West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Nov 1903, p. 4

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@8011): useful horses for sale. tu, fRush to Clark’s G see, to test. to be Convinced tiiiiii)eCfift7, Our 'to-to-date Slih ar tment, (il) We}? That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win. ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville ; _Wi]kinson Ploughs and repairs ", Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, ad implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there's room for more OASr. AND ONE PRICE. Complete as well as up-to-date and as reliable as it is complete. Every dress or clothing need for man or boy, and showing the very newest fancies and style features. The best the market produces is here, and in many cases better because manufactured expressly for our own store under the supervision of experts. ' Progress Brand , who know styles, qualities and good tailoring. Just now Fall Goods are crowding to the front. If you: want to make a test of this Sore's t prepara' tions for fall, you can do it thoroughly with our clothing and men’s needs. 'ittirtery It is hardly necessary for us to emphasize it, so great have been the throngs of visitors, and heavy buyers, in our showroom the past month. No thoughtful up-to-date women think of missing this store for Millinery. thothiatg Jinn? John Clark "ortock (il) Tho report of the road and Midge com- mittee wu 3'00 ulnptod without disem- sion. In: recommendation were the 't men I Funny. "pin to bridge. 3", count; “are: 98.84; 1103p MeArthnr. in. apoctibn And lomng' bridge oaraiiua disbummonu. 09.40; Jamal: Wm. clearing log jun on Big Head yet. “.00. Ropottc wen presented from the iirtnnee committee by Chairman Pnngle. road and Midge Committee by Chairman Shute. and .tho cpecial committee on resolution of condolence by Chaim)“ Pringle. Chair- man Gordon presented the report of the county properly committee and also the report of the house at reluga committee. The fimsuee committee reported recom. mending the filiue of the county treas- utei'e stationery account tor 1008, and the insertion in the minutes of the report of the grand iury sittings; the statements of the manager of the Merchauta Bank. showing balances for second and third quarter: of 1908; the payment at the county clerk’s postage account. 010.20. Also that the treasurer'e atatement of auetioneets‘ and pedian' licensee for 1902 beiucluded in the minutes, and that the by-law regulating pediere' and hawkers' licences be amended by increasing the amount to be paid for same. The report was adopted without diamuiou. The clelk presented tho following oom- mnnieations: From D B Snider. Multan]. upplyimz tor position of caretaker of house of refuge: nod nu Account from the Me. Cullum Co for printing for judge. 'IO. and other neonate. The council mot “,2 o'clock pursuant to adjournment, Warden Preston in the chair. The following gentlemen respond- ed to their names: Messrs McKmnon. McLean. McArthur, Bell, Shuts. Thom. pom, Brown. Paterson, Prinru, Home", Allen and Schenk. On “Solution of Mex-Len Prmgle and Gordon the council unanimously expresued its regret on learning of the death of R J Doyle, and as e further mark of respect Messrs McArthur. Pringle and the clerk were appoinlel to draft a letter of sym- pathy with the Emil). The council ad- journed to moet at two o'clock on Ttteste day afternoon. The minutes at the T were read and eoMrmod. Mr Gordon presented a report of the house of refuge committee. setting forth ths. requirements for the equipment of the new institution, The report was referred to committee for consideration. failing to comply with tho ttrrtInttements they might. not get. the 'tcoo grunt. The Iettvr was worded in domineering lung~ tinge, which caused one member to remark with disgust' " It is a piece of rot." An amazing letter was received from Dr Chamberlain. [rovincinl inspector of prisons. nsylums and houses of refuge, and read by the clerk. He called the " tention of the council that the government bad not been discussed as to the location, site, and a lot of other things connected with the new house of refuge. and that Right or nine applications for the posi- Jion of caretaker and warden of the house " refuge were presented, and one from Dr Ego for the nppomlment (f physician to the institution, were presented by the clerk. Respecting the