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Durham Review (1897), 26 Nov 1903, p. 8

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With the only " absolutely - They no already selling rapidly at Lowest Prices, Try . pair, your money back if not satisfactory. Every pair guaranteed to resist everything but A MOVE IN DRESS GOODS it: .:.:it:.'t:.ttt.t.iiitttF:ria.t. :5 50c DRESS GOODS for 25c. g t, 40c mass GOODS for 15c. ' 'aAra.a:saaa:s:a.saaaaraaaa:aa.saa:sg".4" "Strictly in it" ."e.e.H. ---. The Big Store . H. MOCKLEF? Alex. Russell All the beauty and utility that is possible to tind in a piece of Dress Goods can be had here. “Puncture Proof" Heavy Rubber I. MOCKLER. or a PITOHFORK. In which you are Interested. PURE GUM " on the market. an AXE Councillor Muir of Artemesia, intends to contest. for the Reeveship. As he is a strong man, alWays heading the poll we think he will have notruublo in be- ing elected Reeve. Glenelg seems to be quiet 80 far. We don't hear ot any- one in particular bat certainly the y must get. one councillor more in any- way instead of Patrick Sullivan who let; the TownsLip a while ago. Those who were privileged to attend the concert arranged by the Board of Management of our Public Library a short time ago, will be glad to hear that another treat is in store tor them in the early part of December. This time it will be a local concert. It has been telt by many for a long time that our local talent should be developed more than it has been and the Board intend to make this next eoneert quite an eye-opener to the community at large. A large number ot new books have been ordered recently and will be set up in the Library in a tew day B. Remember the concert and watch for particulars next week We see that our old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Branden has returned again to our town. He will open out in the old stand again in a. week or two. Alex Blues and lamily of Pine Grove York County, moved into our town a few days ago so Priceyille is gaining in pogulatlon. ohnnie McMillan. son of John Me Millan, south line, Artemeaia, under- Went an aviation a. few days ago in Toronto. Ye hear the operation was successful and We hope the patient will soon be able to gen home. The Rey. Alex. MoGillvra.v of Tor- onto, preached to the different societies in this place on Sunday last to a crowd- ed shurch. Mr McGillivray is asound speaker. He spoke iselingly of his pleasant memories of the time when he tirat came to Priceville 28 years ago laboring as a. student tor two summers in the then "old kirk" " there were two bodies of Presbyterian, in Price- ville at that time. He took for his text in 2nd Samuel, 10th chapter, and 12th verse: "Be ot'goud courage and play the man, de." He inted out clearly the dutv of each 1'ull',hth member of the different societies, represented that they were playing the man when they were laying up something tor their families for the luture. &c. Mr McGil- livray left on the morning train Mon- day for his next place. He preached on Sunday last at Cedarville, Swinton Park and Prieevilte. The firm of Messrs Kinneo & Spar- line have opened communication be- tween Durham and Welbeck in the line of hauling ties and posts to the former place. What made Mr John Past weara broad grin lat week was the happy event-Well a double wedding I guess. Brothers-in-luw of course. We noticed in your Domoch corres- pondent tit few weeks ago an account of acme people not having much brains. Well there is a. wealthy larmer not tar from here has Iota of brains tor he can go through the hold up ac: and he evi- dently has started on a small scale commencing on a small article like a horse-shoe in the possession ota small boy 12 years old. The boy had found a shoe on a load which the wealthy farmer has not travelled for six months ; yet he claimed he last the shoe and took it. No”. Lots of snow now and the sleighing being tine, business is brisk. The first slenghing of the season is here and a. Very heavv fall of snow it was. It snowed 17 inches in thirty-two hours. The mart of our farmers have sus- pended ploughing for Some time. TWO DOLLAR PAPERS FOR $1.15 Announces the most remarkable proposition ever made hr a Canada!) publication to its made” : THE REVIEW, by sou-la) arrangement. and at heavy cost-Jus/ble only by the cer- talmy o! largely inereturhttr our subscription uttt--we are enabled to otter nur MP" and The SUBSCRIPTIONS may begin It any ttmo. tr your oitsmerirtion I: al- rondv MM In advnnw. and you wBttt Tho Montreal Weekly Herald " - and In Mc. and your subscription wtn be adv-need I you. Adan-u- all communlmtlom ttr-- THIS COMBINATION la- urect one. Your home paper gives you tn full the local news. the local markets md the local gossip. The “(mum Weekly Herald give. you the general unv- of the world. reports ot the great markets. departments of lnteren to (tuners. and. in particular. tea- tum of value and Intern! In The Horne. Oil. paper I. the complement of the other. They dovetail into Mich other. and new" overlap. a great dollar weekly, for $1.25 per you. This offer is exclusive. and can be made by no other paper, as we have purchased the exclusive rights tor this distrh c. Ram‘s. -H THIS FACT-Every subw-rlhor paving one dollar In o.. ‘z'm-n for nu. "par will revalu- The Montreal weekly Herald tor one year without extra cost. The expense to Us is so great that we can make no :valutlnn from this rule-the money must be paid in advance. and all arrear- PTF-c was»! he paid. ' THE DURHAM REVIEW THE DURHAM REVIEW PWCEWLLlt. WELdECK. ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO i 0biu1ary.--We regret to have to re- cord this week, the death of Mr Jno Hamilton, brother of David Hamilton at the Lake, which took place at his ghome at the town of Hoopla, N. Dak., |on October 15th last. Deczased was a western lady who shrvives. him, and with his aged mother, brothers and sisters, will mourn his early removal. He underwent an operation two years ago from which he never fully re- covered. All the Dakota relatives, except his sister Km (Mrs Vullett) were " the funeral. Mr John Dezell has purchased the D C McArdle tarm and is living at prer- em m Castle Pinch. Mr James Dans, the former tenant, has moved to the, house formerly occupied by John Fur- gu5un on the sideroad. John will be a benefit to the town. ___-_-_. -. -..%. Rrv.V.. v: AUJUVIU, Am. "oh... on October 15th last. Deceased was well-known in his younger days in this locality. He moved West about. 15 yrs ago_r.n_d eight yrslutter married Mr Geo A Lawrence's sale passed oif with meagre success. most of the implements being withdrawn from sale, as going too cheap. W & R Dingwall has purchased a stallion of the heavy class. Mr Humphrevs, Sr.. has, we are told, left min. part after spending the summer at Mr II Tucker’s and other places. Ham Allen was in Toronto at the J E Seagrum sale and pu.chased a well. bred stallion, one of the running class. On Tuesday last, the 17th inst, the extensive auction sale at Mrs W J Stephenson was held and good prices prevailed. We Were all there and listened once more to the saws and chestnuts ot the auctioneer, and are still alive. Veteran MaeKay has Iota of vim yet. We "opened our hearts and livened the sale," and endeavored Messrs John MeBeth and John Me- Ksnzie have each purchased an Oxford Separator trom the Durham factory. These articles are highly spoken of. Mrs Wm Roman, of Durham, visited at her mother's. Mrs Baxter, last Mr Amos Chislett, after acting in the capacity of foreman in connection with the cemem works near Preston, return- ed last week for a short stay around home. Mr and Mrs Geo Scarlett, who have been visiting in Proton and Arthur with friends for two months, have left tor their home in Rainy River District, and by way of Michigan where they intended toeall on some more of their friends and stay a few days. As we write we hear of Geo Mc- Leach leaving to meet his people in Toronto. Miss Maggie Hooper, S Glenelg, we are pleased to hear, is recovering nice- ly from a recent attack ot neuralagia. Miss Elizabeth Glenister, of Toronto, is with her cousin Miss Edith Glenister. J W McArdle drove down from Markdale on Sunday to see his mother. Good sleuthing the last few days. No particular election news yet. The present council will have a chance to be re-elected. WANTED- FAITHFCL PERSON TO TRAVEL for well established house in new counties, ailing on retail merchants And agents. Local ten-mo . salary m per week with expenses Additional, 31 pnyublggin watch week. Icon? riot expenm .de . n penmnen . In acumen“. ful T,Me..lPr. 8W Home. 330 Durham Miss Bella Weir is/hime after a lengthened am y with her grandmother, Mrs J Weir. Misc Minnie Stevenson. of Egremont, is at McArdle's. to prevent the owner from" Bari}; " robbed out of house and home," &e. DURHAM, ONT NORTH EGREIONT. HOPEVII LE. ‘0‘ , - r, ff4 tiisaazzsoieggrst! grstts'icii?tgfiittter: (gllfii4lKlgeggiigEg m 4xse'scvesero4'e"tssi't', f JPs a Puzzler 3 i'iiiii' W. 'm) (ii' gaming m the Snow iii' iggglglglgggl8ll8lAll8k8llJjll 1i?tiBilfil8"r R CT-IT' E 'Gheobatd, Me Ctothiea. 3 WWWQWWW‘V fare (27 It!!! and Cape to am? the and particular, 25:50: Tse, of: Wot/tiny Wm” COME WITH THE CROWDS IN FURS. OVERCOATS. RUBBERS. &c. FRESHEST GROCERIES and attractive advertising of Good Goods has made us unusally busy, hence time to write advertisements is not easily found, bat CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS ROBT. BURNET If the piper could only show the extra values we have in Under wear. 1r.1ete1i1tedPderl""., 85 cent? per suit; and we can show you too the very finest linen of -Nattirat Wool unshrinkable. Don't forget our prices on dittierent lines. from Me in 53.00 per Jail. Than our new Stock of Men's Shim nude by the lemons Shirt-makers. TOOKE BROS. We also have a Inge stock of WAY'S MUFFLERS " Me, hoe, 75c, and NECK SCARFS from 50e to 88.00 This is all new stock and all are right up-to-dnte. To one who wants an Overcoat just what style to get. Now we feel it our place to relieve the distressed propu- tive buyer and in order to he able to do that we must have every coat show style, grace and value. The next ques- tion is as easily answered as the first --Have we got what you want? The one answer will do both and we say and say positively we have the BEST VALUES in Overcoats and Ready-to-wear Clothing in the County of Grey. We leave it to you. You only have to see to be convinced. Pleasing Display------- -----Pleasant Shopping and---- -----Profitthe Bargains When you want a. OPPOSITE THE CHRONICLE OFFICE 6ye~opener NOVEMBER 23; REESE 5,tx x, y',' E iirp, VOL. Rlvucw m4 Rum": and‘ luvncw and anmw amt REVIEW and REVIEW and liltvmw and Ru'ncw and QWIEW and [Ilium Mod ma MENS RO FF CAPS- LADII CAPE The Qu still we SUI We ma Then Prepa n and bar , l' urn-e WAI Siso 6 "

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