West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Dec 1903, p. 1

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Ln 's Jail: Prwear by» JIM! boo! at ' wishing: 2:) up wear boys' down ring : Wanted 'to, a” ted WDS " 'RICES. thie, . ham. ND AT ALL ylylyly,', XX ty,',,".",'"'?,,"',',',)), Jud: .&c [E M 3. 1903 '50 50 (I) oo :30 50 50 I) l) :EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW? a ‘7- "rot""'""- '"""'"'"""""'""r'" E lit Efififlflflfiflflflmflimfiflgmfiflfl iii"ii c_HRI3TMAs (mans gammaaxsaxmsaxmaéfifi iiiii MEN'S POR MMS-Coon and _Bishop Coats better treat yourself to one $20 to $50. t1APERrNEs--Piain and combination effects, very handsome and styhsh $3.50 to 25.00. R01i'Ps---Lomr and short ruffs and stoles tu. to $5 :; CAPS-All kinds of Fur-prices from $2.00 up. LADIES’ FUR JACKETS-we' SUIT LENGTHS The holiday is only a few weeks away. Prepare in time. Don't be an eleventh hour buyer and have to take what's left. WAIST LENGTHS 16.!!'E§_._!_8Eh&§§:§ We Want All Kinds of Produce. we've still a splendid lot to choose from. You could find 110 more useful and hand. some Christmas gifr--825 to $50. New and st ylish--- makes a very appropriate gift- better get it now while there is a good choice of novelties. Newest designs in cream, pink, sky, navy, cardinal and other shades, length of 3 yds, $1.50 to 2.25 aaa-aaa/iii-aaa.,. ‘e’ve sold a lot, but iliitttttriit ,l F0; 1 Robe Smitl F01 greed 17 um i, T, j P. O, I A u l a. few i' Jewel ; Mach a l Bum: Fm l habit: l better N I week M , weath a i Dim , Brow l Thron 1 ham, 1 ' I and I 1 Hours I It yt 1 to run m; urt far ', M Thom] _ I Lory f, E enurm E I BAH E I at one I public a I fraxa M l, Goods, 1 hens. & m ’ Ruck i Literar i be held I Durban w ( presenl l solos. M l 'tddres: i missim t KEN I renew to prom ' your. ghund 0 (wish 2 m quote your In I " ttoon l handso l in w few FAT ! is en I i Stockh -- - I Put Rt 111mm. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10 i A large number from Elmwn at- tended the lecture given by Rev. ' ’qnhnrson of Durham in the Malcolm l Presbyterian church last Monday even- iing. The subject of the s euker‘u re- !nmrks was the "Union Jacll" and the vcrowd listened with pleasure to t speaker's excellent description of " origin and meanings of the ditfe Pnt ' emblems on the British flag. A h any Note of thanks wan tendered m the .spenker and the choir enlivened the I proceedings with some excelledt. selec- l tions-Elmwood cort'espotidenct, Ches- ;ley Enterprise, ,' ' f ll V we regaruea om act-eased brother. Un- I Atcyytarr' MARKET RrteoRra.--o l der such circumstances. human s m- It (hilly papers of Toronto, The Daily puthy he it ever so well ",'l',','r1'ldl is .59" "q the ont, that “maid com.t.ntrnd merely lifeless svords.andour feelings to .ltself most strongly to readers living YOU and your familv are best. expresued munide the our. . he Stun: market. re- by painting you' to the Alinitthty 'ports. “We“ ly m grain. cattle a.nd Futher, who has ptomised to be a huts. farm produce, are most valuable, hean hand to the widow and a father to the at all Limes full and accurate. .As I" .futherlens. afternoon paper, The Star has, In this’ Si tted on behalf of the Lod e Qrespect, a great advantage oven Itsi g K I, _ morning competitors. As the markets I Tllos. BrrmsoN, Rec. becy., in our own and foreign countries close} Jony wlLqug. Chaplain. each day before The Star goes to press. i .,_ its renders receive t ese reports many! hours before it it poseihle for them to he l INSTITUTE KEEN)"; POSTPONED- 8eett in the morning papers. In Utte wayi The Women's, Institute MrG‘ag which funnels a.nd others ure able, before;was to b, held " Mrs w," 1bsmtuge'e. tatringtheir prod.uteto.marlret, tolearn Thistle, on Thursday. Dec. 3rd.. has trout The SH" y.'hat “we” they m.ay ex- ', postponed till Wednesdn ' Dec. mm. on Peet to get. Thls "tttatt feature " only account. of the deulh of Einnle McGirl. Qune of annoy which give The Stunts lead £9011 of the president. 