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Durham Review (1897), 29 Oct 1903, p. 1

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fommns CP st Â¥Hz»" otf NC t |a fhe Durtam Review. our Holidoy Momber, ond the Montreal Weekty Herold All 3 to end of 1904 for $1.15. 3 p o s c c ppip k pipipip quidpipprpipidsipdpi ty 0 " V kfi i qedb dop obdeinicbdeirie(e M & PDarling‘s Prug Store 4 25c a Bottle, Only from DARLING, THE PEOPLE‘S DRUGGIST BETTER CURE THAT COUGH NOW Our Imperial Cough Cure We back up this statement by guarranteeing a refund of your money if it fails in your case. Is just the thing that will do it it aids expectoration, it soothes inflamation, it heals, cures and strengthens, nbeleCels®aleZelaCeleSelaZe!aZe) <a"alecelaZelaneleCelete leCelenele Coleve o ce wl Ei Soe uin e enc a B en en o wranenaa esd C ah oo s en Absolute Security SE It will not cure consumption, but it will cure any cold or any cough of the usual kind, “:..::.........$3o.ooto$50.oo CA+ t«.k+2 ++ s« «30W Subscribe or Renew NOW LAIDLAW‘S Old Stand + + ++ se » FegyO ko + «+ xxs‘*‘« Z0 to Bokharen..... Grey Lamb, .. PDUITNC $5.00 up ++‘*« +« . {HIO.00 4.50 to 8.50 2.50 to 5.00 2.50 and 3.00 . $2 up 28.00 13.00 3 | Soctatm.â€"A very pleasant evenihg was ’% |spent in Calder‘s Hall, by the Royal * ’I’:eluplars. Tnuesday evening of last week, ‘the losing side in the program contest %‘furnishing the treat for the occasion. % A very pleasant time was spent in singâ€" ing, social chat, &c., Mrs. Newton,. lgi ; Messrs Dz"{sdnle and Wright, Miss .* Stewart and others contributing to the | programme. An open free concert wili 0§> take place two weeks from Tuesday, : November 3rd, Messrs Wright, Bell and % | Drysdale being the committee charged $§> | with providing the program. DURHAM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1903. " ‘ary part also and everyone seemed pleased at the success attained. The proceeds are to be apElied to the erecâ€" ; tion of a woodshed at the school. THE LATE M. K. BEATON. â€" We reâ€" gret sincerely to have to speak of this gentleman as among the dead, but such is the case we haye been informed. and his remains are toâ€"day, Tuesday, being interred in Flesherton. _ Of late he and his family bave been living at Trout Creek, Ont., and in the district from Durham to Flesherton, he was well and : favorably known. _ An attack of pneuâ€" monta carried him off. We haye no deâ€" itails at this writing, but he leayes a widow and at least one child as chief ‘ mourners. For some years he has been |engaged in timhering operations and , was very successful. Pres SoLDp WELL.â€"The lpie and box social at Hutton Hill school on Friday evening last was certainly the most successful _ ever held in this district. Teacher John A. Graham generally "*does things," and as an organizer of school eyents he has few equals. The school was crowded and the proceeds of the evening. $56.45, testifies to the enâ€" thusiasm in the section over school affairs and to the ability of Mr. W. S. Davidson, who acted as Aunctioneer. The pies ranged in price from $1.00 to over %Lm. Of course there was a literâ€" FARMING FOR PROFIT.â€"Eyery farmer should keeé) these three words constantâ€" ly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and hapâ€"hazard methods are no longer used by successful and upâ€"toâ€"date farmâ€" ers. The Weekly Sun, the Farmers‘ Bus.ness Paper gives the latest «nd most accurate information about the business and besides pushes for and supports all legislation for the benefit of fatmers, In combination with the REâ€" viEw from now to Jan 1, 1905, only $1.75. Barrists in SEsstoN. â€" The Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec met in Owen Sound last week ana held most successful sessions. _ They gaseed regolâ€" ntions of sympathy with the nonâ€"conâ€" formists of England in their struggle, took firm ground against the liquor traffic and cigarettes and commended the work of the Prisoners‘ A1d Associaâ€" tion. With a view to strengthen Sunâ€" day School work it is pro(smsvd to appoint a General Supetrintendent of S. S(‘KOOOl:.. I Rariv Progorkss.â€" The toundations ; of the new Hunter block on the old | Stewart corner are about con.pleted, / the excayations, &c.. haying been rapâ€"‘ idly made under the personal superviâ€" | ston of the Messes, Hunter. The corner and the town will be immensely beneâ€" $ fitted and beautified by this fine block | when completed and also by the large | addition Mr. V. Hahn, the energetic ; proprietor of the Knapp House is makâ€" i ing to his hostelry just opposite. j Rev. A. E. Henry. of Knox Churcb, Hamilion, who comes for the Presbyâ€" terian Anniversary services on Sunday and Monday next, will speak on Monâ€" day evening on The Boy." _ How Mr. Henry will deyelop this broad subject we know not, but those who know f)im will expect a treat no matter what subâ€" ject. _ No admission fee. _ Freeâ€"will offering at the door. VANDALISXK.