West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Oct 1903, p. 5

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Try a y harve siyle. n nd t®, & SON as been cellence. ONLAL 8. beautiful w prices. &o t geared lines of 1ent of toâ€"date d test Jay you rgains at ry Store. ly A few lubbers & . Og« rthur‘s E. will DURHAM Show r Carâ€" BLL nded to 1th tyles 4o CE [oust. cutters Stock d 1OF ne in 1 and _ one )le to | old d9s, 010CE hich rices UR id ve ARE YOU ON T8E RUNT ? AT PEEJT /8 For An Education Owrx Sourp. Ox. worneRiy? p _ Palreai ego oWEX soOUND _ â€"â€" PRINCIPATL: Caldler‘s Block, â€" Durham. Full particulars sent free to any address W omen‘s Hearvy Wool Shawls @ 1.35, 1.75, and $3.00 each. #E SELLS CHEAP. Ladies® Fur Ruffs from $1.50 to $6 each. «* CUaperines from 5.00 to 12 each, Children‘s Toques & Tams from 25¢ up. Men‘s, Women‘s and Children‘s Underwear,â€"all prices Men‘s Cardigan Jackets @ $1 & I 50 each Flannelette Blanketsâ€"large size gray or white @ $1 per pair. W. H. BEAN LA MFSâ€"Parlor and bedroom lamp» from Be up to $3.25. See them before buying. Best Pure Honey. s0o«~ 08 THE BEST GROCERIES aAT LOWEST PRICHE. with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous dmcmtm, Bi R Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, ‘Tolton‘s Implements, Adam‘s Sleighs. C,. A. FLEMING, Proven Steel Hay Also Brantford TWEEDS & YARNS Calder‘s CGROGCERIES Best course of study in Business Subjects, Shorthand and Typeâ€" writing. Best methods, The most thoroughly equipped colâ€" lege in the Dominion. Students may enter at any time. .ue osk Inspection of our THRS s. sCOTT. the chuie t 9t .. us Musical Notation Rhi!hmic Motion FM80 """" | sari Keyâ€"board Location usieal History Technique | various Jeta For terms applyito event. Miss Margaret Gun. Teacher, M.M.M.! The date «* *The l:upi;me;tt Man *‘ asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found:© . _ AT THE OLD STAND® DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, 470TS & SHOES, &e., We can give you Bargain‘. That is practical, useful and upâ€"toâ€"date, attend the They‘re easy found . NOBLE Ot best quality. teel Hay-F;r'ks a Specialty. Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. Blockâ€"Next the Post Office . NOBLE Call and see us. o 0e e 10c per 1b ASETCH OF @tBEq Towmsur. Continued from several weeks‘ago. Afew months ago we gave the ‘lm instalmert by way of attempt of ~Glenâ€" elg History." This time we shall endeaâ€" vyor to flu back as far as municipal recorncd« directs us and in doing so we find that we cannot roduce any minâ€" utes of proceedings i}.‘uhen- were any, of council further back than January 1850. The fArat council elect for that year were; A B McNab reeye. Allan Cam~â€"»â€" on, Duncan Smith, Ge-i) Ledinghbam ana D McCormick, councitiors. Of these all kave gone the way from which no travâ€" elier returos, with the exception of Mr Ledingham, who we believe is fw-t in the land of the living. _ Neil Mc ntyre was appotnt ed lowna‘l{:ip clerk and treaâ€" aurer. . MrMcintyre did not observe the rules of orthography with correctness and as a grammarian we cannot say whether he ever saw the inside of a gran mar or not. However we findf hat be wmanaged to put in one year serving the responsible dutres of clerk and tre â€" surer, _ Mr Melntvre received for his service five pounds per annum and all th« security required of him for being treasurer was himself in £25 and two sureties in £12, 10s each. The council passed a byâ€"law for the purpose of levying the sum of £20 to meet all the demands for the year and all that it required in the £ was oneâ€"half penny. a very moderate rate surely, a little over 2 anlls on the dollar and showing the total nssessment of the township to have been about $48.000. The members of