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Durham Review (1897), 13 Nov 1903, p. 5

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a pair of var. Try . they bl'e and "ru. hm in ttn and (‘ULONIAL lt. A low s' Rubber: emu. 1nd or Iraith Boots. Ml Rub. 1 “tended to tibia. rket Feared ’1!" linen of respect [INS Aut. and ing cutters ready but)". mg. is prices. IDES ' thur m TUR- are the also our RRUWS. iridge a" any. Or nous style. M id qt St 12, 1908 ic Summer " carioads the place rvertlowimr g filled up he famous 'pe Buggy, n the swim has been excellence Arthur's ICE. will 'Iora. nts UR in Stock BELL m Store. a a! 0 w EN S()U'N I) - PRINC] PAL Ionian It 1003 1ilhlillll'il G) MOWER ('ultler’s Block, 'tepairinst and Order- our Specialty. PEEL, THE snozmn. For An Education Ow EN SOUND. Osa. Best course of study in Bushes Subjects. Shorthand and Type- writing. Best methods. The most thoroughly equipped col- lege in the Dominion. Students may enter at any time. Full particulars sent free to any address HE SELLS CHEAP. We are offeting the very best class of W. H. BEAN l hihh ett's Twines & Tums from 231: up. Mun'u. Mvv's ('armgun Jitcketst" 81 &l 5091.6?! Wouteu's "mu y Woot Shawls ' (a 1.IG, 1.75. and $3.11. each. THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. I ‘..mm-h-Hr b'husktii---large size grny m- white fe' t31 per pair. LA HTS? Parlor and hrdrmnu lamps from 2Ge up to $3.25. tiee them hefote buying. with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs. Clare Bros.' Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton's Implements, Adam 's Sleighs. 1lrst Pure Ibmey TWEEDS if YARNS c-iiuoo- Neat the Pet" OHiqq GROCERIES (ii) At 113k Mala 01 tllf ms S. SCOTT. mliva‘ Fur Rum: {mm 81.50 to 80 each. .. 1'nperirres hot" G.00 to 12 Path. C. A. FLEMING . - .‘nwcn Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. Adopwd by all te.ningTetsoola in Toronto. 'r.h,utter,iLelutnl'll system by no“: ot ("mm mm. Black mnF-snnde8tter%ttr- eating device: beings the idiom by!“ wind; the child" tinned.“ mm. Musical NW 'N,'gll'g lode- Phno Work Kay-baud no“ and I”! IWetniq- For an. with? -- -, __ " -_ u - - " lustre! mm. -,, The Implement Man "asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found - AT THE OLD STANDW Ever offered at the price. Call and see them. We can give you Bargain'. That is practical, useful and ttp-to-date, attend the " NOBLE Wotne"',, and Children's Uuderwear,---nll prim-s DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. 6 N9Th' & SHOI'B, &c., Ot best quality. T. NOBLE. [yor‘s lute lethal. .IIA’IIIA'; Call and see us. - Tush». ll... Durham. loc per lit. Thu wank we tool it our duty to PP. pou on no lo- than tire 'llmnlt aim In tin. of writing. Tum wok pluc- in the condor, in this villas and the other two to minimum“: cometarios. A: no mo in n tormur inane of the IU. vuw of the death at M K Benton. . premium widen: of the, wwmhip ot' Glow]: in former you". him: on. at in odievnll for neural years. who died at Trout. Lake we week: Mo, from the " focta ot Kungriuo. The body um taken to [nond- " qubuuon and nu buried m l’riruille with Innoulc honors, he being . member of shahody. Mr Baum was n number ot some berteatiary noel-tars toe which his widen will receive the nmwunt of hi: innit-nee. M K mu m“ and Invornhly known throughout the County of Groy.lu being in the "some: ominous for a number ot years. He lanes . who and "tse child and an ugml manner. lumen: Ind one brother to mourn Ina (huh. On Oct 28th Mrs Arch Muir died at the an ot " you» a tone render" of the townshiu of Arumesin. coming than some My ”In Mo. an» like runny of tho pioueem of the forms know why“ tt mm to "ttlo in a new country sud Ind to endure the trials of howimt out a house in the woods. She was a quUt und inofrsntsire