West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Nov 1903, p. 4

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. ; 1 4eb ZQurhkam, Gutters. gtoves. We>Some useful horses for sale. Ohe PPush to Clark‘s 319 yds Heayy dark Flanneliette going at 5¢ yd. 188 ‘yds 10c Wrappe.ettes going at 6 :c per yd. 353 yds dark check gingham while they last at 5c Don‘t forget to inspect our Holiday display of Fancy Handkerchiefs and other Fancy Goods. & 5. 4 VHjortock § Special reductions in Millinery next six weeks Special Value in Women‘s Fur & Cloth Mantles, » lIbs ** Orange Pecl..................... 25 CS 5 1b Mix Candies, .......... ...........0 k}}+ 25 cts > Cans good red Salmon.................. ... 25 Ct8 . We might mention many other Bargains but space will not permit . Best Brands No. 1, Rubbers & Overshoes, At creat reductions. Passey ffarric Show TGQcoms To have careful buyers to come in and spend a few minutes with us. Many smart people are delighted our mew Show Cases and. with the goods inside of them, all new and bought with care "STERLING SILVER‘S" are especially desirableâ€"â€"many excellent patterns to select from. To rot permit the uniform high quality of our stock to suggest that you camnot purâ€" chase here the inexpensive " little things." Any article related to the Jewelâ€" i-r{ Ima«ine««. no matter how simall the price, you can buy at "Gondon‘s‘‘ with satisfaction gwaranteed, The "Fitting " Hot Water Kettle we are showing will be the deâ€" light of any woman who receives it. The " Chafing Dish" is what is needed for the late sipper. see, to test. to be Convinced THE SECRET REVEALED C@Akurns, (Qashing J)Tachines, Feeed Qutters, Oxford Gream Separators. To be successful in business nowâ€"aâ€"days it is necessary to do unusual things, sell dependable and correct merchandise, sell at right prices and do what you promise. We live up to all the claims made in our advertisements : they are intended to honâ€" estly reflect our methods and our goods. All we ask is an opportunity to prove Our contentions ; will you put us to the test during these Holiday months. Here are a few quotations : Our Clothing Department is a trade winner, because we give you the same style, fit ard service you would receive in custom made carments at about half the price. 4 1Ibs best Currants for .. 3 * lbs best Raisins for > lbs best Lemon Peel .. » Ibs ** Orange Peel . CASH AND ONE PRICE. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stan still continues and still there‘s room for mor That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Palâ€" merston and London makes, The Great Prize Winâ€" ner Cream Separator. Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons : Scrowball, Chatham and Walkerville; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Churns, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. XMAS CROCERIES We‘re Always Glad John @ivingston TDoest cf [fTiddaugh Jfouse. Study economy in wood, and one way to do it is to have one of the Stoves we handle at prices that are within reach of any purse. If you are in want of something nice, n eat and useful in the Cutter line, call and examine ours No back numbers amongst them. CORDON‘S CORDON‘S LITTLE THINGS. John Clark {Igent. 25 cts 25 cts 25 cts 25 cls 25 cts 25 cts Onrtaric. YA k 35 Mr, W. 8. Hunter was at home over Sunday. Mr. H. H. Moekler was in Mt. Forest last week. Mr. Allie Mcintyre is this week in Toronto. Miss Kate McDougall returned from 0. Soung last week. Mr Jno. Brown was visiting in Owen Sound for a few days. Miss Lydia Swallow, of Toronto, is a guest of her brother Thomas. Miss Margaret Harris returned from a two weeks‘ yvisit in Hawmilton and Torâ€" onto. Mr, H. Tyreman has been reâ€"engaged in 8.8. No, 9, Glenelg, at a handsome inâ€" crease in salary. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williamson reâ€" turned on Wednesday from Burlington after spending a few months there. Mr Frank Shiels, Crawford, was in town, Tuesday, â€"He came home about 2 weeks ago from the West and is ent husiâ€" astic on the possibilities of our greai new country. Lieut Col. Galloway, D. S. O0., No 2 Military District, is in Durham, toâ€"day, Wednesdag, on his Annual tour of Inâ€" spection. _ Capt. Snider is on hand to show him around. Congratulations to Mr R. Noble and Miss Mary Calder on uniting heart and hand in Wedlock‘s bonds. The happy eyent came off last Wednesday, and we welcome the young couple as citizens. Mr. Arch Hall, grandson of John Hall, South Glenelg, and