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Durham Review (1897), 10 Dec 1903, p. 4

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(t 3tbussvri1f)avis "f$)y:)u) Roam THE FRUIT OF CAREFUL BUYING gutters. gtcves. #80816 useful horses for sale. Clark's for Cutters q 35:21, iit) J. Ji" ftf'owocu. (ii) 319 yds Heavy dark Flanneliette going at 5c yd. 188 yds 10c Wrapppaettes going at 6 1.0 per yd: 353 yds dark check gingham while they last at tic, Don't forget to inspect our Holiday display of Fancy Handkerchiefs and other Fancy Goods Best Brands No. 1, Rubbers * Overshoes. Special reductions in Millinety next six weeks Special Value in Women’s Fur * Cloth, Mantles And all Farm Maclnnery see, to test. At be Convinced That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win- ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Fuggests the store whose Stock furnishes promptest and most help) ful counsel in the selection of presents. l [Now in demard--the Store that handles nothing else-the Storel whose reputation, stock and methods are alike above I reproach-all invite your inspection. Titnbodies our reputation. There's a sense of security in knowin 1 that you have at your service at any time today or bt Day before Christmas." a reputable Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. TI I F, l ’H()S] ’Pl HtrN" Df 25 years fcrctells a demand for good goods such as Gordon al ways sells. No wonder for we always buy from the best manufacturers of the world. Shams, washing Machines, (Ned Gutters, @xford Guam Separators. "EQUAL TO EVERY OCCASION" ta, Jean?! $Reoeated To be successful in business now-a-days it is necessnry to do unusual things, sell dependable and correct merchandise, sell at right prices and do what- yon promise. We live up to all the claims made in our advertisements: they are intended to hon.. estly reflect our methods and our goods. All we ask is an opportunity to prove our contentions; will you put us to the test during these Holiday months. Here are a few quotations '. our Clothing Department is a trade winner, because ue give you the same style, fit and service 3011 would receive in custom made gal‘nwnts at about half the price. THE GOOD QUALITY GOODS CASH AND ONE PRICE. ll A . C4-CyHIDCyilq. XMAS GROCERIES INTELLIGENT BUYING John givingston Lam: of Middaugh Jflouse. If you are in want of something nice, mat and useful in the Cutter line, call and examine our: No back numbers amongst them. Study economy in wood, and one way to do it is to have one of the Stoves we handle at prices that are within reach of any purse. At great reductions. John Clark 37301112. cts cts cts c ts '"'--"-"'-e'-"-'e-'- i---------, 6ntarie. Mayor McIntyre mm in Toronto this week. Mr and Mrs Carson are in o. Bound this week. Messrs. Walter Gow and Hazel Mc" Fadden. Mt. Forest. came up Monday evening on skating intent, hut struck a curling night. and were prevented from enjoying a race with our youth. Comeagain boys and make sure next time. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mt-lmrly. 0. Sound, who have been visiting Manitoba friends for the last lhree months, re- tinned lately and visited Mrs. McLarty's mother and sister, Mrs. Lettinghmn and Min. Jim. ('lnrk and olled on Mrs. and Miss McIntosh. Mrs Bat ker, Toronto, is I guest. of her mother Mrs (Iolville. Mr and Mm Webster are guests of the latter's mother, Mrs Jets Lauder. Miss Lick, Oshawa. is in town this week. a guest ot Muss Jessie Hunter. She- has received a warm welcome from “may old friends, and from her old pupils. She Will be relurning trvfore Christmas. Miss Winnie Pnrk has arrived home from an extended visit with triesuas. Mr. Arch. McKinnon came home last. week for a few dayw visit before his dutnesns traveller take him West. Hm last trip was Ihrmmh the maritime provinces. Mr and Mrs. John Elnlmrdt and daughxer left Fiatmday laut on n trip lo his home in the Slates. We hope he may ruturn fully restored in health. Rov. Mr. Furquhursnu amended Plus- hyu-ry Meeting in llarriston (m Tues- day. He was down for " very important. paper dealing with the sullen! pomts of a new inn-k by Prohssuw McPhudeu. of Kunx College, Mr. Gran} was also Mr. and Miss Hunt are m Guelph this week attending the PM Stock Show. Mrs Wm Black and duughtm, Mr” Lauder, were in Mt Forest tut. week. present its