West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Nov 1903, p. 2

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ti Lxclmuor. OI Japanese laborer. wilt be ttsemi of the forthcommg Con. (was by the Am~rlcun Federation ot Labor. ml“. “no": N. Lewln. Cumulus]; Furaiii:; Agent. You” "met, Torouto, ont, f!" for Hump; UGG" GT on Secure. your ticket- ggentzmjtnbon s. Lewln. Cm Be sun- that your ticket. rend via Grand Truck and Letiizh Valley routeolthc " Black Diamond Faun-u." This u the dlreet and bent mute from all l‘nnndinn Palms. By this rout. . hamnxe Is now check-t In bond and trom Funnellnn points. Th0 Laugh Valley hm- three "ations in New York. up town near all tint-chum hoteN. and duwn town nun-all European steamship clocks, anllll wine“. "In fun Fun"... " 1...... ___ I _A, _ Botrtt-But%rat had the latted can been doing? Had he run away, toot _ [sungl- on the Fun-d Calf. Mother-res. and when the prod3tat son was sorry tor twing so bad and ”turned to his tome his father killed the fatted calf. um. DAMON & troiis, I1i1trNtapers ‘1'??? 01d country ..e. yaw-um I WI“. 1.1mm Cannon House, Bream's Boldings, London, England. we largest Snbscnmion Agency in the world. \r-nai for our list. Free on application. Est. ’ "t9, Prorntot and _ "obte One of the statlonery novelties In a rooster tour or five inches high. hit, feathers In different colored nanuel, with comb and waning complete. Any part ot his pointed flaunel leather anatomy may be used tor a penwlper. no costs $1.25. Exclusipr. PtPapyses, laborer- “in T.rrt-Dout--rnueedt And do Four creditors never eomp.'oln about having to wait oo_long? A QUICK. SURE LIGHT tr In; an m at m “was. PERIODICALS. noon. etc; watched !ecmtttsct1rrIi, by, tirst ma0s by 00m _ ‘Ill. mun" Shiloh’s Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic “HUI-l CO!!!” ALWAYS titE TNAT "I! the house " adjolned; " must be “opted to the tequirements of the inmates of the house. in the sense at pronding thud, walks, sunny bowl- ing-greens. pattern-es. or orchards. all conveniently “newbie; and. lastly. " men be adapted to the lenducepe around it. At no time and in no coun- try has this triple problem been no mum", deslt with as in the treatment of the Italian country house lrom the beginning ot the six- teenth to the end of the eighteenth century; and in the blending ot dif- ferent elements. the subtle transition (tom the fixed and formal lines or} an to the shining and lrrcgular‘ linen ot nature. and. may. in theI essential convenience and livablenes- or the garden lies the fundamental? went of the old Fat9ytrmaudc.--! From "l. iorentine Villa-t." in the Nor- ' ember Century. I Bumlo Sewn. Mr. Bortrrn--Ytur, I always " we ' the next was the architect'- ducoury of tho means by which un- tun um at mignt be [used in his pictun He had now three problems to deal with; his garden must be Imps"! to the amhltecturnl lines ot mute, was n were . petal: of ground within the castle preclnctl. the "II-plea" were Brown around . ,mtru welhhud. and (run was III-1w “not the wall; But In the and no-i" att Italian cirilim ntlon the cutie well: were soon thrown down. And the union ex- pended. man; In the {inn-pond. the town-3 green, the none arbor. and mellpped walk. The Itallnn country house. especially In the centre and tho mum ot Italy. was alum-t al- way- bullt on e lzlllslde. and one do.) ( the Wheat loomed forth trom the) terrace ot MI villa. 3nd saw that.