West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Sep 1903, p. 5

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Fc}imo.luw orkton .. . Azilda, seult Ste. ply to nearest Canaâ€" mperial Limited ted Deer trathâ€" t the balance ippers at reâ€" ces. ptly attended to ents eIDa to our Stock 4 and two of Laâ€" s. _ All stamped‘ goods are equad » the wellknown e prices, velv we have 2 in 1. d Black Cat. In Nonsuch, Packâ€" ld Sol. Sunbeam approved ;’rpassed for to none in ee them and o buy one 1 be able to he old old s rigs which d. _ Prices eâ€"Next to D. nt Warehouse. tion has been heir excellence. for AM hipment of upâ€"toâ€"date 1 and test URSIONS SH ES TO neleod ilgary Araith Pade t the Show Bell. a Carâ€" der 0, 1963 MBEI ie bridge evâ€" urday. Orâ€" . McArthur‘s OrrtcE. will Ma alkin for TH and 9TH â€" arators OC 3 «ts / . alf rrid Valises, Clal» and â€" School Albert Favorite and BELL THUR ite Midâ€" St. )eet ‘ hâ€" £ cona ' ket gweared ( ) in Stock gos, \Iso plenâ€" Toronto ines of cutters 800 $5 ) \ OWEX soOUND Owrex Souxp. Onu. Full particulars sent free to any address Calder‘s Block, â€" Durham. *) For An Education 24 SEPTEMBER 10. 1903 BUY PEEL‘S HANDMADE to be dry shod. H#E SELLS CHEAP. Roller Window Shades, each..... Table Linen, 34 in. wide, per yd .. White Bed Spreads each .. ..8¢e & $1.20 Flsaor Oileloth. 1 yd wide, per yd ....25¢ Corded Wash Silk Waist lengtbs in W hite, Black and Colors eaeh $2 UIJF IG. .. .....rr«.arxa«rkvs@s«« «s «MQnod Black â€"Mercerized Sateen Underâ€" skirts, ........ $1.40, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY GINGHAM‘S Don‘t forget us when you want a zood pair of Shoes as we carry a Full Line of Sterling Bros‘. Shoes. §8 4@# THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhope Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &e. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, ‘Tolton‘s Implements, Adam‘s Sleighs. TWEEDS & YARNS ¢% ¢& @ Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. Calder‘s Blockâ€"Next the Post Office GROCERIES & Ne osk Inspeciion ol our THRS S$. sSCOTT. Myer‘s Music Method. Adopted by al! leadingsSchools in Toronto. This"deservedl lar system means of o ninitnien{ontitre ns mantredhieh esting devices brings ollowing topics within the cilld'- immediate comprehension. ar_ia«} Natatian â€" Whyrthmic Motion Piano Work Musical Notation Keyâ€"board Locati C, A. FLEMING, _ For terms applyfto _ Miss Margaret Cun, Teacher,1. M.M,M. yds long * The Implement Man *‘ asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found Best course of study in Business Subjects, Shorthand and Typeâ€" writing. _ Best methods, The most thoroughly equipped colâ€" lege in the Dominion. Students may enter at any time. We can give you Bargain‘. all is «FZPere . That is practical, useful and upâ€"toâ€"date, attend the . H. BEAN AT THE OLD STAND~> . NOBLE DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, 40TS & SHOES, &c., Of best quality. T. NOBLE NORTHER 30 in wide, taped edge pr. 40¢ knitted edge *$1.00 PRINCIP AT, â€"Mr Tarte is optimistic as to the chances of Conservatives winning at the next election and builds his hopes largely on the alleged declining health of the Premier. _A ghoulish view to ventilate, and little to his credit. â€"The Alaskan Boundary Commisâ€" sion is meeting in London, and nothing so far has resulted. _ Cansdians will wuit with anxiety the outcome of this latest danger to them through treaty dealings. â€"King Ed ward is home from Vienna Austria, where he was enthusiastically received, and created a splendid imâ€" pression. _ On returning to London he was warmly welcomed. â€"The Commission appointed to inâ€" vestigate the causes of the S. African war has reported and something lik~ consternacion reigns at the revelation of unpreparedness and lack of foresight of the War Department. _ To be so caught is indefensible, but it gives the lie to opponents of the war who charge that Britain was scheming tor the overâ€" throw