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Durham Review (1897), 17 Dec 1903, p. 4

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ll Massey Jifar,ris/itr1xens Roam sngawwwwevwww Ir'""""?)""""' ; Darling’s Shrug gum (it, ' 7 -. A a t Jhc/2. Emma 'ii,' 9)trstieqse4r-t1Mkqsi4s-ave:sFt2'y-e4seti,ts-4fit/e $$$$¢°U¢$$ But if they get married, Its Our Business tn keep them in harmony with one of nut WILLIAMS' PIANOS from Williams' Piano Co, Oshawa and Toronto, Manufac- turers to Her Majesty the Queen. , G Clark s for utters l And all Farm Machmery a, see, (a test. to be Convinced That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal.. merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win. ner Cream Separator. Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Fewieeg Machines, Waggons: Snowball; Chatham and Walkerville; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. (ii) J'. A' Warlock (iii) 4 tiysbestcarranis' tG................. .... 25cts 3hlbs best Raisins for..... ...... ........ 25cts 2 lbs best Lemon Peel....,. ...... ...... .... 25cts 2 lbs bt Orange Peel..................... 25cm 5 lb Mix Candies........... ...... ...... .... zscts z CansgoodtedSalmon..................... ascts We might mention many other Bargains but space will not permit EXQUISITE NOVELTIES FOR XMAS 319 yds Heavy dark 1i'latynelletyt going at 56 yd. 188 yds 10c Wrapppaetfes goMg at 6 .20 per yd. 353 yds dark check gingham while they last at 5c Don't forget to inspect our Holiday display of Fancy Handkerchiefs and other Fancy Goods Best Brands No. l, Ebony Goods,) l'o St wood t'yetis,tUellahyid SetssLeather Goods Well bought and will 'oe sold at mcderato prices Weare now booking orders ahead. Special reductions in Millinery next six weeks. Special Value in Women's Par to cloth. Mantles_ Bay your goool who one of cur latest Piano Cased ORGANS or we at our SINGER SEWING MACHINES for a Christmas Box. HOLIDAY ( 10OIDS If a Man Loves, " a Girl Loves, Come in and see our st' ck. We are leaders in Perfumes and Toilets. 1'crfumes from we to $10 per bottle. A beautiful WALL POCKET given with every 50c purchase while they last”?! ta, J'eeret Jteoeated 4 lbs best Curranis ki. . 3); lbs best Raisins for 2 lbs best Lemon Peel.. 2 lbs bt Orange Peel. 5 lb Mix Candies..... .. 2 Cans good red Salmon. Our Clothing Department is a trade winner, because we give you the same style, fit and service you would receive in custom made garments at about half the price. To be successful in business now-a-days it is necessary to do unusual things, sell dependable and correct merchandise, sell at right prices and do what you promise. We live up to all the claims made in our advertisements: they are intended to hon- estly reflect our methods and our goods. All we ask is an opportunity to prove our contentions; will you put us to the test during these Holiday months. Here are a few quotations l CASH AND ONE PRICE. XMAS GROCERIES: $911.27. givingston. Now in stock and arnvingdaily No. l, Rubbgrs * Oyershoes. At great reductions. John Clark It 's her Business It's his Business, cts cts cts c tt5 cts cts A _'rrnt'mrrtauutrrm.r.1mrw . A pleasing feature of the evening was an address to Mr Vint Hill, expressing appreciation of his public spirit in train- ing the young people musically and otherwise. This was accompanied by a purse and 'h"/h52 and was appropriately replied to. Int eahaence of Dr. Hutton Mi. C. Railings oceupied the chair. The. proceeds on a smul admission fee and children all free. amounted to about $17.11). Miss Gordon and her helpers certainly had been " great pains to U'; pare a ttrat elm program. and t ey muat'have been tttnitified that. notwith- unding the storm it was such a great. no mean skill. The "Ghosts," with pumpkin heads, Were a weird imitation. and little Mary McQueen looked a lowly little bride in the tableau. Main and rule were the dialogues. rec-nations and songs. one of the latter working in Proton