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Durham Review (1897), 10 Dec 1903, p. 2

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tho request of the British Corvnul, on tho charge or haring appropriat- ed to his own use during a period of thirteen years £12000 from a hut fund. and ot being a fugitive iron justice. t Accused of WELSH New York, the. T.--D; "olicitor in Ham-wet. Wales. was arrest- morning by a l'nitml St Marshal. and a Mann on board the Holland-: Soot-dam. shortly after quarantine. He was tho request of tho Br Brit tt to . Borlln. Dori T.-Tho. members ‘0! the Roiclmtug. In evening dress. court coatumo, military' uniforms or cleri- cal coats. stood close together in trout at tho empty. throne. and did not occupy much apnea in the great marble room. The nauemblage was smaller than on the last occasion. twenty-fire of the loyalists having been turned out by the socialists. not one bt whom attends the proceed- IDge of tho lieu-hating. which is es- Ieut'mlly a court lunctlon. all tho mombem present wearing a royal order. Both the Protestant and the Catholic "members were Late. as each of [Itwulhodivs had been detained by services in tl.eir respected churches. Tun Chancellor also kept the com- Ixtny uniting. Whnn he appeared. with tho Cabinet Ministers. walking two by two lu-l.ind. all pro-40m wore hurt-d. You Ihwluw stood on the left th T0 BCA' CHILIAN WARSHIPS. Reported Subject m Discussion by the Brllish Cabinet. th to the Ftwhrg. Geo. Mom. " car- penter, and " man mum-d Kuhn, who vitgiteet Bonier m-vvral tinwa, were also brought to the station how-w. Front was a cabinetmaker. but had um. and ,tagr"att'uttttrr'i. The Frvlus owned a. huuw and lot on Cherry “met. and had money in the bank. It was welt known unions the neigls bom that the Frohru kept large sums of money in the home. Last spring a wlutr-w'uirhereu man came to them to buy t: 021' Lullh‘ on Jenn-non sheet. Tio in sand to Juno oHercd $3.000. which the Prelim refused. On Friday. Nov. 20, the stranger mun-d into m: Frenr house. and on purvhus Wlto t t On Tuesday Bonier appeared at the pom-e court in response to a summons in a "John Doe" proceed- lugs regarding the disappearance ot the thl's. The case was adjourned and Bonku' was ordered to appear in court yesterday. but he did not acme. " was then that the sus- picmn ot foul play grew stronger with In: pollen. who had believed up to that time that the old couple. had twen taken away by relatives who hoped to inherit their money. Descriptions of Bonier were sent broadcast. and at ti o'eiock this morning Supt. Bull received a tele- fhono message [rum Erie, Pa., stat- ng that Bonier had been arrested there. Bonn-r is 6.3 years old. Bon- kers hours ki'f‘pirl‘, Louise Lindholm. is locked up at the police station. The police mum] in her bosom gold lieu-s to the value of $70. The git-hrs were Supposed to have a great deal of and. Louise Lindholni says the mom'y was given to her by Bonn-r. Kate Kuhm, a relative of ttw L.ndiioliu woman, was also taken to a pollu- station. Capt. Ragun raid that he found at het. house a trunk and Hiilut' stuff which had belonged OPENING OF GERMAN RHCHSTAG. BUFFALO MAN AND WIFE ' FOUND FOULLY 'liJllI)lillfil). . WIND. N. Y..deepttott--Tho bodied “Franz Frehr and his wife, an and couple who dlauppeared from the" home at 839 Jefferson street. an Nov. 20, were found early to- day buried beneath a wood-shed in the yard hack of their house. They had been murdered. The skulls of both had been crushed. Although the bodies were badly decomposed the wounds were so plain that Medlcal Shimmer Dunn-r did not hesitate to say that the murder had been done. with a hammer. A hammer, such an would have mtlloted the blown, ran found m the shed. Several hall's {were louud clinging to the head ot it. A search for Charles Bonier. who moved mm the house of the Frehra a: the any or their disappearance. hm] been begun hours beiore the ruuiinst ot the bodies. but the hunt was renewed by