tt The lines that we handle have been standards of reliability for many years. You Can't Judge Prices until you Inspect Quality. Especially in Rubbers. lowest prices. IN GROCERIES IN MEN’S FURNISHINGS For Instance, IN DRY GOODS : At that price and you will find the article better, if than advertised. You Can Bank on " WE ARE UP ON TRIAL 10000 LBS. FOWL WANTED Will you be one of the Judges? What will your verdict be ? The same as that of the many who have tested our goods during the last eight months. We are satisfied we have received the best values for our money. That is what we like to hear. FRESH STOCK 0F GROUERIES ALWAYS " HAND HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE MEN’S AND BOYS UNDERWEAR MEN’S d YOUTHS’ OVERCOATS Demand the THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD .E 6 Bars Comfort Soap for 2 5c. Mackerel per tin, only me Lowest prices in Canned Goods, Raisins, Currants, &c. The best values in Underwear. Yard wide Flannelette for Se per yd. Pink " 5c per yd. The best wra erettes for toc per yd. Bargains in Â¥iPweeds, Suitings, Homespuns and Fun.. nels, also Blankets, Yarns and woollen Hosiery. That Alex. Russell The Big Store WE SELL THE OUR BOOTS & SHOES when we advertise a thing at a certain price, Must be dry picked and cropsTsmpty. Bring them now while prices are good. Over 12o,ooo of them in use in the Dominion and all giving excellent satisfaction. They bake perfectly, save fuel, keep a fire day and night, always ready for baking. Shirts & Drawers, in fine all-wool or wool fleece. These are nice soft heavy Goods, also extra heavy ribbed goods guaranteed unthinkable, Afull line of Boys Wool Fleeced. .See our fine all-wool Stanfield's Shirts and Drawers (Unshrinkable). In Boys' they range in price from 5oc to $r.ooa suit. In Men’s from 75c to 83.oo per suit. These Goods have just arrived. They are the latest cuts and most up-to-date styles. The finish & trimming are number one. Prices range from $4.50 to $z6.oo. rery best, especially when it costs no more to have the new, fashionable Goods. aeiqFcsl. We have the BEST and also at Overcoats and Suits. " is Here For You NOT anything, -- . -- .._--_ ---a “NU-1' ed, and gxstuertts credit upon the tougher, Mine E J Wileon for the peiuetaking at I {the which ehe hue mule in hiding the ,eoeiul eo excellent u it wee. Mr. N. W. Cempbell, I P S. occupied the eheir. end expreeeed hie ntiefeetien with the teeeh~ at, with the echool and with the people in poeseeeing one of the beet in the inspec. tonte. having ell the appliances necess- ary to enmeeiul touching end drew the attention of the eudnenee to ite fine ep- ennoe inside and which should be the gut in my eeetion where the children spend In much of their early joyous due. _ - "-"'". --â€" - â€-"J "v†"r two mu. tota not yet nix yous old than intricate movements hating that 20 min. utea, 1nd no two Alike woo woll worthy of opplom: mg tho praise which they receiv- " -- - --A, __,A1-. -- 7 i The entertelnment held In the School _ House here on Friday Oct. 8o, peesed off ' Very successfully end wee of e high order. every piece on the program being per- formed without a hitch or muteke. Two songs by the soholere, one of welcome. the other Wishing good-night. were eppropri- etely given It the etert end cloee. The dialogues " Boye' Rights." end " Labor " were well done, en wee elso the one “Ree- eone why I never melllOd" l the evidity end vim which the queei old maids bv. ally enewered "Yes" to the proposals ten- dered them wee very emueing. Borne 8 recitetione by the wholes-e end e couple _ of songs by Mean Richardson and Bem- l ego and inetrumentel manic by the Hew orchestra constituted the program. A tlatt drill by 16 echolere wee the best we heye'eeen performed, led es they were by Rev J S I Wilma of Fiesherton also spoke " some length. A song by