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Durham Review (1897), 19 Nov 1903, p. 1

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42} . ts Iver in the But to feeling ve have ‘lothing Judges. ing 1¢ C W ue :;' l.:l'fil-:..] I Titey; ‘ rest | ased |, Tive pS, DUre +# If p to t‘® Se sda wWar ieft 10 The Duram Review, our Holidey Mumber, ond the Mooted! weekly Herdld 11 3 to end of 1904 for $1.15. Subscribe or Renew NOW &\ o o es +# I. #Z, PDorling. & O J T Pn oo e o ols io o iptp fp . qurdpepippiprppcpdpipipipS® apregabae ied dn d ie ie ds o e ied h o hetle o t k t Doarling‘s Prug Store # lnZo eFolo®ala Cale%a pee 1e®s lb %o leCele "ole "ole "ale "wls 2e o2 ole" a io " oC o io C o le C ale ts a o le 2ole CaleCela Sola%e VOL. XXV. NO. 47 oZoln ols eleCels_eleCelee anelo meCelnCeleCebeeR. {abe e2elavelaFalaZeleel cce s%0 0% +=0 +2982080 90908000 *1200100020980 Revizew and Toronto Daily Star $2.2%5 Review and Toronto Daily News $2.00 Revigw and Daily Globe........ $4.50 Review and Weekly Globe.. . ... $1.60 RevyIiEw and W. Mail & Empire. $1.75 Revirw and Western Advertiser $1.60 ReviEw and Weekly Sun........ $1.175 RevIEw and Fam, Her & W Star $1.75 REVIEW and Weekiy Witness... $1.60 Tweeds and the very best Heavy Gloves for working or drivingâ€"Fine Gloves for finer wearâ€"â€"We have full supply of winter weights and Storey‘s Gloves will fit you. The best Fleeceâ€"Lined, Sanitary all wool, all wool unshrinkable Underwear. Men‘s Underwear ...... . at 50c to $1.25 per piece. Boys‘ Underwear...... ... at 30¢ to 50¢ per piece. Review Clubbing Rates Men‘s and Boys‘ Underwear We don‘t want to have one Overcoat left in this Store by the New Year. ‘There are a good many now, so we‘ve put extremely low prices on them. CC OJA Remember â€" \t}as We carry no untried, doubtful brands of Clothing and you run no risk of getting poor qualities, antiâ€" que styles, shoddy making. Cash or Trade for all Kinds of Preduce. MEN‘S CLOTHING JAMES IRELAND Men‘s Overcoats, ......:..... ....$5.00 to §22.00. Boys‘ and Youths‘ Overcoats......4.00 to 9.00. Boys‘ and Men‘s Reefers..........3;.50 to 7.50. Boys‘ Suits, neat and dressy at...$2.00 and up. Men‘s Suits, new and good....... 5.00 to §12.00. Import of Bibies, Hymnals, and Prayer Books now in Stock at reduced prices. €>€G>0#24I 71 [ Cz 4z B6» a»® Ordered Suits. Gloves 82.25: $2.00 $1.50 $1.60 $1.75 $1.60 $1.75 $1.75 slmi >8ee We have all the newest patterns in Worsteds and of Trimmings for Men‘s DURHAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1903. | _ Diep Arox®.â€" Mr. Wim. Jolley, a | painter, who has been doing some work, ‘round town for some time back was (found dead in the Middaugh House | Stable on Tuesday night last. _ He has ‘in the past been a resident of both Wiarâ€" : ton and O. Sound, and has relatiyes in |the latter place, who, toâ€"day, Wednesâ€" day, are being enquired a{ter. The \ body was taken to the Town Hall, and at time of writing awats an inquest. \ There is no suspicion of violence. _ Deâ€" | ceased was about 50 yrs of age. Mr Thomas McDougall has returned home from Michigan, where he has been for some ttme. Mr C McLean with his g)ng of threshers is in our midst at present, and is about the end of the seaâ€" son, which was a good one. Mr C Ferguson is home at présent and will remain for some time and perl?tu settle downâ€" remain for some time and perhaps settle down: What we would like to know :â€" Who stole the oats ? And how did th'ecgndlock get sprung? Who is going to buy the old schoolâ€"I wont. We were much pleased to see and hear M» Walter Nichol, & student of Knox College, last Sabbath. Ai ilm'ge crowd turned out to hear their fellow citizen. Mr D Mcintyre is erecting a large wooished which looks alrights from the road. Mr Willie Orchard wug&x{- last week and broufm f a gang of men to cut w and