the entire stat! of tteauparters' detectives as soon as word came that the bodies ot the old couple had been found. -. Emperor's Message Thanked Those Who Sympathized With Him. In Aged Couple, Franz Frehr and His Wife, Killed With, a Hammer and Buried in Woodshed. Charles Bonier, the Suspected Murderer, Arrested at Erie fer, His Housekeeper Also Locked Up. h " tt I United Stntés a Pinkerton (I , llollnnd-Amori inm‘d States Danny Pinkerton detective, Jolittnu-Amerien liner ly after " had left Ho was arrested at Itvttty re, \quun' "L.','itiru.st Mn ioy mwrchmxdise nloue will uggrvgule $7;UU.UUU, and in addition to this mmmnt. that t!rsre an: mortgages on his pro- P"l'ly ttt ZEN! City. amounting I0 $145,000, tvhic!! are due the first of anL your. He own 3100.000 to his brotlirw-in-iaw, Stevenson, mak- ing a total or $725,000. Behind closed coon in Dowie's pri- Tate omce to-day, Bowie and his attorney. met Custodian Redicaki and “term-ya representing the credi~ tom. Tho principal object was to arrange plans tor the continuation Puuy at 3145.000. of next FE his brotho ine a ton claims H e o we.q Tho Uhtutcrrllor then passed to tho Pconomic state of the country. which he sa'ul still suffered somewhat trom tho world-wide depresnlon. which was 'ttttfavorably allot-cling the im- perial finances. Emphasizing the ever- lncrvuslng novesmty tor regulating tho financial relations ot the otiritt with the separate statemthe chunesslloe "marked that although __ ._.-_.“_,... radical settlement of the question was 'not now feasible. tho govern- nwnt would prom n. measure intro- ducing In." most essential reforms. You Buelow stood on the left of tho throne. and road the Emperor's 1110anng to Parliament. He said: "His Majesty may; directed me to express how his thanks to all those who have muvmixathized with his sullerings. and to any that thoit. sympathy and hepm Tor his recovery have greatly! I'vjuk'ed him." ot the throne, and read the Emper- or‘s "10352th to Parliament. Imutso Lindholm was put through " cross-examination by Captain Regan and Chief of Detectives Tay- lor early to-day. She said Border hold her the ord couple had sold the house to him and that they had gone to a house of refuge to spend the balance of their lives. Her answers to questions regnnling the large amount of gold found upon her were glitt.' 'tttttttmix. ot'M,MPhrst,2r'oolt,r much a largo amount. had been mven her could give no reason. Mohr and ho had been well paid for the work of tclgr'tng down and re- bui'vllnr; tho “modelled. He had not, noticed that the earth under the new; building had been freshly turned. No further. continuation could be se- meal from Mbhr or from Kuhn. They will be held as witnesses tor the people The suspicion of foul play then grew into a conviction that mur- der had been done. Inquiries among Frehr’s neighbors brought out the fact that an old shed in the yard back of tho Frehr home had been torn down recently and another one built nearer the house. The work was done by Mohr and Bonlor In a pouring rainstorm. Early to- day Capt. Regan directed patrol- men to take the wood out of the shed. When that work was tlone they found marks in the ground in- dlcuting that it had recently been turned. They began to dig with a pick and shovel. and had not gone more than a toot from the surface when they came upon the body of Frehr. It lay face down, with the skull beaten in. The body of Mrs. Frehr was found " toot deeper in the ground, directly beneath that or her husband. . Bonier is known to have lived in Buffalo Mr nearly a wear. Be- fore coming here he [Lived in Garden- ville, a. village near this city. The police were notified. Capt. Ro- tran instituted John Doe proceedings to compel those who might know of the Frehrs to come to court and tea- tify. The first session of the hearing was held on Tuesday. Among those called was Charles Bonier, the old man who was said to have bought the house from the Freizrs, Bonler ap- peared in court, but the case was ad- journed until yesterday. Yesterday ho did not appear. The police then began to look lor him. that day the old couple disappeared from eight and knowledge of their friends and neighbors. Frehr had been seen the day before, but no one in the vicinity of the house saw the couple on Friday. On the day before Thanksgiving a relative called at the house with a basket of food. A stranger met her at the door and informed her that the Frehrs had moved away. Cl PROPHET DOWlii’S DEBI‘S. Housck caper Questioned. $750,000 and the Creditors Clamor Hard. P, Inc. T.