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Durham Review (1897), 26 Nov 1903, p. 6

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”may ati'poiv,y: the explosion It is now i ram wnm: boiler No. 5:. three mum ttcate as ( will no a. Inquust. , wh W; tn wa: duo minhiblu to , In ttto 'ttm Wow .nwa n 'BFa.% donn. ' warpml am: marknblo 'olvkon. and were mine-J ho RUE-m I 3 Firrt tite manglml form of Frank Bunch. tit" Human. was fouuu. tHe hm! becn Khrcm'n at least 50 teet rm:- LI l;' m.:1nb room. m, livod [at who“): two hours. but never re- gainm -.-on:-<-imxsmss. In whom: an hour's tiny ths I‘JwIms remain! of the otlur.. ."r, man. John Agni-w. war? in; 'fr-un :nztfm' the tons ot hick -a‘. ..lA _ _ . _ The and“ pit-momma”: sun-k0” I'l at In" " III tor illloll'. u a deafening torg was r... and 'ett'atn. "In tumult-'- nt‘conl thr:, dt,or (arm: t cur-Mk with mg 'ttterr 0x 'rral I'orsfus4 bouee room. olden the an the wrath"! {no 'rue ml! and James M down under gummy TIM-(‘1 positions. bum my: with tl mm 'tttnt th," M like a mriVt. Jr. ft were 'iuviml l "may: hocs ', wld to tthe mm: Gro, ”Hung" 1hp tl winch dhuhmh» the 103"th shun an n knJre rum" Jo! was 'ho. " boiler par rlvcts, Ir; ind mum-t - -...'.V4. -.u w..... I" lll(Ila the necklant was probably due to the Iamllmr cause. Through some detect in th" pump tho water ran low in. th-. Loner. while tho “can prt'bsurr men-35ml. Wlio the cold water from the pump struck the super-brand sic-am it acted like a lighted ton-h to a “as well. The lmprlmnecl energy broke trom it! steel 'enll. snapping tho heavy plates like at.- many pipe Items. The thick hrsrk walls were crumbled Into ruins, smftingS‘ irml pulleys were twine! and hroken. and the three companion boilers, onchi weighing 3.2mm lhs.. were tossedn. distance of C,it feet. as it they had Men in Many tenths-rs. On every Mud “an to M- are" muto evidence pt th" trrritu. force of steam. l Terrutc. Puree of Explosion. {the four LL; boners which supplied tho pom-r in: tlr" works w: re ranged in Ithe llurzn of " latter). and were unlabeled I. u. I: and 4. They all renal on the- same foundation, and "Ent" Irrr k " ttttd slaved ll'al'tlltr n - ‘-.-». - "VVIII' with water sorta, with which the THIN; were' about 'sixty men In tho factory . at the time, and in View ot the lsarpc wrought, the tnet that "my "scapmt with thelr “You can only be regarded as little short '0! miraculous. " wlll"m-ver he "etinitely known but What mused the explosion, at: the “In! of tin: two men who could tum-on light on the matter are sealed lawn-r. Experts nffirm that Harry Tine-u, engineer, aculded atsU bruised. James humus. seamed. Dune! (but, cut on head and hunted. Seymour Bums. scalp wound. c. Conwrll, Help Wound. l Parnell Iloward, scalp woundand broiled. _ Cyrus Wright. injured in back. Many of the workmen-Jam with mingl- accidents. The Dead. Frank Lara-h. fireman. aged 30 Jun. lean-s widow and three child- ren. Lingcn-ul ior two hours. but did not regiuin "onttc'ayutsnetm. John Attnew, fireman. aged 40 you". instantly killM. Leaves a widow. *Detaiis of the Frightful Boiler Explosioh. n I; In Two Men Killed and Injured in the Accident. Belief That Water Ran Low in the Boiler. THE mam Ill-j' 1ll0lllllllll(i1i, Hmul 'tWt Much " Will: u chisM. m! th," Gm. er whirl: 0:13.? . Boilers G 'iuviml to .llw can tOtis ', wld s, Go. 4 tea mm: want tut met. I 1hp thrrieaioot tl liumalLlr. vagina ro "um shun, with as n at» rm t in: A “rough “pun-mu came mu t:ou In ttr? small I lrl th, album-y. ‘TI " Musing: "outttl, whi u: mu- minute, [om ning mar, mm 'then m- o~.,s-Tnpv-zl in a clout inn. Panic synod ltr ti I hush. manner Him: Sum-"sly Injured Damage» Done. and steel workw and works much damage 0 MPH shutting: were wtsteui in a most re- tumor. Pulleys were morn] valuable lathes V " 111:! vet: I is forthcoming as tho vxplosion. It it PqNtli't,'tr the men re- arc now beyond no t I bmu the pump ntruck the swam it acted like a to n mu won. The ncrgy broke from it. snapping tho heavy many pipe stems. The m "ttn ther. Henry Tri- ngineer, was in In ascertained post. attending tr? ascertained holds a certi- but these facts A harm. head engineer, r Tyvihunr. and “as purclmsml by Mr. Leyland, tho shun-owner, Whose London Pr» s:4litucr,s contains th-n famous Peacock roam. wlrch was decorated by Mr. Whistler Tho "Princessc" was sold at auction in 1592. and realized L'441. Since Mr. Whistler'. death then has been an extrnondlnary (Irmaml for his works. Those which could he obtained, notably otohlnga. have brought prices whloh a year ago would have been regarded " execs-Ive. ' _ London, Nov. L'.3.