woman and mm a good member of the Pmmbytrriau church. Her hmhund died about thirty yen: no. lu, Mr Matheson amen-led as the h-‘Ill. and gun. _ Matty willremgmlnr the lam Dumun Holman. ot Swimou Pull. n, being u nun tuat the word. ot the pulmist no appliotsbls In marking "the potion man and bets owing the tumgln." Ag we only make mention by way of extending our “nullity to tho I-ereuyod one». shall not my much so to moon. of his death Inn nape-ted nlrondy. The man tint has pus-0d the highest mark allouml. must duo. while the young um; in the bloom of youth is looting [onward to old “to as u thing for this, into the future. consequently no new" death from a nltnnl ntnndpomt u A thing that In tar nway from him. but also the men-enger comes often to the you“: man and chums bun to be hil. A law any: ago George Uonrdt. I young man ot abut" 27 you" died at " “HP or'. Lotus, South Line. Glenda. alter nu illness of "sveral months from the effects or tt cold contracted. He was burned an Ebom-zer cemetery on Friday last, Rev Mr Roach Mikhail”. Now we come to the lust which was a and one. the (loath of Mary McCor. muck, beloved wife ot John Manchliu, who tllml on the 5th inst" utter nn ill- ne» ol some tun days, caused by an ot oration tor nhutructwu of the iutets'.itses. M In McL-Ichlin was about 7o years at age. A strong, healthy woman. unttl saized With the trouble that caused her death. She. with her hurl-and braved hle's bottle» for tortrtrve years mud by h-r good ttMtuagerutmt in usnilllug her huh-- band to carrying on the duties of lite and raising a largo family they accumulntvd plenty of the World's goods to make them- aolv” Ind tunm’ly m comfortable circum- stuncn-y. Shh was the mother at clam livmu RODS and rnrw daughters. am. now Ihnt she ls gone. when those sons and daughters. some tor “my tram tho old home. vunt the home of the! youth, they will only fuut an did the one of out; the gunmen": “inch B belayed motlur worn and It Is Ir, Wonder that it is with tears dropping that the-y exclunm-d " What is at home without a mommy." Yes, it in and to bo lent Wllbuul n mother. but it is sadder for the father to be left m his dechoing you", mused a: u only on the ocean ot ht.- m loneliness, lot the who 1-hnud bi, ioyn and trouhlcs dining her hfo has ceased to he. no more emulort to him in cheering hint on the pathway the restof hm journey. On accoum ot tuurtiticatrou setting in the lunern: hwl to take place " day sooner than expected, "on,etlt2etot y " large noun-e: ol lrieml- z'nnt others were not mm: of the tullelnl so muon. lice Mr Mntheson officGted at the inur,e and the grave. Mrs hleL,ch, lin, in n-ligion was a Presbytvrmn. Thus ends the lite ot n beloved Villa and mother. Rev Mr Hunter. of Max-Male. preach- od m the Presbyterian church In [his placo on Sunday Inst. Rev Mr Mathe- son took Mr Hunter‘s place morning and evoninv. Mr Walter Nichol. sf Knox College, Toronto. 1-0“ of Juo Nichol near here. wilypretutu next Sunday at. 11 o'clock m the morning. No doubt, many will avail themmlvas of the opportunity of coming out to hear a follow citizen. who Was born and raised in the suburbs of our town. Commisriouer John asehrthur, went. last Wonk on his dunes attending County Couuetl an Owen Sound. The trustees engaged Miss Boss, of Mllulcu. dangluer of Mr ttoss, of his place, for the Jauior department of our school ior 1904. The entertainment held here last week in and of our library was fairly well attended, but not as well as might, be on account of threshing and such like. The talent were good and the pro- gramme a splendid one. but the crowd was rather small. consequently the amount received was also small. Professor Wm Homage, of Drotnore, has started a singing class in the base. man; of the Presbyterian church to be held every Saturday evening during winter. The ieo In only nominal and every young man and woman should take advantage of the opportunity of attending as m Barrage is a tiret-eltrss teacher and singer. Notice of Application to Parliament. TAKE NOTICE that application will be made on behalf of the Corgoration of the Town of Durham to t e next session of the Legislature for the Pro- vince of Ontario for a Special Act to ratify and coutirm By-law No. 447 of the said Town of Durham which is: By-luw to grant aid by T,'C,',hltt,". 