council's memorial to the legislature that. the hill before the house at that time provide for the representalzon of towns in the county council by n reeve instead of the mayor, Mr Maekay wrote that the memorial had been received too late, but Iliat the discuswions indicnted than large majority fawn-ml the may» the representative. A letter from J M Telford, the secretary at the hospital trust, turknowurdged WI") thanks the reeeipt"ot the county coimcil's donation of 91000. County Clerk Rutherford read the pre- sentment of the grand jury which said that there were several inn-no inmates of the goal who should he patients in an asylum. A consumptive patient. who hud transmitted the disease to another person. should he isolated " all similar Clues should. The document paid a tuttering trilmto to the great work being done by the tteneral and marine hospital. and re- commended the inatltntion to the public for liberal fiuaneinl assiatunce. The county council commenced Its November session at the court house on Monday. It WE" nearly three o'clock te. fore a quorum put In an appearance. Warden D. K. Preston occupied the chair. the other members present being Messrs Allan. Brown, Prmgle. Gordon. Harness. Thompson. McArthur, Mann. Schenk. Paterson and Show. t Photoc,rapher Kelsey has hills out announcing his new business in the old Browne stand. Cloud or Sunshine he czn now take pictures with the best of t em. A load of Methodist, young people. s nt a pleasant. evening at Mt Dun. 'lf'r7e'ilU'ltt Edge Hill. last Thursday. Miss Jessie Munro, who was assisting to nurse the family of Mr Arch. Thomp- son. Normanhy, came home this week. The afflicted members are recovering. _ N r. Broomnll is this week on a visit to his home. Mina Lona. Wolfe is visiting her aunts. Madame-I. Cnihertson and Roadhotttte, at Mumford. . Mrs Grier. 1hieeviiir, visited at Dr. Hulton’a and at Mr Jas. Carson's. Mr. Thos. Banks. of Owen Bound, is visiting friends in and around Durham. Miss Sadie Noble came home from 2,','a.to on the occasion of her father’s can . Mrs. Jns. Hepburn visited last week the MtCannel’s of ti. Glenelg and other old neighbors. Mira Lizzie Burner. Grimshy. came home Monday and will be around the old home fora while. Miss Hattie Firth left this week for Priceville and Ceylon and in a few days will leave for Toronto. Wzbmusnu Arranxoox COUNTY COUNCIL. Rzrom's. THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCA TORONTO Ptesdar meeting yefuge. and that - HE COLLEC Ariii'iGTiili iiiiiii% all kinds. No church it no money collect- ed. Is not that fair t IF YOU WISH io SELL you: prop- erty he no do it quicker Bud better than you can And ly 321393 penning tt no a]. Are mrxsfu1 u to who dull do their business. So should you be. Then you had better go to II. H. Miller, the Hams. ver Conveyancer. HE WILL LEND YOU MONEY on shortest notice. lowest mes, very smallest cost. and on your mm terms. fill ian llllMillN - 7 __ . -'.""'".%r, u- "I “It numrl "I me muc- tive ihaiaGG. edThe lowest or my tender not necessarily necept- S’ewspapen inserting this advertisement Without Futglority from the department will not be paid or t. ”V . - ..v qulllLI‘llI uncut: Will oe requir- od for the due ft1ltihtent of each contact. and should any tender be withdrawn before the con- tnctis awarded. or should the tenth-mt full to furnish such security. the omoum ot the deposit will be forfeited. Summation: and form, of tender may be had on npplication to the Departmental the Provincial war! Toronto. or to the Bun-sun ot the respec- t I": "a. in. I...“ At the Asylum: for the Insane in Tomato. Lon. don, Kingston. Hamilton. Mimioo. Brockville, Co. bourg and 0mm; the Control Prison out! Mercer liefohnatorr, Toronto; the Itetormatory for Boys. I_'ette_tapwiitiene; the Institution for Deaf had Dumb, Belleville, und the Blind " Buntiord. Exceptionw Tenders no not remain-d for the 'arf,,'; of meat to the uylunu in Toronto. London. K ngston. Hamilton Ind Bmckvllle, not for the Central Prison Ind Mereer Iurtortnatoir, Toronto. A worked (bugle tor ttve per cent of the estima- ted smoum of t e contract. payable to the order at the Hononble the I’mvlnciol Secretary, mun be furnished by each tenderer as A murmur of " bum tides. Two tsuit/nt taureties will be requir- Od for tho dun “dull-m...“ A: _....A. ---=- . - The uttdersirned will me, in tenders 'lui', noon on Monday. 