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Durham Review (1897), 10 Dec 1903, p. 6

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am fpoce. tho production ot man. Assam- "nit the initial tact, we must agree with Dr. Wall-are In assigning hun. 'ttreds. ot mullon-s ot yeors'to the age 'rot .theLunlveroe. Then there arrived 'man. Me has been here for a. few ‘hundreds or thousands of years. He has still a tew-a very few-minions for years to run. It ls true that in gone place Dr. Wanna speaks ot him lac "permanetrt," but elsewhere he FupeGiaii-" ndmite that there must ' Men and Eternity. 'r' For ttvhat In tt that Dr. Wallace mu no to belleve. and has written Ens most paraloglsuc ot books In he attempt to prove? It In that, lat: some distant period-and Dr. Wal- place makes much ot Its distance. as gun argument in his favor-thte uni- herae twatt called into existence by the twill of a CreaftorA-z for , specific pur- Wltrrt it curable ! Stop the Pain but Destroy the istomgch --Thin ls sadly too often the tease. So many nan-won» nostruma purport- Hng to cure. In the end do the patient Immen- Sad, mot: harm than good. Dr. Yon Stan’- Plnenpplc Tablet. an a purely vegetable ttee,' preparation. a. harmless tMt milk ' no after only: prawn“ anydlnorder of the wise-two organ; 60 In nbox, Meenta,-to. i' Shared. 1 Chicago News. Fur. Bmtt1ltaik--Let'g see. I believe rwhen she married him he was a patruggligz 'f'uncman. wasn't het but euctly according to the way it is "rented. ut alone, doctoral theoretically k): pyroqalt tty? sto.maeh.rit'I a Blarert, _ Attacked directly with Dr. Agitew's htmug Peer, it is tirst alleviated; iiiGGG%Utii. In an acre. more or less, of the strong- hst testimonials. ' Dr. Agnew’s Heart Cure relieves Heart Disease in so minutes and cures. , xbnndemudlng. BnmIoCommmhl. t “This In the chicken salad,” said hm catcrer‘s boy. as he delivered the Yae1aure. “I guess it was your hus- band that ordered It sent. ma'am." “Yes.“ stud Mrs. Nuwed. "Here's "mom- N_ow. hptdo you make it?” L “Why. I don't know, ma'am." . "You don’t? Ot but my humand hold no It I paid you you'd give me pm, receipt." . 'tee upon aha earth for a. few Gil- none- or Fears--" fraction ot a second h an "terttity.--Lotrdon Milly. , "(Kw Ma." LftuaitLHo, was. He strug- Fled as hard as he could, but she got temp. fully 25111) living on Babrein, ,In which connection Sir Henry Lay- ‘u'd add.-. "It would seem that a man can accustom himself to 'anythlng." mtr, following are the temperatures w, come 6t the hottest places In dit- erent countrlesr Hyderabad. 105 Negroes; Lahore. 107 degrees; El 'Puo. 113 degrees; Mosul. 117N142- lgml; Agra. IIT degrees; Death Tatc ‘ley. 122 degrees; ' lzerla. 127 de- grees; Fort Yuma, 128 degrees; Jan- 'roboBad. 122 degrees; Bahreln, 140 T lash-1m. LP,fgttt,'. tho hottest place on the mm " the teatlmony ot hauler- u to be credited. may he Hound on the Aval Islamic. which more: a fairly extend": are: ot the Jordan Gulf, lying off the southwest 5:9.“ & Persia. It is the lax-mayo! Rhona which enjoys the doubtful db- ?tlnctlon ot leading all pemplrintt [computer- in the matter ot heat. LLB). mean temperature or Bahretn for .1110 entire year In 90 degrees. Jply. Aqu 3nd September are unendut- table “V0 for the native.. Night after night " midnight come: the ther- , monetar- anowa 100 degrees. Br T in Who morning It In 107 or 108 degrees, Mind " 3 in the alternoon 140 de- - It It dated by veraclous travelers 4th Th000 Arab- inhabit the Aval HOTTEST PLACE ON EARTH. Ills-d. In Which I Dream ofCool Air sun’s SYRUP tr RED t?lllltii gig Thousands say so, from glad experi- I Don't Neglect A Cough OR NOT CURABLE “I 0111C "ron- chitis, Pneumonia sud even (headed Consumption itself,may be traced directly to " only a cough." When the tirat cold comes, and in on Journalistic Amenities. Bumlo Courier. h Mischievous htrtr.