returned the folâ€" | lowing day. Mr Orchard has has made a great change here inside of a year and he now has a fine | house erected and also a large sawmill with all | the latest improvements where they turn out first class work. Frank Orr is head sawyer and I tell , you he knows his business, while Tom Cherry | carries the boards out of existence and watches ; that the slab is taken off true and Tom Watson keega the floor clean and rolls the logs to cllce and Jack gives them the power from the White and | ons cnÂ¥lne and last but not least is Archie Calder, | who will never die with consumption and can be heard when Mrcrson cannot see him but still he ' draws the large logs to place for to be devoured up | in a few minutes. | A GexrErous Doxatrox.â€"The Board | of Managers of the Children‘s Aid Socieâ€" ty of the County of Grey. desire to return thanks to their many friends in | Durbam for the very generous donation | of $52.15 to the funds of the society, and | also to express their gratitude to those | ladies through whose efforts so large a sum was collected, | JAs LEDIARD, O. Sound. _ | Agent C. A. 8. | Horse and Cattle Spice. 6 lbl}mckage; for 25¢. A good thing, try itâ€"Parker‘s,| A long time has ela‘;scd since anyone has writteu from our burF and I thought I would take this opâ€" pnrtunit{ of letting your readers know some of the affairs of this vicinity , We understand Mrs McKechnie has rented her farm foraterm of years to Sam McMurdo. We wi}:;h Sla.m every success in his undertaking for he is a hustler. Mr Orchard and Miss Sarah left for their home in Lc;ndon. where they intend to remain for th winter. We must have 50 barrels of Dried Apples within the next two weeks, for which we pay the hest price _ Jordan‘s. Jumcx VENISON.â€"Our hunters are home and all met with luck in securing the coveted deer, and in getting good weather to enjoy the spert. We are indebted to Mr Calder for a juicy piece of venison as a reminder to stayâ€"at home folks of the wild life of the woods. Assist the Lacrosse Boys by going to | Town Hall Friday night, and bear the ; famous play *‘The Burglar," the leading | art of which is taken by a little child. . flnghly spoken of in surronnding towns. Admission, 25¢ and 35. Under auspices , of D.L.C. Plan..t Darling‘s Drug Store | No better Clothing in make and material than Sanford‘s. Wearing qualities guaranteed. _ Sold at Grant‘s. Don‘t miss the famous play, ‘"The Burglar," 100 Nights in New York City, in the Town Hall, Friday, Nov, 20th, under the Auspices of Durham Lacrosse Club, Admission 25 cts, reserved seats 35 cts. Tickets at Darling‘s Drug Store. Have you procured your Rutbers for this winters use ? if not, H. H. Mockler has tirst class Rubbers at very lowest prices; Misses 25 cts, for ladies 30 cts, Ladies‘ wool lined, 35¢,per pair, also men‘s at similar prices. Haye you seen or priced any of the Gentlemen‘s overcoats we are turning out? A look at them will convince you that they are correct in style, qualty and price. H H Mockler. We want 5 ton of Fowl between now and Dec. 15thâ€"Jordan‘s. For SAL®.â€"Two Durham Bulls. Pediâ€" greed. One Roan, 9 mos. old. One Red, 17 inos. old. Will be sold cheap. Apply tt;) 2‘. G. Morrison, Rocky Saugeen Boothville Trustees have bills out announcing the sale by auction of the old School building of Section No 14. Some fine lumber in it. Mr. John Clark, implement Agent. has secured an Auctioneer‘s license and his card appears in this issue of the ReviEw. Butter Colotâ€"Golden Butter Color 10c bottle, at Parker‘s. New Fruits, Candied Peels aud fresh Fruits, at Parker‘s. First Class newly calved cow for Sale with calf at side. "Apply to Fine snow toâ€"day has made sleighing. Bring in your butter and eggsâ€"Jorâ€" ddn's. We are noted for our good foot wear. C. L. Grant. REVIEW balance of the year for 10 