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Durham Review (1897), 17 Dec 1903, p. 2

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a br. . The utility or om fashioned tarm ‘munnros was shown by Mr. Zavitz‘s .report of the comparative experi- 'anentre w1th manures and fortltizers. it also showe-I the poor results where 'er fertilizer is we'd and the need ot pal-ions soils of different artificial lant food. An interesting supple-- granary report was given by Prof. {Btu-court. showing that $29,692 worth of bones, and $70,720 worth t tnnkage were exported last year krom the Dominion. and $53,693 Worth of wood ashes, or 1,073,000 Iheln were exported from oa- ario. He regretted this exceeding- y, as " deprived this country of a. teat deal of valuable fertilizing mtt-r Iterial. which was badly needed on gour own farms. and all the farmer got for the (when he sold was pro" bhably a piece of soap. Valuable and interesting reports were given on insecticides for the potato beetle by Prof. H. Harcourt. and on co-operation experiments in "null fruits by Prof. H. Hutt. Ekctzon or other". F The electlon ot orricer. resulted as ifolloml; Prvtitent. E. C. Drury. Crownhlll: Vice-President. F. (Judd- BYord. Holmem’ille; Secretary and Ed. Nor, C. A. Zavitz. Ontario sutrieul- tural College. Guelph; Treasurer. iPror. n. Hutt. Ontario Agrlcultuml College. Guelph. Board of Control-.. hesident, .LLmes Mills; (l. C. (fret-L lawn. Toronto: N. Monteith. Strat- _lord; George Carlaw. Wurkworth; It. J. Deuchnmn. Ontario Agricultural college. Guelph. That the farmer may b0 protected [against imposition Ill grain by-pro- ducts. the following resolution was passed. on motion ot Mr. lb-nry Glen. donning. of Mnnilln. svconded by Mr. 'T. G. Raynor. llom‘liill; "That this Experimental ['nion memorialize the Donniuion Government to enact aiaw .that the manufacturer ot all by-pro- Muets used an [ruling stuffs for live .ltock. such as bran. oil cake, gluten. 'meal. Pte., be compelled to place upon ouch package the nmursis of the acme. showing the compouitioon. pro. 30in. carbo-lr.rdratrn and other ex., tracts that the loud contains. and “ill tho sum-n be guaranteed." A resolution, I‘lu"“d by Mr. T. n. Mason. Btarrordsviltr. and Mr. “V. B. Roberts. Sparta, expressed approval of Hon. Sydney Fisher‘s bill respcet- lag the insrwetion and sale of seeds. introduced last year. but not press- ed. and asked that it be adopted and put into practice for tho pro- toctioa ot the tarmsus from evils con- meted until the commerce in aerr. The report at the Treasurer. Prof. Butt. uhowul rrcuipls at $1,843, In. cluding thv $1.500 Provincial grant. bod expenditurv of $1.553, waving a Igurplus of $190. ip.n.turt. Tho committee reported this aftern1ron a resolution. which was carr'u-d unanimously, of wLich the Iollowiug was the concluding -port'lon: "TLG Ontario Agricultural "Dd Exprwimerttal Union would lgtmngly nrgo upon the Government who necessity ll) tor establishing at {the earliest possible date a school ot dormtry, where instruction shall be given ln practical methods ot dealing ttIto forest " problems. ' The Forestry Problem. :3 The Jorestrs problem as applied to fwrkultun‘, wnlch has buffered many by the denudation of tarm- ISI,'; wood lots. was the most imer~ strung sum-w. before the Experimen- 'tal Union at its closing day’s ses- 'alons. ot but}. importance was it 'deemed that " committee was ap- pointed to bring in a. recommenda-- Ftion with regard to establlshing u porno! ot fgrc-stry' at some point in Ion breath of chickens, the results tot the experiment» of 1903 at the goalies!» and on duchs. Mr. J. w. 