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Durham Review (1897), 5 Nov 1903, p. 2

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ht, Germany". Church Census. Rnligious statistics of the German empine. accordlng to the recently tabulated results of the census of 1900. show that 6234 per cent. ot the powlatiou are Protestant. and al- most all members of one or another or the rnrtoug slate churches. and taken dulng To Stan. I. . FalIacv. -T'.ts dictum to stop eating tr. cuun- you have Indlsrouion Inm- long since been exploded. Dr. Von Stan'- nnmppne Tumu- Introduced a new era In the treatment of "omneh tronbln. It but proved that one mar eat his on of anything and rh-“f'hing he ”Hahn. and one tablet. There was a tire in the of Mr, nu“ yesterday and mm- went to the Ram ht Shilloh's Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic new»: Timon It is an“ that a Hiilridalo minister who goon to church from his home in a ourringt- on Sundays received an anonymoua letter recently calling his summon to the tnet that the Lord newer rode to church in a carriage. Tho minister read the letter from the putpit and than said: "If the writer. will come to me next Sunday, prnpo rly uadulml and bridle-d. l wlll ue glad to follow the Lord's ex- ample. and come to ctnrch as lie en- tered the city of Jerusalem." IhtrPaete.-.-- When Ihe hae had her sleep out ehe gets uth etretchee her leg. and W,,'"; hut as you or t might do. hen aha Iva-hes herself carefully all over. After that she is ready' for her dare work again. and a busy day ehe has. too-tending the babies. making new room- or getting food for the his family. "tu" EW‘IV’ *IOUOIH“ “IONA” mu CW ALWAYS SEE "MT "IE Than-Mot!- rf Mot "port mllv mural-u- Perlor mums lmm In um; 173:“ tt t six for I. An " Hulmrm tor family molt tttttt m cqu Ask Sour drum” for Rom-ml" fin-Vin Lure. lilo " A Treats" on the Hume." "a book frees " Ida-sun Dear Sin '.-. Gamma. N.M.. June " my. I but been mung you: Keruutrs Spai- Cut. to: some “III. t an from twelve to I [can bank: I week lld and " no null-m Tl'tg (or '13.. ”may. Gan. -d all “and we I hare no bundled load of horses In my an. [new a lump fue you: “Ty-also on the "on. Id in 0mm" DR. 8. t. KENDALL CO., ENOSOURG FALLS. W. She does not have to undress. but whenevershe get: tired she Hes down on the ground. curls her six leg- elooe up to her body and goes to sleep-o soundly. that you could brush tttt with . feather without waking an vin- Ittn unto. Curbs?“ iil form: ',it"a,'l',a2,',r, f,',',.' The no of a sinelet bottle may dental. the Idling - of you Bone. DR. B. J. [ENDALL co.. will be seen. but about 8 o'clock next morning. If one looks Terr. clon- v. one may we a pair ot may teel- orl thrust out through the chink- botwoen the atonea. Then an nut pulls“ Ita way out and begin- to - the pebbles any. Just be- ttind the tirat comes another, and another, until the whole {anally conned Journeylng out. .But an out does not sleep through the whole night; plan takes a. nap two or three hour: 0! course mu go to bed, and It [on watch them you may see them At nlght the ant. take these pets hole In their mouth: and. carrying an, pebblel. which are piled about then to the home pile then build them upon the other. as men build a wait. tittir, " not bill. you know. I. made ot I. “tr-nee hole. The Old Reliable Remedy A t e Insect- Go to Bed Like Human Bola”. HOW THE ANT RETIRES. cure: consumption-- but don't leave it too long. Try it now. Your money back if it doesn't benefit you. Neglect a cough and contract consumption. Prices Mc., 50c., and 81.00 GOOD POR EVERYTHING. s. C. WELLS & cu Toronto, Can. Lekoy, NN. I ihe. Mrrtir,ter'. ItrpIy h Your: very Indy. meat will am the "omae/ 60 In a box, " Ceuta.-:.' "tstttey. 