rt'preserstatisw older. Mrs. Thos. Morton just. lately te. ceived the sad IIPWS of the death of her. fatht-r. Mr.. tivo. Smith, at his home in Thief River Falls, Minn., at theage of 7ti, Ilia uife and family (if our sun "ndseven daughters "re chief "untru- H's. Mrs. Murtnn is the only one of the family in Canada. CONGRATULATIONS AND W1stt'OMtr. In Mr. and MN. Jas. A. Hunter, who ur- rived in Town. Tuesday night from Winnipeg. nu their weanling tunr. and an. now gut-st: at. tho Hedges. We run assure Mrs Hunter that. though Durham is not an big as WimtipeR,--retc-ir has a. wvlcome for her husband and for her- self not. less than can be ofteted by the Wtmteen city, We wish them much joy in her hueltand's early home. and wher- ever fortune takes them. Mr. fl. McKinnon leaves in a few days wit h a ample of cars of apples. horses. and settler s t-lfecls. for Dryden and Port Arthur. Miss Christine Jackson returned from Toronto to spend Christmas holimtyu at. home. Rev. Mr. Hanna. of Mt. Form". wane the guest of Rev. Mr. Farquhnrson. while In town Wednesday. Mrs Percy Lawrence gave a farewell party in honor of Miss Greenwood. who is returning home afler n course at dressnmking. Mr. Thos. Binniv, who has hut-n env plude in a clteinw and butter factory at, Sheffield. during the past sensual. came home last work for the winter. on page 4. The tine sleighil-g affords, opponuuity to all who hare teaming to do to cm gage in the work with comfort to them- selves and teams as the roads are m sxctellent conditions lor travel and many there he that are busy by way of saw- Iogginc. drawing hay. ko., during the had three weeks. Some weatherman prophets predicts a thaw in the near tittuve, while at the same lune they dont know the first thing about it until it (Mun-s and then We are all prophets in knowmg that it has come. M rs. ( Rev.) Herbert, who was A guest of her sisters, tho Misses Hughes. Pe- turned to her home in Port Dover. Mrs Lorne Sonmrvillo arrived home inst week from winnipeg. where she was a guest, at the man-name of her brother. Mr Jas A. Hunter. The ladies that Were (may on their holiday trip to Manitoba, have returned. They are Misses Mary Ellen MeArthur and Emma McLean. who pleasantly spent. the lust three months in Manitoba and they look as it the prairie. laud agreed with them. Also Miss Maggie Mchuuel. who spent from July last With her sister, Mrs Neil McLean, cf Fer. gus Conty. Montana, returned a week up» and enjoyed herselt well nmonunt t! e balmy breezes of the valleys and hills of Montana. A grunt] concert In aid of the Library is plunued for Tuesday next. Ptutieulars Organizer Allan, oi Allistou. visited Priceville Lodge Mo, A. o. u. W.. a couple of weeks ago and with the aid of some of the members secured 11 young men, 9 ot whom be. Mr Allan, initiated at the meeting held for the purpose. The average age was 2'2 pars. Wood bean til day time and pounding bees at night is the order of the tunes in general " present. Secretary John McArtbur received 20 applications up to Saturday last for teacher for our school in this town. Surely there mil be pick and choice among so many applications. Prnyer-mttt"itur in the Presbyterian church on Thursday nights. All are cordially invited to attend. The young man. who ttot astray going to a party recently. better make sure the next sure he gets a similar invita- tion. of the locality where the occasion is to take ghee and one hlmulf trouble Ind tho resident: of the 10011in nou- (isturbanee during thoir sleeping hours. THE DURHAM REVIEW PRicEWLLE. -.--v ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO The Fresh te of Snow met at Harri-ton or! Tilda? Rev It Cum-I‘- on, in the nineties of t o mode-tutor. In the choir. The call from Cedar-Ville to Mr Barbour mu dro pea. Mr Bat-hour having tinted 'r'lhgl'ti'flt, hr notifying the congrecation that he would not. accept of it. Some dinette-ion took place over the rise of Presbytery and Synod rates 'l,,hr,igi the hut two yea-I for which the extra en by the Synod is largely mponnible. hut after full you- nidelation the “are rate wa- decided to Le unnecessary. it Mr Meh' icat from Fergus, in the interests of Foreign Mil- stone. made a plea for friends to assist the mission band in nniutaming and training the 1200 native orphanu. who are placed under their care throulth the stress of {amine and