'cure. of Onondaga. led in the dis- :cmssion. ' Educational Ventures. , The educational realm-as began to. ,ulgm in tho lecture-mom wuh ad. Wu] poultry. There was a good panama and the use for the lirtst time 01 a storeopuoon added to tho oxen-st. Mr. F. C. Hart, chic! of the ltry division of the Dominion De, ment ot Agriculture. spoke on Rte has: up: w luwls for lutten'mg land winter “wing. Mr. W. R. Graham. ipouttrs (fur-n at the o. A. C., spoke tre In the declulona. Taste- run 1.0 we coatuteruial clams. as in Cid in the erttriea ot the one class 30! grade steer. two years and under tttarms. In Incl. there are 36 3mm hetero] in In: export class. Ex. perts say that the quality. has never been srurpatoed. There in also strong .compeulunu In bacon Logo. 120 am. mlub’be'wg n-Maned. In sheep Com- "rwoldtt are excepcionaiiy. well repre- posted. g , THUVINBM 'iiiuagniiidrsiL, of Live _ Stock at Guelph. Slalks on Poultry by Hart, ' Graham and Clark. [lag no alwmoon and evening. and PM, canton. which surrounded the (tsdtros' ring took an Intelligent in, i‘, Guam}; Despatoh-The Winter Fair may] to-day under moat satisfac- ' , conditions. The attendance wan ioomfu1ertsbly ahead ot last year’s jopening day. Judging proceeded dur. {Hon John Dryden on Work of Women’s Institutes. Th: S n b " I 3015 H WINIEH Ml ot the Over Kixper.'rtteatat 'muusmm was 0 bun- W611“? Tri - -N"* ..._, "Hymn of removal to olhor lots were dis- un'm'vd To be in " ‘compictrvly nude condition, notwithstanding tho tact that both Indies had been interred in hambome and costly clothing. The bodies wore those ot Mrs. Ed- win Thompson [masher father,' John Nico’as. and the discovery won made by the husband of Mrs. Thompson. Rubbing E1omesorctothor. in New- port News Cemetery. Nowport News. Va., Doc. 14.--.The Vocal police are on the trail of a. band ot ghouls who for many weeks. it is notional. have been engaged in (inventing: the graves in Greenéawn ('vmelcry. and robbing the newly- interred bodies of their jewelery. Cemetery. and robbir, interred bodies of t almonds and clothing, that were exhumed t, Flnanclnl Showing Satisfactory and Receivers Were Dlscharzed. C'Aieaslo, Doe. 14.--irohrt Alexander Bowie is again in control of Zion City and au its industries. This turn in tho affairs ot the head of the Christian Cathoiic Church followed a financial aziwwing made this after. noon. which satisfied all creditors who had mude a formal motion be- lorn Judge Koliisaat to have the re- coiwrship appointed by the United Status District Court a week ago dis- rolvml. As no objection was otters nl to the motion by any of tho rrmlitors. Judge Kohlsaat granted the nominal. and Receivers mount and Ctirctrrr Wore discharged. _1t is likely that tho bankruptcy proceed- lugs will IN, dismissal as soon as the Croditops' Committee appointed Mon- day, has an cIportuntty to report on tho advisability of accepting Dowio's offer ot settlement. This provides tor payment of all mer- lendiso accounts within one year and the giving of notes in the mean- time bearing five per cent. interest. sol-ions charge than irrmurtriinsrGiit bo laid when the right men are cap- tured. , . l It is stated by the United States Federal authorities that Moy Took wan kidnapped and lu-ld a prisoner near Fort Erie for nearly: two months, the smugglers demanding a ransom from friends in New York. Ilia certificate was avian. and he was mbbed or a sum 0. money. Tho Cinnamon are brutally treated by tho smugglers. the inspectors any. Tr Moy was drowned. as they fully believe. his death may be attributed to tho m1pidity of the smugglers, It not to a plot against his life. other urn-oats are looked for, and a. more The Adventures of a Band of Cap- tured Chluamen. Buffalo, N. 'Y., Doc. li.-Tht Federal announce» who an: inwatgaiiug the smuggling 0. Cinnamon into the Un- ited mate-s {mm Canada. and especi- ally tl.o came at in. party of eleven, which was accidentally: dumped into thejErie Canal at tho loot ot Becker:- ridge street. last Friday, four being drowned. and unearthed a case of kidnapping, and indications of a plot to commit murder. The kidnu pod person was a Chinaman, Mok Tank. Ho was in the party of eleven and has not been seen since the accident occurred The inspectors believe that ho was among these drowned. Eloy. Took was a. registered Chinaman. and had a certificate. He neglected to got a pa.ssport, prior to tt trip to Canada. and decided to come back to the United State; with a party ot, contraband countrymen. 