‘ In his survey of the garden. the in- closing landscape was naturally lu- cluded ; no two formed a part of the nine conuositlon. I The mognition of this tact was; the hrgt step in the development of I Pt grog: garden-art of the iilUti,il In Relation to the a“... I... of than who [uni [alien un- - tho all m Incunetvto ascribe tho Itattan “Mon-mu: to the " IM at Mme; but. wwrworklng uuu. undoubtedly is. " Insvu man: “we. unaccounted tor. no not the am one may: go deem; the gu- dul out be ltudlod in relation to an no“. and hour In button to the lamina». The garden ot the mun. the garden one IeeI In oil - lilamuutiom god in _early_ '"'e “will: the and» Rough an the I-‘allaFt‘. Ion sauna, " Going to New York DBJ. W. thiliat "_-_ “TIER" CUBE ... 2lia Prices Mc., tme. and $1.00 mum GARDEN MAGIC. Coughing is the outward sign of inward disease. Cure the disease with A “to "my Rooster S. C. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. URor, N.Y. 3 and the cough will stop, T ry it to-night. If it doesn't benefit you we'll give your money back. h sent direct to the diseased w, by tho Improved Blower. ed: the ulcers. clean the at: was, stops droppin s in the throat and 'riiiir,'ii?i,'t'2r? Canard and lay Fever. wet to; All dealers. or Dr.A. W. Chm Medicine Co.. Toronto and his». Mow at Going. diltt ttAl ezpervstie" trim; _ot ‘Qrugd Trunk MATCHE pay an When the prororred great water- way across Russia from the Baltic to the Black Sea is completed, it will be one of the largest canals In the world. It will start from Riga. and end at Cherson. near the Crimea, a distance ot 1,607 kilometres. or about 1.000 miles. Its average depth will be twentrsis feet. Some ot the most important towns ot Central Russia will be connected, and large “tumors and war vessels will be en- ablrd to pass through the very heart ot Russia. An American syndicate has declar- ed itself ready to undertake this work and complete It in live years at a cost of $162,500,000. The con- l struction of such a network ot can-l ols would make Russia the country best served wlth Inland waterways In Europe. as soon as they acquired a. compet- uncy. and devote their remaining energy and ability and their exten- sive experience to promoting the public weltate.--Ktufthus City. Journal. X-nay Nt I'm. Tito, Gwmnn press: reports that a. new vocation has been lound for wo- men on account of the use or Roent- gen rays CY rays) in the hoapitall. Oourseu of lectures for the instruc- tion ot X-ray nurses will soon be commr-ncod at Bpriin. These women will only serve as nurses ot patients treated by X-ruys. and as assistant- at the use or them, which service is of a very delicate nature and re- l qulrlag great cane. i There are many) ways besides need- ing and travelling in which the no- tired professional or business man may get enjoyment for himself and make himself useful to others. He may advise and aid his sons and daughters and other young people who are starting along the thorny paths which ho has trod with honor and success. He may also exert an influence for decency and progress in politics. What a. boon it would be to a. nation if it should become the practice tor the successful and pro- fessional and businessmen to retire or the total of 857,046 immigrant. Into the United States in the last fiscal year, Europe contributed 814.