celeln-ities winning great up. plause. Friday lost was the date of the school opening concert, and sure enough the weather um" frowned. It snuwvd and hlowed and hluslered. At b'o'clock, it seemed the wise thing to talk postpone- went. but by 8 o’clock a crowd had gathered sutticieut, to till the sehool " most lo overtiowing and unny were content with standing Fo1tltt, Had the weather been as on the night previous. many would never hnye swan the door.. keeper. Then began a 4-hour wneert of about 50 numbers, contributed by pupils and section. The only fault found was in the length of it, hut, prepatarion had Leen made. and finished it must be. There were many pieces of great, excel- lence, and the pupils vied with each other in distinct utterance. "ranifeutiug " platform power' rnrely met with at school entertainments John L. Me. Donald. is a versatile young performer appearing in 3 or 4 ditferent roles. his best perhaps being his impersonation of a Chi-tannin. The Scarf-drill by a dozen or more young ladies under Miss Gor- don's direction. was a maze of intricate motions beautifully performed. Mr Vint Hill had a troop of how perform a. very nice Sword drill. The' dwarfs was a clever comicality. the string hands were generous with excellent music.--. few or no localities in Onau in can hoast of so man excellent yjolitusts,---Piper Hector MeBonald supplied grand music and bis little .ty?y showed up a dancer. of The aims of the promotora of public libraries are purely Inn "rliirh, the aimq of supporters are nearly always m. The existence of " Public Library and Read. ing Room, up-to-date In its features, and patronized as it ought to he. is a. boon and a blessing to any place. n, along with schools and churches. acts as a. t'tranterpoise to the material side of life. and little, if any, loss than schools and churches, might. It he an institution to give quickem-d intellectual powvr. and a. broader and healthier outlook on things in go-netul. The true source of good citizenship is the even and harmonious development of physical. mental and moral powers. und in this age. so nmwrmhslic in its tendency we cannot afford to let slip a single means of mental culture. lhlly then to the support of mu Po. lic Ltluury. Collectors will Cull in it few days on the annual collecting tour, Ile- cvive them gt'ncmusly. love them for their work's sake. and contrihntn the dollar for 1908 with the feeling that. you are getting no such-dollars' Worth in all your Christ mas Bargains, The building 1s a substantial hrick structure, with the excellent unmixe- ofa basement full sizeof sthnnl. '1he ceiling is very tastefully iii:i.~i.Nl III metal. the windows ttre broad and artistic and in every part the work speaks volume» fur the trustees "mt Contractors. The sni"rtly could Hand a little Improvement, but the users of them seem the brightest and fairest (if Canada's tiowers and the trustees in their wisdom have shown their apprecia- tion of the same qualities in the teachey by retaining her fur 1001 and givmg her a handmuw inrressv in salary. A number of new honkshavejusl been catalogued Maiznzinw an» being ordered and the possibilities of a progressive year are very bright. School Set-tum No It, Egremtmt. will renwmlwr fur some: time the year li0,' as the date of the Building of the New St'lloul. prulmhly as the year of Ingi) nun-s and certainly as the year of Miss Gordon's 'tteat C'orteert. The Fleshm-ton Advance last week announces regretfully that their library is in danger of becoming " (lend institu. tion owing to the apathy and indiffvr- (-nct- ofthe puhlic. Such an ondingfrnm such a. muse. would certainly be a. "calamity," and while we are not fear-. ful of any such result. in Durham. we regret. to observe she same spirit prevail. ing in quarters Where one might expect some little enthusiasm. Dr. Arthur Gun expects to resume his practice about the 22nd having com- pleled an interesting and suceeAful course in the Post-Graduate