plague In Indore. Central India. The presbytery approv- ed of the mission and commended l to the liberahty of the congregations with. in the bound. Considerable interest was taken in a "per by Rev Mr Fart uharuon on Prof h"l't,"l'd"g.fle, book. JTre,' Criticism of the Old Testament and the Christian Church." Mr Fat-quitsu'mm did not. no lunch review the book as discuss the problem it presents After laying low a number of fallacies in the professor's reasoning he concluded as follows: .. What, are we todo withthe problem 'e" Prof McFadgen's hook is an earnest at.tempt to face it. The book may he faulty. its logic may ha ye its lapses. its optimism may be unfounded. if you will. throw it aside as having failed in its task, but when you have. thrnwnthe hook aside. you have not got rid of the difficulties it presents. The facts and conditions which Modern Crititism raises may he disturbing to our minds. they may force us anew to think out the questions we had been accustomed to think our fathers had settled for ever', but whether pleasing or displeas- ing, these difNulties are God's gift to the church of to-day. Our life and power hang on our honestly aeeking the lightlhiough them. Currt.no stones. then, at the Professov's attempt. how- ever imperfect. Rather live anew the spirit. of the noble Ximines. Cardinal Archbishop, of Toledo, who when his editor Stunica sought to depreciate the Edition ot the New Testament which Erasmus had hastily issued, replied: 6s Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets.' Produce bettei if thou canst; condemn not the industry of another." A grand Concert under the uuspk es of Priceyille Public Library will be held in Watson's Hall on December 15. An excellent program has been rnvlded consisting of Instrumental krusic by Prof. Konold and others t Vocal» - Chornses, quartettes. gaelic songs. solos by W. Ranmge, w, Renting and others: new fancy Military Drill, trlulrswinging. step dancing. shadow pantomines, and and two one act farces entitled .. Com. plan-1y Ctlre4/' and "The Duel or Actor's Revenge." The management are work- ing hard to make 1bis the greatest suc- (tvss of the 3038(an 1s'voryono should turn out. and help the Library and at the name time spend an cuinyuhle evening. Admission, 2.”) cents. TUESDAY. DEC. 15th. 1903. The following Valuable Farm Stock, Implements, kc. t Span goud'working horses, one Driver, 4 rows supposed to be in cult. farrow cow, o ealven, one 3-yl old heifer,thrce 2-yr old heifurs. four l-yr old heifers. two 2-yr old tsteers, four lyr old steers, S ewes, l nun. Brood Sow, 2 fat pigs, G young pigs, 30 hens. Binder, Mower, Seed-mill. horse "we. scuftier, cutter. lumber wuggon. huggv. set, bolr-sleiRtts, Ion? sleigh. faunimt null. NF.Lsos--In Sullivan, Nov. 21, in Mr. and Mia. Neil Nelson, a daughter. Of valuable Farm Stock, Implements. kc. The undersigned Auctionwr has tvttuved instructions to it“ by Puhric Auction at Lots 61 & 62, Con. 3, N D It., Bentinck, on set, bolr-sleiRtts, long sleigh. fanning all“. sir..w cutter', horse power, spring tooth & Iron harlows. f3 ploughs. mad cart, set double harness nearly Mew, set single harness. root cubic-r. cow chains, 2 lugging chains. churn, pun- horse blankets. milk cans Mid other articles. A quantity of Hay. Positively no Re. serve as proprietor is retiring from Farming and everything must, he sold. Sal" to Cmmnencc at One O‘clock. Sharp on time for shout Days. TERMS '.---Hay. Fat Hogs & sums " $5 and under. Cash. Over that nun-mm P2 utonths' credit on approved joint notes, 5 per cent oft for cash in lieu " notes. ROBT. McNAUGHroN. Proprietor. ROBT. BRIGHAM, Auctioneer. MARRIED. FHtTtI-McKr:cuxtr, .At Donna-II. ml Wednesday, Nov. 9th. Milli. Ivy New. Aitchisou, Mr. Wm. Fieth. of our town. to Miss Mary Mckechniv, of Glentoauen. THE SAUGKIN PIESIYTERY. Malian" BREAD I We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholsomeness. It's a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excel- lent loaf for a reasonable price Also Cakes, Buscults and Confectionery. AUUTION SALE HIND BROS. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Wright's Old Stand. BORN W And therefore we hear nothing hut praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. FIRST of all, we use only the fiuest Flour and other ingredients. S liCnNDLY, we are artists in our line. TH 1 RDLY. cleanliness reignsin every IT SUITS TO A T/ A first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry. al ways on hand at Rowe's store. MODE When you buy anything at DAR- LING'S, you have a string fasten, ed to your money and you keep hold of the other end. If they fail to satisfy. you Ivve only to pull the string and your money comes back. Try it " our risk. JV") fold of Mo (ttras. it 37 501313 on it 7 fl /epdrtincnt of our establishment. I . A ST LY, our prices are absolute? yfair. Give us a call and see for yourself. The holidays an tut approach- inrred outreuabliaII-eat in well stocked up with goods very suitable for mu. . livery lady h'ill‘ll ieiie: tion for Fancy ork should have oneof our Work Baskets You will never know what win- ter Sport really is unless you get-one of our TOBOGGANS We have different sizes and HARDWARE I prices. Just arrived mom of c, and we 1 going lest Choppers. Raisin Seeders. 1inneingKrtives, liming Bowls. Egg Beaters. Slaw Cutters (‘lothes Horses. Towel Racks. V egetable Squeezers. 8w. Suitable GOOD REASONS; We also am BREAD! I. BAKERY, LOW ER TOWN Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. \VEDIHN G CA K ES H. STINSON. ived an immune ship- of Copper Nickle Kettles " have the best price m. fooplo': 9r.”;,’. i have a variety of very kitchen Utensils such as 1urting, Billion. Glov'ei. to. Boob or Shoes. Rubbers, either wool-lined or mth. New You will M then In ""tt4" 'ttles. sad when at the Au steadily growing in (not. Try . our out! be oonvioud this they have no unperior for quality 3nd style. We have tome good "luee in Gauntlet... Gloves. Minn and Mitt facingo. Felt Boots. Lumbermon'o Box and Rub- berg, Rubber Boots ready for the coldest of wentber. Trunks, ”lines. club bags, dot in stock " lovesc prices. ao down goes prices on COLONIAL SLIPPERS and OXFORD. A few one: of women's and Mast-.5 Rubber- going It 25 and 80 cents. Custom work and repairing attended h u promptly as possible. Tum“ -CAtut. Jr. J'. 'rwtruith Full Lines 15/” these "w/lu-v, and reliable (mods. We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. cor. ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur; store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE. win receive our best attention. Chatham Cutters Puipe, gr, churns, de. DURHAM Mlillf WORKS All work warranted. Orders tako in Messrs Barclay and Bell. The Best Quality cheaper than ever awfully promptly tended to. Call and see our Goods CALDWELL'S Lt RV A -. (Opposite Mlla,'7, 3:5 The Spring has come and the Summm has gone and so has nearly two ca rload 's of Tndhope Buggies and the Mm c which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled up with over a narload of the fatmms Direct P,oottatitrnt from Europe LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKER.‘ HEADSTONES & MONUMriNTy Now that you have a T udhope Bugg} get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the .btl im BARCLAY & BELL implements 3’ 3 JjluRNrruRrs: Of all kinds. Examine our TOt NIP PULPERS; they are the best on the market: also ot'.', CHURNS & 1vrrr:rir.ItARRi M's GRA Y IS Ina/m; C'om/orta/pte and Stylish, and (It priva- ti, suit ah purses. Jpke Kress SOVEREIGN shone; ROBINSON & CORBET They are good iii edery respcct Ameriéan aha Eda-13:51: - i.iii'rfils JAKE KRESS. Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables, Lambkm St We) Jtamitto, ' sOemty. Maxwdl Machinery Cudhopo Gutters Aarn Grants Also see our famous Crowded tor Roam FOR 'eat, thu, Proprietor " [out. at an do it um 36' not! SAVINGS BAY Q) We tt tte v hunt I: IF yt HI r Nu rim tttat (Mr tled how Draf all I" est it In (ind " for-uk- to Ilurn, Jar Ith To- sax-Ir wnv/ facil diets Um tit w TWEED luminous. but! hem-r vet Conn though y CA PITA]. CA PITAI. RESERVI DURHA fllf ilhlil. m. h their wh IT w ammo GR OWEN IVR'. " OVVI'IN Nil ‘3' \Vintcr A few mom) Are positiv best obtait PEEL, DFCEMI Imumve YOU, Peau_...... H Barley...” Lambs..... Dressed tb 11atts, Live Fleu r . Oat me w hen Ettttrr, trwsh m Better, 'lul.... HMOs, not cut Ccllukuh, [mt Maropsku"w...., B-............., Boon. aren't“ “Badman...” Tuber........., roman. per) x l i F NTS «I IF l We can DURHA INRI'I no? Are orvftd SEA d2. Take a Durham iydER DRY G 4 DOTS Head f UI be. W. F. l GEO. P are m At.1 " A s "

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