-A great gather- e WWH‘AB: Wad held in the li, at Lon (An LU-nlxth It exist betweur. the United States Quid (ind. A--. .... may b thImzlnu-J and streriiriircnori, and I have re- Umlvd Status. was rum-Hod formal- 'y " l’rvmdcnt Roosevelt at the ll lute 11mm, to-day. Ambimsudul' bulaud 1.x‘csmted hm cr: Ja-zxtmxs to President. Roosevei. and the 1mm u esxcliatrpie, or addiisi- as High occurred. sir Mortimer Clu- brt,ccd tlrs Ot'e.rrriot, to [uyn touch. Mg ttibute lo sir Mich-um Herbert. an! tlsr: l’rvsrdsnt uil:cw.se referred feelingly to the late Ambassador. Flu. Mortimer. {addreh'shg the Pre.. sident. said; "I have the honor to inform you that King Edward VII., my august Sun mgr“ has Jlrccted me to present you in person this letter zzccrcdding m . as his Ambassador to the Unibd States or America." “1118 Mulsty has {unhel- directed me to manna you or hit, earnest de. F ,. ti, h P' V _ "t """W WW"?! SW Mortimer, a sideut. said; "I i inform you that my august Sun tt' to rnxserA you in accrcdding m' as the Unibd States “HIE Muj‘oty h:1 Washington, Dec. "i.- .813? Henry Mun-lupu- nun-um. the buccessor ot tittt lLLham Romy Herbert as Aga-. bumsmwc of Uncut Drunk. to the Sir M. Durand hum-ms In lGatsevelt. as compared with what they paid the men for cutting. What the man- ngomvnt. in crl'vet, now say is by measuring; at the bank head, this shortwa- shall br, borne by the men, and not by the company. Tho disputo. in brief. is whether the coal shall be Inna-um! in the mine as it Is loaded into the boxes, or at the bank on top. Under the system that has prevailed or measur- mcm tit the mines', the company, through shrinkage during: the last month, has had a loss of 600 boxes, Measurement Causes Strike in Spring- . hill Mines. Halifax. N. ss., Disc, 7.--Tlrcrt is no change in the irtr‘xe situation at pr-inghiil, and the thousand miners who quit work on account of dis- agreement about the mode ot mens- uring the coal, arr still out. A no- tiecabie air of confirionce is manifest in the men. They evidently believe that. they will win, and without u long fight. J. R. (Iowans, the man- nger of the mines. arrived in Spring- hrll this evening from Ht. John, but no communications have passed be- twnon him and the nwn. or this international complication Garnett C. Porter. n prominent vis.. itor from Toronto. Ont., said; "The Canadian exhibitors are much con- cerned over the [imposed changes in the United States Customs relating to the entrance of stock from the Dominion. So intense is the feeling in Canada. just now that the Gov- ernment has formally declined to make any display at the St. Lows Fair, notwithstanding that $100.- 000 has been appropriated to pay freight on the animals which were to have been sent to St. Louls." Wert TNine Out ot Twelve Prizes tn it-o (nuns... h. (this-1:5"- L‘Mc'ngo, report - Cunadmn sheep and lambs took nine of the twelve prizes uwanlml at the National Stock Show for entries in two classes, and exhibitors from Um Province of On- tario point to this in connection with the N'Iusal of the St. Louis World's Fair to I'vcognize the stud and herd book ot Canada. Berlin, Dec. T-The St. Petersburg correspondent ot the National Zei- tung describes diplomatists there as being depressed and extremely un- easy concerning the international condition of Russia. Several junior members or the diplomatic body have been investigating the situation with, great cum. and they