West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Dec 1903, p. 8

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U (l LADIES' FURNISHINGS NEW ARRIVALS IN XMAS GOODS Xmas Gift Suggestions Something Useful MENS FU RNISHING S HOL" SE FURNISHINGS Goods that cost little money from 25c , ' up to 01 50 and a large assortment to Don t Porget we handle choose from. the Happy Thought Range. 5000 lbs TURKEY WANTED before Christmas. Highest Price paid tor Produce. WE? ARE PREPARING plain Linen. These are priced from Se to Soc. a are inst. br. inning to display these Goods and it will be cry plermre to have you come early and In at them and 1f pleased make your nelection. Handkerchiels Embroidered, Hematitched, Lace and 2t', anywhere. Our great dollar and ten cent Kid Glove is fully guaran- teed and will give considerably more than " " worth of style and satis. faction. Other kinds are priced from 75c to 01 4o. Why not combine usefulness with your Christmas generosity and give something from this list. Our stock of Gloves, Handkerchiefs.,Fancy Collars, Belts, Silk for Waists, French Flannels for Waists, consists of every- thing that is new,---) you will find this an easy Store to shop in when you don't know what to buy. Yes, apnir of Gloves would be up- ptopdate and we we safe in saying The Big Store i, Alex. Russell . H. AftDtDkfLliiiyp. In Wool and Shetland Floss Umbrella Shawls and Wraps from Me to $2.00. Dainty Handkerchiefs, l doz in fancy boxes, from 750 to $1.25 per box. New Ladies Neckwraps at different prices. Some very stylish linen Collars in new styles, 2 for Me. A very extenswe Stock of Ladies' Silk Collars from 26e up. Stylish Blousings and new neck Ribbons. Gloves both kid and wool, new Belts and 'a"i"i"ie wool Mufflers, an:l many other things which space forbids our mentioning. New Down Comforters, White Bed S reads T l Clot-h, -Tnble Linens and Napkins.p W001 Burg: (Reversible). Stylish silk Scarfs and Chest Protectors, The new " Four-in-0ne " fancy Suspenders in dain- ty boxes. 10 dozen New Ties, reg prioeWhs each, for Christ- mas trade 40c or 3 for $1.00. Way’s Mufflers, Sweaters, Shirts, Collars, Glove and Fancy Hosiery all new for the occasion. For an Extensive Christmas Trade. Below we give m abbreviated list of some of the Gloves Belts: The Big Store. Come in and we will assist; f you in making selections/ie/T' New Currants & Raisins. New Peels, New Dates, New Figs, &c. New Tomatoes, Corn and Peas. Waistings to sell at Soc upwards. The latest Styles and Colors. Cushion Tops FANCY NECKWEAR, RIBBONS &c. Everything New& Fresh in the Grocery Line--- Silk & French Flannel culvwsu any vv __-___ - Hurry Walton, formerly clerk in J M, Until I to": tthe f en' Paper. "The Findlay-3 store. who has been touring , 5mg: I vgelghE: tMgt use“ 'llt'dftil'itigie the tyaurs dung; the spmmer. 'rag cal- 'de (Island P” out " sax-pin; copper: to make ling on some (Hands this week. Heh murmur. R Linn. Frank Adams returned -utsry from the North Went when be In: been for saw- oral years, god will spend the winter A very plenum and successful enter- tainmenr use given in No. 12. S. 8.. (Henry's) on the evening ot Friday lest. where the sum of 028 We: realized. which goes commie helping to my for a. very tiue large hall. which the sectmn use placed on the school at 1 cost we are told of 075. Bee D L Campbell Occupied the choir. Inep. Campbell de- livered the address ot the evening. speaking tshiefly of [he benefits to be derived from a good education and point- ing on in several respects the superior- tty of Grey Co. pupils. also the educa- tional tenefit derived lrom meetings of this kind in training the young to express themselve- and to appear in public: a good address attentively listened to. The scholars in their various recitation acquitted themselves