son of John, Jr., Sault Ste Marie, Mich.. was around the old home for a few weeks. Heisoccupyâ€" ing a responsible position at a good aalary. Mr. Angus McCormick 8r., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McCorâ€" mick, Rentinck, from â€" Mendota and Chicago, l*., where he has been Supt: of construcfion on the new line Rochelle and Southern, backed by the Chicago & St Paul and Milwaukee Ry. Mr. F. W. Kelsey, from Pertbh, and family have moved to town and taken up residence with his brother,. . Both hbeing photographers, they are entering into partnership in the Brown Studio, recently purchased, and are prepared to turm out any quantity of first class work, â€" We have no doubt success will attend their efforts. Byâ€"law 644, relating to the governing of the bouse of refuge; bylaw 645, reâ€" specting the remuneration of the public school inspectors of the county of Grey ; (M6, to deirne a pulicy as to the guaranâ€" teeing of debentures by the county of Grey ; byâ€"laws M7. relating to the deâ€" bentures of the town of Owen Sound were introduced and read a first and second ‘ime and moved into committee, Bylaw 644 wos a lengthy document preâ€" pared by the county solicitors and dealt minutely with all the details of governâ€" ment. _ The only clause to cause discusâ€" sion was on the principle of maintenâ€" ance, â€" The clause stated that each local municipality within the county of Grey shall pay to the county treasurer the actual cost of the board and wearing »r‘;mrel supplied to the ?‘vrsom commitâ€" ted to and received by the said house of refuge fromsuch local municipality less, however, the smount that such persons by their labor. actually earn while inâ€" mates of the said house of refuge. The amount so to be paid by each local municipality is, however, not to exeeed the rate of $1.50 per week for each perâ€" son so committed and received by the said house of refuge from such local municipality. Mr Brown moved, seconded by Mr. Schenk, that the clause be amended in order that the cost of maintenance should be paid prorata all ovyer the county. Mr Brown contended that the apirit of the house of refuge movement was defeated by the clause. _ In justice to every munieipality the county should meet the entire expense of maintenance and transportation. _ 1t would be maniâ€" featly unfair to the towns if left as in the by law. _ It was a wellâ€"known fact that when an improvident or unfortunâ€" ate individual has worn himself out and become decrepid as a farm laborer bLe drifts to the larger centres and there after doing odd chores around the place becomes acharge upon the municipality. It is not fair that the municipality which has derived all the benefit of the man‘s best years should thus be permitâ€" ted to shunt the cost of maintenance over to another municipality, upon which the individual has only been a resident for a a year or two. _ This was not the intention of the voters in Meaâ€" ford, and he was confident if the idea of making the house of refuge a pay house for each municipality it would have been defeated by a large majority. The clause as read would simply proyide a cause for an attack by such men as Jno M Davis, of his divieion, whose referâ€" erce to the keep of the indigent wasnot prompted by humane feelings. It would be the conversion of a noble charitable institution into a parody and defeat the very object for which it was erected. _ Besides he could only see a complication of accounts in the arrangeâ€" ment proposed by the bylaw. ~t a Patent‘‘," What srofluble to invent."and &’dulon Patents‘. Advico free. F cen mogerage mfilg" €& MARION, Exrent ple Bullding, °5 8t James St., M Theon)y firmof @radurte Erginers in the Domiâ€" Theon!y firm of @radurte Erginers intbe Domi« Hive transacting patent business ensiasitreiy Send a stamp Continued from Supplement. OMPTLY SECURED Continued next week,. CoUNTY COUNCIL THE DURHAM REVIEW for our # 0 4 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO beautiful book ‘‘Fow to It is an old adage that we have to go from home to hear news. The Clarksâ€" burg Reflector says: _ "1t is reported that Mr McKinnon, of Durham, a memâ€" ber of the County council, will be offered the Conservative nomination for South Grey for the House of Commons." Uur townsman has been a success as a Comâ€" missioner. The Chatsworth Banner says : * T 1 Mearns, of Hanover, was in town last . week. The visit of the Doctor to Chatsâ€". worth may hbaye some political signifiâ€". cance, as he is