'orontosrar. s litin the residence ~stenlay and the tir.. the Bug Ivonne. diil,gt (ttAl ll. W. LAIRD. MATCHES You my own m: was in There are plants which seem to like living in village communities, and others which will form large colonies of their own. but which. nevertheless, will not stray near " human town. bat will, on the contrary. recr‘de farther and far- ther away from its atmosphere. Who has ever found the wild lily ot The valley close to a town? Primroses and violets and bluebeils will venture fairly near. or at least allow a town to creep within a. moderate distance of their banal. but most ot our prettiest flower. avoid tho vicinity ot human beings as also do many of our beet form. Certain Plants Will Transplant Themselves to Another Hohhot. There are certain plants Winch will deliberate transplant them- selves when disgusted with their surroundings. and creep away tor some distance to a more congenial neighborhood. says a writer In the London Express. I once knew, a, mint bed which flourished until a pigstye was occupied close by. when it soon became blighted and gener- ally ill treated by gums and flies. It took the remedy into its own hands. and was afterward found some distance away in a. flower bed. The roots will creep long dis- tances and establish themselves where It best pleases them. We all know how strawberries will tire of their home. always seeking to col- onize and to establish the young- er branches of their family in fresh quarters, and that they cease to flourish for more than three years in__thc same place. Minard‘n IAniment cures Gar-get in COWS. "It was Impossible to get It. A ropremntmive was sent to England to we Leighton, and to offer Mm a. Mit price. Hr had too mneh’ on hand and "Imam! the commission." tJNc0N0ENlgLstmtoUNmNgs mhjocts. Art eriectlve design will fetch anything from $50 ti $250. rm] there are historic cases in the ('rzlniitlar business where as much as $901) or $100 have been paid. 'r'o1rc"cirnivi," said a publisher. "n mintonwr will comp to us and say that h" wants a calendar designed by a famous artist. whose work he linppolm' erpoclaily to admire. no will take nothing else. and even it tho artist is willing to do the work, which is not always tho case, into cost in frightful. “i heard or a rkh' Chicago marm- facturer who paid $1.000 a sketch‘ to n. well known French artist for a very ordinary calendar, which made no impression at all on the public. Another man went to a rival of mine and dmnanded a calendar illustrated by Leighton, the former President of tho Royal Acmkmy. That is a clever move. Obviously a. man will value the calendar he has fought much more than the calendar which has been given to him. Bat, of caurse. this calendar has to reach tho 10p notch or attractiveness. Thrs making of calendars is a pro- iimblr- busimss for artists who know how to hit upon popular ideas and Dig corporations, especially. no this. They argue that an obvious waver. tisement will he thrown into the waste Paper basket by nine oat of ten perrone who receive it, while an attractive calendar will be used to decorate the office or the home all the year through. and thus insidi- omly produce its advertising effect. The idea of calendars is being no- oepuxl more and more every year, and tho direct advertisements are becoming fewer and fewer. One rail- road company, which issues a line art calendar. charges twenty-five cents for_it. and sells many thousands of copies. even though i't Is an adver- o.tyent. of ttyr company’s basins“. Some calendar buyers like to get tho prettiest and moat urn-tic do- signs prowl-able. and they only punt their names upon the calendar In small and inconspicuous type. per- hqpu on the back. Au a general rule. manufacturer! and merchants who send out calen- dare to their customer: wish to ad. vertlan their business directly. But this in try no means an lnvurlabla rule. mm In the busy season of the cal- endar makers. Some of the orders for 1901 calendars were placed last Fear. It In necessary to order early. began.» the orders are so gigantic. I saw it estimated that a hundred mlilion calendars are issued in the United States annually. (that's an absurdly low figure. The total must be at least enough to give every man, woman and child in tho United Stilton three or four calendars." “What becomes ot them all. I won- der t" said the head ot a large lith- ography; cpptzexjn._ TTe other fur, all}. Many Million- m Pxetttutted--mtttv. Prlced Plenum in Some orThem. numbering In all 35,231,104. The Roman Catholics number 30.321.441. Ot Greek Catholics there are 6.472 and ot "other Christians" 103,792. In the whole German empire there are only 586,833 who register then- gelvel u "mr-.. lower pal-hap- than in the borough of Manhattan, New York. Only 17.535 Germans promo themselves to posse:- no faith. ' CALENDAR MAKERS BUSY. it 'tttgrad EVE" and that ttttttit Il h' tt WWII-Io ovum-nun '%teralh" “Islepllm” already. You can't trust those buh.. Couldn't Trust the Bishops. Amount. Once Loni Salami? was going out to lunch one rainy day, when his secretary ran alter him with an um- brella which he had (mutation. The premier rejected It, mylng. “No. no; Pee but too may at the Athenaeum A Veteran's Storr.