West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Nov 1903, p. 7

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knot. Try . but they Inn- " sud Mylo. i value. in Mitts Ind tlt Boon. Ind Rub- nu ready “that. b bags. a, u prices. In pair cf lmed or mth- Market geared ttd full lines of tor Room a COLONIAL tltly. A In: loe Store liner; Robin. It Cents. " “tended to tmsible. ttt bridge cv :urdav. o, van was nylons the jon has bee- eir excellence- ly Day you Bargains at "an Stores. liking cutters 5, 1908 ae. a, ./ 2 orator; l the Summer ly two earloads ml the place to overftowi= wing filled up f the famous “OBS ba/Ai 0109 beautiful low prices. McArthur's nope tail R0269 t " ' Mar DITRHA. n Stock BELL St Buggy, he swim mods will w S 0r out- the "" t 1llli)llill'll Ill) R)()lllglil Repairing and Order. our Specially. OWEN KIWI) - PRINCIPAL PEEL, THE snow“. Calderh Block, - Durham. For An Education Best mouse of study in Business Subjects, Shorthand and Type- writing. Best methods. The most thoroughly equipped col- lege in the Dominion. Students may enter at any time. Full funicular: sent free to any address W. H. BEAN cy '--tN0l.tTtt ie'ef / ,7 ga/mfl/ééyfl Owes SOUND. Osn. Men's. Wogoen't, and Children'" u underwear. ----N HE SELLS CHEAP. Men's (handgun Jackets (a. 81 & I 509mb We are offetittg the very best class of wo-trl.. "mu y Wool Shawls (u 1.35, 1.75, nnd $3.“)eat‘h. Children‘s Tottues & Talus frmn 25c up. Ladies' For Ruth. (mm $1.50 to 86 each. .. Cuperintes hum G.00 to 12 each. Flannelvtlr Blanketss---l"rtre seize gray or white (9 $1 per pair. LAMPS-PH". and bedroom Inna»: from 2Gc up to $3.25. See them before lmying. wsth Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.' Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton's Implements, Adam 's Sleighs. THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. - Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. Brat Pure Hum-y _ . . . .. - TWEEDS d YARNS Caldor's GROCERIES At ask lgttttfli)ll tl illli Iillll S. scorr. NOVEMBER b, Adopted i,, Bit mach“!!! in Toronto. Ttutedeseryed, p0 syne- by menu t Chart Detlts, at'lutrhT.lh'll and Mink?- e.tiatt device! "In! the whom up“. within me ottild's ia-Mint. a-gre-ret. undo-l mum Patil “on Pine w -__u..m [M a use" ttthw. kGliG Caiiiraieuuem , for who .rotr'.P " ism?“ thttt, C. A. FLEMING . _ The Implement Man " asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found k AT THE OLD STANDW Ever otfered at the price Call and see them. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, H90'T8 & SHOES, Ae., We can give you Bargain'. That is practical, useful and arm-date, attend the _,,, NOBLE Ot best quality. Mrer's lune lemon. Block: Neat tho Pout OHIO. '. Pi; OBLE. Call and we us. Tudor. ll... lot. per m. all pricey, There’s 3 had that lit-room ren'own And M's thespian a that-tighten ttemits ritAin's crown. Whose (In? “doth not. And Clouds the aimt name. The home of Briton: free. The land that ever wut maintain, The ettu.e ot liberty. CHORUS. lt‘sn Man- in the crown of old Englnnd the free: United no one our empire shull he. Our home. and on: country young Con- ndn sing. There cheers for our country and three for our king. Thmie cheers for our country and three tor our king; There'. a heart that bests with honest pride. Pair Canada for thee, ' , Thy mountain- hold and piuirin wide Fit mnhloms of the free. Our house. in not in mm. but art And truth shall guide our may And Canada with hand and hurt. Will hail the hot tek day. _ Three', a flux thin mun for fro-winnin- ll'u honor to defend. T Icisttmr By right. not might, uhnll he our laws And truth and friendship blend, No hnntile foe shall ttend our land When loyalt y pievailn. Our man's peace, goodmll to man. Home on the swelling gal". From rorkhound coast of ran-torn shore. O'er prairie land- of Went. May pom and plenty peermore. V om. great Dominion blerm. . Our homo-u, our country and our king. No discord e'ee shall Mtver, With loyal hvnrts we'0 over sing The Maple Lent Forever. Report of N. S. No. 9. Benrirek. Sr 3rd~Mnmzie McIntosh. Mai-gauntl‘fm- dale. Mabel Anderson. Mary Hew'it s.' Doughu '(hmphell, Mnrtin “Mixer. '.