met grout difficulties in the pcrrornr. ance of their. task. They ascertained ttat tho state of ferment and ugl- tution is sucl that serious troubles are probable during- tie winter. The correspondent adds that the Am- bassadors rognrdod their inform- ation to ho sufficiently trustworthy and important to forward official reports on tho subject to their. re- spective Governments. This afternoon was principally de.. voted to the hearing of an import- ant address by Frank S. Shutt. M. A., F. I, C., chemist of the. Dominion Experimental Farm, on. First. the storing ot honey; second, experi- ments in the preparation ot vinegar trom honey. This morning an interesting paper was mad by Morley Pettit on shook swarms. John Fixture, of the Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, was pres- ent, and Rave an excellvnt account of the experiments carried on dur- ing the past year. which proved pt9rttahlt! to the members. It was avoided to publistf the adopt- ed rules for the grading of honey brittle annual report. _ Trenton. rcport--The second day's proceedings of the annual gathering of the Ontario Bockepper's' Associaa- tion was very interesting. In the report or the work of the honey exchange of the association. H. Sibbold. of Claude. the Chairman ot the Exchange. at last night’s meeting. said that the price for the year's crop had been fixed at 71-2 cents per pound for honey in 60- pound cans. and at $1.75 to 82 per dozen tor first-class honey in comb. Internal Disorders in the Land ot the Czar Causing Uneasiness. of the various industries. The secret contemoe is said to have been storm at times, when Bowie be. came angered at what he called "prmrumptiott" on the part pt his opponents. ' Receivens Blount and Currier. how- ever, will "go to the bottom" of the yanking institution, and scrutinize Its methods of doing business, as well as Its financial condition. Price for Sear'n Crop Fixed at 7%0 a. Pound. to em a statement of the condi- tion of the institution. The Legisla- tare sought to probe Into the me- thods of the bank three years ago, l/ht, was forced. to acknowledge de- 83 . The secrets of Dowie’s bank have been so clooely' guarded that not even the State Auditor has been able QUESTION OF SHRINKAOE. CANADIAN SHEEP VICTORS. WITH THE BEE-KEEPERS. RUSSIA’S TROUBLES. AT WHITE 'MUSE. ONTARIO ARCFITV TORONTO Credentials London. Dec. 7.--Tluy Morning Past says it understands That the Chin- Ptit? Government has decided to re- fuse to allow the recruiting ot Lats orers in any part or China for the South African mines. The decision is prompted by resentment against the British trelt-govertrmar, colonles and other countries which have adopted "nti-C'tgineae immigration laws. The Chinese indignation In this matter has been greatly intetr. allied by the poll tax levied by Can- ada on Chinese entering the Ihr. minim). Assnssm's Excuse for Firing at Bank 'ol'England Secretary. London, Dec. T-George Frederick Robinson. tho mining engineer, and alleged lunatic. who fired four shots at Kenneth Grahame, the secretary of the Bank of England, some days ago. was ttvtuanged in the Mansion House Police Court this morning and committed tor trial. Robinson said he wanted the money of the Bank of England to be distributed among the poor. He declared that most of the cartrldgr‘s which he fired at Mr. Grahame were loaded with can- dle grease. Satisfactory icsts were made a year ago with Capt. Dcenvig‘s inven- tion in the English Channel. The up- paratus is made of I'ght steel plates, is globular in shape. and is sur- rounded by " corn lender. It has a double flat bottom containing tanks, which can be filled with from: water, to be used as ballast. and as this is consumed, salt water can be pumped in to assist the huuy in maintaining its equilibrium. It is only eight feet in diameter, and would occupy only 64 square feet of duck surface, against Il.", square foot nocvssury for the ordinnvy ship's lifeboat. It holds sixteen persons. Invention orthspt. Doenvig Seems t Fin the lull. Copenhagen, Dec. Y.