3.20%.: the nil??? d','f'i',r'L,'1, Trige.' i Ladies should avail themselves of the y“? “this”, "il'ldf,'v'gl the present, 5 opportunity of attending thm meeting. year thrown in to new subscribers. yaw l tIll prolubly he the last till Match REVIEW and Btar 'I.80. lor p” . RATE L, DIXON. Beer, /j'dUdicct2 Sosa or BcorLAsn.-.. Dr. Hutton was eleeted chief of Ben Nevis Camp, Sons of Scotland, on Friday "venirtg last. A special meeting. at which ever "minim Within the hounds is 'l/i'l,l,'lt','rQ called for Dec. 18. All previouu concerts are this year to he eeltpsed for ti st class talent has been Meeured for two nights. Jan 28 and 29, this step being necessary to nocommmlntv the crowds who are attractvd by tho splended talent hitherto resented. The limitations of our town hall is another Petvort for the two nights. Particulars later. BAPTIST CHURCH Maximise; - The Woruen'y Mission Curie. of the Ikentiqck Baptist Church held " uhlic thawing on the evening of the. 4th inst. ' After reading of scripture by part0: Pixeouud prayer by Conurv.vforier. Dunc n Mc. Lean, the following programtnh was successfully carried out: DialogtIg by four. girls. "Little Mission Help s." A Missionary Catechism wading hymn: Max Mlouald and Miss Muvum " Lean, mutations by Misses Julian Mc- Lean. Campbell. Ida Ptneo. Kate Me Kinnon and Mrs Pinon. and nsnlohy “hmliv Puma. The choir fllllll<llPtl suitable- selections, of music Mste tto.xtes Were opened which wi.h the offering amounted to 85 95. A plerusantand pro- titahle evening was thus spent. Wenre looking forward to the evening ofthe 22nd What the Bentinck S. S. will hold their unnunlChristnms tree and enters tainment. A good tune is expected. _--Une Present. FAT STOCK Brrow.--This week Guelph is en fete. thousands of Farmers and t'stockhteeders attending F the Annual Fat Stock show. which has pmven to he the very best of its kind on the mn- tinen . and is attracting attention from 1mm ' nuts In the States. 1Among the Win '.'try."tuhhm.rtipedrtff,ii),i.tF W m Run-Inge. John Gut-sun. David Hamilton, Wm Smith. John Picken. It Melba-lune. Sn. Dd." Edge. RENEW t---We hope all who can will renew as early in the month as possible to prevent. the rush at the end of the year. Study our clubbing terms at left hand pf Titre on first age. and if you wish 2 or more J/JIU') papers We can quote U" surprising mrures. Have your In I tend "dec '04" or beyond it, u: soon as asihle. and thus secure our handsome gummy Annual to he issued in 1 few dug: Rocky Saugeen Christmas Tree null Literary and Musical entertainment Will be held on Thursday evening next week. Durham Presbyterian Choir will bu present and Mr. J S. Drysdnle will sing solos. Several prominent men will give mddresses. Doors open at 7 n in. Ad- mission 15c. BArravv's yA.rere:rc.'Jhtemdar, Dec. 15th. at one o'clock, Bailiff Unrunn will sell by public auction ttt Lot IO, East. side-Gam- fraxa Sr. a quantity of valuable Fur Goods, Farm Impletiients, Slaw. Har- ness. &c , unless sooner redemned. It you live in Artemesm are you going to run for New? Only four candidates m far: A Muir. D. Md'Nvish, Boyd and Thompson. The issue should be a. vie. tory for Muir, last year he had nu enormous vote. DISEASES OB' Eve. & Eatt.--De. Brown. Diseases of Eye, Eur. Nose and Throat, will he at anpp Home, Dur. ham, Saturday. "ec. mm. Eyes tested and accum tely fitted with Glasses. Hours r-o D. m. FIN! BratemmNo.