-Mr. Mack (for short) is not only a rascal in politics as shown by the two sales ot his paper to the opposition party, but In public appearance (as well as pri- vately and domestically) he is an ass. He has brayed a statement tor outside consumption to the effect that the election ot last Tuesday was not a Democratic defeat in this city. It was merely a corrective stimulant of bus prescription. which will have the effect of uniting the Democratic party here "as a solid phalanx to do battle in this great and growing city and county and give a sutrstaiit al majority in next year's contest, when the Democracy ot the Empire State will be expected to roll up one or its old-time majorities tor the guru's standard-bearer in the Presidential contest. Gee! or course it doesn‘t make any difference. in his opinion. what else may happen so long as he is on hand to advise, direct and lead. Everybody else knows thatthe Democratic party in the United States will be literally laughed out of existence It it cannoit have. better representation in its national council than can be found in the class ot which Mack of But.., tale [Times] and Barnum & Bailey’s} "Zip" are samples. I The British War omce. St. James‘a Gazette. Three years ago, in time or need, the city ol London raised, equipped and sent to South Africa 5,000 City ot London Imperial Volunteers. free ot all expense to the War or- nce. The War Office to-day is not able, or is not willing, to provide the Lord Mayor wzth the usual el- cort ot 100 regulars. "They are the fellowa who rat, country post offices and banks in small towns, and a. desperate lot they are, ready to kill whenever resistance is offered to their ne- farious operations .Th'ey are hard chaps. too, these 'Teggemem" as they are called, to apprehend. for they have no settled place of abode, but wander trom town to town and State to State. They have a remarkable cipher code of their oWn by which they keep track ot one another. You can see their hierogl.vphietr at any water tank or railway station. which nobody but " hobo can translate. Despite tho tnet that hundreds of them are arrested and punished annu- ally, their number shown no dimin- ution. No class of lawbreakers gives as much trouble to the authorities. Th'rir httrdonml villainy is shown "The chief criminal work ot this use is done by Noboes or profes- sional tramps," remarked Mr. Wil.. liam A. Pinkerton, the famous Chi- cago detective, last evening at the Shoreham. try the tact that more than once they have been known to murder a wounded comrade tor fear that her might give information that would lead to tWir own discovery." -Waehingttrtt Post. is work. I had the Opportunity ot witnessing tho cruel evils ot enforced Idlenees at the time all work was taken from tho men In State Prison In New York through labor agita- tion.-Mrg. Maud Booth, In Leslie's Monthly for November. Hope Hall a man who can spell anything just as quickly in that fashion as in the ordinary way, and when asked why he taught himself what seemed such a useless accom- plishment, he answered. "I saved myself from insanity try It." The greateqt blgssingtqrthe man in prison It (all: you hunt tor it on hands and knees and than give yourself an occupation. But, alas! the officer may know ot this hunt for the pin and take " from you. so perhaps the other practice is more sure to keep tho brain from madness. That Is the spelling of words backward. I have at the present time in our Solitary Gontinement. Only the other day I heard trom one ot my .boys of two ways In which men have sought to save their mason when long In the dark cells tor punishment. They are, I believe, much practised and well known In prison. One Is to take a. pin into the punishment cell with you. Then you dIvert