time since our town has been heard from. Owing to the last budget I cxgeeud there was a new man on and I was well pleased as I am willing to resign and let some one else h:lve the privilege who will be more able. Miss May Eccles visited around here last week. â€" She charmed one tellows toothache. Harvesting is about at an end in our burg and threshing will soon be the order of the day. Mrs Wm Britton visited Bentinck triends for & tew days last week. Mr and Mrs John McKinnon, of your town. visited the McCormick family here one day this week. Miss Annie McArthur, of Toronto, is at present visiting her cousin Dan and Maggie McInnes. Mrs Chas McArthur, who has been sick for the last couple of weeks.is, we are glad to say on the mend. Mr A G McComb has been working for Thos Jackson, of the Glen, for the past two weeks,. Miss McFarlane, of the Corner‘s, left Monday of this week for Toronto. We learn that Mr Donald McKinnon and family intend moving to Mr John Muir‘s farm in Egremont this fall. We wish them every success. Mr Alex Burt, of your town, visited at Mr Thos McComb‘s one day last week. Some from our burg expect to take in the Exhibition in Torontothis week. Mr A C Beaton, formerly of this place, but now of Strathcona, Alberta, is at present around our burg buying a carload of cattle for the West. He leaves Tuesday of this week. What we would iike to know? Where the young man from Zion got the barvest apples he was offering so freely a week ago Sunday night. Mrs Chas Heft (nee Miss Tena Mcâ€" Iutosh) arrived last «©bursday from Sault Ste Alarie for a pleasant sojourn at the oid bome and with her many friends in the community. Mies Kate Coleman, of Owen Sound, is renewing acquaintances in and around the burg. Mr Hunt. our general merchant, reâ€" tires this week from business and is suceeeded by Mr Beardsley, of Moorefield. whom all will wish success to. Mr C R Mclntosh leaves this week to resume his duties as principal of Athens Model School. A goodly ramber from the burg took in the picnio in Quinn‘s romantic groye, Berkeley. on Tnuda‘; last and spent a pleasant and sociable day. Miss Hazel Dargavel, of she county town. spent Sunday at ber home in the village. Rev Dr Boyle. of St Paul, delivyered an impressive ‘fi:‘?mu in the Presbyâ€" terian clurch > ay morning. . His originality | of â€" thought and â€"oratorical powers make him a speaker of more than ordimary ability. Intended for last issue. BUNESSAN. Dornoch. ty 2C e m e ooo > t _ Mr John George returned last week f om the " Soo" bringing with him an ; estimable life partner. We tender conâ€" | gratulations. i BIG ® JEWELERY %®STORE: Miss Mary McDougall left on Thursâ€" day last for Shallow Lake where she will visit her sister, Mrs McKinnon, for a few weeks. Mr T Collison and sister, ct Aberâ€" geen. were yisiting at Stinson‘s on Sunâ€" ay. â€"Lord Strathecona opened formally Toronto Exhibition on Saturday, reâ€" ceived a degree at the University, and was banquetted at night on each occaâ€" sion making fine and popular addresses, The speech of the evening at the banâ€" quet was made by Hon. G. W. Ross, who roused the great company to enâ€" thusiasm by his eloquence. _ Many of the British delegates to the great Monâ€" treal meeting were present, and they must be amassing opinions 0"° this counâ€" try, its men, and its institutions, which will leaven old England‘s views of this country. â€" Mr and Mrs Wm Boyce will celeâ€" brate their "Silk‘"‘ wedding on the 20th of this month. Quite a number have been invited to join in the festiviâ€" ties. â€"Mr Tarte at a big Conservative gathering in Quebec came out strongly tor the destruction of the present Liberâ€" al government, and is now an out and out Conservativye and being welcomed back into that fold, where happily he can do no harm. Mr Henry Cook has had a windmill erected at his barn. son, who leit for the Forest city ion Thur«day after a pleasant sojourn at the old homestead. A quniet but pretty and stylish wedding was solemnizéd at the residenca of Alex mcCracken on Wednesiay last when Ins youngest danghter Hannah w«s united in the holy bonds of mauimony to xr Jas Robertson. _ axiss xinnie Rolerts n was bridesmaid. while xr John »xclotosh, arsisted the groom through the trying ordeal. Rev xr Aitchison tied the inpâ€" tial knot. Only the in.mediate relatives of the contracting parties were present. We exten.. congratulations and wish them mavy years of prosperity and biiâ€"s. T C _Smith. Science Master, of Dunaoâ€" ville High School, who with his family bave been spevding the holidays with ns parents here, left on Baturday tor Smith‘s Falis where he has been appoinâ€" ed Science Mu«ter in the Hish Schuol at a hizher salary. Science men seem to te in demand in the High Schools ts veir fir Mr Swmi‘h was offerad positions in Bradtord and Pembroke after he had accepted