--The' "oldest in. habitant." we am very sure never saw better nlenghing than has prevailed for a week or two, and reasonably nuld weather too, Marketing is brisk. A number of wedding and other rings. a few watches. smne silverware and Jewellery still left of the hs9r.W. A. Mnchttrliuteu Stock. At the' Drug Store. " _ FOR tuLtt.--Two Durham Bulls. Pedi. ttreed. One Roan. 9 mos. old. One Red, 17 mos. old. Will he sold cheap. Apply '/,' l. G. Morrison. Rocky Snuguen Fun Barat.-.) few Muck Gnllownv 1tortsr-tiirataia Value. Call at t Smith’s. Saddler. ',iiiillii.ii.-ii:.s)8?Atititi [Si.).',.)))?'!!' -o p. m. live in Artemesm are you going an _AA...‘ " A I - .. _ ONTARIO titill u. . music wut be ktolui l also music; by even- . e “d 'a re- c talk b: , the . d t the _ I t The cor! tts I " Ind , swilver c f 13 CRIMINAL CASES. --No white glow-s I ifor the Judge at, the Grey Anne:- in Aywen Sounthi-t week there being no ' faggot-1mm Ill criminal C.0rst's we an M4 tYee,., 9rotsritcrrs?JiieiAi,ayyiiit/ whit Waugh ”covering from his acci- dent ls fun-hidden by Ins doctor to Ko. iOthers on duty me Jaw. Ireland. Jas. , Mather. . 81.000 Fort AN IrrRs.--Hete isa chance for our readers, To any person who can suggest periutns that can be adopted and Will prove more populartttuivvUter value than the two pictures. "Heart Broken" and "Hard to Choose" and the quirk ro-ierence coloured map of the Dominion WIth enlarged maps of this rovince, which are this year given with I[the Family Herald and \Veekly Star of Montreal, the puhtishets of that great. Weekly will pay one thousand dollars. This year's premiums are certainly mt Intense value. and will he hard to sur- pass. However. there is $1.00.) waiting for any one who can Improve on them. GLOBE 1u'srrmPrusre.-The publishers otthis lending Canadian paper are con- staully giving evidence of journalistic enterprise, that. is as remarkable " it ts valuable. The latest in this line is the. issuing with the weekly edition. of four illustrated pages on tine paper. and vet the {wit-e is 0an 81.0) in ear. Whd won d want it. when uur chiming rate with the REVIEW is only 81.60. The Fplaid of Hare will given. mum-rt next riday evm Hg. Dec. 11th. in the Presuystwitin Church. A guiimngnun consisting of drills. 'tcitttioniireutd music mil be rendered by the I'biltlt'en also music: by Mrs. Newton. Mr. J. S . e and others. An interesting C' talk by Rey, 1Vray Smith will d t the evening‘s entertainment. The, con rt will begin at eight o'clock and neilver collection will be taken at the dmw. you n. kmd husband and from us a well beloved mother, we, as members of L. O. L. No. 632. wish in some way. though it must necessarily be inadequate and unmtiofu- cry. to express to you and your family our heartfelt sympathy and to testify to the high respect with which we regarded out decent-d Mother. Utt- der such circumstances. human s m- pathy be it ever so well “prey-cl. is merely lifrlesa words. and our feelings to you and your family are best. expressed by panning you to the Almighty Father. who has pmmised to be a huts. hand to the widow and a father to the fathetless. Signed on behalf of the Lodge. Tues. Brrmsos, Rec. Secy., Jam: WILLIAMS. Chaplain. MrsutQeye, /- "'7 Dear 16tdam.usL,.tlsietrrite when Providyne? buyer!) tit to remove from LACROSSE CLUB C0NCERT.-on Tuesday night next the Gauthier Con- cert Co., will appear in the Town Hall with new features. music, etc. A good concert is assured. Admission 25c and Me. Plan at Darling's Drug Store. A'r yoyrrvrranr...