tho weary hours in that pitch darknen by throwing It up Its, the air, and_whe_n Tim-e is a populnr notion that the planets in our solar system revolve about the sun. This in only half true. points out Prof. Harold Jacob}. ot CCoinutbia University. in a re- markable article in Harper's Weekly ot November 28th. The sun. like the paints. says Prof. Jacobv. as in motion. are also the so-called "tix.. ed" stars; and. reasoning from this basis. he discusses the fascinating question ot the destination through space of our, solar system. It is not generally known amen: lavmen that astronomers have found it possible to determine approximately :hepo- sition on the sky ot the apex ot solar motion, or aa. other words. that [taint towards which our solar system is at present travelling. ..dt, is the constellation Hercules. "We are obliged to assume that our path toy the moment is a straight line; bat we mean that ' moment” which com- mon-ed about 17502 'when the first star catalogue ot modern precision was began, and which.wi|l end long alter present generations of men have tossed away. Bo mighty is, the orbit in question that ‘many cell. "tunes must come and go before we" can hope to detect the orbit's our; vature." The article is illustrated by some unusual astronomical piss tograghs. when I. tho Run Going? What Pinkerton Says. The Bulgarian Hutton. The otticers of certain Bulgarian regiments curry on the our! ot their uniform an eloquent reason tor the present semi-mobilization ot the Bul- gariau arm. This remark may ap- pear cryptic. but it is easily. explain- ed. The grouping of the 'buttons up- on the artistic extremity of the uni- form sleeve in question has a cer- tain significance. Within the scroll ot gold braid. which garnishes the sleeve are three parallel braid tags; to the extremity ot two ot these a gilt button is attached. The remain- Ing tag lacks the finish ot the poi- ished stud. The missing button, how.. ever, is on the sleeve; it is fastened. solitary and alone, outside the scroll. This inconsistency at once arrests the eye and whats the cur- iosity, and upon making Inquiry you will receive the following reply: "Be- tore the union of north and south Bulgaria there were two empty tags within the scroll and two buttons outside!" This guarded answer make- the interpretation obvious. Those three. gilt studs are symbolic ot three Balkan states --Buigaria, Rom. mania. and Macedonia. Macedonia Mann is within the trerxtli.-- London Times. Kidney Cry. -.Pain in the back in the cry ot the kidneys tor help. To neglect the call in to deliver the body over to a diseaee. cruel ruthless. and t1nallr life deestroring. South American Kidney Cure has power akin to miraculous in helping the needy kidneys out ot the mire ot disease. It relieved in IL: hourtu--38. “Some descenéed." answered Miss Cavenne. "and some merely dress differently." Not Much or an Improvement. Washington Star. "Do you think that man descend. ed from monkeys}? Shiloh’s Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic " INHERITANCE 0F WEAK LUNGS In a. serious handicap. Care ot the health and a tew done: a! Allen’s Lung Balsam taken In time Tdl I""" Immunity trom this dangerous tt ac Toronto Star. Wtiuo Santa Claus much pleasure brings To those with Iota of rocks, The rascal seldozn puts the thiatt -W_et_srtutt into our BOOKS. Somervllle Journal, t9trlFttuy-1 have twp very: musical children. . Bmrwn--m that so , thnytlto-Etatr. My 4-year-old I daughter plays on the piano, while| the baby plays on the rug. 1 MESSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & co... Getttiemem--1 suffered tor year: with bronchial catarrh. I commenc- ed In January last (as an experi- ment) to use MINARD‘S LINIMEN'B. which gave almost instant relief. And two bottles made a complete cure and I have had no symptoms or a return ot the trouble smce March. . I no Sulfa-ed hon: [Saucy blocs-o fhr twn mid I But Yrara-A9nty one or the Many Unwed by tho Great Chu- disn Kidney Remedy. Central Watervllta, York Co... N.B.. Dec. T.