cts | to new subscribers. * | i OS 5 sglisâ€"=â€"OwW I\hBe t ce s on m nw #"~ @OPIC®S BALSAM VALLEY. Joxx® SMITH, Durham. m 1 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO P â€"whntt uied Phiwlls s 4nd Bd Bc ioA i ud k s ad % pondent to fyour yaluable paper from our village i thought I would send in a ‘few items from time :o time now as the | busy season is past and we‘ll have more | time. E en Prdduea l c lc i c t 5) e oaie CPD ARRERY | beautiful art features, among them four pages in \ colors rerresenting Baby hood, Childhood, Girlhood {and Motherhoodâ€"the work of Bernard J Rosenâ€" | meyer. For the children there are entertaining | games and stories, and for the housewife many , practical suggestions in (-ookery and other depart | ments of the home, for the Christmas season. Durham, Nov. 16, ‘@3. JOHN CLARK+~ Mr and Mrs Robert Mickleborough, sr returned home Thursday of last week from the West where the haye been spending the summer witg their sons and daughters in and around Regina. NY 20 00 PACETE MEPR C HTCEC HBSUCU in Holstein and surrounding country than Mr Petrie. Mrs Petrie and her infant daughter have our heartfelt symâ€" pathy in this, their sore bereavement. The Holstein branch of the Bible Society will hold their annual meeting in the Methodist church on Sunday eyening. Rev Mr Truax will address the meeting. All are cordially invited to attena. Mrs Brown is visiting friends in town for a week or two and ber daughter Miss Sarah is yisiting her brothers and sister in North Egremont. Mr J Steyenson was called away the end of last weck to attend the funeral of his little grandson Cecil Reader, ot Florence, and is staying over a few days with his daughter Mrs Reader, who is very low at present, b Mr Mcintyre is around now with his new threshing outfit finishing up the few remaining barns and everyone is well pleased with bis work and extra well pleased with the quality and quanâ€" tity of grain turned out, Mr Wim Orchard, from London, who spent a few days last week with friends in and around the village, returned home Friday. * Miss Williams, the evangelist, is helpâ€" ing Rev Mr Truax in holding revival meetings in Orchard. y es e d en td _ ed. . Few would like to return to the old troubleâ€"miking lamps. Only one wheel is yet in pluce.shut. next week the second wheel will go on and street lighting will be general. The two wheels and imâ€" proved daim will, or should. give us an excellent seryice, MARRIED. KEnnr@EpYyâ€"ROBERTSON â€" On Wednesâ€" day, Nov. l1th, at the manse. Durâ€" ham, by the Rev. Wim. Farquharson, Thomas Kennedy to Fanny Robertâ€" son, both of Bentinck. A leaflet entitled " A Message to those who are far back in their Studies." inâ€" troduces a new departure in educational work. Tne Northern Business College, Owen Sound, has started a department to assist young people who have not had Wrrcormr Licuts.â€" Saturday night last after 6 weeks off, the electric lights were_turned on and were duly weleomâ€" Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, of Grey. Sales Sromptly attended to. _ zates reasonable. rders may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms, McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the Ravisw Daily we are sold out of some lines of Underwear. Daily we‘replace them. This week we opened up many new lines, amongst these are "Pehman‘s" Natural wool for Ladies; also the famous " Wolsey Brand " for men, H. H. Mockler. Colds and Coughsâ€" Compound Balâ€" sam with Tar, the great Cough Cure, large bottle 25¢,â€"Parker‘s Drug Store. Mulock Post Office has changed hands. It has been transferred to Mr. Neiil Mcâ€" Cailum, Mr O‘Neil Shaving moved to Paisley, Ladiesâ€"if you wish to see the very newest and nohiest styles of Suitings call and see H H Mockler‘s new stock of these goods. aâ€" chance to get a full public school training. Wanted.