â€" On Saturday or Sunâ€" day last some miscreants (f;d serious damage :o the school buildings. breakâ€" ing windows, locks, &c. _ The incipient burglars may tind such work costly and the trustees are taking steps to discover the perpetrators and prevent the recurâ€" rence of such regrettable outbursts. An "Organ Recital" will be given by Mrs. Newton. assisted by â€" talented vocalists, on Thursday evening Nov. 6th, in the Baptist Church, to which ali lovers of music are invited. Y ou feel the need of Gloves now, both for comfort and appearance. Stotrey‘s Gioves for men are what you need. .{:unes Ireland. FoR SAL®E.â€"Two Durham Bulls. Pediâ€" greed. One Roan, 9 mos. old. One Red, 17 mos. old. _ Will be sold cheap. Apply t.';) [’{‘. G. Morrison, Rocky Saugeen What about Underwear? H. H. Mockler carries "Penman‘s Unshrinkâ€" able" in Men‘s goods and * Puritan" brand in Ladies, none better. Dr, Geo. 8. Burt, Eye. Ear, Throat and Noset Specialist, ‘will be at the Middaugh House. Durhain, Wednesday Nov. 4th,. â€" Hoursâ€"10 to 4 p. in. Special Snaps this week in Men‘s and Women‘s shoes. Don‘t fail to see them. H. H. Mockuer. FoR SALK.â€"Five pair of little pigs, three dollars per pair if taken at once J. WISMER, Rocky Saugeen. WAXNTED.â€"First class General Ser yaot. Apply at once to Money to Loan at 44 Ber cent. MacKaÂ¥y & DUxx. Durham. The joy of living is greatly enhanced this weather by a good Fur. _ Jas. Ireâ€" land sells them, REviEw balance of the year for 15 cts to new subscribers. Mrs. H. W. Mocku®Er. OoPICS _ i | 6 » : l ~ & M heVIEWM. & :+ o a & The Mt. Forest Confederate says : Mrs. Neil McArthur, of Egremont, was a native of Scotland and came to Canada in 1851. In 1852 she was married and settled in Hamilton, and in the following year moved to Egremont, where she and her husband settled on lot 11, con. 11, and resided till her deâ€" cease. Only last year the aged _}mir celeâ€" brated their golden wedding. They had a famKr of eight, six of whom survive. Mrs. McArtbhur died on Tuesday of last week. _ The funeral did not take place till Monday to enatle some of the more distant members of the family to reach here for it, which they did except the daughter in Victoria, who was unable to come, The deceased was held in the highest esteem hi all who knew her and special sympat ty is felt for her bereaved Enrtner in life. She was a member of the Baptist church. ANNIVERSARY SERvVICEKS.â€"On Sunâ€" day and Monday, Nov. 2nd and 3rd reâ€" sp«»ctivel‘i'. the Presbyterian body here will hold their Annual Anniversary Services. Friends of the church will leatn with interest that Rev. A. E, Henry, of Hamilton. who made many friendva here during the three months he labored while Rey, Mr. Jansen was in Holland, is to be present and around for a few days.. He will preach at both services on Sunday and take a large part at the Monday evening meeting. _ For this latter a musical program is also in preparation, _ Mr Henry will be warmiy welcomed by many who admired his eloquence and Christian spirit. |_ EnexnrzEr Raryvrest Hoxe SEervicEs. , â€"The Ebenezer Methodist Churck west of Vickers, purposes hbolding their Anâ€" | nual Harvest Home Seryices on Sunday | and Monday, the 1st and 20d of Novemâ€" | ber. Special sermons on Sunday at 2.30 [and 7 p. m. by Rev. Wray R. Smith. | Special collections at each service. On the following Monday night, a good program will be furnished Singing by l Burham Methodist Choir, addresses and recitations. Admission, 15 cents. in music, recitations and npeechea.r In the evening the Mission Band gaye a Thanksgiving concert. On accornt of the inclemency of the weather the audience was small. The offering was $3.00.â€"Com. Overcoats and Reefers for small boys youths and old boys at Jas. Ireland‘s. AT Murock.â€"On Thanksgiving day the officers of the Bentinck Baptist Church, with their wives met at the home of Rev. C. E. Pineo in time to sit down to a Thanksgiving dinner. â€"After dinner all retired to the parlor, when Mr. Wm. Ellison was chosen chairiman, after which a pleasant hour was spent in music, recitations and sneeches â€" In A GrREAT BARGAIN.