Medical School. (‘hlcnbm Miss Marion Manh. Toronto, came home Saturday last for a lengthened may at the old home m Glenehr. Her brother Hugh is also expected home in a. few days. Miss M. Lick. leaves this week for her home in Oshawa. having been n wer come tempurary guest In many homes during her stay. Mrs. Binnie. Sn. who Is heingtenderly cared for by members of her family. is still weak, and her condition Is causing anxiety. Gui?!) Inst week eilébiied jti, trip to Cal an on a visit. to his son David. Mr. Chan McKinnon left on FrudaK last for Port Arthur and Sudhury wit ttis two ems of apples. t'settler's effects. Min Cassie Mr Donald was off duty. (or a few duyn, with a severe cold. Mr. _Hnrry Aldred and Minus Maggie Aldred and Dora Burnet are vmung hiends near Port Elgin. BOOT HVILLE SCHOOL OPENING Mttrt, Merratlene, Br., who wept to _...._. - - LOSING A LIBRARY. O‘-uo ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO J fi ii 'Ati' i Yours for news, The Publisher. Dear Subscriber t Me The above date on the “Little Yellow Label ' means that your subscription “fires this month. An early renewal tti I much oblige, As the mlitnr: guy just as we go to new 're llt-ul' that our young friend, Limit. (Hunphvll. aftep braving the roar ofcunnon. and the crack of mush-ts on the burning plains of Africa. has suc- cumln-tl '.oadiutintttsve oppouentarmed only with a how and "ttow. and has surname-nut "twoniliiionrvlly. and been a (-apliw- for the last week or two With- out his friends luring aware ot'the occur- "ence, Too had. FINL. to steal a marwh on IN all that way. but all the same we extend our hem-W rungm' ulntinns and hope that captive and captnr may long live in harmony together, and if trouble should ever unse- in the garrison. no more formidable miseile will he required than a canteen of wothing syrup. and " few" rounds of Ah. Conner':, home made ctutdr---Mount Forest Rep. -----_.i----- HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. The Montreal Herald, The Durham REVIEW. and our Illustrated Holiday Number. to Jun. l, 1905. for $1.15. Thet REVIEW and Holiday Number alone. 81. Balance of year free to new sulmcriben What would be said if a Reform paper, supporting Hale, came out in glee like the following from a Conaer- vative paper in the Riding: " Another Cobdenite (by location not by principles) was of the opinion that Mr Hale had not condescended sufficiently to the voters to make a successful candidate. “Dunlop has been going around to all the church fairs and picnics, and every kind of public gathering all summer. And then, mind you. he bays trom nearly everybody. And the prices! I'd be sorry fur his business if it was always election time. However he's got thc money, so it's all right. " Now want do our readers think of this. Here is Dunlop according to this any newspaper bribing the whole constituency as far as he could bf pay- ing them prices above the value of their merchandise, going to church picnics. ae., and putting large sums on tho plate. If this had been a Liber- al who had done this, wholesale corrup- tion would be charged." --J. W. Bengough is again giving his talents in the curtuun line tothe Toronto Globe, and producing some able. pieees. He spoke in the British tiseal Campaign [or about two weeks, bat found the, protectionist attitude so irksome that he gave it up. --Aud. Pnitullo. M. P. P., is in England at present and inning svm- patlitie nudiclici-s wlule he denounces the attitude at Cortain British Statesman who are afraid to introduce fiscal changes in fear of irritating the United States. “How can such Englishmen sing Rule Brittunnia? ft he asks. P,ETTrut THAN EVEn.