-Thtt Daily News says that the late James 'MchiH Whisllur's painting, "La Princesse an Pays do la Ptoreclttine," 11le been Lough; by an American for £5,000. and will hr immeurateir shipped to this [Mites] States. The picture is a full-hugo t'iitttrt in a decoratiVe Japanese costume. standing against a screen. It was painted In 19m Dead Painter's Bod nest nppéal t be made thin tlrvd kilos CL': ___,_¥_ u'nbllhv u-c yuu‘ lion. It is pointed out that the apnica- tion of the maximum tariff has TNP. tmlted In the absolute prohibition or tho important)" of American pork, calming serous loss to tho bumness of French houses. while France was moum'ed with rvprxsnln on the part of ttm United stun... mum». um '-. ' um” "Vulft'ei, wmlo France was mermaid with rvprxsnln on the part of ttm UniteU States which the FranctrArnorictiu agreement provido tor. Tho [Hit on cl &O.~' with an ear- nost appeal that the minimum tariff be made thirty francs ($6) on a hun- nlrvd kilos (:20 pounds). French Depulirn Petition for Appli- cat ion of Minimum Tariff. Paris, Nov. 2IL--A pit on .i,,ned by a number of doputim was dwtrnbuumi to-duy in the Chamber of Deputies proposing to allow salt meals from tho United States and Canada to bl ti.. rtit by the m.uimum tun”. Twelve influvntini deputios nigned the peli- T0 ADMIT CANADIAN MEAT. Brunswick and Nova Scotia. and in- quired of Mr. Robinson whether nc- tion of that kind would be agneunble to tho Dominion Grunge. Mr. Robin- son replied. waxing that such aid would be greatly appreciated. At tho Home of Mr. Itobirva5n's, re- marks, Own-raver Gardiner, master of the State Orange of Maine, said that the Maine Grange had been Invited many times to instal Grangea in New the world and the wheat com" nmnds the beat price in the market. Jth now many Americans are pour- ing into that country. You urn tak- ing great SHOCK! or territory from us. but if you will all com" ovct" thme, we will giw yon 100 norm of land each, and still have plenty ot land loft. "You took n slice lrom Mexico acme yearn ago. You took roll“! islands of the sea. and now you want our whare ot Alaska. Wouro proud ot the United Stilton. but we must draw the line in this slicing or territory some- where. We do not propoma to give up the whole of the Dominion; wn are not slaveu and never shall be." i At 'tho meeting ml the National Gtautgtr ot the United States, held in itov.teitee Izmt week, anul Robina-on. M. P.. was at Uniting delegate twin ttia pronncr, and being called on ior an hum-um; “an! the United States Urang‘vrv Home straight Bri- tish 1talk. The 1l0vlr:n;ter'nemoecat and Chronic” than reportu him. "Them is u great gulf between an and I hope it will l'vnmin, tttrd that wo will b: ullowel to work out our own salvation politically. Wo have a. population yr only 6,000,000 at pru- rient, "tyat JIM-IL now we are making grout istriucu forward. The wheat liclds of Manitoba are the inn-gm in $25,000 FUR A WHISTLER. TV nmuy bruised. Wdliam lieu, Seymour Evans, t'. ('mch-ll ,unu Pnrnvli Irnv- nrri sustainvd nttulp woumm and bruise-H. Cyruts Wrigut was struck in tho batik by a flying brick. . Of mo injured Hurry Tris-tut was perhaps the most swims” woitntkU. None of no mep, lowevor, 1VtuN' Ilan- gt-rmwly nnrt. , Thu-u “(HF [unlined down unum- tho tailing bricks, and was badly 'rvahieU by the-eavuping strum .Janu-u Forms" was Ms ' pain- lully mulvurd. Daniel Cook. rositvt'tl a deep cut on tho hand, and was also gully bruised. Wdliam “all. N'anul' Jon" Agnew, the other \irtim of the tragedy. was buried brueath Bov- v'ral tons of debris. lie Was humbly mum“! and mutilateti."r'eat!, Pets have been i'ystatntutisr,ucAcrmsw was to yours of age. and had bee" 1-m- ploymt with the United F'at'toriiw, Limited, as a firmnun 'tor' sown years. Ho‘lvnum a widow, but no children. He hub two brotherr, Ye- h‘ichng in Toronto. _ ' United Factories. Limited, manufac- ttttt woodemvur-r or ui.revvitc vari- rum. t . . . Frank Burch. the dead fi."ontau, was :50 years of use, and was hum in AU'wrmrriret. T Exp-wt Givequ Opinion. ' Mr. Arthqr Everiat, master mo- 1tlrtnipt 102 the; Unltod Factories. Lhnltod. dated ' that the safety valve- on esch’ holler were" set to blow q3tt lull“) Rte. ot atmm. The boileru' Were 'cdpnble of carrying I head of steam of 150 lbs. each: with safety. He in certain that