â€"We will give the DURHAM REviEw from now to Jan. 1st, 1905, over 1 year, for $1.00. In addiâ€" tion to this you secure cur handsome illustrated Holiday Number, a fine Journal of about forty pages. Suhâ€" scribe or Renew now ».ncr take full adâ€" ‘vantage of this offer 3, 8. D. R, Bentinck on Friday Nov. 6. 10 mos. credit. See Inlls for {mrticulars. Farim will be offered for sale at same time. R. BricHax, A. Braas, Auctioneer. Prop. GurxEra Hisrory.â€"Our readers and ourselves are much indebted to our Priceville correspondent for the most interesting article in this issue on Gienâ€" elg‘s early days. It is most fitting that these early chapters of pioneerism should be told and not allowed to pass into obliyion. Our correspondent deals with the subject con amore and more is to follow. Saue RREGISTER.â€" â€"Credit Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements and Houseâ€" hold Furniture will he held at lot 46. con. We have altogether remodelled our Grocery Derartment and are now carâ€" rying all those tasty things in Canned and Bottled goods. ‘Nothing but the best brands come into our store, All goods delivered. H. H. MockuEr. 8. (G, WOMEN‘8 IN8TITUTE.â€"A meetâ€" ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Thos. McGirr. near Durham, on Thursâ€" day, Nov. 5th. An interesting meeting is expected. All ladies are cordially inâ€" vited to attend. KaATE L. Drxox, Sec. MADAME LIVINSKI, the Physic Palâ€" mist, is being visited by a great nmnr Town people. Don‘t fail to visit this lady and gain advice on loye, business, and marriage. Room 10, Knapp House, Fees, 35 & 50c. . Leaving town Monday, Our 10c Wrapperettes are a wonder. Everybcdy is pleased with them. H. H. MockLrer. Wear a "" Royal Brand " Suit or Oyer* coat and feel that you are well dressed. They‘re made by the Fit«Reform people and sold by James Ireland. The right underwear for this weâ€"ther. Sure to please you and&make you comâ€" fortable. at James Ireland‘s, You "ought to" wear the "Onto" Cap, the newest, sold hy _ ___ First Cluss newly calved cow for Sale with calf at side. "Apply to The softest. lightest, warmest blankâ€" ets, they‘re ail woolâ€"at Jas. Ireland‘s. WaxTED.â€"Good general servant at once. _ Apply to Mrs. Somerville at Mrs. J. H. Hunter‘s residence. The byâ€"elections on Tuesday left the standing of the parties as before. but reverses the complexion of the constituencies. Muskoka is now Conâ€" servative while the Soo went Liberal. The Government majority is still 4, with N. Renfrew to hear from, so that at the worst, Ross will have 4 to lean upon, with the speaker off, 3. Ben Nevis Camp meets Friday of this week. BYE ELECTIONS. ONE TO EACH. ONTARIO ARCHIVES ~~*=~ TORONTO JoHX SMITH, Durham. A. H. MockLEr. Strayed from the premises of the unâ€" dersigned 3rd Con., Normanby, Seven (7) yearâ€"olds. One white, two red and white and four black and white. Inforâ€" mation that will lead to their recovery will be suitablyfrewarded. Information may be left at REyvIEW office or with proprietor, Wx. MAaRsSHALL, Sr. TAkE NoTICE that application will be made on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Durham to :Kg next session of the Legislature for the Proâ€" yince of Ontario for a Special Act to ratify and confirm Byâ€"law No. 447 of the said Town of Durham which is a Byâ€"law to grant aid _ by way of a loan and other benefics to The Durin.ln Manâ€" ufacturing Company, Limited. W. 8. Davinpsox, Bolicitor for the said Corporation,. Notice of Application to Parliament. ipuibe‘ * Dumbssutabintthe D slsnd Prkiascas Li d Too much credit cannot be given to them as nation builders and it remains for their descendants to comglet.e the work their fathers began under such trying conditions. May they fulfil their work in as creditable a manner. ; SCrtinicntt Redvals \Pir hi‘ ‘.> l MEsARE KTE CHW life, he always enjoyed excellent health and even within six months of his death was able to walk about out of doors. One by one the old proneers are passâ€" ing away and soon we will have nothing but their memory and their work to reâ€" gnll to us this inyaluable type of citizen. The subject of our sketch was a man well suited to stand the rigors of the early, pioneer life. Possessing a sturdy frame and a healthy body, he rapidly cleared his farm and built for himself a comfortable home. Twentyâ€"five years ago he retired from active work, living on the fruits of an energetic life, With E..t:e ixception of a single period of his C e l n c 0n 0 n M in times of affliction and trial,. The high estimation in which he is held may be learned from the words of his oldest and nearest neighbor, who, on bhearing of his death remarked "for fiftyâ€"five years Mr Firth and I haye been