of the little republics. Someâ€" â€"â€"British Columbia elections take place Oct 3, â€"A company of British Parliamexg- tarians were at ‘Toronto Show tnis week _ By addresses they made it is clear they are having an eycâ€"opening experience. â€"The Ottawa parliamen.t imet March 12, and some are predicting a session till the srow flies. An agitation for increase of indemmity from $1500 to $2000 may swon be expected. â€"War seems imminent between Turkey and Bulgaria and the *‘ Powâ€" ers‘‘ talk of interfering. ~~bat is known of Turkey‘s pacitying methods makes plain peeple sympathize with Bulgaria, while some of the powers, Jealous of each other, want to see Turkey remain in possession of her strategic ports, for the simple reason they could not agree on their division among themselves. â€"â€"The House of Commons sat all night Thursday evening last discusâ€" sing the G. T. R. in committee. _ The obstruction was caused by interminable speeches by opposition members, no government supporter taking the floor. At 3 a. m. the Hansard staff, exbausâ€" ted, went off to rest, and this unusual occurrence exasperated those who wanted their speeches reported. _ An appeai was made to the speaker but the decision was given that in commitâ€" tee tt was not imperative to have them reported. . The farce went on, few or noue listening, some sleeping, reading novels, &c¢., and the House sat continuâ€" ously till 11 p. m. Friday night when the government allowed some clauses to remain over. _ This show of vigi lance is the righs of an opposition. _ In this case it may delay action till Mr. Borden recovers from an untortunate ilIness. body‘s head will fell, tor the commisâ€" sion hints things are not much better yet. Within the last few years the conâ€" sumption of chickers has increased in Canada : the price realized for plump chickens has advanced. _ Both the inâ€" crease in consumption and advance in price are due to the business of crate fattening ckickens. Thechickens that realize the highest market price toâ€"day are chickuns that are fatted and preâ€" pared for market in sccordance with the directions issued by the Dominion Department of Agriculture. Chickens from the Ontario and Quebec Illastraâ€" tion Stations were so‘d a few days ago to Mr Henry Gatehouse for twelye cts. r pound, live weight; and to the gznndian Produce Co., Toronto, Ont., for eleven‘ets. per pound live weight. These are profitable prices that can be obtained by any farmer shipping the same quality of chickens to Montreal or Tcronto. The method of killing the ckicken by dislocating its neck is different from the oldâ€"fasbhioned way of wringing or twisting the neck. When the chickens neck is dislocated, and the head is pullâ€" ed from the neck in the manner describâ€" ed in the bulletin " Profitable Poultry Farming,‘‘ the loose, unbroken skin of the neck forms a sack into which the blood flows. The body of the chicken is as well drained of blood as if the head were cut off with an axe: the market appearance of the chcken is improved by killing by dislocation : the flesh of the chicken is more juicy and edible. On the contrary, when ckickens are killed by twis:ing the neck, death results mainly from strangulation. The body of the chickâ€" en is not freed from blood on account of there being no space in the peck into which the blood can flow. The appearâ€" ance 0f the flesh of the chicken that has been killed by twisting its neck is reddish and blood can be plainly noted in it. In several cities in Canada a law is in force probibising the sale of chickens that are killed by twisting the neck. Hence, the senselessness of the ridicule by certain members of the House in debate regarding the detailed ;directions in * Profitable Poultry Farming‘‘ for killing the chicken by ' dislocating its neck, and the absurdity of making the statement _ thatt :imloca; L ® _ t.clutivse a nom ting the neck and wTrIngINng °"C are one and the same thing. Yours very truly, w. A. CLEMONS, TOPICS