the valves did not blow ott before the explosion. as this was something which always attracted Mn attention. ’ boon Puma at 810.000. Manager Cane. who was deeply at- fected by the tragedy. said that Mr. Trivett, although only tempornrJy in charge, wait» a most competent man. and on efuvient engineer. llc rould not (my what had caused the exirltw ( Mon. but felt it could be attributed to low water. It was dilnvult to ete timato no extvnt of the Unmugo, Lut he felt that $0,001! wosH Hn'Pr 'it. This. of Phlll’H', dons not int-lode the loser of business occutV.or.wd my the tihut-Uown. It would be at Ions: one month brfore they would be in oper- ation. Two is the busy 'often, nml "a n rmult o! the incident many " 1n- trtueur will Janw- to lu- runwlh-d. Tin- lfnltwl Fttetorie.c, Hunted. nmnufnv‘, JABEL 10 Tttfi YANKEES. Juat two weekvm all tour were Inspected by thejxttert tor the In- surance mmmny. and pronounced in Wkgdm bonditiqng' . 81'"th11, caused ihé:;;éc”k 3.1a ikG in teommUsrion. six m. The boil- ?rs‘were lnwpectedonee a month. and The (boiler: were all 100 horse power. and were " feet long by 6- teet In diameter. Thitr. each weigh- ed 25.0007 lbs. andwore mturutaetur- 'rrtt.r.Aioidie & imbch. The boil- firemen are cuppoaed teat the waterglau. The boilers wens ni I States. The picture is a “slurp in a decorative (-Osuxmo. minding against It was painted in 1864. Good Future F, 'mppofredt to check and Work Sells at --eee.e-i-- We. erusrs (MITCH-ts -to 1213135759 reptile to loosen his hold were un- amitttttr. In despair at 1am Ibo Grqrotarts' haw!" Ibrouzht Mrs. Cram, who (can! boy and Ituntle In}? in the bowl. half on the floor. the forms:- itruggllng tun-hush. and the latter barging on twiltit a yeutntlet grip. Daring-1y {the boy ttyruat hi4 idiiiG7, nearer. CHI-k! the snnappzrr clused his with on the tempting fed morsel. Jamie. " hos: gala/1‘s are 3, was play- in: with a pr1 Iuytle than. is ksrpt in aeig bowl at 'the ("mix house, 1.311 ('arnirdge am ot. The mm; wanted to (10.9, an", r: 'ffllti’d the Jounptrtcr'a playful pokes 'bY snapping at his rings-ups. Jamie 1'rprltrtroptuously put out his tongue. Th: gurlxe drew back. 'Also he mils learned that turtles are very mom! of such deieaeiea as Intgtle boytf tonguas. Dai-tr Morse-l Proved Too Tempting for Turtle‘a 'ro"seu Appetite. Philadelphia, Nov. 2.'h-Untn he has forgotten Jesri:rilay's esporier,ccr Janna Craig will never again make tamr, a". his pats. The whalens found the Danish Er'- ickeen expedition on Saunders island in a pitinbie state or "eetltutiou. Count Ifoltke, the artist of the expe- dition. was very ill. The explorers in tho,eompany ot Eskimos were llv- log in a. tattered tent and their food was alumnt exhausted, except a. good supply of eggs from the ig.. land. They had only one gun, and had abandoned their boat and one sledge at the northern part ot Mel- ville nay. The Danes were entirely dependent upon the Eskimos. The Whalers left with them supplies and materials to build a new boat, but it is hoped they have not attempt- ed to return. as in the terrible wea- ther they would be almost certain to perish. The Whalers were ins, prieoned in the ice for the rolloT-l "mg two months, but did not again I see the members ‘of the, Ericksen expedition. who, it is hoped, elected to remain with the Eskimos. Fears tor Satay of Expeditions in the Far North. Dundvc. Nov. 23.--Wltalevs just t'P- turned ttra, report that wmtlhcr of rmnm‘kabit- son-rim in the lust sum- mm‘ renderml the [nwmgu north an extremely hazardous one. The Whalers had planned to meet in Juno near Smith‘s Sound the Nor- wngmn expedition under Professor Annunbcen. but they u-purt that they saw nothing of it. Judging by the perilous experiences of the Whalers themselves. it is feared that din: aster may have ovu-l'tnkon Amund- sen unless he has kept to the tTu?trt side of the strait. It. is not tho trzulitiuu of the linitml States, which, Ly gigantic efforts, pro-vented th- Hem-smut! at those Southt-rn Status that wanted to 1l'truttttnttrstt. the union and un- justly provoke and buck and sus- tain tho diouttmnrurrnwnt oi other sister republics. It. is iuttowtvivaitiv, that what the Alumna“ people. can obtain try just and clean means, tlw gm‘nrn- mom contrive»: to obtain by violat- ing its good faith and honest tru, (litmus. in order to subscrve cloc- .WT"0C6-%TrE ILn I‘ulll; nun llI'll\l: Lu: \"JII.' "tut, daughter of Murtvar. . i proutitot (.4: honor ol tlie. Auwv.caui The Colombian people "tsithrar have I livable. Unlullllil 1131-) wished nnu' ;” receive, nor wish to musk help 5 i PO t 1' o . . in Ir t t'ust . wwwa that tlic (illllcll bullets small l "Ml! J/h, {”51 I‘m-1| y Il', '.' I open: the culmr tut-Jug“ unumuiuu , itt If. Pfiiwuttt.Yr Nglt a "tlt u'rrltwv T e “HII'IM‘HWI o tlie "MW?! titat these will be upheld by tucv-ttCrust {WM}, mm mm to “in"; the mum: of rare play and Huh-pend- . F _ . . . I I. i. .1 . 