- 707. Northern and Western Europe, incturling the German empire, Swit- zerland, France, Beigium, Nether- lands, Denmark. tho United Kingdom or (irmt Britain and Inland, Norway and Sweden, contributed 203,689 im- migrants lust year, against 138,700 for the previous fiscal year. an ia.. crease of 64,989. or " per cent. Southern and Eastern EurOpe, includ- ing Austria-Hungary, 1tatr, Greece. Roumania, the Russian empire and Finland, Spain. Portugal. Set-via, Bul- garia. Montenegro and Turkey, con.. tributed 610,813 last year, against 480,331 tor the previous year, an increase of 130,482. or but 27 per cent. _ ' 5! Animal tamers have certain sup- } eretitions which in their View are I so Important that to violate them i would be a risk of life. Among other ithintpr, they believe that it an ani- mat tamer. while in control ot lions and tigers. happens to {all in love. ! he can no longer manage the beasts. , who, by some mysterious mental tele- ;graphy, discover his weakness. and 5 at once assume their advantage. Thin peculiar belief -long ago proven true --hatt utilized by Robert W. Chambers in his new story. "The Maids of Par- : adise." The hero. Scarlett. having lit the French Military Police and tem- porarily Joined a circus as animal tamer, is suddenly unable to control the creatures and is accused " hie circus mates of being in love. Realis- Ing the truth, wthh he had not con- !essed to himself. he at once given up the work. ' Minard'e Llnlment cures Colds, etc. , Cleanliness, purity, from alt. faith .cnlm consideration are me best of ‘ 1ft, preserve". - Woman's Home I Companion. 'mke a sponge bath every morning In cold water, and rub briskly with n crash towel for ten minute-z take moderate excl-clan and plenty ot fresh air. Ta)“: a little reiuUFaUrihern,. enjoy your frauds; dont sculd:keep ycul: thoughts pure. Make tie 'mJui Bf w'imt you pos- sens- enjoy It; be happy to-day; don’t put 1;“qu until next year. Health and Happlnm. Don't anticipate trouble. Don't gossip; have mm in God. In humanity and In yourself. Don't imagine every dark cloud you lee is going to bring up a cyclone.. Fill every day a brimful of sunshina for someone else, and much'ot It wnll bore] c.olo;yo:, , - "P" . "_"--- --- --~-v W“ “V the furnace and went to dinner. On their return they were mutated to tind a roaring tire, the tarmac doom red hot and the mrnuoo it.. salt in danger ot melting. From that Mainte- nho meanwhile or anthracite in America. Occupation for Retired Man. A min; was ma In {nub at. tempt. to burn this coal, and at noon the emphyer and his workmen, JU. ogurgged " th_eir Ill-luck, shut up When Lion Tuner- Fnll in Love, The Romance or Anthracite. The anthracite trade began with an output ot 1,965 tons In twelve months. It has grown to 70.000.000 tone ttgt"'; In 1803 the city at Hula is bought 100 tone p6 2ltt2t for in in the p-trear :7ka but the ‘Meere. not know- ing how to burn it, broke It up to gravel" the warmth :the yard... In 1814 two unloads were sold at the {one o! the Schuylle tor $21 . ton. Mluard‘l Llnimcnt cures Blatan- The Russ San Canal YOU BUY “All "IE NM U. 8 Immigration. lt tttttttcl EVERY hit this. mm y. tt tt Meta Even-gun". ”WWI“. “Ialmaphw “Wuhan! For every man a woman la born, There’s a laugh tor every nigh; For every (Inger there is a thorn; There‘s a. truth for every lie. But the trouble is that many a Worn May bring one soul dlsmay. And many a woman alts forlorn While author. turn men away. It the been. the blood pump of the human eyltem. I. out of order the nerves are-tuned fer want of blood and indigestion. sleepine- neee. nick headache, lack ot vigor and nervousness are the result. Dr. Afnew'l Heart Cure relieves heart divine n M minutes, euros and ',2g"dtrtgt,'p, the 05f”: In that rich blood courier t rough thev II and health reigns where disease was supreme. The better' the blood pump the more Ita- ous the hen th. Ninety-nine out of a bun red heart: are weak or diseased. The ttmt dose of Agnew's Heart Cure relieve; Dr. Agnew. leer mun cure llvar Illa. Ian. It The Blood Pump It's a Good thing. Boner Tau It. Present momborshlp............................26,000 Present number of eotuteN....................uto Present Surplul Fundu............