freely mentloned as the Liberal candidate for the Commons for Bouth Gre{; the riding in which part of Chatsworth is included." The Walkerton Glocke, a German rnper. in a recent issue, as we learn rom some of our local translators, 18 booming Mr And Schenk, Not manby, for the candidacy of the Conservatiye party in 8. Grey on the ground that he has many years‘ experience in Municipal matters, is a prominent farmer and speaks English and German. _ Last but not least, the Glocke in the same article makes a choice for the Liberals and +p aks of Mr H H Miller, Hanover. as having the best prospects. l _ comâ€" mends him as an upriglhl, business man,. a long standing Reformer and a man of whom his party might justly be proud. h.T:fese ge'n!.le;lwnv\\'illi hold their head igk. tke l mt.s TOPICS OF THE WEEK â€"The Toronto Industrial Exhibition bas this year a surplus on hand of $52â€" 238. The Western Fair, London, has $1,800. â€"â€"T. F. Davis, 84 yrs. old, and supâ€" posed to be the oldest printer in Canaâ€" da, died recently in Barrie. â€"â€"The Windsor Hotel, Gravenhurst, was destroved by fire last week. Some of the guests had narrow escapes. â€"A gasoline explosion wrecked the printing office of The Dawson Sun, Yuâ€" kon Ter. The plant and building were destroyed by fire with the thermomeâ€" ter 55 degrees below zero. â€"â€"One of the most serious accidents of the year occurred at Newmarket, Ont, a small town in York County last Wednesday morning. The damage was done at the works of the United Factories where about 60 men are emâ€" ployed and when the head engineer was absent. In some way, presumably from the water running too low, one of the four large boilers burst, causing the others to be blown through the buildâ€" ing,. bricks, &c, to be scattered a few rods in all directions, two fireman to be crushed to death, and sever other employes injured. The works will be started again about Christmas. â€"Industrics are starting up at the Sov again, and about 1000 men find employ ment. â€"Rumors are abroad that war has already started in the far East between Japan and Russia. â€"Another train wreck occurred near Chatham Monday evening when a a local train crashed into a freight. One killed and another injured were the casualities. â€"â€"President Marroqin of Colombia, has issued a formal protest against the bad faith of the United States in recogâ€" nizing the ** Republic ot Panama." He charges President Roosevelt with violaâ€" tion of treaty obligations and appeals to ‘‘the national conscience otf the United States " against the aggression upon Columbia‘s territory. A copy of the pamphlet may be had free on application to the Seed Division, Branch or the Commussioner of Agriâ€" culture and Dairying. Ottawa. Letters addressed as aboye do not require posâ€" tage. Under the above heading or someâ€" thing like it, the Toronto Star, London Advertiser and other papers have drawn attention to the falseness of the cry of corruption so persistently used against the Reform Enrty for some years past, _ SBays the Adveruser: "Look at the records of the courts after the provincial election last year. After all the frantic «ccusations by the Oppoâ€" rition, after ascribing the imberal vic tory to the work of the **machine," what happened ? Six Conservative seats were protested, and only two Liberal seats. _ Four Conservatives were unâ€" seated and one Liberal. _ Six Conseryaâ€" tive workers were reported for cortupt practices and one Liberal. Pethaps the result will be more impressive in tabular form : to provide means for closer study of the Bill in its relations to the operations of seed producers, seed merchants and seed consumets. â€" The Bill as amended by the Committee of the Whole during the recent session af Parliament, provides that seeds of cereals, grasses, clovers or forage plavuts which contain the seeds of certain noxious weeds named in the Bili, will be prohibited from sale. _ It further provides for uniform methods of gradâ€" ing. according to fixed standards ot putity and vitality, the Timotby, Alsike, and Red Clover seeds offered for sale in Canada. Members unseatedâ€" Conservatives....4 Liberals..........1 W orkers convicted or reported â€" Conservratives....6 Liberals..........1 Totalsâ€" «â€"_â€"â€" weue Conservatives. . .10 Liberals ..........2 The cutery against the Ross Governâ€" ment from the Whitneyites and Gameyâ€" ites is mere Phariseeism. _ Liberals will do well to turn a deaf ear to such hyâ€" pocritical mouthings. It they examine the records