'suullnonm. obstructions, wluclt null ' "ttut Ir. t.ht io,',e.rhiy! ,lu‘)‘)h"'._. N ( be .(‘xallv 1...“,ch " t u L'notuuan I the Asmmntell Prvom m tho I maul t'eoi'tc stiit wad It “Mr ttt I, 'u tuet." 'ct.a'ces, In bnhalf of the At,soviutol '* _..6, _ 'qVA; "'W l..w. ' L, try tne aluminium (lacuna-awe; Ot iltr l I t'Phttu' 0:, fiohyeit. t . H, ' Leptrt'tttteuoeor.rtatc, MM Lu 1'eli- . " lgnul) H Nu;rvo, Lump)” mmuun‘cs Int-m. The Ammx‘uu t up} Tttar-ee" Jim! SINK". cringe“, 15m ugh Forum-y il, y,' Chicago, Nov, L'.'l.-.-1t n‘wal o' no... cotitrarf to lut' uranium urinal“ . “Him unwed-.1 um City [in lwny‘ uml' itit.umatioual law, lmmmlluwuy 5 ('ompuny and Um employers of that“ rmugmzcnl " gr,-culled Gover"tnsmt vm'rgbmtion itrgttu-protup.ls P.1ivy; Imam-my ail-lee}; Ht Panama Inn“ u i0;l)wing llw {allure of natvngpls ttt coup tictat not: nupJahwl by new Ir. 'irhjtrat,on. T w “ml llI‘W‘l 'trmeht in (reason and by he Unlung ol' lulu”. Hm wurlm'u- was a 'sct"tke ol all tlw. I'2lr" Amert 'un nrnw'l {owls tpeuclr I" 1rtttitstcat't, m thl-‘vmpny ttt the run;- nusly ,mvwnted 1M1: aunm-miuu ts' puny. In all sixty tlvirctrs quit work. thr, rob-(fl mmmmml by the l yul (irr Ellllg’l'uI-ln Hm“. Inn-ml. loml:.un unny. TIre Anwrh-nn “no. u- li a. 0 I," M n N v , Ll." -.No d h sl. “will its up“ niqllug to (lvppml C'olotu, t -, ' C' . i. . .77. L.' '., b ,; bia' trt lltlnllil'l’ purl. ol us HHllilbu! J; ‘1‘ka {and l'l‘f’f'f L." 1‘2"” U‘f‘F‘t 5 tr-rnlm‘y Ltd-8.4km: that of Panama, ll: f "A . u H In”; l", ‘52” ll”; and Iorgvlnm of ite, immmw: puwv.‘ b u ngmnln tt "tii.', tltt tt'poiittti" is i'drif'iii. mulling 'x-mlnul Uts' .h" 10ml. in In: west and "f Mmmuula'! “I" ll H _ nl . .’ . J/l.'i u m- ti " I unmly, truow-lJrouttd “ml on the \L‘l‘gl‘: ”may 4:14:51 l,. 31114”- 1"d'il/i'/t1ii', ',11,d', t an Mun-Hub", 'ln “um- [ull'ly ou moi ' t ,',1 ‘l" . t l J/i, ' . " .5.“ ltlufto h'n'nwr is at lunnly of five,!' mun 1.,“ a ' nun: the ~4th IMHOWHI up and with'uu H'01' sions. riguts m Coiomtiia aml tho mandal- ', T'.t 1,,"an is br'" r f' . ...-”1' i . Lush nutuumm Interests of [he pa, - . .. 6r . ' I!" m an i'lit'lit- opt _ l _ . . _ Will Wttn the R..Ul\', up to tho \vu'mll mun (anal Company. Civil wars wnl “.....le mml-l‘ to gm k m Fun.',',', l i... '.." . ..., . 'ic.. '.ti..i., '_', p c . _ ,1 . ' disarm.” lit “ht-L \l.u,._u|n~. "iiit'hi' othw- (mug-run ruling .u.. n- F r "I 'u-c- now own to \nu-rw n etttc't" ' In' ' _ I t" . f . . tt C lulmlg thv lr-lil shown! no in Hu- Irr"trics, and unlit-h will In: their New _ T I"'. ' I ..‘I Illul'k‘lb' In 1 wh riett me t'l ':tn'o' JI ”er. p, and ull in n Prt'i'ttl' mm " mun” s, ' . . l n U ir: H.k no”. Efforts are bung made to row! of t..w cuuuum'ce and MW capital of l out twliet Pat'ties , the [Thiu‘u blanks. and not " bung- I ("ll-”1&6 \1‘“ ii, Marks Nuthnv, l 5 Ine lulu {rm-m bud iuzlx. ttttit dish-1p ' ‘..', ' T . 7“" ' "I ’ 'e ' 'df/ ' E 'elr. final:- y up .kiysr, , wlrute: will has, ' SEIZED BABY'S TONGUE. New York, Nov. 2.3.-In response to a. reqeuat telegraphed to Bogota with a view to aocertainintr the.atti- tude of the press and people of Uo- lombia com-t-rmng the Inthmiun alt- uation, the Tullowiug. delayed in tt'tuusmiwrr,ou, has just been received; liotha. Am. le-The tolombian pto- ple protest and appeal to the Amer- ican proph- against the conduct of tlre (lorernxllem prun'ded over by Mr. Roomwelt‘ The United States is unl- vmuly obliged by the treaty ol 18.6 to guarantee the rights of property and the 'iovero'.girty of ('ulumbax' in: ‘1 Panama. l Now the Ann-rival! Guwrunwnt luv-t \lolulml Ibpi “ant, and llee Lila con.- promitol t..¢: lmnur ul tho- .\urur.c.m§ people. c, rlullllil “an wisnul mm; wluwa that tlic l‘llllctl butters shall; open: hm culmr (“r-Jug“ nulumuluu! u-rrltory. 'lVe claamuxn'm o: the, iitey-ttcrrutt luv-any Winn tiue, up man! stxultlonul. obstructions, which cittt! be 'ettallv r.-|uo.c.x " t u gelqmlrian I PNHMC. oiiit ' ll “tn: mum, u-tunc", try me diplomatic (l an [ll-lemma or ll)" . 