at Smith‘s Falls. Mrand Miss Dunsmoor were yisiting at Alex Coutt‘s last week. This Week‘s Budget. Miss Galvin. of Hamilton, left to spend a week in Proton before returriug to her home. and cve of onr ~oung men now eings "I‘m lopely toâ€"night love without yon. Mss Alre Grant. of Darham, spent a pleasant week in the burg the guest of Mrs (D+) Smith We mi‘s the amiling countenauce and pleasant marcrner of Miss amnnie Robertâ€" Rev A P Ledingsham and family hive retnorned from Winnipeg where they spent the surmmwr montbs«. In a short time they will leaye for India to resums mission work. The Messrs. and Misses Coutts, of Aberdeen,!" were visiting at Mr Thos Boyle‘s on Sunday. Miss Sarah McDonald returned to Hamilton on Wednesday after spendâ€" ing two month‘s holiday at nome. Messrs. Fischer and Dice started threshing on the 8th on Tuesday. Their new outfit works to perftection. Miss Mary Ann Twamley has gone to Durnam to learn the dressâ€"making. She intends :o spend the tall and winâ€" ter months there. WRDDLING® sOUTH GREY, DURHAM, Sept. 21â€"2 Industrial, Toronto,...... Aug 27â€"Sept 12 Western, London... .... .. .. Sept 11â€"19 Central, Ottawa...... __..... Sept 11â€"19 North Grey, Owen Sound.....Sept 15â€"17 South Wellington, Guelph. ..Sept 15â€"17 Hamilton................. _ .Sept 1517 Pualmerston........ ... ....... . .. Sept 28 Northern, Walkerton ... . ... . .Sept 23â€"24 Great Northern, Collingwood Sept 22â€"25 East Grey, Flesherton,.. ... ..Sept 24â€"25 Centre Wellington, Fergas. . .Sept 24â€"25 West Wellington, Harriston . .. .Sept 25 Centre Bruce. Paisley........ .Seg)t- 20â€"30 Proton, Dundalk..».. ... . . .Sept 30â€"Oct 1 Silverw are 4tz Rings Seoe OUT tA Solid Gold Wedding Rings in 10k, 14k and 18k, in all the latest styles. Big Stock of Engagemeut Rings to choose from. Nothing as nice as Silverware for Wedding Presents and at Keeler‘s is to be found the largest stock of good Silverware in the county and all our prices are the lowest. Brooches, Necklets, Long Chains, Bracelets and Pins. We certafualy have the stock to choose from. The goods are right here waiting for you AT KEELER‘S CRAWFORD. FALL FAIRS. + ++ THE UUnKKAM REVIEW & Cl y Goods Right, _ {@ Prices Right, feal Service Right. Durham, SILVERWARE THAT SELLS Tenders will be received by the underâ€" signed on or before Sept. 7, for either are or incandescent lighting of the streets of Durbam. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Wx. B. Vour®t, Aug. 11, ‘03. Clerk of Durham. That a GOOD WATCH makes us regular in our habits. You can get a good one in a few minutes if you call on us. A good watch is the cheapest in the long run, and if it is carefully cleaned and oilâ€" ed, it will last a lifetime. He has had 21 YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE and those who deal with him get the benefit of it. SPMbhossey pforvric Show Rooms The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MABSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. _ e e CUT GLASS In PEARL & DIAMOND Brooches out stock is the largest we have ever had. in Diamond & Colored Stone Rings our Stock was never so complete. THE WORLDS MILLIOMIRES _ HKE COLLECTS debts and claims of all kinds. No charga if no money collectâ€" ed. Is not that fair ? INSURANCES, Fire, Life and Accident, placed in .(f°°d comYanles at lowest rates. _ Every loss setâ€" tled honorably and fairly. No quibbling, MOTTOâ€"*" Always mpt, never negligent." All business strictly conmen't)itsl. 6e IT WILL PAY YOU to take him Ixour business though you have to drive 20 miles. Plenty of peoâ€" ple come further and find it to pay. Are careful as to who shall do their busivess. â€" So should you be. Then you bad better go to H. H. Miller, the Hanoâ€" ver Conveyancer. HE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ou shortest notice, lowest rates, very smallest cost, and on your own terms. IF YOU WANT TO BUY a place or business be can find something to suit yon He just now has for s«le 100 ACRES JN BENTINCK with good bank barn, dweliâ€" ing, perhaps the best hardwood bush in the Township avd only asks about $2000, Think of it ! A full IF YOT WISH TO SELL yous propâ€" erty he can do it quicker and better than you can and he charges nething if no sale DARLING‘S DRUCG STORE School Stationfry Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Eutter, frosh roll per Ib Butter, Tub.............. Hides, per ewt... Calfskin«, per lb Sheepskius........ TLMGY .. kccericasrastes Beer, var cwt.... TuarkeyB...... ..c.sc..0}.