OF THE WEEK | The Poultry Trade of Canada. Profitable and Increasing. Killing Market Chickens. and wringing the neck Publication Clerkâ€" ! Miss Sarah J. Collier. of the Soo, visi ted at Mr J Collier‘s and other friends around here last week. Mr Dan McGregor, bridge Supt. of B. C. returned Friday after spending a week with his sister Mrs D McFayden, of the Avenne. _ It is over 19 years since Mr McGregor left this part and he can see a great many changes in old Glenelg since that. Pleased to hear to hear that Rev T H Farr is improving nicely. Rev Mr Farquharson held a prayer meeting in the Grange hall last Tues® day night. Mr Joseph Firth. Sr., who has been in bed for over seven months celebra ted his 92nd birtbday last Monday. Mr DMcFayden and son Wm and Mis J H McFayden attended the funâ€" erai of Miss Maggie Elien McPhee, of Normanby, atter an illness of three days with appendicitis. Miss Annie Staples returned to Torâ€" onto last Monday. Miss Jennie Staples and brother Mat lett Tuesday for Toronto. Receipts of cattle nt the Western Mairâ€" ket toâ€"day were light. aud trade was quiet, The offerings of other stock were tairly good, and trado. while not yery brisk. could not be called duall. Export Cittleâ€"Extra choice ara quoted at $4.70 to $4 80 per ewt,. ordinary choice at $4.40 to $4.60, others at $4.2%0 to §4 80 and cows at $2.50 to $8.7». Butchers‘ Cattleâ€"A few catile were offering. but most of them were of poor grade, and prices for the best are nomiâ€" nal. Picked lots are quotable at $4.80 to §$4.50 per ewt. choice at $4.10 to $4.2n, fair to good at $3.75 to $4.10, rongh to common at $2.25 to $8.lo0 and cows at $2.50 to $8.50. Miss Nina Burgess visited at Mr Wm Edge‘s last Sunday. She intends leaving tor Rochester on Thursday. Stockers and Feedersâ€"The demand for theâ€"e cattle continues fair, and the lots offering this morning sold fairly well. Prices are quoted unchanged. _ Stockers bring $2.50 to $8.40 and feeders 42. 75 to $4.20. Milch Cowsâ€"There were a number of yood cows offering, and they sold readily at $3) to $55 each. There is a continâ€" ued demand for good cowr. Calyesâ€"There was a fair run, »nd all were scld. Qnotations are unchanged at 4c to alc per lb. or $2 to $10 each. Every body around here have finishâ€" ed harvesting and are now making ready for thrashing. Sheep and lambs â€" The run was not heavy. ‘Trade was brisk, and everything sold fairly early. _ Quotations all round are unchanged. Export sheep are quotâ€" ed at $2.50 to $3.50 per ewt. culls at $2 to $3 each and lambs at $2.50 to $8.50 each, or $8.75 to $4.10 per owt. Hogsâ€"Everything on the maurket was sold, and quotstions are unchanged at $6,25 per ewt tor selects and $6 for lights »nd fats. FALL FAIRS. sOUTH GREY, DURHAM, Sept Industrial, Toronto,.... . Aug 27â€"Sept 12 Western, London... .........Sept 11â€"19 Central, Ottawa...... . ....Sept 11â€"19 North Grey, Owen Sound.....Sept 1517 Houth Wellington, Guelph. ..Sept 15â€"17 Hamilton.............. ... â€" .Sept I6â€"H7 Holland, Chatsworth ... ... . . . . Sept 22â€"23 Palmerston........ ......... .. .. Bept 20 Northern, Walkerton ... . . .. . .Sept 23â€"24 Great Northern, Collingwood Sept 22â€"25 Sullivan, Desboro........... ..Sept 24â€"25 East Grey, Flesherton, .. ... .. Sept 24â€"25 Centre Wellington, Fergus. . .Sept 24â€"25 West Wellington, Harriston .. . .Sept 25 Egremont, Holstein. ......... . Sept 29 Bentinck,. Hanover............Sept 20â€"30 Centre Bruce, Paisley........ ,Seg)r: 20â€"30 Proton, Dundalk...... ... . .Sept 30â€"Oct 1 Glenelg, Markdale...........October 6â€"7 To the satisfaction of our customers and their continued patronage we ° owe the success of our business. Whilst our stock of Watches, Wedding and Diamond Rings, Cut Glass, Silver ware, Clocks and other novelties. FTARM for SALE or RENT. Warchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. taining 162 acres, 150 acres ‘in a good state of cultiyation, 12 acres bush. Good buildings and firstâ€"class orchard. Well watered. Only six miles from Durham. Also a hay press for sale. The undersigned offers for sale lots 46 and 47, Con. 3, 8. D. R., Bentinck, conâ€" The undenifined offer for sale Two Shorthorn Bulls, one 12 mos, the other 13 mos. old, principally red and likely animals in every respect. Terms on apâ€" plication to rogriewra. lots 23 and 2%, Con. 3, 8. D.g{. lenelg. Will sell reaâ€" sonably. A. & J. Snm momil a h cemam Also Purebred Tams and Berkshires. This is of particnlar significance to prosâ€" pective buyers in our line of goods. The price inducements offered by us are not in the nature of "special sales." They simply emphazise our exceptional selling advantages. FACTS PLAIN A. Gordon, Live Stock Markets Toronto. â€"Bred Bulls For Sale. Edge Hill. ALEx. Brooas, Prop. THE UVUKKHKAM REVIEW 21.22 Goods Right, SPbassey pforvris Show Rooms The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. _ k. ut on Durham, A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. WDDDINQ@ School Stationj_ery DARLINC‘S ORUG STORE Rings Silverw are 4z BIG % JEWELERYASTORE: See OUT t FIOUT... ..« see sesssse 06 6+* OAtMEAIL....... .o« »»6««+++ WheRt........cccccccc006}+ BAFIOY... ..« ceesee s css 6666# OUB... ccrerivverrcrrcrcasch Laumbs.................«««« Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Tutter, fresh roll per 1b Butter, Tub......;......« Hides, per cwt... Calfskine, per lb Sheepskins....... Hav......ccccccs06* Beei, var CWi...> Potatoes, per bag DURHAM MARKTES. Solid Gold Wedding Rings in 10k, 4k and 18k, in all the latest styles. Big Stock of Engagemeut Rings to choose from. Nothing as nice as Silverware for Wedding Presents and at Keeler‘s is to be found the largest stock of good Silverware in the county and all our prices are the lowest. Brooches, Necklets, Long Chains, Bracelets and Pins, We certainly have the stock to choose from. The goods are right here waiting for you AT KEELER‘S J. A. DARLING, see ces css ane es aee 620 608 es ces cce cce ee0 en 00 # 608 ee00 cce c00 s00 o0 e a00 20 0 Are now in Demand since the Schools are open. We have laid in a supply of the latest and best of everything in this lineâ€"in pads, pencils, Exâ€" ercise 3ooks, Penc:l1 Boxes, Slates, Pens, everyâ€" thing that is needed in School. eee aee eee se se 200 6 CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST see ces es a 0e 680 ieyales } eas ce ce e #68 ae4se0 000 Gohn PBivingston, Test ef )N iddaugh Jfouse. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ) Prices Right, jcal Service Right. See cur second hand (Qheels. 10 oo 6 13 14 And [®ychool Nupplies To 47 114 10 00 6 10 14 15 114 70 to 45 18 ¢fITgent. DURRAM MARBLE WORKS The Best Quality cheaper than ever. Undertaking promptly atâ€" tended o. CALDWELL‘S I.I“ERY STA'sLE (Opposite Middaugh House) Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, FURNITUR E LATEST DESIGNS IN°MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. IHt WORLDS MILIONARES Are careful as to who shall do their business. So should you be. Then you bad better go to H. H. Miller, the Hanoâ€" ver Conveyancer. INSURANCEES, Fire, Life and Accident, placed lnexood oom‘nnlea at lowest rates. Every loss setâ€" tled honorably and fairly. No quibbling, MOTTOâ€"*" Alwa mpt, naver negligent." All business strictly men‘:itnl. He has had 24 YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE and those who deal with him get the benefit of it. PUKE BRED HEREFORD BULL. (Prince Albert.) wWill be for service at Lot 48, Con, 2, E. G. R. for the season of 1908. Peiiâ€" gree on application. Cows not returnâ€" ed regularly will be charged whether in calf or uot. _ Payment to he made on or before Kkebruary 1st 1904. Terms $1.50. IF YOU WANT TO BUY a place or business he can find something to suit yon He just now has for sule 100 ACRES IJIN BENTINCK with good bank barn, dweliâ€" ing, perhaps the best hardwood bush in the Township and only asks about $2000. Think of it ! HE COLLECTS debts and claims of