$400.000.00 Amount ot claim. paid............$1,432,000.00 Sick bettetita It you want them. Wrtto either w. P. MONTAGUE, Grand Record", or W. F. CAMPBELL. Grand Organiser, Hamilton, Ont. Brantford Courier. If tub cost of hair cutting goal any hither" bald headed man will be forced to so to the barber shop- In pairs and demand a double oper- ation for the one price. If your deuc- has it have him show it to yo. [foot write u- for descriptive boo“ THE WWI. MFG. CO. “I. MamLTON ONT. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Purely Canadian GAMBIA" (lillliill (lf illittlilt FRIENDS ened labor - quick and Men! results. You sit while using it. And t_ivy minutes u widen: for a tub- boil. stands rdArurauriia," itAt] The New Century 3311 Bear. #ttt Washing lacking in the ,,__ u... walnut-la VI a genes of petty retaliation: because the Alaska boundary dt nte was decided In favor ot the 'lr'lfh'l Staten? Monsanto. Bum.) In"... In the new order stopping all pal- aangm- train: on the Cnnadlan fron- tier for the purpose of customs ex- 'e1ehiyttitt.tiiiiiiGiu or a. series GIVES You llul.Tll 0H DISEASE ACCORDING TI] ITS CONDITION. Dear Birr,--t was tor seven years a. sufferer from Bronchial trouble, and would be so hoarse at tlmee that I could scar-ct":r speak above a. whit- per. I got no relief from anythlm till I tried your MINARD'S HONEY BALSAM. Two bottles gave relief and nix bottles made a. complete cure. Iwould heartily recommend it to (nu-one suffering from throat or lung trouble. n " . = J. n VANBUSKIRK. I Toronto World. Ladies are being asked to take off their hats in church in order that those behind them may see the points In the sermon. annoy Plllo. and both dlnenlel de- parted (our,'.','; Speaking of his case. Mr. noon an: N had been tumbled with been] and Rheumntlnn tor five years I on: now, well and it ll all owing to Dodd’e Kidney Pills. Ibfore I atm- ed nllng them I could hardly put my feet to the floor they were awoll- on so much from Dropsy. My arms used to swell at times so that I could not put my coat on. "A lrlend advised me 'to use Dodd'e Kidney Pllls offering to my for them it they did not help me. Before I had used the second box I felt a smut improvement. I took seven boxes In all and I don't known what‘ It la to be sick llnce." Fredericton. Kiolina"Tird' mined tor good. can. Mr. MM - _ -- ---- "-'Mt. """"""""H proof ‘that Rheumatism and Drops: are both the result- of Diseased Kid- neys. Mr. Robertson had Drop! and Rheumatism tor five years. in gazed his Kidneys by using Dodd'l gum. on. Nor. 943331;»? - o .5 cup of w. 1’50 Robert-on, of g at. AntMno unset. m. J'W.e u "rthor,aod convincing hm " -. Whh._, .. - - Ana HI. Rheumatism and Drop-y Des Paetod Never to gtet.rn-He lulu-a . u Statement. Goo. 1mm .,lrl,llN f"' Bum Ill8)ilhlllilfl Grudge. the Price. The Distribution. V 7"":3‘ ---imt. ""I‘ av. W;,Uuug Dodds' “a: My Pills ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO A Pointer. Cured ttit' Kid- Notice how, a baby wakes up. It stretches Its arms and legs, rubs lts eyes and yawns and wakes up slowly. Watch a kitten wake up. Strat it stretches out one leg, then another, rubs its face. rolls over and stretChes the whole body. The birds do not wake up and " as soon as their eyes are open; they shake out their wings and stretch their legs, waking up slowly. This is the not- ml way to wake up. Don't jump up suddenly. don't be in such ebony. but stretch and yawn and yawn and stretch. Stretch the um! and the loci: stretch the whole body. A good yaw-n snd__st_retch is hotter-1 even than a cold bath. It “HEB you thoroughly awake. nod than you 3|“;qu gho bath all the 'rtoN.