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Durham Review (1897), 17 Dec 1903, p. 1

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bs ie' (In t Boyd itil you our In - te mom We Way 'g for the select. he 10'- he the ier. wears ES. 1-21-2332 pape left a HIM] AT make MINT: 331': I Q I'd 'ii',, JAMES IRELAND g SIS/teateries/lemma-agrarian-rim-gtk", fiagmsmgmxmmmmmm iiiliijr,ijj.ji,i, EOnly 6 Shopping il ti Days till Christmas E VOL. A nice one would be very much appreciated by somebody you know. Collars. new designs. all colors. " 25e, Me and 50e. Silk, Muslin, Linen. Embroid. ered and lace trimmed, all prie" es trom 5e to 750. Make a very acceptable trift,-. good range at very low prices. Large and well fliled yet light. pretty patterns. 82.00 to 2.50. Chenille or Tapestry Table Covers, good colon at 75e T to 83.00. Sateen Cov- Comforters Umbrellas d; Parasols Ladies' Handkerchiefs Ladies' Fancy Stock Floor Mat or Rug You are in for saving money if anything on this list appeals to your ideas for Christmas giving. And we've lots of things that aren't on this list. . N0. 51 Table Cloths. Tabla thkins, Pillow sums, 'r'emsriqpoilits, Wool, Kid or Mocha. wool or silk ‘ lined, " 25tt to 81.26. Very swell effects. One ofthese would make a lovely Rift. 50e to 81.25. Ties. all shapes. See our spec~ ial Derby 'g in Fancy Presenta- tion boxes at 50c. How about a pair of cozy pretty Slippers, plain or fancy. felt or leather. We have them in all sizes. Plain or Fancy Slippers Men's Neckwear Lovely Linen's Men's Mufflers, Men's Gloves ii3ittiig, -' Don't forum that we have a lovely’ array of Table Linens for Christmas giviit--Jtw. Ireland. a A fresh stock of Candies. Nuts. Table w Raisins. Am. just arrived for Christmas E i trade at H. H. Mockler’s. ', What about a. nice cozy pair of slippers? .We have. them to ht any i member of the familr--Jns. Ireland. 313mm TmrrtsDijiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiii 17, "iiiiiii] F Rav. Mr. Hanna lectured in the _ Methodist church on Wednesday aven- ing but in the Interests of the local , branch of the British and Foreign Bible l Sociely. The lecture was an exhaust! in survey of the work of the 80cm in every part. of the world and the are!» presented of growth and itttiurnee dur. mg the alum“ 100 your: were nut-prams 1nd gramfving. Still the society in 'a‘mung at broader thinks. and sumo-ah i, CHEAP UoAL.--Rev. Chas. Leann. “Hinton. Indiana. in remitting for his REVIEW. mentions that he is now in the mutt coal district of Indiana. and get, ihig furnace coal at '2,00 a. ton and [screened can} 82.25. He has been in iCIinmn. a city of 4000. since Sept and his church in that. time has made a. shin I in membership of M. BAND or BoPth---Ttto Band of Ho ' Concert given last Friday evening l); the Presbyterian Church wan well nt- tended considering the bad Weather. Too much praise cannot, be Riven to the Indies. Miss Margaret Gun. Miss A. Gun. Mrs Nichol and Miss Stern”. for their unurin effort. in behalf of the children. The “Pan Drill " was nicely done. and the recItMiona by the little Misses Crawford. Livingston and Warmington were well rendered. A couple of good instrumentals by Mr G. Yirm accom- panied by Mrs Newton was well re- ceived. Rev. Mr. Smith delighted the audience by his " (Hulk Talk." Rev. Mr. Farquharson Billed the chair in hie usual pleasant. wsy. Uspt. o. M. Snider is no longer a bachelor. L is reported that he has shondoned his former forces nod joined the ranks of the Mnedicts. This is not. taking us altogether by surprise as he had "sported the trat' for sometime. In Hanover on Wednesduy of last week he was urtited in the matrimonial bonds to Miss Glam Fritz, one of our blooming young maiden“. The community ex- tends congratulations and best wishes tors happy and blissful career of married life.