West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Nov 1903, p. 4

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lil @Some useful horses for sale. ta, 'Rush to Ctark's G see, to test. to A, Convinced (ii) J'. Ji Warlock (ii) our fev- to-date That there is no better placezin the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win. ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville ; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs; Churns,:Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still cor1tinuesiand) still there's room for more CASr- AND ONE PRICE. Complete as well as up-to-date and as reliable as it is complete, Every dress or clothing need for man OI boy, and showing the very newest fancies and style features. The best the market produces is here, and in many cases better because manufactured expressly for our own store under the supervision of experts, ' Progress Brand ' who know styles, qualities and good tailoring. Just now Fall Goods are crowding to the front. If you want to make a test of this Sore's t prepara- tions for fall, you can do it thoroughly with our clothing and men's needs. '17!’ (ill) (ill) ) I(ugly a a " m e n I It is hardly necessary for us to emphasize it, so great have been the throngs of visitors, and heavy buyers, in our showroom the past month. No thoughtful up-to-date women think of missing this store for Millinery. Ctothing &ore John Clark Ateciikations And forms of tender my be had on npplimtion to the Department ot the bovine“! “felting. Toronto, or to the Bursam of the rupee o I-n “a. ...u.\__ - - --_ . ~v-‘ruw' v: w nu: Durant! UK we mpec~ tire iiGfiGGG. ed.The lowest or my tender not necessarily accept- I'N‘ewmpen intrerting this advertisement without (“Torin from the dement will not be pm! or t. J. R. ”RATIOS. Pavilion! m. Puritan: Buildings, Tomato. November 9. 1m ruppl)‘ or meat tome uyluml in Toronto. London. Kingston. Hamilton and Brockvllle, nor for the Central Prison nnd Mercer Reformnory, Toronto. A marked chug“: for five per cent of the estimo- ted Amount of t e contract, payable to the order of the Honorable the Provincial Secretary, must he fumished by etch tenderer " I guarantee of hi: bona tides. Two sutBcient sun-ties will be requir- ed for the due tultnlment of each contract. And should my tender be withdrawn before the con- tnctis awarded. or should the tenderer foil to furnish such security. the mount of the deposit will be forfeited. At the Asylum: for the Insane in Toronto. Lon. don. Kingston. Hamilton, Mimico. Brockville, Cty. boun; and (Mills: the Ventral Prison and Mercer !ietortnatory, Toronto: the I.retorrnatory for Boys, l'euetangui.iherie! the Institution for Dent and Dumb, Belleville. and the Blind at Brannon}. Exception-- Tenders are not required for the supply ot meat to the uyintnl in Toronto. London. Kingston. Hamilton and Brockville. not for the Central Prison and Mercer 1utortmstoiy, Toronto. The undersigned will receive temlm up to noon on Momlny. 23111 Mst., for supplies of butcher? mast. creamery butter. ttour. oatmeal. potatoes, cprumsod, cm, can. for the following institutions during the your Mot, via.:- TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, I904 Valuable Property situated on North Side. Lamhton tit. iirst place outside the Town of Durham. Everything in first-class shape, good new brick house, gnocl hank barn, and ll acres first-class land. Large orchard set cut last spring with every good kind of fruit. A first- class, place for anybody. Apply to Ilhe undersigned otfer for sale Two Shorthorn Bulls, one 12 mos, the other 13 mos. old, principally red and likely animals in every respect. Terms on np~ plieation to proprietors. lots 28 and 24. Con. Q. B. D. H, Glenelg: Will sell rea- sonahly. .._ ... ...... v. .....V\, 'r.. '"'""""r' UL‘L. 22nd. that. he met death, Coming to the surface something gave amny. caus- him to fall through the shaft. a. distance of fifty feet, to the bottom of the mine. The funeral setvices were held in the Presbyterian Church. of Spencer. Mr Campbell being a Cl'nimunicant of that. denomination. The deceased was a son of the late Dnncan Campbell of Ben. tinck. He was born in Scotland. May 6th, Wit, and come with his parents to Canada in 1845. His earlier days were spent in Bentinck. In 1889 he married and moved west the same year'. Br industr'yiand 1"'r'set'verattce Mi. Cmnpbe l accumulated property. The deceased leave " widow and tour children, two sisters and a brother to mourn the loss of n. loving husband. father and brother. innahly. A. bo. tue.uai," - w Proprietors. Also Purebred Tame and Berkshires. ity of Durham and Bentlnck. will he grieved to hear of the sad and sudden death of John Cam hell. Spencer. Color- ado. Mr 'l?d'0tl,lt,lf'l'2 for' several years been interested in the mining industry of that place. being the nwuer of sever- al valuable claims. It was while at tly? inI one of these, on Thursday, Oct. I “.1 A - A I A . . .