%. 3rd-kdith Honess. Alfred Slime". Willie Umnplwll. Archie Hewitmn. fin- 2nd-- Lrraie Teamdule. Lizzie Bailey, Venn Mist-her. Jr 2"d---Nellie Shem“. Katie Hewilsnn. Pearle Orr. Edna Smith. Edie Anderson. Katie Walk-er. Olive Anderson, Addie Twmniey. Pt 2nd--Geotqre She-well. Milton tb'eheor. mun. Scolie Walker. Jim Bailey. Jnhn Ghouder, ‘Hurrv Ghnnder. Garvin“ Fischer. Victoria Campbell. Sr Ist-. Clara Homecu. George Smith. Many Kneliel. Josie Koo-Ind. Fri-new Tensdn’le. Alex. Cttmtvtell. Tum Bailey. Jr Ist-- Lizzie Smith, Lizzie Fischer. Howard Jinks. Melinda 'i'en.udale. Elmel Jiuks Gladis (Imuphell -- -- -- _ Mm” ot s. Fl. No. G, (Hawk. 4th Claus Davis Staples. Perc Hunt and Jessoe Peters, eq. Att ..'lJC'ih11,', Ed- wards. Unssie Ryan. Edith Turkel. Allan Dani-I. Jr 3rd--Ntewnvt McNully, Mary Porto-rs. Herbie Peters. Tommie Cook. Sr 2nd -Frank Ryan. Dollie Anderson. Lo, ne McNally, Rnbhio Wright. Jr2nd -AVr.Wrid Hunt, and Jenny Cook. 901.. \lehert Wright Alex wristht, Pt 'tttd ~~Jenny Jack, Bessie Smith. Ivan Ed. wards. Edith Peters. Sr lstvablary Peart. " lst-Bettie Wright. Nma Edwards. Present every duy~-Dullie Anderson. Elm McNally. 1Vu'frid Mont. Wesiey Hunt. S. H. No. i, Glenehr. Class Ith-Kate McArthur, Violet Britton, Lizzie Bin- nie. 4th---Casuie Kennedy. Emma Bea- ton. Annie whitorrrre. Sr '3rd--May Young. Millie Whitmore, Madge Mor- Ion. J: 3rd-winnie Smith. Slow Bell. David Nichol. Hr 2nd-- Katie Mequ lane. Amelia “why. Notettn Fallnise. Jr 2ud--Anrue Mathews. Ben Whit. more. Ronnie Smith Pt 2nd Fs'r---Geo. Molnnis. Tom McKeown. Alex McFar- lane. Pt 2nd Je-Rottie Mathews. Wilfred Nichol. Nellie Myers. P: lat, s'r--Florrt McMillen. Charlie MeFurlnne. Johnny MrKeown. Pt lst Jt--Verney Pennock. Sadie Mt6Jillivray. Mary Me. Millen. Avernswuttendance---40. ALEX. FIRTH. Teacher. Boothville School Report for Sept. and Oct. Only those who are above the average chats standing are mentioned in this Honor Roll. Regular "ttendance is considered. Class 4th--Margrtret Me- Dougnl. Bessie Weir, Mary Wilaon. 3rd -G'nrtieht Ferguson. Ida Wilson. Edgar Wilson. John L. McDonald. Sr 2nd-- Bertha Lane, Jennie Clark. Jr 2nd--- Clam Wtlson and Eva Haw. en. Pt, 2nd -3ennie Mr('unnel and John Wilson. eq.. Jennie Ferguson and Hardy Harri- son. eq.. Annie McDonald and Eva Pierson. eq.. Neil McDonald. Mr last-- Daisy Haw. Lydia Ferguson and Jemi- ma Ernest, eq.. Ethel Haw and Annie Smail. eq.. Jessie Clark. Intermediates (lately rammed from Jr lat. class)-- any valann. Maggie Snmil Effie and Jnnet McDonald. eq., James McDonald. Robbie Lane. Jennie Marshall. Mary Ferguson and Earle Wilson, eq., Alberta Witter. charlitaA"rrmul., - _ _ Report of Hutton Hill School. Oct. 1903. Class 5th--Dollie Hopkins. Elsie Petty, Alice Lawrence. 4th--Mtwtrie Petty, Della Vollett. Selma Hopkins. John Lawrence, Fred Mountain. 