-h severe test was mam,- to-day of boenvig’s globu- lar tiie-tiaving buoy of! the "aw, Denmark. A northerly gale was lowing. and the breakers were dan- gerous. A buoy containing the in- ventor, a naval lieutenant and three seamen was thrown overboard from the cruiser lleimdal, 1,100 yards on shore. It rode on the crests of the waves and landed safely in mew ot an excited crowd. The ccc'upants any that their experience was not die- agreeable. and that the jolting of the buoy when it grounded was not dangerous. t ' ceived His Majesty’s command P, keep this object constantly In View. In replying. the President said: "Mr. Amtratauulor.-at urtords me 'tir.oere gratification to receive frog) your hands the letter whereby Hm Mnjutb' King Edward VII. accredits you as his Ambassador to the Umted IStnteR ot America. ___ _ -‘__ Tho Hamid has probably become slightly mixed in regard to the i:lil for naval training stations, Intro- duced last session. but not pressed, and the rocmlt announcomont that " new fisheries cruiser, tho litmt of Canada's "floor." would be the finest vessel ot its kind that could be built. be composed of monitors for defence purely, but m the (-vvnt of Imperial wars will be ready tor service any- where. The Glasgow Herald Indulge: in 1 Rosean- Hayes. London. Doc. 7.--Tho Him-320w Iles l all]. referring to Sir Wllftil Laurier'" 1 'R,ly.T,y,tr,?.y'sr1vyyyii"n/,11yygo'"'i,?ii-y_ Blaming the North Ameuiean squml- , _r0n." Tho pap-fr hopms the fleet will t Tho chairman trt the Agricultural Society of Western Canada, has writ- ton tho Cobden Club that Canadian support of Chamberlain (‘OIIICE from tho eastern manufacturers. [ Mr. Haldane. M. P., speaking at Hull yesterday, said that free trade was tho great factor in Great Bri- tain’s lead over the United States and Germany. Mr. Uhambcriainhtva been forced, in his latest revised edi- tion of his speeches, to strike out tho proposal he made to the col- onies that they should give up the manufacturing competition with us. The colonies are not taking the ini.. tiativo on this question. Lord Coleridge, crpmtking at WN.. lington borough yesterday, said the introduction of protection was the establishment of a Tammany! Hall in England. ' _ The Parliamentary Committee of tho Trades Union Congress has hr. sued a. manifesto Leaded "Chamber- lain’s Modern Fallacies With Ile.. gard to Workmgmen and Protec- tion." "Through you. the political repre- sentative ot Four Sovereign, I cor- dially reciprocate H'is Majestv's de.. al.“ that friendship and sroodrt1ll be- tween the two countries shall in strengthened and perpetuated, and with the concurrent efforts of the American Government I doubt not that success will attend your an- clamor-e to fulfil Ills Majesty's de.. sire to this beneficial end." l The Proposal Thu Canada Should t Not Manufacture Certain Goods. London, Dec. T-Tho Scottish Chamber of Agriculture at Edin- burg yesterday agreed to ask Mr. Chamberlain to address a meeting upon the proposed fiscal changes. with special ereI'ence to agricul- ture. Mr. Chambellain will be in- formed that the Chamber is not plegigegl to his proposals. .. Mr. W. A. Long, M .P.. epeaking to tho Metropolitan division of the Na.. tional Union of Conservative Asso- ciations. youterday, said " states- man holding Mr. CnambeNain'e viewl was bound to put them before the country when he found the colonies were ready to meet us halt way to make the Empine a 'iustatnini,r whole. which ought to have been done many! generations ago. Mr. W. Davis. of Birmingham. Bee- oratory of the National Society of Amalgamated Drums Workers, has been selected as the Labor candl- dato to oppose Mr. Chamberlain in West Birmingham. Mr. Davis is con- sidering the matter. ...' WANTED MONEY FOR POOR. urge-us Canada’s Poll Tax BRiTAWS S IRU00LE. A NEW LIFE BUOY. CANADIAN NAVY. "Tue greatest of all null tlona ls how to increase my. convlctlon', mutipail and Interest