-- Ayton 9raryels.---l The anmw and his many friends here extend felici- tations --Ed.] alum)" at Broiler things: knif Gig id for I“: to in hertetieent work chosmah: cordially met, . RENEW r--we hope all who can will renew an early in the month as possible to prevent the rush at the and of the our. Study our clubbing termg at left hand of Titre on ',1u'i'gg','u,',t and if you wish 2 or moreoutsi e papers we can quote {on surprising thrirara. Have your in tel lead "dee TW' or beyond it, an soon as ihle. and thus secure our handsome gummy Annual to he issued in a few days. VARNEY Cam anus 'rnrre.--As usunl' Friday evming of next. week. Vurney Methodists hnve their Annual Christina tree, and a pleasant evening is in sight. Rev. Mr Little is to he prcsnlit. the Misses Cornish will sing. and ashort row-am by the pupils will complete the literary part. Mr Wm Allan is to he chairman. Popular prices. A apecinl meetings of Durham Lodge No. 446. C. O. F., wi l he held on Friday evening. Dee. 18t h. for nmmmuinn and election of omen-n. All mambo"; are requested to he present. J. Morn'r. . J M. HIPBUBNI. C. R. Secy. Trans. A RACY Ltrrrtm.--.0ld and young will thoroughly enjoy Mr R. Cnrhrnne'i, flue letter in this issuP. Next week we shall give another instalment even mare interesting. We are planted Mr Coch- mne has "tttken pen In hand" for he Wield: " mm. A number of wedding and other rings. a few watches. some oilverwnre and Jewellery still left, of the late W. A. Maeharhine's Stnck. At the Drug Store. 3 Xmas Novaltiee such as Fancy Hand- kevchiefn. Neckwear. Gloves. Silk Sus- and": in fancy boxer. Mufflers he. are in; shown in Beautiful and Extensive assortment: at H. H. Mockler's. Ilhe Owen Sound hotelreeperq have returned tok whiskey. The 10e kind was too rich for their Hummer-’8 blood. and mo hard on their customer’s pocket. Fon t:1ALR.--tvo Durham Bulls. Pedi- greed. One Room. 9 mm. old. One Red, 17mm. old. Will hesnld cheap. Apply ll? 2'. G'. Morrison. Rocky Saug‘en The " ttateea of Eganville public school have decided to engage David Hicks. B. A.. Alvinstnn. Ont.. as principal. at a. salary of 8800 per ttttnum.--). LIVEBY furar.-.-.Mr Gowanlock has sold the livery part of his business to Mr Jan. Neil. who continues busmess at. the old stand. The Gift Giving Season is close at hand. Fur suggestions of usuful and ltr'"""'""" gifts. read H. H. Mockler’s a . A pair of kid gloves made. by Pewny would be " useful Xmas gift. For sale at Grant's. Drop in at Mooklo-r'a and inspect. their display of Xmas Novelties. Money to Loan M " per cent. Mackay & DUNN Durham. ' Try us and be convinerd that WP have " well assorted stock of Xmas Goods- - Darling‘s. . Lovely Ehnny and Rosewood Toilet sets at Darling’s #4559:- 'i?.-..',.'! omcs i til We will give FREE to every lub- scrlher. who. when renewing " own Lutrttiption, sends or brings One Dnllur for a new subscription. a. free year] subscription to the Mantra! Heard. This could he TIt “cured and is worth trying for. T e Herald (not the Family Hemld) Is as 2Gpage weekly paper and Linguine and to get It so easily. in an opportunity not to be missed. rr your neighbor to-day. Dec. 16. m. Fred A. Gibson. ot LiiGiiirl,' " the residence of the bride’s brother. Mr J. W. Cornish. Wascunn, Assn. The bride w“ well and favorably known in this common" and ever ready to work and int1uernee in the better way. We join heartin in wishing Mr and Mn Gibson " happy and pmpemuo journey on life's voyage.