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Durham Review (1897), 5 Nov 1903, p. 1

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lit MIMI! Rena. _i!l_lf WWW, [M We Mull 'ttlt Mil All tt to end of 1904 for 31.15. Subscribe or Renew- Nowittlrr%Ge 'gl'et"/G"t'l,"rel'lT, "M a . 6 It df. 3%. was. t 1tt4ssy9siyqsquts9uasqsitsqsO 4r9s4i4iaiyt4siN4s4sqs4siMt xxxmmmmgammmammaxfl ’7‘ ‘4. . S"! iit'itaiiieeroil'6FFsihsbih **iFqbihtbiFsire* we; ‘1'. '.t"r' Sarung's Erna Ettore g immammmmmaméafiizg , Absolute Security E Ladies' Jackets are from.................... Raglans. winter weight; absolutely waterproof Ladies’Capes from...... ...... ............. Children's Ulsters...... ...... ...... .... ...., Children’s Reefers...... ...... .... .t..m. __-- It's early in the season, but already we've had to re- plenish our stock of Mantles. They're right qual- ities, right styles, right values, and the prices in In buying Furs here, because we have a high re- putation to sustain; because we buy only {from man- ufacturers who have a record to keep, and because we believe in giving our customers the best to be had. Rom-mbor the pine. ies' Astrachan Jackets...... .... .... .... ....$3o.oo to$5o.oo ies' Greenland Seal Jackets...........................35.oo les' Caperines, Iota to choose from............3.5o to 28.00 es'mttrs....................................Loto 13.00 es' Gauntlets, -Gray Lamb, Astrachan. Bokharen. . . . ... .... Caps-Electric Seal, Nutria, Astrachan, Grey Lamb, . . .. . . . . PersianLatrthfrotn..l.......".....".......1..taun JAMES IRELAND No matter what price of fur you buy here, you can depend on it being the best you can get anywhere for the money “(>04)“ Ladies' Mantles Import of Bibles, Hymnals, and Prayer Books now in Stock at reduced prices. £59.09 LAI DLAW’S Old Stand iiiiltgttrit ...........$2up $Soo up .......tro.oo 4.50 to 8.50 2.50 to 5.00 2.50 and 3.00 DURHAM, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1903. I wune Atkinson. Alex. ttit May iScott. Arthur Weir, Seminal cott and [Fred Ritchie. Revd'a Smlth and Far- Iquhnreon and Mr. Wm. Ritchie gave addresses. An interesting feature' was the moving of Res. Mr. Smith to the choir and the moving. , Mr. T. IcGirr of a. hearty vote of t an a to Mr, Young , for his interest and energy in connection [with the Sunday School just closed. ' The large audience of parents and Pupils concurred very heutiiy. A c 05mg : hymn tr. the audience hmught e most --" -___ __-_ v..."..-u w uwyunl. ”If. an“ Mm. Thou. Ritchie ft7 two irurtrumen. tal selections. Miss da Wilson sang two solos. and recitation. Were given by Willie Atkinson. Alex. Alioe, May tJ,eotS.sA.r.tt.ur Mffir._tumutu Ace“ and Successwx. Soc: AL.-McGirr's School house was crowded in every part on Friday evening last, the occasion being a social evening planned and prepn by friends of t e thbnth School held their this summer. Superintendent Wm. Young was in the chair. and con- ducted an excellent program to a. suc- cessful cloee. the order being of the very best. There Ins aiming and closing choruses by the so ool, an inspiring chairman's address, and n 'ltefit22 Treasurer'. report. Ot 'U.00 collect . 88 had gone for expenses and .6 donated in thengck cdy')d.t.rti's hospital, M r. and 1 Pacers-nous DURHAM Bot-Some in lDurhaln Will yet remember as a boy ,Jatues Austin, who got his early educa- ,tion here and " went west." He ttrndu. ated as a Presbyterian Minister and Is ‘uow in Hannah. N. Dak., with a wife and child. as we learn from a look at ‘some correspondence latel received by old friends, Mr and Mrs its. \‘Vatson, Varney. Mr Austin was always a pusher. and in addition to his minister- ial duties has a. large farm. and handles fancy stock of all kinds from Percherous to pups and PI mouth Rocks. of course keeping 2"/d,W2'i' as overseen. From late' issues of the Dakota papers he appears as an abundant prize winner, especially in hogs. cattle and horses. This igear he had all) bushels of wheat and ad shipped 5 earloads at 85c a bushel. He had 2500 bush. of barley and 100 acres of flax yet to threshl Western run with a vengeance! He is popular as a pastor too, the life of all Scotch gatherings. and his wife is a brilliant musician and daughter of tl' famous Pie-byterian clergyman of I Leavenworth. Kansas. Success to) "Jimmy” Austin who has "Worked; and wa." 1 ': ' tf j 3‘ RE TEAcur:ns" SALARIES. H The fol- "J1'i,"f,'J,r, gins {lowing item outlines a syelelll much In (clubbing ternta, ladvance of what ls found In most grad- t ready renewed led schools, yet seems dreary eunugh.