council received 5 shillings= per day for their services and board. The township was divided into three divisions for assesament purposes. Geo Ledingham assessor for the Ist division, Jas McGirr for the 2nd and Arch Black for the 3rd division. : Mr Jas Edge was appointed collector, but the minutes do not show what Mr Edge‘s remuneration was, but as the gentleman is yet in the land of the livâ€" ing be can tell what be received for collecting £20. In 1851 Peter Watson was elected reeve and the late John Moodie was appointed clerk and treasurer instead ot M Mcelniyre, who was discharged. Alex Hunter, assessor, for the year 1851 and Jas Edge, collector. _ Messrsâ€"Neil McCannel & William Morrison were appointed joint assessors for the year 1802 and James Edge collector. _ In 1853 A B McNab reeve. _ In 183 Jas McGirre was appointed reeve, an office which be held till 1858. The first settlers came to Durham in the year 1843 _ Among those coming that year and following year were the late Arch Hunter, Davises, McCorâ€" mick‘s, MceArthur‘s, Siwnmth‘s, &c. â€" We canuot say whether the ratepayers had to pay taxes or not in the year‘s interâ€" vening between 1844 and 1800, but they bad bardship enough to endure without taxing them for nothing. We find on the minutea of January 1850 application from Mr Thos Gordon, of Owen Sound, to be appointed superâ€" intendent of schools for the township of Glenelg, but as there were no schools whatever withinâ€"the: corportation, the clerk was instructed to write Mr Gorâ€" don stating that his services were not required yet. _ _ The first school section was union No. 2, Bentinck and Glenelgy and the ratepayers in this section were taxed to erect a frame school house on lot 20 in the town plot of Duarham, in that year. _ We find that the council pretended to observe all the byâ€"laws on record to the letter of the law, but how far in reality these pretentions were carried out, can easily be seen by the fruits they bore _ As for instance a byâ€" law was passed for the destroying of the growth of weeds detrimental to good farming, such as Canadian thistles. burrs, burdocks, &¢,. _ Now if these genâ€" tlemen bad put the above byâ€"daw in force they would haye been setling a ignnd example to their successors in oftice during the 53 years that has passâ€" ed away since, but these byâ€"laws were passed and that was all that was a bout them,. _ Weeds were allowed to grow opposite each farm, geverally speaking. and the owners were never threatened or â€" asked toobserve the request of council, but we shall pass on. \In the year 1851 tbhe sum of twentyâ€" eight, pounds, seyen shillings was levied on all rateable property in the township to meet all the demands. _ Henry Farr was appointed cullector for 1854 and J no Skene and Duncan Smith assessors,. In 1856 Neil MceCUannel and Wim Diamond was appointed assessors, salary £12, 103 each. _ John Swinburne was appointed clerk and treasurer, an office which he held till 1859. when Mir Jas Brown was appointed, who served clerk till 1884, when the present efficient clerk J 3 Black, Esq., was appointed. John Butâ€" ter, brother of A Buatter, Priceville, was appointed collector for 1856, his sureties wore the late Angus Beaton, Glenely Centre, Arch MeDonald lot 41, N. D. R., and Johu Black, merchant, Durham, This is the first year that sureties were put on the uinutes of council. In 1857 Jas Diamond and Jno Buiter were uplminled assessors. _ In the year 1856 £1050, 2», 3d was receiyed from the Clergy Reserve fund. Said amount was chiefly appropriated in making roads which were needed badly at that time. The council in the early years ad »pted the system of granting no money for repairs of roads without being petitionâ€" ed for by those interested and benetitted by the granting of said petitions. _ The eouncil board were nor. very extrayaâ€" gant, for instance. municipal expenses ordered to be paid in 1856 as ‘tollows :â€"â€" Arch Black, 9 days at council £2, 16s, 3d Wim Bray, _ * * t:l. 16s, 3d W Morrison. * «+__ £2, 16s, 3d Jas MeGirr. | * «_ £2,16s, 3d M Irying. 