-.. Take your time In gettlnu up. Yawn and stretch. Wake up slowly. Give the vital organs 8. chance to reypfr their work gradually. How u. Get Out of Hed. Don't jump up the timrt thing your eyes are men. Remember that while you sleep the vital organs are at rest. The vitality is lowered and the circulation not so strong. A sudden spring out of .bed is a shock to these organs, especially to the heart, as it starts to pumping the blood suddenly. ' you certain springs. and straighltway a. musical box begins to play un- til the person in bed is tact asleep. me desired slumber, it is said. invariably comes quickly. one rea- son being because only cradle songs and other soporltic tunes are played. Moreover, at the head ot the bed is a sort of alarm clock.by means ot which the sleeper can cause himself to he awakened by music at any hour he pleases. The music for this purpose is also selected with great care. martial and In- 'rplr1timr strains being considered most fitting for those persons who) are naturally despondent and per. slmlstlc. while soft and soothing tunes are selected tor those who are too quick tempered and wet headed. Tht, weiirht ot the body. as soon as Pte, {tea dqwn In his bed, acts ,__, V--- __‘. wwvllvll unva- uvu Ill. do. Save .50 try use ot one botao. War {and the most wonderful blunt-h can ever nown. Ramona All hard, to“ or eallomm1 lump" and blemishes from homes: blood up-vln. can», spun“, nngbono. Iweeney, "ities, cynical. "YP,, End owolgen throat, coughs. Person! to when: sleep doe. not come readily will be glad to hear tut a bed has been Invented in which no one can remain awake for a. 1onirtime. you bought." "on. Pre got It yet." wan the re- ply. "It looked like a good Investment “Iran I taught it, and I an ttcp tut that It Mil yet be worth enough to give me a good profit; but just now It shows a. loss." Rho man who was not so goo-J looked thoughtful. “It's a, mghty lucky tlllng for your eontreiettoep' he gala. at hut. “that; it Arty' land and not when! ed. casually: "What did if: 56 Gift. 1ft“. . property out on the west tt de r' Chieatto Post. "I never gamble." said th'e good man. "and spzoulatlon ls gambling" “Of course. ' returned the man who was not go 3995!; and then he add- Under We Nerve Luh. - The torture and torment of the victim ot nervous prontrntlon and nervous dcblllty no one can 'utsttr' utlmate who has not been under the ruthless luh ot the" relentless human toes. M, Williams, of Fordwich, Ont., was tor four year- a. narrow wreck. " bottles of South American Norvlne worked a miracle, and " doctor eotttirmed tt..-28 At the and ot the game the spectators clamor-ed for their money back. But the, police. with great pro-once ot mind, promptly ttet fee pr, undue}! persons” and -_H ___ - ‘v-Vll unwu-n all" an. Mtrtt tot the bno'éd mu put the crowd In good Jtumo'r.--Litis. IiMiusli SPAVIN LINIMENT. “mam IMHOL has no equal In median? a scare tor Neural?