'lhree Southdown welhr'rs. under l .reur--l, G. Druxmnond, 1'reacometield; 2. J. Jackson & Ron, Abingdon; a 'l‘slfer Bros., Paris. Souttijown with}; tin-J61: 1 you -1, J. Jackson & Bom Abingdon; 2 nryl P,, Cr. A. Drummond. Ttemt3onatield. Pen of three Southdown ewe tttmhz, under 1 pear-J. Jackson & Son. AB- ingdon; 2. G. A. Drummond, Bcucau». field; 3, 'l'clfvr Bros. Paris. Three Southdawn wcthers. under 1 Fear-l, Cr. A. Drummond; 2, J. Jack- son & Son ; 3, Tater Bros. 'Dhree Southdown ewes. under 1 Tear-l, J. Jackson a Son; 2, G. A. Drummond; 3. Tolfer Bros. Southdowu ewe, under 1 year --1 and 3. J. Jackson & Sun; Abingdonz 2.43. A. Drummond, Beaeonrtield. Soutlulown wether. under 1. J. Jackson & Son; 2 and Drummond. Quebec. Shrogshlrc ewe umber 1 Fear-lp? and G, John Campbell, Woodnllc. Southdown ewe. under 1 year --1 and: 3, 'd, J. Jackson & Son. Abingdon ', 'r) ij. A. Drumnnond. L'eacontu"ieid, Shorthorn Eteer. 1 Fear and ' 11n- dtr 'd-I. W. A. Young; L'., Jos. Kirby. Armstrong‘s Mills. E. Brien & som-Karel/GO," W H:‘_Retglf Kingston. Thus afternoon very lnterestmg ad- dresses were given by Mrs. Wilmugig- by Cummings. Toronto, Secretary of the National Council of Women. and by Miss Martha Van Renssellaer. ot Cornell University. Some Prim “Winners. Cattle-ir-thorn steer. P. year-1 nnu under-I, J. Fried & Sons, Rose- 22113;}; W. A. Young. Glanford; a President was said the Macdonald Irstltute buildings would he open to tho “on: n oi Uanada without rut,.rits tion. Hon. John Dryden. as one of the founders of the Women’s Institutes, Cot'gratalateu' them on their success. and saw increatt, (1 interest in the tar- mers‘ Institutes tlnough the attend- ance ot the women at their branches. Miss Van BensseJaer. who has won host- of admirers by her pleasing ad- dresses here made a hit Ara happy reference. She had wondered why so many Americans came to Canada and did not return. but she could use now. as she herself felt like staying- Of the muy visitors to Guelph none are more enthusiastic or devoted to the object that .brlngs them hither than the delegates to the con- Vention ot the Woman‘s Institutes. tme chair was occhgled "by Miss ft,2.'r" Rose. of the Agricultural Col. ages Colonel Ferguson said did not know any part. ot the id where the yOung men had the ' e Miran- 128393 in agricultural than that they by] In Canada. SMUGGLED FROM CANADA. GHOULS AT WORK. DOWiE IN CONTROL. T. Two bodiés for _the mrpose accepting t This all mer'.. ono year 1 Tilarr- (3. l The result is satktteuovy in every ‘wuy. It is or grout material advan- 'tage to our psopie in the PCI' nonh- wcst. It has removed [mm the field ,0! discusaiuon and possible danger la question liable to become more acutely ac on..ustcd With each plan‘- ,ing ycar. quhy, it has lumbhed in signal proof oi the fairness and 'good-wili wtih when two tummy nations can uppro 'ttt and 'leterm'tto lssu"s intoh'ing na lanai I writ n y and by their nature incapable of aluminum l0 a thin! power ior ad- judication. The award is self-execu- ting on the vital points. To make it effective as regards the others it r-nl" rvmninc 'or the two Govern- meat: to appoint. each on its own behalf. one or more scientific ex- pert; who shall. with all conven- ls Satisfied With tho Alaska Tribunal Occasion. Washington. Dec. 14.--The regular session o: congress commenceu to- day, the uncut museum having end- ed at neon whhouc having accom- plished any or the specific objects tor' whicn it was canal. Presldcn’c Roosevelt's message. read to-day, was the longes; Pres dent’s mange in years. It reviews me daemon of the Alaska tribunal. saying in eri: lie predicted that the time would come when Cuba would clip the threats that restrain her and bind her to us and again float off into the Ben, ol' liberty: In such an er. fort Cuba might Crnd a. ti-lend in Germany, which might follow our example and create a state of In- dependence in a. night and then an- tteh" lt with the coming sunrise. No doubt there would be Cqthtrng, tor who," he asked, "is more eager to tight than Wimp-wor- William or our own strenuous President?" t Senator Morgan on Roosevelt and the Kaiser. 