little Mine Richardson. . dialogue "Bridget's Min- take," and n meypole drill were other numbers on the program. Proceeds e- manated to over "l, the Church being crowded to the More. Rev Mr Roach It." a report. of the t1nrmeats of the Church from the time ol the building of the new Church down to the present time. An 3- mount of something about $200 yet re- mains on the Church. which he left in the baggie of the Lediel tompe on. P, occupied the chair very acceptably and inlerlurded the various speeches and mu- sic With appropriate remarks. Rev. D, L Campbell. Dromore, delivered an address on obedience, love and respect in children and I general helpfulness on the part of husband and wile towards each other. Snlem Anniversary Servicel Were con- ducted on Sunday evening by Rev. Mr Wellwood of Dundalk. On Monday even- ing a. hot fowl supper was guen and In excellent program rendered. Dromore Choir gave of their best and were bluh'y tppreeiat.ed, as usual. Mr Richardson. M Mr Dan Ferguson nude a flying visit home. Dan in a mover. Mr Eddie Fergnion; Jul, iiZEgv;est on the Havana's Excursion a few months ago rqturnei last week looking hearty. Mrs --.-- of New York, In visiting her sister. Mrs T Meaghan Mn T Henderson, of Dundalk, spent a day.“ yt.r.fatyrr'ts, Mr D Ferguson. Which of the girl; %rii'Ga; than lines Duck left the Park , Mr Wm Harrison is home from the lumber woods for a holiday which he will spend hunting Farmers are mnklng use of the fine weather to take up the roots. We hope Mr. Ed. that the day will mun dawn when we will have n free rural mail delivery system adopted. Suvh " thing would henhnon in any neighborhood, hut, particularly more» so toyouvhumttle scribe. Tell Sir Wtn Muluch our grievance please. H. R. The (hhmn fumily. who have occu- nied Mr Colin Hlythe's house on the null Int for Cttvee years have removed from the-19mm M r. Vollet's house on the out- ukirtu ot' Dun-hum. MI Jno Cornish lost a. prize winning, grade, yearlinu heifer, one day last week, muse- o? death unknown. Mr Alex Dndds has gut. his milldnm repaired again. The neighhm-s turned nut of their own free will and helped to till the yawning gap Whll'h was about 30 ft in length. A number of Knoxites attended the anniversary services inthe Presbyterian church in Durham on Sunday last and were spiritually uplifted no doubt by the earned, and eloquent address from the Rev Mr Henry. Mrs Don McIlvride is suffering savore- ly these days fmm the effects of a. felon on the mumhnf her right hand. Mr Arohie Thompson is a sorely her. eaved man at, present and has lawn for two weeks punt. alums! the entirefamily helm: down with tvphnid fever and alsn his tister-in-law Miss Kama. who had (male to aussiat them in their Lroublv. We hope to soon hear of their rapid recovery. Mrs C'leaver's :nuctiun sale which was held on Tuesday ufternmm lust gave tipitdaetory resnIIs fhutncially. Mre Cleaver left on Thursday morning for tio_utharupton where she. Intends to re- side with her daughter. .7, ..--_ --- .P_.... â€awn“ VI Dromore. were the two leading - In the Initial part and held the crowd upellhound by their exceedingly sweet. and fashionable warhling tones. Rev Mr Little. of Holstein. was the chief speaker of the evening. his subject he- ing "The Sahhath School. it's origin. it’s teachers and equipments.