3nd other henetisa to The Bar nun Man- nhcturing Company. Limited. W. & DAVIDSON. . Solicitor for the said Corporation. In other words. we talk to you in our Ada. just as we'd like to be spoken to if you were here. No two persons have quite the some taste in Jewelry: if it were BO, our task would be simplified greatly and we wouldn't need to carry the immense variety that we now have for your choice and pleasure. Our showing this season is by Hr the best we have ever had: and if you're thinking about SILVERWARE AND CUT GLASS, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. of valuahla Farm Stock and lmpleuwnla Household Furniture. Hay. &c. The undersigned auctionerr hut te- erived instructions to sell by Public Auction at LN. 17. Con 21. Eglwnont on Tuesday, November 17. 1908, The following valuable Farm Stuck. Im- pleuwnlu. Humehnld Furniture. Hay t coli aaiiu' a}: we. ' ariiijriiiWiifraii af, my" “wavy? P9399311: l, 31.91%. 99min: , yen: iiirdiid to be in on", a Heifers, 2 you. old. and 4, 1 yr old. 3 talvea, 2 brood sown, a young” '1 mo. old, through!!!“ Berkshire hog ' not old ' sheep I number of Hens. Wagon, pr. "iGi;U, any! Drill. Huger-1.1m may." wed We“. 99.!!! new mm. saucy-nuns runner um Inc”. may Rake. Mower, land Roller. Ping; oett Iron Hu. rown. Democrat, Em. rural; lggr. Pun-Bob Sleigh; my! Cutter, Inning Ill. tt light Bob Sleigh, Gain Cudle. Warn Rack, Grlnduone, Sen Plow amen. mt Don le lumen, sen single Harness, scoop shovel. wheelbnnow. 13 Bee Elven. Chains, Form. Hoes, linen, Robe, Hone Blankets, n qunmlty of Hny. 2 Bedrteads, 2 Bands, 2 'Ntr len. 'A doa Chaim, Bookcase, Ptrior stove. Lounge. Sewlng Horn. name /,,a.'ir,','/ff1 Tools, Gun, Sn!" Kettle, Lantern, Pulls. spin. Knife. Churn. I It Cum. Money Extmetor, doi. Knives and Forks, Dishes. are. A number of other articles loo num- erous to mention. No Reserve l Everything must he sold. ts'ale at one o'cloek. Sharp on time as the sale is extensive. TERMS t Hay. and all sums of Five Dollars and under, Cash. Over that tV nmunt 12 months' credit. when on up- pmved joint, notes or tr'/,, " for Cash. Mus. J. W. STEPHENsox. H. MACKAY. Proprietor. Auetioneev. Trade quiet. Receupts light. Plicos steady. Export cattle semen. We quote extra choice at 044-: to '4.fro. choice 20e lower, others a; low as 64.10. 0an $3.50 to q4.oo. Butcher. interior offering. Butchers well slockml m. Picked lots $4.20 to 64.35. grading downward fair to good 83.80 to 93.70. h'toekeryquret, Feeders, ~oma dmmud. Iormcr 8175 m 98.25 per tnet. Short keepn $3.75 to 84.15 fur he-t. Cows. Average price h hard to es " matu. Ptioo ranging trout .26 to $72! ! Calves. Prim“ eanlur at 4e to by: per ll, and by the beast 2 to 1odollur, each. Sheep $2 50 to 83.40. Lambs 963.54 Io 88.75. market easier. Lot 10 Con. 22, Township Egremont. County Grey, containing 120 acres. For ' full particulars apply to Hosts. 