- ' . l . .. . these clurming To toil for 15 long years before Increas- handing the c ing 8100 may be better than a. good , some one who: many actually get, but they duin't know I bination. it. and there ls little food for ambition I for the beginner to say that in 1918 she l . ler. US’ AN will be earning $400. "Salaries in the lin Peeriryr Clinton Public School will be based in lpuytmsm four the future upon the followmg schedule t le! Incandescent initial salary" for second-class teachers. on front 'tttd h 33m. increased 815 for second year, 810 (ii great Ptittaly for third year. and 85 additional each Ian are at the " year for next five years, the maximum innd Durham 1" salary being ttsed at 8350 until a. teach- I benetit m f.our I er has completed 12 years: of service. it.', pltueee In it when the salary is to lg, 3375 for the I.t'ounrll have no next three years. After completing 151W N0! only l years, the maxnnulu will he 3400." (tlte residents- h A MAYOR Hos onED.-Meaford papers tell with much pride of the action of the citizens of the lakeside town in present. their Mayor, J. D. Hamill, with an illuminated address anda purse contain- ing 8d00. He was elected in 1897 and has been continuously kept there by ac- clamatton since. "During his tenure of omoe Meaford lma become one of the Leading rain ports on the Georgian Bay, avg numerous many.tapttying" in. dustries have been established in the town. Itlwas in recognition of his services as Mayor that the presentation was made." PUBLIC LIBRARY 0PRN.--A number may not know that the Library is now opened again for issue of books and the Reading Room in shape, at least. will he when electric lights are going again next week. A change has been made in the shelving which it is hoped will benefit librarian and public. Regular monthly meeting Friday, Nov. 6th. f M A301: lo? onED.-Meaford papers On] a,“ ........ _.J.J, 1.. _. - - i l Boy's and Men's overcoats, at Grant’s. i 1 REVIEW balance of the year for 10 eta l f to new subscribers. " You can Rot Suits of Clothes from 22 ( inches to " inches, at Grant's, Money to Loan at. 45 Ber cant. i Mackay & UNN. Durham. I Do you want a. Uaperine-You can Tget. a. nice one. for little money at _ Grant's. l, Our Dromore correspondent this week _llr,r,t.' fitting tribute to the. memory of ', N. Amos by an appropriate sketch of 1 her lite. and character. 3 Fore BArsre..-Two Durham Bulls. Pedi- i greed. Ine 133nm. 9 mos. old. One Red. :‘7lllna n “I L . u . - . - W- -"'"'i... u “um. "nu. VIII: Ml. .! 17mos. old. Win he sold cheap. Apply :' tr," T. G. Morrison. Rocky Satugven ' " n 'rcuruu lUJlluKe Is that the council have ', Auctioneer McConuacK will sell by {at good value for their money. It is a ' It',','.'.)' auction in Priceville. on Tuesda I andsnme. substantial structure. and we l A av. 10. over 40 head of steers and heiz i wish there was another like It. on Gum. ers. 10 Innnths' credit, '5 per cent " for I fraxa Sh Teams are now crossing. cash. See hills. ' , , . Costamr AT PtucevmLrr.--On Tue-- A PAINFUL Acctmtsr.-, Last weekday evening nexta concert wull he held Mr And. Lindsay while attending to a in Wltson's Hall. Pricevnlle. at 8 p. uh. thrashing engine. got his right hand li) Mrs Newton. Mr Dryodale. and Dar. jammed by thefiston shaft and will lose ham Baptist choir. Proceeds in aid of part of the han as a result. Dr Hutton i the organ fund. The well-known ability is in attendance and we hope the sutfer- (of the entertainers promises a good er may make a speedy recovery. night. PEACHES --Mr. Roht. Ewan, Ben. I SALE Rams-ma.