†During the very limited time allotted him. the Ree gentleman delivered a number of very valuable and practical suggestions as to how aSahhath School should he enn- darted in order to attain to spiritual succm. Rev Mr Campbell was next called on for a speech and expressed himself as heing quite tqrtiefied he had contrihuted no small amount to the success of the entertainment in provido int: so able a slilvctitnte for his speech in the. person of Miss Renwick the sweet singer of Keremont, andjustly no. Miss Minnie Cornish and also Miss Victoria, each gave a recitation in very good Mute. while the mnaller tots of the 8. School claw-sea excelled ihenwelves. Mr David Leith was chairman and filled the position very creditahly. The meeting was hionght ton close by singing the national anthem after which Mr Camp- hell pronounced the benediction. The S. B. cn'eminmem winch was held in Knox Church. Normanlvy. on 1tgtltr, evening In: wu . success. tirmneitu' y. socially and otherwise. The night m! ttne, tho mad. good and " a. result a crowded house. Dr Brown. of genus-n. and [in Jena Ronwick. of DLYTIB’S comm SWINTON PARK. Tmt DURHAM REVIEW that the day will ' will have n free . system adopted. be a. boon in any ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO Mrs H Hooper in recovering nicel from the etrecth of a felon on the heady, Wilson’s Saw Mill. neu the Lake has ttteye, hands, the new proprietor Glenda. Mrs David Hamilton. who has been tpoaet2,t,'igie,,r, mailer sickness near on. re urn on turd . after 4 weeks nbsence. " evening Mia Tu'cker of Toronto " a. guest of 22533th tt, the Messrs Steely, South Mrs W Hunter and her daughter Agnes. “In Wm Brown. Mrs W Ramme and Miss Kate Dixon, Bee., attended the Ladies' Institute Meeting held at MrT McGirr’s and report an excellent time. Next meeting at Mm Wm minute’s. the lst Thursday in Dec. Topic: "8ieknens and its attendant nursing in the home. Mrs w L Dixon is at present. attend- ing hereother, Mrs Binnie. who is ill. An entertainment was held in the Hall here Friday evening lest the 6th of Nov. The Dromore choir were pres- ent and gave some well rendered eclec- tions of enthems. Mien Kate Dixon and master Clen Moore each gave good reci- tatione. Mr Dixon u. reading, In Wm Rsmsge and Miss Juan Renwick each gave it song and encore reply. A gram- uphoue. in charge of Mr Jouty Long, rendered a number of varied selections trom the 28rd pnlm to Tnllochgorum. Mr Trnax. Holstein. gave a description of his trip to the old country, and spoke of the importance of being well dressed and not looking like a hay seed while travelling. especially when seeking per- mir-sion to enter the Hint of England. Hie description of Edinburgh, of Holy- rood palace or castle as he called it, " visit to Queen let‘y'u bedroom. the Mood stains of Rizmo still on the floor " foot of the stein. the crown jewel of Scotland. Edinburgh Castle. Mons neg 1and the beautiful views from Prince ‘Arthnr'e sent, end Calton hill of the most beautiful city in the world, were very interesting to all. and especially to those who have been there and seen it. His journey to Loch Lomond end thro' the Troeeeehs wee also touched upon. Rev It Beech. pastor of the congrega- tion. acted in the upecitv of cheirmen very happily. though cruelly lends his hearers up to the sticking point of ex- pectancy then informs them that he will tell the rest et ennther meeting. Pro- ceeds towerde making improvements on the building end its contents. Mrs W J Stephenson Is having an extensive auction sale of farm stock. Implements and household furniture on the 17th of Nov. There was a bot tune in Dornocli some time ago. Yul: main friend, 'twas about as warm as possible withoutacou- fhuzaution. my! wasn't that Singing simply enchanting? Alli yes it was so rolnptuonaly ruminating you would think some superhuman choir struck all their harps of gold. The voices were some- what of tt eotualomeratirn, And then the accompaniment played on that wheeze old organ reminded you of any thing but harmony: If the whole " fair was not the fastest ever seen in this town then there "amt. no legs to a jumpin' hullfrog." Thet crowd on music did date. But some had a from in their throat. When they practiced a scale T'wonld cause you to quail And tty " the very first note. Mr Duncan Hay received an injury in Clmtswmth. which laid him off