1"er offering. Steady at M.4, for selects. $5.15 lights and fats. Buffulu Lambs $1.50 to 85.50 for heat. Ae. tryrr market. In the Surrogate Court of fheC'ortutyo.f Grey, in the matter of the Estate of Christina MrNob, [life of Me Town- "hip of Glenelg. in the County of' Greg, widow, drceuttetl. Notice. is hereby given pursuant to R. A S. o., 1897. Cap. 129. Sec. 38, and amending acts that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Christina McNah. who died on or about tho twenty eighth day of March, A. D. 1887. are required to send by post pre- paid or to deliver to the undersigned Solicitor for the executors on or before the 27th day of November, A. D., 1908, their names. addresses and dt"wriptionte and full statement of particulars of their chtitnts and the nature of the security Of any) held by them duly verified. and that after the said last mentioned date. the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, havin regard only no the claims of which they shall then haye notice. Dated the 3rd day of November, A.D. 1903. J. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for the Executors. We Put Ourselves In Your Place This is early Xmas Talk. was Flour......... ............. Oatmeal................... Oats........................ Lnmbts..................... Dressed Hogs. per ttwt Hogs, Live weight..... Butter, ftp-h roll pot lb Petvt....................... Buriey............ Butter, Tub.............. hlggtt........--... Hides, per owt.......... Calfskin-s, per lb........ Sheeptrlttus............... vvuou.,...................... Tllrkeys.......1........... J 8M, We??? Rwy-awe. 5 an" old, , Wheat............ lov........... PotutJes. per bag DURHAM MARKETS. A. GORDON, . "r ttwt............ AUCTION SALE FARM FOR SALE. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Toronto. DAVID MCKELvn'. Thistle P. o, Notice to Creditors. Extrusive Uredit Think About Us. In 27 'd 25 5 on 5 Wi 15 15 18 5 on THE humus! REVIEW 72 oo ‘25 M oo oo I" 40 40 10 00 5 M 16 16 g 5o 13 25 74 Ito 45 27 Massey Jililc'arrfs Sheno Rams The Cushioned IFrame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. _ -...- 2)uthtrn, KEELER’S A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. Is Full of New and Up-to-date Goods. One look at our New Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Rings, Silverware. Spectacles, and Eye Glasses Will tell you of their beauty. We have the largest Stock of the above lines ever shown in Durham. We can also save you money on every Article you buy. A short visit to our Store will prove that we have the stock, the quality and the price. OUR LOCKBTS ARE ALRIGHT. SEE THEM. No trouble to show Goods. R. B. KEELER t SON LEADING JEWELLERS, DURHAMI o, to ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO JEWELRY STORE We have just receiv- ed a, large shipment of Also a. very fine line of We have just opened up about "et cases. No trouble to sel them. Prices to suit. r E AMES HOLDEN SHOE WRAPPERE Na (illi, ttblllalllqMlhytltgdbt LACE CURTAINS .-- V . * DURHAM’S LARGEST STORE -- 'iayeles .7 The Popular Cash Stored First quality at $1,125, 1.75. gehat, givingston west of Middaugh Jfouse. See cur second hand a)htrols. . V ERETTES Newest Patterns at a, very low price. I The undersigned offers for Sale or ' will rent for a term of years. his farm Gi 100 acres, being lot 21. con 3, E. G'. R., I Gleam-if. TO acres cleared. in good state of en tivution. rest hardwood hush. Comfortable buildings. two good wells and never-failing spring. good orchald. This in a. good stock farm, and must be. [disposed of an proprietor is going west. I Apply on the premises or at REVIEW gomce. P. MCINNIS. Prop. chné. The well known Taylor farm at Dru. more. township of Egremont. 350 acres: good slate of cultivation l well watered; gnud buildings; convenient, to post of- fice.ehuvch and school. Apply in The undersigned offers for sale lots 40 and t7, Con.3, S. D. R., Bentinck, con- taining 162 acres. 150 acres in a good state of cultivation. 