- -Uredit Auction Sale tinck. was in town, Monday, and dis- iOf Farm Btock, Implements and House. played to us " peaches of respectahle ; hold Furniture' will he held at lot 46. con. size which Were matured in his garden 3. S. D. R, Bentinck on Friday Nov. 6. last week. They were of the late Crow. i 10 mos. credit. See hills for I,','."iPhg,t, ford variety and this is the second year f FUrm will he offered for sa e at sallle thchtree has borne. Our chruate. is all _ time. R. meer: A. BRoas. rig t. “nun...“n. IL ___- ' i-iiiilliiiiii)8?Aktse ttl L. R. C. P., london, England. Graduate of nation, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Ere, Ear. Nose. and Throat. '9rWpitreatJrnaprrBouse Duruart,ttse2mt autumn“: etch month. Hours. b-d p .m.‘ frr'rtcrALrv---stratnintr pictures for the Christmas trade. Ewing bought the negatives with the Studio, I am prepared to fill orders for duplicates. I now have every facility required to make all kinds of Photos and will make only first elm work It popular Dttriyun, Nov. 4, 1903. Having become settled in the Browne Studio. I am now prepared to offer ex- tra inducements in Photos and enlarge- ments. i " View or AN OLD CLaras."- Under ithis heading-u. recent issue of the " High- "tttd Newi" published in lnverness. Scotland. refers as below to Mr. Jno. Cameron. who, with Mrs. Cameron. returned recently from their old country trip: " Mr. Ind. Cameron, representing the McLean Trade Journals. Toronto] is at present in Inverness with Mrs. Cameron on a Vlsit to Mr. Cameron’s native town. Mr. Cameron some flfty years ago received his early business training in Mr. MttCu1ioqtrti'e drapery establishment which at that time. was situated on High Street. Mr. Cameron afterwards s",.',.',','?',',",',",',', to Canada. and for a long peri of years has travelled from the Atlantic to the Pacitie on be- half of the newepspers he represents. which are recognized as the trade Jour- nals of the Dominion. Mrs. Cameron is tl Nottingham lady. Mr. And Mrs. thun. gl',',', return to Canada in about seven; aye. _ (man oeen sent. containing very special (clubbing terms. Those who have al- ready renewed and taken advantage of these clubbing rates, will oblige by ;handir.g the circular and envelope to some one who might profit lny the. com- bination. GIVE US AN Anc.--The town council in preparing for street lighting are putting in four are lightsand a number of incandescent ones at various points on front and hawk streets. We think a. great mistake is made in not putting an are at. the intersection of Gnrufraxa and Durham road. The light would benetit in four directions as in few oth. er places in town, and we hope the council have not ttttally decided ugnimt it. Not only the unalninous voice of the residents- but many in all parts of the town would urge that this corner be supplied with an are light. ‘ ANNOUNCEMENT CLunmsu Trmses--Thin week we send out circulate to " large number of our subscribers containing clubbing. terms. renewal envelopes. am. We hope these will receive careful attention. A sam- ple copy of the Montreal Herald has; also been sent. containing very special "I._IAI,!,, __ A "“ V A ver successful tPtnpemnce concert was helg in Calder-'3 Hall.ffuesday even- ing. Rev’ds. Bell, of Varney. Smith, Newton and Fumuhnrsnn assissting with plettirinRuddreuis/. The singing. net minimum! by Mrs. Newton, was good, lisses Stewart and Vickers. Mrs. Newton. A Bell and Me Drysdale taking part. The lutter’s "The Holy City " was especially well rendered. 3. S. D. R, Bentinck on Friday Nov. 6. 10 mos. credit. See bills for rticulurs. Farm will he offered for all? at smne time. R. BRIGHAM. A. BRoas. Auctioneer. Prop. Remember the " Organ Recital " this Thursday in the Baptist, Church at fl o'clock. p. Ill. Frank S. Davidson. of Detroit, Mich., a star Vocalist, will assist. Mrs Newton and Mr. Drysdale will sing the duett “Keep on Believing." Admiasmm 25c. Those who love to listen to good music. insured, You are invited to the Junior League Rally and Anniversary in the Methodist church on Monday evening at 7.80 o'clock. A good program is provided. A spirited poem b Mr Jas. Watson, Varney. appears in 'ltd issue. He has it set to appropriate music and it makes a worthy addition to his former effoltl. Tm: NEW Brumue..