West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Nov 1903, p. 8

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*3 They are already?selling rapidly at Lowest Prices. Try a pair, your money back if not satisfactory. Every pair guaranteo1l to resist] everything With the only _ 66 absolutely l $ 50c DRESS GOODS for 25c. 7 3 40c DRESS GOODS for 15c. z\‘ A MOVE IN DRESS COODS " Strictly in it" . H. MOCKLER Alex. Russell . The Big Store " Puncture®Proof All the beauty and utility that is possible to find in a piece of Dress Goods can be had here. Heavy Rubber AH. MOCKHKLEFR oo & PITCHFORK. In which you are interested PURE on the market. but an 9 9 99 Mhund Oupor t\ C ui vpe o cmuiuizer relpep redugedithce PB i sc 4 & for well established house in a few counties, wufi; on retail merchants and agents. Local territory, Salary $20 per week with exfinm additional, :{1 payable in cash each week. oueg for expenses advanced. Position permanent. Business successâ€" ful and rushing. Standard House, 830 Dearborn Wallace, J imnP\‘y Marshall. Jr Pt24dâ€" Annie Dean. Neila Marshall. Sr 1st_â€"_ Grace Mountain, Mary McAllister, _ Jp 1stâ€"Stauley Mountain. Report of 8. 8. No. 1. Normanhvy Octo::.,r. Claes 5thâ€"-Maggi:!n “\%}31;?:-' Cassle Burns. 4thâ€"Nellie Burns, s.'- $rdâ€"Viola Backus. _Jr 3rdâ€"Eva Mcâ€" Allister, James Wallace, Willie Mc. Allister. _ Sr@2ndâ€"Willie Wallace, Lizâ€" ge fiuansl.d Jr 2ndâ€"Mary Backus, y ntle 1;.:?:5'11.?:;.52 2ndâ€"Tommy best. to make the o;eni;ag“;on;::l:; next month a great success. Minnie Steyenson heard Willie Wilson tell Kate Clark that Stanley H»w told Flora Clark to inform Arch McLean that Edith Campbell overheard Alex Meâ€" Queen whisper to Miss Gordon that Noble Wilsou said Mary McKechnie gave Donald MceCanne! to understand that Lydia Ferguson knew that Jack Mcâ€" Dougall was sure that Mary Ferguson believed that Artie Wilson heard Willie Kinsman telling Fred Runciman that Boothville bad the newest and nicest school house in the county of Grey. and that they were all guing to do their Lulcs VDe uoey s us 3 WANTEDâ€" FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAavEL xr Neil Clark lost a valuable horse the other day by an accident. The horse ran violently against the end of a tonogue which pierced its breast and it bad to be killed. The meeting in conunection with the beef ring was hell in Brownsville, everyâ€" one being satisfied with the adjustments made by our efficient Becretary Mr Herâ€" man Haw. . The ring was enlarged for 1904. and a heavier standard of beef will be required. The weight of animals is to be 400 lbs and this will be easily reached for the ayerage weight this year was 424} lbs. There will also be 2o shares instead of 16 thus extending the season four weeks. The slaughter hcuse will now be at Butcher Witters. Miss Kate McConnel escorted by Wm Akins, of Nottawassaga, is at present visiting friends here. _ Mr Akins Â¥isited bis cousins the Aldcorns. and Miss Meâ€" Connel is yisiting her sister, Mrs R Mc Donald and her uncle Donald McFarlane and other friends. We presume she bhad & say in the laying out of a certain new house uear by. The new schoocl house is now comâ€" pleted and is a credit to the contractor. Fred Runciman and the section. Miss Gordon, teacher, and pupils will be moving in to it the first of the week. Jenuvie MceFarlane and Mrs J McQueen yisited at Alex McLean‘s last week. Neil Cameron‘s house is nearly finishâ€" ed and it looks well. _ W Kinsman aud W Wilson carpeoters and W Moody bricklayer. and the work will be well dore. _ We are ready for the winter now, roots are all taken up, the threshing is finished for another year, the windows puttied and the houses banked. and the work Geo Witters has raised an addition to his barn. -Viuthill is the contractor A yery pleasant, sociable eyent took piace at the home of Mr and Mrs Chas McQueen, on Oct 27th. Their grandâ€" daughter, Jennie McFarlane, entertained a number of her friends. _ After spend.