--irriday evening of this Week, a grand Entertainment w'll he Riven in the. New School in honor of the opening. Bills are out announcinl an abundant supply of music vocal and instrumental. Highland dancing. Speeches by prominent, men. chills. die. Dr Hutton is to occuny the chair. Ad. mission only 15c and We. Mistake made In shipment. 8hipped to us and We did not muttthettr2knd got them at a low price- \Vholesnler's loss " your train. MUST BE SOLD. At DARLING’S DRUG STORE. STICKS RIGHT To mm With an energy that deserves success. Mr Hahn’s work- men keep right on building the hotel extension even though requiring a the to keup the mnrtar right. Three stories in height it is going to he a handsome annex. Mr Malcolm Cameron. N. Duh. formerly of Bentinck. while renewing for the REVIEW speaks of good crops and n tine winter, very little snow and no sleighing but fine. hrucing atmos- phere. LAW OFFICE Movei-Me Dunn hare found new qumu old Chronicle building. which Nichol. the proprietor, is Pet tor a merchant tailor business. _ __._ .-.v ..-‘-uuc|u In. I"! A. o. U. W. are respectfully requested to he present at. the next. regular' meet- ink, which will he held on Monday even- ing, the 14th inst. A Black Galloway Robe is 3 tht a, beauty and usefulness. Price o a r. . T Smith’s the Saddler. ' Highest Cash Price paid for Mme, Fox, Skunk, Coon and all kinda of raw furs at Peel, the Shoemnn’s ftore. C'trruasa.--/rhe Knight: of the Imam and the shine are again in evidence and seven! home games hare been played with much mt: The Model School examination "ts going on this week. Inspector C'unpheil presiding Money to Luau) n 4! Eur cent. MACKAY a (my Durham DOLLS , DOLLS 2: ------V a o CONDOLEN CE. 35A" the age-[pliers of. the RIOTRCFII TORONTO Durham Dee. Oth, htgititt). (NW 1395]" the tlt Mr Ind emodelling " and r‘k d I " mg" FARM EL]. . J. S r~\\Vunted. two firm eating hekin work at an I will month. Steady el 'tttent. 1'i!ii'illi pee ihonth s'clock poisonS‘lly at this ten at I l , ORA ' Dec. tl lim. :hamre' _ ’11:" M’S‘] ho can iopted I -- - 7 , 7 ' 1903, TUEHDAY. DEC. 15.--Rohert McNaugh- ton, Lats 61 and 62. (Jon 3, N. D. R. Bentinck. otferatitock, Implements, Hay &c. ROBERT Batman. Auctioneer. Full particulnrs DD pace 4. \VEDNEBDAY. Dec. 10.---John Ross. Lot 2. Con 8. Glenelg. offer. for sale Stock. Implemmo and Household furniture. also tho term of 100 mm. Sums of 85 and undPr. cash. 12 mm on notes, 7 per cent off for cash. No re- serve. JOHN CLARK. Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY. Dar. 23.- Mr. Jun. Pots trtev, Lot 20. Con. 6. Bentinck. offers fur Wile Farm Stock and Implements Rum. Bnmmm. Auctioneer. Lots 163w the 17th and 18 Cont'essions, in the ' Township of E wumnl. 200 acres. 150 acres undvr srollf',,'t1"J, of cultivatiz). Well watered. Conven- tent, to C urch. School and Post Omce. Adjoining Dromore Good buildings. For (twin. &c apply to So many Goods that we'don't know where to put them. There are big bargains here for you. See the beautiful Goods, no trou- ble to show them. Mtt food: gtotetht af AGeter', 6nyraooa’ Tree. Tiwtttatrth ' Window. R. B. KEELER8 SON Leading Watchtnakent. Jewellers, AT Jteete, I, Jihir $2001on Jinn? t'iiOrf, ti/ii/iii, I he“ to thank you warm! for the kindness and syuumthy you have shown to me and my faintly daring the illness of my husband and "I. and since his death. I highly npprecmted the henutllful wreath yott sent. the care and kindnmu you extended and the prompt- neu with which you have settled my benefieinto. chum. This tmtle.ttt, medic on your-who‘s as indn‘idunls and on the unlale mdur ynu rum-mount, and I hope you umy long In- spun-ed to continue your gm: mark. and that your Socxety may n, v.1 .......UL. To OtBcetua Members and Court Phy. Siciul Dr. Hutton. of (Your! Durham No. 447 C. O. F. 351;. . 