6 days at council, £1, 173, 6d but it must be taken into consideration that they got their board and whiskey | with the above amount. hemaibg. abodegh â€"‘ m HUTTON HILL PI€ AND BOX SOCIAL. About a month S§0 2/ Huiton Hill met and decid. ing & pig and box social wi of applying the proceeds i provements about the school * _ sha enetom in the past, Aboug a month ago, th° PSOP!® .O‘ Huiton Hill met and decided upon holdâ€" ing a pie and box social with the object of applying the proceeds to certain imâ€" provements about the school. _ According to the custom in the past, a committee of four young men and : four young ladies were apprinted and to them was entrusted the carrying out of all the various Jdetails in conuection with the PAST AND PRESENT. To be Continued. the people of was Friday evening, Oct 23rd and Li Js were priuted aunouncing the same. As a resuit the »choo! was packed to its utmost capacity with a mirthfal crowd of young and o‘d from town and country. W S Davidson bad been chosen to do the selliny of pies and boxes, and so well did he pertorm his part that the proceeds doubled expectations. _ Atter all bad been disposed of a very * preâ€"ous " ecompany did ample justice to the good things secured. It was a pleasing scene to see all evjoying themselyas among new and old acquaintanses. Then came the hiterary and musical pact of the program of which Jno A Grabam was chosen chairman _ On acâ€" count of the lateness of the bour not mach more than halt the prepared program was rendered. _ Among those who assisted were Misses Margzaret and Laura Hutâ€" tou, who rendered two excellent recitaâ€" tious. _ Will Hargraye also gave a droll Itrish selection in good style. . The wuâ€" sical part of the program. vosal and inâ€" strumental was well sustamed by Mesâ€"rs C Dunsmoor and J Quinun with Mrs J Quinn presiding at the piano. _ Jame:# Wilson, Lambton 8t bad with him bis splendid gramaphoue and delighted the andience with his wellâ€"chosen selection> T wo plays were also ncted and gave satisâ€" | faction to all. * Played and Lost" was giyen by Messrs W Hargreaves, W Alexâ€" ander, R Hophins and Misses Annie Petâ€". lty and Winuie Hopkins. _ This play uwelt upon the feminine failing of being 'enuaged to two or three suitors at the ous and saume time in order to discover the best from a financial point of view. The other play entitled " On Guard " was acted by Misses Mary Hargreaves and Tiss Hopkins and _ Messrs Thos Lawrevce. Campbell Dunsmoor, Robt Hopkins and Wam Alexander. This play showed how very useloss it is to interâ€" f«re with true loye between worthy persons. Is depicted the elopement, the maurriage, and the usual making up of friends when all is dGone and said. The meeting was brought to a close at ballâ€"pastâ€"twelve by singing the N=â€" tivnal anthem. _ All then departed for home or someone else‘s home after after baying spent a yery ple«sant evening in a â€" profitable way for Hutton Hill. ‘The proceeds amounted to $56.45. Com. It was a dall markes this morsing and offerings were small. _ There were no export cattle brought in, and the quality of butchers‘ offered was for the mo«t part not of the tirst class. _ The principal buâ€"iness was done in stockers and feeders, which zold well. _ There were 38 cars of stock brought in, comâ€" prising 824 cattle, 1,177 sheep, 1,800 hogs, and 28 calves. Export Cattleâ€"No offeringe. _ Quotaâ€" tions nowminally remain unchanged. Butchers‘â€" The small amount of good atock which was on the