work. and consequently he is spending a few days at his home here Mr aud ms Blakey. of the Con Town are muting the latter's parents and Mrs Philip nIcIutosh. Mrs J H Klein left Inst wéek for than Queen city after an extended visit with her parents in the bare. The ideal weather of the past few necks wee terminated by I alight north. wester on Thursday. in which old moth. er earth w'm slightly covered with the beautiful. King wintei will soon once more be ruling with an iron hand re- miucling tttr-- The more we live, more brief appear Our life's succeeding usages: Adey to childhood seems a year, Andyearl like penning nee. After a pleasant mouth'e visit with her daughter. are Piolmrd. of Boston, Mrs It n Durguvel returned to the him: last week, uisn Kata Pnel returns this week from Hamilton, after spending a. pl»n~mntfnr‘- night, with triends in that city. Mr Thus Petter. who has tteen laid l? p fur the past week. is on his pins again. and judging from the way he is rumin- ing the tlume and dam, he intends to rush things this winter. Mr Wm Lake hm: purchased a hmnd snw from Mr Jas Welsh. Guess Bill is fi1y mm the hog business. Success, " V our m-luml teavhee, Miss Reynolds, is re-enguged for another year. What might have been a serious ac- cident occurred on Thursdu night. when Mum‘s H Alexander an! Colin Rae were driving hum home to Mr Thomas Heirs to purchase acolt. When driving "lontt in front of Mr 'thtrntttttl'ts the tsettt I'm-u suddenly an ve way, letting it fall ml the axle of the cart. Bath men were. Merl, each catching hold ofa shut! and than trreverttirur. " full hackward. which might h" Te proved fatal. They sue ceeded in slapping the horse and bor- rowing until her buggy. they continued on their way. We aw pic-used to lie-M that Mr John Purim Jr. who has been laid up with ry. phuid fever. is able In be twound again. Dear Rditort-No doubt {on think we the Ill dead gr hug up wit 3tpe men]!- u mu- mama has din-aim“ {mm your Valuable mlumna for some um JN hut we are all livnmz yet. The tru I. huweyrr We use bury sorting tasters and waving them mound no u to keep them wand for the long winter. which is a dttticuit task. NORTH EGREIONT. DORNOCH. - ttgt,', think we vi the†and {mm your - tune gut t. Them in. 'rtiutt “(on and ranch-optimal Mar, which in it won a serious ac- tdu nichtwhen an! Colin lue te to Mr Thom“ [ When driving rnhnll‘s the seat, r, letting it fall But h men were. d of a shall and awkward. which tal. Thvy sue horse and bor.. they continued M that Mr John laid up with cy. e m-nund again. has been laid r p n his pins again. way he is rennin , he intends to rchased a. brood I I. Guess Bill is iness. Success, iss Reynolds, is year. 1. l the past few I 1 slight north. whlcli old moth- eovered with the will soon once n iron hand n- brief appear my: l a a year, not. ltll'l visit with ad. of Boston, med to the burg é the Coumy yr J l'i""" v. P.... u-ku w nuruun- I 'SIT, 0000"“ at her home ici'; Jl"lll: %P9& T'"" tatulatioms. an _eeveuty-eix "am. 8h. "1rdtdgg,t Home Services on the let In deelmiu health tor a “anâ€: h." end 2nd of November were a decided sue- but her death came qua a" in?!“ can. Rev. Wray It. Smith of Durham, thoiant. up late mm “mace conducted eervicee eftemoon and egeulng. and meet nigh], "PM ll “Mm“ On Iondey evening an entermnmeut but; and bee "I'P9t were tong.“ h . Hue giveniu the Church. when the local large number of friend. to P il :uleut were aeeieted by the Durban me. 00mm. Whale III. we. Uid to M be. thodist Choir and Mr P Glaze. who end. aide her_huehaod, who tt her ered a number of gremophone eeleetloum about tttr, _ TIM-aw. let .0 Rev. J. P. Bell. the peetor. took the chair. mourn her. . two In“... Ind . i The singing tn eolo. duett. and chora- aleo “and, ot an Iona t.t.ePiiiiire', wee highly appreciated. The weetheron “whom weeltend our “a.