-_ l DOUBLE SUPPLEMENT.--A ver . excel. Iettrntt'cle, on the " Union Jack " will be found on our Supplement. Also, pm article on Undtwdriiiting and local mm- tar Mr. Allan McDougall, Sr. Crawford. who has been for some in North Dakota returned home safennd well on Mon- day last. His sun and many Scull! G reyJu-nple are settled near Bottineau and oing well, and he has formeda high opinion of the country. Rev. Wmi R. Smith wilt conduct the seryuces In t e Methodist Church. Dur. ham, on Sunday. The subject. for the morning selvice will he "The Lord's Day " ', in the evening at 7 o'clock, sub. ject. " When to say No." Mr. w. S. Horshilrgh. N t. Fore“. has been stecutrd by the Ritchie hum. to help along brick and unison work of the new Hunter block. and stun-ted work Tuesday. Mrs David Mason. ‘ankortou, ie Vinit- ing the l'urnhull families and other lea knives north of town this week. It is 21 years since she was here before. Mrs. McDonald. Detroit, in visiting with her mother. Mrs Davidson, and sister and broth". M Ptt. C. L, Grant and Mr. A. Davidson m town. Mrs. Firth. who lately went to Toron. to Junction to assist nursing her daugh- ter and hmily. arm»: that all are pro- gressing nicely. Mo. Arthur Jackson. of Durham, spent the Utter end of last week visiting I."" David Robertaon'n.--Brtteer He:- tt . The Baptist choir. Mrs Newton. Mr Dryudale and others. cave n successful concert in Priceville. Tueadsy evening. Mr. Jno. Cameron. traveller for the McLean 'l'ndeJournals. left Wednesday morning to resume his duties. Pure-Bred Bulls For Sale. Dr. Pickering and Miss Mamie Hun: unl- were guests over Sunday of Mt Forest friends. ' Misses Sophm Burnett and Alice El- vidgke were vintors in walkerton last wee . Miss “Wilda Snddpn. Chatsworth. is Fishing her sister. Mrs. Fred McClock- m. Mr. Alex. Emu" is In Toratoau week. Mr. Hugh Ruse J r., returned this week tow. Louis. As we go to pm we but that w. T. Petrie, of Holitrin. is dead. Mrs. Wm. Marshall Jr.. Varnoy. is sick with 'tnNstnmntion of the lungs. Mr. W. Evans. orChesler, wuss guest atMr. Jno. A. Black. Sunday and Mon- ay. The frdenfs and rtlat_ives, in the vicin- KEELER, The Jeweller, Durham FOR SALE. THE noun REVIEW Obituary. -.--. '-..e.- --.-..-. ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO IT WILL PAY YOU to we him Eon} Esme-a though you hue to drive so miles. lomy ot peo. ple come further Ind and it to pay. He In: had N YEARS' EXPERIENFE and those who deal with him get the benetit of it. Wtrr0--"AtFe rrrmpt." never 3 n t." All business strictly contidetftial. as m INSURANCE, Fire. Life and Accident. puma: magma ih'tr/ltt u lowest mien. Every i6ss set- tl hononb y ma fairly. No quibbling. IF YOU WISH TO SELL yont prop- erty he cam do it quicker and better than you can and he changes nuthing If no sale HE COLLEGES debts and claims of all kinds. No charge if no money collect. 0d. Is not that fair ? HE WILL LEND YOU MONEY on shortest notice. lowest rates. very smallest cost, and on your owu terms. Are careful as to who shall do their business. So should you be. Then you had better go to H. H. Miller, the Hano- ver C'oneeyamser. flll Mill)'! Mill McArvrHcm--In Egremont on Nov. lst, l 1yi1lie McAtlhurA, son of Neil Mc-f RrrAv--Brtows-.In Hanover. on Nov, 4th. 1903. by Rev. Mr Garner. Mr. Joseph Rvay to Miss Ida Brown. but!) of Bentinck. HARvttr.--in Bentinck. Oct. 14th, to Mr and Mrs. Geo. Hut-vie, a son. IPr.rrvstaHAsr.--In Glenelg, on 23rd of Oct. to N r and Mrs Gem ge Ledlmrlmm. a son. Bwmorrat.