--tt?tmeia0.-Ttus cape of F. W. Harris, of this place, is one more evidénce ot -the 'wzonde'rtul- wort Dodd'a Kidney Pills are doing in New. Brunswick. Mr. Harris makes the following statement tor publica- Chlmo Rmrd-Henld. A man who was rather athletic Won a maid who was somewhatt aesthetic. ' But the stark brought delight To the couple one night. And they both became ptoripatetie. In tho hath: in gught urinary "dis. order, ' "I mrtfered for two years and it half (my: Kidney Troubles, being un- able FD attend to my work the great. tsrqhrt qt the time. I tried many pediclnea' wlthout getting any bane. rd, but actually grew worse. “I éml."s.'...._ 5..--.. -0 n..:a.u.. In; "I wokIthree boxes of Dodd's Kid- ney Pilitrand they cured me. I think Dodd’s Kidney Pills are a wonder- "l. yemedy tbr Kidney" trouble." - Bright's Disease is the most ad, vanced stage of Kidney Disease. Dodd'a Kidney Pills are the only rem- ed)’ that will dare it. But it is wiser and safer to guard against Bright's Disease by using Dodd's Kid- ney Pliks when Four Kidneys give ihe Tart symptoms of ditrtreatr-paitt Dodd's Kldngy Pills Nude F. w, Hank a Well Man. GREAT WORK IN NEW BRUNSWICK. I - MARK BURNS. Wankleck Aiu, Out., Oct. s, 1901. tt cures the most stubborn kind of coughs and colds. If it doesn't cure you, your money will be refunded. Do you catch cold easily?' Does the cold hang oat Try Prices 26c, 6tht. and 81.00 S. e WELLS & CO. Tannin, Can, URor, ILY. 1 Both Were Musical. What Santa Does. Gratefully yours. ONTARIO ARCHW TORONTO Progress. Far removed from the daily paper. with lts weather forecasts. the farmer can keep lnlormed by "phono ot prohabilities, and thus escape los- la crop time. When he himself In away trom home the, members, of te family have? telephone at hand, kr " ing them t B means of quick com- mumcntlon with neighbors, as great a. protection against prowl- eru as ls the posseaulor: of a. shot- gun or a revolver. The telephone on two form is a cultivator of nelzhbor- limes. u saver or time and trouble and a. protector ot the home. Farmers are getting rural tree de. livery, with Its opportunities tor saw. lug time and money In mopping; In this more thlckly settled portions of the country thuv have rapid transit by policy _ lines. and in some parts, notably in the west, ther enjoy the advantages in business and farm op. erations ot extensive telephone sys- tems. Hrpe ' lexical. Kansas City J carnal. 1Nuehesr--Tt, I (borrow a. dollar from you. wid it be necessary to hand it back to-morrow or can you wait until next week tor it? Frorrt-a'm too busy to discuss pure- ly hypothetical questions. Ask 90mm body who likes to argue." Mlnard'a Llnlment cure! Oldie Iberia. , Penalty Enough. Town Topics. "In your Bachelors' club what to the penalty tor marrying t" "Marria4ps." "rm the dealer in pianos. mu'am and the man at the door. “But.I don't want anything." Pl plie_d the logy. " have a piano." ' - “Yes'm; ttio man next" door he hoped I could induce you to It tor a. trifle." the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a con- stitutional diam. regain. a eomrttthttonal treatment. Hall's Ca rrh Cure is taken in. ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous Bttrttum, ot the Intern, thereby dea- troying the foundation of the discus, and giv " the patient strongth by building up he eomrttttition and uni-ting naturein doing in work. The proprietors have-o much an in its curative powers that they otter One Hundred Dollar- tor any can that it fail- to cure. Sand tor lint ot teatimoniall. Addres- F. J. CHENEY & CO..Tolodo. o. Bold hi all drugginta. 