3rd-- Bessie Milligan. Chas. anrenre. John Petty. Wm. Noble. Earle Vollett Br 2nd--Florence Mountain. Marion Petty Agnes Petty. Willie Wells. Jr 2nd ( a ) --Percy Aldred and Victor Noble. eq.. Arthur Morire. Jr 2nd f,l2,d,'gtit Wehber. Br Pt 2nd--Mogaie ounmin. Leslie Marlee. Jenn Rick": Ar Pt., 21d CiiiGirerrkG_ieiiF. BEE; Noble. Br Pt Ist-taward Hutton. Jr Pt lat-Mel. ville MorieeuHattie. Itytrtntt. _7 L PA---1n Glenda. on Saturday Oct. I 24th. to Mr and In Wm. Pylon, twins. son and daughtor. [All fling . welL] " CAN ADA." By James Watson, Varney (menus for fourth your. "hene,---'t7od Save the Jrim.rn To thee. 0 Gamma. C urlqygl long of praise. or thee we sing. May [voice And plenty reign, (for this our wide domain, A hrtwtiptr on thy name. o, Udimda. - Our noble king him bless With heavenlyy'itrh9-netm:; Long may he reign O'er Britain's vast dullmin t And we hare muse to sing. God Mo's-n our noble king And Canada. Aim”: I', MCKENZIE. Teacher. 'ifdiikh.mitii, Teacher. w. J. RITCHIE. Teacher MARY GORDON. Teacher. In other words. we talk to you in our Ads. just an we'd like to be spoken to if you were here. No two persons have quite the same taste in Jewelry: if it were so. our task would be simplified greatly and we wouldn’t need to carry the immense variety that we now have for your choice and pleasure. Ottr showing this season is by far the best we have ever had; and if you're thinking about SrLVERWARE AND CUT GLASS, Wntehnuker, Jeweller and Optician. Wadnesdny. Oct. 28th. the home of Mr and Mrs Don McQunrrw. Bentinek, was any with c anpauy met In celebrati- one of the ever-Intermting lite unions, whose recurrence always awakens in the circle " at lust two liven, the live- lint. interest and the warmest. wishes. The occaninn was the mun-imp of Min Annie MttQuarrie to Mr Leshe Adams. Lake Beulah, Win ttev. Mr Aitchi-nn. Dornoch. tied the knot. and the happy eouple more supported by Miss Annuit- Livingstnno. Glucott. nod Mr Neil Me. Lean. Rocky Snttgren. The m-v-rnnong took place at P2 mum in the men-once of as unodly compnnÂ¥I of friends and relatives. amongst t OI." henna Mr and Mrs Neil Living-tune. Glut-on. Mr and Mrs Jns. Ledingluun. Dornoch, Mr and Mrs L. Urban and dalmhler Euthsr. Rocky, Mr Hugh Mc- Cormick, Florida Mr and Mrs uncan Monu-rie and two children. Cmnphell and Annie Livtngstone, Glam-on. and Misses IGte McCormick. Jaluut and Tenn McLean mu] Malcolm McLean of Benttuck. The bride's dress was of cretMn de chene. her "eerptton gown is of light blue voile. and her travelling dress was Imvy Inlueand white wool goods. The hridesumld. a niece of the bride. wore a pretty shade of blue. They left last. week for the West. expecting to stay a. few days in 1Ntiettgo with the bride’s "ister, Mrs. \Vm. Fergu- son and be at bone in Beulah latter pot of Nov. A Pare and sumptuous dinner was then partake" of. the table being ttraced by a handsome fratory outs. adorned with silver ornamental ion and pink and white decoration. The bride; got. Immy hmndsuuw and useful presents and the young couple many warm feliritations. Cum. The Review extends warmest good wishes. In the Surrogate Court of the County/of Greg, in the matter of the Estate of Christina Manb. late of the Town- ship of (Wendy. in the Ctmuly of Greg, it'idotr. dreamed, Notice is: hereby given pursuant to It A S. o., 1897. Cap. 120, Sec.38, and amending dots that all permns having claims against the Estate of the said Christina McNah. who died on or about the twenty eighth day of March. A. 1). 