-oeortre Lewis, ot Shamokin, Pa., write-z “I am eighty years ot age. I have been troubled with Cntnrrh tor any you". and in-my time luvs used n great many catarrh cures, but neverhnd any relief until I used Dr. Agnew'l Catawba] Powder. One box cured me completely." tro eegtta.-2l' Baotou Tangerine. Thte-oh. no. Miss Mlntner ia not cross-eyed. but she is only. atteet, ed by strabismus. Brady-Well, what's the difference; pray , Tate-Man alxve .' Aren't you aware that Miss Mintnerm father is a. rich Remove-a all hard, soft or canon-Id lunar: and blemishes from horses: blood lpav n, curbs, spun-v, rlngbone, aweenoy. "In”, sprains. core and swollen throat cou‘hn. etc. Save 350 hr uuo of one bottle. War.. it,',',',"),', the most wonderful blemish can ever nown. Dr. chase's Ointment Jeanie-Come and sit in my new, pew ting morning. Anna-d oan't. 'My hat isn't trim- med for that side ot the church. I To move_ to you that Dr. Chase‘s Ointnfcnt is a certain and abaoluta cure for each and gun-y form of Itching. bleedmgund ',l'ttthP2ltt. the mufacturers have manta!!! it. tes- timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors what they think out. Yon can use it and gets-our money! back if not cured 600 L box, at an odor: or 1llmtraNtrotr,BAxartg a: Co..Toeonto, An Advertising Age. Philadelphia Record. "They who believe most in news- paper publicity," says Printer's Ink, "are they who have proved it most." In speaking ot tho elements ot suc- cans in business, recently. one ot the leading merchants of America de- clared that "the courage to advertise persistently and to the extent ot his ability" is indispensable in the case of the man who desires to succeed. glnard’a Llnlment cure- Dllten- Not niways with flrgt pththo'y, althou; even that Invarmbly ring- reliet In minutes. But it Cures, it Cures Colds and Catarrht Dt. Agnew's Liver Pills cure Liver Ills. 40 doses l0 cents . ll, lll,ld1 b.1f I 'uitgal,t,,tie ttt has?!“ ly m M) r Toronto Telegram. To think ot being treated than, when all through the South African war this large-hearted generous 7,1'ntIT_,eirad hay and gold It to Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder I was very sick with Quinn and thought I would strangle. I used MINARDS LINIMEN'E and It cured me at once. I am never without It no. Yours gratefully. MRS. c. D. PRINCE. Nauwittewautr, Oct. 21. liMiUsli SPAVIN LINIMENT. One Sided Mutual Admiration. Honuhoid Ledger. E1tr-.Let't, iorma society for mutual admiration. I, tor instance. admire your beautiful eyel. Amt what do you admire In me? _ 181_ttrr_Couttrood taste. Dodd'o Kidney Pills cure the Kid.. noya. Sound Kidneys take all im- purities out ot the blood. Thus Dodd'. Kidney Plus cure Rheuma- tiam, Sciatica. and other disease- caused by uric acid in the blood. "One day a. friend asked me, 'Rtpre you ever tried Dodd'g Kidney Poe' I answered Wo,' and he persuaded me to try them. "The firtrt box made me feel like a new man; tive boxes cured me completely. Dodd's Kidney Pills saved my Me." cvuuuy, positively, Indlapu Cure- Colo and Catarrht "At times, I had such severe pain! In my back that I thought I would have to give up hopes and die. I was unable to work and was becom- lng destitute. Mr. J. J. Perkin. Disabled by Kidney Petal. Find. New Health in the Great Cmtdhn Kidney Remedy. Tyndall, Man. Nov. 2.-fthpeeu0.