1reptrtltttteuorot-t,tatc, and my rem» l mantaun‘es Ill-re. Thr, Ammx'un l av; t‘l'llll;(!ul, 1.1m ugh Ne, rcuu'y ll y. ' PERILS OF" EXPLORERS. Has Recognized a $0 Called Government. Formed by Treason and the Bribery of Troops. , United States Government Has Violated its Word and the . Honor of ll, S, People. . (9u)ltlBlk's PROTEST T0 _ _" UNITED mm PEOPLE. ONTARIO ARCHTV TORONTO y It was about 5.30 o'clock last l evening that Toth, who was return- ing home from work, crossed Wood.. land avenue at the corner of Bolton avenue. The rain was coming down in torrents. About a dozen persons were waiting on the corner for a car. Suddenly (mm the middle ot tho street a. shriek was heard and the frightened passengers beheld a man hurled violently from the mid.. dle of the street to the gutter, while at the same time smoke began to lune (mm his clothing. Person- rush. ed to where the man lay and exun.. “that! the fire on hits clothing. but Physician Has Temporary Success in a Honmrkablc- Experience. Cleveland, Nov. 2.3.--Artet. being to all appearances dead for an hour and a Iurf, Joseph Toth. who was shock- ed by a bmken telephone wire falling upon him, was brought to life again this evening. But too long a per- iod had elamed. and although the es.. periment was in many ways a. suc- cess, yet the heart of the dead man after beating feebiy a while again roman] to perform its functions. 'Semzalion at Church Elm-lion at Chat ham While selecting Pastor. Chatham, Ont., W'rror'l-Tho um- grt-gntion of the First Presbyter- mn t'flmreh met last evening to Md rot a new pastor. The Rev. J. U. 'Dolmio, of Windsor, pversided. The . Rev. Mr. Andaman. of Hhuilmurnr; ILLO Rev. Mr. Findlay. ol Niagara i Pulls; and tho Rev. Mr. McGillivra.v, if.'.' Newmavket, hm! about an rqunl . number or Suppul'tel‘s ruch- Mr. MeGil.. ilivruy dropped out, and the" the l vote on Mr. Anderson and Mr. Find- lay resulted in " tie. At this Juncture wmehody din-cov- ered that there were more hullotu than there were people allowed to vote, and a motion was passed to tho effect that every member of the church should sign their names on their ballot and each voter should place his or her own ballot on the plate, and not allow a moondmn Son to handle it. A ballot wan then taken and stood 77 for Mr. Ander- son and 72 for Mr. Findlay. Although Mr. Anderson was HUC- ecssfnl. an attempt was made to hul- lot him aainet Mr. MeGillivras. Thin caused n large number of Mr. Ander- 9011's following to leave the church, and the meeting was adjourned for " week. Quite a feeling has been nmus- 1 ed Over the matter. l i MORE BALLOTS THAN VOTERS 'm. ...... m. t'ia"sthrrrrd. up Jam" mini vllw luvtlo' mmts, whit and c,ticitrt both to SI. Jomph’s 'iros. ( an” n» rm: " ta ' when? " surge m . 00n I’ n l.” if Norlhvrr. P, bt " ml ”Hum. I -- "Dim l’::mlly is living in an wighbfuql hull WIN the R..U\\’, up to the wngun ‘\\'l‘:'"le, ttittrbls to gm out. 'l‘llrm- l uthw- mung-mm [lamina arc In» null along tIrv trail snuwml up in tlic rnrsra. and ttll in n prawn (ms 0 unhi- tion. Efforts tttH? being made to M-ml out roller parties. _ C!rivagrr, Km. I0.-Marks Nuth.tv, llu- "Hi'l'illl lion king, , who”; will has just bot-n lllml, left prmlsiun’lor tius "t'ection ot u rynngugu" in Jcrumttlrtn. llt' "ltio 1vrt illuu'urtsmm Hull lulu! Ft: pummu-ul in the “My ('..y and chm-Hinge era-ted lol' tln- flm- Imus- ing of the pear and slio,vrv,trp,' .wwa. Out of a Lulu] fortune of. $20110), Imulv in the buying and M-lling oi; " rap Iron, All: Nathan [""o.yyyl",,1ii .cil0,7soO to churity. 'P/ir.. aunmmt named lor ounuulllurv m .lelusulelu was $15,000. An mnml sum was not amide lor tlt:, erection of a .lmvmlx, Fospitul, or asylum lor Jvwit,h op-l phuns. I ,toral ambitions. it is not conceiv- able that the great nation to whom tho world owes so many conquests and libcral doctrines in the field ot international law. should forget them when dealing with a weak trtitt friendly country that has no other means of defense than ite solemn protest to the American people; that it should ignore the advice oi its noble founder and the memory and the counsels of the grand Lin- colu “Inch have made it great and rrietr,ted. It is not conceivable that MH‘II u nation should adopt, Eucl- a high-handed policy or van- 'lrtlism. It is not concrivablc that tho grez t and gmwrouu daughter of 111r,/ri'i'i'i'yo1 the most powerrui country in Misti-urn, sluml-l want lo humilintr and urwqto'.1 tho glor- inns daughter of Bolivar. . REVIVED FOR A TIME. -'.l.e.l- "I---..