all kinds. No charga if no money collectâ€" ed. Is not that fair ? IT WILL PAY YOU to take him your business though you have to drive 20 miles. l;lenty of peoâ€" ple come further and find it to pay. Lot 10 Con. 2, Township Egremont. County Grey, containing 120 acres. For full particulars apply to HE WILL LEXD YOU MONEY on shortest notice, lowest rates, very smallest cost, and on your own terms. IF YOT WISH TO SELL your propâ€" erty be can do it quicker and better than you can and he charges ncething if no sale Jake Kress ROBINSON & CORBET, P roprietors. Teicyslos / JAKE KRESS. ho 9i FARM FOR SALE. Davin McKrivEYy, Thistle P. O. Doxauro McFaxpEX, Prop. 6 FOR The Hanover Conveyancer. All repairing Oatario. ols #». SPECIALIST EYE, KAR, THROT & x»OUF Anmammnanommum,. . EXCLUBIVRLY . 4 Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the ,m _W_o‘nudny of each month from 12 p. m. til} 4 p. m. MACKAY & DUNN, Barristers, â€" _ Solicitors, Conveyancers, &ac. OMces : Hunter‘s New Block, opâ€" posite Chronicle Office. Garatraxa St., Durham. MOoNEY TO LOAN A. G. MackKkay K.C. W. F Dunn ()FFICB FIR8ST DOOR EAST CF the Du oam Pharmascy Calder‘: Block. Residence first deor west of the old Post Office, Durham. OMceâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURHAN. W.C. PICKERING D. DS., L. D.S. Jompany and priyate Funds to Loan or Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator, >~; MHONOR GRADUATE of Torente University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Snrgsons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. and on terms to suit borrower. OFFICREâ€"Mclntyre Block, he * BARRISTER. SOoLICITOR iN SUPREME COURY NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Agreements &c. correctly uropnns‘.‘ Estates of deceased Inrâ€" soms looked after and Executor‘s and Adminisâ€" trators‘ Accouuts prepared and rnod Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills. Letter® of Adâ€" minstration and Guardiauship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles reported AGENTS in all principal points .n Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United Stetes and England. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection :made on all points. _ Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed at current rates SAVINGS BANH aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers livieg at Collections of all kinds } Farms boyh. promptly attended to and sol. STANDARD BAKK OF CAMN CAPITAL, Authorized .......$2,000,00L CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ $50,000 OFFICEâ€"â€"McKenzie‘s Old Stand Durham D. McPHAIL _â€" DURHMHAM AGENCY Wills, RESIDENCE and OFFICEâ€"O14 Banx UPPFER TOWXN, DURAAM. DR‘ Gnoo 80 BURT. sain amsistant to the Roys) London Opbthalmie Co‘lections and Agency promptly attended to @arrictcr, Yotary, Gor veyancer, Qto., éto..... Money to Loan at reasonaole rates J. G, HUTTON, M. D Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate. u-m-nu for sales as to dates, &c., mnst be at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. ##" Correspondence addressed here orto Hopeville P.O., will be promptly attended to, r\r-o on application to AÂ¥ll Charges Moderate NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &ec, CONVEYANCER, vALUVATOR Insurance Agent, DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. KHOLT L. D. S. Prvercian & SurGzox, Office over McLachian‘s BARRISTER, S0OICITOR,~ NOATRY PUBLIC CONYEYANGCER, ac. A@~ Special attention given to Discases of Women and Children. DENTISTRY. ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Member College Physicians and Surgeons G. LEFROY McCAUL. D. McPHAIL, Hopeville P. 0. or to C. RAMAGE, Durbham Telephone Connection No. 10 W S. DAVIDSON, MONEY TO LOAN Head Office, Torono. HOURS W. F. COWAN, President. 9â€"12 4. m. 2â€"4 p. m. J. P. TELFORD Private Money to Loan, J KELLY, Agoant. 8 to 10 a. M. 2 to 4 P. N. ;(Over the Bank

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