West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Nov 1903, p. 4

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37m Was/1 fa Ctark's 1lXEsSome useful horses for sale. G see, to test. to de Convinced (iii) J'. Ji' Tlortock (iii) Ttttthurry (illli) (ttii) (ii) (Department Our fth-. to-date Complete as well as up-to-date and as reliable as it is complete. Every dress or clothing need for man or boy, and showing the very newest fancies and style features. The best the market produces is here, and in many cases better because manufactured expressly for our own store under the supervision of experts, ' Progress Brand , who know styles, qualities and good tailoring. Just now Fall Goods are crowding to the front. If you want to make atest of this Sore's t prepara- tions for fall, you can do it thoroughly with our clothing and men's needs. CASn AND ONE PRICE. It is hardly necessary for us to emphasize it, so great have been the throngs of visitors, and heavy buyers, in our showroom the past month. No thoughtful up-to-date women think of missing this store for Millinery. That there is no better placezin the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win. ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, W'aggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville ; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Chirrns,:Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Implement Warerooms in:the old McKinuon stand still cootimtes...'andd still there's room for more Ctothirtg &ore 'x-E a... ~ft'igegm John Clark Clerk Allan of Wm. In In town on Wednesday. . Mrs. tRev.) Chas. Cameron, leaves um week tor Toionto. Miss Orr, of Fruitland, " a guest at the Methodist Parsonage. Miss Olive Hamilton. of Attwood, is a guest of her sister Mrs. Dr. Holt. Mt, Maclnlyre. of Wnlkerton, was a guest at the home of Mrs. Awh. Mcken. zie lust week. Mrs. Rom. Lawson and children are visitors in Toronto. Mr Ehrhaudt. is still quite Ill. but we hope to hear of recovery soon. Mr. Husth Rose, St. Louis. is visiting his father and other friends here. Mrs. Chan. Brown and daughter Net- tie, visited Proton friends hunt. week. “in: Winkler, of Hanover. in this week the an": of Miss Eleanor Kraut. Mrs. Ed. Burnet came home on Salm- day from a 3-weeka‘ visit among Proton friends. Miss Tenn Orchard, of Holstein. spent Friday with her cullsin. Mrs. Arthur McClocklin. Mrs. Binnie Sin. is very ill at present with hetsrt trouhle. Mrs. Arthur and Miss Jackson have returned from a plow-mun. visit with Walkollon friends. Miss Winnie Park have: this week on an extended visit to Toronto, Hamil- ton and New York. Rev. Mr. McGregnr. formerly Baptist pastor here, was in town last. week, and culled on old friends. The Young Canada Club banquetted Mr. Aylesworth, K. C.. on Monday night on his upturn from the Alaska ttihunul. His speech was extremely moderate in tone, and doesn't please jingoes. Miu Hattie Firth ia visiting for a few Weeks with the Scarf families and other old friends about Zion. .. Take out that, ad " said J \Vismer to us the other day, "I sold that horse some time ago and still buyers keep coming.” Mr wismer's nd had been overlooked and ran longer than intend. ed. but the Incident shows how Review advertising always brings results. TAKE NOTICE that application will be made on him]! of the Corrlmtion of the Town of Durham to t e next session of the Legislature for the Pro- vince of Ontario for a Special Art to ratify and eonflrm By-law' No. 447 of the said Town of Durham which isa Briant to grant aid by way ofaloan and other benefha to The Durham Man.. ufacturing Company. Limited. w. B. DAVIDSON. Solicitor for the said Commotion. Mr. Jno. Scott. Egremont. ind little daughter. were gut-slant Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinnon a ftsw days ago. Mr. Baker of the Public School staff has severed his connection with the School Board by handing in his resigna- tion. At a meeting of the Board on Hatmday week, an increase of 825 was otfered to him, but, while tha,nking the Board he wished the resignation to take etfeet and accordingly it was accepted. A Mr. McIntosh, who has been teaching in Ulmtham Busmess College has been secured and took charge on Monday afternoon. He attended the Model school some years ago and Cotttes highly recommended. On Friday afternoon M r. Baker's pupils held a farewell meet- ing and showed their appreciation by presenting him with a valuahle taller set and a volume of let/gtg",": Many kind words Were exten ed and Mr. Baker replied appropriately. Notice of App..lietstion to Parliament. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Fart returned to Wallacelmrg lust. week. Mr Jas Allan, Jr.. of Egremont. is at last repotutt. recovering from an attack ot brain fever. He has been very ill. Mr. Geo. Williams and Miss Lizzie McArthur, of Owen Sound. were guests of Miss Mary Marshall the beginning of the week. MI. Thos. Sullivan. Irish Lake, was in town, Monday, delivering cattle for buyer Hetrernan. who is working up It big business in this locality. Dr, Gun leaves on Monday next for Chicago where he will visit the hospitals for c, or " weeks. Dr (lnchmne will have charge of his pun-[Ice in his absence. N rs. (Dr) Mahan is at, [mm-m a guest, with her father, Mayor McIntyre. She goo-'5 home shortly but expects to return with her husband for n. Cheistmas visit. Miss Lydia Thompson has gone to Nurnmnhy to assist in nursing her sister-in-law, Mrs. Arch Than-mun and children who are down with typhoid fever. The Mt Finest Confed says t Rev w. Farquharsnn. of Durham. in an address to Grey teachers at Durham gave utter- ance to a profound and far-reaching educational truth when he summed up his rennin-ks by saying that his cnnwc- Lion was .. that all good education is im. agmation well directed, and all bad educal ion is either imagination neglect. ed or imagination perverted. Rev. Wrny It. Smith will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist. Church on Sun- uuynt both services. In the morning the subject will he "G'rowmg," in tho evening .. Rough work for a cold day." Mr. W. K. Reid is uround home again after a trip to Manitoba and Dakota. where three of his daughters: reside. The bite of u. dog white wheeling laid him up for13 or , weeks, hut he its now out ot danger, Mrs. Jas. Watson and mu Robert vivitud hevsistee, Mrs. Cook, Travevston, on Saturday. Returmng Sunday they were guests of Mrs. Haulage and took in Rev. Mt. Henry'sevening set-Vice. Oth. H‘s from Norumnhy at the service were Mr. and Mrs. ll. Morice, Mr. Jas. Mc- llvlide and daughter. Mr. Jas. Moore. Mr. Geo. Marshall. Miss McVnin and sister Mrs. Wm. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Smith and son Robbie. of Hamilton, are holidaying in Glenelgnnd when in Durham war- the gnesisof Mr. J. A. Black. Mrs. Smith was a. former resident of G'lenelg, " Mies Lizzie Prinyle. THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVE: TORONTO Under the above hendinghthe W'inrton Echo of but week has t e following lmef item: “The Win-ton Cement Brick Uo., in the male of n new concern that will he an 'pa'St,'l,t, addition to the business life of l' iartom The plum. Will he ready for operntion nhout the last of the week. and the tricks. which will be made. of sand and cement. will heugoodns the Milton preued brick and verf much cheat r. The cupamty of the p unt‘ynll be Elin pendny. Fyt, Kloytnent will he given to eight men." ow here is something that is eminent. ly suitable for Durham. hecnuw we have abundant-e of the material and he- cuuse there is a demand for brick that can not he mnplied. We bore some of our enterprising citizens wil examine into the matter and. if all too busy to engage in it themselves the fnct should he made known that it splendid openimz exists here for such an industry. The late Neil McKechnie had his thoughts on this and kindled matters for a good while before his last illness. and the town would welcome anyone who will take the limiter up. By the death of Richard Judson Doyle. who passed away Monday night at Judaonville. his restdcnce in Sara- wak. Owen Sound lost rotuhly its most. noted citizen. As the l'f'/,',"r'h' candidate in two heated campaigns. as the found.. " of a fire insurance company. the first 1 than to manufacture Portland cement} on the continent of America from native 1 marl. as an editor and successful busl- l new man. he wan probably more widely known than any other citizen of that town. Deceased was in his ahh year. He was born in Nova Scotia. and went to Owen Sound when a. young man. Shotlly after his arrival there he. mar- tied Mina Mary Stephens, a well known Owen Bound lad . Mr Doyle was