- Burt Jervis. N. Y.-im, Emmi Garb. hard and Miss Lizzie Schmuck! were drowned late last night. ' ' I u, _,._'.r-m.. _ t _ President Gompors closed the de.. bate by scoring the secretary. to whom he said, "I am at variance with your philosophy. liqtrntmtimuir" you are unsound, socially you are wrong; and industrially you are an impossibility." Boston, Nov. 28.--At to sion of tlie'Federation of voting on the Socialist were rejected by a vote to 2.28:1 ' ' "esotutlortr, Were ,,._._.. "an was in [.oor circumstances Ftr mm or the ear. will be grafted In thr snm“ xununor." ' doctor advertised In the New York 'apm's, offering $5,000 to the man or woman having an ear of the require" [.mportions who would be willing to part with it under the con- ditlons and for the sum mentioned. He ru‘cu'e'l many replies. and final- ly 30190101] rt. German waiter wh-x ... “u, . Ju” i()[,::!‘ullul. mounts to be Slice-sun'- tui. It tool; ilacc at " Private hos- 'rital here. where t am usslstel by " l'lillndeumn plusicmn and one Iron; Aew York. 't think they wi.l be wi ling to lune their names known later. Ttso two men were [laced in tipOsite directions upon an clon- patted bed. (me half of the volun- teers eat'--the n; per 1.rallu-waa, cut on, together with about Your moh- (as or thr skin behind the ear. This was twmtetl around and fitted ton I'm-mix [.i-t-paicd wound upon my [.ntwntu heal The halt ear was held in .tlaci. by bandages, and the two men wvre hound so that they cannot move th'mr heads. They must retain this “nation for at least twelve any: to allow the Circulation to tom“ tinough the flur of the skin that still rtmains a part of the volunteer's twstlr. If this half var starts to unite iropertly the low.. er half ot the our will be grafted In tho bGntt1y manner." Atrt Jervis. N. Y _ -‘V...’ -"".' t"rr- 10.1119»! tlie orcu'at.oi, or grafting an t'itt' mun tlic hum! (n' n wetnetat m..- liuxmim- wlmae “um: the surgeon titt.tN. his In under bond not to rt'- Vutl., 'inw, oreratiot. was to nun- Ixm. “Immune-l in New You. but Lib- triet Attotu.vy Jcrmu" Is Hui-l to “an: it “were-l. Dr. xenon. riard to-day: "Tho 01,-:mliox. plumlmfs to be sum-ema- tui. It took “ate at a private hm- SOCIALISM TURNED DOWN 's, yurioim, Nov. 21L~In rim: at tho ., marshy n. HwC-I grain muped to the " Arctic e._imtaty 0. the NorrIacu and ,-,l ct thr. lat't that ('nnaihun und other " loin-ugh grnnm ttttum hurt.- haw: not " lrwlh'cad and. Pan: ll -llslrom. cho.rst ' m thi. (lourllm nt Biological undilu- tlm., at Lu.en, thus r.tvg' wile-I a tir'- llmvl of harm-um): outs, hark-3y and lath-1' Ilunir to irost. Hits' plan in to grow tlto Hunts In a greenhouse. l tilt -m- the t(n:;.t-rntulo can be rogu- l Min! by mean»: oi' a reri'istertxtiug much-1.9. The: lawn-st 'emperature , tht Hunts will stand without being l Must-Mum) ui I first be tttttertttinexl i' tho Ilium-mm" will than be low- I “ml hlruw this roint and the hard)" Iplmlx' that 'iurrtTe left to mature, ' 50ml for [mu .rCttr. i I Saul olrtninvd in thin manner wild I b0 FOWtt and (-1le 't'ted to a. “Imper- l tttutr Nightly iowrr than that which I , lh- parent punts tsttrviveel. The seed i!rtvlutid by thr nurvnm-H ot the _ wound year‘s fun zip: treatment wiil hi, tiulsjttcn lo the sanw treatment mul Hr on for fun.- or rcix yours, when, I it is supposwl, punts grown from! thw Hunts wi l be able to withstand , Il:-.- Light frosts whieh so frequent-t ly 'lruitiv the (1'0: Ad 1.. tirr, N.,...... I New York Doctor 1 Task in Phi ly 'lmlvcy the croi A' in the Atrprru 3:11:11. Th, Houwmvnl has deeded to lwnr tlm "xpr'ru4e_ot the m.pm-l- m'mln, which. it “my snout-mt. may .1er n. 1'r'tmr'rc't,ctt ot famine in the \Tr...4|.._.v 7- _ l‘hilndzelp Ila . oNt'isiot,, 01 Navel Plan or its Growth in _ thrcie. acted as witnvnses. The blank space they signed “jun the' bottom. of a note, and they have been notified by a bank lo séttlu for a note of 81.000. (hte of the' uwindlem managed to not hian identified at the bunk. "Rm. Jones"'. performed the cere- mony and Mr. Stevens and In" wife The next morning a young couple drou- up and asked the way to Rev. Lvipor’n, saying they wanted to get married. 