among states that Compose the we grasp the tact that are willing to draw ne have the Benet of youth," t argument could be expesed. James Bryce. M. P., speaking at Aberdeen. sum tin-re was no Instance ot permanent injury to British trade through dumping. Retaliation meant the sacrifice of been! freedom. and it would injure the ehrrot't trade to wipe out the most favored nation clause. and raise prices for our own people to introduce protection. Lord Lyttelton, speaking at. a. han.. quet at Northcute last night. said: “The greatest ot all national aspira- tions Is how to increase the sympa- tMr. conviction; muura‘l howled-gm and interest Amt-m- Ac, Hells Robbed 01‘3480 Br Enterprising Thieves. Toronto, Dee. T.--h couple of bold highwnymen, in the vicinity of Rich- mond Hill last night, mumd nearly $500 by holding up and rubbing time. A. Winter. a young man who left I Richmond Hill on Nov. L'U' tor Whitby, l where the day following he married lthe daughter of a railway section , boss. Leaving his wife with her par- enta yesterday morning, he came on to Toronto, intending to rent and furnish a. homo here. He had a look through the big stores, and about 6 o’clock started tor the home of Mr. Tyndall. .510 tinfoil him some wages. industries Have Grown Faster Than Population. London, Dec. 7.--Lyoyd George M. P.. speaking at Paisley last nighi, said there was not a single great in- dustry the prodmrticm ot winch had not increased considerably out ot proportion to the population. and the only thing that had gone down was the hours of the laborer. Dumping was not killing the iron and steel trade. tui last year they bought eight and a half million Pounds' worth ct halt manufactured steel from ice, Ign- crs, dumped at a loss, and (annual steel to the value of 1weuiuiue. millzon pounds at a proru. Winston Churchill. speaking at Car. dirt, sad it was absciutely neccs~ury that the fiscal question should be thrashed out in the House ot 0011- moms. where any discrepancies in the argument could be exposed. Industries Have - W V. "_"__. rum. decia red that nobody. not even wire,knew he had tso much money money was all his savings. lie walked all the way, and while on the roadway near Hogg'a Hoitow was stopped by two men, who rude up behind him on bicycles. One knocked him into the ditch, and, pointing a. revolver at his head, told him to keep ytret. The other robber searched his poekets and found his wallet, containing $48) in cash. Tho thieves then rode oft toward the city and Winter lsot track of them in the darkness. Tao victim of the robbery came back to Toronto and told the detec- tives of his loss. Winter positively almlonnal ol...¢ .,,.1_‘ALV . W. T. STEAD’S NEW PAPER I' FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. "If all the eulogy that has been spoken upon Scotland were printed you couldn't found a free library big enough to hold $he volumes. to]: ttit 99%:- tg? am? 23.15131"? men so Scotch. t “Th; son of the poor Scot has as his guide, instructor and model, his father. As his nurse. seamstress, cook, servant, tom-her, heroine and saint, he has his mother. No tutors, no servants come between him and his parents. It is from these they obtain knowledge of their country's glories, its traditions, its history and heroes. ' The Route Girts Will Act as Messengers for the Women Readers Who Cannot Get Out During the Day. nu.- --. Loofooo subscribers in Lonuuu. a..- limiter the paper at each door be. tweet. 10 and 12 in the morning. u.. ter the men have gone to batsmen. and when the women and children will have an opportunity to read it. It Will cost a penny. or his plan he says; “The messengers. who wit; be bright young girls. will be in- strueted to collect from' each. sub. srrlber letter complaints or tuiver- tisements In envelopes addressed to the editor. and in this way I hope to get In personal touchI with hill my readers. “Donuts wi,'? be established at var- ious points in the city, at each ot “Inch I expect to have a "post re- stnlltc," which sort of thing does not exist in London; free telephone. cic- _.. -.T1.trs. rnnm or New York, Dec. T.