warket brought $4.25 per cwt. The prevailing price for fair cattle of good weight was $8.50 to #4.00. Stockers and Feedersâ€" This line was the most activye on the market. _ Good heayy etockers brought from $38.50 to $3.75, and lighter avuimals trom $2.50 to $8 per cwt. Milch Cows â€" There were only three on the market, and they sold trom $40 to #50. Sheep and Lambs â€" The market was steady. Export ewes were again qnoted at $38.40 to $8 50, export bucks at $2.50 to §3 4n to $8.50, export bucks at $2.50 to $2.75, spring lembs at $3.50 to $4 per cwt. Hogsâ€"The market was steady and there was a good demand. _ Prices reâ€" mained unchanuged. _ Selects brought $5.40 to #5.50, and $5.15 for fats and lights. QUALITY IS 2 SALESMAN ONE QUALITY We wish to be called generâ€" ous, but we labor most to be called trustworthy and we give satisfaction because we get it. Watchmaker, Jeweller, and Optician. A. GORDON. FIOOT... ... cce ssesssssee6e* ORHMAAI... 0e seess0000k4+ WLORE......cccrcccanccrnese PEAS.......cccccrssstre6r 66e BAPIGY... ccceccscccseserses ORbR... . ccereccrsererrtarreee LAMDS....c.cccrerrrsecreees Dressed Hoys, per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Tutter, fresh roll per 1b Butter, Tub.............. EGGB... .cc cce esc ces e6 6 6 kk+ Hides, per cwt.......... Calfskins, per 1b.......« Sheepskin8..............« HARV....ccccccecerrrsesrs 66e Beoi, N3F CWi............ ‘POTKOYB..s.0eeenecssecsees Potatoes, per bag....... DURHAM MARKETS. GORDON‘S DIAMONDSâ€"as we sell themâ€"are within the reach of almost any purse You can buy of us a Solitar Diaâ€" mond Ring as low as $15.00. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Toronto. We would emphasize an especially choice line of SILVERWARE in Sterâ€" ling and Plated ware, Cut Glass. 5 85 18 14 13 72 40 27 10 j ONTARIO ARCHIVES * 10 00 74 Co 45 14 15 14 13 UUKHAM Pfpassey ffarric Show Pooms The Cushioned {[Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HAKRRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. _ oue A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. Durham, FU RNITURE The Best Quality ° cheaper than ever. (UndertaRing promptly tended to, Jake Kress We have just receivâ€" ed a large shipment of We W ant Also a very fine line of TETLEY‘S TEAS Don‘t Forget the fact that we give 6 Bars Comfort Soap J BURNETT . THE AMES HOLDEN SHOE We have just opened up about Thirty cases. No trouble to seli them. Prices to suit. WrRAPPERE JAKE KRESS LACE CURT AINS DURHAMS LARGEST S TOR F The best of everyâ€" thing. That‘s why we have added to the list. We place quality first but have never failâ€" ed to meet prices. For 25 cts. , Q., 4&J.McKechnio ieycles } First quality at $1, 1.25, 1.75. The Popular Cash Store.: TORONTO Gohn Bivingston TOest of iddaugh Jf{ouse. See cur second hand "(Qheels. ERETTES Newest Patterns at a very low price. ¢ ¢ | at {Igent. The undersigned offers for Sale or will rent for a term of years. his farm of 100 acres, being lot 21, con 3, E. G. R., Glenelg, 70 acres cleared, in good state of cuftivution. rest hardwood busb. Comfortable builaings, two good wells and neverâ€"failing spring, good orchard. This is a good stock farm, and must be disposed of as proprietor is going west. Apply on the premises or at Review Office. P. MclIxx1s, Prop. FARM for siaALE or RENT. The well known Taylor farm at Droâ€" more, township of Egremont. 