the largest holder ofyrenl estate In Dundalk. owned a six hundred acre (range plan- tation and winter residence in Manitee county. Florida, and many-large hold. ings in this vicinity. He founded the Dominion Grange Insurance Company. and during the twenty-two years of in existence was its manage: . Some years ago he began experimenting with the marl deposite in this vicinity. and though the claim has been disputed. The Scientific American, after careful investigation. gave him credit tor being the first man who manufactured Port- land cement on this continent from un- tive products. He founded the Owen Sound Company. whose works at Shal- low Lake are among the largest, in the Dominion, and In the same village. had several smaller manufacturing concerns m operation. meg to his connection with the Dominion Grange Insurance Company he became identified with the Patron movement and founded their omeial panel. the Putionund Co-opets alor. which is still to existence. Deceas- ed served in various municipal (-apacr ties m Sarawak and Keppel townships and was chosen as the Liberal standatd- bearer against Davul Creighton. now Deputy 1teceiver-Genetal. He was de- feared, but at. the next. election received the nomination. and tell short of elec- tion by only 17 votes. Mr. Doyle spent the past four winters in Florida. His wife predeceased him eleven years. the surviving children being R. J. Doyle. jun., County Councillor: Mrs. W. Ar- thur Burlows. wife of the manager of l the Merchants' Bank at \Vest, Brooke; ‘Misses Eva E. Doyle and Winnie Fl, Doyle. Deceased was a charter mem- _ her of the A. U. U. w. The funeral l took place to Greenwood Cemetery ( olni'l‘hursday "itervnoom--Dundalk Her- l, a l . All was. steiara'iiiiiiiliiiC"" “""‘”""" Re hu had 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE and thou who deal with him ttet the benetit ot it. IT WILL PAY YOU to take hing-our mm. though you Inn to drive At miles. leaky ot peo- ple cone tanner Ind and it to pay. in com 7 Lid, ki% iiiii iirarEG'v", PM“ I good owes n . We . our)“. tl i'ellffll'l,r,'l'li'l hilly. k'l,'l'iht,filiT on shortest notice, lowest - AGC, nmallest cost. and on your own terms IF YOU WISH TO SELL you: prop- erty he cm do it quicker and better than you on and be clauses nothing If no sale Are cureful as to who dull do their business. So should you be. Thou you had better go to H. H. Miller, the Hula. ver Conveyancer. IHE lli()llll)'ll 1ilillli)lll© Valuable Property situated on North Side. Lamhton St. first place outside the Town of Durham. Everything in first-tGas. shape, good new brick house, Rood lmnk barn, and 11 acres first-class land. Large orchard set out last spring with every good kind of fruit. A first- class place for anybody. Apply to In the Delineator for November Mrs Theodore IV. Birney has a suggestive paper on the Education of Boys as future Fathers and Citizens. The gist of her argument is that boys seldom re- ceive the sympathy to which they are entitled-not a maudhn. sentimental sympathy that is calculated to spoil the child, but an intelligent comprehension of his needs and an interest in his doings and belongings. Her ronclusion is that if parents will only take a genuine inter- est in all things that interest their boys, they can hold their contidenee, and so long as they possess that they can he reasonably sure that their sons will not go far wrong. Parents are wont. to look on the problems of youth with the eyes of an adult. How much good would re- sult to many little fellows if their par- ents would come down to their view point, or come up perhaps. recognizing the limitations of their inexperience. and judging their deeds and misdeeds in the light of it. The rule of the rod is past, and inasmuch as the new order of things has hrought much happiness into the lives of the little ones, so will a better understanding of the boy nature on the part. of parents 1renetit them immeasurably. PHcfP_ltTfh', my. Lift and Accident, ?fflr1re1h1tery.rynp.t, r.IE. WILL LEND YOU MONEY THE EDUCATION OF BOYS. szmn, The Jeweller, Durham DEATH or R. J. DOYLE. "A NEW INDUSTRY." ' and tniri s'."iiiriiiitrbiiiir.' FOR SALE. ------ . o ---.