1vtutldrtgtom Dec It-United States Senator Toner concluded his speech in opposition to tho Cuban recipro- city bill. and Senator Morgan also was heard In opposition to that me. euro. Mr. Morgan took occasion to refer {frequently to the Panama. Canal treaty. and in that connec- tion again freely- criticized what he denominated "Presidential usurpa- tion." He declauxl that the United States in practically at war with Colombia. and that the President had fallen into a trap. Mr. Morgan said that his whole purpose was to warn the Senate against ratifying a treaty, the negotiation or which he characterized at; a "most wretched. a most abominable and a most hor- rible transaction. Notwithstanding this was the case," the Senator con- tinued. “the Senate sleeps over this breach of this Monroe doctrine, while tho President of France and the Pre- sident of the United States intone in unison their solemn and satisfied amen." - - New York, Dec. 'lr-Undone date ot Dec. c, Ihe Herald’s Bogota. corres- pendent cables that the national electorate has proclaimed General Reyes as the unanimous choice of the Presidency of Colombia. and General Gonzales Valencia. as the choice for the Vice-Presidency. Pre- sident Marroquin to-day cabled Gen. Rafael Reyes at Washington that any negotiations proposed at Washington, not based on the re- turn of 11tnama, will be useless and unacceptable to C'olo,mbia. A na- tional integrity society on n large scale has been organized, with 300.- 000 active members, withi the ob- Ject of recovering the isthmus. The elections in Colombia. were to have been held on Dec. 6th. A Chicago Shooting. Chicago, Dec. _1l.--Uistaken tor n, strike breaker, as the police be- lieve. John Osucliowski, a trunk maker, lune been shot and killed. 'l‘h'e crime is laid by the police to union pickets of striking tanners ot tho American Hide and Tanner Co. Tho district has been turbulent sinco the tunncra' strike a month ago. One man was shut soon after the trouble began. pickets have Armvering interpelations in the Chamber of Deputies to-day, Under Stcwtal‘y top Foreign Affairs. Fas.. inuto, Sui I that ltaiy wished to keep her actions in Samoliland separate from those of Great Britain. In a sense, he mail, Italy was to compar- ate with Great Britain the campaign against the Mad Mullah. but merely Watches the coast as preserved by the Brussel convention, to rreveut the smuggling- of arms and the cum- merce in slates. “eyes, New President of Colombia. Roma, Dec. i14.-rlie Italian cruiser Lombardia, the gunboat Volturno and the desratch vessel Galileo have arrived at Aden. They will soon be Joined by the schooner; Chriatotoro Colombo. the flagship, and will pro- ceed to Durbo to inflict 'runietttnent “one the Samollland tribe. which on Sunday lust killed Licut. Command- er Graham. after he had opened fire u[on them for refusing to hoist the Italian flag. l News was received here that the [ll-lush cruiser Mohawk had funded a 'detachment of max-mes at Durbo an! ae: We Ti latte on tire bud owned scum alumnae. burbo, being the Ital- ian protectorate. it Is contended that " British wtunsivt should not :étgsgtake bellagereut operations ABritish Cruiser Takes a Hand and Marines Land and Set Fire to a Durbo Village. Prediction That There Will be Scenes of Bloodshed if Closed Shop Fight Continues in Chicago. ITALIANS WILL RNSli is'es,r.ir"ii.' SOMALILAND NATIVES. R00SEVELT'S MESSAGE. ARE EAGER FOR WAR. P: , 1:") ONTARIO ARCHW TORONTO Tcr- ., 't:o posscrron of a. territory ' fraught with such peculiar capacities ,as the isthmus in question carrira : with It 0!;l3gations to mankind. The l course of evezits has shown that this i canal cannot be built by private en- lterprlse. or by any other nation than our own: therefore " must be , built by the United States." Eirridort,Dere. 14--h number ot farm.. em will lease Yorkshire in April tor Manitoba. and anotl.or Yorkshire party will follow shortly after, and other emigration movements will leave Wiltshire. Lancashlre, and var- ious Scotch canines for different parts of Canada. The parties oom- MOVEMENT TOWARD CANADA. Many English Counties are Sending Emigrants to This Country. After a. reference Jo tho grwwtlx of tho navy, which he hopes will con- timm. and the Work ol the military SCHOGIR in improving tho army and the National Guard forces Are Pres- ident enters upon a Isng and ener- getic defence of the Admiidstration't, actions In regard to Panama. He re- Counte the history of the resolution, and tho action ot the United States Government in regard thatch, say- ins: Continuing, the message says: "From all spurccs, exclusive ot the postal service. the receipts of the Government for the Hat fiscal year aggneagted 856'2,2M.u71. The expen- diture Ior the same nerhd was $506.- 099.007, the surplus for the fiscal year Being 8i54,:..'07,b'07. The indica- tions are that the surplus for the present fricxral year win be very small, if indecd there be any surplus. Should the revenue from customs suffer much further decrease during the Le- cal year the surplus would vanish." Regan] n: the boundary line ngr: ed upon by the majority or the tribunal, he says: "While the line so traced follows the provisional demarcaton of 1878 at the crossing of the Stiklue River, and that of 1899 at the num- mits ot the White and Chilkoot Passes, lt runs much further Inland trom the Klehini than the tempo- rary line, ot the Latter modus vivendl, and leaves the entire mining ('latrict of the Porcupine River and Glacier Creek wlthlng the Jurlsriietion ot the United States." Relerenre is made to the newly- creauxl Department of Commerce and 'Labor, and what may be expect- ed of it. F ' ' _ .’ l. l lent speed, proceed together to lay down the houndary line in accord- ance with tne tircitilon of the major- ity ot the tribunal. I recommend that the Congress made adequate provision tor the appointment, com- pensatron and expruws of the mem- bers to serve on this Joint boundary commission on the part of the Unit- ed Btaues. The massage opened with the state- ment that "The country is to be con- gratulatod on the um-zuut of substan- tial achievement which has marked the past year. both as regards our foreign, and as regards cur domestic r.ott.ev.' Colombian Troops Alert. La Guairn, Venezuela, Dee.Ir--The Frencn steamer Versailles. which has arrived here from b'avanilla, reports that Colombian (steamers have landed 1,100 men from Cartagena, near the mouth of the Altrtrto River. on the Gulf of Darien. to open " way over the Darien mountains into Panama. Other troops fxom the Department of Cnuca. Colombia, are said to boron- verg-lng on Panama, and from all parts ot Colombia. troops are repcrted to be marching, or awaiting the re- sult of General Iteyos' mission to Washington. t , Queenstown. Dec. Ir-The lied Star line steamer Kvoouland, which sailed from Antwerp for New York on Dec. G. reported yesterday that her sierr- ing gear was disabled, and that tshe was returning here, arrived in the inner harbor of Queemrtown to-day without usistance. Her steering gear was disabled yesterday morning, but she had little difficulty in steering by means of her twin screwn. The Kroonland has 900 passengers on board. It is anticipated that the passengers will be transferred to the White star line steamer Teutonic, which sails from Liverpool to-day, from (Lucenstown to-moriow, for New York. ' surrounded the plant at all hours [and non-union men have been eB- _ cox-ted to and from their works un- ider heavy guard. The victim Iett tright children and a widow. Dark Days Prophesied- Chicago, Dec. 14.41: the tight for the closed shop is allowed to con- tinue there will be scenes or. blood- shed in this country that Will sur- pass the days ot the French revolu.