76e. Take nu’l Family Pill. for constipation. The render- ot this paper will 113103.506 to learn that there in at loan one dre ed discus that science ha been able to cure In all In stage- and that In Catarrh. Hall'n Catarrtt Cut. In the only pom!" cure now known to tbs mgdlcql yamrnlty. Qatarrh, belly; 9. con: During 1901 two .tttschesiortr, 19.7 widowers. one spluster and 98 m- dows of the age of 55 years and over entered into matrimonr-Lon- don Expreu. t Peopi eseem less averse to stat- int.ttteir ages than'in past yea". the proportion. oLunstated ages in J99l.'pefryt lower than ever before. only 1.09 per went. of Husbands and 1.17percent."ot this wives de- clining to divulge their atretr. Un- stated ages are most common of all in (the cases of the remarriage ot widowers. ' who average age at which hus- lmnds smarry in baehelor-tmimrttrr marriages has increased from 26.39 in 1900 to 26.48 in 1901, and this average age of thielr wives trom 24.TC to 24.77, In all marriages for the year. the average age or the husband works out at 28.55. and tor tub wives. 26.39, as against 2f).47 and 26.29 respectively tor ttt the per-one married in 1901, 416 had been previously divorced. This in an increase or 20 over moo. " over'1899. and " over 1898. or the d16 divorced permu- who were remarried. 210 were men. ot whom 168 married min-ten and " wi- dows; 206 were women, 156 of when: married bacheion and " widow-ere. - In eight can: divorced men mer- rie divorced worrien. Ot thou hurried in 1901. 50 per 1,000 entire ‘huebande and 160 per 1,000 of the wives were minors. this being the lowest proportion ot minors far ‘botir-eexel since 1851. With? the exception ot 1899, when 50 was the nrooortlon ot husband- who. were ~minoxm - _ . ulnard‘l Llnlmont cut-e- Colds. on. "Diamond Htu1"--Ryrie Bros.--Toronto, is one of the largest retail jewelry stores in the world. A request will bring to your door-free of cost-our handsomely illustrated new catalogue. Ready for deliv- ery Nov. 15th. The great magnitude of our business permits of our sell- ing " money-saving prices. $l00 REWARD, $|00. We return your myin full with. out question if on recap! of Articl- grd'ered you In not Piefectly - From its "tagitrcettt stock of Din. Emmy, Jewelry. Silverware, Lungs; The Telephone on Farms. Diamond Hall BYRIE BROS. M133; gh'.'? 25c. JEWELEIZS I ". "o, [22 and [24 You. Sh, Toronto The Neighbor's Hope. ' throat Ind rar,"'P,',t','/'r, cures Cami and my Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A, W. Chm Medical. Co., Toronto and Bulk». b not direct to the diseased W, by the Improved Blower. cal: the ulcers, clean the air passages. stops droppl In the Quay-ML panama“; cures Divorces. with said sell A I to the Recorder In our own town or W P. Mont V - - “mask or W. F. Cunpbefl, Grand 073mb", iiiinh"dllt'8lt Crud Bowl“, 22,676, 25.000..."................................. 98,829........................................ 'to,917.................................................. Members. 18,288..... The best cure tor a man's Veggéét't' ls woman's laughttsr,--L, d3 Mat- themn. in Smart Set. Man is logical. but unreasonable; Rpman, Irrational. but convincing. If a. man ooaerves a woman care- fully. he will learn everything- about ter-ali that who wants hlm to know. Beietnmut--wiitiiiifou Isn't guar- anteed to go ott every time. Customer tgieerttlty)--Ptt take it. or Men and Women. Man admlrea woman. but love- hlmaelf; woman loves man, but ad- mires hersell. He who thinks to please by taking her at her word. is either a born tool or a self-made one. Ptttudelphiistted. Customer-you say this alarm clock '.t 60 cent: more than the other. Wyhgt Is the difference t Minard'. Llnlment cure. but“: In cow; CANADIAN ORDER or CHOSEN FRIENDS _', FIVE YEARS’ PROGRESS , "Doctor," said this Injured man fin- ally. with; a. whimsical tmrtle,"don'tt you think this in a. one for ablent treatment t" I Maud-Yea. I never saw 'a. man yet who wouldn't make a. tool ot himself. I l [an Painful. Chicago Post. The doctor got out his [nutrumenta and the patient watched hm: inter- es_tedly. 