“ and all pain. Com- bined with Hedlclnn Gum- M In “The D & L"Menthol Pluto", m curative powers are greatly enhanced. Trrit once and you Will ”wan use It. In the tirgt half. a player had lingo. "ff' knocked on. Several mart and distinguished wo- men have worn long earrings, among others the Princess of Wales. Lady Landowno. Lady do Grey. Lady Henry Bentlnck and Baroness ite Meger. Creole earrings appeal to some of us. and the lance. round. Jeweled rings cult a dark, Carmen- llke type of beauty. Mrs. George Cornwallis West adopted this, style ot earring when In evening drew. Mrs. Mackuy has the titttstrt black pearl earrings ever seen In London; they are said to have cost $50,000. #irud'trr.. a 'myMrprilitant, forms at, $911on to the ear. These “when! we now. very proo- ibul and bid fair to the tar higher In price. Paar-shaped pearl. are fairly plentiful. and in emeralds this form neema to be not uncommon; but It In rare tn whim. and a. pear- lhgped Furquolse in hand to, tind. T Jo Augean PM“ I}, A "mere' Wei In laymen tet1- m w“! In . Mv."" ot, arrrnt In ennui cm or0'rt eurlngagre In two deat-d9errriitaier, undead the long mm}; Thouonmms are may in din-0nd- or In block or white Pearle. Long earrings seem to be coming into tasor. These take tho form ot an elongated edition of the. ltnd design. the mods.“ being oompooed ot a. "pear-shaped jewel. alum-.5 pearl. Putt on“. turquoise. peridot, emerald or a ’dngle dia- mgnd was“; penny and value. .. I: vt." irate. EARRINGS IN LONDON A Musical Bed. Al to Cumming. Pendants The New Football. " Comlng lnlo Her Heart like a Polluted Sprung. --Mru. James Srigley, Pelee blond. Ont, an”: " I war for are your. unlined with dyapeplia, constipation, heart disease and nervoal pro"ration. I cured the heart the heart trouble with Dr. Agnew'a Cure tor tho Hahn and tho other ailments vanish- ed like mint. Had relief in half an hour after the tinet do-."--'.?,'? an; vent: mlv VII Burl-ll. A Begging Letter. ------- Here are a. few pittance. of Baboo , English. taken from a. begging let- now S 11i,!!it ter: “Honored Sir." wrote one man. ',,,',?,a"ffiflrt'Jg'.r't'rh'det',t gang "It may be evident by your blessed all“ "'"ghf'auz, .00 'r “do o race, which combines faultless aym- " “a lii,TiG7ir, h", .50" F. r. ' Chm I “Milli. " an d belie hi metry of feature with a Mntrle llll'l't'la,""h'o'll'o'ffdd I: grit 33uu- an: sweetness and Intelligence ot express. action. and annually shin wen-r7 on my slot). that Four manners ot relieving $231513" ',ttt?,t 'yh'LTa, who...“ poor natives are gracious and pleas- uremia. Toledo. o. . ling] Bf“? informal?a that you are I, 'h'ltt'2eijtttg,t', can“ 2tt'u",,T,hecg,t no . o e 0 I . ',1'l'f.. gut was.” 1.ali? Jy't"l?'ti 'dUT/ih' 'l,".",'-',,','. 'aql'thh'lfL'h"g/fh'1T. .. " F, , . . o, ' PHeer--76e rbottle. Bold by wan-mum. T, 8. 9, 10. -Nme, York Tribune. f Take mil-3 mum Pill-for ventilation. Wash greasy dtahm, pots or pun with Lover’s Dry Soup 0. powder. It will re. move the gram with the when one. 36 “Dear met" rejoined this very an- noying girl: "were you marked down from titty t" Wuhlm Btu. " went to California." said th'e diningulshed western man, “u u tor9-ninerf Minus-d1 Llnlnent cure. aunt In cowl. of their reasons for shooting. Ttter,' sometimes take their prisoners at! the point ot the revolver, when, ttl the thugs - them to be unarmed, , they would be beaten halt to dmsth.i Tomato News. l It seems a pretty tough deal to a. policeman to tend him on beat atl night without any means ot defence other than a baton. It he is a. game man, he will often take his iii. in " hands. . . . 