-rn responding to the toast, "The Land o' Cakes," at the dinner of fit. Andrew's Society, it Del- monieo'ss on Monday night, Andrew Car- negie praised poverty, and told how happy the poor child is and how many advantages he has over the children of the wealthy. "The child of the millionaire," said Mr. Carnegie, "eannot know what the words father and mother mean. But few F;eotchmon have been cursed by being born to wealth. They've been born to poverty. exist In buuuuu. nu, "uh, culatlng library. reading room or place ot call, and, I hope. on auto- CARNEGIE PRAISES 90mm. In it He Finds the Secret of the Greatest Successes of the Scotsmen. New York, Dec. 7.-.1 "e"""'"""- tho Herald from London says; W. T. Stead will start a new paper were 1.!obably under the title of "The Daily Paper." He proposes to get L00.UOO nubscrlbers in London. and (when thu paper at each door be- tween 10 and It.'. in the morning, at.. ter the men have gone to busmesa, and when the women and chlldren will have an ogponunlty to read it. It Wlii cost a penny. or his plan .‘mlln .-c.ocrrprt4. who wit; Blll0E0R00M's HARD LOT. OLD COUNTRY POLITICS, ryue, M. P., speaking nt' mid there was no instance at injury to British trade unpi..g. Retaliation meant, x: of Cscat freedom. and it I re the export trade toi the most favored nation; I raise prices for our own Int-uni“...- -_-- " . ...-. unamuluy ncccsmry cal queshon should be in the House ot qu- any discrepancies in the .I.I L. _ . among the npose the empire .tt ct that the colonies draw near ,then we 'et ot perpetual Jon ot winch hud AIL-rably out ot upuluhon. and the d gone down was laborer. Dumping ' to a (1th - even In}; mey. The Rheat --v~uvlvll 01 "lung an: tlt ab p M- tloa it the Governmtnt and tlt:' pm- Ne or Canada give him thc, Ill-('03- -, uni-twee. ,_...., ”mu. ..-vuelk. J.Pr"llr"l Wu no “rpm-d by n l, thw‘ r 1 ed from " Mr. Graham. 11-min: “OHM. Mulntuba. that luv ha» tuded to ou-ulnuc his "r.rovts I.» I cover the North Pole tor (2m. and the Empim. Tho (‘np‘mm _ now that he has not abandun-wi Intentlon or fitting on: My .. p tim, it the Gal'r‘l'nmpnl and thr, n Capt. Bernter wuil% Ahnmzm. Ho -, m “mu-lung Poi, Leo XML. loanmI .s names of mum or not recorded. Smc the debt. and pin: to pay. The up.» l measures. irtexpec Bible scan'llr- that INSPIRED FURTHER fi Poe-lent Pontitr Witt Talu- Action In "rcover the Amounts. Rome, Dec. T-The Finum‘iui i “If misnlon nppointcu by Pop" mm y. recently to examine“ into UN :11" counta of tho Ptstr'r's l't-m'x- I . 1 [mm leovereu that tho lrlH' l’u.-1 -r, paper to the trftttet that :nrtvr charging all cogrur as Qunen Dr: heirs, trey ruceive on‘y IL' francs. Therefore, in arm-r lt they am oompvihad to av” tin-i: ter'a jewelry. winch includes " dem set with brilliant»: whirh Late Queen wore on her wedding POPE LEO LOANED ALLLHP-S Bee Slut-r Say. That They Are, Compelled to Sell Them. London. Dec. T.-hepiranu. for 1de possession of a. queen's 10va tloo' have a chance to obtain them. Tun (sisters of Queen "raga, of tcvtwt 'tti, " nit with her husband. King Alvade'. was brutally “mammal in tho gul- 3.00 at Ikr.'grtuie, on June Ilth hm. have written to a Landau Inn:- ll. Burned m. war Out of Jail " Grand Forks. B. c. Vancouver, B. C., Dec. T--. An in- dian prisoner. Edwin New. aha Slippery at. awaiting trial on a charge of trotwe-stealing nt tirahd Forks. enacted a. clever erctcpvfroo tho lock-up there on Wr'ducmu,uy, night hm. lie fired the 1owvr por- tion ot the wooden door, and w regulated the blaze that it wa, run- ttned to 0, small area. This was ae- oompllshed by dampening the tttt of the woodwork with water. 