-- All over minim!» and the hnltor- le- mme are telling ot ttettentte re- ceived trom the use at Dodd'l Kidney Pilia, and this place furnishes a strik- ine example ot how, they will cure when all other means have failed, in the person of Mr. J. J. Perkins. “Rn two years T was troubled with my kldneya." Mr. Perklne my; " trot so bad that the doctor at- tttyllrttt, me declared me incurable. L_C. RICHARDS & CO. MANITOBA GIVES SEEKING Mllli' Only Thing to be (Joiluidered Too Rich to be Cross-eyed. empire at 'iiiiiitdCirrGsfi is a Catarrh Cure that Cures Colds and Catarrh. t Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure When other Mun: Fall. Our Bowel-at ONTARIO ARCHTV TORONTO w yAthoutth 10 When the may was skinned a. m- markablo evidence ot the beast's Ino- acity was shown in tho fact that he had ggtufta1 half a buckmrul ot maple lanes in the first wound he had no- odvej. Running along through the trees. he had evidently swooped the leaves up from the ground with his uninjured forepa'w. and crowded them into the saying wound in his side to stop the How. ot blood. Finally. when he saw escape was impoasible, he be- came mad with raga. and turned luck tt force the _treut1-eor.ttaod battle with his The (',%,Tf,t practically unburt. owing to . agility. but tho wound: or the huntem are serious and barely escaped being fatal. m bear was s large one. and his hide thick and of tim, tar. ! ' At once the dog was upon the in- furiated beast. and so distracted ite attention that he left Smith and ata tacked Perry, who was: standing a law feet away. helples; Be threw one arm about a sapling and gun- talnod tho full wright ot the bear. who tried to throw him to the ground with his great foremw. and by the old means of getting a, death grip about the waist. The faithful dog made another attack and pre- vented Perry‘s (all until Smith [and recovered suliiciently to shoot the animal through the heart. After following the animal tor an hour, he was discerned in the woods alum. and the two hunters Wrnt for- ward rapidly. Bruin was nuickrr, toe be dame toward them on his Und 1 ga. and with rage. When he won within ten feet of Smith. Who was the only one armed. the lock on his gun snapped. and he was knocked down b law he could ex: lode the age- ond bum. The bear seized the man] thigh and .tyaren to tear the flesh. On Monday Mr. Perry was hunting In the woods about throe miles trom Brumon, on the Docewullups River. Hts companions were D. J. Smith. who owns a. man tn that vicinit ' and a hunting dog, to which he I; greatly attached. At 3 o'clock In tho atternoon a bear was seen and Smith fired two shots. tho first penetrating the 11mgs..whlle the second broke the fore] g. The hour. however, got awn! In the brush. Bruin Stuffed Leaves In Wound to Stop Flow of Blood. A remrkahle bear story Is told by J. A. Parry. oi this city, who has been hunting in the region ot DocewaJlupa River. The evidence ot the truth ot the tale Hes In the office 018. R. Jet- tory. a local attorney, where the skin ot an enormou black bear is - to be tanned into a suitable rug. Mr. Perry. and a. companion os- oaped with their [was only through the defense of a. hunting dog, which attacked the hm when he was hit- ing at the limbs of the mostrate Rev. E. B. Saunders, pastor of the Seventh Day Baptist Church ot Shi- loh. N. J., was taken suddenly ill last Saturday. and members of the con- gregation were at a. loss tor some. one to act as substitute. The church was well lllled when Miss Mary Dixon. a popular teacher in the Pub- lie school there. walked up into the pulpit and delivered an excellent ser- mom Bo acceptably did Miss Dixon preach that her many friends are ad- vising her to abandon her profession as school-teacher and enter the min- lstry. Be sure that {our ticket. rand Vin Grand Trunk and Lab ghVallehy route ot the “.8le Diamond Express.” T in in the direct and best route from all Canadian pointa. Br this toutartraatttsqts in noweheeked fisfaidiuid from Canadian point-.The Lehigh Valleyhuthroo stations in New York, up town nearail titat. class hotels, and down town near all Euro- g‘ean Itenmahip docks. saving passengers for lurope a long and ex pensive trunnion Sewn FI. tickeul of Grand Trunk agents. Robert l. Lewin. Canadian Pauenger Agent. 88 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. The young man then told a story illustrative of Scotch coolness un- der trying circumstances. "A num- ber of Scott." he said. "were work- ing on u 15-story building. One, up near the root, lost his foothold and fell. But even in his swift de- lcent through the air he remain- ed quite cool and calm. In fact. " he shot past a. friend. on the twelfth story he song but. 