-.ahu, is now in position and the opinion of men com- petent tojudge is that the council have got good value for their money. It is a. handsome, substantial structure. and we fish t‘herenvyas another like it on Gum. Dr, Brown. Neustndt. intends to visit Durham professionally on the second Saturday of each month. His card up- pesrs in this issue. First Class newly calved cow for Sale. with calf at side. Apply to If you need anything in boots we can supply you-C. L. Grant, Durham School report and other mat. ter unavoidably left over. ONTARIO ARCHIVES . * ". TORONTO Read Kelsoy's announcement. DR. BROWN, H. A. KELSEY. Remain. JOHN SHIT“. Durham. Notice is hereby given that the part- net-ship heretofore' subsisting between In. the' undersigned. a Grocers, In the Town of Durhdiu, has this dar been dis- solved by mutual cement. All debts owing the '.'tu'th'tf'tt are to be paid to T. J. Jo anat Durham atoms. nid. and nit claim- “not the said partnership are to be presented to the aid T. J. Jordan, by whom the name will be "ttled. Dated at Durham this 3rd day of November, A. D. “KB. - "Wu“... "wuwuu. "In: In" Hull!- Mi Mr tr. Helicon“. now of ill Forest, the V0- ist of the ace-don. an; sweetly In pole and due: and bu tine “canton. Th. collections on Sunday wen welt up to m. and the loud. . evening voluntary was! to $29.00 which Did expanses. Mr Fttrquhnmon in introducing the quiet L’lth‘ praise to the Durham people for their inculty in not fomettitw old iricnds and iwetiously (-luimwl pretwdtinee over Mr Henry seeing he hill been here only 10 your: 'lfl and for three months, while they remembered h m, (Mr F.) otter no year' and six weeks' service. Rev. Mr Henry mu warmly welcomed on coming forward to enter on his talk about "The Boy," by which he meant that typical specimen oi humm- ty as Viewed irom oil sides, under nil conditions, l from IliundAnt manifestations of phuiml, mental, and meal Bttrtbutes. Ills weakness and his worth, his trinls and trestment. the respect he got and didn't get. Ae.. Ic., were I" humorounly de- picted. but with e serious undercurrent oi trest- ment profitable to " bog TF sud the rest of the world also. He outlined the diplomtic Loy, the inquisi- tive hogan '.u'Tire' boy. the uncotmrti9usly irre- verent y, ac. A ew of nuny good Pill“ were : have [lenient-e with him. you ore deal us with will stud: there Wu no piety in nt,f,ut,gtt's.; interest him in unture. dont bmnbud h m with " dank." but it you 'ltlf "dont " lee tint he .. dam." Above Aligning: fait in him, tlt in the tgr, L',",',', sym- po y tween parents on son. one o t te, mt elements oi success. end the most forceful thine in dueling with him we: pure ond tvhole,iouied low. A boy, “ted under whose trenching he wu con- verted. remix] he won converted under his moth- er's "not send no Fetching. To den-ad end Meettmohediehee will nuke the boy Hae out! all you blessed. Without ditpeiplitte, he will locom- if}? nothing. The to, should be mural tor his trip on you would or my other' journey. The problem of church 3nd state is the boy. l eer ur- neatly he closed by asking. " Are the bots in? hum Nrpptnttoett he. sin? Are you end I helping him in , The lecture Ind nun, leuom, Modeepin~ pres-ion. and the vote 0 thanks wu- wnnnly eon- curred in. The vote ot tt_otttc choirwu Ibo wen deserved for bath lands and loud” their Ieleetiolu excellent. 'ti'ii'iilhi end inspir- !.e.f,u H.531. Iichupll. now oi t Forum. the va- Wit. _ r.d. Extras. J. P. Telford. (f: Boaxm. Mr. Roxanne. ttccv. of the bond. reported on the condition of the lmrovement Fund, {urinating that the extinction o the debt WM well in sight owing to the liherality of mwy givers. Amounts yetto benu-lved from 3 number who nominal and from others who will like? take o brick In the sum-tum. will. it is expectm ' clear on every- thing before the end ot the you. The church was min crowdul Monday (Wt-lung. Rev. Mr. Ftsrquhnrson oucupled the chair and mule An appropriate opening address rm'iewlmz It egent‘s MM L",',,",',,) in thel put hymn tmi (an te, mm! pm mm:- to t e mm time, hopeful lndlmtiom