â€" ing a few sociable hours together they departed wishing her many happy returns of he birthday. Considsrable mischief was done on halloween and no damage of acecunt. Fravk McCabe bas left our burg and he will be missed both in the blackâ€" smith shop and in social meetinge as he was a favorite with the fair sex. He has worked up a large business hLere. Mr Win Marshall, who some time ago advertised in the REVIREW for a number of strayed cattle, has recovered ‘the whole lot. getting the last one on Satâ€" urday last. _ It pays to advertise in the REeview. R PR Mr and Mrs Alex Calder, of Egreâ€" mont welegueste of Mr and Mrs John Marshall on Sunday last. L0 & hugggsbelongmg to Don Mellvride on Wedndsday night last. she met with a bad runaway accodent. _ The night being yery dark she did not notice an approaching team belonging to Mr Samuel Neal until both horses met alâ€" _ most face to face. Both came to a _stop and Mr Neal apparently having no notion of halving the road Mis« Hoeflin attempted to pass on the right side thinking the road was level, but which at that particular place, a very deep ditch was dug a year or so ago,. The horse crowded into Mr Neal‘s wagon despite all efforts on the part ot lfiiss Hoeflin to prevent him. ’Fhe horse beâ€" came unmanageable and upset the rig, pitching the driver heid first out, making good his escape and running about two miles home. The horse escaped with a few scratcbes, the harâ€" nees for the most part was simashed to pieces while the buggy was prett y well riddled, the shafts smashed, one axle bent, the reach broke, some spokes splintered and the top rendered useless, | Miss Hoeflin escaped without a scratch. In reporting on the entertainment hetd in fi)nox church last week an error was made in not reporting Mr Jas Watâ€" son among the shining stars in the singâ€" ing line. ‘Iwas a imistake of the pen and not the brain. Mr Jake Hoeflin had a serviceable horse die last week very suddenly. The trouble was a yery uncommon disease but very fatal. While Miss Clara Hoeflin was wendâ€" ingher way from her home back to her sister‘s, driving a young bhorse attached to a“l,m;‘zgr belonging to Don Mellvride Miss. Morton who had spplied for our school and secured the position as teachâ€" er for 1904 has rued ggr bargain and politely requested our trustees to pardon her, which we believe will be granted. the has the promise of a scnool nearer her home, and as our trustees are generous hearted fellows they did not think it wise to put her to any inconvenâ€" ience. Miss Janet Blythe has secured a situaâ€" tion as assistant teacher in Wiarton and left last week to take charge thereof, el Mountain. Pefc k . L. MACURACKEXN, Teacher BLYTHE‘S CORNERS. BOOTHVILLE. * ‘THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO was done here any C Struck presented a claim of $10 HOPEVILLE for the loss of an apple tree, being mecumame undermined while grayel was taken Intended for last from his pit, for road puarposes As | _ The funeral of the late doubts were entertained by the Counâ€" | Millan, exâ€"reeve of Prot The risses »cCormick, of Walkerton, were bome attending their brother‘s funeral, also Miss Kate xcKinnon, of Benâ€" tinck. xrs Col Weir, of Port Credit, is visiting her aunt, xrs cCormick for a few days lately. 2 n Ne Cmy m e m., to the Rocky Saugeen cemetecy where xr mcCormick‘s father and sister are buried. Deceased leaves his mother. three brothers and four sisters to mourn bis loss. We join in extending our symâ€" pathy to the bereaved ones. Last Tuesday the arcCormick family received the sad trdings that Angus, the eldest son was dead, atter a short illâ€" ness. He died at his sister‘s wrs F xcâ€" Laren, of Spooner. Wisconsin. His brother. Di }fugh xcCormick, accompanâ€" ied the corpse home, arriying in Durâ€" bam on Friday, on the three o‘clock train. _ The funeral, which was a large one tookLplage on S‘Ewrdny at 1.830 p. The prayerâ€"meetiny hbeld at Wm Young‘s last Tuesday evening by Rey xr Farqubharson was well attended. Dr xcCormick, of Cartright, Wis, ited his home here for a coupls of recently. xrs Alex Bell returned from Tor last Wednesday after a two week‘s with her daughters there. iss Mary Brown is visiting Priceville friends at present. & John »cQueen and _ Farlane were the guests pareuts of late. 9P dcts ecatndintit ts isR wb 42. 