350 acres ; good state of cultiyation ; well watered ; good buildings ; convenient to post ofâ€" fice, church and school. Apply to Lot 10 Con. 2, Township Egremont. County Grey, containing 120 acres. For full particulars apply to FARM for SALE or RENT. The undersigned offers for sale lots 46 and 47, Con.3, 8. D. R., Bentinck, conâ€" taining 162 ncres, 150 acres in a good state of cultiyation, 12 acres bush. Good buildings and firstâ€"class orchard. Well wnl,eredifs Only six imiles from Durbam. Also a hay press for sale. PUKRE BRED HEREFURD BULL. (Prince Albert.) wWill he for service at Lot 48, Con, 2, E. G. R. for the season of 1903. Peiiâ€" gree on application. Cows not returnâ€" ed regularly will be charged whether in calf or not. _ Payment to be made on or before kebruary 1st 1904. Terms $1.50. Good general purpose Mare, fourteen ears old, guaranteed sound. Also a ihrn 4 years old, sound and serviceable, Apply to J. WisxErRr. Rocky Saugeen. FARM FPOR SALE. DavIp McKr_YERYy, Thistle P. 0O FARM TO RENT. Mrs, TAxyuLOR, Dromore, Ont. 'iegeZes .’ Doxaurp McFAaro®rx, FOR SALE. ALEx. Broas, Prop %\ © ntario. repairing «ate assistan; to the Royal London Ophthaimte .ocqnl, lnfll.nd. and the Golden Aquare Nesm nd t Hospital. ea. SPECIALIST EYF, EAR, THROaT & NoOR ADPDLDGrtovammme.w.. _ EXCLUBINELY. 4P Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from 12 p. m. till OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Du nam Pharmecy Calder‘« Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. W. C. PICKERING D.DS., L. D.S. 9â€"18 1. m. 84 p.m. RESIDENCE and OFFICUEâ€"O!4 B« HONOR GRADUATE of Torente University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Snrgeons of Ontario. Roomes, Calder Block over the Post Office. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER 10WN. DURHAK. Jompany and priyate Funds to Loan on Moritgages at lowest rutes of interest, Valuation made hy a competent and careful Valuator. Sz Office over MoeLachian‘s Store S T W WAak. Co‘lections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Doeds, Mortguges, Joases, Agreements &c. correctly prepared. Entates of doceuodr@ sons louked after und Kxucutor‘s and Admicisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepured and fuud Surrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills, Lotters of Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registy Offlce and Titles reported Barristers, â€" _ Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Offices : Hunter‘s New Block, cpâ€" posite Chronicle OfMfce. Garatraxa St., Durham. MmMoNEY TO LOAN A. G. MacKay . K. C. W. F Dunan J. G, HUTTON, K. D flarrx’stor, Yotary, Goz veyancer, Qtc., étc..... lon? to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Block, se BaRRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURNY NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETc. ARTHUR GUN, M. D., 42â€" Special attention givem to Discases of Women and Children, DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. ARTHUR H. JACKSON CAPITAI., Authorized.......$2,000,00t CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ $#50,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection smade on all points, Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed at current rates SAVINGS BANk .nterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at dista ce. Collections of all kinds J Farms promptly attended to and STANOARD BAKK OF CANAN DURHMHAM AGENCGY OFFICEâ€"â€"McHKenzie‘s Old Stand. Durham DURRAM MARBLE WORKS LOWELL‘S LIVERY ST CA (Opposite “F“l“hAROLItI Direct LATEST DESIGNS IN"MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. DENTISTRY. _â€"__ UPPEA TOWK, DURKAM. Telephone Connsotion No. 10 BARRISTER, S01CITOR, > wOATAY PUBLIO COmYEYANCER, eac. All CTharges Moderate DR GEO. S. BURT. Insurance Agent, G. LEFROY McCAUL. CONVEYANCER, vALUVATOR ROBINSON & CORBET, HOURS : MACKAY & DUNN, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c MONEY TO LOAN American and Canadian Quarries, W. S., DAVIDSON, Head Office, Torono. W. F. COWAN, President. J. P. TELFORD Private Money to Loan, J KELLY, Agent. (Over the Banrk

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