--"The Weekly Sun," lhe farmers husmess papvr. prr’misvs to luv even more interesting to the funnel-s in 1901 than III the past. The Sun is tttttt of HIP. fow papers Hm! vim-us the farruevs' interests; before all when: tsuhsuwiptions may he left. at, The Rm'mw Ottice. Clulolriug tate Sl 75, That there will be charges of corrnp~ tion goes without saying. that there will be, tho thing itself may also be true, but that a set purpose and plan exists to wm Liberal victories by its use is a Ipon.ttruits lie adopted as a plan of campaign. The blockade of some of the roads is respunsihle for the absence of several of our usual [mum-ts. Bumxsxxu IN TIME.--owen Sound ()rungmm-n are already planning fur a "muster gathering next 12th of July, and deputations are abroad looking up notttults, The Reform Cunvemiun (0-day [mm-r Tery unfuvorahle wcather lions. Premier Ross spoke in the Riding a tew days ago, with an eloquence and boldness which deserves success. He pointed out the reasons for delay. Nothing could be done in issuing a writ till the House met, this was ready to be dune, when, it will be remem- bered, the Gamey charges were brought in and the Government, prac- tically impeached. could ta he no steps till condemned oriastiticd by the com- mission. By the time the Justttioation came, the session was practically over and no interest being then injured, harvest coming on, and with a desire to give the lumber-men. of whom there are many in the County, a. chance to Vote while home at Christmas, Dee. 26th was picked upon. The election in N. Renlrew will take place on Saturday ul'next week. The candidates are both young men of the county. Hale, Liberal, Dunlap. Conservative, and, believing every- thing you read, both are sure winners. Our town-tendon will have noticed that on Janna-y 4th next they will he ash-d 10 Tote on a Ivy-law to mee.t the; total coat of the new Midge. Them can be no question about the bruw, every ratepayer sees the value we tutre got, and though costing more than It tlrst expected the only course open in to vote FOR on the hy-law. It in welt to remember that unless this by-law is car- ried by the lawful majority the comm! of 1901 has no option but to raise the whole amount in one year. Tiyadiriyri-iiirvmyt " dec. '03 siiTiioii; Logals. THE By, N. RENFREW. " meets tontii. AGe, fold of Mo (ttras. " sf JIM»; on I? (a; -- ll,, _]lsfltiir, DICK fr SUITS To A TV - FEM; {£131 oiGju,/eiients. S ECnNDLY. we are artists in our line. T H I It DIX. cleanliness reigtttirt every department of our estaihishment. LA STLY, our prices are absolute! yfair. Give us a call and see for yourself A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. MODE L BAKERY, LOW ER TOWN v. iii i tr. W i l BIG BUSINESS t t -- E 3 That is what we have been 'kv t. doing all this season and t A we still continue very busy. .._ g This week we invite our l a? many customers to visit . t the Show Rooms and see t , the very newest effect in it g Outing Hats. t ' We have alsoa large assort- , in} meat of Ladies' Black Vel.. ' vet Hats trimmed with 'F. i0! Ostrich Plumes, Tips, 3 9'. Birds and Wings. A g t Black Velvet Hat is always .kr “g stylish. t '3 We always keep a lot of g (1,; Pretty Bonnets made up. F-F ' Every lady knows just g (a: where to go to get perfect- 'it. il'.' ly suited. t. t -- (f ts:' EVERY SATURDAY A..' . We are going to have a Bar- t , gain day, when we will re- , ti serve two counters for the . Hats we have on sale We I . invite the ladies from town .. ty. and country to call whether it . you buy or not and see the i) bargains. I And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. 1miht (if In, - (e fige only. the finest P""""""""' "'"""99mrerRa 'V', ' g 'a"aroavsta:ta:ea:aestsas.tadr.rc. GOOD R EA SONS: HOLIDAY PRESENTS S kites from 40 on to “no Caving Set" from M cm to can) Silver on And Code. you trom 81.35 to .10 Butter Dishes from 01..» to 05m Tea fletht from $8.00 to mm Rumors from 2.6 etc to 02.0) Pocket Knivgp {top 5 on to an; s"siciiiTstiGF Elidvéls You cannot go into any estab- lishment where you will get better value in Christmas Present; than at THE HARD- Any person can enjoy one our Toboggans. _-.. ouctcu' ed to your money and you keep hold of the other end. If they fail to satisfy, you ltr we only to pull the string and your money comes back. Try it at our risk. Our Show Cases are filled with some very testy and useful articles and our prices will suit every purchase. There is no more acceptable gift " this particular time, than one of our Fancy Lamps Your best Girl will appreciate a good pair of Skates. Your little Boy will be deligh- ted with a Coaster Sled. When you buy anything at DAR. LI'AG'S, you have a string fasten. .3 On “A..