'duhrJU3iTIsTER. Dee. 8, 1903. FARM HELP WANTED. tti hawk Reform Amroctatiou is to - at Mulock School Hon My. Dec. M, 1903, at3 p. m. layman. D. new”. The riding, for Dominion purpose». now consists of the town-hi of Ben. duck. Ema-mom1 Glenelg. C'IU,"i',". thtWiap,' the village of Htutovee and the to” of Durham. Township Meetings are called at Hoi. 'trttt and AytOn fur the 12th inst. Tp. Hut, Glenelg. and unlock. Bentinck, on Hondny Itth inst... all about 2 p, m. BM!!!) in Calder's Hall. Monday at 8 p. u. The others We have not hmn-d of. JVanted, two ttrat clue: farm hands to win work at any time during this "nth. ng-udy fmploymenr. Wages not per month and board. Apply ‘I‘sanMy at this "tflee or by letter. to \ , CHAS. RAMAGE. Durham. Thm'sday of next week. Dec. 17. a viouuly nnnnunmd in che date tttted tgh'fl"g1)'i'i't'd't'g','; Convention m South Gray. The amazing will he held in the Town Hall. Durham. at l 30 p. tth, and All Reformer: in the Riding m cordial- lylnvitedto be present, whether dele- gsln or not. Gentlemen. ice is lunch gnu-n that, we. the I lgned Burgers have mutually , that after the first day of Gnd. xt, 1901. we will close our shups, , ht o'clock every evening. except. 'e‘nesdays and Saturdays. “annex Baron! ASSOCIATION FARMS FOR SALE. Opticians and Engravers. President. Barbers' Notlce mam. CONVENTION CARD " THANKS. Gratefully Yours. as Soods M as. TA YLOR. N as. T. Norms. T. SWAI.L0\\'. W. C. VOLLETT. hop! It/GC/n' Dmmbre. Ottt, Secretary is called l Wm. "hete, C. Rang-.0. and iiaiaiuita “It? under the following an of Competent when or that Dena-om: r1103. ALLAN. maul. K188 L. It. NRFAB. Chutes 5nd loam. A. M. SHEPPARD. In Clan Praising“. [Baum student: mu enter " bqeastetg of term. or a - “it u with. an: 't.00 3. no“, Durham School Sun and Equipmont. TM 1ehqo1fs (>qu (gr fell Jyrhior yap-:5 We dou't you to forget of course, that we have the " 1 6., .'. r Drugs, Patent Medicitsek, and Drug Sundries to be found in town. MacFarlane & Co. Mggih ' Bouksallers. Bl" ll (lllllllll?IM :i,rii' We pay Cash for P rd uce Batger'is Peels. 13e Oman & Blackwell's rt .200 BOOKS III) SWIM!" llllllli'il REM” 1iihllilil (htlll GBarsComfortSoap.....25c 6tiRiee.........A.....2lre iimrapistea...-.-.-?8 3muew 1aisms.........25e 2 th Pollv Seeded Raisins 250 3 tb "cleaned Currants. .25c 71bI-‘igs............ ...25e 3 B an“ Pure Gold Jelly.25c 3BotuesFlrtraet..... ..2% Bugaqu . __.Pecis.‘lm3c About the following prices They are simply good values and if you are not getting them where you deal, you can get them here. DOllS. Mt (lllEl (lllllllllllg Blflllllt . BU RN Err, Now the long winter a? ings ere with us. there ts nothing will give you such entertainment and enjoy- ment as one of these instru~ menu. We sell them on easy payments so tint you have the pleasure of them while paying for them. Call at the Store end we will tell you all about it. Nothing more acceptable than a book for n Christan: Present. We have some special lines that are worth your attention. Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books etc. A line of extra fine Stationery for your Christ- mas correspondence. ca' A great variety of beautiful dolls. A complete assort- ment of Toys. Parlor games to name: young and old. choose from --to spit the fancy of the most tutidious If you with perfumes in bulk, bring dong your bor tie and we can satisfy you at from we to 75c m ounce. This year have an es - iall y may“! isplaypegf Perfumes for lil Hoyny Trade All the btest or; in bulk and Fancy bottles. We have . great selection to Durham, Ont. Upper Town

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