tor the future. While the work and sympathy of every mm and Woman were needed. they looked with conbienm toward: the boys sud girls for the yucca-n1 of the future. At the evening service the church was even more crowded. An inspiring sermon was preached from John o.. 68, "To whom cm: we go but unto thee. thou but the words of eternal life." The response to the. pathetic enquiry ot l Jesus, *' Will ye also go away"? was at I some time or other the persistent ulti- tude of every searching soul. Some don't wanttheology. nor churches. but all want Ghrist. Twas n. persistent question, couldn't be downed nor killed even by atheists. Men Ro to nature. but. nature has it repellent as well as a. henigmmt side. Skeptics say go to immunity. but this is frail. Some any so to culture. hat this was its a mocking voice to a suffering mom. To Ro to philosophy. to theology. to history. mm to discover some weakness: to go to modern materialism, to Eastern re- ligions. was still unsatisfying. hut every true heatt searching leads to Christ and m him is found peace. We go to Christ ‘ for motive power. for love. for spiritunl help, for spiritual rest. The question must be decided by all as it comes to all "To whom can we go but unto thee." Then it was costly t 66 his blood " being the price. Ever thing worth having. ants; it costs to {we and to lift. Life Is measured by its Stl','gr,tty The dominant thought, shoal not be to reach heaven ourselves. hut to hft oth. ers. the germ of Christianity in m ive for others. Whtie It. "costs" to If,',' a Christian, .he speaker earnestly pointed out that it cosh: also not to he tl Chris- tian, and he closed an able set-mun by an appeal to the sinner as well as to the saint. He reached from Acts 20: $3. "The Charo ot God, which he hath purchased with his own Mood." which furnished him with three topics: it was it Divine church. it purchased chuich. a costly church. Speaking to the ttest he. said it, was Divine' in its ideals. It had not been promulgated by great men or under willinnt snrroun inks for often the slave and the serf had home. it Mar In spite of the f'ltt'lt.,i,e of Kings. It was divine in its istory and aspirations. It was It purchased church. i. e.. a re- solved church. and should he a. tttore- house of good and Godlike ideas. The. rent end of the church was to inftrteace home. school. shop. &e, so as to turn out men of character. who would not bend to base influences in politics or else- where. Too many Christians were simply on the roll, silent partners. con~ tributing little or nothing to the great force. The church humanly speaking. was God’s specialty and it was strut strength to everyone to realize that. he wu part of a. divine plan. The very best of weather pmvuiled on Sunday and the large church was taxed in the morning to uccomnmdute the worshippers. As announced. Rev. B. A. Henry. of Knox Church. Humil- ton. conducted the service. In the neu- Iy 10 years since he ministered here he has lost none of his earnestness or olo. quence. and his western and other ex- periences have furnished him with a wealth of illustration which he puts to good advantage. Presbyterian Anniversary Services. Dissolution of Nrtmrmtsitr, THE MONDAY Minna; NOTICE. - and Equipment. The school In lot hm Junior I‘m d ttat-gen, 7% an“ an him tf Col-yuan rm that D-uiic. m MEN. ALLAN, W. Mutt L. . NRFAB. Glade: and “out. A. M. SHEPPARD. lat Ch- Pure-don‘t, Inn-am my m can . at Wu of term, or a pe than -ttru. Wm. “may”. Durham School RARE (llllllff BREAD We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholsomeness. It's a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excel- lent loaf for a reasonable price llfttlltrltat tl Go. Druggists t Booksellers. d', 'tair ' tave CHAS BAKAGE. PMII up Pun-tn. HIND BROS. Wright 'tt Old Stand. Just what you need if recov- ering from any sickness or run down. Try it-5o eta a bottle. The old reliable remedy for Chronic Cough-never fails --Every bottle fully guar- nnteed-only one size, see u bottle. Cakes. Buscults and Confectionery. Durham, Ont ‘31-th F7: -

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