--In Sullivan, Oct 23rd. to Mr and Mrs John Sweiger. a son. Lrnrtuunuc--rn J to Mr and Mrs The next meeting Will he held at Mr Wm Ranmge’s. Thistle, nu Thursday. December 3rd. All ladies curdially in. vited to attend. J Derby, "Good Housekeeping” by Mrs (J Kenhedy. "Children," " Duty of the Guest" and "What we receive by en. lertaining." A mast tsuccessful meeting was held utthe home of Mrs Thus McGirr on Thursday. the 5th inst. The attendance was yer large. exceeding that of any other meeting held in the homes of members. The program was quite lengthy and consisted of sovernlgood gallery. viz: .. Sin_v_ing S_teps_" hy_ Nts, N' One of the pioneers of Proton, Mr Duncan Mehlil an died on Sat.. Oct 31st, Mm, aged 83 years. The funeral took place from his hue residence on Mon- day. Nov. 2nd. to St Andrew's Church, Swinton Park and was probably .he. largest ever seen in these parts. Mr McMilhuz was well known and highly respected. His consistent, walk wasa power for great good in the township and beyond ita hounds. Ever fearless in upholding what he believed to be right and in condemning what he be- lieved to be wrong he. made lasting im- pressions upon the people who rame in contort with hun. Powerful in bodily frame. st: om: in character, conscientious to the Very letter and possessing intel- lectual qualities far above the average, he was a type of man not always met. To see him was to adlnile him. to know him was to love him. He wasastaunch suppcwter ot the Fresh 'tenan Church and an elder in St, Andrew's, Swinton Park. where he will be sorely missed. Uver forty yenrsago he started the first. Sunday School in Proton, not did his interest in work for the young ever weaken. He was the ministerh' great friend. always stood with them in their difficulties. cheered. cottnselled, helped. and it was fitting that so many of them. Rev. Mr. Morrison. Cvdarv0/.. Rev Mr Matheson. p, iceville: Hey Mr Roach. of the Mell;odist chum-h and Rev Mr Campbell, of Dromore, took part in the funeral services. Mr Morrison. his for- mer pastor and Mr Mutheson spoke very appropriate words, the latter from the text. .. Blessed are the pure m heart foe they shall see God." Arthur, Jr., aged? f/sh month. {The following sketch of the above greatly respected tttrntlentart itsfurttished us by our Boothville correspondent and makes an lr,',Tt,'ii.'te addition to but Week's notice.- , .1 This was done on Oct. 3ist last. when there was Mei ned u: the tield of Meki- win, in the 'lf,'),'?:?,?,), of Portage La Prairie, under charge o Rev. A. M. Mc- Omrrie, who will furnish us at. lent two reports from the tleld din-lug the year. The" reports will be unt- to all sock-ti. a in the Presbytery to be read. All the societies will send their contributions. half by end of you end half by end of June to the convener. D. L. CAKPBELL. Dromore, At the June Ttkg, of the Presbytei . ial Convention. at Ho stein. a committee was appointed. D. L. Campbell. Dm- more. manner to uncertain it our u. E. Societies in Sangeen Pleuhyury could support. a. missionary. As .ittritnent has been promised to support a. Home Mis- uonary viz ' 8250. but not enough to maintain a Foreign Minimum y. the committee decided to ask Dr McLaren to uppomt us a Home Mluimmry. C. E. MISSIONARY FOR SAUGEEN PRESBYTERY. --Por the tht 10 months ot this your 12t,116 inmigrsubeutne to this coun- try, and the best of itistho bulk of of them are British. The flow to the United States from Europe is now largely Italian. -The province ot Panama. part ot Colombia. in South America. broke out in revolution a few weeks ago, and declared itself an independent ns,',; lie. The insurgent tnoope haw on so successful that they have been re- cognized by the United States. and be- fore long we may hear of the building ot the Panama Canal. Now dont to Ingmud' either it Uncle Sam takes the fl gating under " own wing. THE LATE DUNCAN IcIlLLAN TOPICS OF THE WEEK THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. MARRIED. DIED. BORN Bentinck. on Oct 13th. I It. H. Ledingham, a O0. on-.. Hanover Convey-moor (WIRES 'e iMacFarlane d l. t tses, and Booksellers”? ' - 'S' wmwew “555mm $°k$°$9t~¢99$ **$$$§g , t ' am: g, :95 y (t, 136111.274 Ji, MODEL A first class Line of Bread. Cakes, PM stry always on hand at Rowe's store Flour and other insrrdiieiU. -.-.- SECGNDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY. cleanliness reigns in every A-.........