admirably. The dialogues Were also well performed. the " Yankee school " affording many amusing skits. Songs of welcome were given by the school. tsolos by Muses Grave Reid end Mary Broen and a duett Miss June Leith. who lately left this pvt for Mtutitobtc was quietly married (In her arrival in Winnipeg to the mm of her choice. Mr Thou Knox. burly of Boothville. The Ree Gordon (“Ralph Connor") of " Black Bock " fame, per- mnued the cenomony. The] no resid- in: in or non Boiuenin. Man. Mines: Agnes and lean Ronwick ue taking the loud in preparing the musical part for tho Anal“! Chriutmnu tree treat in Russell Hall on Christmas eve. by Messrs Wm Ramage aul W Iwuc. the latter playing the ouurompaniments for Mn Jae M Allan and Geo Reid, who each olayed with 'sxeelient grace and ptecismu on the violin. Bubt Aitkena. of the Wth, Ins trnded fun-nus with John Rice. of the 10th Con., getting goo acres for loo acres, Ind of course giving cash to boot. Herman Haw, we no gl d to know. recoyored from his amt-ck of sciatica and visjtod Durham a fem dug ago. Prank Orr, Item the 16tb, now acou- pws the house occupied by the lace Mrs Amos. [Our commodont and: two lengthy item on nu " nttt'oetgarettat mud. " and cu " Fin-o'clock Cloning " Ellen's." which show: him in Iympcthy with both movementu. Our - turbid: putthah- in: in ttttU-HM.] ht the corner of Huckleberry Avenue nod Lover's Lane we overheard a young lady culling dawn on nunplolom youth in good old sailor style. Her words showed the pouuauion of a. largo vocabulary and wave sharper than n tum-edged sword for who let on: on him aomothing liko the mliowine: " It yon thank you can go with that crass-eyed. pugnosed. wuss]:- wnisted. rod haired bunny. With hear freck- lest. allow complexion. and No. 9 feet, and then run after me you’re mistaken I don't play second tiudle to nnylmdy and I want you to under-Inna it." Ho depar- M in I very pensive mood and now they are n cold nun distant u the new moon 1 l Mio M A Isaac has been on a three- weska' visit ho friends in Gait. A mug of stalwarts hom Bruce county are In the vicinity having and inking out telegr-ph poles. They are at present: ope-slang m the swamp purchased from Wm Smith. A number ofthe burgh“: took in the concert " Berkeley on Thnrsdto evouing and report a. pleasant. time. which on": Ifttgt Mt “)1”wa "w both Buikiirg o'er-hone ore in full twin“ movements. Our - lorhlds publuh- nmnnd here " Archie Formula in prepar- "W W tuil.--Ed.] in: to build A new brick house and Joe We understand am John Pickett, of Cami-ell is preparing for the emotion of 3 Berkeley. han heen nppointed [Anon-e new bun Inepectnr. This, we think is e good WI John F, Ferguson hu returned home poinlment no we know him to be 'tttnina' i from Own: S -mnl where he hoe heen for the custom. too common now-n-dnye of! a In: wueku "min-going n trrtttturnt for aching Ii non elm new: on Setnrdey i hi. ore. . nigh Al on Sunday and we "not. thet i D Melon-no in mining a mm band he mey new the sci-operation of nary l from [he mum of n felon. law-abiding citizen of the community iu-l A arm-l "utrot:aiutueut is dated for puuintttotop to ttttt cnetom and tne hymn , Friday, llm Iith n! ihu month " Booth. “P to the letter ot the law. I nil. sch-ml house. the tension being JuhnE Whittaker, Wife nnd daughter, the opening of tite new school " that of Durham. IT. spending a. few any: in plnco. A very lwrge magi-um is arranged Ceylon at the parental home ot Mr Wlsit- for that c'ate and eyervbody should at.