110:1! during the burning PPoeoem minded suffocation by opening tho wininw and screening himself bvhind n blanket. suspended over the win- dow. When Provincial Constnble Dlncmoro arrived at the lock-up on Thursday morning. ho discowrwl c hole eighteen inches in extent in the bottom ot the door, which is four or five lnohea thick. Rose put out the tire before fleeing. Ile hailed from tho Amerimut aide. "And so on until the day the Scotsman-3 breathes his last. He begins Scotch. hm passes through life Scotch; he remains-1 Scotch, and he pictures Heaven after the Highlands. What Scotland has done for herself and the world, in the unbound. ed admiration of her sons, could "asily be told, but this is another story, for an- other night. sac-ed m'tr m so thin" and amine dxtr ing life that we shall digeredit neither." "Mhny before me are the sons of Root- land, many the sons of sons of 'scotland, many who have Scottish blood in their veins, many who Ire native Americans of other strains. "Little can any or all of us do to ma lance the fame of our nativo or adupxri Innd, rut1lperre my: _upon all of. us _tre “What evokes this unique love arm , worship of country! Her sons fool and know it to he deserved, but the causes lie too deep for adequate expression." Mr. Carnegie thought it was due tt the climlte. the beauty of the hoatlmr hills and glens. "Then history and tra- ditionl tell," he added. "The struggle for civil and, above all, religious liberty. and poverty; the struggle against ad. verse circumstances, have strengthened his ninewe. The poverty of Scotland has strengthened and blessed hint. Ottawa, Doc mam restaurant. . n #1. 4. " t l uuw- - ._._'"" - V fimt. I want to localize we Pupruu There will be tour editions, all pub- tisrhtsd at the, name hour, and «we tor each of the (our divisions of Lon- M QUEEN ORA A's JEWELS. THIS INDIAN A UEMLS. Mm eroective of that may m apt I'll I:0 RT. he: Ma- Ma " yo Ml di. " V Baby's Own Tahlc-H an cents a box bv all mud“ or may be 11M (“not 'tss. The Dr. Wtltittms' .tr, Beoekvilto, Ont. ltd-mom!!! amtmd to comm" m lfl',l'2'l'a,1 cannot was“! pad cl'nycdogood. "I have and Baby‘s ow In: Ilttlo girl and find. the very best medicine give her." _ _ tll of attractant)” be (‘un an” a. [mat deal lfnl: “tuition is rugged the cl not" willaoon ten an In mankind done of Baby" beta, will not an a link»: the winter motttler. u h the winter nrrlmu mail: Mainly certain that can: will retain good he tthe month: of indoor c Baby's Own Tablets cum "eaten the atomm‘h, hm pro-Vent cmup. rogulate and temp baby hmlthy "meemtinq tho Tahtotar. hwy-r, Clan-mmillo. O arr-Mug "VIP“‘F 1 "tber took him it her. It ammud Ir m In tho troot Cher hadron knew been I Form ', (new whmhcw Fl C,',',',' he felt hope" mm a kindrr l mile than usual paw him. Viola-t l Nrna so proud th &yxtotq ll ward fr land a dim ldon, pint aha prn'vrru- LNow win his lmady making 2gFaLT'" FUR BABY I Iain lam had hrmu: {pain than Dleturur neat than mth, far no». .- I' He could now-r t RUM Violet can-d t Cher country side In " a yoerth, bug Felix hm] loved V No Win her, lo makn In the our dream or " no other, and 1 tin that up to th Human: that " i (was of the mm: mm: El. himiaolf l at. and In con: Fer, but his nun the {minor told that In these da WI! tu<sded beto mark in tho wo, pie often lw waking than It' clear-cut that typv wi (that waved Itttow--tutr he. be rigid and "and!" as aw Hark eye-s l tot',',','," as t was a. po up: with th Men. will“! t#oenneem or I Dairy L tor ht: no or] hi! ah Immr-‘ol! land. I v Ho w Ho wnu mum: your": Engiwlmcn enough to mnkv ' ‘tlt-I are mu War! Winter In oo Darcy Lom [and his son View ho had I in. scholar ot met that be h London. and (father. sham and working u secure a " marry Violet. ot leaving Li Not merely I _ Mtorously. . Then it will 1 A Blue Ribbon-tak Let it steep ( , earthenware teapa l your life. _ IIQCK. Milan! Ceylon Gm. Blu 1n Wllll In: mama t skill and Into" where mind tad ml brain. and meet I that w l Vi tl In tht Mal hard. ttq inner-in] [he had m to Oxlon ;i'~'lln¢ul~|1 no can Mi mil-Pd now his I It his [all ow tttorc "esrts an . W dew n m1 My u orm ("II h " ll bu " te

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