'l~‘armer Stevens said his guest would, marry them, and they mam-“ted. tiwubenville, (min, Nov. 211. - A umque bunco game has been work- N! on Max Stevens. a Bacon Judge farmer, and the three swindle” net- ted $1,000 by their trick. A few even- ings ago a clerical looking man stop- pod at tstevens' house. saying he was Rev. Jones and was going to visit Rev. H. Y. buyer. a college classmate. but as it was Into he asked to may all night. rather than drive over the unknown road ten miles. He wan accommodated. §.u:kholni. N Thought it Marriage Certificate and Must Pay S I .000. FARMER SIGNED A NOTE l."- indication- were that the' men wet killed Matty. .He_'wu nun ,to an undertaking artatgiaturaerett in "tttttttds/Patti,','; . wr," . ' LWitneil'el 'itea'ttua 'n tei-tteta" wire broke end fell on the trolley wire and th.iit"tNs end of the tele- phone wire circuited around the body of Toth. After the body had been lying at the underteklnz mun-h. ment for an hour and a. be]! three physicians from w, Vlncent'e Hoe- pital made an. effort to restore life. After about fifteen minute! of in- cessant work the heart of the men; began to beat very slightly. and in', a short time the throbbing became} more distinct. The blood in the wins also began lo run again and tho plljsicians were elated, believing that tho experiment would prove a morass. After a short time the heart refusal to beat, and despite all efforts to again start it, the man died. Tho physician say it they had commenced operations on the bony a half hour earlier they think he could have been saved. 00FTINO $5,000 EAR 1. Nov. 28.--ht to-dare ecs- tlse'Federation of Labor, the I‘ll 0].». un.: .. A To H ARDEN SEED. Were 1teJected by chrru tion of [Alum V. V._ ..._.‘ ".4. o haw their names known two men were [laced in lirections upon an clou- Une half of the volun- the mper 1,ralf.--wae cm J'ovlurr with it under the con- .r the sum mentioned. any replies, and final- German waiter who Socialist; rEEJIB't'xonu Mor Begins a "diva” t Phila k-lpllia. Nov. L'3.--ltt: Andrm" hew Yum. to-ttttyr- at a Private £105- ot 11,282 a; Arct it be reached. Thin In the opinion to-dny. and is u of calm I'onMrteration of (mutton by the men d‘n "eadgustment of “fun-u . Emploloas Likely Io bra Halifax. N. F., Nov. 2.3.. no new develomnonts in with the "Mutton of wn Steel Worms. and it is not there Will be tor a few da It is now generally thou this? Item?! the P. W. difficult wi h respect to tion wilfbo adjusted \rlth we glory ol your ancestors and brings before me the image of the great and regretted Victoria. I drink the health ot Your Mtutratr. your Queen and the noan funny." At the Conclusion ot the banquet this royal pcruonugva and their - tadjourned to the tttate drawing- room, when: a Viennese orchentn (layer! selections. um: 101' my Government. The: an. inniortunt factors In Hanan policy, winch, like tlc, policy or Your Ma.. Jluty‘u (iovt-rhmml. is one ot [at-am and mutilation. I thank Your Mn- Jest r for your curdml wolcomu to me and of my Queen in this historic castle. where everything breathou ot the glory of your “comm-m _._. V . -..‘ .ytungl! Ul palhy and friendship which now the two u-upzen. Foe my I these lvem.g:~ have cnuiluaed ‘ crease and llwv constitute a 1 tion tor my Liovemnwm 'l‘i-m Jen mum urnuulhg to ymu‘m‘h'us and one Which wit give enrvssiun w Um hearty leaning of (naturism; which my Home evince towariq 3011 and your country. Lot In" now ,‘-‘.,I. 4 4' . ' T lung Tun-u nu UMI‘USIF. ( In “opossum a toast to their .1.»- inu 1nuctstios, king Edward Mud. . liire. it has given Onen A.exutrtos and nun-n gnul “unsure lo 1e- l (rein- ,you hue an um [guests it, 11m trd, 11.5mm: Catstle. Hanur)‘ “1.9.1” “but. I remember as ti it "ere but yesterday that bout' blush-mud gruhuTattrt Its' yum ago, cum. hue an the 3014.51 (n tug Uetoveu momrr and my mun-mm lather. At that time wc. werv at war and our armin- fought ttrgether. Thank God. ue are LOW at Hare. and the mm on our vacuum; is to maintain and in work togt-lhcr n. the [ulhu of pm- gresu an.“ enlightenment. I have not forgotten the Inn] and Caulk“ 11.041101. given me some munlhuugu in Ronw on the “In of Your Mu- )estms and the Mullah reople, and i feel sure .thnt tonnarww when you {an through the sire-Ms of Iam- dou you w: I men “in. " ......... .i-, - ,,,,____-._‘. ull‘l W " 'L'ielenn. At. 8.4.) the gamma mum-M the (Miami hall. King Edwin-d Will: Queen heteua loaning. at” ning V. t rr Minimum: which glen 'Alcxurruru, the Pruay., of Wines whh the ' m. ‘Oul “6.43m. the Di, Ir. Couna ugn: wdh iite [mama's u» Arg.rlt, Alli-Jun sudul' Climate with the Itucisrss of [Romancing mliowmg in the 0.11-2- Immed.. F . ' . ‘ others ot great polm'nal imp-m. nus;- present were the Russian Ac, Humour. I. on». Bum-k-:nwrf.; i', m c “Luanda-r h! (iotcesuuergitite Fm”. " Mnhmdur; 31.. Cannon; Dun-'0: 1-'lrritsttAat x... '"s8rest.wiigottsvr-trr. I'uunoe Alexander ot Tack; tite Mun is” .Autwsrmwz'. the Dan: d, “any“. the Turks“ Amumsauur, SAUdL-JLA'. Mutturus L'cy: the Uerntan Ammun- dur, Liam»; We.