'Eh, Saundy. etc a. fall as I shall hae.' " Sample ot Scotch Coolness. N. Y. Tribune. H. L. Doh’erty. the English tennis chlamplon. was complimented one day at Newport upon his coolness In play, “Yes. I manage to keep cool." Bald Mr. Doherty, "bat I many I should do better it I had Begum blood in my veins." REMEMBER that Allen's Lung Balsam do" not merely put the menu to sleep. " get: to the root ot the trouble and no cure- even deep-seated mectlonu of the throat and any. and a Body ”It“... ' T On ta authority, at e. medical non- temporary we we hidden to believe that MW" was entirely wrong when he gneetioned the power to minister to a mind's diseases. Core it was. according to the old adage, that killed the out. and though sur- geons may skilfully patch up our do. ticiencies and repair the most alarm- ing bodily damage, yet let worry afflict our minds and trouble weigh down our souls and, so we generally believe, there is no balm or medicine that will help us. However, the medi- [ cal mind thinks otherwise nowadays” and as we can grapple with oneei dread diseases in a. wonderful faith-i ion, so. too, can we keep worry from assuming inflammatory symptoms and weakening our mental fibre, It we only follow the advice given and take it in time. What, then, is the patient to dot Tho course ot treat- ment is simplicity itself and involves no inconvenience. One of the first steps, it seems, is to get quite clear of sympathizers and advisers, and seek solitude. Having Insured this, n. (omplete chinge o; miment into easy, "comfy" garments are advised; then the patient must "curl up" into a ihoroughLv restful position, shut the eyes, draw in and then exhale long, deep breaths quite quietly, and, hey presto! black Care will softly and silently vanish away, or, at all events, its victims will be able to get up and have a hand-to-hand struggle with it. How (outlaw:- to a Kind 0M 'rtuameea,istitis "13533:: iiiii: ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE. School Mara: Preached. In Going to New York MNT FRET. - . - 'C'LCr'rcir, The fellow. who has notttlng ot Im- portance to any generally man- ages to any It at great length. . ”Yeah; the" man next doér said not moped I could Induce you to sell it." "But' I don't want anything," re- pligd lhts Igdy. "I ham? - Irutto..'.' . - Philadelphia Leap". “Pm the dealer tn pianos. ma'nm." said the man at the door. Awhuon. Ken" Globe. The women should complain lest about their lot in life. After they have eaten a. big Sunday dinner they ham to hustle around and do the dishes, and this activity ll good tor their health. A men, having no dlahlea to do, gets sluggish sitting around and becomes miserable. we fear that the women do not appreci- ate all their advantages over the Level”. Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, u it is both soup and disinfectant. 34 srintsrdlLinunent cure. Diph- theria. 1 BostonGlobo. The Old Mtn--Weli, my lad, I wiatt you every possible happiness. and I assure you. as a man of oxprience. that you will always took back upon It,"." y as the hamieat day ot your e. The Young Man-a an: very much obliged, air. tor your good with“. but-you are a little mictaken. It is not till to-morrow that I am to be married. The Old "ur-Ser, I know. That‘l what I mean. Mlnard‘u Llnlment cure. Colds. etc SUM Soap will not burn the nap off woolens not the surface off linens. [blame-l. Day [mm the Wedding. Tl,'),,', PANAMA}! alibi} or cHossu FRIENDS '1 In". " van -u|. _... a--.._____ w, -.-- A _ - - - - C,... '----'I V. VI“ will tum-h you with an insurance trom 8500 to .2000. con-intent with niety. The Canadian Order ot Choun Friendl in thou The Canadian Order ot Gino-en Friend. in our: The Cnnndian Order of Choun Friend. in mi The Canadian Order ot Chosen Friend. in grov The Canadian Order of Chosen Friendl hon " The Canadian Order of Chosen F ”and. has 2.1 The Canadian Order ot Choun I-‘rlnnd- In. It Yer - The Canadian Order ot Che-en Friende in thoroughly reliable. The Canadian Order ot Chosen Friend. " purely (lenadlan. The Canadian Order of Chooen Friend. in regietered. The Canadian Order of Chosen Friend. in growing