21rd hm. for supplies of tehem' men, cmmery butter. Inur. oatmeal, mum. cordwood. eta, vte., for the following limitations during the year 1904. via.:-- _ TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1964 The object of our gathering here on this the eve before your departure from the dear old home and friends you love so well, the home in which you have borne the are: of pioneer life, where We often met to enjoy I very happy time, " to present you with this little token of regard and esteem. In that in after year. you mu keep green in mommy's bower, the c nerilhed ttttections of the friends of other days. Blessed with I numerous family, who were both egteemed out! respected, we wish for pl", a long and huppry life among them. This in t e tsincere wish of I 1 present in truth and simplicity. ligned on behalf of the neighbordood, 1.12le MAY McAuurrl. Amn- Imam. Tama Invxmox. On the evening of Nov 4th. 1903. the nmny kind triends and neighbors of Mrs O'Ned, 4th con. (ilenelg, near Pomona. gathered at. her home to Ind her and her family good h.ve. A beautiful rocker and u hummnm- clock were handed over to Mrs O'Neil, and a short "ddtess road by Palm-k Fogarty. The fulluwing is the address: In committee Mr Allen said that in was mnler-tuod that to facilitate the keeping nocnuut of the licenses issuqu all should terminate on the first at Felnuary con- currently with thou of the auctioneers. Continued new! tom-Ir. 860; wagon or can. drawn or pmhed by the individual $40; pedlar wuh pack. bor, bundle, bank”. or value, 83:). License holders must produce hows. nu demand. and the license to extend for one your from th- issue thereof. To Hrs. O'Neil lunar-mm Buildings, To;onto. Mr Bell introduced bylaw 639, to amend the bylaw nelutiug to the issue of Gwkrrs' and pedlam' licenses. The fees were fired as follows: For a. two horse wugan or vehicle, $100; one Imrso WnL'Ou or vehicle, The report also reeormnended that ten- ders be again called for the erection of the harn.aml that tho council ratify the con- tract. to the Ontario Wind, Engine and Pump Company for the iurtalltttion of the Water works plant " a crust of $3400. No discussion followed the motion to adopt the report. which carried. The house of refuge report one an im- portant document which had evidently required close conaideration. In addition to recommending the payment of a num- ber of accounts chargeable to capital ac- count. it recommended: That the clerk write the provincial aecretary asking him to take the neceaeary steps to have for- warded to the treasurer of the county of Grey the enm of Mono. being the nanal government grant for erecting homes of retnge and Myrna industrial farms. the communication to set forth the necessary details as to price puid and other facts. which might be necessary; also calling the attention of the provincial secretary to the fact that Dr Chamberlain had writ. ten the warden stating that the plant should have been tmlatntted to him as set forth in the home of retuge amendment act of 19.3. and asking if the county in. tended to ask for the unvernuient grant. And further that the clerk's letter show that the requirements of the law up to the date of entering upon the obligation of the land and erection n! the house of re. fuge had been fully complied with. The payment of a number of accounts in connection with the inspection rf toe house of refutw was also recommended. Another cause recommended that the clerk inform Dr CGmlerhn that the obligation in respect to the muse of refuge had all been entered into before the amendment to the act wt" pa~sed as eferred to in his letter to the warden and clerk of August, 1903. we no anon tor the “Option of the lottvr of sympathy to County Connoilkr B J Doyle on the death of h I father. the late B J Doyle. a former member of the county council. was unanimously wtopted The county property committee's upon reeomnutnded the puma): of I mambo: of “comm for repairs and supplies foe the county buildings amounting to 0815.11. of which 082.37 mm chi-gum. to criminnl indict scam-It The items wen. evident- ly quite ttatmhtertorn u the up" was similarly traded to Ibis of previous re- ADDRESS AN D PRESENTATION Dear friend . n. W. l he Meg-7M R. STRA'ITON, Products! tleeretarr x. November 9.1%: a “SHEEN - . 