- tion. The closed shop is upr.AmeT.' can. unrighteous. a. restriction ot liberty or our people and a death blow to the individualism that makes for slit c 358. "1 he .oregomg sentment expressed by W. B. Brinton. Presi- dent of the Peru Plouqh Company, who was cheered by 690 members ot the lilinois Manufacturers Asso- ciation. "Oar rights." declared Mr. Btinton. "are dependent on the set- tlement of the question once tor all as to whether the emptoyer can hire whom he pleases without being sub- jected to dictation of any organ- ized body. The Chicago city railway has won a great victory in establish- ing its right to engage its own pm- ployees." Moconkey spoke along', the same lines. Still another speaker de- clared that after the abolition of closed shops the removal or the union label was the most important thing that came under the considera- tion or the Manufacturers' Associa- ion. The Kroonland A rrives' at all hours Said to be Dissatistlea With the New Army b'ehettte. London, Doc. Ir-Th, old glory of Field Marshal Lora Itouerti inten.., tion to resign has post. as Com-l, mander-in-Chicf of His Majesty-5' forces is revival by the Morning Leader, an anti-Government newer-, paper. The paper alleges that incl mas-on for its retirtxmeut. is thatl his is dissatisfied with the latest army memes of the le,':',,','."??.',":.; " adds that the port ot command». ln-chlef probably will be 'ptrotiahed.,t but a. similar and equally costlyi office will be created. and it " likely that it will be filled by a royal duke, donbtleu mean- ing the Duke ot Connaught. t LORD ROBERTS' RETIREMENT Shipments Prom Well Forward. 110mm Doc. iu.- Grain slip- meuts lrum the west are coming forward well, and have considerably increased in volume during the past. few days. On the Atlantic divislon of the U. P. R. between Megantic and St. John. there is already a large number ot grain-laden vars. that are being rushed into St. John as rapidly as possible. The woman is said to have lived in Sycamore street. near Miehigan, before taming to live in Seneca Place. Deputy Modical Examiner Rowland has ordered RUSHING (iRAiN TO SEABOARD The woman's eyes were gnawed out of her head, her none was gone, her fore- head laid bare to the skull, and her right hand picked to the bones. Depilty Medical Examiner Rowland was summoned. He. said that the old woman had probably died of heart dis- ease. A miserable little stove in the kitchen had a small, broken pitcher standing on it in which there was the remains of some tea. the The condition of the kitchen and bed. room whinh she occupied are horrible. Filth is on every side, and it is impos- sible to get across the Mor because of rubbish. Patrolman Orr, who broke into the rooms this morning, had to shovel his way across the floor. In the midst of all this dirt and rubbish, in the centre of the kitchen floor, stood the baby carriage, filled with turnips. The house itself is in a. condition to match the interior. Italian families occupy the front of the house and the upper floors. an old baby carriage, which she wheeled about the streets; but strange no one could be found this morning that could tell her name. It is supposed to be Uhns or Saucns. Aged Woman Died Alone Several Days Ago. Buffalo, Doe. 14.--Dead a week, her face and right hand eateieway by tilts --tt gruesome sight, the body of an old German woman was found in the rear ot No. 2 Seneca Place this morning. She is said to have been well known about the east side of Bufhtio, having been in the bebib for years oCrylddrirtg 'tutfrf Tuck: " strong talk among the en- ' . " . ' raged citizen of Hibernia of 2ll'/',liy Indianapolis. Dec. ll-CY 3011 . . could get anything for me la “lsh ing on the Jail in Morristown and] , " d Ft". taking the prisoner away. Sheriff Ry- ycud sell me. " an tM “9"" (mean has saved the lite of the man ttt one Oi tlie women who w/Y', nv"1,- once. and will probably be ableto .do aging the Marion County , W oman h so again would the Jail be attacked. L'lmstlan TemTierancc