rapidly. The Canadian Order of Chalen Friendn ha: 470 (loo nclln. The Canadian Order of Chosen F rienda hae " ooo newborn. The Canadian Order ot Choeen Friend. ha. iiibiD'iotr' enrplue. JOIN NOW. Local membere, allow thin ad. to your iriend you are not a member, full information will be inrniehed by writing to W. F. MONTAGUE, Grand Recorder, Hamilton. W. P. CAMPBELL. Grand Organiser. Hamilton d-I-------, Pity the Overted Mun. The Neighbor's Hope. mmmmw- -ff2 IT-s UP , To protect your land on" with but ot your ability Di q ' Do you find your- lZZIness 0 self subject to sud- den attacks of dizziness with black spots floating before the eyes ? It Means Kidney Trouble and that you require Gin Pills. The best 5.; known remedy for all forms of Kidney trouble. ASSISSMENT SYSTEM They act promptly and do their work thoroughly. my“ pet box, 6 boxes torp soordirect from Gin Pills will Cure you. Tho Bole Drug 00.. Winnipo‘. M... Too Green. Toronto Telugu-gm. Uncle Barn would Invite Lord Atver- Itone to make a. trlumphnl tour ot the U. a. A., only he In 11an his lordship might blow out the (as. All YOU “OWNED? WI WANT all or at but put at nonconf- mm In - lot-Iv. tt you on an“: 020.00 . week don't write as. We only [nu-um. mr/ll,', that": none ot our uptown-awe. am asking . him." or course. they no nation.) It)? te,e1tf.wve.et, we have at) - ----v- ~râ€" 'i"---'. - - - tau-am. Eam- mun-a we want. we have the good. that all tut. " you want. to nuke TI'."' write an a Post an! quits, - Tttt . Layton}?!- tp.., Ielttd, Tor. slum. _..%r_. - -_e'-_--e -.. -_'" onto. Can-(lg. (Mention thid paper.) a " a low A coat. a in we is simply liquid 01 demi,mtalcotsol in it. 1tuthe {2-11. tbe great Germa- til - ”yarn on it. w. obj ' an! an an. d me! wi paid that price b ices what all the dull - do without It. An gun. in a poison to ym (than intent"; The Che world over, employ k germ trovbles; In (Carri In. to Li m We 'd% this [NI-gut not! difficult gum t bug!" there right. fo an! paid for I amenm . h in new to America, and m Deed it don't know ofit. for Ce make this remarkable offer buy the first bottle and gm: i you need it. We mil do " “Ky, to convince you n on - that Liquowne does kill Liquomne- liquid oxyg potluck. that can kill yer tithe!!! Inning you. bo abet way to destroy tls gen- disease. . tenderness m Valli tme your bean He awn: the welrtitt of l upon! the ' young man mic every pawn! u young men who Ian safe trout in! companion:- trom dxslmm-Ht 1 habits? In ho on Is he an!“ In n r" good tttttur- ? world '.' " he an! yourm-II. Mm. VI to make I In: and 80-t'. Stand ue. If tire many Multin- lng tortttlor stood on Hm the other Wu opening and " tqttn--itaTiet l. dolily during war. and “a: would um m- ien Work of l well-This " word, "Penu- wood of qroe' a! homage to thvmlly, "sh confined with Inning tin-m trtrvri m of tho l that i up an ue. tower, David , battle. outpost all by l lime. calku wall. 82) Swift Funn (mm the mm. “Ir ttwo gnu». Nous had Pt innvr gnu- I molded towe her" " :23». Jtuu‘phun “entanglul dam and heart of 1 - mm (It did (he goat, hold thor album! out into 1 ot “and": Ill Tidllu bouglm of a manned and has. thick I there is not! lion Idea tlm and men-e13 b, Bible. “lumen mu han he might In“, PMs-hm on ttn tho Miuiauitc thbute the In the whole. an: Into theme, that Cl [lime MUM“ [invent a mm emy that wan) his, whole Inn-e li, The union damn (w. 0-17 Irrunlsof “an Mound. lulu WI a mule. on a. mum-app; Wu: mark u! r 88). ma mum [ he" tery nu hr 20,0oo t; the many tl hart no such “on as “an Guam like ham. 6. T divided into three able p divided “ill h, ,w-- .q [All] thick nah and “mm mm named Inch u," 8. The army at Commentary, lea, 1-8). I. v tttme months a the throne. 2. “he" ot Spin: 'rot far from u, "3 Thu rd ""utsiarrosa, u “HERB“: a mud" Grief; Sunday ' Fat 3 It Just Oxyge Wttitou ‘\ u u Paid $100. The lugs " l hm In almost 'itttetr-Tite h (uulmhly an tl tl In lt fl “hi ttt (N I l‘lll)‘ L May to you it. ik'op m: "er tl 5 0c. 19W“ 'l a bran rietu to eh! 'reNthmt in h and t, "nu-m. alter [um OX?!“ [only 'ala ll l tum km1 and a The Ml plug AM d mind Miami " best Lian The n In main: up: H ll- rd "I Th “I He " tia Ind

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