}s Potatoes, per bag....... TENDERS WANTED. PDURHAM MARKTES. J. A. DARLING, seee ces esd ac 0 000 se o s o 6 stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. A. GORDON, Are now in Demand since the Schools are open. We have laid in a supply of the latest and fist of everything in this lineâ€"in pads, pencils, Exâ€" ercise 3ooks, Penc:l1 Boxes, Slates, Pens, everyâ€" thing that is needed in School. . YOU OTUGGHT TO KNOW H. H. MILLER, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. ieyeles } WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER & OPTICIAN KDDING RINGSâ€"â€"We make a Specialty. Gohn PBivingston see ces e 6 The Hanover Conveyancer. DurBEr HAMPDEN WATOHKES THM ET. TQost of NT iddaugh Jfouse. GSee our second hand Qheels. 10 oo 6 10 13 14 114 And [®ychool NMupplies 10 Beauty combined with quality is what we offer 10 00 6 10 14 15 11} 70 Co 45 13 TORONTO &[Igent. Also Purebred Tams and Berkshires. (Prince Albert.) aVill be for service at Lot 48, Con. 2, E. G. R. for the season of 1903. Peiiâ€" gree on application. Cows not returnâ€" ed regularly will be charged whether in calf or not. _ Payment to be made on or before Kebruary 1st 1904, Terms $1.50. DURAAM MARBLE WORKS Phe undersigned offer for sale Two Shorthorn Bufie. one 12 mos, the other 13 mos. old, principally red and likely animals in eyery respect. Terms on apâ€" plication to ;i{opriowrs. lots 23 and 2, Con. 3, 8. D. R, Glenelg. Will sell reaâ€" sona bly. A. & J. S®Eaue®y, * Miobbeine Miidabugh WRak Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN; MARKERS, HEADSTONES & .MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Lot 10 Con. 2, Township Egremont. County Grey, containing 120 acres. For full particulars apply to Vavinp McKrEuyEy, Thistle P. O. The Best Quality cheaper than ever. Undertaking promptly atâ€" tended to. FURNITUR E Pureâ€"Bred Bulls For Sale. ROBINSON & CORBET, Jake Kress PUKE BRED HEREFURD BULL. Teicyoles ! FARM FOR SALE. JAKE KRESS xt .A Doxarp McFaxprEX, Prop. A. & J. S®EaurEy, Proprietors. All repairing @Oatario. P roprietors. #: Jompany and fri\'su Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lowost rates of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator. ~~ ~ STANDARD BAMK OF CANANI CAPITAL, Authorized ... . ...$2,000,00t CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ 250,000 faviege kenk deporits of 9100 and uy sa $ » and u nré-‘. Prospt attention and ovo:y faceility afforded customers living at Offices : Hunter‘s New Block, cpâ€" posite Chronicle Office. Garatraxa St., Durham. MON!Y.TO LOAN A. G. Mackay K.C. W. F Dunn BARRISTER, SoLIcITOR in SuPrPRema Coun NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, £ETC. AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection :made on all points. Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed «t crrrent rates MHONOR GRADUATE of Toronte University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Snrg=ons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. Barristers, â€" ARTHUR H. JACKSON lon? to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. OFFICEâ€"Mcintyre Block, _ _ _ «ate assistant to the Royal London Ophthaimic % and the Golden Aquare ,Nose #a. BPECIALIST EYE, KAR, THRO.T & xo8r _-_!" EXCLUBIVELY. 4z Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the HWMon each month from 12 p. m. till W.C. PICKERING D.DS., L. D.S. W. S. DAVIDSON, ) & cuinlietiii is 4 ie .Pn 4 p. m. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Du nam Pharmecy Calder‘: Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. Collections of all kinds | Farms bough DURHMHAM AGENGY OFFICEâ€"â€"McKenzie‘s Old Stand Durham D. McPHAIL _â€"» Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Iomu. J.eases, Agreements &c. correctly grep. . Entates of deceased perâ€" sors looked after and Exeguto;'l and sA‘mnuh- trators‘ Accounts prepared an ruod urrogate Court Business Ptob:u of Wills. Lettere of Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles reported RESIDENCE and OFFICEâ€"Ol4 Bask J. G, HUTTON, M. D Terms moderate. Anmunu for sales as to dates, &c., mnst be at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. #3«"* Correspondence addressed here or to Homl.e P. O., will be promptly attended to, on application to NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, CONVEYANCER, vALUVATOR Insurance Agent, Puyvsician & Surozox, Office over McLachian‘s DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. BARRISTER, s0oiciTor, NOATRY PUBLIC Conyr@rancer, . Member College Physicians and Burgeons ARTHUR GUN, M. D., 4 Special attention given to Discases of Women and Children. DENTISTRY. D. McPHAIL, Hopeyille 7. 0. or to C. RAMAGE, Durbham UPPER TOWN, DURAAM. Teloephone Connection No. 10 DR GEO. S. BURT. MACKAY & DUNN, MONEY TO LOAN . LEFROY McCAUL. Head Office, Torono. HOURS : W. F. COWAN, President. 9â€"18 4. m. 29â€"4 p. m . J. P. TELFORD LOWER TOWN. DURHANM. Private Money to Loan, J KELLY, Agent. Conveyancers, ac. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. 8 to 10 a.x. 2 to 4 r. 4. 7 to 9 P, 1. (Over the Buank x1 it 1W

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