-). Forest Coated. chnunm "Iaa2Artrt.--Frida, but. tho splendid uleighing we referred to in our but. lune was rudely interrupted by a heavy Muster-ins snowfall whlch con. tinned into Buurd‘y. A tew hour- thaw and some min in tho ntternoon gave way at. nightto colder weather and more wind and snow extend") on "no Wednesday. Honda are block's in some places and stages have had trouble ttet. ting through. but. the train has gown regularly mouth late. On Wednetday of last week. Dec. 2nd. at high noon, Miss Agnes Garnish. eldest daughter of Mr and Mr: Joe garnish. 2a.: united in marriage to Mr The Cement Works had to close down to-dny owingln a curious condition of tttfairs " the lake. It appears the water has come on top ot the ice and made It impossible for men to move a- hout except. under the most untoward conditions. The prospect.- are that. the works will he clmed till after the holi- 'l'g,t though there is about. It week's gr "ding on hand. All will hope to we the hitt ttrea blazing again soon. Waterloo; Henrv 11rrGorCTiifitGii",. Gretta. Nichol, Wnst Bentlnck: Ethel Limin. Lacuna. 7 Wang: nu: Mona-urns Go.--Nine of the pupil teachers attending this session have mum! schools as fol. lows t--Alhe Blurkhum. Von-no l Grace Eve-rim. Palmerston; Mahel Hyunt. or. may; Marion Mum". Wuudhy: Jame Elation, Louise: Henry McQunrrie. WaterqugA Henrv “fathom Bolton, I Madame Lavinski did a “land once business " in Wulltnlnn but week. The number of easy marks uveram-d nearly a hundred ,diy, Thu Madame is pretty smooth. --Brtufe Herald. Madame La. vihnki is a Dalmint. and tells your fortuno. The Glocke class" her victims with the kind that are not all dead yet. THELACROSSE Cram cot-.-...; ing to the disagreeable wmtther, only a. small crowd attended the Lacrosse Bog. Concert. given Tuesday evening for t. e second time this sauna by the Gauthier --Andmon Co. The shnw was good enough. hut. the have have had poor luck the last three months. Bntukitslly and otherwise. Mistake made in shipment. Shipped to us and we did not want. 'ttem-GO not. them at a. low price-Wholesaler'; loss is Your gain MUST BE BOLD. AT DARLING'S DRUG STORE. RIM) Tutu ALL.--0m routers " under a apecm'l debt of gratitude to our advertisers this week for the attractive wuy they ltst thew goods for Christmas trade. Auyonn wanting to select at present! and who doesn't. ) can have no trouble in doing so. Only a few of thou- henutvful Rugs and Door Mats left. Come and et one befrwe. they ullgn. Thnv wank? make a beautiful and useful Xmas gift. At Grant's. Tme ANNUAL Ttuert.-.The Annual Uhriatmas Tree Entertninment in con- neerion with the Methodist S. B., will he held on Tuesday evening next. in the ghurch. A Good program. Admission 3 as. A HORSE theAD.--Tht, Fleshermn Stage man has had peculmriy had luck with the storm. hunts": lost a horse which Rot injured in the (Inna. Wouldn't the house mother appreciate a. rich looking Mat. or Run for her troar? We have some beauties-Jas Inland. Mr. J. A. Darling has jun-t Added a. very attractive show CMP' to his store and has it, filled with appropriate Christ. mas Goods. As a Christmas Rift nothing excels Furs. 10 per can! " all furs from now till C,hrut.imve--at Ireland's. V Highest Cash Price paid for Mink. Fox. Skunk, Coon and all kinds ..of ruv furs at Peel. the Shbeman’. store, A Down Comforter or u Reqeuilvle Wool Rug would make A very accept- able Rift, H. H. Mockler has them. Have you new what a nico- rimm- have of Muck sateen waists from ' up tp .d00--st Grant’s. _ 1 . It would he hard