1 well, everything sold bringing a good price. We heard Mr Huuh'McPherson rented lI:is garm to Mr Brodie of the neighborâ€" We are pleased to see Mr John Campâ€" bell, north line, keeping sn wellafter his recent ascident, which disabled him from his usual activity, Mr Neil McDougali, north line, had a plowing bee, to the number of 18 teams, one day not long ago. N Donald McL;-.n.n. of County home at present at his father Line, Artemesia. veputy Discrict Master, Mr Burgess, of Owen Sound paid his official yisit on Wednesday of filst week to Lodge 140, A. 0. U. W., of this place. _ Over 4000 new members added to the order in Ontario in the year 1903. Deputy Discrict Master of Owen Sound ruid his 0 Wednesday of last week A. 0. U. W., of this nlao Mr Peter McArthur spent a few days hunting in the neighboring woods and we hear he captured a fine deer. We cannot youch for the truth of the story, but we heard that Jim Turner shot and killed a fine moose while riding on his bicycle. ‘Down with another Jit. Archie McDonald, who spent the sumâ€" mer months at Kleinberg, Co, York, is also home. _ So the boys all like to take a stroll home once in a while for after all there is no place like the old home. Our singing class held by Mr Wmm Ramage is doing well. Thos McDougall, of Engadine, Mich., is spending a while at the old heme on the South fine, Angus McKechnie, of Cleyeland, son of Roger McKechnie, is s ending a few weeks at home. Mr Mclé:-(-hnie is moâ€" torman on the electric cars. Miss Kate McIn sg»nding a while this place. Miss Susan McKinnon, of Durham, attended the concert in Watson‘s Hall, the other evening. _ Miss McKinnon is always welcomed by friends in Priceâ€" ville and elsewhere, Mrs Bruce. of Calgary, who was at hoime attending her mother‘s funeral. the late Mrs John McLachlin, left for her bome again last week. Archie McUuaig, of Top Cliff, had nearly three days threshing and has somewhere in the neighborhood of 3000 bushels of grain. _ Not so bad for Glenâ€" elg. Miss Jennie Robertson, of Toronto. is spending a while at home with her mother in this place, Alex Bell‘s sale E7 NP utnittsisteiiiedictihiatediivtvatccntrintso ie t 3 M 11101 39 comfortable for concerts and such like than the Halls used at present, _ We eannot say whether the movement will he successful or not, but certainly Priceâ€" ville needs a larger Hall. Members of the different societies will remember the seryices to be held by the Rev Alex McGillivray, of Toronto, on Sunday evening next, 22nd inst., at 7 o‘clock, in behalf of the respective socieâ€" ties in Priceville. â€" Service to be held in the «Presbyterian church the different Lodges wiil please meet at their Lodge rooms at 6.30 in union Hall. The weather is shaping for winter ana the east wind on Monuday reyeals that it is not far away. T wrrmn=â€" * 4 <@e se ROB ROY. PRICEVILLE. last Thursday went s0 as to make it more of County Bruce, yre, at o Miss Jeonie Macâ€" _ of the latter‘s coupls of d&y}g , of the m Toronto week‘s vieit Toronto. is old home in 3 & ies will by the ito, on t., at 7' e socieâ€" held in ifferent Lodge | ter and that it cellent rch on ings of | 2 ing he n Luke As a surp..ss clearly, ire his Monâ€" ork at Bap‘ist ‘s giull dience Mrs player > comâ€" dience of the I rmers, rather up the t more h like We nt will Priceâ€" vas at ineral, ft for f, had d has t 3000 Glenâ€" nto. is é h her rham, c Hall, non is lf. Price. oney orders were issued amounting to $402.08. Council meets again on Dec. 15. A. Breprex, Clerk.â€"Banner The polling places are as follows : In polling subâ€"div.. No. 1, at Hemstook‘s house lot H, con. 2, W Cock, D R 0 ; No. 2, at Batterman‘s school house. lot 19. con. 5, W Aitcheron, D R O ; No. 8, at Thoroley‘s mill‘s lot 9, con 11, F Thornley, D R 0; No 4, at Brown‘s school house. lot 25, con 11, A Brown, D R 0; No 5. at the town hall, Desboro, Wm Smith. D R O, l ul ; 1700 â€" NC The aunual report of the Chairman | The mir of the Board of Health was presented, frioon. 