â€"All the H>n, Turkey, Goose or Duck feathers to be had within 50 miles of Durhamâ€"Jordan‘s. H H Mockler has the only Pure Gum, absolutely snagâ€"proof Rubber, made in Canada. Our furs are made by one of the oldest firms in Canada. Quality the bestâ€"C. L. Grant. Well Mr Sanford‘s Clothing at Grant‘s. A MAMMOTH ROLIDAY ISsUE . Editor, as there is no corresâ€" HOLSTEIN. mt # sfi 4 s ooo m inn__ SPVIt +0 4 Notice is hereby given that the partâ€" nership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, as Grocers, in the Town of Durham, has this day been disâ€" solved by mutual consent. All debts nwing the said partnership are to be paid to T. J. Jons)un at Durham aforeâ€" said, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said T. J. Jordan, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Durham this 3rd day of November, A. D, 1903. For one of the Junior Divisions of Durham Public School. Duties to begin Jan. 4th, 1904. . Salary not to exceed $275. Apply, stating qualifications, &c., in envelopes marked "Tender," up to Saturday, Nov, 2lst, 6 p. m., toj the undersigned. _ C. RamMag®k, _ ___ Valuable Property situated on North Side, Lambton St. first place outside the Town of Durham. Evergthing in firstâ€"class shape, good new brick house, f,ood bank barn, and 11 acres firstâ€"class and. â€" Large orchard set cut last spring with every good kind of frut. A firstâ€" class place for anybody. Apply to The new subscriber for 1904 will receive all the issues of The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1903 free from the time of subscription ; also The Companion Calendar for 1991, lithographed in 12 colors and gold. L. R.C. P., London, England, Graduate of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, IH#"Will be at Knapp House, Durham, the 2ad Saturday in each month. _ Hours, 1â€"6 p .m."%@# As the years increase Te Yourn‘s Coxrax10® endeavors to keep pace with them in all that is wise, beautiful and progressive, and not only to reâ€" tain but to deserve the honorable and exceptionâ€" ally high place it holds in the confidence and affecâ€" tion of three generations of readers. The greatest living authors in all branches of literature cont@inâ€" ue to contribute to it. Amon{lthe important series of articles will ve one on the occupation of the farmer in many parts of the worldâ€"in England, in Ireland, in India, in Argentina, etc. ° The Annua) Announcement Number of the Comâ€" panion, describing the princiful features of The (:(‘)l;npnion‘s new volume, will be sent free to any awddress. THE YOUTIH‘s COMPANION 144 Berkeley Street, BOST Meetings of this body will be held at Dromore, on the evening of Dec. 2nd ; at McCuaig‘s School House. 8. Glenelg. evening of Dec. 3rd :; at Allan Park. afternoon of Dec. 4th, 2 p. m., and same evening at Watson‘s school house, Normanby. _ Evening meetings at 7.30 p. m. Mr NW,. L. Smith, Toronto, will be present to address the electors on the issues of the day. Wax. Autax GEo. Bixxi® Wit. T. J. Joroax®, J. P. Telford, \J. Borx®tt. Saturday last the mortal remains of Mr Angus McCormick, were laid to rest in the Rockj' Cemetery beside his father. He died at the home of his sister, Mrs F. McLaren,. Spooner, Wis., the caugse of death being a kidney trouble, and last week the sad journey home was made by his brother Hugh, adoctor in Cartwright, Wisconsin. The aged mother of the deceased still lives at the old home, Bunessan, one son and one daughter, Donald and Eliza, lving with her; besides these named, two daughters, Kate and Annic are in the post office, Walkerton, and one son, Alex.. in Trout Lake, B. C. _ Deceased was the eldest of the family and left bere 20 years ago finding a home in Minnesota. _ Many of those who knew him in his Glenelg days assembled for his funeral and these