“ Mtstteruiun. Lori Iasusiomimis, Lord Mamet-up, Low hanmuwne, Lora Ros-chem". Lord Wi- ner. 1V. h't. John Brow-LR, an “grem- _PuoP'u--uaurrotanau, titr Wm. Var» non 'urcourc, Arno“: Former and .lom'pn {II-.numrlaln. Tm: Initial! Premier, A. J. Lizufuur, 'tV.ttt "u,, u: m: q..:coun:L of itr'nispo.ation. RW‘ . _ __ "We'" -.""". v. ',"‘l T". The “dcbli were MM Tau-um m the grand reception room ist my”; Edward and glue" Amxauura "tld hung Van/r Mumuuuw and um. .. Tue guests were tseated at a lung twble, on which the famous germ-v of 30.11 paw and the masses 0; flow- on conned a,brLliant avenue or mlur and of s-pickling “gm 'ch-mtvd In“: '",uyeyytleu, uioplay v. 'wl. London t3abies-tgt. Geortre's Hall. a 'ttttarent-mt Norman gallery of Wind-or Cutie. in which many top, alga ooverolgns have been "ttter- I tamed. was the wane tonight of _ state banquet. the nrst "laboruie {unotlon marking Ihe royal waterm- to Kit; Water Emmanuel and qua... Helena of Italy. The tum-Mun Watt to every way an .brllluuu a; tivy witnessed in the famous hall nu past great occulons. There Maw- 100 guest-s, handing tho To; al ho, ' and their royal guests. pr0ttslrr-r. utmlesmen from Great Britain 4n: Italy, nmbassauors Irom 1itrase u. - tlnenvtu, and represeuumlwb a? 2...- army and the navy. WILL BE N0 STRIKE Victor Emmanuel Responds to Cordial Welcome. Grand Banquet to Italy‘s King and Queen. Brilliant Function in Wind. sor’s Historic Ha l. KINB WASTE .Y Hum WE 30W nu-mcu "ttlit'. At that fe at war and nur armin- tther. Thank God, ue "ace, and we mm on our 'r to maintain and to her it, the patlite ot pm. enlightenment. l have cuunlry. Lr't Mst now Xmalth or Your Mateti- tlmnking you for slay- I wish Your “Muslim. and Pour country all the sue-Ms or Ibu- mcct wit" a ream] lion a: mum 'itttge will 3 is the prevailing 1nd in the outco- ntiun of the whole men d‘reclly con- ot Your Marat]. he Itorat fl..“,-" [1 ot the banquet 'N and their - staln drawing- iennese (yr-cheat" mm or saw co. '0 be Accepted. my _ People unto.. h " better form Hut. - went ou lug :... hit to “can: mp Mort-cud 1 all“ h.’ u: ”emery." "Of mourn: I “HI m u up at hor pun} mtlngb'. “Y“. Anu why " Old will hum up Um 10:. Gerald l' . “Ye-es," “mu-nil tuning hot and webswiou. "or “Very Well, ' blk' M 011mb up to - to you. 1 , wdl. (a: tumuto “m minutes. I -two t" rape: bl "N nun. "Oh, Gerald. lite m mat-Quits w w. Wtren hr E" ”t be law 12ml an» atttncr the: and hesitated. T - gave a an odor entirely w-v he and “~00;sz “lit or two ll' r In. vncilluunu oe 'to back? lb 1 luck " would u- "C. lie Wont Mu“ Ii Cum, umr Inqu Tune dummy). urnd .4 " Dart wot out tl mt longing. UH u " Without UM 'ftor; ”-11ch Home wags n hm loowly clue.' on. fixed drum) macaw. stood before her lips qulw "Wtttuc'." h bratlng with tall}; and Still she y' 8h heard m and thought t COIN with "Wett ?" sho- an lug her hum '11 “than; 'Y' “Baum." hr 'i,ti 6h. Fo.?. "J" it But Lady Blanch mmhkonoss of Nairn ten -t. Thc mar 0(th neon In Lundm 'etthrtanmrur that. If PM take Ivor plat-0 but". It Ir: m lil great house- In tho " her tuurtranrt and lhmr open court hangs ttl tutd. acting Iikv u that warns the mn limerouu orami. Lo-u d, distance from II "It! will forget in t My ("'0 Whmprr m ni their. "Do you runrmhrl' can? That ls Hu- who caused all the who- the ludgv was And her own cousin. 1 Lritr knlrmu you kn [My Elam-ho. '1 'motit augu- tinte I mct hot he, heard the 'c lou- old organ {In to them, and, u 1;: “M In his. tlo , “one and past 1 Bound. and into t and corny hes l, d h: IN Mar with tlt were standing. " Wu the Nu. he." them, (hum: '"'atmtr out " um; tttmott qnlckly. Ln with an “(lulu-Aka! took her hand hr m her a." and r) she was on his were round her. but " will tw amu- m’ Blanche mu t' "Mtttt “Imam 1041ng Men are whmprr Last; “1.111011“ lA Th. world forgets trl'oll nowadnyh. (em by Judge Ilnx "IF-mi. and In r whenever shu- (hum ttletr. sm- w sttil "At last! At in God} huuszn iet ll thunk H atitt ai, earl}.- dung flue tmt.ure_par'"' The best tea be an! obtains all the enact from a soil A nerve-no ttmin-workers--- Blu The lllo Blue Ribbon Mix-d ' Grout: OUT oo " col rt b [a

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