- ---- --- . Wits STORE. W. BLACK SI WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. The IMI'! BREAD! . STINSON. Leeseeee 'l l it we have been 'kv i this season nnd § i itinue very busy. l i : we invite our i tomers to visit . '; Rooms and see a l newest effect in it ( its. t l so a large assort- , . 1 tdies' Black Vel- I trimmed with PK. i Plumes, Tips, , I 1 Wings. A t l wet Hat is always fl , iii keep a lot of g i mets made up. t 1 ly knows just in l o to get perfect.. ' l w l - (i) SATURDAY . l lg to have a Bar- t i when we will re- , I :ounters for the . we on sale We I l ladies from town ._. y to call whether it l ' not and see the i l - a r l DICII lrl idLtitil..tu,.uf l l ' - I . I 'ar/my, I II. u 'vstat. i 91.00 25 cu of tended to. WINTERS BLAST, LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS HEADSTONES & MONUME's ry, All work warranted. Orders taken 'os Messrs Barclay and Bell. FURNITURE flllliltt llllllllf WORKS CALDWELL‘ WEE; STABLE (0.390310 MrditGiisi, House Direct Importation, from Eurnpmn American and Canadian Quux'um titat In!” mum tit WI! We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or, ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur; store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, will receive our best attention. Call and see Putpmo, Churns, de. BARCLAY Sopre " to mod. it by-having our your get coca-ed in . pair or Jim Over-hm. or Rnbbem Box and Rubbers, Lined Shoe; Which you can get " Popular Prices " the NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE A Shipment of the Functi- Lightning Hitch HOCKEY Hols, made by John McPherson to hand. Owing to some delay in shaming they did not crrlm in tune for at at the season so will sell them " reduced prices. Our loll-I will be your gain. Also. a few pain BOY'S HOCKEY Bait. Willlnmu' -- LL] V "a-tc...".. .1......r.ow $1.35 The balanced our Mines and tadiei Cardinal”, pr pair 85: & tt f J'. Way/rat” Full Lines 43/" these well-known and reliable (mods. Chatham Cutters Mr, TERMS-CMB. "Sltt Next door to D. Campbeilt Implcmen t Warehoune. The Spring has come and the Summm has gone and so his nearly two earloads of Tudhope Buggies and the piace which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filhd up with over a "arload of the human Now that you haw a Tudbupc Bug). y, get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the u\\1m Also implements j' 1’ Pete, Jtamitton c Jigoncy. The Best Quality cheaper than ever. light) Kress l G RA 1"S make; Comtovta.Ue and Stylish, and at prim: m mil ah purses. ROBINSON & CORBET They are good JAKE K mSSS. Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables. Lambton St Maxwell Machinery Is no Fudhope Gutters Also see our famous Aarn @rgans Remote! in every respect 'eat, Ah w t our Goods Of Persons Proprietor.» BELL Us It LEG Ate positive]: test obtaitral ‘Owux Wrllrr,' PEEL, 'iiiiii SAVINGS CAPt'rA1 In CAPITAL. Pu RESERVE Fi AGENTS in A tretteritl Drufh iss alt pain”. “mugs wo tvis 'f.u-ilil " d in! n ' Um an “I a! as lit USE DURHA G m RECLQ TWEED doi Mt we YUM Illf WORLD hum ttu. had l fo V0 r In: t hot! oh OUR SEAML Flour ., Dunn When Buriey.......... Loutrs........ ' Dr--d How. “can, Lue- “I [Zulu-r. Inn-ll n Better, Tub.” “was, per cw Cull-hm. l"" Mumm. 'bw............, Turkeys . faunas. We t w month’s gt ads would hundreds of Take ad van! months and i Durham 1 Uloss DURHA " are MO New " on Y Ac/gy (H h I'M GEO. P I BANS. cs" per DH

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