-- I be Emmet Convonnocr 'snever negligent." WW1v1 .r-m \- _ ---.. t lllitthtlttt tl 60% tass, and 3mm. t tada,, Maw”: wwwww wwwx (li,' t ' ans 6 iii:"?: y t ft (8hirta, iii, ITSUITS TOA TI A tirst class Line of Bread, Cakes, Pa stry always on hand at Rowe's store MODE I. BAKERY, LOWER TOWN Flour and other ingredients. SECnNDLY, we are artists in our line.' THIRDLY, cleanliness rtthtt.sjtt every And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes. pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. FHeiT of all, wf _ only the finest department of our estaihishmeti." LASTLY, our prices are absolute] yfair. Give us a' can and see for yourself. Come and Silverware HARDWARE I Cutlery Stove Polishes Bicycle Lamps Iron Beds Horse Clippers Lamp Goods GOOD REA SONS f We have some cur: B""" bargains in Bicycle Lamps. Any person riding 1 wheel should not be without one. In! in: In yu..-., mee- - in; on. Call and satisfy yourself " to quality and style. . our Show - have been restocked with choice Silver- wu-e, very “liable for Wed. ding Pusan. The sale of Cutlery is still go- - -. I --‘:_l.. Quality in Coal Oil, Lamps and Lanterns. Give your Stove Pipes 1 coat of our Stove Pipe Illuminum, and your Stove 1 coat of our Buck Jack Stove Polish and you will be satisfied. We still have a few Iron Beds at Rock Bottom prices. (ll W. BLACK. Did you ever hear of a wo- 15> man having too much china li? in her home ? Don 't be- - lieve you did. When in 6 Montreal and Toronto lately 6 we visited the different 6 stores and picked out what 6 we thought a few of the 6 most pleasing pieces " pri- 6 ces to fit most any purse. As WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. H. STINSON. N80N’8 BREAD! some any good for yoursel veg, In abundance. 7 "Cr'Ta"" IR. B. mm t son If you are looking fora pair of Boot' or Shoes. Felt Slippers. out. COMO!" Stockinp. Gauntlets. Gloves. ac. You will find them m "noun trtyler. and price. nub. New An steadily growing in lune. Try 5. put Ind be convinced that “my how no superior for quality and style. IO have come good "In" in Gauntlezo. Gloves. Mitts Ind Mitt Beings. Felt Boon, Lumbermar0 Box and Rub. hen. Robber Boon ready for the cold.“ of rather. Trunks. "oo, club bogs, (n in stock at Iowan prices. We are Crowded tor Room no down [on prion on COLONIAL SLIPPEBS and OXFORD. A few cue- of women's and Mines' Rubbers going II 26 and so can". Custom work 3nd repairing unaided trs " promptly u pouible. TICK!!! 43M“. Come and see Goods at Fret (i'hoiee Best Ghoz’ce I J'. 'rrle4hraith J)" in; Weed: / .1 We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or. ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur; store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. While in Town Any Day you will find big Bargains at Keeier's Big Jewellry Store. 'tbtta""rt Cream Joparalors. frees, Juroter rill, Only Drill in the Market geared from both wheels and full lines ot BARCLAY Jf. 2?, 27esf, thur Call and Clatlan 311’,th The Spring Ins come and the Summer has Eotlf and so has nearly two carloadr. of Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs in now being filled up with over a narload of the famous Now that you have a Tudhope Buggy get a Tudhope Cutter tk he in the swim Also ifmplements I j' Of all kinds. Examine our TI'R NIP PULPERS; they are the best on the market; also out CHI'RNS & WHEELBARRl “VS They are good i SOVEREIGN SHOES Lately we were talking cutters. now its Gray 's and their reputation has been gained only by their excellence Also Peter Hamilton's Goods in Stork Hanan 5.1903 Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables, Lambton St Maxwell Machinery gadhopo Gutters Boot & Shoe Stow Aarn @rgans Also see our famous either wool-[med or nth- the beautiful the .low prices. in every respect our Goods BELL {Li l M. . It ildlu-n M an Catder's, "los FUtmel W HE SELL LAMI's I THE b‘luh'l OWEN NIN'NH thh , tivlvetitt Full particulars P rover! TWEEDS Calder . Block GROCERI .18 ttlil H" /////1 Ow EN " We are offer: "MEN'S l Repairing mud L PEEL. ForAn Adopted by .1 ba Ttrueaeery"".l.y y Ch.“ "eillw, lunrklul ttegtrvefi luring. - w. tannin»! Idol KM" In "and mum for an: 33mm- I‘... "rgal'el G m no. oc .. The l a continu bestowed NOVEMB Best mm of Subjects. Sh writing. Res most throng lege in the Do We can g Ever offer, Call an T LOW Us AT TH! Woo an That is and 'tto DRY GOO 4 Kn'h' ik i lin tt (M hrs! ml X' enter " Iyer's " 'trs H an}. t " IV tt

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