1887. are required to send by post pee- paid or to deliver to the undersigned Solicitor for the executors on or before the 27th day of November, A. D., 1903. their names. addresses and (lescrlytions Mid full statement of particulars o their claims and the nature of the security (If any.) held by them duly verified. and that after the said last mentioned 'Ute, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the, decensed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only bo the claims of which they shall then have not ice. Dnted the 3rd day of November, A.D. Mm. J. P. TELF‘ORD. Soliv-itor for the Executors. Butchers. - Quotations for best run about 04.29 to $4.40. Ordinary chmce, much in demand. ran up to $400. Abundance of lower grade cattle keep prices easier. Everything is being cleaned up and prices are steady. Export cattle, picked lots were quoted " $4.40 to $4.60, chonce and others grading downwards. b'toetreric- Slow. We quote Q3 80 to $4.M for short keeps. Medium $3.25 lo 93.50. Cows ranged wide $8o to $65. Good ones wa‘ned. Calves steady 4e to tile il lb. slurep.--/rmile good. Exporters went to M.5o for best. Cnlla $2 to " Lambs 08.50 to M.6o per cwa. Howc-TroiU good. $5.40 for highest. We Put Ourselves In Your Place This is early Xmas Flour......... ............. Oatmeal................... When Pen... Barley oo..-...................... Lambs..................... Dressed Hoes, per cwt Hogs, Live Weight"... Butler, fiat}: roll pot lb inner; Tub......:....... Hid“, per owt.......... Gnu-kins, per lb........ Shupokms............... Bae........................ DURHAM MARKETS. A. GORDON, PRO. BENTINCK TO IEULAH. WE STOCK MARKETS Toronto. Notice to Creditors. Think About Us. ft 2.1 40 " " 18 TEE UIttsggAM REVIEW 1000 74 Po 16 16 18 ONTARIO ARCHIVES“ C,' _, * "ttttll =' -, TORONTO Durhaml O . V - 7â€" w -- -". BM ales I BIG ales I mist-r otar Ger Th C hi f?,') . ie,l1l1ti, Asa,, W,',Qt,Ts, a" 'lid'.".'.'. e us ton ‘rame on our , " I Lo HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes i"fl'o,tf'lf.,'l,'ytf,'itft't'g.;'h'it.t" all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow coasterP""""-""""v" "tttvera,, B l saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling al _---------------, A-‘:___-,, _ '"l'. pleasure. - -- _ -- -...-, A I ' n """ unnn A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. Massey Marti: Shou; Rooms undertaking promptly at- tended to. FURNITURE WI u h CN in. a u: . cu W#. The Best Quality cheaper than ever. Jake Kress T1ilTL1ilY.'8 TEAS to the list. We place quality first but have never fail- ed to meet prices. Don't Forget the fact that we give 6 Bars Comfort Soap We W ant J BURNETT . We have just receiv- ed a large shipment of JAKE KRESS. Also a very fine line of We have just opened up about Thirty cases. No trouble to sell them. Prices to suit. WRAPPE RE T E AMES HOLDEN SHOE icia), LCR) @JQMQKW LACE CURTAINS First quality at $1,125, 1.7.5. The best of every- thing. That’s why we have added DURHAM’S LARGEST STORE For 25 cts. FOR gehm, Stbu'ngsieort The Popular Cash Storm [Best of middaugh Jitsuse. See our second hand wheels. .4- ETPE 7 7 E? s Newest Patterns at a very low price. a ;FARM for o i The nndersi t l will rent for at Inf 100 acres, he ' :Glenel ' 70 am ' of cuftivation ' Comfortable ht ' tpe. never-fail" is is a ood ' ldisposed of“ l ' Apply on the t [013cm ' i e ' ' ( FAR] ' ; The well kno ; more, townshi; l good slate of cl , good huuldings ' 5 tice, church am ' i MRS. ' _---------------- t (FARM for i Thenndersi t l and 47, Con. 'd mining 162 no f '23:); If, culti, i 1 mildin _ Welt waters: ' {Durhann _ ' l ' l --------- t Q PURE BBB (Pr t l arm he tom E. G. R. for m . 1 Rree on nonlicl tmerve, The undersigned offers for sale lots, 46 and 47. Con. s, S. o. R., Bentinck. con- taining 162 acres. 150 acres inngood sum- of cultivation. 