Unon rum- Betsa is In one ot the stag] cages wage sale. He said that he had especially constructed for murderers: been humping over the country. wn " and dangerous prisoners. Betsa. was tired and hungry. and would work. in a, dangerous wood when placed in for any one who would clothe and the cell. and tried to k.ll Hinehey. his , feed mm. cellmate. In the fight which ensued', The woman took him at hire wot-ti Ilincney was badly hurt, and iiiiiiiiilatel he was Llaced on a stool in have lost his life had It not been for the middle of the room. The Nadir); tho timely interference of Keeper} was tar from hung S] lrited and the Orr; , ', ' sale drugged nlOng for twenty min- ---------- Utes, when the negro was knocked " oft to W. H'. Shay. a commmul n RATS ATE DEAD BODY. mchnt- for $339- _ -- Dover. N. J., Dec. 1t.-A?Le parents ot little Elsie Rook, who was slain by Frank Betm, will not be com- forted. Thd mother has been insane since the killing, and sits bea.de the dead body of _l:er child moaning and Crying. Sits and Cries Beside the Dead Body of Her Child. ialirGii', when arrested first. made a confession, accusing Mrs. notpertr. and then retracted it. Perham said that Rogers, who was not living with his wire, was lured to the banki of the Wolomsuc River by Mrs. Rog- ers. and while she embraced him Per- ham and the Bates woman bound him. administered chloroform, and then cant him into the river. Perham mid that the chloroform which was used was purchased by the Bates woman with full knowledge of its intended use. He also said that Mr. Rogers has previously offered him $500, the amount of the insurance on her hus- band’s life, if he would do away with Rogers. Both of the women at the time denied guilt. [ MOTHER GONE INSANE Bermtngtom Yt., Dec. 14.-Tia" Mrs. Mary M. Rogers was arrainged charged with the murder of her hus- band, Marcus M. Rogers. Mr. Rogers was killed last summer. Levi Perham. by whom Mrs. Rogers was employed, and Steilu Bates, are charged with complicity in the crime. " Accused or Arranging for Husband‘- Murder. who. in addition to “Mtln'uw mechanic- and artistM" unable to and work In England. or taught! by the protePte" of better wago- til Canada. Of than emlgmtlnz to Canada last year 6,000 out or Mo,- 000 weave from England. Thor-km Mex-ring to the York- ‘mm mommwt. an: "They are the pick ot our people; they will have ptu1gsot 1.0le. but their chil- Idlteu will have their love for England mixed with bitter hatred tor Elntr- lists history and politics." A. meeting ot the British Women'l Emigration Aasocistion was held y'tMrtserdagtto consider the best means of droning suitable factory work- en}. tor Canada. in response to de- finite offers from Montreal. Toronto Md Hamilton. I I : l A TERRIBLE CHARGE. removed to the morgue. the West Coming Dec. 14.-Ttt-tut To this the famous preacher ha: added two Instanceu of oelt-deninl winch ht: holds largely responsible: tor hip peltect physical 'tondition- Ito, did not men smoke until he '14 " and did not drink at an in youth. though he permits him-elf m 608:. noun! clan of wine now. ' . J-ive Natural and Keep Smiling. Says Rev. Collyer. New York. Dec. M..- Rev. Robert Csriyer, laymen-Iv pastor of thc Uttureh or tuc Mcrisiats, and a prom» nent New York ctcrgynnn. Itat, jun passed It: 81st birthday. He 1mm never bean fl a day in him Mu. When asked for his recipe tor lon- gevity. he said; 'tlie a nutural lite, eat what you want, and walk on um "tttV side ot the street." Cancun Cattle Dealer- - " In a. Sin: " 'mperumam. Montrml. Dee. 14.--C,aateunan lira stock exporters are much concerned over Lord Onslow's remarks at Plc- cadilly regnrdmx: Canadian cattlr. Mr. Robert Blekerdikr, who was ttw leader in the agitation for the re- moval or the embargo on Canadian cattle. bheuklng to-day of Lord Onslow‘s agree-mi. maid: "'rhat man's name- must be Iarrd Dundertuusd, and not Lord Onsiow. Why can't they be honest about it. at least. here they are parading them-elven be.. tore the world an a free trade coun- try. and there never wan n clearer can ot protection than this In- stance of cattle restrictions. There is no more disease among cattle in Canrda than there is in England use r. “If that In their method of tomor- im; Imperial Federation they might try a new track with better re- cults." tteCipt: FUN Lumu LIE A h'ewlrFormoa Ruuhn Luke Did the Trick. London. Dec. 14.