to tind a finer dig. plwy of Xmas neckwenr than is to he found at Ireland's. Everything carried in a. ttmt class Drug Store and at, moderate prices you will find nt Darlintr'ss. _ I wish I had It pair of felt anon. You can Ret. them tor either men or women nt Grnnt'a. Santa. Claus has left a shipment of Christmas Stockings for the little ones atGrnnt's. B'hles. Hymnnls and Prayer Books. Nee our '1.00 Bible. worth '1.ti0--nt Darling’s. Chamois vests, all sizes. fur Ladies or Gents. the largest. much. at Darling’s. Prim-ville Public Librarv Concert has peer) postponed to Monday. the 21st. Inst. _ GOOD FOR ONE IONTII. DOLLS! muss: TORONTO W In! nan , $55949? lner din. . eOir . a Whenthau " to he m The males t ff, "grime e wager It class , Encapudm ' a er Jena me” you_ M Ant-Heel}; it, 8qu Ir”; II . , nu nu up "W' we i 6t With Sword n m 81.00 " The Iatat W01 F I 'll Prt 2iit,tt 1 Dtuat to t excels 'ld ,'l'g'2i.'2'et,te . Penw am now as s,1,ti,'r,'iitiiiii1 tl m“... 2' o l ' Mmk- 71 {mo-awn- .of nw 72 Wet.' ofF . tt kw of L ' ht 'd MP“?- veni , a 5 on: es ' " " The Viceroy-g '-trt- no ACablnet Sew “n- tt Pluoewd Pow _---,.--, 78 Rich-rd Roan [dad a. M“ , store I 'gl, Chrilt- MI m 'll", herlon "" d luck 'll'l bone 38? mo Rtttts an {at one 4lt2 make Att Wit 1;, -ii" - :5" idk" " " '10 Witch the next Prices: 'tJuaie'ru.tyteCttnins 'mrttytted.arttettt8.y.L' w M and Equipment. Ttre School In In This is the Plnce to buy your and mmqu-u'm'firflrw “Yum presents atst.1 “" ""t'i'ltl ALLAN ”and: tt money. See our window. was L. u. mint. can. “a “can. A. li. annual). Ut Ch- Ph?f-at. ll fl mull t SON WWW-- *qtmttrte ' ' of “I. can soon “I. mu. " - Two Stores, - ' ' ..0ttrw ' Durham and Repel“. I Wm. "ees et. "ttle, '13 We: & Gents ue gold-ttlied Wat-Im- for .12 " It ‘I lok " II " locket. Bracelets. Plus. Cal Links. Md Solid Gold Rings " then tap plea. We have the trade and intend to keep it. To do this we use the people right. No two price system here. A list of prices like the following will make long experienced, people won- der. Look : J TNY 2 Years in DURHAM XMAS GOODS 2! Ill Durham's mm mm Slate ir Bmochel tn {any Boxes Wuosusmw. Due. 23.... Mr. J no. Por. ster. Lot 26, Con. 6, Bentinck. offers for sale Farm fmck and Implement; on 1ttreGmrt orthe storm. Nate “one o'clock. Lots 61 and 62. (Jon. 3. N. D, R ' Bmtinck. R. McNAvamN. R. amount. Prop. Auctioneer. menu announced for this wdek irij0il. potted till WG to God, The BeauittGi' (9. 5177 ttttt I The following new books have been added to the Puhlic Library and will be ready for disttihutiou this Thundny ( evening. Those sulmcrihers who now lnwe hooks out and have had them he- E"iiit tho two weeks. which they are allowed to keep them. will pleura» return ( same at once. BY ORDER. " NO. Name Authrw _ “Nady Rae'- 1ltmyttt..--....umrruw,, a T,raeutgekit" Hummer... ... ..lA Bonnet! ( a) The HmotPer-Ilm . ..lAwum-hmoxug II Ilse: 1ers secret ..-.. ..... " g 51 A Little Girl in Old Detmlt.......,...A M Douglas ', M Wheat!“ land was Young WI. “can I a The Bottle Ground....., s...... .....t,. “..EGlugow _ so At tter1metppoitiudC.C.C.'.C.'.'i. M. WI 1 B. The powttosrdoutiiar.'r.'rr.C. ........I.lllsn Bell a The Proud Prince... .. ... ....Tll Nt't'qrthr, 57 Her Serene mane“... _.. ... WIN) Phillips I " _AThrHeeiBaionf. ._. ... ... ...." Dl'elton " flurkadrs Inn.. ... ._. Br' ”Isakmswn I mania; lune" .. ... ..' ...A Moeruon ax with Sword and CTucitU ... ... WEnHlee a 'heuatwoid .F. ... ... ... ..,A McGownn! ll Xtt_et6erisate Banks .r. ... .. ”M J Holmes 55 AMhtcronhc Snows... ... Fe. ...J London I Minna-d ... 