1DorotthN police carry revolvers at night, and they need them. They are not likely tol use them untseoetrtraruy, tor they are ffrRtlhed to given. minute weight! The Civil“ lee ot PellnilyVlllh Editor Gluten Worker. The Coaderqtort editor who was reported last week as suffering from a severe attack ot inflammatory hallucination, had a sudden .turn tor the worn: last Thursday. a eerie“ case of what might be diagnosed an oongtomeruted Insanity having not in. It his raving-a continue there seems to be grave danger that per- piexity may be followed by apopiexy. We extend fraternal condolence to our brother editor in his suffering. Minard's Llnlment cure- Diph- lherla. Ix Shirt waists gqqgcfa'inty linen are rnaideriihtfiilly clean and fresh With Sum. Irtht Soap. "l" 'ree ”up..- iii" 1.1.1 The Conversational Nuisance. The Pot loo Pistol. ',1'5U1eterto-rmir _ ttiiiiim1rrrii' Scufwlu " 'attglt Add 1'rm 'a"ah'lht a"? tre, Der. as. in...» fin. -wv.‘_rnu-'II-ll "um" lad 'trdle ual hi - new agent: 1i'illlirll'tfrelgtrr/vtrgafg1ii, MmkmthuuM-mmbc-d. -cial'oAetssduriri' sh. sum when the (uni:- m not busy. Luke. and girls, (dunk-mogul! this Chung-ad who to! the pictures ttthr. W. tle,',',',',',,",,,':', 1'1t4ir1,pittdawg,iitte,2i,t,i' 0mm“ M50 (you: w 'lfg','t%'lle2o2etaterytie aaa --- Over include-Q Induswid and {Inn-aw ram-{.31 'kip, at: six 'iiiFi'i?i'it'iili, an", can c or out: math-M vii]. my Ee. I. log", Rumba-g; Cam. gai4t u “it. AI an - Mn -K___a, -e -- w... - m-n will"; can” u: " I write to that?“ foe lil. [whim I'm leaf. te injust beautiful. could not buy one like h in our ttise0teta.oo." mud-prion: all {at no]. in Stan; and than A.".. ._..-I ., -- - __ 8m”- an. “Imam“...d we ottt ml! 0 km Wily-colored Plo- 'd'lym'g'rll incha, named " The men Whisper,” "The Family Recurd,“ and "Sim Ir to Thy cross I Cling." to all It Me. each. TI also give a sac. when: free touch purchaser. Then pictuu In handsomely finished in " colon. And could not In bought in any note for less than soc. each. Every myocolu them to will buy or... or non. Wh- otArsendtmtumiktirraf% wmundyoutlh Malt hit MI :1llE"0llERaiigaEg I mason mum lblernteo Nothing Home Rule. Phil-dolphin Pro-II. Mn. cuddle-I no you're going la, for society. Has your daughter made he}: damn: Jet t Mrs. tiurrtett-weit, I should my not. She got all them thing. made to order In Paris. Clone tor the but. " you! and bone" hm [unveil] honorable In All bulim- trun- ncuom And t1ntr,neittt1r able to carry on my 1ttrtitrattona undo " thin ttrm. WAmeo. Runny: 1 Alumni. When-ole Drum-ta. Toledo, o. Hall's Catarrtt Cure 1. Mon mummy”; 1n; dingy, upon the you! and mucous unr- We otter One Hundred Dounn' Reward tor any can ot Cntarrh that cannot. be and by Euro (3th Cu an. F. J. CHENEY t CO., Toledo, o. We. the undeulgned. In“ known P. J. Chapel tot the mus you" and benev- bun Murcia-nun. The United States I: better under- stood, and when all I. said and done better liked, by Canadian. than by any other people on earth. (Iii ARI 100 01000071-? WE WANT all or at but” “Convoy-'0 Um.- In "or: locality. ttrid'- hum; 32mm p..- mrqish fon't with a: We any nut-sum Manama-u, YouCulm'rm In a twining“. 49 years of honorable detttirtg sped: for the relinbility of our house, "Diamond Hall." Write for our new analogue. Ready Nov. tsth. you could purchase 3 Dia- mond of gun-unwed quality " o great saving in price, would you invest ? That is precisely what we offer in our No. 947 Soiitaire Diamond Ring, No. 916 If you kqew po_sitively El!” 0*;me [fa-mini“- - a you. rue-q " biting: _'2ltdt1u'll'lli'. 