and many more extend sympathy to the bereaved ones in their sorrow. of infiamation of the lungs and many h even heard of his iliness, and th e news came with startling sudâ€" de . Noble has taken a part in the life of Durham for many years. _ For some time he kept a hotel in Upper Town, but it was as an unplement agent he was best known, first for otbers, and lnlterly tor himself, He leaves to mourn his demige at the compatalively carly age of 48 yrs., his wife, three sons and two daughters. _ Besides, his aged mother survives, en{zht brothers and two sisters, and to all, but especially to the widow and children sincere sympathy is exâ€" tended. The funeral on Sunguy was very lu.rge‘liy attended by the general pubtic. and by the largest fraternal turnout ever seen in Durhaimm. Orangeâ€" men and Foresters, (C. 0. F.) over 125 in number, some from Hanoyer and other points, turaed out to perform the last rites for their deceased brother, Rev, Mr. Smith conducted the religious seryices at house and grave. of i The town was startled on Friday last when it learned that the night previous a wellâ€"known citizen and business man had been called away. â€""Mr. Noble was ill only a few days witBH an acute attacl ‘TEACHER WANTED. The Youth‘s Companion in 1904 Dissolution of Partnership. FARMERS‘ ASSOCIATION, KEELER, The Jeweller, Darham Pres. DR. BROWN, ANGUS MeCORMICK. FOR SALE. THOS. NOBLE DEAD seen in Durham. Orangeâ€" esters, (C. 0. F.) over J25 some from HManoyer and turnaed out to perform the ' L(.heir‘ dec:-_nsc“d brother, Secy Durham School Bd. NOTICE. Obituary. BOSTON. Mass. acute attack ! Our Handsome IMustrated HOLâ€" : IDAY NUMBER is given free to ; all who pay or have paid their 1 subscription to the REviaw up to _ | and for 1904. Balance of the year 4 free 10 new subscribers for 1901, 4 NOW is the time to renew or subâ€" 1 scribe, Address all orders to ( THE REVIEW, pornanM. Ont, : Onlyâ€"â€"â€"$1.00â€"â€"Aâ€" ~Ye:lr.: mmnoonuuu !“FR'?_E,-FREEâ€"â€"FREEJ Staff and Equipment. The $chool is equi for full Junior Leavi and NMatriculation work, under the following # of Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS L. M. FORFAR, Classics and Moderus., A. M. SHEPPARD, 1st Class Professional, Inten Students should begin of term, o‘r‘:c‘.oonm\c po«l.i;fll:er st mink o V FEEG: $1.00 per month] Wm. Johnsten, C. Ram ©"A BG BUSINESS | 3222933922 >90eccECGCC purham School MacFarlane & Co. Druggists & Booksellers. *#%%%®%e%@@%% *4 That is what we have been doing all this season and we still continue very busy. This week we invite our many customers to visit the Show Rooms and see the very newest effect in Outing Hats. We have also a large assortâ€" ment of Ladies‘ Black Velâ€" vet Hats trimmed with Ostrich Plumes, _ Tips, Birds and Wings. A Black Velvet Hat is always stylish. We always keep a lot of Pretty Bonnets made up. Every lady knows just where to go to get perfectâ€" ly suited. 2%%@%%@%%%@%@ EVERY SATURDAY We are going to have a Barâ€" gain day, when we will reâ€" serve two counters for the Hats we have on sale We invite the ladies from town and country to call whether you buy or not and see the bargains. RME QOUAUTY BRA Clixir Also Cakes, Buscuits and Confectionery. We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholsomeness. It‘s a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and evâ€" ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excelâ€" lent loaf for a reasonable price MISS DICK CHAS RAMAGE, HIND BROS. ur Conic 2C Just what you need if recovâ€" ering from any sickness or run down. _ Try itâ€"50 cts a bottle. ough â€"Every bottle fully guar anteedâ€"only one size, 50« a bottle. The old reliable remedy for Chronic Cough â€"never fails Wright‘s Old Stand, Prixter axo Posursueer Durham, Ont. I| 11 Â¥

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