12 acres hush. Good huildin sand firmt-cGssorchard. Well watt-rec: _0raly. six milqs fro_m FARM for SALE or RENT. FARM for SALE or RENT. Durham. (Prince Albert.) Grill he for service at Lot 48. Con. 2, E. G. R. for the season of 1903. Peli- gree on ,pplicatAop. Cows not return- ed regularly will bechnrged whether in calf or not. Payment to be made on or before February let. NN. Terms 81.50. D. MoPHAIL.) 7 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Urey. Tenn- modmte. Arrangements for ale. " amalgam Damn the Review ot- “not” Mor-ttle P.0.. will be manly attended to, M0 on sppllcsuon to PURE BRED HEREFORD BULL. FARM TO RENT. MRS. TA YLOR, Dromore, Ont. D. 'rtrPaAlh. Bopevillo P. 0. u C. ItMAtut, Durham DONALD McFAYan. P: op. ’iageles .7 Alsb {bay press for sale. ALEX. Bums. Prop. Emilia“ Any repairing @ptari o. otsee,tsriGut.o- sound. w minnmumam loin. Duns-AM t't Wed-Qty at each -thft-ttra.gittlt p... mun-rim: to '2Paldgdrt Gnu-u - him a: mu he trAt'a'l w. " a. IPICIALII‘I KY RAR, 1.3m! & NOI- .......___: "CLUWvtrLY.ai. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST " the Du nun Phsrnocy Glider‘. Block. Residence In: door west of the old Poet OtBem Durham. A general Banking business tratuusctctt Drafts issued and collection anode on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed at rut-rent rum: SAVINGS 33.55 Jami-est allowed on savings bank deposit' of 'i.00 and up words Prompt attention and every facility "orded customer. living It dist: ce. a KELLY. Agent. W. C. PICKERING B. D s, L. B. S. AGENTS in all principal points .11 Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United Statue and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID. Hunger. DURHAM AGENCY CAPITAL, Authorized. ......82,000,0ttt CAPITAL. Paid up......... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ K50,N0 Collections of all kind: Farina promptly attended to and HONOR GRADUATE of Total. University, 311.!“th of Royal Coll.“ ot Dental 8mm of Ontario. [too-I. Odd" Block over the Pont once. omtte--LOW" TOWN. DUI“! ll. SIMDHRD BANK OF Mill BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN GUI-REM: coum Nanny Puouc. counnuowzk. Ere. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Jompuny and private Fund. to Lon on Martens" n low." “In ot “ton“. Vulusuol made “v a competent and until Yum-ton: OFFICE- -MeKNleo's Old Stand. Durham DURHAM Mlilif 'IMI '-Me. I. s-i.... nu:ocuc_¢_9u qtFrteE-oid Ink garrictcr, otar , Gar voyancor, te., tam... Ion? to Loan at reasons ale rates an on terms to sun borrower. OFFrCh'---Mchttttre Blots, A - MACKAY & DUNN. Barristers. - Solicitors. Coneertrntmrs, Ac. Ofrietm t Hunter's New Block. cp- pouic Chronicle omoc. Gui-urn: St., Durham. MONEY To LOAN A. G. Mchly. K.C. W. F Dunn ELL'S Lt RY I A '""'MWJL' “an": 35.5..) Direct Importation' from European. American and Canadian Quarries, Councilman and Annoy promptly “and“ to WHII. Donia. Momma. I“, Ammo-u &ts.qsorroestiy prep: . luau- of ttttttrc uom loukAod Altar 3nd ,'a'h1rt'ff,", and tte, all- trnon' cool-ta propmd u “and um)» Court Bullion from.“ ot Wil Jam" " Ad. ministration Gil Claudia-My manned. gou- ehu and. ln may on“ glad Tm.- up“ LATEST DESIGNS INCMARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work wumnted. Order: taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. J. 6: “n0“. M. D Puma a Dani-u. _ OM00 W Mohehlu‘u “on DENTISTRY. Dr. T, G. HOLT L. D. s. Insurance Agent, ARTHUR can. . D., ‘.IOA.I. noun:{ tto n... " 91,-. bimmluulmmnlmd Wanna-debuting. ”Wm-um- DENTISTRY. HARRIS?! R. .OlOITOR. t .0414" WING co-nuncaa. a: NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, an, CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR mu mitnrit.iiiUaif. Tot-phone Column No. " DR. GEO. 8. BURT. til. LEFROY McCAUL. ROBIISOI & COBBET, MONEY TO LOAN Head Office, Torono. W. S. DAVIDSON. J. P. TELFORD Private Money to Long, .(Orcr the Bank -'-'."'H .._...-- l!)

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