- taker. tend Wm Davey. accompanied by his sister, was AIICO. returned last week from the Prairie Provmco, where they "" been waning their sister. mm Jan Ledinghnm. Wm Buy returned last week from the vicinity of Arthur, where ho had a contact of muonmg and planning. Miss Stewart. of Mooretielnl. has taken charge of the uilliuerv department. at Beardsley * Co. A merry sleivhhaul of young people from the burg drove to the 'totypiuble home ot Thomas Armstrong. of Holland, on Tlmxsdny evening of Int week, and spent: pleas-mt time in various gnmm and amusement: till the wee sma' hours of the mornin'. John E Whittaker. mfg nnd dungbler. of Durham. are spending . few duv- in Ceylon at the puma! home ot Mr Whit.- ' Mm Ionison and her mother In Tray- nor. of Owen Sound. were in Ceylon last week tho ttuerte ot In John B Egan. A social wider the auspices of the Ladieo’ Aid Society wan held in the Presbyterian church on louday evening toextend a. hearty larewall to Row A P Ledingbam and lamily. who left the Tues. du lollowing for India. A goodly num- ber were preuent. and a plmlsunt. sociable tune was spent by all. Will Nichol, of London. Ont., Was magma“ ucquninnuco in Ceylon Int Bert Sherman. of Inmate Junction In: in Ceylon on Sand" Int. John Puckett, of Berkeley. wu in Gay. lon on Saturdny. Word we: received on Wednesday of the death ot At house A St. Denis. which occurred at Mt 'il'd':'lll'/ Avenue. Toron- to. In St Denis we. in Cevlon last num- mer and by his kind and minnow. ways made many lrierids who wlll regret his early death NORTH 30 REIONT. 'rme DURHAM Runnmw DROIORE. on you. DORNOCH. ONTARIO ARCFlW TORONTO "'liiG avenge tome: will sell oft his 100 more. about tire or all hundred dollar, worth and K, per cent ot 000 is 0150, lo that our Income isles. by $150 than it would beif wetmd those menace. removed. Then in it not worth oomblnl lotto hue them removed. You "N uk 'k'lllt it we never head of ail this before l' ell it I: the My cry that ha keptul in the dark and the my newspapen have kept us in the duh on m. rad-puny 'st',)';)))',',';);',',)):';',';,',)','.';',',',',,','.", belittle" the when: to whit a family of bonus fed children the Government he. The Government is‘not only loading us with I heavy rcvunue tax even now but they are piling it u for our children and grand children in the shape or: in: tscpumuUtiug public debt. It you organize and combine then you will become a political force, if you don't you are like a ttock of scattered saucers and the}; will let in the wolves and they will tleeee you M t " ire doing now and will do. The great Sir Richard Can-twright wu making it speech in the Music Hall. Toronto. in the August of 1900 when it voice came up out of tint. grim! throng " What about thosemyeura of mhbeiy." But I would go back farther and say those 40 or 50 years. The Conservatives ttet the example and the Lilwmls have followed in their Mack With a nicely that " curious to describe: So liberal are they to what, they were 10 or 15 yen-n ago. How long must. we submit to have our inon:y taken and given to the rich? Is it not. high time that it should he stopped. As we said out at Di-oinore. so let, us say now and here in Durham. No more bonuses. no more giving away of land and money by the million. no more piling up of the public debt. Ac. We have a petition of over 100 iiaiiiws secured liv Me Grades, of Egrell'lgnl, against. this giving away. ~n.v........, "nu-u... _...- BI'IIIK away. ac. The number is not large hut If we had only one of such men tn each Tp in the riding what an "ttiueuee, what a. power it would he. to put in the hands of our representatives to proleat against, the Injustice being done to farmers and worhmtg men. Jun think how generous the Government In to the rieh and how umnrdly to the poor. If Manner mum to tileairaitt " land they will lend and with interest bat not give as they do to 2lyi',',",2y, And rich men. Let us comb: .