7 A DetroltFmPrc-I. Ciara-Mo you think them In any chance of his asking me to marry him? I t ' Use Lever- Dry Soap . powder) to wash woolen: and "ttneue-you'" 11k. it. 33 for. 'ta' Europe a. Ionian“! expend" trun- er. Secure your tie eta ot Grand Trunk ngenu. Robert B. Levin. Canadian PMIBII‘O! Agent, Yam “net, Toronto, Out, Be sure that your ticket- read via Grand Trunk and Lehlgh Valley routeofthe “Black Dlumoud Expreu." This ta the direct and but route from all f,tnee,i,t'U"e"tt I? this route luggage to now check tn bon and trom Cunadlau palate. The Lehlgh Valley has three station. In New York, up town near all ttrtrt.ela" hotels and down town near tut Europeag 'i'GGGiilr; douy, nvln‘g eery Sunlight Soap Irt?8r blayke9/T Judge. an. Jo---, think In: going to have appendicitis. " Mrs. 'tones-Ott, do you? Well. I think Pm going to have a. new but and your appendicitis can wait. ivig 15‘ PAW“ “ h WV‘S'? EEEEEE W-lllll . Ill ’ cum” l 0010K. SUIE um by all; m m If ALWAYS SEE "MI Ttte “VICTORIA" “um: can" Mlnard'a Llnlment '7 cum Distem- "ttttttt MAID” ‘IIEADLIWT" Just tho Clock no Needed. Making Choice of Daniel. mun-w special Inducements to JOIN NOW ASSESSMENT SYSTEM In Goth. to New York Always a Chance. ap will not injure or harden them. It ten soft. White and diltt (ttAl r.........-........................... MATCHES "tlMJYttuttmOMtt Year. 1 899. 1900........... "‘1' v“ Peer In PV you Min. dais}: Surf will not one... " comma. a“? tl 'li " a... 'd?tttStli! FREE] i "__ __. w. - w. “a . that Ipecn’dly tot-admin: tu Ppme Ci2"l'lh m. m not busy. Lida Ind 955. tahrndmrii 1! this chancel-d um (a! lb. man. My. w. wmwmmmhsmwllmanh M'.'A'N'l 1"2' PoetrmrrruadcaTii'i"id: I... Mtttit far Slim “Comm. t..fgtyyteryrr,,.-e tull-mired-im 'd',',! tutont . . Harrie-.Wc;39-%vanhmm%.%m humming“. P,,'e,r:r.tteeteeeeend-m- 'ik1r0y',ttteM2,e,tt "TU Anpl'n'hi-pu " “mimflylmd.”nnd“8iaylytonytm‘ 't Si2oe1eLiifE"i.iitt 0Ihoggwnsor. lefmtoadm. mam-m humbhhbdhlimmmuh 1eee,t./Se.iijEirii'ir,FraT'sl'e"."d'l"d Arrrr 1',',vedy.',rie.1triir,GFiri.eG7Cll'lt. Wh- "l'""""'"";;""",'?"";-':",",'"', "_-- - "may." “new, Macy}; Weber "i,1tteGiEiriiiiau' with it. Min 1. 84:, Rosenberg Cam, In“: 1',reitetot. re,trp,e,.htisfeEq7i;a'.é. It isqu beautiful. could not by, on. liU it in our 'stg far 33.003 attihiiieiiiii, all {at no". in . tt 3:33.; 'h'v'iiirsi,fiif!g"tijiiii' ma...” 2nt tts; "3.3.253: f,S'.hr.t1tfehe “I. 'a--...-....-................... Chicago“ "You believe in dignity. do you not P' "Seq-that ta, a. little tor all. amt a great deal for some." "Why a. smut deal for come?" “Them In nothing that conceal. Ig- nornnoe better than a. Properly cub. tletstasd air ot amt dgnlty.’ ' THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE. BERLIN, Ontario, tor the treatment of all forma 1 Ontario tor the tratideiot ati 166:; 1r7yiiiiii.5ir.bii.it5i'iiir. .wg met an up». not aim My 2t?i'ithi, ind _ uteaiiiriiFiifiia' natural Ipsech. W tetor puruculm. ARE YOU UNOOCUPIED‘! WE WANT alt or at lent part of noneone'e time In every locsuty. " you Ire making 320.00 . week don't write us. We only guarantee $2.00. though some of our representative. m melting "Thirty." ttt course. they u. hustlers. that l- tho kind we want, we have the good- that sell mat. It {on went to make mone§ write no a P0. can! quick. qulck. The . L. Nichole Co., Limited. Tor. onto, Canals. (Mention thla paper.) STAMMERERS CATCH ON.' THOSE DESIRING To start a lucrative. on. busing-a (no 9911!