-- h Russian OOP.. respondent ot the “me: says; “It curiouu tlitng has beluilen the new Orenbtug-'rarhlrent Rnl.way. which,” completed. would shorten the dis- tarce and lessen the difficulties of tiansporting troops to the Afghan frontier an] the Pamire. and out down the railway line between the heart of Russia and the Chinese fron.. tier by 2.000 miles. .uiparentlv re- liable Information is to the effect that the northern half of title rail- way htus been submerged hr i new- ly-formed hike stretching for tour- teen miles. The lake in said to be thirty miles wide and 56 feet deep. “in formation ot the lake In due to the overnow of the Syr harm. or, rerhaper. to one ot these displace- aunts common to central Asian riv- erm especially in great depression. or the Ural-Caspian basin. tme.' negro left with hin now m'm- tor and unpaired well satisrind min: the prospect of having- n homo. Mr. Shay save he will give him some light: work and it ho proves worthy. wilt my him wages. SWALLOWED THE RAILWAY. Sold at an Indiana Rummage Sale for $2.39. Winston Churchill. speaking at Whitby. mid Mr. Ctttunberiain',s policy meant an addition to the bur- den ot the tax payer: ot fifty mil- lions yearly. The colonies would re- ceive a subsidy ot two and a half millions from the treasury out ot £8,000,000. The rest would go into the pocket- ot private persons. Tho Grand Trunk Pacific deposit of $5.(X)0.000 - virtually been made. This the correspondent learned on reliable authority to- day, althiough Mr. Fielding would make no statement whatever in ro- gurd to thb matter. An official statement is expected in the next " hours” When the calendar year closes it ll likely that Canada will have gained over 130.000 arrivals. or about 50,000 more than the year previous. or this number more than one-fourth; were Brititrhertr. The Greek cteamen Pyloro- and Anton: collided at Ithaca yesterday. Tho baw- ot the Pyloroc were nub- merged and fifty of her pnmngez-s drowned, Rainy River has - incorporated a. a town. to take client on Jan. 1. Mr. 11mm Gianni-one. ex-poet- matter of Midland. in dead. at the age of 92. Mr. Robert Root. of liontneal. ins been appointed the filth member ot this Ontario Power Communion. ' An order in Council wan panned yenterday. adding tun township ot Yarmouth] to the city of St. Thoma; .Tht, Toronto Property Commit- tee recornmended the extension of the present Central Library site for the new public library building. ' An order in council was palsed yesterday uniting this village ot Ashburnham to the town: of Peter, boro‘, to take eliect on Jan. 1st. Canadian manufacturer', are com. piaining that the United States Government will not carry their mail matter to Mexico and South: America... NEGRO AUCTIONED. ANGRY WITH ONSLOW. "You 1 . "No.1 "Why, _ In won I Hurling. for your could t that I d girl-love. have hoe ninod l 0 your.‘ [1 trom his out n pl not with tart this In your lg pr}. wit! (What y ttw first. Founketn has to a gonad ol little in: the imax] know» I Tablets 1 promply slipntio rhea (it! up col 'srrittttlot ot teeth ms. The: gnu-gnu my otb, mg" mu all CHIN] to the u not {hm Dr vilir She In inning 4 "No. l at”; "bl not quits than I back to and tell I have a "Must 1 alw (1an came thl a!" thee Hill In his touched - pa to Ice! had pai to app love on an“ od also We beau ture window I can It on tho l mrett a: Tho q decisive. od it b He coal but he " no on tl tm no bunny the I that pr demand word. , Inn. but ling, he "I hm "You Wok-t. “may arm will be she! want aim-n1 'u If {ugh Not if at MM'-- “.8. Will wotd 'itut M “I bu

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