0 read and agreed to. The report showed | the new that although diphtheria an4 scarlet tever | _ Death had been prevaien? throughout diflerontluk,n AV parts of the Township,. the fatalities were | W J wle few. but the death rate from other | ter of t causes had been unusually heavy, 59 Tuesday deaths having been registered since the ister ha; Board‘s last aunual meeting, 84 of these back. A occurring during the winter months of Toronto Dec., Jan. and Fobruary, being one more try life" thar what took place in the previous 12 Hopeville months. the case as represented, they appoinâ€" ted Conncillor Batterman to investligate and report at next meeting. Spenamenmaten enaminesmemmee /J 2C ~PLL¢ DL gmmmmmg gpppemsmmnng ; Furs‘! Furs!! & % *~*~*~ m > 0 n gazm~â€"~ .:. % We have a specialty this week and extra good value ;? * Ladies‘ Fur Coats, $25 a 24 One dozen just received, also '; 3 _ Men‘s Fur Coats from $20up. g These goods are special value and will give P satisfaction to wearers in comfort and length % of wear, You don‘t want to buy such %% g E y a coat every winter, thern buy the best. 4 Caperines, # Rutis, # Caps, % All attractive and at taking prices,. fl g 626’05&/({, the Clothies. g / J 26 DL 2L pmirnn~n‘s ; K C _IR‘s a Puzzler ?) G ]E Almost sure to fit you but if you want madeâ€"toâ€"order goods, you can do no better than buy our selected Tweeds for both purposes. This brand on Shoes stands for 1st qfi'ality. ; cases have just arrived. Hats and Caps to suit the most particutar, 25¢50¢ 7 5¢, ete Iothing Yreer MHere is an Cyeâ€"opener Overcoats, Readyâ€" CASH FOR BUTTER AND ROBT. BURNET Than our new Stock of Men‘s Shirts made by the famous Shirtâ€"makers, TOOKE BROS. We also have a large stock of _ WAY‘S MUFFLERS at 35¢, 50c, 75¢, and _ NECK SCARFS from 50c to §3.00, This is all new stock and all are right upâ€"toâ€"date. lines and we can show you too the very finest linen of Natural Wool unshrinkable. Don‘t forget our prices on diffierent If the paper could only show the extra values we have in Under wear. Fleece lined Underwear, 85 cents per suit; of these also received and opened up ;vell. and have your pick. Rybbers & Overshoes To one who wants an Overcoat just what style to get. Now we feel it our place to relieve the distressed propecâ€" tive buyer and in order to be able to do that we must have every coat show style, grace and value. The next quesâ€" tion is as easily answered as the first â€"Have we got what you want ? â€" The one answer will do both and we say and say positively we have the BEST VALUES in Overcoats and Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Clothing in the County of Grey. . We leave it to you. You only have to see to be convinced. > Srom 856 to 53.00 per Suit. The * Imperial" Of course, in abundance, and _ are special to wearers in You don‘t â€" y winter, t OPPOSITE THE CHRONICLE OFFICE Croceries member of tha‘i.j... °C , 8be was n member of the independent church and Rev xr Kenning came trom New York to preacs at her funeral, which wak large and conveyed to the ethodist cemetery on 16th con., Proton Nre Glenister war a bixam"‘ C residence to the value an n comfort want to then bus D toâ€"wear Suits Atlter NOVEMBER 19. 1903 . and for quantity, 15 d extra good value \ts, s26 m $20 up. â€" \ieDister, wife oi © youngest dlfllh- drew Dingwell, on a ?07. Nr8 Gl.n_ _ for some years iage they lived in ster thinking coun. ; ber moved into Call early L VOL. XXV m mss a Snaz Fidis g%****% i p:s KA J Je e in‘ Th Dumon & All 3 to end 'I,« £® & 7® .,,n 4) %p s % Farmers, t and Daily and Weel and W . A and West TEW and Wee} TEW and Fam. TEW and Weel KEW and Mon. MLadies‘ "~"â€" It‘s on Special Ba: Childreon i""r.- EXQUI Ebony Goods, Well bor, F*A beautif That is 1 Just But we a and Toro: and Toron Everyb vered i Come in : and Toil JA 131 Wa hav oxfo ted. If y (CCO, C 5.00 Odd Mon Clu/l

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