12 urea hush. 930'? buildings and ting-claws orchard. The undersigned offers for Sale or will rent, for a term of years. his farm of 100 acres, being lot 21, con 3, E. G. R.. PT& 70 acres cleared, in good state of on Livation. rest. hardwood hush. Comfortable buildings. two Rood wells and never-failing spring. good orchard. This is a good stock farm, and must be disposed o as proprietor is going west. Apply on the premises or at REVIEW Oftrci. P. Momma. Prop. The well known Taylor farm at Dro- more, township of Egremont 350 mores; good state of cultivation . well watered l good buildings; convenient to post of- tice, church and school. Apply to FARM for SALE or RENT. FARM for SALE or RENT PURE 383D HEREFORD BULL. (Prince Albert.) Will be for service at Lot 48. Con. 2, E. G. R. for the season of Mm. Peli- gree on application. Cows not return- ed regularly will be charged whether in calf or not. Payment to be made on or before I, ehrum'y lat. 19N. Terms 31.50. DONALD Melanin. Ptop. D. McPHAIL Licemed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. . 1 2'a"lldya'f,.e,'t,ta tBlxtrltA'Lt'ga 3"... iii -l’lcP0 will hem-mu 'lah% g,"e2d'uti2'fl,t' to D. mount. Hopevillo P. o. or to C. IMI. Durham FARM TO RENT. I. TAYLO R, DGniore, Ont. , 6iliFiiiriiriia""r"rtiii Also as hay press for sale. ALEX. Bums. Prop Any repairing @ntario. um. ”wanna-Al. I Telephone COIIOOQIOI No. to l ARTHUR GUN. I. D., mumxummmm . “acacia-luau]. MtlluhtltfU. aiNSPBtuATa"$rY n rm Til“ uTfetfe,'d"d 5fM'r'g'a6ST “luau-m In... Dun-h...- ggydnhy‘ol not mum-12p.-.uu AGENTS in all principal points m Ontario. Quebec. Mnnntohn. United But" and Engknd. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection 'made on all points. Deposits received end inter- est snowed " current rote: SAVlllGS BA!!! -naereec allowed on savings bank deposit' of 31.00 and up word: Prompt attention and every facilitv afforded it"tomera living at diets. ce. J KELLY. Agent. UARRICT‘R. COLICITOR IN .UPRI'H‘ CDC-IR? NOTARY PUBLIC. COUUIWONIR. no. Collection: of all kinda Farms promptly attended to and CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .82,000,uttt CAPITAL. Paid up........... Immune RESERVE FUND............ 850.000 RIUIDINCC “I omct-ou I“! ARTHUR H. JACKSON SIMDARD BANK [If (IMAM DURHAM AGENCY OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST crr m Du nun Pharmacy Calla“. Block. R-tdeatee Int door want of tho Old Post on“. Durham. OFFICE- " McKrnzio‘. Old Stand; Durham DURHAM HARM HMS Direct Impomtiou tron European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS INZKARKERS. HBADSTONES & MONUKINTS. All work mud. Olden tab: by In.“ - and Belt. '"""abStd-'allu'WM., W. C. PICKERING B. D S., L. B. S. MACKAY a: DUNN, Dunstan. - Solicitors. Conveymcors. to. 0mm t Hunter‘s New Block. cp- pout; Chronicle once. (Emil-tn St., Durham. MONEY To LOAN A. G. Mushy. kc. W. F Dunn 031er Block over the Poet once. otBtte------L0WM TOWN. DUII‘I. can. out and A... ND Mod to gun. 1tih2tet:"r'.'tir.', 'i':":'?)',, to..." .oonoc . “out be...“ - um 'll,'ot"liUlf2 “a Inc-M'- nnd 'lzlfffc Jompony II‘ private Fund- " but on low. a low”! Wot “my VslnouOI In“; q k comm-{tun Ind WI“ Vanni": J. a, HUNG“. M. D HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Univmity. ("dune of Royal College of Dents] Surgeon: of Ontario. Koo-u. "now Ami-u prepaid sud ttrd baGiiio Court Uni-on "at“. ot Wit Jan." of AS, nghumtgo! Gi? (hung-“IN. 9994-94. sou; 1ttU iiaU%" -Euia/diitu' hi fItToi Fem Put-cu t Illa-I. on“ our Hemline“ “a. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ac, ©ONtfETANttEtt, VALUATOR lacunae. Agent. WWWn-‘mo -mmmuumu Wanna-(cm. DENTISTRY. Dr. T. a. HOLT L. D. s. DENTISTRY. DARRICTI R. ”IOITOR. P. soar-r my. Gonna-ecu. ac. ROBIISOI & copay, " GIO- ti. Mme. G. LEFROY McCAUL. MON EY TO LOAN IOU” t Head Office, Torono. W. S. DAVIDSON. H5... H'... W. P. OOWAN. President. J. P. TELFORD Prune Money to Loan, lblOAJ. 2.. (I... "Optician H El}

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