-' and nan up and nine our voice: and our votes sud our petitions n I protest against such tnaladtninhrtratias. ZIiihple. ' "_"" ___ "M “V" Now a it uppers that wel income In awnionnte 'r,'lieA'NtPi'ntgt,,gg'hr high prices and government bonuses md so 0 in nltum. let us see what that new; in pm usually. the histogitus, an. that in the reign of Wm m the politlchna smelt to their party thrown thick and thin. Now Sir, we don't want my men men in Pullmem " ell, they etc mere tools. Can we not have independent conservative, And in- dependent libel-ell. We have even now in Pulle- ment some notable exceptions to the common herd of voting whines. Can We not here and now in Durham "and up as web for our own rights end Mr play for ell and let it be seen that we no the independent electors of Bout Grey. The Fermer‘s Asoocinuon mu ulteedy shown its iuttuemee for good. We find the great Mr Ross coming down to the farmers pad "ring, that " the day of bonuses and Iubsuhes u past." last us take mango and keep on end be sure to combine and in due time the frat Sir Wilfrid with his mug] gm Yul come own and follow Mr Ross' good In the. family mmpuct. there are three degrees of attiuity. ihere is a politiuJ affinity, n couuuercial or fiuautuutl tiff! nay and u blood relationship. But our thlng is very strange, d not very sm- pictnus. and that, is the rendinms, Um willingness. with which our mum-y la given may by the Government and mlimnent. If it was then-own money. very Well. ur if it was the money of the riot) taken and given to the poor, bad enough, charitv included, but to take the hard earned money ot the taller Mid the consumer to make rich men richcl. it in not uni: tobbety but wan-ac. it is like the ric man who spared his own flock but took the poor wiuow's lamb to tent hm friend noun. News is very we. Around her. " present and everybody ll be” Ind akin; “vantage of the good thinking. The Governnmnl and Parliatuent com- lnne to give away our money and the man with his hand In the mummy doesn't. seem to he horny fieted with his friends. You have heard of the family compact. in 1837 when the famous Wm. Lyon McKenzie raised his puny arm but he failed and had to tlee. The sword is u. dangerous weapon Luv. we have a soft-r and more civilized weapon. Let us meld that little bit of paper called the hullul and show to the world that, there is power in the any that can lhrust in the sickle and guide the plow. we are here to romhine and we hm " {rent lemons fur an (lning. Unlu- bumtmn i: the order of the day. We have cotutriues above us and around us but, none beneath us. We are looked upon as at lot of useful men. "The horny listed. the hewer of wood and the drawerof water. the burden. lsearer"nnd truly so when we look ttt the amount of iuitueot revenue tax which we have to hear. Above us We have the Gavern- ment and Pm-lmment. comhined and around us we have vailroatto. umuufuc- lures, iron sun-hers. "trip builders and so on ad iullnitmu until at but We are forced to cumbiue and form an associa- tion m our own defence. Smith Grey, Sept. so, um To the Editor of the Dutrhtuttlitev.ev Please. Mr. Editor I would ask space. for a. few thoughts which I Lulu! tn pro-sent at. our meeting in Durlmm (In the evening of the thirtieth. ....... Mr. Unairumn and Gentlemen. Quite a nnmlwr from this side attended the party pat Hugh MeDonald'ts the other man: In! Inul . good tune. No more man il mnnicinnu being prenem to commie the hem- of the people who wemhlui there. A Fermi-"n Is this week " Owen said as A juryman. i Witet we ltmsr-Tlot we may have a. green Clnriulmas. That Archie goes out now and is mum: to stick to it. Master Irving hit-Arthur in engaged taking the ice barge of the "on and tmwh. ing the snow of the cedar tops. _, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, DADA. VALLEY. _ v.taandttlrt. 10.100! x. b, LI.” E33 REEF: VOL REV! RI"! Raw REV! R new R Hug R EV! 1“:qu REV! 1-. The Dar, A nit Ippn Coll. IN ev, Silk. ered link Sir Tab! Ara pm

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