--.,, ' ... . --- -w-h --u ul- """J department of our establishment. L ASTLY, our prices are absolute] yfair. Give us a call and see for yourself GOOD REASONS: FIRST of all, we use onlv the fi, ITSUITS TOA Ty And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. Come and Lamp Goods Horse Clippers Stove Iron Beds Cutlery Silverware HARDWARE I Bicycle Lamps mu you ever hear of a wo- 'lt? man having too much china li) in her home? Dont be- 't' lieve you did. When in £3 Montreal and Toronto lately 6 we visited the different 6 stores and picked out what 4% we thought a few of the 6 most pleasing pieces " pri- 6 ces to fit most any purse. = Did you ever hear am BREAD! Quality in Coal Oil, Lamps and Lanterns. The sale of Cutlery is still go- ing on. Call and satisfy yourself no to quality and style. Give your Stove Pipes I coat of our Stove_ Pipe Illuxpiqum, $533.} biov'e a coat of our Black Jack Stove Polish and you will be satisfied. We still have I few Iron Beds at Rock Bottom prices. We have some extra good bargains in Bicycle Lamps. 4‘”..- - uni-go! Ull‘lluo ... -." "_-- 7 - Any person riding 3 wheel should not be without one. aurirGG" aoiee Silver- ware, very suitable for Wed- ding Presents. W. BLACK. WEDDING mums Made to -i,rTier iiCi.Tt"ert Styles on shortest notice. BAKERY, LOWER TOWN ‘. STINSON. for yourselves u?e only the finest In abtmdanee. g flet (lea Hulls. t Grease I Blackwell's Peels 5 hit Gold Humans. Call and Also Now that you have a iudhope Bum) get a Tudhope Cutter & be in thvswim ' uc opting nas come and the Sumnm has gone and so has nearly two carloads of Tudhope Buggies and the plan- which was once so filled to overtlou inv with those rigs is now being filled up with over a narload of the famous Peter Hamilton's Goods in Sim]; We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Ur den or enquiries left " C. McArthur', store, or " the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. it fi?, '0leaGthur implements I j' '6tiostet Cream Jammie”. We. [cadu- rill, 4'w in] Wood: / f Cum-u an!!!“ and their reputation has been ggined only by their excellence. I J. ftWfsros no dawn 3090 price: on COLONIAL SLIPPEBS and OXFORD. A few cases of women's and Mimi Rubbers going at M nnd 80 cents. Custom work 3nd "wring attended to " promptly as pouible. Titans-Cum Boot- or Slut“. Batrttees, either wool-[mod or mth. "" Slipper". Tout. ormfort Stockinn. Gauntlotl. Gloves. to. --_ sndprieelutho ' New Boot & Shoe Store. Are and“, growing in favor. Try . put and be convinced that they have no superior for quslicy and Ilyle, We have tome good ulnar in (inuntlezr. Gloves. Mitts and Mitt hangs. Felt Boots, Lumbermnu'n Box and Bair bers, Rubber Boots ready for the cold.“ of rather. Trunks. "lines. club bags, In in Mock " lowest prices. You will find, than! no {snout style. Iso Maxwell Mackinory Of all kinds. Examine our Tl 'R NIP PULPERS ; they are tht. best on the market; also om CHURNS & \"HEELBARIU tWy, They it; good intévery respect Show Rooms daugh Stables Spring Ems Some and the Only Drill in the Market geared from both wheels and full lines oi Lately we were talking cutters now its Gray's " you are looking fora [nit- of SOVEREIGN SHOES gudhopc Gutters are Crowded for Room attmMnlmllt 12, 1903 Ram @rgans Also see our famous opposite Mid our BELL IOWIBEB 1llli)lilfll'g Ill) OWEN HUI'NID Cat1ttet"ti “lurk ' Repairing and Oak PEEL, TH For An E OWEN SUV Pull particulars tie HE SELLS We Are offet ing class Ladies" Flu Ruth ft ( 'hiidl m Man's. Wott:,u Womets's ll, Men'rd Fl Cockshutt and Clare Bros. with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Imp: Famous Tudhop1 Bishop Ruin TEL LAHI‘S Prawn Stee Also Br TWEEDS “o Cotdor . Block GROCERIES .18 [18K lm Adamd by alt Indium Tuuuenrerye1lt' plan! can mm. ”who. u itht'Mf,t III-Inn the I It M's Ila-Icahn mun GikL you“ Pgi't _= I “on... I“ -'"' -~v~v WM muon - Alu- wow.» un- Iuw'e! Gun, C. A. VI Ali t6 The Itup1ouenl a cmttinuation of bestow) on them be found Best course of stud: Subjects. Shorthat writing. Best nu moot thoroughly 1 lege in the nonuni mu- enter at I Mum Ever offered a' Call and st AT LOWES We can give y That is midi and up-to-date, El] AT THE OL 3 BEST DRY GOODS, " )OTS & silk Ot hrs! att ' ‘um-imu n i Parlor on lumps hum NI lyer‘s Ins: III/IA H 'nquvh d " _ T ly tteh' mk- - ILA NI 'erc t V' urn ntf HM

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