'Y ElacFarlane t iht 30mm: and mm. t getawawm ooooofl iii'ril"i"r'i"t ""tt iF 6 ib 6 t Baruy t if (8htrta, a. MODE I, A first clam Line of Bread. Cakes, Pustry always on hand at Rowe's store departieent of JiCeiaiiiirniiti." LASTLY, our prices are absolutel yfair. Give us a call and see for yourself. GOOD REASONS: FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every A--_..._.__L _e _ . .. - ITSUITS TOA TI And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. Come and WHEEL BARROWS FOR " HARDWARE I STOVES HORSE GOODS TEA and COFFEE pars FANCY LAMPS X-CUT SAWS & AXES man having too much chinn _ in her home? Don't be- 6 lieve you did. When in 6 Montreal and Toronto lately 6 we visited the dlitereut 6 stores and picked out what 6 we thought n few of the g: most pleasing pieces " pri- cg: ces to fit most any purse. .2, am BREAD! Did You ever hear of See our Horse Blankets, Cur: Ff Toak Brushes' and Whips. . If you require a Stove of any description give us a call. Our heating Stoves are the lowest priced that' you can get. In x-Cut Saws and Axes out Stock is large and our prices will suit every person. Have Jou seen our Rochester ty1verJNick1ewtrer which sut- _. ~---1- [no Owing to the rapid sale of our Fancy Lamps we hove been obliged to make an addition to our stock, and now have an assortment that cannot be equalled in Durham or any other town. ouW_"""""""'cr-' -- passes any other goods for price and quality. Call and -examine our Ten and Coffee Pots. W. BLACK. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. BAKERY, LOWER TOWN '. srmsow. Scan 2h'tElit, " LIV' 'ic/is, M BARCLAY Also Now that you have a Tudhope Bum} . get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swnm The Spring has come and the Summc: has gone and so has nearly two unloads of Tudhope Buggies and the plan: which was once so filled to overflowing- with those rigs is now being filled up with over a Pat-load of the famous We etc " the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. or. dem or enquiries left at C. McArthur', store, or at the REsumvoirrrrcr.. will receive our best attention. 21.22% implements f / 7am"! Croat- ltereretors, 'r- £ulor rill, Only Drill in the Market geared from 130th wheels and full lines of gh, by Weed: / / so down you prices on COLONIAL sLIPPEBs and 0\'l-'nl:l). A {m uses of women‘s and Missea‘ Rubber,- going " M and 80 cema, Custom work and ten-i: lug attended tr, " promptly as possible. Ttttite-tutr". f. .5: moi/mm Boob who“. . MaMtam, an»: veal-lined or mm- But; 839””, Lout. Comfort 'tgtoa'ru-, Gan-m. Gloves. dee, New Aro and“, growing in favor. Try tt your and be convinced um. they have no "perior for quality and atylo, We have lame good nine: in Gunilla“. Glenn. Mini and Mitt fooinge. Felt Boots, Lnnlbermon'o Box and Rub- We are Crowded tor Room Cldlau 3811i“ and their reputation has low!) gained only hy their excellence Also Of all kinds. Examine our TUR NIP PULPERS; they are the best on the market: also om CHURNS & WHEELBARRHWS Aarn Organs They are good in every re We have alt Lid: of Grocer- tes, Meats, Flour! & Cereals, emphasis on GOOD and if Yo‘lmlke that kind We will guy you , good "iff Cash or Melina, " you like it. We want a quantity of 609D .BUTTER with the Show Rooms opposite I ‘__~L a- . " -- anew Rooms opposite Mid (laugh Stables. Lambton St Peter Hamihon's Goods in titocl: Lately we were talking cutters now its Gray's Af £13:de Machinery hen. Rubber Boon ready for the coldest of number, Trunks. "linen. club Inga, he in stock " lowest prices, SOVEREIGN SHOES will ihsd than In uncu- styles and)!“ at the gudhopo Gutters 'hid and see our Also see our famous ll” buy Eggs, Tub-w, Pfsultry, 'ck, Af ur of Lake Applés 19. 1903 BELL More Ctthiet"s “In owns HUI’N u with Full Line Sylvester Farm I Famous Tud Bishop I Cockohutt and Pe Clare Bros.' F TWEED GROCERI Winters'l‘rrms PM“ Steel " Also Bramk Canon“ $18 ttil Ow EN - I Block Adopud by uh loo -teaservrdly p than llrllln. alumna Mulch-vines Inc-inn l the id'e lacuna-1 I“ Not-oo In ttire-t Won I For can: "a! f.ts Ill luau-ct th HE SEL Child, u-u THE DESI AT LOW. Improve A few month‘s s od. would hundreds of Take advant months and _ WRITEV tk Mm MettV l lar, b I F'Mlllu'lt-I It I Lad iek I w LAMI ti Pull“! MEN’S Wiring ntul PEEL, ”HI! Pute Hum NOVEMB We are offer .. The lmpld I continuation [astound on th: he found "In” DRY 000 3 101‘s & l We can giv @404?) 4/5/04 Ever offe Call a: AT THE tion B] Ot best " lamps f chr's "I H Cttll he If!

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