“!!ng QLJQRP_ “head. _ _Addyyey L. " "Vac-"ant tor an“? a? two; Inn-i be Rubble. Apply to u 88 FLETCHER. ts Walnut Itreet north, Hamilton. Ont. Firm, 1933 79th .ttxset, Briioefrui,lC2. Standard Stock Exchange Banal-3am Toronto. Our board room M,tl? not. It you howdqnamn. Exoep and “an". con- nection- enblo III to execute order- In 10 tlt'." onl- “Notable tenn- u 100 ohm o . Write today for our booking ”and orders. Bo. Thte.. B. k o., Un. Pm. Mo. Pic. I. L Con. Eda. 1tsa_diiur,A.yc,.9.t.s., Ae' yiii: down the 1'.e,'t In“! accumulation ot we Bmgdnnt ugdu apparent. " the do. "iiiiiifekrt" a Sandman. COIL, 15H“, Mullins, n. 1. Wu" - I such R R., we regard as PARTICULARLY AT. TRACTIVE at present LOW pm, and trade- In these eecurittee eori-atIvetr handled will. without doubt, chow unboun- ttel {route In thence: tutu re. W no you us waiting for tillage to settle down, the quiet, "and! mumululog oIIthe Stocks Are Cheap! Write tor our special letter. BranchOMoo. 166 “not. It. Mb." . .- . ct 'Plon: 860. lay when will all WP, per bathe! More thi- ogtlon oxplm. e handle account- of 1,000 hell and over on 1 we.“ mm M. l CUMMINGS 8s M, BUY WHEAT ll Vim!!! timt " Wall Street's Opportunities." Special “tendon given to antral-ton A Word to the Who I. , autuclont. Mama-u, hummus. Duvet petratq when to I." exchanges Rooms " """""""--.............. JAMES & C0., AND PROVISIONS. NT an "T AT, 1tycE, gamma, """""--........... Thorns One or In Doe. it and EVERY in than“: I', tt tt """""...-- no Halli 3104. DIAL-II [I " Victor!- Arc-do. hut-II. “WWII" “Huh-I" _', rm. ht. -.204.088.00 . 208580.00 . 938.880.“ . 364.018.00 . 600,00tt.tto vteimritud% Hum In! [mans-d. and "on the ark " Ema during: tl _ It had lost - and [run-r. f .4 unload it In K. so th battr, : " their snz' by tho Pt wrought em! m-m now it h: David. a dim-t di, north or m kUpi Old nno I, now rent ur'ui‘s rod "tl; h H‘iwr‘ws ix. d. but it in r Bringing Gunman: " maul p:. Mt', "N I lack. It " "te pix-sou the hlhlw various p!.'l had Ct, nn C' “I have "Pell t; mum God'o; ot mam". “21 MI: forth to Whlch he had I burning hush Blue“ “in n mm. of Inn“ dwlllng-plnm' and the "(HIV In. shown t, and " War 1- 71th that p duds of ya: the pattern will)" of ‘ no ner‘nssity “cation 07 1 otte-ltalr 51% Me nil wan It“! detail: PLertttet In did God NH hate! that oatted Abraham l all qervantr' um Abraham Ile lat In gluing tho t “mould nil 111" l h Me-d," and thi- promise, ma “on. conmrn us: IV. TN- , 66). G..,'., l van a burn' punimenu-u on the alum tho dunk: r mammal lt haven (I). A dqrwlling-phv hundred and rs: building or u..- u omit-red In tre, had boon Gm; l “on; "it! pm; dwelling-Maw, Imam; them frm: ',rire calm broad. til Chm". xi raised nl and Inst: otter pm toward h ‘Vor of hi of his ex 22-53.) In Solomon as ml» Ct't't tut of ts' to emi--ry lug. He d Nahum. l 'ug, was: or Victory t, Not one Wop "ited IT. G' m. Tho 1! do ot tthe hm Mr}. hot n d Israel. tlm h Mao chief of m but “all tho m Wm.“ t Brought up Mu "button hogan d the-COH-uunl with the Jcuur, idermsae, and 'L-rrus uuwpnu Mm chunk-.1 'tt d the ”rat-Iv " qrher. toucl.ol .1.) 0001mm m1. and An but ll-M' ha while the ark that. ' dodicalory M" the uni .7100”:ka a -tuary. It uw, Jehmah’q Ill tho mid-'1 q ”me (Her) thr, - ark of 1 11 tBatd only 'rl.anv,1 onion is dun-4 at Clmun. Y. 4-i middle " my th, qSttwn.-I, --TLe m: [use of v 10. 11. (‘low “Now took pl: not event in -ifmrtation new temple by which Ito had tabernu‘lt- me place. A shin: the morning. a house. ‘00 tha not stand to ' the cloud; for IQ- or the an certainty Md filled (than. v. Ute. templs II. Solomon 64-61), Bath plum) lorwa (mm ‘det 09w: “of tim Moe L The 'tti i (humouth an vi. 1'11). l -t6,d--'rme, NATION DEC M 8 til-"1m or Carryin‘ nu not dd I they dra Ird that " tho mac! cannot be in”. “1 ix. 1. It i or 'ry .at W mm by . and om"

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