neighâ€" bors and we have never had one noint of disagreement during that time." Mr. Fiith was the gbungest of a famâ€" ily of eleven and has no survivying brothers or sisters. Of his own family, seven reaches the state of manhood and womanhood. They all survivye him but his third son. Dan, who died eleven years ago. . William, Harry and Joseph live in Glenelg, George in Melancthon Township. _ His daughters, Mis. Fox and Mrs. Williams, live in Durham, His wife predeceased him seven years, EThe deceased was a true type of an nglishman. Descended from the yeoâ€" maun class of North England, he possessâ€" ed all the staunch qualities of that type. Bluff, hearty and outspoken, he made many friends and to his friends he was always fauiihful and true. As a neighâ€" bor be endeared himself to all the early settlers by his willing disposition to help in times of affliction and trial _ Tha the county of Grey, then being opened for settlement for the first time and located the farm at Edge Hill that he afterward cleatred, He movyed his famiâ€" l{, up in the fall of 1849, thus becoming the first settlier on the third concession of Glenelg. 6 o.3 ,°_ _C_ CC _# Drilish subject, so in 1941 he removed to Trafaigar Township in Halton Go. RHere he worked a rented farm for seyen years, hut determined to have a farim (:f’!v:is own. he came up to Ahere Fp:tsset awar in the person of Joseph Firth, of Gienelg, one of the earliest settlers of this locality, at the age of ninetyâ€"two years. Death came to him on Wednesday, the 21st inst, atter an illness lasting six montbs. Interâ€" ment took place on Friday to Trinity Church Cemetery, The deceased was horn Sept. 7th, 1811» in the village of Cotton, Yorkshire, England. In 1833, at the age of twentyâ€" two, he emigrated to America, landing in New York after a voyage of two months and ten days,. He moved to the northern part of the State of New York and settled in the thriving town of Lockport. Hete he met Martha Wilson, a woman of sterling qualities, well fitted to share his joys ang sorrows. â€" To her he was married in 1838. Being born a British suhlject he reâ€" solved to die a British subject. so in The Montreal Heraid, The Durham REvIEwW, and our Hlustrated Holiday Number, to Jan. 1, 1905, for $1.15. The REVIEW and Holiday Number alone, $1. Balance of year free to new subscribers. §# 3 _ By the comparatively small mcjorb of 19, the plan of the council ta buy the flovingT well was defeated on EFmday last. he yote as was expected was small, only 147 +atepayers taking the trouble to. record their yote, and thare was no enthusiasm on either side.1 It is significant, however, that the two lower ~wards in which lies the bulk of lower town give each x small majoriâ€" ty in fayor, and this will no doubt furâ€" nish a hint tor futureaction in attempts 40 secure a domestic service by a seeâ€" tional byâ€"law, if the more imnortant and more ambitious fproject of Waterworks is abandoned. North Ward East Ward W est Ward There is now an opportunity for pri* vate enterprise to take hold of the well> as was once talked of, but this or next council will be apt to fight shy of such macters. The vote by wards was as follows : F or Axainst North Ward 5 32 East Ward 21 10 There ; Majority against, 19. _ Total vote, 147. Possible vote, nearly 500. NONAGENARIAN PASSES AwWAY. CATTLE ESTUTRAYyY. _ HERE‘S YOUR CHANCE. & BYâ€"LAW DEFEATED. Staff and Equipment. The School is equi for full Junior Leaving and nmmeaafin« the following Staff of Competent Teachers that Department : THO8. ALLAN, Principal. MISS L. M. FORFAR, Classics and Moderns, A. M. SHEPPARD, 1st Class Professional, Bpecialist. In Students should enter at or anamrut‘nd Bosfents should pater at besinuing FEES : $1.00 per month] Wim. Johnston, Durham School RARE QUALITY BREAY MacFarlane & Co. Druggists & Booksellers. Also Cakes, Buscuits and Confectionery. We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholsomeness. It‘s a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and evâ€" ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excelâ€" lent loaf for a reasonable price MHand, Stand, .Qouquct, .cibrmy, and Hall .Campa Soods Lamp If your ‘Jubel bears the 'fl:'ifmthamrcd- seription is paid to the end of CHAS RAMAGE, PaerxtEr asp P HIND BROS. Also a full stock of Fittings, Glasses, &c. We cau give you a good LANTERN AT 5o0 cts. Wright‘s Old Stand. which it would be well for you to inspect if in need of one. We have just received a nice assortment of Durham, Ont. requested C. Ramage, PUBLISHKEKR 18* 4| U J

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