“ 1tei'iiiir": both deye wee at ite beet and lento can. may to the he â€I. m ttmid a. gregetione tet',e2',,pg'g. Marla†m- t'gtA'P. drt. only . “w been an ended to the cenee u mg e a..- Sl of the Church. deer mother. 2tl Pepim of g Me Jon Buy of this place. I!“ married in Huron: [at wool: to Ilia Ida Brown. only daughter of Wm Brown of Abudun. HIsytittt eonttttttlatiymr. Rev J P Bell intends to common. holding ruin! meeting: thin took. In: J il Legeette and dimmer returned home to Georgi-town I. oouplr of ween ago. ' npmding I tow weak. with In and In Wm Length. Mrs A McMillan. and two daughters. of Teeswnter. were visiting " T H Law. rence'a last week. Mr Jno Bailey of Allen Perk, has pur- chased one of Mr Wm harm‘s hunt for the sum of $2476. and wands to re- side on it in the spring. Mr Margin] Johnston ot Mount Forest, spent 3 for dnyu mu mend. hero. MI , giizirsegmmt-raatttijjiiiuafiiiiittsiiia, iii?'""""-'-'-':")?)::!?) tlig1illl8Xt4lK E 'Gheobatd, A4e Ctothiea. g I l Cbs/NCS-r/Nt-docs/seats/seats";"' -FsCJkrii'sJk-tente'He't Almost sure to fit you but if you want made-to-order goods, yo can do no better than buy our selected Tweeds for both purposes. This brand on Shoes stands for ttrt quality. and for can have just arrived. New 'h'perintsy, f Butts. tlt can». One dozen just received, also We have a specialty this week and extra good value Shoes, THE DADDY OF THEM ALL. If you haven't tried a pair, it's to your advantage to at least take a look It their per- feet fitting, handsome looking, and extra wearing qualities. your advantage to see our Stock styles and finish. tu,,, PossiUy SG Anott, if ga, fave): ' mere d, no val/in; Overcoats, Ready-to-wear Suits Men's Fur Coats from $20 up. Stock of these also received and opened up well. and have your pick. 'ot lo forgo! Furs I Furs ! ! CASH FOR BUTTER AND Eccd ROBT. BURNET VICKIRS. These goods are special value and will give satisfaction to wearers in comfort and length of wear. You dont want to buy such a coat every winter, then buy the best. But if you dont it's our place to tell you that we just placed into stock, a new assortment of the most up-to-the- minute Hard bosom Shirts. They sell thetnse1ves. For Men and Boys, 75c to $1.25. YOU MAY THINK you have out Mill in the cuttariinetut-tt-t+temre, latte besnreistheuxtthiuudilodlrbhve thou-cling in to all in and inspect our Clothing. We any we have one of the most complete stocks of Ready-tom Clothing m the county, and leave the Public to be the final judges. Rubbers a Overshoes Ladies' Fur Coats, $26 ta, Jinn Av. Me â€on. ar All attractive and at taking" prices. The " lmnerial " Of course, in abundance, and OPPOSITE THE CHRONICLE OFFICE Groceries 77v - - - fWillie-Pa if e wusbip ie celled " She." I why inn't it e "mnetroramet 1‘ Ftal"rr-aui your bedtime. Willie. I Mr Fred Ryder of Proton swo- wee e [guest at Meade in Ceylon on Sandâ€, I Borne to Mr end are Andrew Don. u 1m. Oct. 27th, 1908. Me Thou. F. Steven. Proton station, wee in Ceylon on Ian-hen on Toe-day [morning h't J h D Mr and re 0 n . In of . *duk were in Ceylvm on and?“ Dam Rev Fucker Reach. of “it“ . tttf" Conference in Hindu. it): wee . It in with feeling at d m ' of the deed: ot 'iii?i;rp,'dt,,p. which occurred a he: hone been " the ego tt.evettrr'ar mu. 8h. 3..) l The fact that we are the Sole Agents for the Slater Invictus 't Bought your OverconI and want one, it is to which is large and varied in NUMBER IE L003 lama:- LEYLON. "(I H, E Hie 0mm Renal. ll 3 to end of x*$%&$* E l": ii J pr Ema: sis-i-os, VOL. XXV I; $"$"~Q" cu .i'rc'rri."riiPrt.", " IRENE-:3 Z " . Lo . an n. "cp.' Review " Tweeds and Phone 27. Heavy Glow for fitter we The best F IT’E We don't Store by th now, so w We carry " and you run Men's Reme Earl Cash orl ME have thing tint a THE whicl Men 's Boyd weik That Men 'ti Boys' Bovu' Boys' 1 Men 's