of both parties they will never think of voting out the Ross Government, and yoting in men who bave not kept their skirts clear of corâ€" ruption and haye shown no capacity for anything but abuse." An Act Respecting the Inspection and Sale of Seeds with Explanations and Comments" bhas been received. _ This pamphlet is issued for general distribuâ€" tion for the purpose of serving as a notice to the interested public, and also A copy of bulletin No. 15, emtitled "Bill No 200, lReprinted as Amended : COMING EVENTS CAST, NOTILCE OF SEEV CONTROL ACT. WORDS VS. DEEDS. a6 Dr Tt suits To a T / MODETI, BAKERY, LOWER Towx sHAFT GONGS & BELLS Bread, Cakes, Pestry always on hand at Rowe‘s store FIRST of all, we use only the finest department of our establishment. . LASTLY, our prices are absolutel yfair, Give us a call and see for yourself. A â€" first class Line of Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line, THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. HARDWARE ! DRIVING OUTFIT GRAIN BAGS CATTLE CHAINS STOCK FOOD P a 4 4 LC tcker â€" Pet of fine bells when you A". driving during the winter Our shaft Gongs$ and Body Bells are something extra. Nothing like hearing the ton CC 1 115 when YOHN AL We have some Robes, Rugs Blankets. GOOD REASONS : Secure some Of Chains and your be safe in the stat Jist added a good line of Grain Bags at a low price. Headquarters for American Stock Food. The best kind to fatten your Stock. STNSON‘S BREAD ! WEDDING â€" CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. H. STINSON. . BLACK. e of our Steel your cattle will e stable. _ ~ery fine and â€" Horse *nÂ¥ gl\ a’% Avigt Boots or Shoes, Rubbers, either woolâ€"lined Felt Slippers, Comfort Stockings, Gauntlets, Gloves, &o, You New Are pair no @@@@ We are Crowded for Roon: so down goes prices on COLON]A SLIPPERS and OXFORD. _ A (., cases of women‘s and Msses‘ Rubbers going at 25 and 80 centie, Custom work and revasring attended to as prompily as possible. TERMSâ€"CAasnu. 4. 5. UifeItraith Spring Yeeds / / :l a Chatham PBuggies VYationat Cream JSeparators. Yoew Leader rill, Only Drill in the Market geared from both wheels and full lines o% We are at the shop at the bridge en ery Wednesday and Saturday. . O; ders or enquiries left at C. McA rthur‘s store, or at the REvirw Orricr, will receive our best attention. UndertaRing promptly â€" at tended 00. LATES‘p DESIGXS 1x MARKI‘:B;\ HEADSTONES & MoNXNTaEXNTS All work warranted. Orders taken ) Messrs Barclay and Be}i. A. B WifoArthur The Spring has come and the Summe has gone and so has nearly two carload= of Tudbope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled u; with over a rarload of the famous DORIMX MARBE works FuUurRNITURE Now that you have a Tudhope Bugys get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swin Call and {mplements / Also BARCLAY & BELL 1f you are looking for a pair of Of all kinds. Examine our TUR NIP PULPERS ; they are the best on the market : ~ also ou: CHURNS & WHEELBARROwsS sOvVEREIGNX SHOES steadily growing in fayor. Try y and be convinced that they hay» superior for quality and style. We have some good values in Gauntlets, Gloyes. Mitts and Mitt facings. Felt Boots, Lumberman‘s Sox and Rub. bers, Rubber_ Boots ready for vhe coldest of weather, Trunks, yalises, club bags, &# in stock at Jowest prices. will find them in varmous stylem and prices at the ROBiNSON & corBET Lately we were talking cutters now its Gray‘s and their reputation has beer gained only by their excellence. Also NOVEMBER 26, 1903 Peter Hamilton‘s Goods in Stock They are good in every respect ‘»Pposite Middaugh House C# In.‘p"tatiofls from European American and Canadian Quarries ake Kress Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables, Lambton St Naxwell Iffachinery Boot & Shoe Store JAKE KRESS. WELL‘S LIVERy sTtaBLE *9”03&. MF‘d.usgIAH ous Tudhope Best Quality cheaper than ever. Also see our famous Marn ©Organs FOR â€"~limed or with. [out. our Goods *ters ropmieto: a + NOVEMBE jmproue s tion OA SAVE PILE OWEX soUT81D Calder‘s Bloc PEEL, Owmex â€" 55c WRITFEARFEOR % Children‘« T A few mont ods _ w hundre Winter® Term4V Women‘s Heas HE SELL Best Pu TWEED J . }2/ /7/ T Flann« Ladies® Fur Ruffe THE AT We can gi © U 0) J L.A MFS GRICERI WINTER AT en 2 Mackat i. Druggists T spo stt i n in Durham an STOCK HORSE AN SIOR C( \ prRY GOK $ yOTS & O1 best yâ€"â€"Pario lamp« t1 W 1LOVW shine A C BUY and 0108 H star n BJ AT AP 10 fin a T

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