'oGiaFruiaiira do" FiiGrTi RYRIE BROS. 'SIM. E8tul'ht o2.,' Sun-41.. (lumen M I would "tr. l20. l2: All "t You“ Bh. Toto-h _ {ha}; 'kr.t'e',t {ml if. ll cu, @rm31-o.. )i tatt Gi Fi asunday s INTERNATIONAL at-Sutter'.-.' Ttw .5 Us doe; to. L A). 1. a Lil-tat In the grout she‘d lolloweu are the sheep “to the force ot the 1 mm" to understand use between Liv node: and the Oriental she; he than. In that {and them attachment between the and his flock. Equally I tious exist between the and and his noee. 8h" not want. The “it'll, of experience in ttttd partly of the wand Munro. When John " " ,ked by George III. it II ~11 [interment in thr c avkrrowtmittement for a: Lady paper he had wry orient: attain. ite Iclurl "rortntl but charm-1m "sin. I want nothing paese."--W" lkmuon. l 2. 'N hr down. The Ill-I'd gives rest to the q wicked are fitted with ul_ at. 21). but (111151 “mm to than who come to h M. arr Green ruslurel of budding or tender gm In“ word denotes the' t (Dent 82. S.) as dtstittt th- riro gram. wlzlch Am another word. Hem-e. ll lordod drlir-Ious and um tttres-Whedon. a" loud Orientu Khulna-d new noee In we do, but tsortt Jesu- mwer asks us to do“ not no. or to do “whim: ho has not 1 (cred. ".Imtus thus Ivnd In, Rio: Holy sum wl all truth No one is wk (too-c his own “to tor I! " any rerFOII In old ago In you“: he rlannml to known. and he writ an who trust In Mm to than they know or am "I know not wlrro“ But well do I know) Still waters. [Moran "It: not gently nowin stream! win-w ml an} my [to found man. 32. 3. More“! In! .0 (Mr back my tout, ttte In! “fared (Mun. x, Peter. it. 25). The won our means "to ret hack." or. [MINIMUM-H Putin! ot righteousm paths are opwnwd l.) Inn-ate ways, and to l hedkence and nervous“: 5). For "in munu's a our the glory of " nut on :u-r-mnt of .0." "'nir shoop are 1 “one placennnd who: he ou-r Hwy :u'l' gnu fold. and tho sinking fold. and tho sinking .uo. whm'u- no wotre my robbvr climb up all mu rem tom duepherd‘s oyr." 4. Sindmv of (In. near to steutit that (All. ("or Mm. tor I (ran ttttt minimum: 1 up with tho shadow a ttw uhndcm of aitN - been augmented mountain gonna t David was tartuetirtt [and u- flocks. than: and ot tic-nth from MI Fear no ovil--'No ml outer the lunleu a when Manned of " procenoe and proton. the good Shawn-rd. T (lath II hut a shad: Rod any] ... ,rtarr-'"r5 noch. ready to pr.» awn“. and they t and fmrlr‘snly “110 M. Tho how! and In . b. Prepare-t . u II changed. Jehovah ed as the ' who certain: the pnlmlut and urovldml Mm n own our. on orioot “ruined (how to win to chow sane!" ttt Hill? vulmIm-Jr-notn- Rod and ... ,rtarr---"T tn ortiee of the um protc-cthm of ttw RN and Ila" soon- to , tor om- instrument. , to drteo AWny wild I reet the ulna-op. and - of " mm on I The lhnphold walk (lock. ready to may: Ott m bottle ot LI lid: In otter of 9.000 1 cannot kill. We do M that liqtgid tttlet - unfun- -. n ' W Atty dry tlurt kl”. t to you and it “and he‘ mum” alone can i {In-imam killing ti i. t e only “1 km" - an conceivt of --to of "y germ disease. ue-, is simplyl drugs, no alcohol in it. of Pauli. the great Gen went ao yam on it. ct such Ill excess of in mm the blood tl tire ia atrr.tu.ePITte,! Osyte lt' MIL" to I" we: of “any. It it - Its effects If: l trug. his 1'etr,te',tt m. are vcgeubles. T---the very life 'a",'"crve, ve'y BI' ly to vegetable ehartres the hood wit men that no germ - - We we! Dnvkl's Trust tn God.- u a. America NOVEMBER “5. l1 “in: NT, Paid ' bane of L " Perl

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