'WF ... ... ... ..GAntlmny B7 havenwonhmse,.. ... .. ...AKGru-n ER _Amoatqthertee ._. " Inn-er IO ' of Paradise”. ... ... ...R Chomhen 70 gulch” Two .. ... .r. ... ...FFUOOI!‘ n Ah---.-, The little, of Fin-m Syn-k ttttd/tttple tt tiiiiiWif KETTT it“. 'P/rg ... 'Fm “y o ... ... ant: of Life... ... . Folk... ... ... .. m 1tlt,t,t/pNi,i,td2. com 'I _ , A Cabinet Sign“. TP. ..r “wound Power ... ... 160th Ronni ... F.. The Pool in The Dunn The Nearer Eut- 3 Years War .. Kuhn-ll iseteniisTTT C ... ...A B Barkley Admin hem" In In America . .F A Luca Modern lnvelmom ... ... ... ...A WHHIlnl Story of Rapid Trunk, ... ... ... ...w1m.on " " -. -. GLASS H. CLASS B. Prime Ministers of Queen victoria -.. __ _ULASS A. With the Atifesto “an '.. R: St',1ggtp,rdf,2- ... n " ... Though a an”. ... ... Olympia: High ... ... pr* Beyond the Grant Bomb Wall The Future of War .. ... . . The Golden Fetish ... ... ., Them” alumna!” __. ..t Ye Mariner: of Englnnd _.. LUBSDAY. DECEM BER 22nd That in Keeler'a Store. SALE REGISTER. Roar. Bulauiu. Auctioneer. POSTPONED SALE. PUBLIC LIBRARY. CLASS D. CLASS F CLASS K. " ' iirreiirojrrTiit ... " moi ...l-2 F Benson (My mum '...l-: T Fowler W H Van-bl: .. . F fMviht _ I 8 Bloch ...r. Phiipotta .J Fennlmom D c "mu-m , Cc' De Wet . Mu Gray arm E Cotes ...r mia Ros. _ ..A Mrs'hoit Alina-99 u Rig-bin Smith Remy l mars may 5 1l(jllllllll (RIN. Durham Scuool THE ReviiiiiOtfiiuG'i only----------...-, While we are placing speciel emphasis on, Christmas Geode just new, we would not like you to forget that we never let our Drug Department lag behind. If you require any- thing in the way of Drugs, Petent Medicines. Rubber Goods or Toilet Articles we the at your eervice with e most complete stpek, Toys of all kinda, and Dolls' Carriages. Beds, Setof Dichu. All of Games, Picture Books, C. Books, Mouth Organ, t'ru!.rre-r-armms---.ariiiiii The above are jl st a few ingestion: of the many lines we carry. It would take a page oh this paper to begin to tell it a . MacFarlane t Go. Druggists t Boutsallars. J. BU RN ETT, Ebony Clothes or Hair Brush, Mullet, Smoker's Set, Well Bound Book, Violin, Special Cup and Saucer, etc. -. -. “I'VT "In: IQUII' 13quth to the Rlvmw up to and for' MIN. Bounce of the cur free to new Inhncrlheru for Tll. NOW' is the time to tenew or all» scribe. Adm-mu- all m-do-n. to Ol‘uD I)DIVIn-'v n---- >4 6paI1rComfort8oap.....2se 61bRice....... ......25c 6ttr'Nprm............2se 3tty"ewRnisine ........25o 2 ttr Pulh Seeded Raisins 250 shadowed Currnnu. 2he Tfttr'ittr..... ..... ...250 3 Boxes Pure Gold Jelly.25c 3Battlmfihttmet..... ..au Baker's Peolmlac Crx-t&Blaeewelit " .205 We pay Cagtt for Produce Wrist Baits, Purses. Card Cases, Hand Mirrors. Perfumes, Brush and Comb Tmy, Beautiful China, Perfume Atmnizem, Fine Stationery, etc. FOR THE CHILDREN Our Hsmhomp nur-di Hot, IPAXI: NUMBER is given free to .." -. - ___, . all FOR THE t1ElllTLEllliElll We curry inch a varied stock of "tides that are suitable for Christmas Gifts that you should have little difficulty in sinking a Selection There isn't much time to wuste and we believe you could uve yourself A [mt deal of trouble and worry. yes. Ind money too. if you come direct to our Store. FOR THE LADIES About the lollowing price They are simply good value. and if you are not getting them where you deal, you cu: get them You mutt be up and do- ing now to get what presents you require for your relatives and friends. CLOSE AT HANE CHAS RAMAUE. Pun-rm no human CHRISTMAS Durham, Ont. Upper Toms. , or luv; JiiariiVii. 'utrfumied up to Dolls Dolls' kinds ' Ont.

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